Q: You are my last hope. I went to a bar in Decatur in the early '90s to hear a country singer, Jerry Fagan. He played here and in Nashville. He has a sound like Willie Nelsen, and writes his own songs. I bought tapes after his shows, and they're almost all I listened to. I gave them to someone to burn a CD, and when I got the tapes back, they had rap music taped over them. I'll purchase tapes or CDs of his music, new or used. Can you please help me find it? — Renee Descente, Cumming
A: Country music singer and songwriter Jerry Fagan used to play at the Hoss and Saddle in Doraville as well as Fagan's in Tucker. Today, he lives in Wildwood, Ga., not far from Chattanooga, where he recently built a recording studio under the name Frog Pond Productions. You can order his CDs through his website, www.jerryfagan.com, where you'll also find a mailing address as well as a direct phone number. You can email him at jerryfaganmusic@gmail.com.
Q: I have a friend who can no longer locate Libby's potted meat. Only Libby's will do! Can you please check to see if this has been discontinued? Thank you. — B. Brock, Decatur
A: I’ve had a few readers asking about Libby’s potted meat food product because it’s been off store shelves for a while, and it’s not even available to purchase online. Libby’s potted meat food product, which came in 3-ounce tins, combined some interesting ingredients, including mechanically separated chicken, pork skin, partially defatted pork fatty tissue, partially defatted beef fatty tissue and vinegar. And, for good measure, it also contained assorted spices, sugar, sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrate. I’m sorry to disappoint your friend, but according to the representative I spoke with at ConAgra Foods, the potted meat food product was discontinued last July, with no current plan to bring it back.
Q: I have been trying to find Edy's Espresso Chip ice cream. Last year it was available everywhere, not anymore in my area. Can you help me? Thanks. — Ulrike Gorgens, Atlanta
A: Edy’s Espresso Chip Grand ice cream is still around but stock is limited, and you’ll have to drive a bit to find it. Currently it’s available at Kroger, 3595 Canton Road, Marietta, 770-924-7930. This store sells Edy’s Espresso Chip Grand ice cream, which teams coffee ice cream with chocolate-espresso chips, for $4.99 per tub.
Q: I have read in two different magazines that "00" flour is the way to go for superior pizza crust. Where can I find some? — M. Oliver, email
A: Flour that’s labeled as 00 — zero zero — is super fine and excellent for preparing traditional Neapolitan pizza that features a thin, crisp crust with a bit of chew inside. Unfortunately, the Atlanta area isn’t exactly rife with Italian delis, but I did find one that’s worth the search. Check out E. 48th Street Market, Italian Food Specialties, 2462 Jett Ferry Road, Dunwoody, 770-392-1499. This family-owned place combines a bakery, deli, market, restaurant and wine shop at one location. You’ll find special wine tasting events, and the Augello family also caters. The store stocks Antico Molino Napoli tipo 00 Antimo Caputo flour. A 2.2-pound bag costs $2.99.