The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald from York, North Yorkshire, England (2024)


The following to aa ButhuilfaUti ttot of the new Ministry so far aa it baa been teaalitaliil III Corjrsr PirstLordof the Treasury Tbe Marquis of Salisbury. Lord Lord Halabury. "dUh. Rotary for War Mr. W.

H. Smith. First Lord of Admiralty Lor Hamilton, Chief BeeTat'for'i lead jSIrM H. Beach. Chancellor of tbe Ex-1 chequer tBxadolphChurehilL Loid Chancellor of "irs 1 T.

lend Lard Ashbourne. Heme Mr. H. Matthews. DEPRESSION IN THS YORKSHIRE GLASS TRADE.

WHOLESALE NOTICES TO WORK MSN, Ob Saturday morning Mr. Dan. Bylaade, of tbe Hope Glass Works, Stairfoor, near Baruoley, own fa*g the largest works ia the a last trade fa ths Kingdom, employing over 1.000 hsnds, gave a week's notice to a large number of workmen to leave bis employ men t. Attached to the notice to a statement that the step to takes io eoostq eaee of the terrible depression of trade throughout the country. The men are asked to eork laager boars, which they decline.

THE DEPARTURE OF LORD ABERDEEN FROM IRELAND. Dvbub, Friday Night At a special meeting of the Dublin Corporation beld to-dav, tbe Lord Mayor (Mr. Sullivan, M.P.) priaidmg, sn address waa adopted to be presented to Lord Aberdeen 00 Tuesday next, fa wbieh the Council say that the gnat distinct sow of the Earl of Aberdeen's vfaeroyaity boa been that it wao stem so ted with tbe effort ot Mr.Uladatons to restore to Ireland the right to Bxarage ber own affaire. The Corporation accept Mr Gladstone's proposals so a Boat pottto ment of Lbs Home Bole question. The Conserrative members of the Corporation bad left before the address was adopted.

It has been arranged that the departure of the Lord-Lieutenant shall take peace about seven o'clock oa Tuasdsy sveuiBg. A greet ilsmiiitttjalfnii of the trades of Dahlia will defile before hat Excellency at tbe Castle goto at six o'clock. Tbe noaawahoSBBl will pom down Demo street and Westmorland-street ioto Sackville-atreet where they will disperse, leaving the way dear for the Lord- Lieateaant'i passage to Wsst-laad-row station. ATTEMPTED SACRILEGE IN LONDON. A POLICEMAN SHOT.

At sn early hour on Saturday morning aa attempt was msde by three men to break into the pariah church of Bt Marylebooe, situate in the Maryleboao road. The church, which baa bat recently been reconstructed at a coat of several thousand pounds, has two en trances, one in Maryleboae-roadaad the other fas High-street, both of which are protected with hajh rsilmgs aid gates, tbe remainder of the ground being enclosed by high walla. Tbe gates are alwoyo kept locked et night, the police on the beat beviog key to enter and see all secure. About twenty mioatee to three oa Saturday morning P.C. William Holland, 188 entered the enclosure, and oa coming op to the door loading to the vestry, where some of the valuable church property was kept, be saw two men, with silent eboca 00, making an effort to force back tbe lock of the door.

At tbe mate moment he heard a man, who waa apparently hid in the bashes close by, say, Look out the is coming." Holla: at once seixsd hold of the shorter uf the two men. end a desperate straggle ensued. They fell together, end got ap several times, sad then while on tbe ground tbe taller aas, who bad temporarily run away, returned, end pull, Holland off hat man, and tbe lasl named got from tbeex. Holland want for the latter men, end seised him by the throat They bad several npe-acd -downs, aad whilst this waa going on shots were Irtd by the short man, and Holland beard the ballet fiy by his bead. The struggle cortlinotd, sad then tbe ooawtabie received a shot la his let from bis assailant, wbo wao ot close quarters.

Holland shouted for help and blew hie wbattle, and cvelinoed to bold his man catil thoroughly exhausted, when tbe burglar threw him, and they all made their escape. Several constables near the locality heard tee call for belp, but found great difficulty in getti-ig to their comrade, owing to tfaa church gates being locked. At length they got ia, aad removed Holland to I' 1 i vert it Hospital, where the bouse surgeon found tbnt the bullet had nearly paesed through the officer's leg just below tbe calf. Inspector arsons at once went to the church, and found oa the steps a sack, a screwdriver, and a chisel, which correspond exactly with the marks on the door. It was discovered that lbs thieves Bad got into the enclosure by means of a ladder from Nottingham-mews, wbieh runs et the roar of tbe church.

Later tbe morning a rim Ira revolver was picked ap he mews by a man named Spekeman, close to where the ladder stood. It bee six chambers (some loaded), aad gives evidence of four shots having been fired. One of the men was "earing a black mask. Holland struck bim across ths face with his truncheon, as be did also the sbortar man. On fa-quiring at midnight at the hospital it was stall that the constable was going on favourably.

TBE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. The anal session uf tbe Pastoral Conference, com-menctd at the usual hour on Batarday in tbe City-road Chat .1. London. The obituaries of the lata B-t. Shaw and fi.

Didds, who have died since ibe Co: begsn, were read aad accepted. It aas decked to allow Dr. Pope to be a supernumerary tt or jeer. The Bev. M.

Hartley reed the real to ibe address from the Caned lan Conference, and it was acreptt d. Dr. Stephenson read the reply to the address from the Irish Conference, and it was acre pi. d. The Bev.

D. J. Waller gave aa account of tis visit to the Zetland dwtriet, aad received lbs than ks of the Conference for work done there by bim, the Bev. J. Prieatiwf beaiir.g witnrso to tbe good effect likely to follow Mr.

Waller's viwt Bev. J. K. Cfapham also gave an acjoont of a visit paid to Jersey by bim, aad reported that tbe Jersey French circuit waa not ripe fur division. Bev.

F. W. Grssvee read the reoem-mendaiions of the Memorials Committee. The York district bsd seat a memorial asking that spec fia instructions should be given by the Conf ereaoe concerning the reprinted resolution oa ths examination of class leaden. The committee recommended that no further action should be taken, Bad the Conference assented.

A long an internetting 000-s creation arose about the importance of maintain sag disci pi ino in the Connexion, end requiring members of society to show their Imketo at all tbe church meetings. No little difference cf opinion prevailed, some spoahsts bafnaaj the view that much laxity pre railed, aad that a return should be made to the ancient custom of Methodism. No legislation followed the dinaaaioa, bat it wss understood that earnest efforts should be discreetly made fax order to secure a better observance of tbe roles which require that ministers should regularly meet each class oaeea qaartar aad givs the tickets in person to each member, ead that the ticket should be shown et ths society auietiisgo as was done at the be in ring. The President eawawmaasj that ha had received a telegram from the Bee. W.

P. Clark to say that be could not go to the circuit (Alderney). to which the Conference appointed hfat a day or two ago. It waa decided that tba appointment having bean confirmed by the Conference it could not be rescinded, and the matter was fafk far tbe President to settle as he thought right Tba question of the rule which limits the term of a minister's residence in a circuit to three years incidentally arose, aad although nothing waa done, the opinion wee expressed by the Bev. G.

W. Olrer, B.A., that before long tbe whole subject would have to be seriously debated. There io little doubt that nth to ths eaee, 00 there to a growing opinion fa the Cou-nax'oo that tbe three years' term is bow too short, and should be extended to Ire or rjEPOFTED U1B1K1S3S AT LABKAliUK, i to Admiralty, ii Bore. Hmi wmtmA tm oa aubyset boa Oaimaic or t.fndiawd, or other Mill at. Bora idsstrai, Curloajtora.

you eu miai an hui oi as tbs aistiiitl ioheAttaate of fmmt mappim from Halifax or r.oe Broadly by other bwobbb. oi -rwiounuiana to tu taws l-r "Oi uua outa lJ that "port starvation Labrador True mnrA. rtt, Saturday. ufairam. dated Hwoi.Jal7Sl.i0 a far papers Xae rooagattsoa by 1 -L; afnunt7 is Burmah boa boas 1 reader Iobi less e-xtciie- it PViil s-variv Mftrra, Ootor 107.

rrfd bar at too clock thio r-r in borbour. Four per- -J ai jf others icinrwd- i ma Dbme raorrsn Moscow. Saturday. IB an ftrtlda uulu Isn Fnswdabip and its Ooo- 11 wsth Bas wis enjoyed aa- But if i. vera to maintain or wooils improbable thai aa oVa 1 iU boot or far Boat.

the 1 tier wtwjld pr not re- sta at afcould truly bar ao inaouu to i.RKMANY. Gasrsis, Suaiay. DEATH OF A GERMAN ACTRESS. Bmtua, Bandar. Ctllir nUnM I Ii Ml essd yesterday.

SOCIALIST ARREST IN HOLLAND. Aairxxnsji. Saturday, iraaisr enderetedt bat boaa arraotad Tui Ultra. Saturday. imov raw upon uu appear to hair led to uo dia- natproauanc aatora.

THE DISTURBANCES TM AMSTERDAM. Aasrxansji, Saturday Xijot aatar boo eaaood a Botica to bo posted atwaifctang tar hawking and dmtribo-d p-mted or written tar abi ir UK Tba atop, tor which tfaa Communal Law, baa boas the recent riots. A juarwed to-day natal farther Don. on too Leurser Canal, ate dBtarbaooH. Cp to tba present "rrjwbara perfectly nuat.

Aw "Bw Matra that Ii BTj am aad at Leyden to-day. THE CHOLERA. Boaa, Saturday. Trmmnm paat twsoty-four boon "a aad 6 Swath, of lkl. on 3 deaths at Maad- ac Pi Taaarm, Batarday.

daatt oeoarrad ban Maatjoar aoata. Then haa. mlmn Faaaoaa (Iatria.) a orau UNITED STATES. haa Took. r' iilwtowa aad ara baa.

daotroyad by a A BUBbr 1 1 Lat. "'ob aaa raaanau vj 1 xjarrd. BaaaaaJ oliialoaa aad ill, i. bt baa baaa rrarianlil Hi mm xi 11 El) STATES AND MEXICO. o.

bao ordarad aa io- oaao 01 A.HBBUI0O. Uu aaW aaot ai Hashn. oa (rooUar hotarooa Tozoo aad Oaaaiaot of Taaaa da- ai4. "na mo Ton, Batarday. 1 drWtor.

ara 'aaal br fk. Br mI I US CTPD Minn. IHE LIBERAL UNIONIST PARTY reeaon brf" tooeting of Parlfa-ent the Marquis af Harrington proposes to invent, a meeting of the JJberalDnStat nat? to mwa. tba political situation, when Mr. CbJSSfafa LoZ Ueorge Trevelyan are expeoted to be ru iuel.

THE TIBEEEXPEDITION. She three vessels forming the expedition to Tire of the ships was soon transmitted by the excited eroftere to th. dUaffeetad districte. The fanduTof the trices effected on Saturday morning under the moot favourable conditions of weather. Ho oppo-tK to the or ee is expected, and the write of fater-diet will be served with little or no trouble.

PAYING THE IRISH MEMBERS. On Friday, Mr. E. Bed mood, member for North Wexford received from his eoastitntnu a cheque for JTJOO to defray his expenses aa a Member of Parliament. A hone was expressed fa the letter accota-panyir the cheque that the next one would be paid to Mr.

Bedmond so Member for an Irish Parliaaxest. A iimiUr aura wu forwarded to Mr. Barry, Member for Booth Wexford. MURDER OF A POLICEMAN AT BARNS LEY. Police Constable Auetwiek.

belonging to the West Bsd-rg Copitabulsrv, was shot at Carnsley on Saturday night. Bo bad summoned a notorious poaoher named Ja. Mutphy for pcaehinr, and Murphy meeting the eontable near his raiidenoe. fetcheH his gnn ai shot officer in the side. Auetwiek died an hoar afterwards.

Murphy escaped with the gnn in bis poaetsion, aad up to last night had not bean captured. SHAMEFUL HOAX ON MR. GLADSTONE. Considerable amusem*nt was caused in Downing-street on Saturday morning by the arrival of a number of vani and cart 1 belonging to dexlers who bao received post-cardo from 10, Downing-ttreet, ummoiisg them to bargain for and remove tome of Mr. Glsdrtones property.

One of the post-cards was fa the following terms Come, wHboat fail, to clear away several doteos of old collare fa good condition, old office eoots, dnrt costs, old bnoU aad ihoe and old bats, all fa good condition, for which there is no further use. As early as six in the morn-itg one van arrived, and ao the day wore on other followed, the drivers eoon discovering that they had been hoaxed. One conveyance eame from ax far ax Brixton, and a Well-known repository proprietor was alto draan to Downing-ttreet by a spurious poat-rard. It it teid that Mr. QUdttone is greatly annoyed by the boax.

MILITARY NEWS The remains of General Beilly, which arrived at Bbornrliffe by rail on Thursday from Portsmouth, were interred on Saturday et Cberiton, 8andgate, with full military honours. The corpse was guarded drricg the night by military at the station. THE MILITIA. It is reported from the Northern, the largest of the military districts, that tbe number of men absent without leave from the local Militia trainings this year shows no abatement in comparison with former years, toteithstanding the general depression of trade, and the military authorities are anxious for some farther means of tracing absent men, wbo are frequently found tramiag with other regiments than their own. A marked improvement has, hewever, been cotired in the appearance of the battalions trained in bairaeks.

THE ARMSTRONG HE-OPENED. CASE We (St. Jant, (ttut U) learn from Messrs. Head and Bill, solicitors for the plaintiff, that proceedings have been commenced in the Queen's Bench Division of tl High Court of Justice by Ellis Armstrong on the ore hand, and by ber father aad mother on the ether hand, atafaat Mr. H.

Yates Thompson, pro-pie tor, Mr, R. Lambert, publisher, and Mr. W. bleed, rditor of tbe Pal! Mail Gazette: Mr. B.

Booth, of the Salvation Army and Dr. Smith, for libels on all tbe plaintiffs sod for assaulting aad abdoetipg tba girl Blixa. Tbe statements of claim bare been delivered to the defendants, and the actions will shortly be ready for appearing in the cause lists. Tbe damsges claimed amount to about 8,000. SHIPPING DISASTERS.

NORTH EASTERN BANKING COMPANY. The half-vest ly meeting of the North-Eietern Banking Con. pan Limited, waa held on Saturday, at tbe head office in Newcastle, tbe Hon. O. K.

Loe-celles in the chair. The annua 1 report was ao folios Tbe annex aeentints show that the of profit, after payment of all expenses, provision fir lC end debts, mid allowance for depreciation cn f.rr n-1. S'tif. and for rebate on bills, amonn'ato ill. 9d.

or ytuK! i at reion niinCtd that jC6.390ua. 3d. be appropriated to tie payment of dividend upon tbe ordinary sbarea for tbe half-year of 3s. 3d. per share, free of It some-tax, being et the rate of 5 8s.

4d. per cent per sr.i urn, and that the balance of 2,715 5s. 6d. be carried forward." Tbe Chairman moved, and Mr. H.

Andrew seconded, the adoption of tbe report, which was sgreed to. Votes of thanks were passed to the directors and office rt. ECCLESIASTICAL NEWS. The rectory of Castle Herefordshire, has become vacant by the death of the Rev. W.

O. Lyall, who held it for the long period of years. Tbe living is in the patronage of the Bev. F. E.

Freeman, who beld varmns curacies from 1897 to 1882, since which date be bas not taken active duty. Tbe Bev. H. P. Parker, a miasionary fa North India, haa been appointed Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, in succession to tbe murdered Bishop Bennington, Mr.

Parker waa curate of Holy Trinity Exeter, some years ago. An anonymous donor, wbo had stipulated that his identity was not to be made known, has paid into the Bock of England the sum of 14,980 fa New Booth Weirs Bonos towards tbe fond for erecting a new parish church for or sea. The inter eat on the above turn up to the 1st of July was 280, so that the anonymous contribution amounted to 13,200. Thai generous gift was made known by tbe vioar on Thursday Bt meeting of tbe parishioners. MADAME BERNHARDT AT RIO DE JANEIRO.

Poll particulars have now been received fa Paris eooeererrg tbe quarrel at Bio Janeiro between Madame Sarah Bernhardt and Mdlie. Berths Woir-mont, a member cf ber company. It seems that Mdae. Bernhardt accused Mdlls. Normoat, wbo wished to quit the company, of having packed things ia ber track which did not belong to ber.

At thio charge Mdlie. Noirmont 00 far loot her temper aa to slap Mdme. Bernhardt in the face. For this she was violently dragged by Mdme. Bernhardt, assisted by M.

Garnier and other membeis of the eompesy. before the police magistrate. Being rendered impatient at the formalities which that functionary required ber to fulfil in making the charge, Mc me. Bernhardt called him an idiot, and came away with her comrades. In tbe evening both appeared fa Adrian no Lecouvreur.

The rept I at ion was completed without any particular incident occurring, but it waa evident from Mdme. Bernhardt manner that she was still greatly agitated by the affront she bed received, and whenever she observed Mdlie. Noirmoat in tbe comliue she was with difficulty reetrsined from assaulting her. When the curtain fell Mdme. Bernhardt determined to Sara it out with Mdlie.

Noirmont, and, going up to her with riding-whip, called bar come opprobrious name. Mdlie. Noirmont, greatly excited, attempted to give Mdme. Bernhardt another afap fa the face but that lady's eon, M. Maurice Bernhardt, aad Philip Garnier, the leading tragedian of tbe company, hindered her frcm doing so, and then beld her while Mdme.

Bernhardt struck her repeatedly, and with great violence, on the face and shoulders. The poor girl smarting with pain, harried alone towards home, followed by M. Maurice Bernhardt and a oouttc, who grossly insulted her in presence of a large crowd. The iadig-naiiss felt by the whole town et tines outrages to described as unbend ed, and likely to bring the career of tb lehratcd artist there to a premature close, Mdlie, Noirmont Is ne time fa faking proaeetjfaayj for assault, and the general eyriectattau waa that Mdme. Bernhardt would be eoadeBtBea is fine and imprisonment, as the was also to be charged wish b- Bnl Itwotlswten, it aaa ha added, Bare 11 on and the cause of ijaaaa, -Notrmont, and a eoaple of duels veer, spoken IN Ik.

i 7W. pap, pabUabad fa London "oat Bbt, aanad a paoal odittoo vita taw foUowiar ttntitl iVnm a correopondeot, dated Simla, nottoiliy- Ham ha. Jaat poached boro of a aaU-pUBoad aaboan, which raaoltad in tba afangntor of a portion of our aaaall army Boraaah. It appear from I can father that the Be ootid of the Boyal Welot FnoUiar war. ordered to follow a oar.adiaw party of Daooita, and tbU when tfaay omtad in the open aanabar of Bormaaa (diSerantly oo imaatd at from two to t-n thousand), apraog ao by 1 our inllaat little regiment.

Doepito tba awsat heroic roMtaact, nearly the whole of tba Britkfa battalion wao alain. Tba ooJonal jmmaid. waa, according to the immediately duablad, bot whatha, bo mm Ufa! or not io onoaf taia. There were no reiaforeomanU at hand, or part of the battalion aifbt bare been oared." The Preao AoaociaUon wao informed, on inoairy at tba War Offiee baat najbt, that no fatalliawnea bad boon raeerrod there np to half-poet niae p.m. wiih reference to tba rumoured diraater.

DEATH OF FRANZ LlSZT. Batojbutu, Sanday, Dr. Fraci Liaat expired at midoifht. THE CZAR AND-THE 8ULTAN. Co6TurriorLe, Batarday.

Tba atDocraph letter from tba Car to tba Saltan prafoatcd by If. doRotidofl on tba 2Sth farL, booklet oxprejrtnf fries dohip and goad will toward tba Porta befatba Saltan to raeoira in a friendly apirit tba rer bal oommnnioationa which tba Riaanan Aabaawador wao charted to make to bio fj ajeoty. It it atatod thai one of there comma ication. ia a reoommaoda-Won to the Bolton to rant tba Be rat to the Balfarian bnbona, a requt wbieh hai been vainly aaoaV) by the Exareh of Bulgaria for ocraral yaars peat, but which it rtpiiiauUd by the Oreeka would afford rrouod for afitiUoa to the Balfarmaa in llaeadoaia. Another of tba io atatod to bar bad reference to Frisco Alexander, aad which hare girec froth proct that tba aantimanU entortained for ha Hig bones by the rw are by -no meani friendly.

The raparU that the Boltaa had tocceedod in reconciling oaaia and Bolgeria ara therefore deruid of founda-taBa. THE SOUDAN. Oaiao, Saturday. The military aathoritiee regard the otato or affair in the cV udan ao promMar. for the reotoratioa of order and the rtTrral of trade in that ration.

RESPITE OF A MURDERER. An intimation wao received at Laneaotor Cattle on Batuiday that the death eeotenea patted on Coca table Blhtb. who was eooricted at the loot Lan-carter Auizee of the murder of hit three children at Kirkfaam, had been respited daring her Hajeaty't I'leesure. A CLERGYMAN FINED FOR ASSAULT. I ha BeT.

Charles Mao waring, riear of Staiaton, Bear bobtmstor. waa un Saturday fined the fall penalty of 6, isdadmg casta, for assaulting Gtorge Jackson, tine years of age. Jackson a tent to the Vicarage with a printed card "No Primrose Dames need and it wao allaged tba' Mr. itaowarirg'a bo uae keeper, by Mr. Matiwaneg'a direction, tied Jackson's legs, and Mr.

Maawaring thrashed him with a knobbed stick. The niaaolt wao admitted, but the tjing of the legs was denied. The lit neb told Mr. Manwarmg, who has been prarioosly eocTieted for otssiiltirg a young lad, that they ware sorry ha forgot what waa doe to himself ao riear of a parish and a leader and gatde of the oajOaoB. The turn mono acaiuot Mr.

Maawnog's housekeeper was dismiteed, the Bench holding that tba evidence as to the leg tyiog was not coociustre. A DIVORCED HUSBAND'S REVENGE. Tke grren-efed Booster never worked a more terrible reraage than is reported from Pittsburg, l. John A. Dewald, the divorced husband of a pretty woman wbo was married to Jacob H.

Jonoo 'r. the aoi day that the decree of separation waa grant, Uca Dewald, took a terrible re range on bis rival a few dajt sK iN'Mtr the place which Jooee bad arVcted for his new home tu iyict Wsohington, Dewald lay fa wait for Jones and threw eup-'ul if vitriol in bio face. Donald watched for a while the tufleru'g of bio victim, and to see that bis work was well done. Then be ran to the edge of the hillside, where be drew a revolver and deliberately blew hit brains oat. He fell rolling down the mountain, a distance of 300ft.

He was picked up a lifeless, mangled mam. The vitriol entered Jones's eyeo, nose, month, and splashed over hit neck and breast, torclEg away much of hit clothes. He will lose the sight of one eye and will be disfigured for Ufa. OBITUARY- The death io announced of Mrs. Mott, the wife 00 Mr.

William Mott, of Wall, Lichfield, wbo waf forn.eriy Mrs. Stephens, of Whitwell fa which district she was well anown. Ptoses ed was the daughter of Mr. James Ward, of Wiliey Place, near Fare bass, Surrey, and was married fa 1832 to Mr. John Haig, tba only son of Mr.

Joseph Heigh, of Bpringwooa, HuadersBeld, whs purchased the hit well estate. Mrs. Haigh married sec tod Mr. Arthur Stephens, who wao for some years private secretory to the lata Duke of Richmond. Mr.

Haigh died fa 1837, leaving aa oaiy surviving daughter, now the wife of Sir Edmund Leehmere, Bart, M.P., of Bbjdd Court, Worcestershire. On Friday aiternoon Mr. Rowland Childe, land and mineral surveyor, of Btomp Office Place. Wakefield, expired mddenly at his residence at Colder Grove, Cnggleetone. The deceased gentleman was a well-known member of his profession, and bad aa extenetve practice.

Ha succeeded Mr. Holt af Wakefield, with whom be was aoencioted for some years. Mr. Childe bad for some Use baaa acting 00 behalf of tba Wakt field Corporaatan fa several arbitration eases fa connection with the new waterworks, fa one of which (Messrs HeBiday'i claim) the umpire gave bit award last weak. Mr.

CblkWs death resulted from apoplexy. The deceased leaves a widow but no family. THE DAILY LIFE OF THE POPE. Tba Pope, new 78 years of age. leads a vary regular life, aad is fa a fair condition of health.

At 6 a.m. he celebrates mats in bis private chapel. At 7 be takes breakfast, consisting of ehojolate and milk, with sometimes raw ecgt beaten up. Immediately afterwards be receives the visits of his court, and Cardans! Jecobtai reports what has occurred fa tba world, and gives him an account of tba letters received on Papal basinets. Besides these official letters, others arrive fa great ambers from all parts of the world, most of them being from priests, mirtionariet, monks, and nans, while others contain sums cf money from pani'enta, and many are petitions for a bleating, pecuniary aid, or ad rice.

After tkese litters, in all lactuegts, bars been translated, aid thtir contents briefly reported to the Pope, they are placed in the Papal archives. Hundreds of tete-g rami also arrive recti day, the greater part asking for the benediction saorftt, wbieh naturally often only risdiot lis destination after the nn'inar aJtaaet, dead. Par its taltsjraphie eerreopoodsoMe the Yet wan mates boo of a numeral cypher. The greater part of the morning is thus passed fa bun-nets. At 1 o'clock the Pope dines, aad afterwards retires to bis private room until the heat of the daw ia peat.

At 6 p.m. be repairs to the Vatican garden, where hie carriage aaa him, At tba prettiest spot this garden there haa lUri' been erected an elegant kiorqo is Fast tie style, and the? tb Pope remains for soma taste, taking ccSee and other refresuir-i, to the Palace, bat pbvtBofaao having advfatd him rever to remain out of doors after ibmsI on aooouat of the malaria which prevails hi the valley below Mte Mario, At about nine o'efaek. after rmrhse ea bis kneeo far bag aa hoar, am retires to ted. a runs on tba touiet of the dty, aad fie or FPel polities that th. ItaSen or foreign joournaoV Preeisely a the narty breaks ssl ami rk Paan.

It to Stated that Mr. Alderman Cook will not again mat oat Beet Birmingham in the present cheotic condition of Libtooi party orsaafattioa. aad that Mr. Matthews, tie Bow Hoeae Secretary, will prone Dty oe re esecteg DROWNING FATALITIES. Two labourers, named Rowlands aad Keariek, at Chaster on Saturday, while endeavouring to secure a drilling boat the river, were canght by a rope aad swept into the water.

Both were drowned, although stated to be good swimmers. While betbmg at the Trow Rocks, Bear South Shields, yesterday afteraooa, two young men, named James Wilson and Thomas Townley, were observed to bo in difficulties. Before assistance reached them, they were drowned. Their bodies have bean recovered. Two mora man were drowned whilst bathing at Blackpool, They west to tbe assistance of an xo.

bather, who waa fa difficulty. The saa waa roach et the time, aad although everything possible was done, tba efforts made to save them were unavailing. 0 of the isnseaed was a boatman named Bd ward Maun, of Blackpool tbe other was a visitor from Manchester, whose earns to unknown. VOLUNTEER ENOAM PM EN IU IHE HALL a. MB HIRE RIFLES AT WHITBY, This fine regiment arrived at Whitby by special trains from Sheffield for a week's encampment under cenvss et Larpooj.

A lane number of townspeople at armfcled outside tbe stetson aad gave them a hearty greeting. The battalion is onder tbe command of Vieksre, and numbers about 1,000 man. On their arrival at Whitby on Batarday eveeiag, the battalion formed and, preceded by the bead, marched tbe camp. Here everything bad beau made ready for them by tbe fatigue party, under the command of Captain Smith, wbo arrived oa Thursday. During the evening tbe Volunteers wore engsged ia unpacking and making general arrangements for their week's encampment.

Yesterday morning the battalion attended tbe Parish Church, where a special service was bsld. Tbe inspection will take place next Fridav, when the number now in camp will be segmented by 200 or 300 Volunteers who were ujable to accompany ibe main body. On Saturday morning the Halifax Rifles, wbo had been in camp near Whitby for a week, depar ed for Iheir hemes. RENEWED RIOTING BELFAST, FATAL RESULT, IN The Press Association Belfast Correspondent ttlgrspbed on Batarday midnight Rioting wao rent wed at Belfast to-night Accurate details cannot yet be ascertained, but it appears that between eight axd nine o'clock a band, followed by a large crowd, passed np torards tbe disturbed quarter. Some Sanday School excursion paiiirt had passed by a few minutes before, and there wao good deal of exrite-mmt, the result being that stone-throwing waa 000a very freely indulged in on both tides.

Many persons were injured. The Hon. Colonel Forbes, end three policemen were brought to the Boyal Hospital for treatment at tbe does of tbe disturbances, aad had their wounds dressed. Btrcrel rtviliens were also brought in suffering from wt m-dt inflicted by stones. William Wallace received a bullet wound through the soft part of the thigh, atd a Isd, name unknown, was carried in dead, beiog shot through the chest end right leg.

Many shots were fired, end it is ttot-d that the police fired on the mob twice. At 1 1 .30 all war quiet. Telegrapbiig yesterday the same correspondent states that during tbe early part of the morning some alight skirmishes trok piece, but nothing serious occnricd. On Saturday night some public, houses were wrecked by tbe mob, and one was wrecked this morning. Ia addition to tbe led who was shot dead, a great many policemen and civilians were wounded, District-Inspector Townsend was amongst the more seriously injured.

Many arrests were made. Large bodies of police, some armed with rifles and ths rimainder with batons, have been constantly on duty in tbe disturbed districts the outbreak. SUICIDE IN RUSSIA The Hototti publishes some statistics, showing very plainly what a marked increase there has been of late years in the Bomber nfsuicidee and of insane persons, tbe total in the asylsjms of St Petersburg having mere than doubled within tba fast 10 years, end this increase is attributed by tbe -Voeossi to the development of pefeiwtKin aa much as to want In the 10 years from 1803 to 1813 tbe number of suicides in Russia was at the rate of 17 to every million habitants, whereas it to now 29 par million, while in 8t Petersburg itself there are 206 suicides per every million inhsh*tanto, as against 402 fa Paris, 170 fa Betlin, and 87 London. It is only within tbe lest 20 years that suicides bare been 00 numerous in St Petersburg, as io lr64 tbe total was only about 50 per anouat Ten years later the total bad just doublsd, the increase in the population being only 8 par cent, while tbe increase In the number of suicides was at the rate of 76 per coat In the next 10 years the pries of Of st end of house rent bad risen about 30 per cent, while tbe number suicides had increased at tie rate of COO per cent Tbe increeee in the number of the insana Las not kept pace with that of tbe suicides, rboosb it is no less then 35 per cent Classified sccordirg to their callings, two-thirds of the persons wbo commit suicido belong to the working classes, wbilo with regard to age tuieide is most frequent among those between 20 and 40. It io painful, how-etel, to gather from the statistics in question that there have been 57 attempts at suicide committed by children (42 beys, 15 girb) between eight end 15, ill-treatment being given as the cause In nearly half three rates, of which 89 per cent belonged to the wot king efatses.

NATIONA COM PETITION PRIZE WORKS HONOURS FOB A TORE MAN. We bare already mentioned fa tbe HrrnU that ia tbe National Competition of Schools of Art of the rnited Kingdom, Mr. Frederick Whitwell, eldest son of tbe late Mr. Geo. RWhitwell, of Blahs-street, York, was awarded a National Gold Modal for a design of a Cathedral church.

Mr. Whitwell was a student cf ths York School of Art, and the distinction he bas woa reflects credit on himself aad the local itstitntion with which be has so fang been eou-tected. Appended ere tome Press notices of Mr. Vi it well's rk. Gold medals have been awarded to two designs for buildings.

Tbe customary and academic design for a cathtdral church takes, as usual, a leading place, this time a student of York winning the prise, Frtderick WhitwelL The ordinary cruciform church, with nsve. aisles, choir, res rite, ead transepts, baptistery and chapter bouse, is represented ia a set cxqaisitrly-flnished ink-drawings, fall of elaborate detail. There are nine bays in nave, four ia choir, and the same number fa each transept. A narthex and baptistery are shown at the wast sad, and an octagonal enepter-bcuse in connection with tbe north transept In tbe centre over crossing ris moaaive tower end low opire. the west end is also flanked by to era and spires, aad the nave to covered by a gloined vault Completeness fa ft star so aad pro-f user ess of detail are eonwidared neeesoary to tbe et cent ion of a cathedral church, aod, as usual, the Middle Pointed or Decorated style to chosen as a matter of course to clothe so important and dignified st iccture.

One would have thought that sometimes tbe promoters of these competitions might tog sett as a change as earlier phase or one of later dote, instead of tbe most florid of the Gothic styles. If tbe choice of the Decorated to made with the view of exe reiair the handiwork of the draughtsman ws have nothing to say, for it will be admitted that the draughtsmanship is unsurpassed fa its not tunes and mmuts elaboration of detail, aad the author fully deserves ths prize he bao won. The circular window, full of intricate tracery, the gable termination, the drawing of towers, and the tide ele rations and sections, evince the moot patient and laborious labour, combined with knowledge of architectural detail of a very creditable kind. Ths Bsa-'sfasg Ibis tear more latitude is allowed to the ttudsnts who contribute architectural drawLige, aad fa eoa-srqoenee several ambitious works are to be seen. Tbe gold medal to gamed by P.

W. Whitwell, of Tcrk, for designs for a cathedral church. The drawings are all executed fa a workmanlike style.and with uniformity of line throughout. The sruuhefa are indt Suite, sod this is the more remarkable, aa the tame student bos elsewhere a frame which to a good specimen of free-hand drawing. Is ArcaUct.

Mr. Fred Whitwell't gold-medal dealra for a cathedral church to a piece of vary ilabwata GfCTfated Gothic, fa which, notwithstanding, there to exTMSderatto o-ratrieaT aad breadth. This dwiga hails from Xuk-IAs MM AraM, i-orci rresMeat of the 1 T. Council. I Lord Cranbrook, Chancellor of the Duchy i of Uneaster twd Not is vwa Casnvwr.

Lord Urutenant of Irs-1 land marquis of Londonderry Postmaster-Generei Mr. H. C. Baikea. S' Wshxter, tLO.

Solicitor-General Sir John Gorst Preaident of the Boerd of Trade Bdwifd tan hope. Vice-President "of 1 Connca Sto Henry Holland. First Commitsiener of 1 Works D- PlBuks. PsUonage BeesafarV Mr. A.

Akere-Douglas. Beerefary for Seotlaod Mr. A. J. Balfour.

ifa.d!!,rMa. Judge Advocate-General. Mr. Marriott. lord Chamberlain Earl of Latheaa, The following members of the new Government will have to oeek re-election, tbe figures given repre-tenting the majority at the recent contest: toed F.

rbnrehlll Mr. W. H. Smith Mr. H.

Matthewe Lord J. Manners Lcrd Geo. Bamltten Sir M. HU'ke-Beaib Mr. Plm.ket, Mr.

B.C baikea SltB later Mr. A. J. Baifoor Mr Alert III ustas Mr. H.

Ilolmet Ja8 Bast Birmingham 789 Die. of Leicester- tbire Untpposed. alina Div. Unopposed. Bristol Dublin t.81t Unoppot-d.

Maaeheotav' 61! Bast Kent Unopposed. Unlrrralty ltO Waltoti Dir. of Ltverpeol 1.191 3jm J- 0. ettson I. Marriott sir THE NBW MINISTRY.

Lonoo, Sanday Evening. Tbe Frees Aieociation says the constitution of the new Ministry having been virtually derided, there wss yesterday a general exodus from London of Con-strxsiive members desire us of taking advantage of the few days remaining before Parliament meets to obtain an interval of rest. The Carlton bao been almost deserted this and presents a striking cor Irast to what was wi'nessed there on Sunday fast, tbe attendance was abnormally large, aad the excitement eorrespotdmcly great. At tbe Junior Carlton and Constitutional Clubs, too, there woa a msiked absence of anything like political activity. Lord Baltbury left town yesterday for the country, herd Cranbrook for Hemetead Park, Staple hurst, ai Mr.

W. H. Smith for Henley-on-Thames. They will all return to London to-morrow. The special trains conveying the cntgnhg Ministers and members of the new Cabinet to Portemouib, sa route to Oeborre on Tuesday, will leave Victoria Station at 9 oO and 1 1 30 am.

respectively. The members of tbe Liberal Cabinet will reach Osborne about noon, and on iheir return thence will pass their soxeaeora in tbe Solent Earl Granville will uot, it is believed, accompany bis colleagues. THE VOLUNTEERS AT SHOEBURYNE8S. The Volunteer camp at Sboebaryneae opened on Ssturdsy, and above a thousand Volunteer! went uider canvas. The most noticeable feature of the meeting was the presence of the two drtscl ments of Canadian Volunteers, wbo landed at Liverpool only the night before.

Tbeirmtry into romp was greeted with load cheers frim lbs English detachments, aad tbay were after-wsidt entertained by tbe Royal Artflerv. ester- day tbsy attended Church parade, and the whole eon aas sft retards inspected by tbe Commandant 1 'I School of Gunnery. The wou at the 1 lent meeting will te distributed by Lord Wolaeley. RAILWAY ACCIDENT. An eerie! ent hsppened near the Crewkrrne Bvahrfa of the South-Western Bailwey on Saturday morning to the 10-30 up luggoge train.

After leaving Orew-kerce there is steep gradient, and when about a mile down the bank aa empty Uark in the cent-e of the train left tbe rails, and was ultimately throan down tbe bank. Other trucks were thrown off, end too of them much dtuteged. Tbe carriage attached to the tram was full of passengers, and three were i-janrt, a dy heting rveriaed a gash on tbe fort-brsd, whilst a gentleman had several of his teeth koekid out, and another gentleman received a severe ILi 12 th forehead. GREAT FIRE AT LEICESTER. I be extensive boot srd shos manufactory of ktsMrt Bead, Simpson, aad Nephews, at Leicester, said to be the Imgttt boot factory in the world, was destroyed by lire on Friday night The conflagration was dis-coven about an hour before midnight, and before the die brigade reached the premises the main build -irgs ware alight and the fire raging fiercely.

The butldii gs are adjoined by tbe stables of tbe Tramway Company, where many valuable horses are kept, Tbe Ere-brigadt had an at undent supply of water, and worked bard to prevent tbe spread of tbe conflagration to the adjacent buildings. At midnight the are wot making rapid headway, despite tbe most strati noes rxrrtkia, the fierce beat driving the firemen back. IXere were over 3,000 persons employed fa connection with the factory and warehouses, and the bulk of tbt le will thus be thrown oat of employment The nsmsge amounts to many thousands of pounds. ELECTION EXPENSES. EcritpALX.

On Friday, Mr. Mills, the Conservative agent for Borhdals, completed hie return of the expenses cf Mr. J. A. B.

Marriott, the Conservative candidate at the lete election for Rochdale. The expenses, not including the returning officer's charges, amount to 75 Is 6d. Tbe total expenses amounting to 322 It. 2d. Tbe Conssrvative candidate's experses at the previous election last year amounted to and the-Returning Officer's expenses brought tbe total up to 780 be.

Od. Wiota. The returns as to the expenses of the rardidates at the Wigan borough election are published. The expenses of Mr. F.

8. Powell, the soc-eestfnl Conservative candidate, amounted to 601 18s. and those of Mr. C. M.

Percy, his iberal opponent, to 332 3s. lOd. Tbe Returning Officer's charges were 100 as. Ad. for each candidate.

Mr, Powell's return includes 105, election agent's fee, which does not appear in Mr. Percy's li-t wfc'lst tbe Conservatives spent 162 in printing, stationery, and advertising, as against 112 by tbe Liberals and for polling agents, messengers, Ac. 96, as sgsinst 48. MORE HONOURS. Tke Queen has been pleased to direct that fatten patent thould be famed creating Lord Mooaoo a Viscount The Queen has signified ber intention to confer tbe honour of Knighthood on tbe following gentlemen Mr.

Brrjt Simon, M.P. Dr. B. W. Foster.

President of the Coo is oil of the British Medical Association, and late M.P. for Chester; Mr. J. D. Weston, late M.P.

for Bristol Mr. C. B. B. Kcrtrigbt, formerly H.M.

Consul at Philadelphia Mr. E. C. Buck, representing tbe Indian Government at Ibe Colonial and Indian Exhibition Col. E.

B. Bladen, lately Political Agent in Upper Barman -at Mr. P. Magnus, Head of the City Guild' Teeh-nicrl Institution at South Kensington. The official Court Circular of Saturday contains tbe following The Right Hon.

W. B. Gladstone arrived at Osborne yesterday, end had an audience of her Msjetty aad delivered up the Privy Seal, aad took leave on bis rroigaatioa. The Queen conferred the bono or of knighthood oa the following gentlemen Mr. John Tomes, F.B.C.S.

Mr. Douglas MaeLagan, M.D., Inspector of Medici! Jurisprudence, University of Ed to burgh Surgeon-General Thomas Long ni ore, C.B., Professor of Military Surgery. Net ley Mr. Samuel Lewis, late Director of Victualling for the Naw; Mr. Biehard Howard, Mayor of Weymouth; Mr.

Edward cievokmg, M.D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen Mr. -trace Jooee, Architect to fcr C.v of IxndoB. His Boyal Hsutb- Duke of Cot oauf 3 rrwoent with tar Majesty Genera! the Bight Hob. But Sary Poaooaby. K.Q.B..

aod Mayor JSaawe, wan fa six years The Ed in boro district that a ballot thould be taken in tba Committee as to which district thould be Brat con sidered when the stations are considered. At present tbe plan is to begin with Loodoa aad sad with Edinboro', and tbe result to that the Bdiaharw district thinks that it dose not receive quite as much attention os it to entitled to. It was decided to refer tbe matter to the Stationing Committee, the hope being expressed that for once at least, as ao expert meet, tbe wish of tbe Kd in boro district should met It was also decided that ao rule should be pessed about tbe new practice of singing hymns throughout instead of the minister reading the vereoa. One circuit asked for such a rule, but, tl'hough tba rt quest waa not granted, aa 1 1 km was expressed that tbe old custom was the best aad that the minister should not allow tbe eboir te take aay part uf tbe tervieo out of hie hands. The Bev.

P. W. Greaves wao thanked for hto service oa secretary of tbe Memorials Committee, ead reappointed. Tbe Secretary announced that be bad received an application from the Lancashire and Cheshire Bard of Hope Cnion, asking for information of the number of Band of Hope children fa the connexion. The secretary of the Sunday echool Usual was requested to furnish the required Xaa Mev.

U. nwraejet answered about the West Indian Coufa a dsKtstmon arose, which, The services of th'niwli-toto 1 aad the Conference closed early fa ths af Tbe Representative Conf or iota betms hah sad will bt com posed of nearly Bra Bausdred dele gate. Matters of great interest are likely to be dto- 1 toe easoaioa of pmautsBt ullage to especially likely to give rise to togto- ra formation, quastatms recce, aaal I not of table time..

The Yorkshire Herald and the York Herald from York, North Yorkshire, England (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.