The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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I 4" OER $500 REWARD UTILE TALK PEACE 4 CHAMP CLARK TAKES THE CHAIR PRESIDENT ACCORDING TO BEBEL OR TOWER DYNAMITERS AN INTERVIEW WITH MADERO MENTION RECIPROCITY CAMPANILE STANDS' UNHARMED Till December Recommends ATTEMPT TO WRECK IT AILS THIRTY SEATATORS SWORN IN Board Want Bod NO CLEWS OR POLICE TO OLLOW Mu Architect Work of The SPEAKER CHAMP CLARK of that people Works of OSCAR IV UNDERWOOD ALABAMA Goidth waite 1 in the hi: densely session a lied senators within 'five of ITZGERALD NEW YORK Wrows JStabo TiHiuan akist could LEE WENKY TEXAS ROBERT the House comnuttee on rules selected April 4 1 HU 2073 1 Continued on Page 2 I 4 fi 5 uim siorei galleries saw the Many men appeared younger 40 by on Obskkva Tioxit 60 to KK 3ft Senate begin weresworn ranch near Tuxtam fatally wounded ae received yesterday by at Washington from beorgr Urelchfleld of New Jersey Nut expected to Recover Worn His the to Dot $'A ami formal brief prayer eat well to Represcnta far in the in the ami five assem to Pell and to for Con was de Kiu Itepresenta tire than for Mr voted for Wisconsin rather THE HOLE BLOWN IN THE GROUP TOWER As seen from the outside It is at the base of the south face EXTRA SESSION BEGINS exuberance Before Champ Clark was vere provided waved on his the confusing JU That Company damaged' ew were privileged to pass through the gates and inspect the hole but many caught a glimpse of the aperture' from points of vantage in the police court room or by clinging to the top of the high fence There was a reason for keeping the pub lic out of the enclosure The building commission and Ernest Stephens son of A Stephens the contractor desired to have everything left as it had been by the explosion until the engineer and' archi tects arrived in the afternoon A thoroughinspection and investigation would have to be 'held and the authorities did not want anything about the tower disturbed The newspaper and camera men were ad mitted and those who had reason to be the creation ol tariff board believing that the board will have proved that the initial ceromo scssion in the Senate iry interest to those Barometer Tiler Dry Wet Cloudiness Wind Ex tem 'M progressives say the regulars have yielded to their demands for oiie qnarter representation on the committees Sena tor Crane was of course much to the fore as 'a manager for conciliation ever comporting himself in such manner as to smooth out wrinkles and making for har mony glad to sacrifice any elevation of his own chances Tlie message ot the president to morrow will discuss but one topic reciprocity The president will leave until December any recommendation for a pcrm i nent and promised to see his friend Champ Clark son or persons who caused the explosion is that the dynamite was set off by a time fuse wliicji could have been fired almost any distance from the tower and thus give the perpetrator of the explosion time to get away police believe that about tlie only chance of the dynamiters being caught is that the reward offered by tlie city may tempt some one to If only one man was con cerned in tlie attempt this chdnce amounts to nothing a One of the chief matters of interest in the whole affair is the motive behind the at tempt A theory widely held by those who know anything about it "is that some Chairman of the House committee on ways mia means I agolln all northern Mexico Madero saidtbe insurrecofmovement was spreading un til now troops were confined to the garison towns which the insurrectos were preparing a strike a Referring to his father' and Gustavo A Madero his brother who were reported to have initiated peace plans with Min ister of inance Limantour with a view to the manner Motion followed motion with me effieieucy Che new sneaker ESTABLISHED BY SAMUEL BOWL 1S WEEKLY IN 1824: DAILY IN 1844: SUNDAY IN 1878 Says Biaz Must Get Out of Office Be fore the Revolution CenHea A declaration that all talk of peace is futile so long as President Diaz refuses resign and that the cabinet changes SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY APRIL 1911 AlHA day long the city was talking about little else rom early morning until laie last night crowds visited the site of tlie tower to get a peek if possible at the work of de struction caused by the sticks of dynamite When the workman began their labors yes terday morning tlie company closed the gates of the high board fence to keep the crowds out and when tile curiouscould not see the hole in the tower which was hidden by the fence they became skep tical newspapers were they said and' it was some time before people could believe that a real attempt to wreck the handsome campanile had been made When bulletins were put out by tlie news paper offices announcing that a special meeting of the aldermen had been called for the afternoon to consider the offer of a reward for the dynamiters and inform ing the public that the tower still stood unharmed by the explosicfti the fact that there was a bole in tlie tower and that it had been made in: a deliberate attempt to do serious damage to the big steel and stone structure then tlie crowds which flocked to the tower site increased and the affair was talked more seriously Theories were advanced as to the motive for crime stud speculation was rife as whether or uot the campanile was JOHN Chairman of the Horse committee on appro print ions told the board that that is He saul disgruntled workman or workmen some one who may fikve been turned off by the Ste phens company or a laborer who had a grievance real or iriiagined took this way of getting square but Mr Stephens scouts this never have had any labor trou he said yesterday afternoon He was anxious to correct the impression that this could have entered into the affair at all That the explosion was the work of some ignorant irresponsible person or persons bent only on some sort of'vengeance or pos sibly hairbrained adventure is generally conceded The tower is the least vulnerable of the two units of the group now in process of construction and Mr Stephens points out that if the attempt was made by a seeker for revenge much more damage could have been accomplished by the new police or fire buildings which the Stephens company are also constructing Explosion Causes Sensation Not since the big sensation caused by the murder of Miss Martha 'Blackstone in the Dow home on Round hill just about a year ago has Springfield known so much excitement as was occasioned yesterday by the attempt to wreck the tower There were few people stirring at 2 a when the thunderous explosion caused by the dyna mite within the tower shook the city and awakened people from the best part of their slumber Hundreds heard the ex plosion however and thousands read the news at breakfast time Beginning then all to at Mexico City have served only to convince the insurrectos of their ultimate success was made by rancisco I Madero Jr the provisional president in an interview at his camp near Chihuahua Mex yesterday The intcnew "8 an amplification of one which be gave to tlie Associated a days coined more than usual 1 lie in the main due THE HOLE AS SEEN ROM WITHIN THE TOWER It penetrated two feet of brick wall Knowledge of the attempt which made at 2 yesterday morning to wreck the tower of new mu nicipal group by dynamiting created tre mendous sensation yesterday not only in this city but throughout the state Hardly hadtbe news been read in the morning newspapers before the authorities most concerned were taking steps toward ap prehension of tlie person or persons who caused tlie explosion and the institution of an investigation into it The police took hold immediately after the first excitement had died down and as soon as the municipal nutliori ties acted Mayor Lathrop called a spe cial meeting of the board of aldermen in the afternoon when a reward of was offered for information that may lead to the conviction of whoever was cerned in the explosion George Dwight Pratt chairman of the municipal building commission sent word to members of the commission to hie at the municipal building at 5 in the afternoon and telegraphed Corbett the group architects Grunvald Aus consulting engineer on the municipal buildings asking them to come to Springfield at once for an inspection of the damage to the towerj and a con sultation with the commission In response these telegrams Livingston Pell of the firnr of architects A Sheffield their engineer and Kort Berle from En gineer office came in the afternoon Word was also sent to A Stephens head of the Stephens company theiroup contractors who was in New York city and he arrived early in the afternoon As soon as could be yesterday morning the tower was plumbed to sec if the 'hole at the base of the lofty structure made by the explosion of dynamite had had any effect bn the tower This operation showed that the stood as straight and solid as before and had not been affected in the least The charge of dynamite used was so large that it had simply driven a clean hole through the two feet brick wall and done less damage than might' have been occasioned by a smaller charge It is thought by the engineers who in spected the tower yesterday and by? repre sentatives of the Stephens company that about six or eight pounds of dynamite perhaps 10 or 12 sticks were used in the attempt to wreck the tower The steel and warfare tle i cadiug of the message calling special session and the swearing in of B0 newly Iceted sem tors Of the senators sworn wore a 'x A clocteu speaker I Iph was Hs au ova lion for (lov Harmon who chanced to be in Washington and had a right to the floor Bryan and Harmon clasped hands and engaged in felicitations Every kind of democrat socmoil to be anxious to tie good to every other kind of democrat Over on tlie republican side there was natural ly not as much exuberance as on the democratic side sworn in the with small flags which they arrival thereby adding to aniniation of tlie scene The democrats acted as if born ihanieal efficiency Tlie new looked pale and somewhat depressed with the w'eight of his responsibility' but he grasped the gavel with confidence His to ending the war the insurrectionary pres ident hinted strongly that they had no authority act for him and In1 would any proposals which ware not addr s'utl 1 directly either 'to Jiimself or to Dr Vasquez Gomez his confidential agent in the 'uited States "'l he change of tlie in inis try is a concession to an nnnel said Madero it comes too late and is not Madero was reached after GO miles travel in a carriage The building occupied by ader and his staff is an extensive and piaster palaeo which he laugh rof erred to his "Capitol" It is the seat of a hacienda of more tliaii lQO'X 000 acres owned by a member the Made: taiirllv hen the visitor arnven Madero came to the portico attended by Gen Orozo and members of his staff a formal greeting the leader wepti in's hand toward the plantation where 1200 men were encamped and a teil to know if it did not look like an army With them were seven Americans including Oscar has been bridges pltimu man dressed sin a khaki suit a sweater and bools with a quick decisive wayjpof when' he gave orders in vested' iiiin air qfu commander A habit of meditatively striking his close ly trimmed beard he' spoke suggested that be ehrefuily weighed his words The interview? took' place in a spacious tiled room and immediately turned on the sub ject of' peace lias taken place since we took tin arms to justify us in laying them said Madero Limantour said that the wish for i eforms pacifi cally asked would be granted In Decem ber lUtl'i I wrote a letter to 'Mr Liman tour telling him a revolution surely would come if the governirient did not rant arec ballot That was asking for reforms pacifically The answer was jail wth all We took up arms and we mean to fight it out The change iu the Pierce who petitioned ae might be THE WEATHER General Conditions and orecast Rarely in tlie meteorological history oC tlie United States has there occurred such an extensive area of low pressure mid Biieli widespread precipitation as lias been recorded during the last 24 hours Pres sure is low from the Pacific eastward to the Appalachians and rains and mows have over practically the entira country A severe storm is moving north eastward with its center at present over Illinois Temperatures continue generally below the seasonal average There is no prospect of material change in tlie East from present stormy conditions during tlie next 1wo days It will be warmer to day in New England and the middle Atlantic states Tlie winds along the New England coast will be increasing southeast Io south becoming high during to day middle Atlan tic coast brisk to high southeast to south west Steamers departing to day for Eu ropean ports will have increasing southeast to south winds becoming high with rain or snow to ho Grand hanks Storni warn ings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from New York to Portland oreriut for New England Tlie weather bureau report indicates for eastern New York rain or snow in north portion rain in south portion to day and to morrow warmer to day colder to mor row in west portion brisk to high south east winds shifting to southwest and west by to morrow for New Englund rain er snow and wariiKT to day to morrow rain brisk to higli southeast to soutli winds The snowfall yesterday equaled 50 iiitli The weather according to tho Springfield armory report nnd in compari son with tlie corresponding day last year was as follows: rom Our Special Correspondent V'asiiinuton Tuesday April 4 After 20 years the country again finds a republican president jlding two horses of opposite political types It will be seen whether Mr Taft will manage better than President Harrison He is eontiilent of his powers and will start by trying to 1 noboily into tt hole He asks nothing I good legislation ami the credit will go him who deserves it Mr Taft will try deserve it but not through politichicanery He will not play polities mere A rainy Washington turned out to Congress reconvene There eclat about the reassembling ly 'attends such coming tog legislators and this to the pride the democrats felt in suming power in the House from thev have been excluded for 11 years galleries were packed to see the inductive ceremonials and even the House floor was invaded by femininity It was a iove feast all around inclusive of tlie republicans everybody ommented cn the good feeling Before the lieginning of things 1 Brian arrived an ovation Ho had cabinet is something unheard of in 'Mex ico It is a concession to an armed revolu tion But it is not sufficient and it comes too late It simply justified us ips our course and shows the government inaoii itv to crush us ijow to the cabinet itself it is somewhat of an enigma It is untried De la Baria is better than Creel but De la Barra is without any prestige He has done noth ing iu tlie past by which may gauge his future Sodi and Dominguez are less known Tlie only promise of note winch Dinz has made is the cutting! up of the big ostutes and selling them in small Jots to people on terms of from 10 to lo years The idea is good but we should hate to see Diaz into effect because it would lie a pretext for great speculations on' the part of friends It would result as did the appropriation of $2 0G 0000 for the encouragement of agricul ture money ent into the hands of a few' pien chiefly friends of Diaz we' want promises because tlie government always has made promises and kept none The only condition on which we will accept peace terms is that Diaz shall step aside and' declare null the election of lust year We must be cer tain of a free ballot the protection of the constitution of 1857 nnd a guarantee of no re electiou fur: president I wish to re peat apd I hop the people of the United States will bcifetc us sincere that we most emphatically do not intend today our arms until Diaz is out and we are certain of free elections It is use less' for the government to try to treat with' vs on the condition tiiat eve lay down our i' As he talked Seiior Madero removed a bendage whicll'he had Itround his right wrist the result' of the wound he sutlered attthe battle of Casas Grandes re moval of the bandage obviously was to al low freer gestures as emphasis to what he said can see all tlie men about me he continued "If a trip were made around Chihuahua it would tin wen that the city is virtually under siege We are great strides and becoming stronger and more hopeful every day i want tell the people of the Unted States that our triumph will lie complete and Diaz will be overthrown The money interests of the United States have nothing to fear The country will progress more rapidly under the reforms which we shall insti tute and Americans who'have oapital invested here will receive greater dividends We arc respecting the property rights of foreigners I have several inen in jail now who disobeyed orders In some in stances we hadjfb destroy but we intend to make ample amends for it Every worth of property damaged will be refunded by our government is little hope for the Diaz gov ernment now Their soldiers arc growing sick of being tied up in the gar rison towns At our first great victory which we expect to attain soon our forces' will be greatly augmented The govern ment will find it continually more dif ficult to stop our movements We have such freedom that they cannot bottle us up and they cannot stop our advances We hope tlie United States troops will never come across our border It would be a calamity We could not do other wise than regard intervention as a hos tile act We tire able to settle our own family troubles Our friendship fqr Amer icans is iqtense 'and we wapt it to re main Although no immediate attack is expect ed the insurrectos are now within eight miles of Chiliualiua and it is 'known that extraordinary precautions have been tak en for the safety of the citizens People living on the outskirts have been warned to move within the city and large out posts of federal troops have been sta tioned on surrounding hills The instir recto and federal outposts are within sight of each other 'and small skirmishes are frequents Precautions have been taken to prevent destruction of the railroad south This is now the only means of transportation Insurrectos have served notice that civilians only may be trans ported and tiiat hauling of troops will result in the destruction of the road and a siege of the city AMERICAN SHOT ROM AMBUSH should hrtve been mentioned rai ignored Apparently tlie party Completely at least not Clark Republicans were pleased omission believing now that more than ever Canadian reciprocity must be called a republican measure The republicans showed the split in their ranks when 17 of the Ia ollette htc Diicilablcs Cooper of Mann Crowded its session in Senator Crane escorted Senator Lodge to take the oath Tlie galleries could not resist tittering as Senator Stephenson escorted Senator I a ollette Both men are enemies Mr Shenna soon had his rival for the vice presidem Air Kern taste the honor of presiding over tlie Sen ate He did it well not be present to sec a Afaine democrat take the oatli of senator The seating was an important function of the day in the Jlouse Luck rather ab stained from resting on tlie Massachusetts delegation Representative Gillett was among the til's! of the New Englanders drawn and lie tiie front and in tlie middle live Lawrence drew a seat rear Representative Berger the Wiscon sin socialist elected to sit on the repub lican side and was greeted with open arms 'by the brethren there The caucus of republican senators to day was remarkably well attended no progressive in town staying away The Dr Wilson liis physician and Creighton the American who active in blowing' up railroad The personal appearance Ot nVited scrutiny A rather short 168th EAR DAILY: NUMBER 9 I PRICE: THREE CENTS: EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR the Pinkertons and iie was bv Aiderman wstpz i o'? 5 hVJ Chnirinan of inittec to wait on the pri siilt'iit and' notify him that tlie' Senate was in session and prepared to do business The onlvfoatHre of the proceedings not on the program was introduced by' Senator Bailey of who sought to have tlie hour of daily meet ing for the Senateixed at 2 in in stead of 12 Tlie: suggestion was made in connection with a niotiou by Senator Brown of Neb fixing the hour of 12 as the time ot mooting MryBailey sought to aineiHl the motion Jiy fixing tlie time at 2 saying tiiat very little business could lie done before that hour George Creichfield an American was shot from ambush his Alex and probably cording to a telegram tlie state department United States Consul Aliller at Tampico The department ordered the consul to make a thorough investigation of tlie shooting It is not known nt Washington by whom the shooting was done Creichfield is 51 years'old and a native of Illinois but for some years he has resided in Jersey City Ho has been connected with tlie Uvalde asphalt company of Jersey of which liis brother is president and has been representing that concern for the last three years iu Alexieo and Central America In luos roiehtieln was nominated gress on the republican ticket but teated by Representative Eugene kaid Mr Creichfield is well known in New Jersey as a man of affairs and is reputed to be a millionaire He left for Mexico about two months ago when lie heard that tlie revolutionary troubles had spread to the vicinity of the asphalt lakes mines and forests in which lie was interested it is believed tiiat liis efforts to protect liis property brought about the attack upon him As a mining engineer Air Creichfield was one of tlie' first to go to Central America His name and fame as an explorer and a stubborn tighter for his rights are known from tlie Rio Grande to tlie equator It was lie who organized tlie Venezuela as phalt conipanv in bought an as plialt hike from President Castro Disre gard ot the agreement by Castro to impose no tax on tlie exportation of asifhalt pro vided the company built a railroad from the lake to the sea prompted an interna tional controversy which at one time I threatened to call foi armed force After expelling Castro tlie Venezuela "govern ment finally paid tlie company $450030 in settlement of a claim This was by no means satisfactory to Air Creichfield and lie voiced liis disapproval by writing a book 'dealing tyitli conditions' ju Central and Soutli America' Negro Troops Cause No Trouble In connection with representations to t'ie that the presence of the 9thcavalry the negro troops forming part of the division nt San Antonio would likely 'cause racial disturbances Alaj Gen Carter comma niUng the division telc graplieil "to the war department ut Wash ington yesterday that there: has been no trouble between the wliites arid blacksConsequently it is said at the department the colored soldiers will not be with drawn but probably soon will be sent to the border to relieve the 3d cavalry of 'patrol duty Rallrond Line A grain Cut Alail advices of the 2d from Torreon Alex state that the main line of the rail road between that city and Alexico City is again cut and trains annulled Cuen came is in the hands of Luis band of insurrectos of the House thej still'waS' a large at tendance in tjib galleries and tlie scene was an animated one The spectators began to arrive early and long before the beginning ot "the session every seat had been taken and every available bit of space was occupied The only ex senator pres ent the Xb yea rs old Henry Davis of West Virginia who quite as spry as many of tli men Tlie ceremonies consisting in the speech indicating the party" House speaks we'l as a everybody noticed his failure to mention Canadian reciprocity to effect Congress was called into extra It was rather an unfortunate i Certainly the democrats missed opportunity to claim this measure muclt tlieir new dem ralA Brvtin of i 'ln st 'liilton or Va Hitchco*ck of Noh Johnson of Ale Kern of Ind Lon of Tenn Martine of 1 Myers of Mont I'Gorinan of of () Reed of Mo mill tt Ilhams there but the tower base was well guarded Suggestion of Pinkerton Aid During the morning the public were greatly excited over the affair and stren uous measures were suggested Pinkertons and private detectives were suggested These suggestions found weight with the aidermen and when this body convened in special session at 3 in the afternoon Aldermen Waters and Goldthwaite brought up the matter Alayor Lathrop told the aidermen that money could not legally 'be appropriated by the municipality to hire the Pinker tons It was thought best to leave thematter with the local police with the expectation that they would do their very best work on it If the police should desire assistance from the Pinkertons thev could have it for the public would gladly help to raise a fund that would secure the capture of the dynamiter The Re publican company would contribute to this fund and there are many individuals and corporations that would also Special Meeting of Aldermen During the morning hours a conference was held among the mayor and Aidermen Denison and Wight when it was decided to call a special meeting of the board 'at 3 the offer of a reward being the idea in the minds of the city fathers Accordingly City Clerk Newell prepared the notices which were delivered by City Alessenger Burns while the aidermen were summoned by telephone They were all present except Alderman Stacy and the mayor read the following order which waa proposed for Ordered that a reward of $300 be and Is hereby offered for Information received not later than July 1 that will lead to the de tection securing and conviction of the per son or persons who caused the explosion at the tower of the municipal group in the city of Springfield on the morning of Tuesday April 4 1911 Alderman Waters wondered if the $500 could not be "better spent in securing the services of Mjntinnrtnl There was some discussion of this before 1hr inamr to hi thi mninlv un to the chief of iinlice he doubted if the city could appropriate money for such things since tlie law in dicates what unusual expenditures may he made and tin hiring of private detectives is not included in tlie list Then the or der for tlie reward was passed The sum Continued on Page 21 I APril 4 1910 7 am 1 2 pm f' pm 7 am 2pm pm oi a 4 the tower is left absolutely in tact according to a statement given by Engineer Berle nnd Pell fol lowing the meeting of the com mission yesterday afternoon Tlie dam age therefore is practically nothing being confined to the bricks which were blown out of the wall by the force of the ex plosion Police Report No Progress The police up to an early hour this morning reported no new developments in their end of the case Chief 11 illiam Quilty Capt John II Boyle of the de tective bureau the other detectives and tlie patrolmen all doing what they can toward apprehension of whomever may have been concerned in tlie explo sion or have any knowledge of the at tempt to wreck campanile Both Chief Quilty and Capt' Boyle were rather reticent about the activities of their de partment They have practically nothing to work on since tlie genterai belief of those who should know most about the methods probably employed by the per rt i 1 a G' 7 'V A a cxaiwaW Ulf' A Wlow Iwp WWW A It I sa to to I Mil s' s' A 's wXw s' vS! jsa i A 4 SZ Xx aflE AnOM CMmM ifv r' 'So til Ni 7 3 "zz I 'I "'l mission tin entire membership were foupd to be ttioniil present and Senators Galiiiiger of und Ba 'm of Ga were appointed com as very own To be sin reciprocity of the origin il proinisis in the program but for all iliat it c1 not yet 1ea HOB vrr 1 he J'S'y higly JBl Jir I 1 w' W' 7' 1 oi miss jLi new repum leans rr Mr io x'or 'X IV ish Tuwnsi nd of Mich and i Tiie sci itors wore si i i bi in squads 1 four ihe ies of tn: iiowjy 1 yik hosen escorting them to the vice JlBBhZ? mkl resident's 'desk 5 lx Hi was ad I diy 1 ir I resident Siierinrrh in I ibsriner tom which 'rendered 3009 2VU9 I2W87 2978 40 30 I 34 ol 31 30 3" 41 to 10 1 1 8E HE SE NE aud 21 I and 1' 'i A.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Founded by English entrepreneur and trader William Pynchon in 1636, the Springfield settlement, originally named Agawam Plantation, provided easy access to local waterways and quickly began to attract a growing population of European colonists.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

In 1777, Springfield's location at numerous crossroads led George Washington and Henry Knox to establish the United States' National Armory at Springfield, which produced the first American musket in 1794, and later the famous Springfield rifle.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

With a crime rate of 33 per one thousand residents, Springfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 31.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American31,87420.52%
Two or more races28,73218.5%
Other race18,04811.62%
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Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Is Springfield Mass a nice area? ›

Located along the Connecticut River, Springfield is one of the best places in New England for young professionals, families, and retirees to settle down.

What sports were invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today. Springfield College students continue to be innovators and leaders in their fields.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Its economy was No. 11 in the country. It's not just a great place to live, either. Last week, Wallethub said that Massachusetts was the top state to have a baby in, above Minnesota, Vermont and Rhode Island.

How do I talk to a live person at Mass Gov? ›

Contact Center hours are 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. (617) 887-6367 or (800) 392-6089 (toll-free in Massachusetts).

What time is mass at Notre Dame? ›

Weekday Masses: 6:45 am Monday through Friday in the Crypt. Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm in the Crypt (4 pm Vigil Mass on afternoon home football game day is 30 min. post-game) Sunday: 6:30 am, 9:30 am in the Crypt; and 11:00 am in the Parish Center Chapel.

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

Scranton-based Times-Shamrock Communications, which bought the Republican Herald in 2003, sold its newspapers to Colorado-based MediaNews Group in August.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.