Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (2025)


What is the Protoform Synthesis system

Protoform Synthesis is a new system of Patch 9.2 whichallows players to craft their own pets and mounts from reagents that are found inZereth Mortis. It is unlocked by the Cypher of the First Ones CypherResearch Console, more specifically the Dealic — Wildlife Control section.

If you would like to learn more about the rest of the Cypher of the First Onessystem and what it can unlock, please see our guide below.

Cypher of the First Ones Guide

There are a total of 2 Forges that can be unlocked. One of them provides youaccess to crafting new Pets and the other one grants access to theMount crafting.


Unlocking the Protoform Synthesis Forges

Unlocking the Protoform Synthesis Forges requires you to research theDealic section through the Cypher of the First Ones CypherResearch Console and then completing a short quest line. You will gain accessto the Cypher Research Console after you finish Chapter 3 of theSecrets of the First Ones campaign.

You need two specific talents from that tree to gain access to both, withone unlocking the ability to craft Battle Pets and the other forMounts.

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (1)

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (2)

  • Dealic Understanding — talent in Dealic, grantsaccess to the Pet crafting Forge
  • Sopranian Understanding — talent in Dealic, grantsaccess to the Mount crafting Forge

After researching Dealic Understanding your Pocopoc willprovide you with a quest called Protoform Synthesis. Finish thisand you will have access to the forge which allows for the crafting ofBattle Pets.

Once Sopranian Understanding finishes researchingElder Amir will give you a Quest calledFinding Tahli. This will lead to a questchain which consists of thefollowing quests:

  • Finding Tahli;
  • Selfless Preservation;
  • Junk's Not Dead;
  • Core Competency;
  • Revival of the Fittest;
  • Maintenance Mode;
  • Access Request;
  • The Final Song;
  • Judgment Call;
  • The Lost Component;
  • A New Architect;
  • Schematic Reassimilation: Deathrunner.

After completing the questchain mentioned above you will gain access to theforge which allows you to craft Mounts.


Forge locations

As mentioned before there are two different Protoform Synthesis Forges.One is for crafting Battle Pets and the other one is for craftingMounts. While the quests that will unlock them will takeyou directly to their locations you can take a quick look at the images below tofigure out where they are.


Pet Protoform Synthesis


Mount Protoform Synthesis


Crafting Components

Now that you have a clear understanding on how to unlock the ProtoformSynthesis Forges we can talk about what items you actually need in order tocraft your companions and mounts. To put it simply you need 3 types ofdifferent components, and sometimes also a Schematic:

  • Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (5) Genesis Motes
  • A Rare Component related to the craft
  • A Lattice
  • A Schematic

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (6) Genesis Motes, Lattices,Schematic for pets, and some of theRare Components will start dropping afteryou research Dealic Understanding while theremaining Rare Components and Schematics for mounts start showing upafter you finish the Sopranian Understanding research.

If you would like to see the exact costs, appearances, and battle pet movesfor all of these pets and mounts, please consult the relevant sections of ourcollection guides for Patch 9.2 below.

Patch 9.2 Protoform Pets, Moves, and CostsPatch 9.2 Protoform Mounts and CostsPatch 9.2 Battle Pets Collection HubPatch 9.2 Mounts Collection Hub


TomTom - your personal Navigation assistant

TomTom is a navigation addon that helps you find the correct places whereyou need to go in order to obtain some of the items. We strongly suggest youdownload this addon as it makes navigating the zones a lot easier.

In the next sections you will notice coordinates in the form of"/way 25.5, 23.3". When using TomTom all you have to do is copy thatcommand and use it in game — after doing so you will notice a waypointadded to your minimap at these exact coordinates. This will make finding therequired items and places significantly easier. You can usethis link to obtainmore information about TomTom.


Genesis Motes

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (7) Genesis Motes are the most common and the easiest to find component.These drop from all types of enemies found in Zereth Mortis. You shouldbe able to obtain them by just doing your quests and daily activities inZereth Mortis. While the amount of Genesis Motes needed to craft a specificpet or mount varies, the rough estimate would be around 300 Motes for aPet and 400 Motes for a Mount.


Rare Components and Sources

These items are a lot harder to find than Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (8) Genesis Motes. They dropfrom specific enemies or from some designated area of Zereth Mortis.Generally you need to have one of these items per craftable pet or mount.That said, you need to go hunting for the correct one from the correct place.



Glimmers are items specificallyneeded for crafting Battle Pets. Thereare a lot of different types of them and they generally drop from specific typesof enemies. For example, the Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (9) Glimmer of Discovery drops from variousAnnelid enemies like Engorged Annelid and Annelid Mudborer.For a full list of Glimmers and from where to obtain them take a look at thetable below.

The table below is being updated as more sources are found.

NameSourceAdditional information
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (10) Glimmer of AnimationVarious Protector AutomasVine-Choked Protector, /way 47.45 81.32
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (11) Glimmer of CunningVarious Tarachnid enemiesTarachnid, /way 56 32
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (12) Glimmer of DiscoveryVarious Annelid enemiesAnnelid Mudborer, /way 56.54 67.01
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (13) Glimmer of FocusVarious Rare enemiesHirukon, Sorranos
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (14) Glimmer of MaliceVarious DreadlordsDreadlord Commander, /way 50.0 48.0
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (15) Glimmer of MetamorphosisVarious Mawsworn enemiesEbon Dominator, /way 50.0 48.0
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (16) Glimmer of MotionVarious Raptora enemiesGrasslands Raptora, West side of Zereth Mortis
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (17) Glimmer of MultiplicitySentient Overgrowth/way 47.45 81.32 (Southern Zereth Mortis)
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (18) Glimmer of PredationDematerializing Worldeater/way 41.89 66.66 (Northern Zereth Mortis)
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (19) Glimmer of RenewalVarious Carnivorous enemiesCarnivorous Overgrowth, /way 46.50 83.21
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (20) Glimmer of SatisfactionEating food inside Sepulcher of the First Ones raidSepulcher of the First Ones
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (21) Glimmer of SerenitySmall pyramid objects named Glimmer of SerenityOften found on top of orb structures and mountains
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (22) Glimmer of SurvivalVarious Creeping enemiesCreeping Brambles, /way 47.45 81.32
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (23) Glimmer of VigilanceVarious Overgrown enemiesOvergrown Drifter, /way 47.45 81.32


Other Rare Components

Rare Components are similar toGlimmers in how they are found and used.You need one specific Rare Component for crafting a mount. Below you can finda table which explains where you can find them.

The table below is being updated as more sources are found.

NameSourceAdditional information
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (24) Bauble of Pure InnovationProtoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (25) Bauble of Pure InnovationInside Exile's Hallow at /way 34.5 49.7
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (26) Crystallized Echo of the First SongVarious locations around Zereth Mortis/way 77.5 59.0, /way 78.2 54.35
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (27) Eternal RagepearlDropped by Dominated WorldbreakerAntecedent Isle, /way 47.41 12.63
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (28) Lens of Focused IntentionSold by Vilo for 300 GoldRequires The EnlightenedRevered
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (29) Mawforged BridleHigh Value CacheDetails below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (30) Protoform Sentience CrownDropped by various Dominated enemiesAntecedent Isle, /way 47.41 12.63
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (31) Revelation KeyDropped by Protector of the First Ones rare/way 39.0 27.0
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (32) Tools of Incomprehensible ExperimentationLihuvim, Principal ArchitectSepulcher of the First Ones
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (33) Unalloyed Bronze IngotUndiscoveredUndiscovered
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (34) Wind's Infinite CallDropped by various Enhanced enemiesEnhanced Avian, /way 77.0 57.0


Mawforged Bridle

The High Value Cache is located inside Sepulcher of the First Ones,in the area just after the first boss. To unlock the Cache you need an itemdropped by Taskmaster Xy'pro.

  • Find Taskmaster Xy'pro in Sepulcher of the First Ones;
  • Damage the Taskmaster until it is low on health;
  • Pull 3 broker enemies near it so it gets 3 stacks of the buff Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (35) Synergy;
  • Kill the Taskmaster while it has the buff Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (36) Security Override applied to it;
  • Pickup the item Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (37) Security Override Orb;
  • Open the High Value Cache for a chance to obtain Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (38) Mawforged Bridle.


Lattices and Sources

Lattices are another ingredient that isneeded to successfully craft your companion. They are needed to craft the "body"of the creature. This means that if you wish to create a snake type ofmount or a pet you need a Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (39) Viperid Lattice which has a chance to bedropped by all types of snakes found around Zereth Mortis.

The table below is being updated as more sources are found.

NameSourceAdditional information
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (40) Ambystan LatticeOtiosen/way 43.99 86.99
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (41) Aurelid LatticeVarious Jellyfish-type creaturesAurelid
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (42) Bufonid LatticeVarious Toad-type creaturesAccelerated Bufonid, /way 49.77 73.08
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (43) Cervid LatticeVarious Stag-type creaturesNative Cervid, /way 55.71 80.56
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (44) Geomental LatticeVarious Elemental-type creaturesForgotten Geomental, /way 57.27 66.64
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (45) Helicid LatticeVarious Snail-type creaturesAccelerated Helicid, /way 56.38 82.57
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (46) Leporid LatticeVarious Rabbit-type creaturesClutch Guardian, /way 60.20 62.51
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (47) Lupine LatticeVarious Wolf-type creaturesLupine Animate, /way 38.99 55.47
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (48) Poultrid LatticeAvian NestsRandom spawns around Zereth Mortis, look for a interactable nest
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (49) Proto Avian LatticeVarious Avian-type creaturesEnhanced Avian, /way 77.0 57.0
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (50) Raptora LatticeVarious Hawk-type creaturesGrasslands Raptora, West side of Zereth Mortis
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (51) Scarabid LatticeVarious Beetle-type creaturesScarabid Imago, /way 54.04 46.89
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (52) Tarachnid LatticeVarious Spider-type creaturesTarachnid, /way 56.92 34.15
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (53) Unformed LatticeVarious Automa Core-type creaturesDestabilized Core, /way 53.72 44.47
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (54) Vespoid LatticeVarious Wasp-type creaturesVespoid Overseer, /way 52.69 42.17
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (55) Viperid LatticeFuridian, /way 64.53 58.66Interact with 3 keys, /way 64.47 60.44, /way 64.01 57.29, /way 62.58 59.85
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (56) Vombata LatticeVarious Vombata-type creaturesVombata Matron, /way 45.13 66.99


Schematics and Sources

Schematics are needed to craftspecific Mounts and Battle Pets. There are amultitude of them and each of them unlocks a single craft. They can be obtained fromvarious sources ranging from killing enemies to picking them up from treasures.For more precise information about where they can be obtained you can take a lookat the table below. Some of the schematics are a lot easier to obtain once youunlock flying in Zereth Mortis.


Battle pet schematics

These Schematics will only start showing up after you finish theDealic Understanding research.

NameCoordinatesAdditional information
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (57) Schematic: Ambystan Darter/way 78.13 53.10Underwater to the right of the Ancient Hopper
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (58) Schematic: Fierce Scarabid/way 61.25 42.60Under the side of the platform where Malfunctioned Constructor stands
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (59) Schematic: Leaping Leporid/way 58.35 74.35On top of a tree branch — flying makes it easier to obtain
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (60) Schematic: Microlicid/way 28.0 50.0Hidden in the tree leaves on the branch
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (61) Schematic: Multichicken/way 53.55 72.22Find 5 Lost Ovoids and turn them in
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (62) Schematic: Omnipotential CoreUndiscoveredUndiscovered
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (63) Schematic: Prototickles/way 52.31 75.67On a chain link inside the tree top
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (64) Schematic: Resonant EchoVarious spawn locations around Zereth MortisRandom drop from Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (65) Crystallized Echo of the First Song
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (66) Schematic: Shelly/way 57.8 77.8Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (67) Schematic: Stabilized GeomentalLihuvim, Principal ArchitectSepulcher of the First Ones
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (68) Schematic: Terror Jelly/way 67.21 32.60Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (69) Schematic: Tunneling Vombata/way 74.79 50.85Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (70) Schematic: Violent PoultridDaily quest Cluck, Cluck, BoomNot guaranteed
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (71) Schematic: Viperid Menace/way 58.82 77.15Details below


Obtaining Schematic: Multichicken

You need to find 5 Lost Ovoids and turn them in at /way 53.55 72.22.Lost Ovoids are a random spawn throughout Zereth Mortis. Below, you canfind some coordinates where they can potentially appear:

  • /way 34.30 66.55
  • /way 34.65 69.25
  • /way 35.95 46.20
  • /way 36.73 59.68
  • /way 39.35 50.99
  • /way 41.37 69.31
  • /way 41.85 57.15
  • /way 43.22 84.92
  • /way 44.53 59.85
  • /way 44.75 51.84
  • /way 46.67 63
  • /way 48.15 73.56
  • /way 49.18 71.54
  • /way 50.80 70.80
  • /way 52.42 73.65
  • /way 53.84 64.86
  • /way 55.20 76.85
  • /way 55.98 68.80
  • /way 58.90 68.31
  • /way 60.84 75.92
  • /way 61.05 65.15

After collecting 5 of them, make your way to /way 52.35 73.46 wherethe cave entrance is where you can find and find the Frazzled Poultrid Henand hand in the Lost Ovoids.


Obtaining Schematic: Prototickles

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (73) Schematic: Prototickles is a well-hidden one and is best explainedby the steps and pictures below.

  • Go to /way 53.55 75.52 and jump down onto the rock below;
  • Once on the first rock jump the gap to reach the second rock from /way 52.99 75.78
  • Make your way to the tree top at the edge of the rock;
  • Pan your camera so that you can see inside the tree past the leaves;
  • The Schematic is on one of the chain links that are seen inside the leaves.


Obtaining Schematic: Resonant Echo

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (76) Crystallized Echo of the First Song can spawn in a number of areasaround Zereth Mortis. Some possible locations are as follows:

  • /way 77.40 45.40
  • /way 77.5 60.45
  • /way 77.6 59.0
  • /way 78.20 54.30
  • /way 78.30 53.10


Obtaining Schematic: Shelly

Below are step-by-step directions to reach Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (77) Schematic: Shelly:

  • Cave entrance /way 59.13 81.59;
  • Make your way behind the shelf to /way 57.73 77.71;
  • Use Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (78) Door of Shadows or Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (79) Dimensional Translators to reach thehigher shelf where the Schematic is.


Obtaining Schematic: Terror Jelly

This Schematic is hard to reach withoutflying. You need either aProtoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (82) Goblin Glider Kit or a movement ability like Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (83) Door of Shadows,Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (84) Heroic Leap, or anything similar.

  • If you have a movement ability like Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (85) Door of Shadows:
    1. Go to /way 67.55 32.69 and stand on the pots;
    2. Use your leap ability to get to the pillar at /way 67.21 32.60where you will find the schematic.
  • If you do not have a movement ability:
    1. Go to /way 68.86 31.05 and make your way up to the top;
    2. Once at the top use your Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (86) Goblin Glider Kit and aim for the pillarat /way 67.21 32.60 where the schematic is.


Obtaining Schematic: Tunneling Vombata

Below are step-by-step directions to reach Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (88) Schematic: Tunneling Vombata:

  • Enter the cave at /way 55.70 53.47;
  • Turn right and make your way into the first room following the path down;
  • Keep following the path until some rocks block you from going further;
  • The Schematic is next to those rocks at /way 74.79 50.85


Obtaining Schematic: Viperid Menace

The Schematic is inside the Library Vault; this is not interactable whenyou first enter the cave. You need to pick the correct table to make it interactableafter which you can open it.

  • Cave entrance /way 59.13 81.59;
  • Pick up the tablet at /way 57.92 78.85;
  • Go to the Library Vault at /way 58.82 77.20 and open it.


Mount schematics

These Schematics will only start showing up after you finish theSopranian Understanding research and complete the quest lineFinding Tahli.

NameCoordinatesAdditional information
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (93) Schematic: Adorned Vombata/way 37.2 78.3Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (94) Schematic: Bronze HelicidHas a chance to be dropped from Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (95) Tribute of the Enlightened Eldersbiweekly Patterns Within Patterns quest, starting from Bolvar in Haven
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (96) Schematic: Bronzewing Vespoid/way 48.90 40.38Cave entrance at /way 50.62 31.93
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (97) Schematic: BuzzPulp-Covered RelicDetails below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (98) Schematic: Curious Crystalsniffer/way 63.18 51.92In Sepulcher of the First Ones, slay the first boss and go to the cordinates
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (99) Schematic: Darkened Vombata/way 64.2 35.6Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (100) Schematic: DeathrunnerElder AmirReward for finishing the quest line Finding Tahli after researching Sopranian Understanding
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (101) Schematic: Desertwing Hunter/way 62.03 43.47Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (102) Schematic: Forged Spiteflyer/way 53.33 25.68In the Vespoid hive
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (103) Schematic: Genesis Crawler/way 34.44 50.27On top of the doorway, not inside
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (104) Schematic: Goldplate Bufonid/way 50.13 73.45Dropped by Accelerated Bufonid
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (105) Schematic: Heartbond Lupine/way 53.15 63.87Cave entrance at /way 51.87 62.74, dropped by Maw-Frenzied Lupine
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (106) Schematic: Ineffable Skitterer/way 34.5 48.7You have to die and then walk to the cordinates as a ghost to talk to Shade of Irik-tu
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (107) Schematic: Mawdapted Raptora/way 61 24Low drop chance from Mawsworn Hulk
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (108) Schematic: Pale Regal CervidN/AComplete the achievement Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (109) Cyphers of the First Ones
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (110) Schematic: Prototype Leaper/way 67.0 69.4Details below
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (111) Schematic: Raptora Swooper/way 67.43 40.19Cave entrance /way 65.74 35.93
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (112) Schematic: Russet BufonidChance to drop from Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (113) Enlightened Broker Supplies paragon cacheRequires The EnlightenedExalted
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (114) Schematic: Scarlet Helicid/way 47.7 9.5On top of the big arch structure
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (115) Schematic: Serenade/way 45.5 32.5 In Sepulcher of the First Ones, between the chains
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (116) Schematic: Sundered Zerethsteed/way 60.59 30.55Between the two cages
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (117) Schematic: Tarachnid Creeper/way 63.0 21.5Found inside the building
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (118) Schematic: Unsuccessful Prototype FleetpodUndiscoveredUndiscovered
Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (119) Schematic: Vespoid Flutterer/way 50.3 27.1Details below


Obtaining Schematic: Adorned Vombata

This Schematic requires either flyingin Zereth Mortis, Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (120) Door of Shadows,or any other similarleap/teleport ability.

This Schematic is found inside the Grateful Boon treasure locatedat /way 37.2 78.3.

  • Start from /way 40.00 74.95 and make your way to the top of the doorway;
  • Once you reach the top of the doorway use Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (121) Door of Shadows or anyalternative ability to jump onto the rock;
  • Go to /way 39.60 76.50 and look up, you need to jump on that ledge,you might need to play around with your cursor to find the place where you canleap to;
  • Move to /way 39.63 77.16 and look up, there is a ledge where you canteleport/leap to;
  • When on the ledge, move left and onto the rock formation there;
  • For the last leap you need to jump from /way 39.94 77.82 to the upper most ledge;

Now that you have made it past the parkour part we can start working onaccessing the Grateful Boon.

  • Make your way to /way 38.34 77.98 and drop down into the valley;
  • You will see Agitated Vombata, Agitated Lupine, andAgitated Cervids around;
  • You need to click on all of them to pet them;
  • Take notice that there is an Agitated Vombata on top of thesphere in the middle and an Agitated Cervid on the ledge to the left;
  • After you have interacted with all of them Tah Fen will speakand summon the Grateful Boon next to him at /way 37.2 78.3.


Obtaining Schematic: Buzz

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (128) Schematic: Buzz has a chance to be looted from Pulp-Covered Relics,which are found near Vespoid nests. Some nest locations are listed below:

  • /way 42 34.2
  • /way 50.4 41.2
  • /way 53 45.8
  • /way 53.4 25.8
  • /way 64.5 63.5


Obtaining Schematic: Darkened Vombata

This Schematic requires either flyingin Zereth Mortis, Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (129) Door of Shadows, or any other similarleap/teleport ability.

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (130) Schematic: Darkened Vombata is found inside a cage at /way 64.2 35.6hat is too high up to reach normally.

  • Use a movement ability like Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (131) Door of Shadows or Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (132) Heroic Leapto jump onto the rock where the cage is connected to;
  • Alternatively use a Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (133) Goblin Glider Kit from /way 63.31 36.55 andland on the rock.


Obtaining Schematic: Desertwing Hunter

This Schematic requires either flyingin Zereth Mortis, Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (135) Door of Shadows, or any other similarleap/teleport ability.

Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (136) Schematic: Desertwing Hunter is found on top of a tall pillar that youneed to climb.

  • Go to /way 62.29 43.62;
  • Start making your way up as shown on the images below;
  • The Schematic will be on the platform where you land after the third jump.


Obtaining Schematic: Prototype Leaper

This Schematic requires either flyingin Zereth Mortis, Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (140) Door of Shadows, or any other similarleap/teleport ability.

This is going to be one of the longest climbs unless you haveflying unlocked in Zereth Mortis.Be sure to have a Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (141) Goblin Glider Kit at hand before starting.

  • Go to /way 63.21 68.54 and start following the images below;
  • The Schematic will be placed on top of the rock you land on after the last jump.


Obtaining Schematic: Vespoid Flutterer

This Schematic requires either flyingin Zereth Mortis, Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (152) Door of Shadows, or any other similarleap/teleport ability.

  • Go to /way 50.33 29.70 and jump to the pillar in front of you;
  • Follow the images shown below to reach the platform withProtoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (153) Schematic: Vespoid Flutterer at /way 50.3 27.1


NPC locations

Below you can find the various NPCs who have been mentioned on this pageand where to find them.


Elder Amir

Elder Amir can be found at Pilgrim's Grace in the east end ofZereth Mortis. There is an Ancient Translocator nearby that cantake you directly to this area.



Vilo acts as the quartermaster for The Enlightened reputationfaction in Zereth Mortis and can be found in Haven. This is oneof the first areas you will visit while exploring the zone in Patch 9.2.



  • 31 Mar. 2022: Added Mawforged Bridle and multiple mount Schematics.
  • 03 Mar. 2022: Added Glimmer of Satisfaction.
  • 19 Feb. 2022: Guide added.

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Protoform Synthesis Overview: A Zereth Mortis Crafting System for Mounts and Pets (2025)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.