Version Log :: Median XL (2024)

Table of Contents



  • Pandemonium season changes:
    • Most of the changes have been reverted including: goblins, monster population and dungeon challenges, and relics
    • Season exclusive items can no longer be obtained, recipes and orange text won't work
    • Existing relics will be kept (including those with special skills), but some Ultimates which require points to work correctly will no longer do so
    • The following changes will be retained:
    • All skill/class and item balance changes, including rune downgrading recipes and new staff affixes
    • Dimensional Labyrinth monster overhaul (with balance changes - see below)
    • Life buffs to: campaign enemies of level 1 to 104, dungeon monsters of level 105 to 115, rift monsters of level 105 to 120


  • Enhanced Damage and Defense now displays next to damage or defense on weapons and armor
    • Example on weapon: Two-hand Damage: 38 to 323 (+253%)
    • Example on armor: Defense: 38 (+69%)
  • Poison Length Reduction on the stats screen now takes into account the resistance penalties of each difficulty, previously it did not display this
  • Reworked formula for level difference penalty on experience gains
  • Added a sort button into the stash
  • Fixed a bug where only minimum fire damage from items was added to missiles
  • Potential fix for shared stash on TCP/IP
  • Added gamble filter clear button

Endgame Quests

Nephalem Rifts

High Heavens/Library of Fate

  • Introducing the Heroic Library of Fate Rifts
  • Consisting of two zones: Area Level 125 (can be accessed at level 120) and Area Level 130 (can be accessed at level 125)
  • The regular enemies are stronger, faster, and no longer weaken themselves on death
  • Map will be randomly selected from a pool of 4 options
  • You may randomly encounter new monsters, champions of the Archangels, with better drops
  • The Angel bosses will now fight back instead of being idle
  • No more annoying Lightwells with Punisher spam
  • These Heroic Rifts will be the only source of Angelic items, a new item tier with better stats than Sacreds which can be Rare only
    • For more information on Angelic items, please see the Items section of the notes
  • You can obtain the Soulforge: a brand new crafting system that allows you to modify rare items, as well as craft some exclusive uniques
    • For more information on the Soulforge, please see the Soulforge section at the bottom of the notes
  • Instructions on how to access the Heroic Libraries of Fate can be found on newly dropped Zakarum Ears
  • To open a portal need: 1 Perfect Gem for Area Level 125, 2 Angelic Items for Area Level 130

Tran Athulua

  • Fixed a bug causing the zone to drop less quivers than intended


  • Umbaru Treasure now always rolls 10% Spell Damage
  • Runestone and Essence drop rates slightly increased
  • Teganze: Spirits no longer have a chance to knock back


  • Chance to drop a trophy fragment increased by 33%


  • Gold cost to create a tenet from a completed design reduced to 300k, from 1 million
  • Gold cost to create the Dulra Aegis from a complete design reduced to 700k, from 2.5 million
  • It now costs 2.5 million total to create all 6 tenets and the charm

Dimensional Labyrinth

  • Lab tiers 1-5 no longer require an arcane crystal to activate. As a result, these stones now drop already charged
  • Fixed a bug where monsters left corpses when they weren't supposed to
  • Void Maw: AI delay reduced
  • Fractured Being:
    • Now spawns less frequently
    • Regeneration aura increased from 2%/4% to 4%/8%, depending on tier
  • Twisted Spriggan:
    • Movement speed doubled
    • Health increased by 33%
    • Now spawns less frequently, but in larger packs
  • Twisted Sire:
    • Movement speed, damage, life, and block increased
    • Now uses Retaliate more frequently at lower tiers
    • Now always uses Retaliate in tier 6+ Labs
    • Attack rating greatly reduced
  • Twisted Crawlers: replaced by Twisted Necrobots
  • Corrupted Assassin:
    • Avoid reduced
  • Unstable Anomaly: maximum aggression range reduced

Endgame Dungeons


  • Rift Storm now causes fewer Rift Bolts
  • Lockout timer increased to 60 seconds, up from 20 seconds

Mirror Temple

  • Sets for season 37 are:
    • Celestia's Myth
    • Universal Law
    • Tundra Walker
    • Marchosias' Essence
    • Satanic Mantra
    • Yaerius' Grey Omen
    • Adria's Circle

Invasion II

  • Rift Storm now causes fewer Rift Bolts
  • Lockout timer increased to 60 seconds, up from 20 seconds


  • Celebrant of the Triune: Pack size decreased

Yshari Sanctum

  • Chance to drop a trophy fragment increased by 33%

Uileloscadh Mór

  • Portal can now only be opened from within Tur Dulra

Invasion III

  • Rift Storm now causes fewer Rift Bolts
  • Lockout timer increased to 60 seconds, up from 20 seconds

Herald of the End

  • Upgrading the Pulsating Worldstone Shard now requires a Sleep charm, instead of a Glorious Book of Median
  • Creating a Dimensional Link now only requires a Greater Signet of Learning
  • Unlocking a Vial of Elder Blood now requires 2 Greater Signets of Learning and any Great Rune
  • Unlocking the uniques dropped by Samael now requires 2 Greater Signets of Learning, a Lew Rune, and a Phul Rune



  • Added a new Mastery Passive Skill: Freedom
    • Freedom grants a large bonus to block speed, a medium bonus to hit recovery rate, and half freeze duration
    • The block and hit recovery rate scales with character level
    • Maximum base level of 5


  • Bloodlust: fixed a bug where you would gain Phys/Mag Spell Damage from "Elemental Spell Damage to Bloodlust" affixes


  • Magic Missiles: mana cost increased by 0.375 per Skill Level
  • Eldritch Storm: mana cost increased by 0.375 per Skill Level
  • Lava Pit:
    • Mana cost increased by 0.375 per Skill Level
    • Damage increased by 10%
  • Blood Magic: the maximum life value used for calculating life regeneration has been capped at 25 000


  • Pounce:
    • Now spawns two novas per cast
    • The first has 50% of the range of the old version
    • The second has the same area of effect as the old version but a higher projectile speed
    • Weapon damage increased to 90%, up from 75%
  • Great Hunt:
    • Fixed an issue which caused the projectiles to stop after hitting enemies serverside
    • Weapon damage now 65%, down from 70%
  • Takedown:
    • No longer grants 4% attack speed per fury charge per base level
    • Now grants 6% weapon physical damage per base level per fury charge instead
  • Lioness:
    • No longer grants 10% weapon physical damage per base level
    • Now grants 10% attack speed at lvl 1, gaining 8% more per base level up to 250%


  • Thundermaiden: fixed a bug where it was granting Spell Focus and Max damage without taking into account your Hammer or Storm point allocation



  • Queen of Blades:
    • Reworked: Now periodically strikes at all enemies within melee range
    • These strikes can activate melee attack style triggers, including Naginata's innate area of effect attack
    • Delay between attacks reduces with base skill levels
    • Now has 5% increased attack speed and 2% crushing blow at level 1, increasing by 5% and 2% respectively per base level
    • Now has a maximum skill level of 10
  • Shred: removed from the tree


  • Mind Ripple: conversion chance now always 1%
  • Singularity: delayed the bulk of the damage until after the black hole animation appears (0.6 seconds)


  • Batstrike:
    • Bat Nova weapon damage raised to 150%, from 125%
    • Bat Nova now consistently hits 3 times, instead of irregularly hitting 1-2 times. Number of hits increases in dense packs


  • Crucify: delay between attack and projectiles reduced by 50%


  • Maelstrom MkIV:
    • Weapon damage now 105%, up from 90%
    • Now converts 70% damage to magic, down from 80% for better leech capability
    • Increased area of effect of flechette novas by 56%
  • Storm Crows: reworked projectile scaling from Skill Levels
    • Now starts at 4 projectiles, up from 2
    • Now gains an extra projectile for every other level until level 8, up from 1 every 3
    • Endgame scaling slightly increased, gains an extra projectile at level 50 compared to before



  • Earthquake: weapon damage is now 80%/200%, up from 70%/140%
  • Shower of Rocks:
    • Rewrote the entire skill mechanics from the ground up
    • Will no longer do extra 20 hits per cast that don't carry any weapon damage modifiers (WPD bonus%, deadly strike etc.)
    • Visuals no longer exist on the server, improving performance
    • Reduced delay between rocks by 25%, as a result damage per attack has increased by 29%
    • Fixed tooltip error regarding physical resist reduction (claimed: 5%, actual: 10%)
  • Tectonics: has received a major overhaul
    • Removed scaling chance to proc Shower of Rocks
    • Shower of Rocks proc is now always 100%, with a reduced duration, as long as you have enough Power
    • Power is gained based on your total Strength and Weapon Physical Damage bonuses
    • When maxed, grants 1 power per 100 Strength and 1 power per 10% Weapon Physical Damage bonuses
    • If you have less than 60 power then the skill has no effect
    • With 60 power: trigger a Shower of Rocks with 12% of the original duration on every Earthquake
    • With 140 power: trigger a Shower of Rocks with 25% of the original duration on every Earthquake
    • Tectonics procs will now spawn in front of your character instead of on top of them for better coverage
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes the skill would do no damage or have no visuals
  • Aftermath:
    • Now requires Heart of Stone
    • Tooltip now shows magic damage gained
  • Heart of Stone: Crushing Blow doubled, Attack Rating increased by 50%


  • Conflux: life on melee attack reduced by 16%
  • Primordial Strike: fixed a bug which caused the skill to not check your Attack Rating


  • Gale Force:
    • Max Base Level now 1, area of effect now always 6 yards
    • Reworked so that the it will now carry Weapon Physical Damage %, Deadly Strike, and Crushing Blow modifiers
    • Now deals up to an additional 400% weapon damage in melee only (depends on target size)
    • Weapon damage now 130%, up from 70%
  • Executioner:
    • No longer gives flat physical damage
    • Instead now increases Gale Force radius by 3.33 yards, up from 2 yards
    • Fixed a bug that made it give area increase for all weapons
  • Precision:
    • Maximum Base Level is now 8, up from 5
    • Now gives 50% Attack Rating per Base Level, down from 60%
    • Fixed missing % sign in tooltip
  • Savagery:
    • Maximum Base Level is now 8, up from 5
    • Now gives 3% Deadly Strike per Base Level, down from 4%
  • Stoneskin:
    • Maximum Base Level is now 8, up from 5
    • Now gives 30% Bonus Defense per Base Level, down from 40%


  • Bloodthirst: doubled the amount of Lightning and Poison pierce added from leech
  • Mighty Vigor:
    • Reduced life leech gained from Strength by 40%
    • The first point in this skill will now give a smaller proportion of the total than before
  • Stampede: weapon damage for non-Snake Stance users now 45%, down from 50%
  • Fortress: base seek area increased by 17%


  • Protector/Defender Spirit: attack rating increased by 100%
  • Guardian Spirit: attack rating increased by 50%



  • Devouring Cloud: initial projectiles will no longer get caught and blocked on the front of a pack of enemies


  • Steady Shot: Fixed an issue where the main arrow dealt no damage on hit


  • Armageddon: Removed Strength scaling


  • Progeny's Blessing: Duration scaling increased from 3 + 0.5 seconds per base level to 4 + 1 second per level



  • Nightwalker:
    • No longer grants Poison Length Reduction from Base Levels and Skill Levels
    • Now grants 5% Poison Length Reduction per Base Level in other Malice skills (Max 150%)
    • I.e you get more Poison Length Reduction than before, it is also free for Malice characters
    • Maximum Base Level is now 10, down from 15
    • Damage bonus has been rescaled so that you still get 100% but for less points
  • Vanish: has been renamed to Soul Sever
    • Now grants +1 Enhancement to Death Ripple
    • Now also applies Nightwalker's damage bonus to Graveyard
    • Now needs 50 points in the Malice tree to unlock, down from 60
  • Terror: now also grants -10% to enemy Physical Resist
  • Pestilence:
    • Damage increased by 20%
    • Radius increased by 10%, repoisoning delay reduced
    • Now also grants 10% Movement Speed + 1% per 10% Poison Spell Damage
  • Death Ripple:
    • Now always shoots one projectile
    • Sources of extra projectiles such as the relic or Karybdus' Descent now enhance the skill's function, capped at any two sources
    • Greatly increased damage at level 1
    • Damage is now much more reliable at all distances from the impact center
  • Dream Eater:
    • Damage at all levels raised by 30%
    • Removed cooldown (required 5 Base Levels to reduce to 0)


  • Carnage:
    • Now gains added fire damage from levels
    • Fire conversion reduced to 25%, from 30%
    • Mana cost reduced
  • Reaper:
    • Now requires 5 points in Parasite and level 25, instead of 10 points in Angel of Death
    • Parasite now always has an area of effect while this upgrade is taken
  • Blight Descent: no longer requires Reaper


  • Deathly Effigy: Fixed an issue where the Effigy would fail to cast Bolt Rush


  • Night Hawks:
    • You can now summon an additional hawk per cast at Base Level 25
    • Damage increased by 20%
    • Attack rating increased by 200%
  • Abyss Knights:
    • Damage increased by 20%, attack rating increased by 33%
    • Life increased by 10%


  • Graveyard:
    • Damage increased by 10%
    • Now regenerates your Life based on your Minion Damage or Poison Spell Damage stats (whichever is higher)
    • 1 life per second per 2% Minion Damage
    • 1 life per second per 1% Poison Spell Damage
    • Duration reduced to 1 minute
    • Minimum damage increased to maximum (no variance), equal to a 20% damage buff on average



  • Rite of Thorns: no longer gives a 10% damage multiplier bonus to Blood Thorns
  • Rite of the Restless: no longer gives a 10% damage multiplier bonus to Lemures


  • Summon Lawyers: they have been disbarred, they are now Servants of Valor once again
  • Elemental Wisdom: now requires character Level 1, down from 5
  • Veneration of Justice:
    • Now requires character Level 5, down from 10
    • Now starts with a 5 second duration, scaling up to 15 seconds at base level 10, affected by Continuity
    • Now grants flat physical damage to weapons instead of % physical weapon damage, scaling with base points
    • Mana cost greatly reduced
  • Spark of Hope: now requires character Level 10, down from 20


  • Tainted Blood: required level is now 20, down from 40
  • Symphony of Destruction: required level is now 30, down from 50
  • Acumen:
    • Required level is now 70, down from 100
    • Fixed a bug where this skill granted 50% cast speed for unknown reasons


  • Divine Judgement:
    • Weapon Damage buff duration increased to 1.4 seconds, to better match the damage duration of the skill itself
    • Cleaned up visual clutter
    • Mana cost reduced
  • Holy Fire: added fire damage increased by 10% at all levels
  • Lionheart: now grants Attack rating based on current life


  • Scion: no longer grants Attack Rating based on current mana
  • Dragon Jaws: damage after Skill Level 1 increased by 20%
  • Annihilation: damage after Skill Level 1 increased by 15%



  • Arachnomancy:
    • Damage increased by 30%, mana cost increased by 10%
    • Duration increases by 5% for every 100 Energy above 1500


  • Arcane Fury:
    • Fixed a bug which caused allocating Superposition to skip the 50 Arcane tree points requirement to allocate Arcane Fury
    • Due to technical limitations, Superposition also no longer counts towards the 50 Arcane tree point requirement
    • Duration now 8 seconds, down from 10
  • Raven Familiar: aura range increased to 1 full screen
  • Mana Sweep: max Mana cap for damage has been raised to 40,000; up from 30,000
  • Antimass: cooldown increased by 10 seconds if you have no Base Levels


  • Mooncall: Now usable with any melee weapon
  • Cold Blooded: improved Glacial Volley
    • Range increased by 30%
    • Trigger chance now 100%, up from 40%
    • Weapon damage now 75%, down from 140%
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes the skill would do no damage or have no visuals
  • Bladestorm: weapon damage now 50%, down from 60%


  • Flamefront:
    • Area of effect increased by 36%
    • Damage increased by 15%


  • Thunderstone:
    • Damage before Skill Level 28 increased by 20%
    • Now gains 1% Damage Multiplier per 100 Energy above 1500
  • Tempest:
    • Damage before Skill Level 28 increased by 20%
    • Now gains 1% Damage Multiplier per 100 Energy above 1500
  • Forked Lightning:
    • Damage before Skill Level 28 increased by 10%
    • Removed Damage Multiplier from Base Levels
    • Now gains 1% Damage Multiplier per 100 Energy above 1500
    • Increased projectile hitbox
  • Eye of the Storm: no longer reduces Thunderstone damage


  • Crystalline Barrier:
    • No longer grants bonus defense against ranged attacks
    • Now grants flat physical and magic damage reduction, starting at 5 and scaling up to 200 at around 450% cold Spell Damage
    • Now disables Mooncall damage bonuses (physical, and elemental via Primordial Might)
  • Wintertide:
    • Corrected tooltip classifier from: "Warp" to "Warp Strike" (the skill never put teleports on cooldown)

Item Only Skills

  • Death Star:
    • Assassin items will now spawn with level 16-24
    • Barbarian items will now spawn with level 14-20
  • Flash: now spawns on claws
  • Chaotic Spark: Charged Nova chance now 18%, down from 20%
  • Shunpo:
    • Now gives bonus damage based on Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher)
    • Weapon damage now 90%, up from 75%
  • Ranged Blood Thorns: mana cost halved
  • Death Gaze:
    • Increased seek radius by 22%, fixing a bug causing the skill to do very little damage
    • Mana cost at level 1 now 15, up from 3
  • Champions of the Sun: elemental resistances from aura now caps at 40%, down from 50%
  • Banish: duration now always 10 seconds
  • Searing Glow: damage reduced by 10%
  • Clear Mind: damage reduced by 12%
  • Arcane Swarm: increased projectile hitbox, projectiles now pierce
  • Sun Strike: improved tooltip, now also gives information about projectile scaling
  • Singularity: delayed the bulk of the damage until the animation appears (0.6 seconds)


General Changes

  • All items which spawn rare modifiers will now have the number of prefixes or suffixes shown above the stats
  • Maul/Great Maul/Hand of God weapon speed multiplier reduced from 24/28/30 to 22/23/24
  • Breath of Thaumaturgy: now also works with rare items

Sacred Uniques

  • Habacalva's Legacy:
    • Maximum Flamefront projectiles now +3, down from +5
    • The missing power of this item has been baked into the baseline skill power
  • Saber or the Stormsail:
    • Minimum damage bonus now (60-75), up from (30-50)
    • Maximum damage bonus now (100-125), up from (60-80)
    • Upgraded version scaled accordingly
  • Sarandeshi Hellcaller:
    • Removed Magic Damage, Fire Damage, Enhanced Damage, and minus Requirements
    • Added (30-40)% Fire Pierce
    • Pentagram proc chance now 10%, up from 4%, level now 50 up from 43
    • Added 100% bonus to Attack Rating
    • Added 75 Spell Focus
    • Replaced Spellbind Proc with 4% Level 63 Apocalypse on Death Blow
  • The Defender:
    • Increased physical damage roll to (75-90)-(100-140), up from (40-70)-(80-120)
    • Added 20% Fire Pierce
    • Retaliate damage bonus now 150%, up from 100%
    • Fixed a bug that caused the orange text to not work at all
  • Tylwulf's Betrayal:
    • Removed Time Wave Proc, and Magic Damage, All Skills bonus
    • Slow Target now always 20%
    • Added +(70-90)-(110-140) flat Physical Damage
    • Time Strike proc chance is now 8%, up from 5%
    • Timefield proc chance is now 2%, up from 1%
    • Added 80% Cold Pierce
  • Shadowfang:
    • Removed Physical Damage related properties, area of effect attack, and Ignore Defense
    • Reanimate chance reduced to 2%
    • Plague grasp proc chance now 25%, up from 20%; and level now 50, up from 40
    • Added 200% bonus to Attack Rating
    • Added 200 Life after each kill
    • Added 100% Poison Spell Damage
    • Now regenerates 4% of Max life when Pestilence is on, Pestilence duration halved
  • Shadowsabre:
    • Bonus to Crucify Magic damage now 30% per Base Level, up from 14%
    • Removed flat elemental damage and Hit Recovery
    • Added 50% Attack Speed
    • Added +15 to Way of the Gryphon/Phoenix/Raven (Assassin Only)
  • Viper Mandate:
    • Removed Enhanced Damage bonus
    • Added 20% CtC Level 30 Death Star on Melee Attack
  • Screaming Serpent:
    • Removed Poison Damage
    • Now adds +10 to Curare (Amazon Only)
    • Poison Pierce now rolls +(25-50)%, up from +(25-30)%
  • Night's Embrace:
    • Removed Slow Target and Fire Pierce
    • Added +2 Projectiles to Eviscerate
    • Damage to Demons increased to 200%
  • Moonfang:
    • Removed Enhanced Damage bonus and Block Chance
    • Proc chance now 33%, up from 24%
    • Now also gives +2 Hunting Banshee Projectiles
    • Cold Damage is now (800-1200)-(1600-2000), up from (250-300)-(350-375)
  • Steel Pillar: max Damage per Character Level now +3, up from +1
  • Darkspite: added Shower of Rocks cooldown reduced by 1.5 seconds
  • Stormchaser:
    • Lightning damage increased to 2000-3000, up from 1000-2000
    • Added 100% Lightning Pierce
  • Bitter Harvest:
    • Now adds (80-110)% of Dexterity as Magic Damage, up from (60-80)%
    • Removed Starfire proc
    • Added 10% CtC level 30 Wyrd on Atttack
  • Meshif's Iron Parrot:
    • Now gives the extra projectiles if you haven't been hit by weapon damage recently
    • Added 5% CtC Knife Throw on striking
  • Lacerator: Max Lightning damage now (700-900), up from (350-550)
  • Vizjerei's Folly:
    • Required level is now 80, down from 100 (more double Mystic Orb space)
    • Minion Life/Damage stats now roll (40-80)%, up from (30-50)%
  • Staff of Shadows:
    • Proc chance increased to 8%, up from 5%
    • Spell Damage now rolls +(35-50)%, up from (21-25)%
  • Etrayu:
    • Maximum Damage now (250-400), up from (1-300)
    • Enhanced Damage now (120-200)%, up from (115-143)%
  • Signal Fire:
    • Damage bonus from Base Levels in the Bow tree now 25%, up from 18%
    • Fixed a bug where some Bow tree skills did not count for the above
    • Removed Sun Strike projectile penalty
    • Sun Strike oSkill level now rolls +(30-60), instead of 50
    • Fire pierce now +(30-60)%, up from +(25-40)%
  • Windforce:
    • Now +4 Max Damage per Level, up from 3.75
    • Now also adds +25% Deadly Strike if you have at least 1000 Strength
  • Ratbane:
    • Fire damage doubled
    • Barrage levels now +(10-20), up from +(1-10)
    • Fire pierce now +(30-40)%, up from 30%
  • Buriza Do Kyanon:
    • Proc chance now 3%, up from 2%; level now 60, up from 50
    • Added +(50-75)% Cold Spell damage
    • Cold pierce now +(50-75)%, up from 50%
  • Manticore Sting:
    • Poison Damage to weapon increased by 200%
    • Replaced Bolt proc with level 60 Punisher
    • Replaced Life on Striking with 100% Poison Spell Damage
  • Horned Hunter:
    • Flat elemental damage doubled
    • Elemental pierce now +(20-35)%, up from +(22-28)%
    • Added 100 Life regenerated per second
  • Chasmstriker:
    • Shower of Rocks proc chance now 11%, up from 9%
    • Arrow proc chance now 18%, up from 13%
    • Maximum Damage now +(200-300) up from +(125-175)
  • Kaskara of the Taan:
    • Bonus Magic Damage to Spiral Dance doubled
    • Spiral Dance level now +(30-40), up from +(15-19)
    • Added 50 Mana on Melee Attack
    • Doubled added Magic damage
  • Talic the Unwilling:
    • Removed Poison Pierce and Magic Find
    • Double Life bonus
    • Weapon Physical Damage bonus now +200%, up from +100%
    • Added +(75-100) to Minimum damage
    • Added +(100-150)% Enhanced Damage
  • The Pathless:
    • Minimum damage now (80-100), up from (51-75)
    • Maximum Damage now (200-240), up from (141-180)
    • Bonus to Defense now +150%, up from +75%
  • Giyua's Grace: proc chance now 10%, up from 8%
  • Cleaver of Mirrors:
    • Enhanced Damage now always 200%
    • Cold pierce now +(20-40)%, up from +(10-20)%
    • Added +75 Minimum Damage
  • Peace Warder:
    • Fortress pierce now +50%, up from +40%
    • Arrow proc chance now 5% on Striking, up from 3%
    • Now also reduces Fortress Cooldown by 1 second
  • Ord Rekar's Testament:
    • Pierce per Nephalem Spirit Base Level now 4%, up from 3% (tooltip erroneously claimed 2%)
    • Ele/Magic damage reduced now +(50-100), up from +(1-50)
    • Added 150 Lightning damage
  • Hanfod Tan: total damage bonus to Ember Spirit now +25%, up from +15%
  • Reaper's Hand:
    • Proc chance now 20%, up from 15%
    • Attack rating bonus now +(150-250)%, up from +(50-150)%
    • Additional Strength Damage bonus increased by 20%
  • Soul Reaver: Ravenous Flames damage increased by 40%
  • Dreamflayer:
    • Elemental Pierce per Carnage Base Level now 3%, up from 2%
    • Now adds +(500-1000) Life
    • Removed bonus Fire damage, bonus damage from other elements doubled
  • Heart of Fire:
    • Proc now 20% level 60 Pyroblast on Attack, up from 14% level 50
    • Fire pierce now +(40-60)%, up from +(20-30)%
  • Mente Scura:
    • Added Physical damage now (60-80)-(150-180), up from (40-70)-(100-140)
    • Added +100 Vitality
  • Mad King's Spine: Added Physical damage now (90-110)-(180-240), up from (41-70)-(121-150)
  • Herald of Pestilence: now adds +(25-40)% Poison Spell damage
  • Venom Sting:
    • Maximum Damage now +350, up from +250
    • Poison Pierce now +(50-70)%, up from 35%
    • Added 100% Poison Spell Damage
    • Life leech now always 30%
  • Jaguar's Grasp:
    • Elemental damage increased by 500%
    • Elemental pierce now +50%, up from 35%
  • Bane of the Horadrim:
    • Mana Shield drains 54% less mana, up from 45%
    • Spell damage increased to +50%, up from +25%
    • Added 10% Elemental pierce
  • Galeona's Lash:
    • Now adds 2% Deadly Strike per Firedance Base Level, up from 1%
    • Reduced Physical damage variance
    • Added 50% Fire Pierce
  • Elder Law: fire damage to Idol of Scosglen increased by 167%
  • Darkfeast:
    • Banshee projectiles now +(2 to 3), up from +(0 to 2)
    • Increased minimum rolls on other stats
  • Wizardspike: Trinity Beam level now always +13, up from (4-8)
  • Bag of Tricks:
    • Removed elemental damage and elemental pierce
    • Proc chance for Knife/Arrow/Javelin now 3%, up from 2%
    • Added 1% Chance to Cast Goblin's Glee on Kill
  • Kingsport's Signals:
    • Completely reworked
    • Now gives +60 to Heartseeker, +1 to Steady Shot, and 1% chance to gain Heart of the Pack for 3 seconds on striking
    • Also adds +5% to max Fire Resist, 50% Fire Pierce, and -100% to Attack Speed
  • Guardian of Scosglen:
    • Damage from Spell Focus increased by 25%
    • Clarified scaling only works until Spell Focus cap
  • Malleus Maleficarum:
    • Now gives additional stats if you have at least 450% Bonus Damage to Demons
    • These are: +10% Fire/Cold/Lightning Absorb, and +25% Deadly Strike
  • Atanna Khan's Dress:
    • Max Base Level bonus to Raven Familiar now +8, down from +20
    • Arcane Swarm level now +(8-13) up from +(5-10)
    • Proc chance increased to 5%, up from 3%
    • Replaced resistance penalty with +(20-40)% Physical/Magic Spell Damage
  • Dreamweaver: now has a 20% chance to cast level 24 Charged Strike on Melee Attack
  • Karybdus' Descent: no longer gives an extra projectile, now enhances Death Ripple instead
  • Dead Star: Bonus to Queen of Blades projectile count removed
  • Twisted Mind: no longer gives an extra projectile, now enhances Death Ripple instead
  • Goetia Plate: life regeneration now 100 per second, down from 150
  • Back to the Abyss: life regeneration now 200 per second, down from 300
  • Griefbringer: orange text no longer stacks if you dual wield this weapon
  • Griffon's Eye: removed max resistance penalty

New Sacred Uniques

  • Raven Mantle:
    • Body armor for Physical/Magic casters which also regenerates your Physical/Magic Spell Damage value as Life per second
    • This item can only be crafted through the Soulforge
  • Faithless:
    • A high physical damage claw which increases your max elemental resistances
    • Also gives you a 50% chance to splash your weapon damage in a 6.67 yard radius
    • This item can only be crafted through the Soulforge


  • Tundra Walker:
    • Full set bonus:
    • Removed Gale Force area modifier, now adds 25-50 flat physical damage
  • Rathma's Empire:
    • 3 piece bonus:
    • Removed old stats
    • Now adds +800 flat Life and 20-30 Physical Damage
  • Towerlord:
    • 2 piece bonus:
    • Removed old stats
    • Now adds +100 Spell Focus and 8% Physical Resist
  • Rathma's Death Gaze: replaced All Resistance with +(31-50)% Fire Resist
  • Achilios' Eagle Eye: replaced bonus to Vitality with +(21-30)% to Strength and +(21-30)% to Dexterity
  • Tower Wall: replaced Strength bonus with +(11-15)% to Energy
  • Tower Denial:
    • Necromancer Skills increased to +2
    • Replaced Dexterity bonus with +(31-50) to Vitality
    • Added Requirements -20%
  • Tower Defense: replaced bonus to Dexterity with +100 Life regenerated per second
  • Last King of Scosglen:
    • 4 piece bonus:
    • Removed Curare oSkill and Avoid
    • Added 20% Fire Pierce and 40% Fire Spell Damage
  • Sacred Charge:
    • Removed Hit Recovery and Block Speed Bonuses
    • Added +(50-100)% to Minion Damage
    • Added +(100-150)% to Minion Attack Rating
    • Added +(41-50)% to Lightning Resist
  • Destiny:
    • Removed apple bonus and Runemaster bonus
    • Added 60% Hit Recovery
    • Added 100 Life regeneration per second
  • Spirits of the Nephalem:
    • 3 piece bonus:
    • Removed Minion Damage bonus, replaced with +1 to Max Barbarian Minions
  • Dead Lens:
    • Removed Base Block Chance, Vitality, and Dexterity bonuses
    • Added Requirements - 40%
    • Added +100 Energy
    • Added +(10-20)% Physical/Magic Spell Damage
  • Satanic Mantra
    • 4 piece bonus: removed 50% Minion Damage bonus


  • Angelic Touch: Deadly Strike and Life Leech rolls reduced to 3-5%
  • Eschaton: New fire weapon based Paladin helmet
  • Aiwass:
    • Removed Minion Damage bonus
    • Now adds +1 to Max Elemental resistances


  • Carnage: Now doubles the added fire on Carnage instead of adding 1250 fire damage
  • Thunderstone: removed orange text, now gives 20% movement speed instead
  • Queen of Blades: No longer gives a bonus to Shred, as Shred no longer exists
  • Death Ripple:
    • Now gives +10% physical/magic Spell Damage, up from -25%
    • No longer gives an extra projectile, now enhances Death Ripple instead
  • Overkill: replaced projectile bonus with 15% movement speed
  • Shower of Rocks: replaced non-functional Physical Resist reduction with +(70-90)% Weapon Physical Damage
  • Mooncall: removed orange text, now gives +(15-20)% Innate Elemental Damage

Angelic Items

  • A brand new tier of items, higher than Sacreds
  • Can only drop in Heroic Library of Fate rifts
  • Angelic items can be of Rare rarity only and cannot be disenchanted or crafted (however, they can still be blessed)
  • Angelic items have the following base properties:
    • Base damage and armor values are higher than equivalent Sacreds
    • Base weapon speeds are the same as equivalent Sacreds
    • Armors have no speed penalties
    • Boots cannot spawn with movement speed lower than 30%
    • Scepters and Long Staves may only spawn caster affixes
    • Battle Staves cannot spawn caster affixes
    • Always spawn with maximum sockets
  • Angelic items also feature extensive changes to the rare affixes that can spawn on them
  • They cannot spawn the third tier (or lower, if any) of the affixes
    • For example, weapons cannot spawn with less than 170% Enhanced Damage; Sacreds can roll down to 150%
  • They can spawn improved versions of existing affixes, more powerful than the current best
    • For example, two handed axes can now spawn with up to +450 to Maximum damage; Sacreds can only spawn with up to +350
  • The chances to spawn the higher tier of affixes is improved compared to Sacreds
  • Cube recipes:
    • You cannot use the "Rare Downlevel" recipe on Angelic items
    • 3 Angelic items of the same base = 1 new Angelic item of the same base
    • 1 magic Angelic item = 1 new rare Angelic item of the same base (D2 rarity system issue)

Angelic Only Prefixes


  • All armor pieces (except body) can roll 200% Enhanced Defense with (20-25) PDR or MDR
  • Body armor can roll 200% Enhanced Defense with (50-100) PDR or MDR
  • 1H weapons can spawn +200% Enhanced Damage with +(10-20) Physical Damage
  • 1H weapons can spawn up to +(130-150) to minimum Physical Damage
  • 2H weapons can spawn +200% Enhanced Damage with +(30-40) Physical Damage
  • 2H weapons can spawn up to (181-200) to minimum Physical Damage
  • Gloves, helm, belt can spawn up to +(31-40) to maximum Physical Damage
  • Melee weapons can spawn with up to +100 Target Takes Additional Damage
  • Gloves and shields can spawn with up to +40 Target Takes Additional Damage
  • Reflected Damage cannot spawn


  • Bonuses to class skills cannot roll on Angelic gear
  • Gloves and helms can roll (3-4) to All Skills, belts and boots can roll up to +3, shields up to +5
  • Body armor can roll (5-6) to All Skills
  • Spears can roll +(7-9) to All Skills
  • Staves can roll +(10-12) to All Skills
  • Scepters can roll +(4-6) to All Skills


  • All armors cannot roll bonuses to: Hit Recovery, Block Speed, Cast Speed, or Attack Speed
  • Armors (except body) can roll +(15-25)% to Combat Speeds
  • Body armor can roll +(35-40)% to Combat Speeds
  • Weapons can now roll +75% Cast/Attack Speed
  • Boots can spawn with up to +20% Move Speed


  • Body armors and spears can spawn with up to +(601-700) Life
  • Belts, boots, gloves can spawn with up to +(191-220) Life
  • Weapons no longer spawn flat Life affixes
  • Shields can spawn with up to +(351-400) Life
  • Body armors can spawn with up to +(200-250) Life Regen per second
  • Shields, caster weapons can spawn with up to +(150-180) Life Regen per second
  • Belts, boots, helms can spawn with up to +(90-100) Life Regen per second
  • Weapons can spawn with up to +20% Life/Mana leech
  • Gloves and belts can spawn with +7% Life/Mana leech
  • 1H caster weapons can spawn with up to +(251-300) Mana
  • 2H caster weapons can spawn with up to +(351-400) Mana
  • Belts, helms, boots, gloves can spawn with up to +(151-170) Mana


  • Caster staff can spawn with up to +(170-200) to Spell Focus
  • Scepter can spawn with up to +(110-130) to Spell Focus
  • Helms, Gloves and boots can spawn with up to +(60-70) to Spell Focus
  • Caster staves can spawn with up to +(56-65)% Spell Damage
    • (80-100)% to individual sources
  • Scepters can spawn with up to (+36-40)% Spell Damage
    • (50-60)% to individual sources
  • Belts, helms, gloves, boots can spawn with up to +20% Spell Damage


  • Body armors and shields can spawn with +70% Poison Length Reduced
  • Belts, helms, gloves, boots can spawn with +35% Poison Length Reduced
  • Gloves, belts, helms, boots can spawn with up to +(30-35)% Magic Find
  • Weapons cannot spawn with Magic Find

Angelic Only Suffixes


  • Body armors can roll up to +(70-85) to All Attributes, other armor pieces up to +(41-50)
  • Body armors can roll up to +(18-20)% to All Attributes
  • Strength:
    • Melee and ranged weapons can spawn up to +(121-150)
    • Small armor pieces up to +(61-70)
    • Melee weapons, ranged weapons and body armors an roll up to +30% Strength
  • Dexterity:
    • Melee weapons and body armor can spawn up to +(71-80)
    • Small armor pieces up to +(31-40)
    • Melee weapons, shields and body armors can roll up to +20% Dexterity
  • Vitality:
    • Body armors, spears, shields, daggers can spawn up to +(91-100)
    • Small armor pieces up to +(41-50)
    • Caster weapons and body armors can roll up to +25% Vitality
  • Energy:
    • Caster weapons and body armors can spawn up to +(91-100)
    • Small armor pieces can spawn up to +(41-50)
    • Caster weapons can roll up to +25% Energy


  • 2H axes, ranged weapons and spears can spawn up to +(401-450) to Maximum Damage
  • 1H weapons can spawn up to +(221-240) to Maximum Damage
  • 2H swords and battle staves can spawn up to +(301-350) to Maximum Damage
  • Gloves, belts, helms can spawn up to +(31-40) to Maximum Damage

Elemental flat damage (all sources):

  • Two new suffixes, one which is a +50% increase over previous top value, other is a +100% increase

Elemental Pierce

  • Caster staves, body armors, 2H melee weapons, ranged weapons can spawn with up to +40% Elemental Pierce
  • Gloves and 1H weapons can spawn with up to +22% Elemental Pierce
  • Helms and belts goes can spawn with up to +15% Elemental Pierce

Attack Rating

  • Can spawn up to +(351-400)% on Weapons
  • Can spawn up to +(91-130)% on Gloves and helms


  • Caster weapons, ranged weapons, spears can roll up to +(800-1000) to Defense
  • Body armors can spawn with up to +(61-70) Damage Reduced
  • Shields, helms can spawn with up to +40 Damage Reduced


  • Shields can spawn with up to +(11-15)% Physical Resist
  • Body armors, ranged weapons, caster staves, spears can spawn with up to +3% to Maximum Elemental Resistance
  • Belts, gloves, boots, helms, shields, other weapons can spawn with up to +2% to Maximum Elemental Resistance


  • Caster staves can spawn with up to +(81-100)% Minion Damage, scepters with up to +(41-50)%
  • Caster staves can spawn with up to +(110-125)% Minion Life, scepters with up to +(55-60)% Minion Life


  • Weapons can spawn with up to +(131-150) Life on Kill
  • Belts can spawn with up to +(35-40) Life on Kill
  • Weapons can spawn with up to +(75-80) Mana on Kill
  • Helms can spawn with up to +20 Mana on Kill
  • Melee weapons can spawn with up to +(121-150) Life on Melee Attack
  • Gloves, belts, helms can spawn with up to +20 Life on Melee Attack
  • Melee weapons can spawn with up to +(81-100) Mana on Melee Attack


  • Shields can spawn with up to +3% Block Chance
  • Helms, boots, gloves can spawn with up to +12% Experience Gain
  • Body armors can spawn with up to +(35-40)% Gold Find
  • Gloves, belts, weapons can spawn with up to +20% Gold Find
  • Boots can spawn with up to +10% Gold Find


  • Added improved versions of most procs with higher trigger chances and/or skill levels where relevant

The Soulforge

A brand new crafting system

  • The Soulforge allows you to perfect the rare items you find throughout the game
  • It allows you to add the missing affixes on an item which can turn it from mediocre to great
  • Obtain the Soulforge by transmuting a Heavenly Soul, which drops in Heroic Library of Fate rifts, with an Oil of Enhancement
  • Collect more Heavenly Souls in order to use the Soulforge
  • The Soulforge can modify rare weapons or armor or create exclusive unique items
  • The crafting process works as follows
    • Place the Soulforge in the Horadric Cube
    • Recipes modifying the same category of affixes (for example: Fire affixes) are grouped together
    • To craft a recipe from a group you need to place its headline item in the cube (for example: Perfect Diamond for the physical group)
    • You then pick which affix your want to add to your item
    • You need to add the corresponding number of Heavenly Souls and Oils of Craft / Oils of Enhancement in the cube
  • To see a list of all the available recipes and their requirements in game, simply transmute the Soulforge on its own
  • IMPORTANT: the Soulforge respects the item generation rules of Diablo 2
    • Rare items can have at most 3 prefixes and/or 3 suffixes
    • You cannot craft an affix that is already present on the item
    • You cannot have more than one affix from the same affix group on the item
  • The Soulforge cannot craft the top tier versions of the rare affixes - those can only be spawned when Angelic items are dropped

Crafting Recipes

  • NOTE: Item modification can interfere with Soulforge functionality
  • Socket / Mystic Orb / Bless / Corrupt your items after Soulforging

Weapon Prefixes

  • 120% Enhanced Damage
  • (51-75) Minimum Damage [1H]
  • (85-120) Minimum Damage [2H]
  • (81-100) Spell Focus
  • (5-8)% Deadly Strike
  • (25-35)% Fire Spell Damage [1H]
  • (55-65)% Fire Spell Damage [2H]
  • (301-400) Life
  • 10% Life Leech
  • (25-35)% Cold Spell Damage [1H]
  • (55-65)% Cold Spell Damage [2H]
  • (201-250) Mana
  • 10% Mana Leech
  • (25-35)% Lightning Spell Damage [1H]
  • (55-65)% Lightning Spell Damage [2H]
  • 40% Cast Speed
  • 40% Attack Speed [1H]
  • 70% Attack Speed [2H]
  • (25-35)% Poison Spell Damage [1H]
  • (55-65)% Poison Spell Damage [2H]
  • (25-35)% Phys/Mag Spell Damage [1H]
  • (55-65)% Phys/Mag Spell Damage [2H]

Weapon Suffixes

  • (39-50)% Minion Damage
  • 10% Slow Target
  • (111-135) Maximum Damage [1H]
  • (251-300) Maximum Damage [2H]
  • (250-400) Fire Damage
  • 15% Fire Pierce [1H]
  • 25% Fire Pierce [2H]
  • (81-100) Life on Kill
  • 30% Minion Life [1H]
  • 60% Minion Life [2H]
  • (300-350) Cold Damage
  • 15% Cold Pierce [1H]
  • 25% Cold Pierce [2H]
  • (41-50) Mana on Kill
  • (1-750) Lightning Damage
  • 15% Lightning Pierce [1H]
  • 25% Lightning Pierce [2H]
  • 538 Poison Damage per second
  • 15% Poison Pierce [1H]
  • 25% Poison Pierce [2H]
  • 200% Attack Rating
  • 1% Block Chance [Shield]
  • (350-400) Magic Damage

Armor Prefixes

  • 150% Enhanced Defense
  • 10% Fire Spell Damage
  • (21-30)% Fire Spell Damage [Body]
  • (136-170) Life
  • 50 Life Regen
  • 10% Cold Spell Damage
  • (21-30)% Cold Spell Damage [Body]
  • (51-90) Mana
  • 10% Lightning Spell Damage
  • (21-30)% Lightning Spell Damage [Body]
  • (41-50)% Magic Find [Body]

Armor Suffixes

  • (401-600) Defense
  • (21-25) Damage Reduced
  • (6-10)% Physical Resist [Shield]
  • 1% Max Fire Resist
  • 5% Fire Pierce
  • 15% Fire Pierce [Body]
  • 1% Max Cold Resist
  • 5% Cold Pierce
  • 15% Cold Pierce [Body]
  • 15% Energy [Body]
  • (1-750) Lightning Damage
  • 1% Max Poison Resist
  • 5% Poison Pierce
  • 15% Poison Pierce [Body]
  • 20% Strength [Body]
  • 25% Gold Find [Body]

oSkills - Suffixes

  • Can only be crafted on items which meet the original base type restrictions
  • The level of the craft is not random, but depends on what is available for the selected base item
  • (8-16) to Death Star
  • 20 to Rising Dawn
  • 14 to Chaotic Spark
  • (8-16) to Phoenix Wave
  • (4-14) to Searing Glow
  • 18 to Tantrum

Craftable Uniques

  • Raven Flight: Physical/Magic Caster Body Armor
  • Faithless: Physical Damage Claw

Previous Patches

  • Median XL Σ 2.8.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.7.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.6.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.5.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.4.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.3.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.2.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.1.0
  • Median XL Σ 2.0.0
  • Median XL Σ 1.8.0
  • Median XL Σ 1.7.0
  • Median XL Σ 1.6.0
  • Median XL Σ 1.5.0

Version Log :: Median XL (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.