When is the best time to drink orange juice? Should I drink it before going to bed? (2025)

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When is the best time to drink orange juice and whether to drink it before going to bed is probably the common concern of many people who love this drink. Orange juice is very good for health, but it should be drunk at the right time and in the right amount. Overuse of orange juice can lead to the risk of "benefit and harm" and lead to many other health consequences.

1. What are the health benefits of orange juice?

Orange juice is considered a great drink, not only low in calories but also gives you an instant energy boost. Thanks to its rich content of vitamins, minerals, and a host of antioxidants, plant compounds and flavonoids, drinking orange juice in moderation every day can provide many miraculous health benefits, including Includes:
1.1 Strengthens the Immune System With its rich vitamin C content, adding orange juice to your daily diet can help you reduce your risk of seasonal colds, while enhancing the function of your system. immune system. In addition, vitamin C in orange juice also contributes to fighting free radicals that accelerate the premature aging process and supports the body to better absorb nutrients such as calcium and iron. Not only that, orange juice also provides the necessary amount of collagen, which helps to repair cell damage and promote the growth of new tissues.
1.2 Improve Digestive System Function Drinking orange juice in moderation can provide many great benefits for the digestive system and stomach. The active ingredients in orange juice help reduce stomach ulcers by stabilizing the digestive process and reducing excess gastric juice as well as the amount of acid in the stomach.
People who often suffer from constipation or diarrhea can drink orange juice to enhance intestinal activity and overcome these conditions early. On the other hand, orange juice also has a cleansing effect on the digestive system and stomach thanks to its alkaline and acidic properties. Moreover, orange juice also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, helping to prevent and reverse flatulence, especially for women.
1.3 Helps the body to detox Another outstanding property of orange juice is good detoxification. When drinking orange juice daily can help improve kidney function, reduce pain caused by the effects of kidney stones. In addition, this type of water also contains citrate and citric acid, which help reduce the risk of developing and forming kidney stones. In addition, orange juice also has alkalizing properties, helping to dissolve the acids that form waste in the kidneys, thereby effectively cleaning the blood. Thanks to this use, orange juice is considered a natural detoxifier, helping to cleanse the liver and digestive tract with the help of enzymes.
1.4 Helps improve blood circulation Orange juice contains a large amount of folate, which is involved in the formation of DNA and helps to protect the healthy growth of cells. The mineral folate also has anti-free radical effects and prevents cell damage. Just drinking a glass of orange juice a day can help blood in the muscles and other organs work more smoothly and regularly. In addition, drinking orange juice also helps stimulate the formation of new red blood cells and significantly reduces cell oxidation.

2. Is drinking orange juice at night good?

Many people wonder whether to drink orange juice before going to bed, the answer is no. At night, the body will enter a state of rest and no longer work too much. If you drink orange juice at night before going to bed, it can lead to phenomena such as bloating or fullness. These conditions are very likely to occur when the stomach has to work hard to digest food. At this time, drinking orange juice will make the digestive system uncomfortable, creating a feeling of sluggishness and heaviness in the abdomen.
In addition, orange juice is also a natural diuretic, so you also need to avoid consuming this drink at night because it can increase the frequency of urination, leading to disrupting the normal sleep cycle. and make you lose sleep. Not only that, night time is also the time when the body relaxes and minimizes energy expenditure, so drinking orange juice at this time can cause excess energy, leading to mineral accumulation and easy cause weight gain.
Besides, drinking orange juice at night also reduces the ability to support the treatment of kidney stones. Not only that, this also increases the formation of kidney stones due to the accumulation of excess minerals.
Another consequence of drinking orange juice late at night is damage to tooth enamel. The amount of sugar in orange juice is quite high, so if you finish drinking it and do not clean your teeth before going to bed, it can lead to tooth decay or damage tooth enamel.

3. When should you drink orange juice for health?

Through the above information, you probably know that you shouldn't drink orange juice at night, so when is the best time to drink orange juice for health? According to the recommendations of nutritionists, you should drink orange juice at the following times:
3.1 Drink orange juice after breakfast about 1-2 hours You need to avoid drinking orange juice right before or after breakfast because it can provide a large amount of sugar, which can easily cause sugar to ferment and cause stomach upset or gas. According to recommendations, the most appropriate time to drink orange juice is from 1-2 hours after breakfast, when the body is not too full or too hungry. In addition, at this time, the stomach has just digested the food and is ready for the new task. On the other hand, drinking orange juice after breakfast for 1-2 hours also contributes to supporting the body's purification process, beautifying the skin, anti-aging and preventing oxidation.
3.2 Drinking orange juice after a physical workout After an intense physical activity session, the body needs to rehydrate and replenish the energy lost through exercise. At this point, orange juice is the ideal choice for you. In particular, those who regularly practice heavy weights or do cardio can drink orange juice to supplement the body's essential energy source. So, you have the answer to the question of when is the best time to drink orange juice, right?
3.3 Drink orange juice within 2 hours of juicing or squeezing orange juice squeezing or squeezing often takes away some essential minerals and nutrients. Moreover, when exposed to air for a long time, the remaining nutrients in orange juice can be gradually lost. Therefore, experts often recommend that people drink orange juice within 2 hours of squeezing or squeezing to ensure that they get all the nutrients.

4. When should orange juice be avoided?

In addition to avoiding consuming orange juice late at night before going to bed, you also need to minimize drinking orange juice at the following times:
Avoid drinking orange juice on an empty stomach, because the acidity in this drink can damage the lining of the stomach, making stomach pain worse. Avoid drinking orange juice before brushing your teeth because the acid in the drink can stick to the enamel surface, through the process of rubbing with the brush, it can cause severe damage to the enamel. Avoid drinking orange juice after drinking milk because the amount of protein in milk can interact with vitamin C and tartaric acid in orange juice. This reaction can adversely affect the digestive process, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, ...

5. The recommended dose of orange juice is good for the body

Not only need to pay attention to the best time to drink orange juice, you also need to pay attention to the dose used. Although orange juice has many health benefits, overuse or drinking large amounts of orange juice for a long time can lead to many health problems such as stomach ulcers, diabetes. ,... Here is the recommended dose of orange juice for your body that you should refer to:
For young children: Do not give children too much orange juice because it can lead to allergies. For adults: Supplement about 75-90mg of vitamin C/day, equivalent to 1 medium sized orange with a diameter of 4-5cm. Pregnant/lactating women: Take 85-120mg of vitamin C/day. So through the above information, you can answer the question of when is the best time to drink orange juice. In order to get the best health benefits from drinking orange juice, don't forget to choose oranges of clear, fresh origin and avoid pickling preservatives.

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When is the best time to drink orange juice? Should I drink it before going to bed? (2025)
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