Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (2024)

Table of Contents
Frequently Used Terms Essential Terms Ability Terms Crowd Control/CC Ability Terms Class Terms Death Knight 📌Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play a Death Knight? Druid 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Druid? Hunter 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Hunter? Mage 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Mage? Paladin 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Paladin? Priest 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Priest? Rogue 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Rogue? Shaman 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Shaman? Warlock 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Warlock? Warrior 📌 Basic Information 👀 Aesthetic Information 📝 General Class Information 💪 Specialization Information 🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Warrior? Closing Thoughts FAQs

If you want to save Azeroth from Deathwing’s mayhem, you’ll need to face battle and come out victorious. Druids, hunters, paladins, and other classes all have their place in saving this world. As an upcoming hero of either the Horde or the Alliance, you may be wondering which class best fits you. Or, perhaps, you’re a seasoned player looking for a change. Regardless, this guide will help you by reviewing the basics of each class and their specializations.

Table of Contents

  • Frequently Used Terms
  • Death Knight
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
  • Closing Thoughts

First, the vocabulary used here and in-game will be covered. We welcome you, new players! After everyone is on the same page, we’ll jump right into the list. Each class will have an overview of what it can do. This overview will be followed by specialization-specific information. After reading this article, you’ll have a better idea as to which classes and specializations best fit your playstyle.

Frequently Used Terms

World of Warcraft has a language that can be difficult to understand, and I’m not referring to the differences between Orcish and Common. This section will cover some terms used in this article that not all new players will know.

Essential Terms

  • Class: A class determines the main playstyle of a character. Depending on which race you choose, your class options will be limited. Some of these limitations were removed with the release of Cataclysm. On a gameplay side, your class determines what armor you may wear, what weapons you may wield, the roles you can fill, and the attributes that matter most to your effectiveness. When it comes to lore, each class has its own set of overall values and motives. Each class has three or four specializations.
  • Specialization: Your specialization determines the finer details of your class. Each spec is assigned a role. The roles include dealing damage up close, dealing damage from a distance, healing allies, and tanking. Your best abilities and spells will be determined by your specialization.
  • DPS: Standing for Damage Per Second, DPS players focus on killing enemies. Melee DPS players fight up close. Ranged DPS players deal damage from a distance. No matter how close or far away you are from your enemy, your goal as a DPS in a group is to deal as much damage as possible.
  • Healer: Healers are tasked with making sure their group survives encounters. Pretty self explanatory, right?
  • Tank: Tanks focus on getting the attention of enemies, making sure that other players don’t take excessive damage. Tanks are able to soak in attacks that would kill some DPS and healers.

Ability Terms

  • AoE - Stands for Area of Effect. These abilities can affect multiple targets in an area
  • Lust - Abilities that increase haste for the entire group are called lusts
  • Buff - Buffs are effects that bring something positive or helpful to the target, such as a stat boost
  • Debuff - Debuffs are effects that bring something negative or troublesome to the target, such as poisons
  • Interrupt/Kick - These abilities stop spellcasting
  • DoT - Stands for Damage over Time. These abilities slowly whittle away at your enemy’s health
  • Crowd Control/CC - Abilities that take a target (or multiple) out of the fight. Learn more below

Crowd Control/CC Ability Terms

  • Charm - Puts the target under the hold of the caster
  • Fear - Causes the target to run around, sometimes directly into danger
  • Stun - Causes targets to be unable to move or act
  • Incapacitate - Similar to a stun, but breaks upon damage
  • Sleep - Another type of stun
  • Disorient - Causes the target to slowly wander around, sometimes directly into danger
  • Polymorph - Turns targets into useless creatures
  • Banish - Causes targets to be immune to effects–a tricky one, for sure
  • Horror - Like fear effects, but usually shorter
  • Snare - Reduces the target’s movement speed significantly
  • Root - Forces targets to be still
  • Daze - Targets move at 50% speed and are dismounted
  • Grip - Repositions targets and often interrupts spellcasting

Class Terms

  • Death Knight
    • Class name abbreviated as DK
    • Death Grip abbreviated as grip
  • Druid
    • Class also called droods
    • Moonkin form also called boomkin
    • Mark of the Wild abbreviated as MotW
  • Hunter
    • Class also not-so-affectionately called huntards
    • Feign Death abbreviated as feign
  • Mage
    • Polymorph abbreviated as poly (or morph, rarely)
    • Conjure Refreshment also called table or food
  • Paladin
    • Class also called pally
  • Priest
    • Power Word: Fortitude abbreviated as fort
  • Rogue
    • Tricks of the Trade abbreviated as tricks or TotT
  • Shaman
    • Reincarnation also called Ankh
  • Warlock
    • Class also called lock
    • Soulstone Resurrection abbreviated as SS or stone
  • Warrior
    • Rallying Cry abbreviated as rally

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (1)

Death Knight

Death Knights have already died. As such, they do not fear death. They charge into battle, free from the shackles of mortal life, and fiercely defend their world. Spat on and cast out by their kin after being raised and forced to fight for the Lich King, not even death can stop these forgotten heroes from preventing tragedy.

📌Basic Information

  • All races can play as death knights
  • Death Knights serve as melee DPS or as tanks
  • Plate armor is best for this class
  • Swords, Maces, Axes, and Polearms are the weapons of choice for DKs

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Death Knights have bright blue eyes, a unique option that other classes don’t offer
  • Transmogs sets such as Saronite War Battleplate suit their deathly aura
  • To match their history, death knights also have a few other exclusive customization options, including sickly skin tones

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Runes are a builder resource used to power attacks, generating Runic Power in the process
    • Runic Power is a spender resource that should rarely if ever sit at cap
  • Runeforging
    • Death Knights get this exclusive ability to swap around weapon enchants for free. All it costs is a visit to Ebon Hold
  • Viability
    • Generally speaking, death knights will be viable well into this expansion. Their main weakness is a lack of mobility

💪 Specialization Information

  • Blood
    • Tank spec
    • High survivability
    • Deals some of the most damage out of all tanking specializations
    • Slow but powerful attacks
    • Heavy focus on resource management
  • Frost
    • Melee DPS spec
    • High sustained damage for single target
    • High burst damage for AoE
    • Dual wielding
    • Very fast pace of play
    • Heavy focus on adapting to your ever-shifting priorities
  • Unholy
    • Melee DPS spec
    • High burst damage for single target
    • High sustained damage for AoE
    • Solid survivability
    • Heavy focus on disease and pet damage

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play a Death Knight?

  • Because you’re a badass
  • They represent the Wrath of the Lich King expansion
    • This expansion just got pushed to old content in Classic–don’t let it be forgotten!
  • If you enjoy hitting hard and don’t mind low mobility, this may be the perfect class for you
  • Their eyes are solid blue. Enough said?

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (2)


Druids fight to defend nature and its balance. With the power of shapeshifting, they can take on the form of a beast or a natural wonder to defend their values. Druids are a jack of all trades class. Will you answer the call of the wild?

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as druids
    • Worgen
    • Night Elf
    • Troll
    • Tauren
  • Druids can serve as melee DPS, ranged DPS, tanks, or healers
  • Leather armor is best for this class
  • Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves, Maces, and Polearms are the weapons of choice for druids

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Druids can turn into majestic cats, mildly terrifying moonkin, aggressive bears, and more
  • Transmogs sets such as Cenarion Raiment match their druidic aura

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Mana, Rage, and Energy are the main resources for druids. Depending on your specialization, you’ll use a different one of the three
    • Eclipse Energy is a resource specific to the Balance spec. This resource has two subtypes, Solar and Lunar. Eclipse Energy is used to power a state in which your toon dishes out a lot more damage. This resource is interesting in that it rotates between the two types and has some more subtle mechanics to it
    • Combo Points are used by Feral DPS druids. Generated by certain attacks, these points can be used to power some of your best damaging abilities
  • Shapeshifting
    • Shapeshifting is what separates druids from other classes. As a druid, you have access to many forms depending on your talents and level. These forms are outlined below
    • Tree of Life is a shapeshift form for healers set on a three-minute cooldown
    • Feral druids can become agile cats or tanky bears
    • Moonkin form allows Balance druids extra armor and increases their DPS
    • Travel form turns you into a mount
  • Viability
    • Druids are likely to be one of the most heavily used and desired classes in Cataclysm. They are highly versatile, offering buffs and off-tanking/DPSing

💪 Specialization Information

  • Balance
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Strong in AoE and multitarget situations, but lacking in single target
    • Excellent utilities for your whole group
    • Heavy focus on creating the perfect storm–very rewarding for experienced players
  • Feral DPS
    • Melee DPS spec
    • High survivability thanks to tankiness
    • Heavy focus on decision making due to slower pace of play
  • Feral Tank
    • Tank spec
    • Unique playstyle for a tank (your focus will likely be dealing damage whenever possible)
    • Heavy focus on off-tanking/DPSing
  • Restoration
    • Healing spec
    • Unique playstyle for a healer (your focus is on healing over time)
    • Very good mobility
    • Heavy focus on proactive healing

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Druid?

  • Because you vibe with nature
  • Extremely good for gathering professions
  • Highly adaptable playstyle
  • Insert various animal noises here

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (3)


Hunters find their home in the wilderness, tracking their prey and upholding their values. Many hunters choose a pet to accompany them into battle, their bond unbreakable. With the help of these loyal companions, hunters defend Azeroth from all evil.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as hunters
    • Worgen
    • Night Elf
    • Human
    • Dwarf
    • Draenei
    • Undead
    • Troll
    • Tauren
    • Orc
    • Goblin
    • Blood Elf
  • Hunters can serve as ranged DPS
  • Mail armor is best for this class
  • Axes, Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Fist Weapons, Guns, Polearms, Staves, Swords, Two-Hand Axes, Thrown weapons, and Two-Hand swords are the weapons of choice for hunters. Depending on the specialization chosen, one of these will take priority, with ranged weapons being the most desirable

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Hunters can tame pets with over 100 unique appearances
  • Transmogs sets such as the Beastmaster Armor capture their affinity for the wilderness well

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Hunters use Focus to power their attacks. Focus regenerates over time
  • Pets
    • Depending on what pet you choose to tame, your approach to combat will be different. This is due to your pet’s type, or family, determining their purpose
    • Cunning pets are considered the best for multipurpose. They can provide helpful utilities, especially when your group is missing a buff
    • Ferocity pets focus on damage. They can also provide some utility, but are not as good as cunning pets when it comes to this task
    • Tenacity pets serve as tanks. They are excellent for solo players looking to defend Azeroth with nothing but themselves and their pet
  • Viability
    • Hunters are able to fill in gaps that no other class can by taming the right pet. As such, most raid teams will want at least one

💪 Specialization Information

  • Beast Mastery
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Can tame more exclusive pets than other specs
    • Very easy to play even when new to the rotation
    • Heavy focus on micromanaging your pet
  • Marksmanship
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Can provide a very useful raid buff for the whole party
    • Easy to play, although not quite as easy as Beast Mastery
    • Great for leveling up quickly
    • Heavy focus on cooldown management
  • Survival
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • The strongest specialization choice in most situations
    • Heavy focus on decision making, especially in comparison to other specs

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Hunter?

  • Because you want to pet all the cute animals
  • They’re great for beginners who want a ranged DPS class
  • Excellent movement
  • So you can fake your death, fool your family, and hunt forever in solitude!
    • Seriously, Feign Death is not a bad ability to have

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (4)


Intelligent and gifted with magical aptitude, any respectable mage spends most of their time studying. They wield their knowledge to defend their world, their allies, and their books.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as mages
    • Worgen
    • Night Elf
    • Human
    • Gnome
    • Dwarf
    • Draenei
    • Undead
    • Troll
    • Orc
    • Goblin
    • Blood Elf
  • Mages can serve as ranged DPS
  • Cloth armor is best for this class
  • Daggers, staves, swords, and wands are the weapons of choice for mages

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Depending on your specialization, you may want to use a transmog set that matches the rage of fire, the chill of frost, or the chaos arcane magic can bring
    • Transmog sets such as Dreadmist Raiment fit all mage specs
    • Transmog sets such as Apothecary’s Regalia fit fire mages well
    • Transmog sets such as Valorous Frostfire Garb fit frost mages well
    • Transmog sets such as Netherwind Regalia fit arcane mages well

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Mages use the classic resource Mana to power their attacks
  • Spells
    • Polymorph is a fun spell to play with. It allows you to turn your foes into useless creatures, forcing them to waddle around mindlessly as a turkey or scamper straight into lava as a rabbit. Just keep the fun outside of the raid, please!
    • Teleportation is possible as a mage. You can either transport yourself to a place like Tol Barad or take your party to Dalaran with a portal
    • You can make Mana Strudels for your party–and you don’t even have to worry about burning them in the oven!
  • Viability
    • As usual, mages are considered S-tier in most DPS rankings

💪 Specialization Information

  • Arcane
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Great burst damage
    • Heavy focus on resource management and timing
  • Fire
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Excellent AoE damage
    • Wonderful mobility
    • Heavy focus on utilizing chance occurrences, also known as procs
  • Frost
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Mainly for PvP content
    • Best CC abilities out of the mage specs
    • Some pet management
    • Heavy focus on crowd control and utility

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Mage?

  • Because you’re smart (or want to pretend you are)
  • So you can turn your enemies into turkeys
  • For the portals!
  • …or for the delicious Mana Strudels!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (5)


Justice. Honor. Holiness. These are the things any paladin values. Paladins stand strong in the face of adversity, as they know that the light will always triumph. Azeroth shall not fall so long as this class remains!

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as paladins
    • Human
    • Dwarf
    • Draenei
    • Tauren
    • Blood Elf
  • Paladins can serve as melee DPS, tanks, or healers
  • Plate armor is best for this class
  • Swords, Maces, Axes, Shields, and Polearms are the weapons of choice for paladins

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Paladins can summon an Argent Warhorse for a mount. Depending on their level and race, they may get access to other class mounts, such as the Exarch’s Elekk or the Sunwalker Kodo
  • Transmogs sets such as the Lightbringer Battlegear show their devotion to justice

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Mana is the basic resource for paladins, used by numerous other classes in the game
    • Holy Power is the resource paladins use to power their best attacks. Mana consuming abilities build up this resource
  • Blessings and Hands
    • Blessing of Might can be used to help your party hit harder
    • Blessing of Kings can be used to boost your party’s stats and increase their resistance to magic
    • Hand of Freedom can help an ally escape a movement impairing effect
    • Hand of Protection can defend an ally from attacks, potentially saving them
    • Hand of Reckoning taunts the target to attack you
    • Hand of Sacrifice can spare an ally from damage at your expense
    • Hand of Salvation helps reduce threat over time
  • Viability
    • Paladins are extremely competitive in raids thanks to their defensive nature and their equally impressive DPS or healing

💪 Specialization Information

  • Holy
    • Healing spec
    • Heavy utilization of Mana
    • Excellent healing for two targets
    • Heavy focus on positioning and resource management
  • Protection
    • Tank spec
    • Excellent for AoE threat situations
    • Very durable even in oftentimes fatal fights
    • Heavy focus on self-sustainment, cooldowns, and gear
  • Retribution
    • Melee DPS spec
    • Best against single targets or in 4+ target situations
    • Great mana efficiency
    • Provides raid utilities
    • Heavy focus on bursts of damage and cooldown management

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Paladin?

  • Because you want to have the survivability of a co*ckroach in a world without bug spray
  • To bring justice to the Horde!
  • To bring justice to the Alliance!
  • To bring justice while riding a cool class mount!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (6)


They may be far from their shrine, but the devotion of a priest never falters. Using their inherent holiness to heal the wounded, many priests find their fulfillment to be in the field rather than in the temple. Not all priests walk peacefully, though. Many priests use the harrowing powers of the void to avenge the fallen and protect their world.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as priests
    • Worgen
    • Night Elf
    • Human
    • Gnome
    • Dwarf
    • Draenei
    • Undead
    • Troll
    • Tauren
    • Goblin
    • Blood Elf
  • Priests can serve as ranged DPS or healers
  • Cloth armor is best for this class
  • Daggers, Maces, Staves, and Wands are the weapons of choice for priests

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Shadowform engulfs you in semi-transparent void
  • Transmogs sets such as Gossamer Regalia match their holy mission

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Priests use Mana to power abilities. The emphasis on Mana varies depending on your specialization
  • Utility
    • With abilities such as Leap of Faith and Mass Dispel, the utility priests can bring cannot be questioned
  • Viability
    • Discipline priests are excellent healers, while the Holy spec is not quite as desired. Shadow priests can find a place in most groups. Overall, priests are pretty viable in this expansion!

💪 Specialization Information

  • Discipline
    • Healing spec
    • Excels at single target tank healing
    • Can heal through dealing damage with Atonement—heavily desired
    • Rewarding to players who learn boss mechanics
    • Heavy focus on dishing out damage when possible
  • Holy
    • Healing spec
    • Amazing for AoE healing situations
    • Chakra states bring a unique aspect to their playstyle
    • Heavy focus on adapting to the situation and resource management
  • Shadow
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Best in longer fights that allow ramp up time
    • Damage over time and AoE abilities define this spec’s playstyle
    • Heavy focus on maintaining DoTs, positioning, and finding enjoyment in their somewhat difficult playstyle

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Priest?

  • Because you’re dedicated to your spiritual values
    • Or just insane, for the Shadow spec
  • They’re a wonderful healer class
  • For the challenge
    • Especially if you plan to main a Shadow or Holy priest
  • To remain pure despite the blood on your armor!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (7)


The only moral code a rogue is willing to obey is their contract’s terms and conditions. If there’s a bounty on your head, you best keep a watch on the shadows…as these skilled outlaws will be watching you from them. Rogues will defend Azeroth for the right price, but don’t get too comfortable around them.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as rogues
    • Worgen
    • Night Elf
    • Human
    • Gnome
    • Dwarf
    • Undead
    • Troll
    • Orc
    • Goblin
    • Blood Elf
  • Rogues can serve as melee DPS
  • Leather armor is best for this class
  • Bows, Crossbows, Daggers, Fist Weapons, Guns, Maces, Swords, and Thrown weapons are the weapons of choice for rogues. Depending on several factors, one of these will be preferred

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Transmog sets such as Bloodfang Armor blend in with the shadows and bloodshed rogues desire

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Energy is the main resource rogues use. It passively regenerates over time, similar to some other resources used by other classes
    • Combo Points are generated by certain abilities. They can be used to increase the potency of a strong attack
  • Poisons
    • Deadly Poison stacks nature damage on your target
    • Instant Poison deals immediate nature damage to your target
    • Wound Poison reduces the healing your target can receive
    • Crippling Poison slows your target
    • Mind Numbing Poison increases your target’s casting speed
  • Viability
    • Rogues are going to be viable throughout this expansion thanks to their high DPS and utility

💪 Specialization Information

  • Assassination
    • Melee DPS spec
    • Good at single target fights
    • Useful for mass AoE fights involving over 10 targets
    • Provides Master Poisoner, helping your party’s spell damage
    • Heavy focus on resource management and using the right tools at the right times
  • Combat
    • Melee DPS spec
    • Very good burst damage
    • Best for fights that involve more than one target
    • Provides Savage Combat, helping your party’s physical damage
    • Heavy focus on resource management with a fairly simple rotation
  • Subtlety
    • Melee DPS spec
    • Niche specialization, meant for specific situations rather than all or most gameplay
    • Best for fights that do not involve AoE and require bursts of damage
    • Provides Hemorrhage, helping your party’s bleed damage
    • Heavy focus on adapting to what your party needs and learning to enjoy the challenge this spec often brings

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Rogue?

  • Because your morals can be bought and sold
  • To get an easy spot in most 10-player content
  • So you can show off your mastery of more than one spec
    • Most experienced rogues know at least two of the specializations very well, as they are all meant for different purposes
  • For the high DPS numbers!
  • …or for the contract money!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (8)


Shamans have mastered the elements and bend them to their will. It is their calling to tame the chaos of earth, fire, water, and air. Some wish to use their elemental mastery to return to their humble roots and guide their old community with wisdom and patience, while others rise to the call of battle.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following races can play as shamans
    • Dwarf
    • Draenei
    • Troll
    • Tauren
    • Orc
    • Goblin
  • Shamans can serve as melee DPS, ranged DPS, or healers
  • Mail armor is best for this class
  • Axes, Daggers, Fist Weapons, Maces, and Staves are the weapons of choice for shamans

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Shamans can turn into spectral wolves, running fast and looking cool in the process
  • Transmog sets such as The Ten Storms convey the elemental understanding shamans possess

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Mana is the main resource for shamans, used by all specializations but especially valued by Restoration shamans
  • Totems
    • Shamans have access to many totems. One of each type can be up at once. Below, you’ll find one example of each category and how it is helpful. They go in the order of air, earth, water, and then fire
    • Wrath of Air Totem provides increased spell haste for nearby party members
    • Tremor Totem can help remove certain negative effects from your party. Sleep effects are included
    • Healing Stream Totem provides a small amount of extra healing to your party and has a long duration
    • Fire Elemental Totem summons a greater fire elemental that helps you deal extra damage
  • Viability
    • Shamans are rather popular in this expansion, with Elemental shamans being the most commonly desired out of the three specializations

💪 Specialization Information

  • Elemental
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Glyph of Unleashed Lightning improves mobility
    • Decent burst ability
    • If you plan on also playing Restoration, these two specs share gear
    • Heavy focus on staying alive despite being squishy and finding a way to enjoy the simple rotation
  • Enhancement
    • Melee DPS spec
    • High mobility with the right talents for Ghost Wolf
    • Best for AoE fights
    • Good defensive cooldowns
    • Heavy focus on off-healing, especially in single target fights
  • Restoration
    • Healing spec
    • Great stacked healing within 40 yards
    • Can choose between mobility or mana sustainment
    • Heavy focus on resource management and triage healing thanks to Mastery: Deep Healing

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Shaman?

  • Because you’ve mastered the elements
  • They’re extremely good for utility thanks to totems
  • To become a wolf!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (9)


While most see only the need to exterminate demons, warlocks see the need to subjugate them. Meddling in powers feared by the masses, these outcasts fight using servants who will serve their master without objection. It’s hard to object when you don’t have free will, after all.

📌 Basic Information

  • The following classes can play as warlocks
    • Worgen
    • Human
    • Gnome
    • Dwarf
    • Undead
    • Troll
    • Orc
    • Goblin
    • Blood Elf
  • Warlocks can serve as ranged DPS
  • Cloth armor is best for this class
  • Daggers, Staves, Swords, and Wands are the weapons of choice for warlocks

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • The demons look cool, although the succubi could be far more seductive
  • Transmog sets such as Embersilk Battlegear capture the essence of brooding mystery many warlocks have

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Mana is used to fuel some abilities
    • Soul Shards are used to power your most useful abilities. They are generated during combat using certain spells. Depending on how you play your toon, you may also be able to generate this resource outside of combat
  • Demons
    • Felhunters are especially useful if a lot of your party members need extra mana or if a silence ability is needed
    • Imps can provide extra stamina and a friendly dispel
    • Succubi can knock your enemies back or disable them for a solid length of time if they are humanoids
    • Voidwalkers serve as emergency tanks or a personal healer for their warlock
  • Viability
    • With high DPS and excellent utility, warlocks of all specializations will be desired in most forms of content

💪 Specialization Information

  • Affliction
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Slow ramp-up but high DPS overall
    • Heavy focus on maintaining DoT abilities and fights that involve plenty of mobs
  • Demonology
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Benefits from being in melee range
    • Extremely good damage in both single target and AoE fights
    • Heavy focus on pet management and positioning
  • Destruction
    • Ranged DPS spec
    • Decent burst damage
    • Can help control extra mobs in big pulls
    • Heavy focus on learning and enjoying the simple rotation

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Warlock?

  • Because you’ve been exiled for being weird
  • For the Healthstone and Soulstone abilities
    • Incredible utilities desired in most content
  • Enough said?

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (10)


Few things are as terrifying as a warrior’s battle cry. Pissed off and strong isn’t a fun combination to fight, and unfortunately for their enemies, warriors are both. They defend Azeroth by putting their anger to good use through their weaponry.

📌 Basic Information

  • All races can play as warriors
  • Warriors can serve as melee DPS or tanks
  • Plate armor is best for this class
  • Any weapon that’s not a Wand is the weapon of choice for warriors

👀 Aesthetic Information

  • Transmog sets such as Battlegear of Valor emphasize the might of a true warrior

📝 General Class Information

  • Resources
    • Rage fuels the attacks of warriors. It is generated through dealing damage or receiving damage
  • Stances
    • Battle Stance reduces incoming damage and increases outgoing damage by 5%
    • Berserker Stance increases outgoing damage by 10%
    • Defensive Stance reduces incoming damage by 10%
  • Viability
    • Warriors are most viable as the Arms specialization

💪 Specialization Information

  • Arms
    • Melee DPS spec
    • High survivability compared to most DPS specs
    • Good mobility and damage output
    • Heavy focus on engaging with your abilities–this is NOT a mindless class!
  • Fury
    • Melee DPS spec
    • Good burst damage
    • Solid choice for the execute phase of fights
    • Heavy focus on maintaining your simple rotation and gearing up
  • Protection
    • Tank spec
    • Good damage for a tank spec without sacrificing threat generation
    • Requires more raid support than some other tanks
    • Diverse toolkit for utility and gap closing
    • Heavy focus on cooperating with your group and adapting to your abilities

🤷‍♂️ Why Should You Play Warrior?

  • Because you have anger issues
  • Big weapons and big health pools
  • Good mobility compared to most melee-oriented classes

Closing Thoughts

Azeroth is in danger. Now more than ever, brave heroes are needed to save her from tumult. After reading this article, you now may decide how you will aid her. Will your loyalty be purchased as a rogue? Can you balance the elements as a shaman in these shifting times? Is a priest capable of saving others in a world overrun by darkness? Only you can decide. Now, go explore the classes that spiked your interest, and remember to have fun!

Which Class is the Best for You in WoW Cata? (2024)


What is the best class in Cata? ›

Classic Cataclysm Overall Tier List Rankings
S-TierPaladin, Priest, Death Knight
A-TierDruid, Warlock
B-TierRogue, Mage, Shaman
C-TierHunter, Warrior
7 days ago

What is the best solo class in Cata Classic? ›

Cataclysm Classic Best Solo Class
  • Death Knight: They are very sturdy because they have self-healing and wear plate armor. ...
  • Paladin: Like Death Knights, Paladins also have a good amount of defense with self-heals and plate armor. ...
  • Hunter: They have a special weapon – their pets!
May 27, 2024

What is the best tank in Cata? ›

Blood Death Knights are the only S-Tier tank in Cataclysm Classic, and with good reason. They are, in almost every aspect of tanking, the strongest of all 4 specializations, and perform absolutely exceptionally at launch, as well as throughout the entire expansion.

Is Warrior good in Cataclysm? ›

Warrior is very viable in Cataclysm. Arms is one of the strongest DPS classes in the game throughout all phases.

What is the best warlock class in Cata Classic? ›

Orc — The best pick for all three Warlock Specializations. Summon Doomguard. Command increases the damage your demons do by an additional 5%. Your Felguard and Felhunter do an insane amount of damage in Cataclysm, so this just adds to it.

What is the easiest class to level solo in classic WoW? ›

Hunter. Leveling: The one class that has zero trouble leveling. Just kite mobs until you get your first pet at level 10 and then hop in on the train to level 60. Keep in mind that Pets in WoW Classic need to be looked after!

What is the most popular class in WoW classic? ›

Warrior Class

Warriors stand out as an consistently overpowered class in World of Warcraft. They are the most popular class for good reason, capable of functioning as tanks, dealing impressive damage, and posing a significant threat to enemies.

Is Rogue hard to play in Cataclysm? ›

I love rogues, theyre easy to level and are the ultimate pvp class. Although it is kinda repetitive ( Shadowstep,Ambush,Eviscerate=kill) it will easily be one of the funnest class you play. I think they have everything that one playing a paladin is missing. I am only sad that you can be a druid and be a rogue.

What is the most fun class in WoW? ›

Besides Evoker, Rogue is also among the most fun classes in World of Warcraft currently. It can be hard to play as a Rogue at times, but it is incredibly fun if you can pull it off as the payoff is huge. The damage you inflict is some of the highest in the game.

What is the easiest class to play in WoW? ›

WoW Best Class for Beginners
  • Hunter: Hunters are a ranged DPS class that is great for beginners due to their simplicity and versatility. ...
  • Paladin: Paladins are a versatile class that can fill multiple roles, including tanking, healing, and DPS.

Is Warrior tank good in Cata? ›

You will be able to tank every dungeon and raid just fine as a warrior. However, you will be at a massive disadvantage compared to death knights and Druids. Cata introduced Mastery and they tripled down on warriors being the block tanks.

What was the best DPS in cataclysm? ›

Possibly the best DPS class spec in Cataclysm, Fire Mages have it all. With a wide array of damage tools, utility, and even a buff, you are guaranteed a spot if you run this spec in raids. PROS: Incredible single-target and AoE damage Combustion, Impact.

What is the best class for hunters in Cataclysm? ›

Survival Hunters are the best specialization come Pre-Patch. They are the best in both single target DPS and AoE. From a raid buff perspective they can be useful and provide a 10% attack speed buff for all raid members thanks to Hunting Party.

What is the max level in Cata? ›

Gameplay. With the release of Cataclysm, the maximum player level was raised from 80 to 85.

What is the best DPS raid in Cataclysm? ›

The Frost Death Knight is the best DPS specialization in Cataclysm. It is because of the high damage output and useful utility that it provides. Frost Death Knights are masterful at dealing with both single targets and AoE. That gives them an edge in many different raid encounters.

What is the best race for mage in Cata Classic? ›

Best Races for Fire Mage DPS. in PVE content, you'll want to be a Worgen because of both the critical strike chance increase as well as the on-demand movement it provides which can help out of a bad situation.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.