May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (2024)

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4:08 p.m. ET, May 30, 2024

Hamas tells mediators thatif Israel stops war in Gaza, it's possible all the hostages could be released

From CNN's Abeer Salman

Hamas said they had informed mediators on Thursday that they are "prepared to reach a comprehensive agreement" that includes a full hostage and prisoner exchange dealif Israel stops its war in Gaza.

A statement from the group said while they had shown "flexibility and positivity in dealing with the efforts of the mediators throughout all previous rounds of indirect negotiations," Israel, Hamas said, had used the months of ongoing talks as a cover to continue its war in Gaza.

"Hamas and the Palestinian factionswill notaccept being part of this policy of continuous negotiations in the face of aggression, killing, siege, starvation, and genocide of our people,"the Hamas statement said.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly insisted that the war must continue until Hamas is completely destroyed.

4:10 p.m. ET, May 30, 2024

All pieces of temporary pier for aid are in Ashdod for repair, Pentagon says

From CNN's Haley Britzky

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (1)

All pieces of the temporary pier off the coast of Gaza have been relocated to the port of Ashdod for repair, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said Thursday.

“Earlier today, IDF engineers removed the anchored portion of the Trident pier from the beach, so as of this afternoon, all sections of the Trident pier have been relocated to the port of Ashdod for rebuilding and repairing,” she said.

The pier was damaged on Tuesday due to a storm and high seas causing a portion of the pier to separate. Singh said two of the four vessels that were beached over last weekend have also been recovered; the US is currently working with the Israeli Navy to recover the remaining two vessels beached on the coast of Gaza.

“As a reminder, the rebuilding and repairing of the pier will take over a week and following completion, the Trident pier will be re-anchored to the coast of Gaza,” Singh said.

1:44 p.m. ET, May 30, 2024

Israel's National Unity party files bill to dissolve parliament and trigger new elections

From CNN's Eugenia Yosef and Mitchell McCluskey

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (2)

Israel's National Unity party, led by war cabinet member Benny Gantz, has proposed a bill to dissolve the Knesset, Israel's parliament, and trigger new elections in the fall.

"This is a continuation of the initiative led by the chairman of the State Camp, Minister Benny Gantz, to hold elections with broad consensus by October, one year after the massacre," Gantz's press office said in a statement.

Knesset member Pnina Tamano-Shata submitted the bill on Thursday.

"October 7th is a disaster that requires us to regain the people's trust and establish a broad and stable unity government that can lead us safely through the enormous challenges in security, the economy, and above all, in Israeli society. Submitting the bill now will allow us to advance it further in the current session," Tamano-Shata said in a statement.

By proposing the bill, the National Unity Party members will now have the opportunityto table it during the Knesset's summer session in which they will hold a vote to decide whether to dissolve parliament in September and hold fresh elections in October.

Some context: Currently, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads a 64-membergoverning coalitionthat gives him a majority in the 120-seat Knesset.

While Gantz had performed well in polls from earlier this year, recently his favorability has dropped,accordingto CNN global affairs analyst Barak Ravid.

Gantz has repeatedly criticized Netanyahu's leadership throughout the conflict in Gaza. Earlier this month, Gantz threatened to withdraw from the government if the war cabinet did not lay out a plan by June 8 to free the hostages and eliminate Hamas.

10:39 a.m. ET, May 30, 2024

How a likely AI-generated image of Gaza took over the internet

From CNN'sLeah Asmelash

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (3)

It's unclear exactly what the image is. A series of tents? Truck beds against a rust orange background? Multicolored rectangles?

Mountains are visible in the background, and in the foreground are the following words: “All Eyes on Rafah” —a reference to the southernmost Gazan city that became the center of war coverage this week, after an Israeli strike on a refugee camp in the city, on what had been labeled a safe zone, killed dozens ofalready displaced Palestinians.

In the wake of the attack, the aforementioned image has seemingly been everywhere. Likely created using artificial intelligence, the graphic — which is not an actual picture from Rafah or the war in Gaza — has been shared more than 46 million times on Instagram alone.

It’s become so ubiquitous,comedian Tim Dillon noted it’s been shared like“it’s a new show on NBC.”

But the picture’s popularity has raised questions and critiques on the passivity of the act. Eyes being on Rafah has not stopped the violence, wrote scientistAyesha Khan on Instagram. Simply posting an ambiguous graphic is performative, Khan and others have noted.

Still, the post’s momentum has continued.

Read more about the graphic and what it could signal here.

9:42 a.m. ET, May 30, 2024

Iranian Supreme Leader applauds US student protesters for another "resistance front" against Israel

From CNN's Niamh Kennedy

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (4)

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has praised the pro-Palestinian protests carried out by students on university campuses across the United States, saying they managed to create another branch of the “resistance front” against Israel.

Khamenei penned an open letter to the students in the US, commending their efforts to "defend the oppressed women and children of Gaza," according to Iranian state news outlet, IRNA.

“You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government's ruthless pressure," Khamenei wrote.

Iran, which views Israel as an enemy state, has strongly opposed the war in Gaza, and has been accused of using its proxies in Yemen and Lebanon to attack Israel. Tensions came to a head in April when Iran’s embassy in Syria was attacked, likely by Israel. The attack prompted Iran on April 13 to carry out a direct attack on Israeli soil using drones and missiles, the first in decades by a foreign nation. Israel responded by attacking Iranian military sites.

Iran’s 'axis of resistance' refers to the informal military alliance with Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni proxy groups, united in their opposition towards Israel and the US.

9:02 a.m. ET, May 30, 2024

What is the Philadelphi Corridor and why does it matter?

From CNN’s Nadeen Ebrahim

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (5)

ThePhiladelphi Corridor– also known as the Salah al-Din Axis – is a narrow strip of land running along the Palestinian side of the border between Gaza and Egypt.

Just 14 kilometers (about 8.7 miles) long and 100 meters wide, the strip of land isa central partofa peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel in 1979, which ended decades of war. Until the treaty, the two countries had been at war since Israel’s founding in 1948. The pact saw Israel return the Sinai Peninsula it captured from Egypt in the 1967 war in exchange for peace, and eventually paved the way for Egypt’s recognition of Israel.

A key buffer zone:The landmark treaty demilitarized the border area between Israel and Egypt, including an area referred to asZone D, where Gaza’s Philadelphi Corridor lies. The Palestinian enclave was occupied by Israel when the treaty was signed.

The pact restricted the number of troops Egypt and Israel can each place near the other’s territory, turning the corridor into animportant buffer zonebetween the former enemies.

Changes to the security presence in the area can, however, take place with mutual agreement. Amendments to security agreements have in recent years allowed Cairo to boost its security presence on the Sinai Peninsula, which borders Israel, as it sought to eliminate jihadist fighters.

Why it matters: According to the treaty, which was drawn up before Israel unilaterally withdrew its troops from Gaza in 2005, Israel is allowed a limited force of four infantry battalions in the area encompassing the Philadelphi Corridor.

The Israeli military on Thursday said it hadestablished “operational control”over the Corridor, a move that Egyptian officials have previously warned against.

The corridor has to be treated “with great caution as it is close to the Egyptian border,” Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said in February. “Any operations there with such a great number of people present poses dangers.”

7:58 a.m. ET, May 30, 2024

Another 53 deaths in Gaza in 24 hours, health officials say

From CNN's Ibrahim Dahman

Another 53 people had been killed and 357 injured by Israeli military operations in the Gaza strip in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health in Gaza said Thursday.

The death toll in Gaza since October 7 now stands at 36,224 killed, with 81,777 injured, the ministry said.

CNN cannot verify the Ministry’s numbers, and it does not distinguish between casualties among fighters and civilians. It does not include in its figures the several thousand people thought to be missing, or who are still under rubble, in Gaza since October 7.

9:05 a.m. ET, May 30, 2024

Parts of Jabalya in rubble following Israeli withdrawal, authorities say

From CNN's Kareem Khadder, Sarah el Sirgany and Ibrahim Dahman in Jerusalem

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (6)

Pictures emerging from central and western parts of Jabalya following a withdrawal of Israeli troops show widespread destruction, as authorities in northern Gaza warn residents not to return.

Streets in the area are covered in rubble, most buildings are collapsed or destroyed, and the UNRWA HQ and school, which were being used as shelters by displaced Gazans, is burned.

People who had attempted to enter the area have been seen being hit and wounded by quadcopter drones.

Authorities in northern Gaza urged residents to not return tohomes and shelters following "news of the occupation forces withdrawing from the Jabalya camp" on Thursday morning.

The North Governorate Emergency Committee issued a notice Thursday morning, urging "citizens to be patient and not return" as "there are still some dangerous remnants" from Israeli troops.

The Director of North Gaza Civil Defence Operations, Mahdi Abu Amsha,told CNN he saw "massive destruction" and "found bodies on the roads and under buildings", describing the scenes as an "act of revenge".

He added that "bombings continues in these areas".

Local journalist al Sabbah also said the Israeli military withdrew from central Jabalya camp and west of Jabalya camp but remain in the north and eastern areas.

The IDF told CNN they "cannot provide information regarding the location of our forces". In a statement on Thursday morning, the IDF said its "troops are continuing to operate against terrorist infrastructure and operatives in the area of Jabaliya in northern Gaza".

May 30, 2024 Israel-Hamas war (2024)


How many Israeli soldiers were killed in Gaza? ›

At least 307 Israeli troops have been killed and thousands wounded since October 27 when the ground invasion of Gaza was launched. At least 37,296 Palestinians – mostly women, children, and elderly – have died since the war began on October 7, Gaza's health ministry says.

How to solve the Palestine-Israel conflict? ›

The one-state solution is a proposed approach to resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, according to which one state would be established between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean.

Is Israel attacking Gaza? ›

Israeli attacks in Gaza have killed 60 Palestinians and injured 140 in the latest 24-hour reporting period, according to Gaza's Health Ministry.

Is Israel at war with Hamas? ›

Iran's presidential election comes after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel and Israel's subsequent war on the militants in the Gaza Strip, which only added jet fuel to a fire now threatening to burn nearly every corner of the wider Middle East.

Did Israel give up Gaza? ›

By 22 September 2005, Israel's withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip to the 1967 Green Line, and the eviction of the four settlements in Samaria, was completed.

Who originally lived in Israel? ›

Modern scholars believe that the Israelites and their culture branched out of the Canaanite peoples and their cultures through the development of a distinct monolatristic—and later monotheistic—religion centred on a national god Yahweh.

What is the real reason for Israel and Palestine conflict? ›

Following the British occupation of the formerly Ottoman region during World War I, Mandatory Palestine was established as a British mandate. Increasing Jewish immigration led to tensions between Jews and Arabs which grew into intercommunal conflict.

Why does the US support Israel? ›

Bilateral relations have evolved from an initial American policy of sympathy and support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in 1948, to a partnership that links a small but powerful state with a superpower attempting to balance influence against competing interests in the region, namely Russia and its allies.

How to end Israel-Hamas war? ›

Palestinians say ending Israel's decades-long occupation and creating a fully independent state in Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem — territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war — is the only way to end the cycle of bloodshed.

Did Gaza ever belong to Israel? ›

The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are two Palestinian territories that were part of Mandate Palestine and were captured by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. There are over 5 million Palestinians combined living in the two territories.

Why is Israel blocking Gaza? ›

Concerned over the hostility of Hamas toward Israel, in 2007 the Israeli government implemented a blockade of the territory, limiting both imports and exports as well as movement into and out of the Gaza Strip.

Who controls the Gaza Strip in Israel today? ›

De facto administered by Hamas since July 2007, with an ongoing attempt at occupation of the Gaza strip by the IDF since late 2023.

What are the goals of Hamas? ›

The group is committed to armed resistance against Israel and the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state in Israel's place. HAMAS has been the de facto governing body in the Gaza Strip since 2007, when it ousted the Palestinian Authority from power.

Is it safe to travel to Israel? ›

We continue to advise reconsider your need to travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories overall due to the volatile security situation, including the threat of terrorism, armed conflict and civil unrest. Rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

Who owns Gaza Strip? ›

Presently, most of the West Bank is administered by Israel though 42% of it is under varying degrees of autonomous rule by the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority. The Gaza Strip is currently under the control of Hamas.

How many Israeli soldiers died in the Six Day war? ›

Regular conflicts
ConflictMilitary deathsTotal deaths (not including foreigners)
Six-Day War (1967)776796
War of Attrition (1967–71)1,4241,551
Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon (1968–1982)unknownunknown
Yom Kippur War (1973)2,6562,656
20 more rows

How many people died in the 2008 Gaza war? ›

The conflict resulted in 1,166–1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths. Over 46,000 homes were destroyed in Gaza, making more than 100,000 people homeless.

What was Israel called before 1948? ›

Israel was called British Palestine in 1920 because that portion of the Ottoman Empire was given to the British to manage after World War I.

Why was Israel created in Palestine? ›

The Zionist movement called for the establishment of a nation state for the Jewish people in Palestine, which would serve as a haven for the Jews of the world and in which they would have the right for self-determination.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.