The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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5 9 6 0 0 (S' 4 9 9 a ii Raymond union repre 9 JL OPENS OICE 9 3 a next V' 9 wiLlimansett 0 0 0 4 INJHE OING 9 9 9 StTi'lH 5 iHrtBton'tKMs nWSMUs fws ax xx 3 3 nr 9 9 Mttk 1 VI 1 Vt 4 111 VI VM 11 AJVlVll WO IZV vm VZ( vv ll 11 ft ftj ivpn iRth ThZrp but it contained sortie interesting statistics various commonwealth communities off qampus stu 1860 7261 4997 and Springfield's 15199 0 a a 9 0 0 9 9 9 9 I ib V7a 9 Sul the 9 9 4 0 ice 9 9 9 9 3 0 9 9 en have a 0 imperative to functions and 0 Of 0 9 f80 Ex Workers to Getcation Payrom DoosRin 00 i 'U 4 '33 0 99 9 9 3 0 15' 3 0 I 0 9 will be held tonight in tiie Village Hall with from 730 to 11p' Proceeds will be used for future activities for Chaperones will be Mrs Irene Ethier Mrs Blanche St 'Jean 'and Mrs Barbara Kotgwicz 1 The Club sponsored a social forpbe teen agers Tuesday night at the Village Hall a 4 (i DR ISAK MESHULAM Aldenville Aug Isak Ozkultur JJeshulam opened his new office at 458 Grattan St with visiting 10 io 12 and 2 to 8 every week day He for merly served as assistant physi cian at the Holyoke Soldiers Home for one year Dr Meshulam resides at 152 Jackson Pkwy Holyoke He is matried to the former Jennie Sikora of Springfield The couple has three children Rachelle 3 Samuel 2 and Suzette 1 He is a native of Turkey and attended Istanbul University Medical School He became a citizenin 1956 9 I IVillmiansett Aug 1 A map of Massachusetts dating hack to 1800 was unyverediurin the demolittojt of mericjfh Legionfost in budling Chicopee Sk The map was partially destroyed 4 a a 4 sir i i a 4 a 0 4 vaplAllat SB? MM A ek I 4 la AAMMllnillAa Cli I A An3 tacticingfor Elks Outing 9 for a substantial municipal gov at the funeral Saturday afternoon All flags ihcluding the were placed at half mast this morning" in tribute to a cherished citizen whose extensive contribu tions were invaluable tosnearly every enterprise for over a half century 0 Messages of condolence were received by the Dwight family from many sections of the coun try 3 'J 0 laherty and prayers at CHICOPEE Leon Chapin left assistant tO the president at Western New England College is shown wel coming the new director of ad missions Cuno Bender of 204 Morgan St eSsouth Hadiev as he assumed his duties at the Igge today 8 9 "Previously the functions rfor Ab Si USO LOUNGE COVERED With shaving Holyoke Aug A white blanket of unusual texture covered the the War MemorialsBuilding as a re suit of some playful antics with shavingecream William A Stack? 'director of the memorial building? told po lice the intruders entered "the basem*nt room sometime be tween 230 and 4 yesterday through a door probably left uri locked by USO employees 6 Desks were ransacked and ap parently their drawers yielded the shaving cream which was lavishly sprayed about all the furnishings 99 9 Palmef Aug rom rumors circulating about today number of prospective candidates are jockeying for time in formal ly announcing their intention to seek the vacancy on the Board of Selectmen for which a special election will be held Sept 16 To date (Stanley Matera of Har vey St Thorndike hasbeen the only one to make eform al am nouncement that he will be a can didate 3 Nomination papers by candt dates must be filed with the Re publican and Democrat' Town Committees by the 9th when both committees meet for this purpose in the Holbrook building The party caucuses are sched uled 'for Monday the 12th and the following day at Palmer High School gymnasium between the hours of 4 and 8 Shirley Sweeney of 167 Martin St "Holyoke andMisslTier esa Sredzinki oPost Office Rd Enfield Conn prepare to cover ground on a motor scooter while on their vacation at the Elbow Jleach Surf Club in Bermuda 0 0 READY SOON 0 Old Map ound in Demolition Legion Building 3 9 Palmer Aug The appoint 9 iiiciiv last mgiii uy uie seiectmen of Peter Pappas as Sivil De fense director for the' town was being hailed in many here today as a move that will re sult in this community soon iw mg a CD unit that will favorably with adjacent townsP The selectmen expressed con fidence thatthe abilities that Pappas has demonstrated in many other civic Venturis wilf1 "account5' for his forming aj or ganization that will Je active vviiiixidt Upon pdbceptance of the ap pointraent last night Pappas india cated that he w'ould wase nof time in calling together a group of men arid women from all seq tions of town to get things in readiness for activities Pappas is prominent in town jpid affairs and 1 rently a member of the Board Qf License Commissioners as as holding the office ofdepart ment historian of the American Legion He is past commander of Post 130 here and past county commander Willimansett Aug? 1 The first meeting of the Chicomansett Vil lage Club will' be held Monday night at 8 in the Village Hay Election of offi cers) will be held and a program of activities for the youngsters in Chicomansett Village will be outlined A fdr teen agers Chicopee Aug John Leszczynski rjght ismaking doubly sure ereryonehas enough totaband shown instructing Rich ard Grabiec on how to rutethicker slices ofeham for the New England boiled dinner awaiting their families at the Outingiin Aldenville American Legion Sunday the 11th Helping out in the kitchen during the practice run is MaJ the'w Stee left? e8 made it the admissions those of the dean of studentsr In this way fhe dixies of both offi be mote effectively handled and a greater service rendered to the Mr Bender brings eto Western New England five years of experience in college adminis trativejvork ollowing his grad uation from Ruteers University he served in the 'uni versify office as assistant to the dean of director Student Union arid supervisor dents On "air view School Ready by Tuesday 0 Chicopee Aug Mayor Walter eGrocki today ex pressed' hope that an order to take land in airview for a new school will be ready far the Board of Aidermen) on Tuesday night The majr newsmen he instructed City So licitor Joseph A Nowak prepare the land taking Srdef 9 Palmer Aug The go ahead sign has been given the Lions Club by the selectmen to use a designated section of town farm property for development? as a recreation area Much interest is being displayed by many townspeople in the the Lions Club is under taking and which is expected to be ready for picnic use soon A swimming pool will be ready for use next year The club is planning to ear mark a large portion of the funds it will raise at the annual field dayv scheduled Labor Day for the development project Picnic 0 tables and fireplaces will ba made ready for the general use of the public 2 9 0 0 morning at me nrieury Sons funeraThome with a solemn requiem high mass St Rose de Lidia Church Rev Raymond was celebrant Rev Ern est Moreau deacon Rev Adrien Remy subdeacon A delegation rittbuded from the Sodality of St 'Anile "Bearers were Emil Archambeault Lionel Dugas JAImanzar Armand Hamel Zephyr Ducharme and red Thomas MBuri al was inSt Rose eCemetgry Lavoie read prayers at the grave The funeralof Miss Agnes Manning 3 Sonoma was held this momingat theJames Hobert and Sons funeral home with a solemn requiem high mass inSt Chapel RevsAn drew A a Martin was celebrant Rev John Marra deacon and ReV Henry subdea con Irfthe sanctuarywere Rev laherty CM of Siding field andRev rancis Sulli van A delegation attended from lhe Rosary Confraternity of St eJerorrfe Parish Bearers were Matera Expected to Have for Vacant 8e 5 Selectman Post 9 tra" and free tickets for soda and potato chips A son was born to Mr and Mrs Joseph Boivin "of 31 Parsons St on Tuesay at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and a son was also born to Dr and Mrs Donald of 167 Main St 'Mrs a Ernest Raymond of Union St was taken to Cooley Dickim son Hospital jn the municipal am bulance" last night CONTRACT TO OS LEY CO Easthampton Aug 1 The Board of Public Vforks granted the contract for the Installation of '4700 feet of water pipe in various sections of town to the Osley Con struction Inc of Hadley at a meetihg of the board last night The Osley Co was the low bidder with a priqe of $104 aineal foot for the ewater pipe and $7 per cubic yard for ledge excavation where it might be necessary er bidders were Michael Devine of Westfield' with a bid of $118 a lineal foot for the pipe and $1500 a cubic syard of excavation andR JVhite Construction Co of Auburn with a bid of $178 a foot for the pipe and $1000 a yard for excavation These prices include only the cost of installation of the pipe has already been purchased and "delivered to the town TO OPEN STORE IN HOLYOKE In line with its recently ac celerated store expansion pro gram Inc of Norih ampton pioneer gallon" jug milk distribution announced the opening of a mew its 23d Holyoke The new store located at lOOEly St across from the Railroad Station will open Thursday the 11th currently operates 15 stores in Hampden County six in Hampshire County andtwo in ranklin County newest outlet will provide" time saving shopping convenience self service equipment and ample parking In addition to gallon jug milk the new 'store will of fer a complete line of dairy products eggs baked" goods soft annks ana Norwoods cream been performed rby George Chisholm in addiTin toTiis duties as dean of students aThe recent expansion in the evening pro grams the college and the inaug ura iiun ui me way gineenng opening Sept 23 HQLYOKE OKXE 203 HISH ST 0 0 Meeting Tonight Will Hear Repor of fommittee Palmer Aug Nominations of officers wili be jlhe top busi at a mesptiner Al ArTill Is Pa Amprican gion tonight at 8 in Legion home A nominatingcommittee will a at this sessions but nominations 'may also be made from the floor Post 130 is now looking ahead to another busy year or activities that will get unaerway month 9 9 Swimming Pool Town arm MQst Wait Till Next Year lUNlOACCEPTS HALEPAYMENT 8 1 Oil 1x2 a I lol 1 Deal 1 VVCIC' i Stohn Scannell Vhomas itz related toaidnu on have gerald John Manning Henry Healy vVilliam A and Thom as Moriarty Burial was in St JeromeCemetery Marra as sisted by rs livlin offqed grave a 'a face3 a severe reprimand and may lose his sporting license Officials cof5 the club noted that since the ban on entering vvqod 1 is still in force it is illegal for anyone to at the field the first place and also snce" the field is for the use of mem bers of the and Game 'As soclrition only others dn the" property are trespassers 4 EASTHAMPTON BRIES the series' of picnics to" be held by Heart pariah on the th 11th and 18th Polish delicacies will be available at reasorfeble prices Included will be golomki and dill cumbers Hot dogs hamburgs and sweet corn be' avaih abJe and 'Ml proceeds will go To the narish scholarshin fund Ad mission willbe free and doo? prizes will be each 1 to oe fgiven ori trie jlolu mere will also be music by orches RED SOX JUST ABOUT CLINCH CHAMPIONSHIP Gilbertville Xug The Red Sox sponsored Village Club virtually clinched the Jun ior League iaseball pham pion when they walloped the Braves by score of 16 3 in a game played at Memorial fcield Tuesday night The Sox but' two games left to play and both are withWheelwright who have been hav ing trouble beating any teams and are in trie cellar in Junior League standings Ute Braves however who are trailing the Sox by two full games play the 're maining two with Hardwick the improved tgam in the jun ior circuit In rtheir last encoun ters with the Red Sox and Braves the Hardwick team lost by one run The drew first bloodkin Tuesday game and led by Sne ruh until the thiM inning How ever when they came to bat in the lastpf the third 10 men faced Mitus the Braves pitcher and got five nits three phases on and two Braves errors and nine runs crossed the platter before the side was gtired Mitus gave up 13 hits and struck out five while Bob Krol8Sox pitching ace (gave upfive hits to the Braves and struck out 13 Rucki of the Braves team knocked a home run for his team and also got a single Roland Kosla Braves left fielder also got two hits Tom DiMarzio also hit a home run for the Soxand got another hife hisbrother Jim hit a double and a single Michael Walsh got two hits Bob Sanderson hit a triple and a and Klatfe Hlousek got two singles for trie Soxe The next Junior' League game will be tonight when the Braves play Hardwick KENNETH WIUEY DIES Gilbertville Aug Word was received here last night of the death of Kenneth Wiley of Wollas ton He is a former resident of urnace and operated the i grocery and Post Office i there before selling out to Johnson about 30 years ago He AUXILIARYPLANS PICNIC ON 18TH Willimansett Aug The Wil limansett American Legion Jun ior Auxiliary Unit 353 will hold a picnic Sunday the 18th at Look Memorial Park it was? an nounced today by eMrsM Joyce Chretien chairman The group will meet at the Le gion borne at2 picnic lunch will be serve Arrange ments are in charge of Mrs chairman? assisted by Mrs Yvonne DeGraff Mrs Edna Kimel Mrs Annette Schmidt and Mrs Ida Gamache AU par ents of the members are3 invited The boosted prize3 wipner a cast award gitfenby the unit at the "annual outing of the local Legion held Sunday at Dufreshne Grove was Walter Wyszynski of 46 Ducharme Ave 0 WIIXBIANSdETT Mrs Grace Ryanof Teaneck and her family visited Re cently with Nirs moth er Mrs Ellen Skeele St apd her sister and brother in law Mr and Mrs William De Graff of the same address Mr and Mrs DeGraff rind daughters Bgrnardine Adele have' re turned a vacation pt Lake George and northern New England Mr and Edwin Schmidt of Irehe St spent a va cation at Gloucester last week The Willimansett Board of Trade will have a meeting Tues day night at JS mo in the Mountain View dubs to discuss the proposed re routing of Route 5) 5 it yas announced by President Gerald Baldassaro teen agers 1ST BUSINESS SESSION Willimaasett Aug 1 Approxi mately 75 teen agers of the area attended the initial meetjng of the Junior Willimansette Improve ment League held Tuesday night at the home of Du mas of 409 Chicopee St e4 Elected councilors were Nancy Dumas Patsy Murphy? Barbara Page Richard Came Deterge andRicljardePete Another hop" will be held Aug 9 Several teen agers volunteered to assist with the ray clinic to be held throughout the city this month The junior organization will meet on (first Tuesday of each 3 month The senior ization will meet Tuesday night at 730 in the old Library hall beneath' Belanger's Music Studio on nicopee st Village Mothers Plan Events leaveshis wifq the fonrieoMinnie Smith a native Of urnacdBa son a daughter and one grand child Burial will be in the Hardwick Cemetery atenoori Saturday 'LAGS LOWERED HAL MAST 100 AY An? 1 GHef struck this entire community today at the sudden death of Mrs Minnie Dwight publisher the Holyoke Transcript Telegram and the leading figure for over six decades Acting Mayor Joseph Jubm ville Jr? initiated arrangements GILBERTVILLE CONG CHURCbTsTRUCK BY LIGHTNING BOLT Gilbertville Aug The Con gregational Church was struck by lightning during the storm yes terday jnorning full extent of' trie which was con fined to the slate roof is not yet known according to Postmaster Arthur Tolman 'and a member of the board of trustees However he said thp damage I does not appear to bri toa severe The church constructed of gran ite observed its 90th anniversary last Sunday 9 Wilf PAINT 2 I TOWN HOUSE On Vacation ins Bermuda 0 er LEGION COMMITTEE PROMOTES CHICOPEE Chicopee Aug 1 Chairman Robert Quintal of the Chicopee Legion Committee has an nounced that regularmeetings the convention "corporation will start in September The convention committee hopes to promote' the advantages available in this city to Legion naires of this neighboring states 0 CHICOPEE BRIES Camping yn a troop will begin week at the Chicopee Girl Scout Day Camp The first session will be held from Monday through Wednesday This is open to all Girl Scout troops in the Pioneer Valley Couijcil Pro grams will be presented under the direction of leaders with three staff members hand for advic and supervision The 52d family reunion of the Grise family 'will be held this year at Szot Park tyi 'Aug 11Mr and Lionel Eavigne willobe cochairmen "of Ilia affair EASTHAMPTON SPECIAL MEETING ON "WELL TESTS ON 11TH Easthampton The 14th at 8 waf set as the date for the special Jowif meeting at the session of Board of Se lectmen last night The meeting is being called to request an ap nrrntri jfinn rxf Sift fWI frw 0 ing further tests in various sec tions of town nf an effort locate a "hew source of water supply The selectmen reviewed trie pos sibility of a warrant containing four articles and set the deadline fob filirffe of these articles for 5 riday night In addition to the "article on the water" supply It is possible that the Board of Works will request a (transfer of funds from the Sheldop sidewalk appro priation to the Sheldon Ave curb ing appropriation also a possibility that an article will be placed in the warrant concerning the installation of parking meters The Industrial tand Develop 1 ment Commission will pieet to night and as a result of this meeting this may also have an placed in Jhe war rant (U The selectmen granted a spe cial aleohlic beverage license to Chick's Cafe tor an3outing to be held the 11th at Nonotuck Park The Sacred Heart parish was also granted a license for theories of picnics o' a SHOOTING VANDALS WILL LOSE LICENSES Easthampton Aug Qfficers of the ish and Game Association announce that unless vandalism a me Mi Skeet ield ceases the use of firearms at the field will be prohibited A re at trie field has had holes Tn it with aa22 rifle and 'if the person responsible for this damage is caught he wiU tract the employee werri1 not en titled any vacation pay Jlhe union however said the em ployees were and would take the matter to arbitration Last night in lieu of a decision? bysthe board of the offi cials presented a proposalwhich was expected to amount to $15 000 9 rederick Rotheford vice president and regional director of the International Brotherhood of Paper Makers and United Ra per Workers America $vas also present at last rheet ing Laplarite presided There were 60e former employees in at tendance The former Doeskin plant has been Sold Is now known aS the Roman Tissue Mills and is currently employing 75 people with two out of four of the paper making machines in op eration CHICKEN BARBECUE Gilbertville ThesNew Braintree Congregational Church planning a chicken barbecue to be held on Saturday Aug 31 in the thurch vestry' Servings will be at 5 6 and 7 ni Tickets Will be available at the door and they may be obtained Ty calling Mrs Bertha I Whitcomb chairman of ythe committee in Shirley Bennett Andrew Loux? eWilliam Davis Kennett or Sgnall other committee members 3 GILBERTVILLE BKIES Tax Collector Wilbrod Che nette said yesterday that the aknount of unpaid 1956 taxes in cludes $25623 on personal proper ty $56415 real estate and $73603 on motor vehicles lor a total of $138344 All poll taxes and 1955 taxes are paid Cherietfe said Real estate tax bills have been out to property and are due on Oct 11957 and must be paid by Nov 1 1957 Mr and Mrs Stanley Zielinski and family of North Wilbraham are visiting rher mother Mrs' Ellen Kowalski of 'Joslyn Rd Mr and Mrs Walter Czupryna and family of Hazardville Conn were visitors at the home'of his Mrs Maty Czupryna of Main St yesterday Mr and Mrs Leslie Nelspn and daughter have returned" after spending a vacation in Worcester ithMr" and Mrs Lawrence Bouley and family irst riday will be observed in St Aloysius Church tomorrow with masses at 7 730 The Catholic Youth Council yill receive 4 Ccjmmuniofi ina body confessions will be heard tonight at 7 9 SOUTH DEERIELD 'Aug Mrs Edward and daugh ters Kathleen and of North Main St9 have Returned after a few daysAvith his brother and sister in law Mr andeMrs Richard O'Donnell of Amesbury Edith mesbury 'will visit at Mr' Mrs? for two aveeks? 8 Porter Wells son of Mr and MrsfcDonald Wells of Thayer St is spending two wees at Camp Anderson Mr anti Mrs Stanley Butkie wicz and their children have re turned from a through Maine and New' Hamp shire a 6 Gilertville Aug A proposal by 'Doeskin officials agreeing to pay 'one half vacation pay td their (former 180 employees here wasaccepted last nigrit It meet ting at Pilsudski called by CIA iv AVhpn thp I 21131 1 a In Af null Ulitocu uiznir jadi xututn uic company said it felt that accord ling to the terms ot the union con i NEWS SPRINGIELD THURSDAY AUGUST 11957 8 0 Ae 0 9 Edward MoskaLAdmits ing Underlnfluence 9 Selectmen Ask for Bldspn our Corners 'Job 9 0 New WNEC Admissions Director 0 0 Mol oKLe timT SSlwen of Holyoke Pays Maximum 5 ine or Speeding Palmer Aug A Holyoke 'man was taeced the fine for speeding on the Massa chusetts Turnpike ip District Court Robert Salwen of "156 Suffolk StHolyoke pleaded nolo to the charge by States Trooper John who" arrested him in the Palmer area of the 8 new Pike and Judge Ernest sHobfeon imposed a $50 line Ac a tothCi testimony Salwen allegedly was travelling between 90 and 95 miles an hour when apprehended George Bryant of 346 Lake St who was also ar rested tora speeding on the pike pleaded nolo andiwas Judge gHobson Trooper John White elocked Brvant travelling between 75 and "80 miles an hoyrijn the Brimfield CHANGES PLEA PENALIZED $50 HOPE SEEN OR READ CO SETUP 9 8 Selectmen Think Pappas Will Pul Town 0u of Lethargy $50 0R90" MPHONTHE Aug Selectmen an nounced last" night that bids will bp 'accepted for paint ing pfTown House at our Cor ners? Bids will be received topni1 anr4 tv ill Ha U1IIH UlAZll'Uii A uuu 0 publicly opened at tire select a uidi iiijjiiv ses or speciiicauonS) are avauduie at the office The jard reserves the right to accept or reject any or au bids LEGION Holyoke Aug 1 Edward Mdskal 46 of 26 North Pleasant SU was fined $50 in District Court thjs morning on a complaint of awet "driving which he admitted after retraenngea previous inno cent plea Judge Williams No Iqn filed a drunkenness complaint against hirii 8 The defendant was arrested 4 by patrol car oper ator Robert Meiia A 41 year ola woman companion of his who faced a drunkenness charge was released Two more' arraignments were held for violation of state laws regulating capacities of trucks using the highways Summonsed by Registry of Motor Vehicles In spector William A Richards AP bert A Weidhass of 91 Holyoke St nolo to a complaint of permitting an overloaded truck to be operated and was fined $40 according to the poundage in excess His em ployee Robert Brousseau 27 of 64 Mount Tom Ave East hampton was allowed to plead nolo and' that case was filed discussTproblems CONSERVATION Aug Conservation problems under study by Westfield Riven Association the Connecticut River Watershed Council were considered by di 9 rectors of both groups at a lunch eon today in Hotel Roger Smith 8 In thd absence of council Presi debt Gerald McLaughlin of Springfield Vt editor of "the spnngrieiq (Vt) rceppner timer oster of Blandford presided oster is executive director of the Connecticut River organization which maintains headquarter? in Greenfield a jcal of conservation werereTX)rted bv Raich Dav of Holyoke Water Power Co i ciai caoui ui ut uic The meeting was designed "pri marily afor Massachusetts jdirec tors in the Connecticut River HOLYOKE UNERALS St The funeral of9 Mrs Sarah (Curley) 89 Bowers 'Stwas sheld itriis morning at the James Hobert Sons funeral home with a solemn'requiem high i mjss in Holy Rosary Church Rev Andrew was celebrant Rev Edward Keves' deacon and Kev rtay xnond Lapire subdeacon In the sanctuary was Rev Joseph sSagnon of Huntington Bearers were Bartholomew Dowd Rich ard Monahan William Haggerty rank Coates of Troj John and David Keith Burial was in Southview' North Rev Leonard Perreault offered prayers at the grave The funeral of Mrs Arzelie (Beauregard) Brien of 33 Trilby Avre Aldenville took place morning at the rterieury unnro i tiiiri cniarrn 8 9 ifc I I ii I' lilPw varar MaRdMr 'aaMwWmlWHTnOwnPnra A Mi a 5 ii hMM'r11 'a 's ft 1 4 BM "9 JH I I I A 'ft i 4 ft 'X 4 at'vA o' A A I tz' 3 I 5 1 fltl r' i 4 ft ft ft ftw ft 'W ftw S' ssss as iss I 2 a ST 2 St ii SXSSLS rs 'As Is st Xr SEa WM eS'EW: is BT3 ora wft ftftrfft( vz tfg 'Ofc ft y'ft VA A ttSxAWtft ft ft ra "IT t0 6 0 9 3 A.

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The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is a Republican newspaper? ›

There are several papers that lean conservative, but it is important to keep in mind some may be socially conservative and some may be fiscally conservative. The most popular would be the Wall Street Journal, but other good options are The Washington Times, New York Post, and the Chicago Tribune.

Who owns MassLive? ›

MassLive is owned by Advance Local, a unit of Advance Publications, which also owns American City Business Journals, the parent company of the Boston Business Journal, as well as Condé Nast, The Republican newspaper in Springfield and other media and entertainment companies.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What do Republican Party believe in? ›

To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, limited government, free markets and free trade, tax cuts, reduced government spending, privatization, and the reduction of government run welfare programs in favor of private-sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility.

Why is it called Republican? ›

At the first public meeting of the anti-Nebraska movement on March 20, 1854, at the Little White Schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, the name "Republican" was proposed as the name of the party. The name was partly chosen to pay homage to Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.

What makes a Republican a Republican? ›

The Republicans advocate reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom. They tend to oppose extensive government regulation of the economy, government-funded social programs, affirmative action, and policies aimed at strengthening the rights of workers.

Who owns the Springfield News Leader? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who owns all the news stations? ›

The biggest media conglomerates in America are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusem*nts (which includes Viacom Inc. and CBS), News Corp and Fox Corporation (which are both owned in part by the Murdochs), Sony, and Hearst Communications.

Who is the owner of the Boston Herald? ›

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.

Is Springfield MO mayor a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Who owns Republican American? ›

Lathrop purchased it together. Pape became the sole owner of the Waterbury Republican in 1910, and in 1922 purchased the Waterbury American. Ownership of both papers has been retained in the Pape family until the present day, with the decision to merge them to form the Republican-American coming in 1990.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.