What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (2025)

Investors around the world are making impact investments to unleash the power of capital for good. Continue reading to learn about the core characteristics of impact investing, who is making impact investments, the results these investments can achieve, and more. A version of this primer, answering many of the most frequently asked questions about impact investing, is available for download as well. Share it with a friend or on social media.

  • What is impact investing?
  • Elements of impact investing
  • Why impact investing?
  • Who is making impact investments?
  • How do impact investments perform financially?
  • Global examples of impact investing
  • How big is the impact investing market?
  • What is the current state of the impact investing market?
  • Where can I go for more information?
  • What is impact investing?

    impact investments
    im·pact in·vest·ments
    NOUN:Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.

    Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments can be made in both emerging and developed markets, and target a range of returns from below market to market rate, depending on investors' strategic goals.

    The growing impact investment market provides capital to address the world’s most pressing challenges in sectors such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, conservation, microfinance, and affordable and accessible basic services including housing, healthcare, and education.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (1)

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  • Elements of impact investing

    The practice of impact investing is further defined by the following elements.

    Note: On April 3, 2019, the GIIN published the Core Characteristics of Impact Investing, which complement this definition and aim to provide even further clarity about how to approach impact investing. View these four tenets that establish baseline expectations for impact investing, here >

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (2) INTENTIONALITYAn investor’s intention to have a positive social or environmental impact through investments is essential to impact investing.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (3) INVESTMENT WITH RETURN EXPECTATIONSImpact investments are expected to generate a financial return on capital or, at minimum, a return of capital.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (4) RANGE OF RETURN EXPECTATIONS AND ASSET CLASSESImpact investments target financial returns that rangefrom below market (sometimes called concessionary) to risk-adjusted market rate, and can be made across asset classes, including but not limited to cash equivalents, fixed income, venture capital, and private equity.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (5) IMPACT MEASUREMENTA hallmark of impact investingis the commitment of the investor to measure and report the social and environmental performance and progress of underlying investments, ensuring transparency and accountability while informing the practice of impact investing and building the field.

    Investors’ approaches to impact measurementwill vary based on their objectives and capacities, and the choice of what to measure usually reflects investor goals and, consequently, investor intention. In general, components of impact measurement best practices for impact investing include:

    - Establishing and stating social and environmental objectives to relevant stakeholders
    - Setting performance metrics/targets related to these objectives using standardized metrics wherever possible
    - Monitoring and managing the performance of investees against these targets
    - Reporting on social and environmental performance to relevant stakeholders

    Learn more about the Core Characteristics of Impact Investing launched on April 3, the four tenets that establish baseline expectations for impact investing, here >

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  • Why impact investing?

    Impact investing challenges the long-held views that social and environmental issues should be addressed only by philanthropic donations, and that market investments should focus exclusively on achieving financial returns.

    The impact investing market offers diverse and viable opportunities for investors to advance social and environmental solutions through investments that also produce financial returns.

    Many types of investors are entering the growing impact investing market. Here are a few common investor motivations:

    • Banks, pension funds, financial advisors, and wealth managers can PROVIDE CLIENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES to both individuals and institutions with an interest in general or specific social and/or environmental causes.
    • Institutional and family foundations can LEVERAGE SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER ASSETS to advance their core social and/or environmental goals, while maintaining or growing their overall endowment.
    • Government investors and development finance institutions can PROVIDE PROOF OF FINANCIAL VIABILITY for private-sector investors while targeting specific social and environmental goals.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (6)

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  • Who is making impact investments?

    Impact investment has attracted a wide variety of investors, both individual and institutional.

    • Fund Managers
    • Development finance institutions
    • Diversified financial institutions/banks
    • Private foundations
    • Pension funds and insurance companies
    • Family Offices
    • Individual investors
    • NGOs
    • Religious institutions
    • Corporates

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (7)

    GIIN Investors' Council

    The GIIN Investors’ Council, a leadership group for active large-scale impact investors, are among the leading institutionalimpact investors globally.

    View a list of Investors' Council members >

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  • How do impact investments perform financially?

    Impact investors have diverse financial return expectations. Some intentionally invest for below-market-rate returns, in line with their strategic objectives. Others pursue market-competitive and market-beating returns, sometimes required by fiduciary responsibility. Most investors surveyed in the GIIN's2020 Annual Impact Investor Survey pursue competitive, market-rate returns.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (9)

    Respondents also report that portfolio performance overwhelmingly meets or exceeds investor expectations for both social and environmental impact and financial return, in investments spanning emerging markets, developed markets, and the market as a whole.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (10)

    Although very few investors report significant risk events in their impact investing portfolios, business model execution and management is by far the most often cited contributor to risk.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (11)

    A comprehensive review of available research to date on the financial returns of impact investments are available in the GIIN’s report,GIIN Perspectives: Evidence on the Financial Performance of Impact Investments.The report evaluates over a dozen studies—produced by a wide range of organizations—on the financial performance of investments in three common asset classes in impact investing: private equity, private debt, and real assets, as well as individual investor portfolios allocated across asset classes.

    More data on financial returns of impact investments are available in the 2015 Introducing the Impact Investing Benchmarkstudy, which looks at financial performance of private equity and venture capital impact investments, as well as the second report in the financial performance series, published in May 2017,The Financial Performance of Real Assets Impact Investments. Both of the reports were produced in partnership with the global investment advisory firm Cambridge Associates.

    Click here for moreinformation fromGIIN Perspectives: Evidence on the Financial Performance of Impact Investments >

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  • Global examples of impact investing

    The impact investing industry is full of success stories: stories about impact investors thinking differently about the power of their capital, stories about entrepreneurs with exciting new ideas, and stories about the end consumers who benefit from fresh solutions. All three of these perspectives are woven together in these impact investing success stories:

      • Acumen and Everytable: Bringing Good Health into Reach >
      • LeapFrog and Bima: Reaching the Unreachable >
      • Patamar Capital and Kinara Capital: Transforming Lives, Livelihoods, and Local Economies >

    Plus, read these stories to explore how impact investing is improving the lives of women in Bolivia, the people and environment of Mongolia, and bilingual communities the United States. Click through the investment profiles below to view impact investing examples from the investor perspective as well.


    SNS Impact Investing


    Pro Mujer Bolivia


    LeapFrog Investments




    Calvert Foundation



    View more Profiles

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  • How big is the impact investing market?

    The GIIN estimates the size of the worldwide impact investing market to beUSD 1.164 trillion,marking the first time that the organization’s widely-cited estimate has topped the USD 1 trillion mark. The figure, which is the central finding of the GIIN’s 2022: Sizing the Impact Investing Market report, reflects an increasingly comprehensive measurement of impact assets under management globally.

    The report, which was produced with the financial support ofNuveen,also spotlights two areas of development in the market that are becoming increasingly prevalent: green bonds and corporate impact investing.

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  • What is the current state of the impact investing market?

    While some investors have been making impact investments for decades, recently there has emerged a new collaborative international effort to accelerate the development of a high- functioning market that supports impact investing. While this market is still relatively new, investors are optimistic overall about its development and expect increased scale and efficiency in the future.

    Impact investors generally recognize broad progress across key indicators of market growth...

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (12)

    ... but also acknowledge that some challenges remain.

    What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (13)

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  • Where can I go for more information?

    The GIIN builds critical market infrastructure and supports activities, education, and research that help accelerate the development of the impact investing field. Be sure to check out the following resources:

    GIIN Membership

    Tap into the leading network of like-minded investors and organizations interested in deepening their engagement with the impact investing market.


    IRIS+ is the GIIN's catalog of generally-accepted performance metrics.


    The Research Center houses the latest information about market activities and trends, performance, practice, and more.

    Faith-Based Investors Hub

    The Faith-Based Investing Hub provides a space for faith-based investors and their service providers supporting faith-based investors to engage in learning, leading, and collaboration.

    If your organization is interested in deepening its engagement with the impact investing market by joining a global community of like-minded peers, please consider GIIN membership. Click here to learn more about membership.

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As an impact investing enthusiast with a deep understanding of the subject, I'd like to delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article about impact investing.

1. What is Impact Investing? Impact investing is a strategic approach to investments with the explicit intention of generating positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. These investments can be made in both emerging and developed markets, targeting a range of returns from below market to market rate. The focus areas include sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, conservation, microfinance, and basic services like housing, healthcare, and education.

2. Elements of Impact Investing: The practice of impact investing is defined by several core characteristics:

  • Intentionality: Investors must have the intention to create a positive social or environmental impact.
  • Investment with Return Expectations: Impact investments are expected to generate financial returns, ranging from below market to risk-adjusted market rate.
  • Range of Return Expectations and Asset Classes: Impact investments can be made across various asset classes, including cash equivalents, fixed income, venture capital, and private equity.
  • Impact Measurement: Investors commit to measuring and reporting the social and environmental performance of their investments to ensure transparency and accountability.

3. Why Impact Investing? Impact investing challenges the traditional notion that social and environmental issues should be solely addressed through philanthropy. It provides diverse and viable opportunities for investors to advance solutions while also producing financial returns. Investors such as banks, pension funds, foundations, and government institutions are motivated to contribute to social and environmental causes while meeting financial objectives.

4. Who is Making Impact Investments? A wide variety of investors, both individual and institutional, are engaging in impact investing. This includes fund managers, development finance institutions, financial institutions, private foundations, pension funds, family offices, individual investors, NGOs, religious institutions, and corporates. The GIIN Investors’ Council, a leadership group, represents some of the leading institutional impact investors globally.

5. How do Impact Investments Perform Financially? Impact investors have diverse financial return expectations, with some intentionally seeking below-market-rate returns aligned with their strategic objectives. The GIIN's 2020 Annual Impact Investor Survey indicates that portfolio performance often meets or exceeds expectations for both social and environmental impact and financial return. Business model execution and management are identified as key contributors to risk in impact investing portfolios.

6. Global Examples of Impact Investing: The impact investing industry is filled with success stories, highlighting instances where capital has made a positive impact on social and environmental challenges. Examples include Acumen and Everytable, LeapFrog and Bima, and Patamar Capital and Kinara Capital, among others.

7. How Big is the Impact Investing Market? The GIIN estimates the global impact investing market to be USD 1.164 trillion. This marks a significant milestone, surpassing the USD 1 trillion mark for the first time. The market includes various areas of development, such as green bonds and corporate impact investing.

8. Current State of the Impact Investing Market: While some investors have been involved in impact investments for decades, there's a recent collaborative international effort to accelerate the development of a high-functioning market supporting impact investing. Despite being relatively new, there is optimism among investors about the market's development, anticipating increased scale and efficiency in the future.

9. Where Can I Go for More Information? The GIIN serves as a key resource for information on impact investing. They provide critical market infrastructure, support activities, education, and research to accelerate the development of the impact investing field. Resources include GIIN Membership, IRIS+ for performance metrics, the Research Center for market activities and trends, and the Faith-Based Investors Hub for faith-based investors.

For those interested in further exploration, the GIIN's comprehensive report, "GIIN Perspectives: Evidence on the Financial Performance of Impact Investments," offers an in-depth review of available research on the financial returns of impact investments across various asset classes.

What You Need to Know about Impact Investing (2025)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.