Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (2024)

Skyrmions in magnetic systems are particle-like objects predicted to occur in materials with chiral interactions [1]. The existence of a hexagonal skyrmion lattice in chiral magnets was subsequently confirmed in neutron scattering experiments [2] and in direct imaging experiments [3]. Since then, skyrmion states have been found in an increasing number of compounds [48], including materials in which skyrmions are stable at room temperature [914]. Skyrmions can be set into motion by applying an external current [15, 16], and effective skyrmion velocity versus driving force curves can be calculated from changes in the Hall resistance [17, 18] or by direct imaging of the skyrmion motion [9, 14]. Additionally, transport curves can be studied numerically with continuum and particle based models [1923]. Both experiments and simulations show that there is a finite depinning threshold for skyrmion motion similar to that found for the depinning of current-driven vortex lattices in type-II superconductors [2426]. Since skyrmions have particle like properties and can be moved with very low driving currents, they are promising candidates for spintronic applications [27, 28], so an understanding of skyrmion motion and depinning is of paramount importance. Additionally, skyrmions represent an interesting dynamical system to study due to the strong non-dissipative effect of the Magnus force they experience, which is generally very weak or absent altogether in other systems where depinning and sliding phenomena occur.

For particle-based representations of the motion of objects such as superconducting vortices, a damping term of strength Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (1) aligns the particle velocity in the direction of the net force acting on the particle, while a Magnus term of strength Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (2) rotates the velocity component in the direction perpendicular to the net force. In most systems studied to date, the Magnus term is very weak compared to the damping term, but in skyrmion systems the ratio of the Magnus and damping terms can be as large as Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (3) [17, 19, 21, 29]. One consequence of the dominance of the Magnus term is that under an external driving force, skyrmions develop velocity components both parallel (Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (4)) and perpendicular (V) to the external drive, producing a skyrmion Hall angle of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (5), where Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (6). In a completely pin-free system, the intrinsic skyrmion Hall angle has a constant value Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (7) however, in the presence of pinning a moving skyrmion exhibits a side jump phenomenon in the direction of the drive so that the measured Hall angle is smaller than the clean value [22, 23, 30]. In studies of these side jumps using both continuum and particle based models for a skyrmion interacting with a single pinning site [22] and a periodic array of pinning sites [30], R increases with increasing external drive until the skyrmions are moving fast enough that the pinning becomes ineffective and the side jump effect is minimized.

Particle-based studies of skyrmions with an intrinsic Hall angle of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (8) moving through random pinning arrays show that Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (9) at small drives and that Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (10) increases with increasing drive until saturating at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (11) for high drives [23]. In recent imaging experiments performed in the single skyrmion limit [31] it was shown that R=0 and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (12) at depinning and that both quantities increase linearly with increasing drive; however, the range of accessible driving forces was too low to permit observation of a saturation effect. These experiments were performed in a regime of relatively strong pinning, where upper limits of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (13) and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (14) are expected. A natural question is how universal the linear behavior of R and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (15) is as a function of drive, and whether the results remain robust for larger intrinsic values of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (16). It is also interesting to ask what happens in the weak pinning limit where the skyrmions form a hexagonal lattice and depin elastically. In studies of overdamped systems such as superconducting vortices, it is known that the strong and weak pinning limits are separated by a transition from elastic to plastic depinning and have very different transport curve characteristics [24, 26], so a similar phenomenon could arise in the skyrmion Hall effect. Noise fluctuations have also been used as another method to study the dynamics of magnetic systems [32]. In superconducting vortex systems, the plastic flow regime is associated with large voltage noise fluctuations of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (17) form [3336], while when the system dynamically orders at higher drives, narrow band noise features appear and the noise power is strongly reduced [26, 3739]. Here we show that changes in the skyrmion Hall angle are correlated with changes in the skyrmion velocity fluctuations and the shape of the velocity noise spectrum. In the plastic flow region where R increases linearly with drive, there is a Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (18) velocity noise signal with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (19), while when R reaches its saturation value, there is a crossover to white noise or weak narrow band noise, indicating that noise measures could provide another way to probe skyrmion dynamics. In general, we find that the narrow band noise features are much weaker in the skyrmion case than in the superconducting vortex case due to the Magnus effect.

Simulation and system— We consider a 2D simulation with periodic boundary conditions in the x and y-directions using a particle-based model of a modified Thiele equation recently developed for skyrmions interacting with random [21, 23] and periodic [30, 40] pinning substrates. The simulated region contains N skyrmions, and the time evolution of a single skyrmion i at position Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (20) is governed by the following equation:

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (21)

Here, the skyrmion velocity is Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (22), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (23) is the damping term, and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (24) is the Magnus term. We impose the condition Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (25) to maintain a constant magnitude of the skyrmion velocity for varied Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (26). The repulsive skyrmion–skyrmion interaction force is given by Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (27) where Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (28), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (29), and K1 is a modified Bessel function that falls off exponentially for large rij. The pinning force Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (30) arises from non-overlapping randomly placed pinning sites modeled as harmonic traps with an amplitude of Fp and a radius of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (31) as used in previous studies [23]. The driving force Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (32) is from an applied current interacting with the emergent magnetic flux carried by the skyrmion [17, 29]. We increase Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (33) slowly to avoid transient effects. In order to match the experiments, we take the driving force to be in the positive x-direction so that the Hall effect is in the negative y-direction. We measure the average skyrmion velocity Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (34) (Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (35)) in the direction parallel (perpendicular) to the applied drive, and we characterize the Hall effect by measuring Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (36) for varied FD. The skyrmion Hall angle is Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (37). We consider a system of size L=36 with a fixed skyrmion density of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (38) and pinning densities ranging from np=0.006 25 to np=0.2.

In figures 1(a) and (b) we plot Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (39), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (40), and R versus FD for a system with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (41), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (42), and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (43). In this regime, plastic depinning occurs, meaning that at the depinning threshold some skyrmions can be temporarily trapped at pinning sites while other skyrmions move around them. The velocity–force curves are nonlinear, and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (44) increases more rapidly with increasing FD than Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (45). The inset of figure 1(a) shows that Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (46) for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (47), indicating that just above the depinning transition the skyrmions are moving predominantly in the direction of the driving force. In figure 1(b), R increases linearly with increasing FD for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (48), as indicated by the linear fit, while for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (49) R saturates to the intrinsic value of R=5.708 marked with a dashed line. The inset of figure 1(b) shows the corresponding Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (50) versus FD. From an initial value of 0°, Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (51) increases with increasing FD before saturating at the clean limit value of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (52). Although the linear increase in R with FD is similar to the behavior observed in the experiments of [31], Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (53) does not show the same linear behavior as in the experiments; however, we show later that when the intrinsic skyrmion Hall angle is small, Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (54) varies linearly with drive. We note that the experiments in [31] were performed in the single skyrmion limit rather than in the many skyrmion plastic flow limit we study. This could impact the behavior of the Hall angle, making it difficult to directly compare our results with these experiments.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (55)

In figure 2 we illustrate the skyrmion positions and trajectories obtained during a fixed period of time at different drives for the system in figure 1. At Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (64) in figure 2(a), R=0.15 and the average drift is predominantly along the x-direction parallel to the drive, taking the form of riverlike channels along which individual skyrmions intermittently switch between pinned and moving states. In figure 2(b), for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (65) we find R=0.6, and observe wider channels that begin to tilt along the negative y-direction. At Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (66) in figure 2(c), R=1.64 and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (67). The skyrmion trajectories are more strongly tilted along the Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (68) direction, and there are still regions of temporarily pinned skyrmions coexisting with moving skyrmions. As the drive increases, individual skyrmions spend less time in the pinned state. Figure 2(d) shows a snapshot of the trajectories over a shorter time scale at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (69) where R=5.59. Here the plastic motion is lost and the skyrmions form a moving crystal translating at an angle of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (70) with respect to the external driving direction, which is close to the clean value limit of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (71). In general, the deviations from linear behavior that appear as R reaches its saturation value in figure 1(b) coincide with the loss of coexisting pinned and moving skyrmions, and are thus correlated with the end of plastic flow.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (72)

In figure 3(a) we show R versus FD for the system from figure 1 at varied Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (80). In all cases, between the depinning transition and the free flowing phase there is a plastic flow phase in which R increases linearly with FD with a slope that increases with increasing Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (81). In contrast to the nonlinear dependence of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (82) on FD at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (83) illustrated in the inset of figure 1(b), figure 3(b) shows that for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (84), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (85) increases linearly with FD and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (86). To understand the linear behavior, consider the expansion of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (87) For small Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (88), as in the experiments, Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (89), and since R increases linearly with FD, Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (90) also increases linearly with FD. In general, for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (91) we find an extended region over which Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (92) grows linearly with FD, while for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (93), the dependence of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (94) on FD has nonlinear features similar to those shown in the inset of figure 1(b). In figure 3(c) we plot R versus FD for a system with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (95) for varied Fp. In all cases R increases linearly with FD before saturating; however, for increasing Fp, the slope of R decreases while the saturation of R shifts to higher values of FD. In general, the linear behavior in R is present whenever Fp is strong enough to produce plastic flow. In figure 3(d) we show R versus FD at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (96) for varied pinning densities np. In each case, there is a region in which R increases linearly with FD, with a slope that increases with increasing np. As np becomes small, the nonlinear region just above depinning where R increases very rapidly with drive becomes more prominent.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (97)

For weak pinning, the skyrmions form a triangular lattice and exhibit elastic depinning, in which each skyrmion maintains the same neighbors over time. In figure 4(a) we plot the critical depinning force Fc and the fraction P6 of sixfold-coordinated skyrmions versus Fp for a system with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (107) and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (108). For Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (109), the skyrmions depin elastically. In this regime, Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (110) and Fc increases as Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (111) as expected for the collective depinning of elastic lattices [25]. For Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (112), P6 drops due to the appearance of topological defects in the lattice, and the system depins plastically, with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (113) as expected for single particle depinning or plastic flow.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (114)

In figure 4(b) we plot R versus FD in samples with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (127) and np=0.1 in the elastic depinning regime for varied Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (128). We highlight the nonlinear behavior for the Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (129) case by a fit of the form Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (130) with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (131) and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (132). The dotted line indicates the corresponding clean limit value of R=5.708. We find that R is always nonlinear within the elastic flow regime, but that there is no universal value of β, which ranges from Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (133) to Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (134) with varying Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (135). The change in the Hall angle with drive is most pronounced just above the depinning threshold, as indicated by the rapid change in R at small FD. This results from the elastic stiffness of the skyrmion lattice which prevents individual skyrmions from occupying the most favorable substrate locations. In contrast, R changes more slowly at small FD in the plastic flow regime, where the softer skyrmion lattice can adapt to the disordered pinning sites. In figure 4(c) we plot R versus FD at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (136) and np=0.1 for varied Fp, showing a reduction in R with increasing Fp. A fit of the Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (137) curve in the plastic depinning regime shows a linear increase of R with FD, while for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (138) in the elastic regime, the dependence of R on FD is nonlinear. Just above depinning in the elastic regime, the skyrmion flow direction rotates with increasing drive.

Correlations between noise fluctuations and the skyrmion Hall effect.

The power spectrum of the velocity noise fluctuations at different applied drives represents another method that can be used to probe the dynamics of driven condensed matter systems. In the superconducting vortex case, the total noise power over a particular frequency range or the overall shape of the noise power spectrum can be determined by measuring the voltage time series at a particular current. Both experiments and simulations have shown that in the plastic flow regime, where the vortex flow is disordered and consists of a combination of pinned and flowing particles, the low frequency noise power is large and the voltage noise spectrum has a Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (139) character with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (140). In contrast, the low frequency noise power is considerably reduced in the elastic or ordered flow regime, where the noise is either white with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (141) or exhibits a characteristic washboard frequency associated with narrow band noise. Based on these changes in the noise characteristics, it is possible to map out a dynamical phase diagram for the vortex system.

In the skyrmion system, the Hall resistance can be used to detect the motion of skyrmions, and therefore, in analogy with the voltage response in a superconductor, fluctuations in the Hall resistance at a specific applied current should reflect fluctuations in the skyrmion velocity. Since the recent experiments of [31] used imaging techniques to measure R, it is desirable to understand whether changes in R are correlated with changes in the fluctuations of other quantities. We measure the time series of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (142) and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (143) in samples with Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (144), Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (145), and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (146), the same parameters used in figures 1 and 2. For these values, R increases linearly with increasing FD over the range Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (147) before saturating close to the clean value. For each value of FD, we then construct the power spectrum

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (148)

where FD is held constant during an interval of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (149) simulation time steps.

In figure 5(a) we plot Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (150) for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (151) and Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (152) at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (153) in the plastic flow regime. Here, the spectral shape is very similar in each case, while the noise power at low frequencies is slightly higher for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (154) than for V. At FD=0.4 in figure 5(b), deep in the plastic flow phase, the noise power is much higher for V than for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (155) and can be fit reasonably well to a Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (156) form, while Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (157) also has an Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (158) shape over a less extended region. The two spectra have equal power only for high ω. Figure 5(c) shows Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (159) at Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (160), which corresponds to the saturation region of R. The V signal still has the highest spectral power, but both spectra now exhibit a white or Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (161) shape. There is a small bump at low frequency which is more prominent in Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (162) that may correspond to a narrow band noise feature. We note that in the overdamped limit of Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (163) at this same drive, where the particles have formed a moving lattice, there is a strong narrow band noise feature, suggesting that the Magnus term is responsible for the lack of a strong narrow band noise peak in figure 5(c). In general, we find that the power spectrum for the skyrmions shows Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (164) noise in the plastic flow regime and white noise in the saturation regime.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (165)

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (178)

Using the power spectrum, we can calculate the noise power S0 at a specific value of ω. In figure 6 we plot Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (182) for Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (183) and V versus FD, along with the corresponding R curve from figure 1. At low FD, the value of S0 is nearly the same for both Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (184) and V. The noise power for V increases more rapidly with increasing FD and both S0 curves reach a maximum near Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (185) before decreasing as R reaches its saturation value. In general S0 is large whenever the spectrum has a Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (186) shape. This result shows that noise power fluctuations could be used to probe changes in the skyrmion Hall effect and even dynamical transitions from plastic to elastic skyrmion flow.

We note that in real skyrmion systems, the skyrmions can also have internal modes of motion that could affect the noise power. Such internal modes are not captured by the particle model, and would likely occur at much higher frequencies than those of the skyrmion center of of mass motion that we analyze here. It would be interesting to see if such modes arise in experiment and to determine whether they can also modify the skyrmion Hall angle.

We have investigated the skyrmion Hall effect by measuring the ratio R of the skyrmion velocity perpendicular and parallel to an applied driving force. In the disorder-free limit, R and the skyrmion Hall angle take constant values independent of the applied drive; however, in the presence of pinning these quantities become drive-dependent, and in the strong pinning regime R increases linearly from zero with increasing drive, in agreement with recent experiments. For large intrinsic Hall angles, the current-dependent Hall angle increases nonlinearly with increasing drive; however, for small intrinsic Hall angles such as in recent experiments, both the current-dependent Hall angle and R increase linearly with drive as found experimentally. The linear dependence of R on drive is robust for a wide range of intrinsic Hall angle values, pinning strengths, and pinning densities, and appears whenever the system exhibits plastic flow. For weaker pinning where the skyrmions depin elastically, R has a nonlinear drive dependence and increases very rapidly just above depinning. We observe a crossover from nonlinear to linear drive dependence of R as a function of the pinning strength, which coincides with the transition from elastic to plastic depinning. We also show how R correlates with changes in the power spectra of the velocity noise fluctuations both parallel and perpendicular to the drive. In the plastic flow regime where R increases linearly with increasing FD, we find Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (187) noise that crosses over to white noise at higher drives. The noise power drops dramatically as R saturates at high drives.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the US Department of Energy through the LANL/LDRD program for this work. This work was carried out under the auspices of the NNSA of the US DoE at LANL under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396.

Noise fluctuations and drive dependence of the skyrmion Hall effect in disordered systems (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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