The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Country A WINTER HOME IVrRODM who deMre to fwure a pr rnancnt home for the winter whor* they ran nocure the maximum of com fori in every respect nt moderate conf free from houaoltcepmg care should write at onco to The Northfield We arc offerinff warm sunny oom fortahly furntehM rnnm with priV4te hatha at especially low price for the winter month? i Our house is beautifully located atcuru heated has an abundance of rt open Gres and every ue dad essehtidl Located in the btalthicsi portion of I the state near tho treat trreen wood with splendid walks through the for Manager East Northfield Mass THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 1918 13 NEW ENGLAND NEWS WESTIELD (Continued rom Eleventh Page) WORCESTER COUNTY CHICOPEE TEACHERS NOT OPPOSED ATHOL TO OPEN THAT LIBRARY WEST SPRINGIELD 507 DISCHARGING HELP VERMONT Busy on Gaso BRATTLEBORO BON BS VILLE thoir WINSTED GAME IN MINORS SURE eon of Mr and REGISTRANTS CALLED as PALMER John THOMPSONVILLE sentence of 30 days In Hartford JOHN UiLLRliE RANKLIN COUNTY TITLE 41 MONSON WEST BROOKIELD in church officiating be WESTIELD BOXING BOUT of of IS AVest RANKLIN COUNTY GILBERTVILLE TURNERS ALLS HAZARDVILLE EAST LONGMEADOAV been A NEWSPAPER BOMBED GULL BAR Dates of Harold SOUTHWICK Ocean Steamships the the town are SOMERS A CONNECTICUT i Atlantic City SUIELD SHELBURNE ALLS have are vislt EEDING HILLS HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Mrs Walter Booth of New Holmes A ENIELD Sullivan to LUDLOW NORTHIELD held a whist party WILBRAHAM At A DE MY Ivors i tor spending New Ha semling parcels to In rance has been Cava Charles funds foe the hos the Polish residents sym anl the school of Ernest granted the miners by the na fuel administration started to the employes of the a ton tional of 10 of tho will start and before the drive is over tho committee in charge hopes to reach the $5(X mark associa evening lik Mau AMiose Candidacy for dcrnian Has Been Announced Miss Miss AVa at be Taylor Taylor a meeting pf the Sens of Vet Death of Mrs CHmena Gaston Mrs Climena Gaston widow of Gil bert AV Gaston died at the home of her son William Gaston in Tor rington yesterday in her 09th year She was one ot Litchfield county's oldest residents Death resulted from general debility Up to two years ago Mrs Gaston enjoyed remarkably good health She was the last surviving charter member of the Second Con gregational church in Winsted where she resided for 65 years Mrs Gaston was born in West Stockbridge Mass December 2 1819 daughter of Mr and Mrs Ephraim oskett and was married to Mr Gaston 79 years ago They resided on Main street in the dwelling which was removed from the site of Hotel Beardsley Mr Gaston died at his home October 28 1902 and 1s buried in orestview ceme tery where his widow will be burled to morrow hnll A evening decorated and the airlawn avenue any time 20th son Miss Noonan and Miss Ida Lyons Rev McCarthy of Hunt ington will te the speaker of the evening A reading will be given by Rev Jones conditions the squadron carried out with marked courage and devotion its mission contributing materially to the brilliant services of the American arms The squadron is attached to the 1st division The Ludlow social and debating club is making plans for its 32d annual Hogmanay ball to be held New eve Special thanksgiving services and dedication of a service flag and holy communion and sermon will take place at St church to morrow morning at 1045 The Sunday school will be held as usual at 12 Sunday schcol services will be re sumed in the Union church to morrow The services in connection with the new service flag which were to re held to morrow have been postponed until some time next' week in the town hall The grand send off for the six or tight boys who were to go to camp Wednesday to be held in the town iall Monday evening was nipped in the bud by the orders of the war depart ment and the bovs are feeling much disappointed as they had been draft ed and had made all arrangements for leaving home In the case of Ar thur Clary who was a clerk in A store he goes back to his old position The Methodist harvest festival and chicken pie supper which was post poned from October to some time In November on account of the Spanish influenza has again been postpon'd to next year thps cutting'out two of that sort of entertainment this fall Holland steward A oan 6 Automo toplc of the Loyal Workers who gather at will be "Abld and fruit Tho pastor speak at the service at 7 Episcopal church of the Atone 8 and 915 a 1030 Sunday with ves The meetings of The school committee and board health have investigated the condi tion of the epidemic and find that there is verj little change over last week The school committee reports that the schools will remain closed for another week Annis Merrill is in a serious condi tion at his home with influenza HAMPDEN COUNTY tniillinn on Enfield street prim planned for the Monday will hp carried out nearly 25 years resign of ill health about two Mrs Sullivan possessed friends who will mourn She was a member of the Congregation followed by of spring as the Sundav School will and the Epworth Tne subject "The urgency of a great er Richard Champion will be the The evening preaching serv ile nt 7 (filbert has been appointed missionary will member drive to church Enfield grange Thursday evening in Grange hall for the benefit of the united war work campaign Christmas boxes for the boys over seas must be taken to Mrs Ewing Monday They must bo brought un wrapped as the contents have to be examined by the committee and thenwrapped ready for mailing not later than the 20th The annual meeting of loard was held in the town flee Tuesday evening and uller was elected chairman and A Vail Smith secretary' There was a large attendance at wife of of the church at 9 Rev pastor of the The bearers repr Mittineague Congregational will resume all services to at 10 a The subject of the Rev Oliver Loud will be Sunday schonl The life of Jacob will be At 7 In the evening in ad service there served at by Orange bile King 10 Three Bouts oil Opening Program for Monday Night Twenty six rounds of boxing have been carded for the opening show of the Whip City athletic club of West field Monday night Oscar Gardner ami Chick West will meet in main bout 12 rounds and Young Pershing of North Adams and Bat tling Green of Hartford will meet in the semifinal of eight rounds The' preliminary will bring together Young itzsimmons and Young Homer both of this city They will go six rounds The bouts will be held in Slovak halL Jack Roach will referee and action will begin at 815 Death of John Stapleton Joint Stapleton 38 physical df 1 rector of the Cleveland athletic club died yesterday at Cleveland of in fluenza He was formerly physical director of Pennsylvania State normal school St school Philadelphia and swimming instructor at Chautau qua (N summer school He re ceived his pliysiical training at Yale His body will be shipped to his home in Connecticut Wednesday A bomb outside the press Gilbert Barker Deny It and Expect to Keep Everybody Bite Pumps A rumor recently ffect that about 300 Gilbert Barker company are soon to be laid off because of less work was nailed by John Perkins plant manager of the company yesterday who said the company had no inten tion of releasing any of its help The company which nas entered a new line of manufacturing in the produc tion of pumps and tanks for automo biles and has just completed exten sive alterations of its freight handling facilities anticipates increased busi ness in the future The company also has manufactured comparatively lit tle war material One Night Cuticura ireatmem for Red Rough Hands Mrs Henry King of street was hit bv the automobile of Dr Birch of Orange early last evening on Main street The boy ran out into the road in front of the machine and was knocked down and rendered un conscious He was attended' by Dr Birch and Dr erry nt his hom*o and taken to 'the Kendall hospital Ho will probably recover although badlv injured about the head The annual meting of the Worces ter Northwest society will be held at the society room in the Lyric build ing on Monday evening It was to have been last Monday night but the peace celebration caused a small attendance and it was postponed one week The annual election will take place and other important business will bo transacted The society cleaned up a good sum this fall and held one of the few fairs in this section that did come through with a balance on ihe right side George Tatro has sold his three tenement house on Kennebunk street to Wilfred Currier but will live there until soring Dr David Coolidge has returned from federal service duty He was at ort Ethan Allen during the epidemic periodAt one time he was the only rhysician there and he was pretty busy part of thb time The annual meeting of the Red Cross chapter will be held in the high school hall next Tuesday evening and the public is Invited to attend Council of Royal and Select Masters Instituted A new Masonic oriler was instituted in Athol last evening when Harris council Royal and Select Masters was instituted in Masonic hall by Most Illustrious Grand Master Wal lace Keith and 'suite was a large number present and the new organization starts off with a fine membership list Henrie ay was Installed as thrice illustrious master John Horigan as deputy master Ossian ductor of work Arthur tap surer er James Higgins chaplain A A Laughton master of ceremonies Clar ence Bierce captain of the guard rederick IT Lee conductor of the council George? and ierce sentinel quet was Boy Hit In ihe afternoon at 3 o'clock morrow Rev Wightman county present the every' the men of the irst of the Boys Come Home Herbert Guyette son of Guyette of Canal street returned home yesterday from ort Porter Buffalo where he has heen re covering from a wound received in action in rance He was a member of the 101st infantry' of the 20th di vision and was wounded in the head at Chateau Thierry on 4 by a piece of shell ive of his companions were killed by the same shell He has been at ort Porter for the past nine weeks and has now received an honorable discharge from the army He has a brother Herbert Guyette who is also in the service and is at present stationed at Camp Devens Private Guyette is the first of the Turners ails men to return from rance He sailed for wfs severely The date of his Rev Russ the The aid society of the Con gregational church will have its an nual fair and chicken pie supper next riday evening at the town hall 6 Paul has enlisted in the trans portation division and expects to be called into the service within a few days He will sell his entire farm prop erty at auction next Wednesday Miss Clara Arms who ban been in poor health for a long time sustained a slight shock last Wednesday and though able to be about the house is under the care of Dr Newton of Northfield Wednesday evening the Gill grange elected the following officers: Master Walter A Marble overseer Grove Deming lecturer Maverette Johson steward ranz George as sistant steward Emmett Van Valken burgh chaplain Mrs Ernest Blake treasurer Arthur Stratton secretary Mrs Be Ponton Arthur steward committee Stoughton Roache Charles A arquhar Horace Sizer Dewey Barber Meyers William Curran Raymond Gibbs Edward Roache Giovanni Richiedis Howard A Allen Joseph Tichey Samuel De Santi Joh'i Kilkitis John Harwood Dwight Smith Thomas Durkin David Warner West Springfield Michael Har rington Antonio Quaglia James A Archibald Alfred Burns James Edwards Edward Sullivan John Connors oster Lawrence Michael Murphy Carroll A Goodman Leon Coates George Palmer Joseph A Bouchfer Wilfred A Metayer Er nest Casey George Gross John Melcher Louis Musselli rederick Chapin William Morrison red Harvey rancis Powers red Blanchard Romeo A Ladeau room i The evening sessions were given up because of the rowdyism A committee consisting of Richard Mudd John Curran and Mr Walsh were appointed to take up with the telephone company the matter of es tablishing free service between Willi mansett and cnicopee tne tion will meet again Tuesday Local Notices Rpservatlon? bolnsr mmte fur Thanks frlvirj dinner at th Bismarck hotel tele nhone 0432 Dinner will served from 123: to 330 at $130 per plate There will be orchestral music Advertisem*nt EREMtH 0MPA6HIE GEfRSALETSANSATIAKTIQVE S3 Express Postal berviue New York Bordeaux Paris EQI A I RES on ICE State tit or bncnj Agmt Up to Thursday night Windham county had raised 00 as part cf its subscription to the united war work campaign This includes the $24000 subscribed by the war chest The Victory boys in the county have gone over the top but?" the girls are slightly behind their quota In Brattleboro $82750 een subscribed by 153 boys and $1053" by 240 girls 5 On the first day of the work drive the student body of Wilbraham academy raised $175 In a body cf 52 inis was considered a gool To morrow evening at 7 a union service of thanks will be in the Methodist church with speak ing by Rev Hooper There will be special music by the cbo and the Philharmonic orchestra will as sist in the service The funeral of Mrs Maria War' who died Wednesday afternoon was held at the home on Grove street yesterday afternoon at 230 o'clock Rev Morgan officiated and bur ial was in Arms cemetery in the fam ily lot The bazar will lie evening in Memorial crowd attended last hall was beautifully the' national colors booths were also tastefully decorated held at Sunday Wlllimansett olks Agree to Make Youth Be Good So That Branch (an Run The Willimansett branch library will reopen evenings beginning next week as the Willimansett improve ment association has pledged itself to co operate with the library officials in stamping out rowdyism among the children who come into the library This announcement was made at a meeting of the improvement associa tion last evening The names of any children who do not conduct them selves properly in the library will be reported to the association by the librarian and the matter will he taken up with the' parents If plan does not prove satisfactory mem bers of the organization will Other buildings with radltis of a block were also lie Telegram rias been Word has been received of death of Edgar A Matthews United States navy son of Roswelli Matthews of South Longyard The flag on the common has been at half mast for two days The body arrived Wednesday The funeral was held yes terday at the home The news of peace was received in Southwick at early dawn The bells pealed joyously The schools were all closed Tuesday A procession of young school boys with flags headed by mu sic led by the teachers in the center inarched through the center and the kaiser was dragged in the rear by a veteran of the civil war Elizabeth Galpin is 10 days at her old home in ven Ct Mr and Mrs Hudson ing friends in Ct Miss Eliza Vining and Jenny Sarthory are visiting brother Ernest in terbury Ct Mr and side are River and Jersey are guests of his father Col lins Booth of Vining hill Mr Garry a renchman showed his patriotism by saving two barrels of cherry stones for the soldiers' masks The library was opened this week A jail and $25 and costs was given to 1 asquale Daddablo in town court yes terday morning on the charge of snult on his foreman Robert Jack son while at work in the tapestry de partment of the carpet works Wednes day mon ij The trouble arose over the discharge of the wife by Toreman Jackson when in a spirit of revenge he assaulted tho foreman Daddablo through his counsel Luddy later in the day took an ap peal from the verdict of Judge Bush nell and he was placed under bonus of $200 to guarantee his appearance at the December term of the superior court The man had little difficulty securing the bond Mrs raulinc Cornposto 21 wife Philip Cornposto died at her home Windsor street yesterday morning a complication of diseases after a few days' illness She was a native of Naro Italy and had lived in Thompsonville tho past few years The funeral will be held in St Patrick's church this afternoon and the burial will be in St cemetery She is survived by her husband and an infant child The Thompsonville board of trade will hold an important meeting in the town building Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at which matters of special interest to the townspeople will be considered Rail? day will be observed in the irst Presbyterian church to morrow At the 1030 a service the pastor Rev rancis IV Dell will take for his topic on" at the vesper service at 4 address on hope of the will be given by Percy Thomas of Rockville The regular services in St Pat rick's church will be resumed to mor row after having been curtailed the past tew weeks on account of the in fluenza epidemic The Liberty loan committee will complete its campaign for the united war work fund this evening and the members hope to secure the full $13 000 quota Special offerings will be taken ur in all churches to morrow for the fund The annual meeting of the parent teachers' association postponed on account of tlie peace celebration will be held Monday evening in the school me pro iast to morrow morning honor of Harry died in rance from in action on October nlfl is brother nf the well known business man and lived in Hazardville for three months previous to his enlistment He wis employed in the office of the Spring field street railway Mr itzgerald joined the ranks in Orwell Vt being assigned to Co 304th infantry division and went to Devens in April of this year rance July (I and wounded October 10 death is not known Judd the rector will conduct services fo morrow and there will be special music The Red Cross is furnishing boxes of regulation size for Christinas gifts for the boys overseas These may bo obtained at the home of Mrs Daniel Barnes of before the At erans held this week the following relief committee was appoint ed to work with a similar committee chosen by the board of trade: Henry Packard Thomas Connolly Al bert Pease Albert Beckwith Mrs Clifford A Sweet of East street has returned from a two stay in Hebronville The selectmen having refused the public safety committee the use of Memorial hall on Sunday saying that thyy are afraid of a recurrence of the epidemic tne community smg win held in the Methodist church at NORTH ILBRAHAMY held again this large The with many Mrs John Mellen of Hill visiting friends In ail Miss Katherine Stewart has spending the week with her sister Mrs Charles White in Weymouth Mrs Merle Sellew has gone to Watertown to her brother En sign Hiram McGlaflin There will be preaching at the Methodist church Sunday morning fol lowed by Sunday school 7 the meeting will be under the aus pices of the women's missionary soci ety when Nirs lorence Hassler who recently returned from Africa will give an address Mrs Hassler is a guest of Miss Ella Carter of our Corners The Baptist church which has been closed since the influenza epidemic will resume services to morrow Rev Newton I Jones of Newbury port wm preaen at tne al church to morrow Sunday school All of tne schools of expecting to reopen Monday morn ing Miss Esther Alson grade 7 teacher at the Center is ill vzith the influenza also her mother and sister but a substitute may be provided The canning census taken under the direction of Miss Blanche Champlin is about completed The epidemic has been a handicap in obtaining a full report rom 294 families reports show 29200 quarts of fruit arid vege tables have been canned pickled or salted an average of 'TOO quarts to each family One thousand and forty eight dozen of eggsbeen preserved A special memorial service will be held in St Episcopal church at 10 in itzgerald who wounds received10 Mr itzger itzgerald Jones: gate keeper Alton Vitie Ceres Mabel Jones Celia Brown lora Stratton lady rances Bell: for three years President arrell of Inter national League Says Boys rom rance Will Cause Easeball in the minor leagues will be resumed on a larger scale than ever in the opinion of John arrell president of the International league and secretary of the National associa tion of professional baseball leagues'' which has concluded its annual meet ing at Peoria III Soldiers returning from rance andy fN training camps will do much to bring Ixisoball back to its former popularity he believes look for a tremendous revival ofi the game as quickly as the war situ ai ion is settled and the men in the service return he said A special meeting of the National'll association trill be called in Chicago after the first of the year as soA as the major leagues decide on tl course they will pursue in regard to the 1919 season Chureh Plans for To morrow responsibilities of w'll be the subject cf the sermon to morrow morning at the Methodist church The question "Do you will be discussed at the vestry serv ice at 7 The Epworth league will meet at The customary class will be at noon Rev A Covell of Boston will preach to morrow morning at the irst Con gregational church Sunday scho will meet at noon There will be a service in Polish at St John's Lu theran church to morrow morning nt 10 with a service in English at 11 Sunday school will be at 12 The winter schedule will be resumed at St church to mor row with masses at and hir mass at school wilt be at 2 tiers at 3 the various societies will be resumed subject to morrow morning of Rev A Page of the Advent church will be joy of the The Sunday school service will be at nooa The will ing will Tho ment on King street in common with all Episcopal churches of America will have a service of thanksgiving over the victory and qoming of peac? to morrow morning at 1030 Chil service will be at 930 a and early morning service at 730 Edward Hawley the organist 'of the church will give an organ re cital at' '30 to morrow night at the Baptist church followed by a patriotic service by the peo ple at 730 There will be the Usual morning service and Sunday A celebration over the return of peaio will be the feature of the Second Con gregational morning and evening serv ices Sunday with special addresses tv the nastor Rev special patriotic musical service will be held in the evening Death of Mrs Daniel Mrs Agnes Sullivan 57 widow of Daniel Sullivan died Thursday evening in Northampton following a short illness Mrs Sullivan was bor 1 in Chester the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Murphy but with her fam ily came to Westfield when only a few years old She had lived sinei in the family home at 47 Pochassic street She taught in the local schools for a short time but she be better remembered as having charge of the hosiery department of Snow store which position she held for ing because years ago ininv loval her death schools in town have been closed in the last five weeks the last time two weeks ago for three weeks Edith Boneski the nine months old child of Mr and Mrs rank Boneski of West Suffleld who live on the Van Gelder place on South Grand street died yesterday morning of influenza after a two illness This makes the 15th death from this disease our new cases were reported yesterday The funeral of Thomas Olsen the Suffield resident who committed sui cide at Wallingford Ct Monday night by throwing himself in front of the express at the depot was held yes terday afternoon at 2 with prayers at the grave in Woodlawn cemetery by Rev Victor Greenwood pastor of the irst Congregational church The home missionary soci ety of the Second Baptist church held a thanksgiving service yesterday aft ernoon at 3 in the vestry of the church with a good attendance Services will be resumed at Cal vary Episcopal church to morraw morning Cola ft Nelson Charles was unanimously voted to close all cd Stearns the public schools la town beginning in Andrew Haley of Ware was before Judge Dennis Healey in the dis trict court Thursday afternoon on a charge of manslaughter He is ac cused of driving the car which killed Michael Kubaska tho 12th The case was postponed for a week pending investigation by Chief of Police Crawford Haley was placed under $10o0 bonds which he furnished At a meeting of the athletic asso ciation of the liardwick high school in the assembly hall Thursday it was decided to have both a and basketball team this year Guy Vail formerly of Scituate high school has been secured as' coach for the team and Miss Lillian Itustin formerly of Txnvell normal school will coach the girls' team assisted by Miss Edith Sprague of Lynn Mana ger John Moore is now busy arrang ing his schedule Walter Holt chairman of the united war work campaign of the town Thursday night reported that the town had gone over its required quota of $4000 llotet Rrisfiton Casino OxenfArouyAou tAe year The schools and churches have been ordered closed and no public gather ings will be allowed till the epidemic now raging subsides At the annual meeting of Harmony lodge the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: Worthy mas ter Leon Alexander senior war iltn Elmer Howard junior war den Clayton treasurer Butterfield principal con ryier rank Weaver record Mr and Mrs George Roberts have received word of the oeatn of eldest son Lewis Roberts 26 at bis home in Westfield following on illness of pneumonia and complica tions He was born and lived his boyhood days in the village Seven years ago he went to Westfield where he was employed in the trolly car barns He was a member ot the trol union and Whip council Knights of Columbus He leaves his widow who is seriously ill one son Lewis Jr his parents Mr and Mrs George Roberts one brother Er four sisters Misses Alice lora Valmer and Dorothy all of the vil lage one brother Wallace of Palmer unci two other sisters Mrs James (Poster of Palmer and Mrs Alex Black of Ludlow The funeral will be held nt St Mary's church Westfield at 9 tlilc morning following a service at the home at 815 Burial will be in St cemetery' there I Simon Garzynski of 14 Notre Dame street Westfield and Apolionla Miza of Bondsville were married in Be lchertown Tuesday The ceremony I was performed by Rev Ponnykalo Bombers attempted to wreck the offices of the Youngstown Tele gram at Youngstown shortly be fore midnight planted lust room exploded breaking windows mid crushing doors in the il'imaged The Telegram has been strongly pro ally' and is one of foremost dry advocates Several years ago an attempt teas made to amite the home of its publisher Samuel McClure Mrs assistant executive Soak hands for some minutes on retiring in hot Cuticura soapsuds Dry and gently mb them with Cuti cura Ointm ent until it creams Wipe off surplus Ointment with tissue paper Nothing better than these super creamy emollients for red rough chapped or imitated hands A boon to young housewives by Mtft AMfomi Uept HA fiob) evrvYthere Soap 23c Umtment 25 and 30c Talcum 25c I oral Notices George Webber and cliihlren to thank AU thelf rnen lR for their kindness and pathy shown In their recent borrow bereavement Sixty one Ordered to Appear Thurs day Afternoon Sixty one September registrants from district 6 are summoned to ap pear in Grand Army hall Westfield Thursday afternoon at 4 follows: rom Westfield: naugh Edward A Morin Murphy Walter Knott David Sil verman Peter Danek Joseph Geehern Clarence Syriac Belden Palmer Clinton Cowles Cezory Bores Julius Enko Thomas Myers Patrick Hennessey Andrew Kalafut Jr Charles Rehor Thomas Coles Ernest Hatch red Goodness Carroll Band John erriter John Shea Peter Romani Janies Rogers William Cotter Leon Cowles William Bumeiko Otto Lange John Joseph Oates rom West Springfield: John Hall rank Quillard Roland Guido Nelson Warner John Koloski red Bouvier Jr Stephen Hart nett Alfred Ravening Thomas Horacek Jeremiah Murphy Patrick Bresnahan Victor Quillard Jerry Morrissey Edward Burnes Edward Talmadge Thomas Sheehan Bertrand James A Bell Aseltine Car! 5V Miller Harold Buffam Napoleon Bourque Leslie Goodhind Harold Berry Earl AV Anthony ranklin Cossaboon John Goodhind John McGrevy Charles AA' Babb AVilliam Lynch rom Southwick: George Dewey ifty eight men of the September 12 registration group have been or dered to report for physical examina tions in Grand Army hall Tuesday afternoon at 4 The physical examinations of class 1 men will be continued through and Thursday afternoons The following men have been ordered to report Tuesday: AVestfield Sidney Tuttle James Hart Leo A Miller rank Kelsey John Lj nch George Keife Nathan AAr LIswcll Harry Levine Edward rank Joseph A Madden Jr Mike Olinsky John Poulin rank Rais George I uller Jr Ralph Barnes Cecil Steimer Bert oley James Edward Deerfield Academy and Greenfield High in AVarni Tilt To day Deerfield academy and high will meet in a football game at Greenfield this afternoon for the bene fit of tlie war fund Both teams are strong and the hom*o boys while con fident have a wholesome fear of their opponents Deerfield has several now boys but they are fast and strong as the Aggie freshmen found out As the game is for the championship of ranklin county there is considerable 5 interest in the outcome Deerfield boasts of an exceptional player in Sheldon Clapp right halt back Last year he played tackle but this fall he is a half back on the of fense ond a tackle on the defense Clapp is a husky child weighing pounds He was captain and left for ward of last basketball team and was also first baseman on the ball nine lie intends to enter Amherst Irj" the fall Mr and Mrs Simpson Bates left town on riday to make" their future home with their son Belmont Rev Ida Chandler Rev Harry Pilgrim Methodist church will fill his pulnit Sunday Mr Taylor is in the AVorcester city hospital as a result of an auto mobile accident The adjourned annual meeting of Worcester West agricultural society will be held in the office of Judge John Smith on Saturday evening Owing to the influenza epidemic the meeting has been put off from time to time The aid society of the Meth odist church will meet next Wednes day afternoon with Mrs Ernest Howard of street Regular services Will be the Central Methcdist church There will be a preaching service at 1030 with return reflections on the short sermon subject hn at will be at G15 will bo ra leader ice will Russ secretary of the Chicopee war gr cers association His duties will consist in checking up the grocers' registration lists to see that no one has registered twice He will regular hours it the beard of trade rooms next week Marriage intentions have been filed by Medcrle Vignault of 7'1 Maple street and Ciarinda Ganley street Mis Hsa Carter who Cross welfare secretary Plains is at her home for a few days A '0 gallon water tank is being in stalled at the Cabot street engine bouse to take thg place of the presen 40 gallon tank which has became worn out Chuiura of 160 South street' has announced Jiis candidacy far al derman at large Leo PSenecal will run for re election to the Scheel board Carp Chicopee' alls was fined $25 in court yesterday morning on the charge of larceny of 150 yards of cloth from the Hampden bleachery and 810 on the charge of assaulting the foreman of the plant A service of gratitude and recon secration will be held at the Unitarianchurch Sunday The subject of the sermon will be the wilderness the promised A special service will be held at Grace church Sunday morning to celebrate the victorious peace There will be a short sermon anthems and hymns of praise The radio buzzer classes which have been conducted in the high school for drafted men have been discontinued The date of the fair and supper ot the Unitarian guild alliance scheduled for riday the 22d has been change! to Thursday the 21st Mount Pleasant lodge of United Workmen will meet Monday There will be instalation of officers Adjoining lodges are invited Miss Ruth Jenkins of AVorcester formerly a teacher at the high school is spending the week end with Miss Bessie Burgess of Howard street A II Parker who has managed the 'electrical business of Parker Hamer 'has sold out to Edward A Higney of Ware Zoel Landry of East Long meadow and rank A Caster of AA'est I The Boston and Albany freighthousn 1 will inaugurate new working hours beginning Monday when business will open 8 a and close at 5 reight delivered at the depot before I will be loaded the same day The state fuel administration has approved of an advance of 25 cents per ton of coal in Palmer the price now being $1075 Another advance of about $1 a ton will be in effect soon to cover the recent advance of $100 At the annual meeting of West Brookfield grange the following offi cers were elected for the coming vear: Overseer rancis McRevey lecturer Mrs Cora Richards steward orbes Henshaw: assis tant steward Palmer Carroil: chaplain Mrs Myra Gilmore: treasurer Mrs Edith Livermore: secretary Miss Marion Allen gatekeeper red Duncanson Ceres Mrs Lillian Keeton Pomona Miss Helen Dodge lora Airs Grace Stone lady assistant stew ard Miss Reta Galvin Harry Al 'len was elected a member of the executive committee for three years and John AVebb purchasing agent The election of a master was deferred to a later meeting John A Daley for 24 years in the employ of the Olmstead Quaboag cor set company was surprised at his home on fdechanic street Thursday evening and presented a purse con taining $25 by the employes of the concern Mr Daley was superinten dent of the factory for the past two and a half ears but recently resigned because of ill health Henry Rogers Js 83 To day Henry Rogers who is probably oldest tobacco buyer in the state celebrate his 83d birthday to day at his home on North Alain street by 1 entertaining his friends and relatives who wish to call Mr Rogers is to day very lively and travels from town a guardian He says he never I felt better in his life and is simply taking life easy He was born in Suf field on what is known as Boston Neck street November 16 1835 being the son of Richard and Symantba i Clapp) Rogers He was educated the public schools of the town and later the Shelburne alls (Mass) academy He learned the tobacco business and in 1870 was appointed buyer for Luther Spencer remaining i with about 13 years He then went to work for Luther Kent where I he stayed about two years and also worked 20 for A I uller leaf tobacco buyers and pack 1 era in Suffield and Hartford with whom he remained until about four years ago when he retired from till active business He married Miss Martha A Andruss daughter of Levi and Eleanor (Smith) Andruss of Suf field Schools To Be Closed Again At a special meeting of the school board in Superintendent of Schools TI office last evening it Monday until further notice on ac the meeting of the aid society count of the outbreak of the Piedmont hall Thursday afternoon epidemic This is the second time the and evening A special program schools in town have been closed in musical selections recitations a silent 1 drama a was given and Charles Phelps Rockville gave 1 a stirring address on the united war work campaign to which the proceeds oi the meeting $45 goes Mrs AV A Pea 'e has been enter taining her sister Mrs Elson Allen ot Agawam Mrs Pease has returned home after spending several days in Chico pee 1 i The funeral of Lev is Roberts was held at the home 2'5 Hign street yesterday morning at S15 followe I by a high mass of requiem at Mary's George itzgerald church officiated sent' ng the Knights of Columbus were Joseph Durkin Stephen A allon and John Murphy of the United States navy the union reder ick Lambson Eugene Sullivan and Andrew Carbonsese BuriaJ was in St Mary's cemetery A Christmas remembrance' to mil members of tho local Knights of Co lumbus in the service will be sent ac cording to action taken Thursday night at a meeting of the lodge The newly elected officers were installed and there w's a pleasant social time District AVoedke and staff of Springfield were in charge of the instalation The fire department was called last night to extinguish a fire which had started as the result of sparks from a locomotive falling on the roof of a ten ement In the rear of the warehouse of Buschmann Bros on Union avenue There was no damage The funeral of Arnold Manley 27 will be held this at '3 with Rev AA' Ayres of the central Baptist Burial will be in Pine Hill cemetery red Adams of Springfield was fined $5 in district court yesterday for being drunk He was committed to the house of correction for failure to Pay Robert Smith spent yesterday in neighboring towns to consult with the various chairmen concerning the work of the boys and girls" Gran ville Blandford Chester Huntington and AVoronoco are already well or ganized Prof rederick Hopkins state super viser of art has been secured to speak next Tuesday night before the ciub of the Second Congregational church on "Joan of upon which he has been lecturing during tlie past summer to enthusiastic audiences of men in the service as his nart in en tertaining them Prof HoPkihs is nrincipal of the normal art school ih Boston George II Jachym John Ni dolski and Peter Sadowski have been selected to secure pital from among of AA'estfield The time of American soldiers extended from ths 20th to the 30th according to word received yesterday bv Postmaster AVilliam B' Mahoney No parcel can be accepted except in a Red Cross container for AA'estfield boys overseas Local Notices )a We'thcrber' opposite the Iullow pen toilice con repair your watches and Jewelry 2 24 and work will be called for Advertisem*nt Private Thomas Phillips son of Betsy Phillips of Oak street member of the Sth observation squadron has been with the other members ot the squadron for valuable services during the recent offensive operations against the St Mihicl salient on Sep tember 15 Under most trying weather Express Willingness to Help Up for Time Lost During Epi demic A vigorous denial that the teach ers of have organized to oppose the holding of the public schools on Saturdays if necessary to make up the time lost because of the epidemic was issued yester day afternoon by the faculty of the ort Meadow grammar school in be half of the instructors of the town AVestfield teachers have read 'with surprise the statements in some of the papers" explains the written statement of the teachers "One pa per states that 125 teachers are anxiously awaiting the outcome of a controversy which as far as the teachers can find out exists only In the headlines of the paper Another paper has the banded to gether to refuse to make up lost time As a matter of fact the question has never been presented to tho teachers nor has there been held a meeting of the teachers to discuss the mat ter The sentiments expressed in these articles are not representative cf the teaching church of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament She left no npar rela tives The funeral will be held to day at the undertaking rooms Hearn Co at 815 followed by mass o' requiem at the church of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament at 9 o'clock Burial will take place in the family lot in St cemetery Rearing on Proposed Town Meeting Leander Strong of State street leader of a movement of laboring men to Investigate the actions of the mu nicipal light department in 'its deal ings with the Turners alls power company is scheduled to appear be fore the selectmen this morning in regard to the validity of several clauses of his 19 articles propose! tor the warrant for a special meet ing to be held the 25th 26th or 27tii Mr Strong contends that the munici pal light board sold municipal light equipment without authority to do so and then requested the voters to authorize the board to do what they had already done He as serts that the turbine engine costing $49 000 is being sold for junk st $5000 when a firm of experts has of fered to put the turbine In first class shape for $5000 Other contentions are advanced by Mr Strong to co produced in support of his arguments at the special town meeting Noble Hospital Drive js Extended The drive to secure $50010 to: Noble hospital will bo continued on Monday and Tuesday of next weea because of the delay caused by the celebration on Monday and Tuesday of the past week it was announced last night after 9 from the headquarters of the campaign com mittee The figures were not avail able last evening to show the results Ot the solicitation up to now May Have located rank Rreznlk The rank Rzeznik of AVest Spring field who was reported killed in ac tion in the November 12 casualty list Is believed to be the husband of a Mrs Rzeznik who is thought to live in the town though nothing definite has been learned as yet by ths information committee Col Denton of the committee said last night that according to information given him by Mrs II Smith of the Red Cross a certain Mrs Rzeznik moved into town recently from Chic opee and believed she lived some where on Birnie avenue It seems that her husband enlisted in the army from Chicopee but the name does not appear in the West Spring field directory Col Denton who re ceived this information only last night Intends to make a search ing investigation in an effort to find wife It was at first thought that Rzeznik was the son of Mrs John Moore of 43 Main street who has been missing since ebruary 10 19J7 Mrs Moore believed that her son might be in the army under an alias as she said he often went away from hom*o from time to time under dif ferent names These intentions of marriage have been filed within the past two weeks at the town office: Bragio Tas serini of 15 Main street and Anglea Musselli of 102 New Bridge street: Joseph Parisi of 52 Sprague street and Raffaela Mezzarino of 346 AVater street Springfield Larese of 69 Sprague street and Caterina Tar laschi of 29 High street: rank i Kurt of Chicopee and Alice Rider ef 1112 Riverdale street Mrs Helen Head of 23 Nelson street reported to the police yester' day afternoon that while she was driving west on AA'estfield street about 1 her automobile struck an Italian who was uninjured and re fusing to give her any name other than went away with hi companion According to Mrs Head the pair were walking slowly in the middle cf the road when shelowed down almost to a stop sound ing her horn The men started slow ly for the sidewalk and as she started again they slopped one of them be ing hit Rev AV Atherton will speak at the irst Baptist church to morrow cn light of the Sunday achool is at 12 Thfe Christian en deavor society will meet at 6 and will be conducted by Miss Ida Spooner the topic being "Reforms that meet our The topic for the evening serv ice will be There will be several five minute addresses by rank Spooner Henry A Pratt George Perin Preston Gilme and the pas tor Special music is to be furnished The monthly business meeting of the Christian endeavor society will take place next Thursday evening at 6 with Miss lorence Oppenheimer of Soutn Worth street Those wishing to register for thevening high school may do so be fore this coming Monday evening at the office or Mon day evening at the first session There will le public worship at the Mittineague Methodist church to morrow at 1030 a Tlie sermon by the pastor Rev George Sanderson will be on "The Sundsy schooi'ill be at 12 noon At 7 there will be a stereopticon lecture en titled of Africa" with 7'1plendid views of the conti nent The ehurch morrow pastor wooden is at 14 studied dltion to the regular will be a community sing and sacred concert by the choir Services at the irst Methodist church will be held Sunday morning at 1035 The sermon by the pas tor A'alkenburgh will be a god of Sunday echonl will be at 12 Th regularevening service at 730 will be con ducted bv Deaconess Mary Haven Rev Gorton will take as at the irst Congregational church at 1030 a to morrow triumph of Sunday echnol will bo at 12 The funeral of AVilliam leming Armstrong will be held at the home 13 AValnut street Mittineague to morrow afternoon at 3 Rev Oliver Loud will officiate and burial will be In Tatham cemetery Agent Julius A Morrill of the board of health said last night that the evening services and Sunday schools of the churches in town may be resumed after a suspen sion The Mittineacue Tatham civic league held its monthly meeting last evening at the Mittineague Young Christian association There was a good attendance which heard a very interesting informal talk by Stanford Haynes It is hoped that tncre win ne a larger attendance the next meeting when there will something of interest to present turns in tn King cnarge at tne rcaumg i I I JI A I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, Massachusetts

Springfield is perhaps best known as the birthplace of basketball and home of the Basketball Hall of Fame. (The story goes that local physical education teacher James Naismith invented the sport to fill the gaps between football and baseball seasons.)

Who are the founding fathers of Springfield MA? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,3393,697
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.6924.00

Which president was from Springfield? ›

For nearly 23 years, Springfield was the center of Abraham Lincoln's life – his social, legal and political world. Historian Michael Nelson wrote: Lincoln thrived in Springfield: he lived there… longer by far than in any other place.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

On December 21, 1891, the game of basketball was born in Springfield, Massachusetts.. James Naismith was a Canadian physical education instructor who invented the game of basketball in 1891 while working at the YMCA Training School in Springfield .

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

The Type 1861 "Springfield" rifle-musket used during the American Civil War, was nicknamed the "Springfield" after the city it was manufactured in.

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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