Why Restaurants Don't Use Air Fryers: Top 3 Reasons (2024)

The world of culinary arts is full of the latest and greatest innovations and cooking crazes. As a popular and beloved cooking appliance in residential kitchens, the air fryer is one item on this list. But what about the restaurant industry? Do air fryers carry much weight and value in commercial settings?

The truth is, many eateries and food service establishments don’t typically use this appliance. Why? Let’s take a closer look at the top three reasons restaurants don’t use air fryers.

Air Fryers Reduce Taste Quality

Out of the top three reasons restaurants don’t use air fryers, the taste is the leading cause. It has numerous benefits and can cook food efficiently. However, the taste can be subpar compared to other cooking methods available at the commercial level.

People traditionally enjoy the authentic taste of conventionally fried or deep-fried food items. Customers who go to restaurants for these menu items desire—and expect—that delicious taste and texture. Air fryers simply don’t provide the real deal for those who seek it.

Not Enough Volume Capacity

Some restaurant customers may prefer this alternative cooking method, not minding the diverse taste. However, most air fryers don’t offer the same capabilities as traditional commercial kitchen equipment due to their size and speed. Larger, deep, or open air fryers can cook more food items at a time, leading to a faster service rate. You can’t beat that cost-benefit ratio and unrivaled productivity. Thus, this cost efficiency makes the most sense for most food service businesses today.

Limited Cooking Applications

At their core, air fryers are essentially smaller-sized convection ovens. For this reason, commercial businesses don’t benefit from them. Convection ovens may find uses in the food industry for certain items but have many limitations for broader service menus. Air fryers aren’t logical appliances for every restaurant’s offerings, as their temperature settings can dry out or burn the food. Investing in combination ovens and deep fryers is a far more valuable and efficient solution for modern establishments.

DSL is a supplier of top-quality food service equipment, and we offer a high-capacity open pot fryer from Henny Penny to suit your commercial business’s needs. Read through the product specifications on our website or inquire about a quote today. We’re always here to provide food service solutions to help grow your business.

Why Restaurants Don't Use Air Fryers: Top 3 Reasons (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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