Mari (Omori) (2024)

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Hero Overview


Hi, OMORI! Cliff-faced as usual, I see. You should totally smile more! I've always liked your smile.
~ Headspace Mari.
You know... Waltzes were my favorite. That's why I chose this song for our last recital. But you always hated it, didn't you? How I'd lock myself away on the piano... All that practicing... Playing the same song over and over. When you picked up your new violin, you were so eager to play with me. But keeping up with something isn't so easy. Maybe I pushed you too hard. I'm sorry... I just wanted to be perfect. We never did get to play at that last recital. Did you want to play with me now?
~ Mari's ghost.

Mari is the overarching protagonist of the Omori franchise.

She was a talented pianist whose unfortunate demise was unintentionally caused by her younger brother, Sunny. This occurred when he accidentally pushed her down the stairs during a heated argument about his struggles with playing the violin. Consequently, this event served as the catalyst for the game's plot.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Biography
    • 3.1 Backstory
    • 3.2 Prologue
    • 3.3 Three Days Left
    • 3.4 Two Days Left
    • 3.5 Moving Day
  • 4 Gallery
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 External Link
  • 7 Navigation


MARI is a young girl in her teenage years who possesses an abundance of long, sleek hair that cascades down her back with elegance. Her forehead is adorned with a stylish set of bangs that perfectly frame her face, accentuating her youthful features. However, in the realm known as HEADSPACE, MARI undergoes a transformation that brings forth a captivating allure. Her once dark hair and eyes now possess a breathtaking shade of purple, emanating an air of mystique and enchantment. To further enhance her mesmerizing appearance, MARI adorns herself in a unique ensemble that resembles a modified version of a traditional Japanese seif*cku, adding a touch of cultural richness to her overall aesthetic.

In the realm of reality, MARI possessed a stunning set of obsidian locks, captivating ebony eyes, and had a penchant for adorning herself with a resplendent purple jacket or cozy sweater atop a pristine white ensemble. Completing her ensemble were a pair of stylish purple shoes, accentuating her overall allure. It is worth mentioning that her physical appearance served as a significant influence on the appearance of her alter ego, residing within the depths of her imaginative headspace.

MARI, in her spirit form, appears to be slightly more mature than her counterpart in HEADSPACE. Just like OMORI, she possesses a monochromatic palette, with her entire being adorned in shades of black and white. Her eyes, too, match this color scheme, featuring black irises with white pupils. Furthermore, she dons an elegant, floor-length gown that is pure white in hue.


Frequently referred to as a kind and gentle individual, she assumes the role of a sisterly figure within the close-knit friend group consisting of SUNNY, HERO, KEL, AUBREY, and BASIL. From the very beginning of her presence, she unveils a mischievous aspect of her personality, playfully mocking the mannerisms of KEL and AUBREY, and later on, teasing HERO in a lighthearted manner. Interestingly, these characteristics are not limited to her real-life persona but are also mirrored in her HEADSPACE counterpart, emphasizing the consistency of her mischievous and playful nature across both realms.

As the game progresses, further insights into MARI's past are unveiled. It becomes apparent that during her younger years, she used to play mischievous tricks on HERO, specifically targeting him with pranks like sneaking bugs into his school desk. Moreover, her character is depicted as a perfectionist, dedicating countless hours to honing her piano skills by relentlessly practicing the same musical composition repeatedly.

Even in the afterlife, MARI's spirit continues to exhibit forgiveness towards SUNNY, despite the harm he inflicted upon her. Moreover, she tirelessly endeavors to assist SUNNY in forgiving himself and encourages him to prioritize what truly matters. Despite being aware that it was her own brother who inadvertently caused her demise in the past, MARI earnestly desires for SUNNY to progress and embrace a life devoid of any lingering remorse.



MARI, whose exact date of birth is on March 1st, came into this world approximately 19 years prior to the main game, with her mother and father remaining unnamed. It was three years after MARI's arrival when her younger brother, SUNNY, joined the family. Growing up, MARI and SUNNY resided in FARAWAY TOWN, right next door to KEL's family. Prior to a permanent knee injury, MARI used to actively participate in softball. Throughout her journey, MARI formed deep friendships with HERO, KEL, AUBREY, and BASIL. They would often spend time together, engaging in various activities and adventures. It was within this close-knit group that MARI and HERO's bond evolved into a romantic relationship. Additionally, MARI shared her life with a beloved black cat, adorably named MEWO.

During a memorable excursion to the picturesque FARAWAY PARK, SUNNY had a terrifying encounter when they found themselves perilously close to drowning. Fortunately, their quick-thinking companion, MARI, came to the rescue just in the nick of time, averting a potential tragedy. However, as a consequence of this heart-stopping incident that left everyone shaken, the entire group unanimously decided to cease their visits to FARAWAY PARK, opting for alternative destinations for future outings. This unexpected turn of events forever altered their perception of the once-beloved park, leaving a lasting impact on their collective memories and prompting them to seek new adventures elsewhere.

As the days turned into weeks, Sunny diligently devoted himself to mastering the intricacies of his newly acquired instrument. His determination was unwavering, fueled by Mari's unwavering support and encouragement. She firmly believed in her brother's untapped potential, constantly pushing him to soar higher and embrace the limitless possibilities that awaited him in the realm of music. Yet, amidst their shared passion for music, whispers of a deeper connection between Mari and Hero, one of their closest friends, lingered in the air. Their bond transcended the boundaries of friendship, hinting at a blossoming romance that added an extra layer of complexity to their dynamic. The subtle glances exchanged, the gentle touches shared, and the unspoken words whispered in hushed tones painted a picture of a love that dared to exist beyond the realm of ordinary friendships. Before the events of Omori, Mari and her younger brother, Sunny, had an incredibly strong bond that was unbreakable. They were inseparable, sharing not only a sibling connection but also a deep love for music. Mari's passion for playing the piano was unmatched, and she had always harbored a secret desire to perform a beautiful duet with her beloved brother. Their harmonious melodies would echo through the walls of their cozy home, filling the air with enchantment and warmth. As the story of Omori unfolds, the intricate threads of Mari's love for music, her unwavering support for Sunny, and the mysterious dance of emotions between her and Hero intertwine, shaping the narrative with profound depth and emotional resonance. The foundation of their relationships, be it the unbreakable sibling bond or the fragile tendrils of a budding romance, sets the stage for a tale that delves into the complexities of human connection, vulnerability, and the universal longing for love and acceptance. Christmas was a special time for Mari and Sunny, as it brought joy, laughter, and the opportunity to create lasting memories. As the festive season approached, Mari, along with their group of cherished friends, embarked on a heartwarming mission to surprise Sunny with a precious gift. Together, they pooled their resources and carefully selected a violin that would become an embodiment of Sunny's musical aspirations.

In the midst of his anguish, Sunny turned to his closest confidant, Basil, seeking solace and guidance. As they contemplated the dire predicament they found themselves in, Basil came up with a chilling plan to disguise Mari's untimely demise as a suicide, an idea that would potentially shield Sunny from the consequences of his accidental murder. In a moment of impulsive desperation, Sunny forcefully pushed Mari aside, unintentionally causing her to lose her balance and tumble down the stairs. The horrifying realization of what had just occurred hit Sunny like a ton of bricks when he saw Mari lying lifeless at the bottom of the stairs. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt, Sunny's initial instinct was to rush to her aid, only to discover that his actions had tragically taken her life. One fateful evening, Sunny's frustration with his inability to play the violin correctly reached a boiling point, causing him to angrily throw the instrument down the stairs of their family home. The sound of the violin crashing against the steps echoed through the house, immediately catching Mari's attention. She grew furious at Sunny for his reckless behavior, sparking a heated argument between the two siblings. As emotions ran high, Mari instinctively positioned herself in front of the staircase, blocking Sunny's path and preventing him from storming off.

The tragic demise of Mari would have devastating consequences on her loved ones, plunging them into a state of deep distress and sorrow, as they grapple with the overwhelming belief that she took her own life. This profound loss would subsequently trigger a series of adverse outcomes for Mari's closest companions. Sunny, profoundly impacted by the loss of his dear friend, would withdraw from society and confine himself within the walls of his home, succumbing to a shut-in existence. Meanwhile, the once gentle and compassionate Aubrey would undergo a drastic transformation, morphing into a delinquent who cruelly targets and bullies Basil, perhaps as a means of venting her own feelings of anger and confusion. Lastly, Hero would be consumed by an overwhelming sense of despair and desolation, descending into a deep state of depression as he struggles to come to terms with the inexplicable loss of his possible love interest.

See Also
Mari (Hands)


While in the midst of a daunting situation, Sunny is startled by the sound of Mari's voice urging him to regain his composure and find inner peace.

Three Days Left[]

As SUNNY ascends the staircase, their eyes catch sight of an intriguing presence, which transforms into the ethereal form of MARI as soon as they approach. However, this apparition swiftly disappears when confronted by the mysterious entity known as SOMETHING. Amidst this encounter with SOMETHING, SUNNY is suddenly greeted by MARI's voice once again, this time imparting valuable lessons on how to concentrate and be fully present. Once the unsettling events within the house come to a halt and everything returns to its normal state, a peculiar occurrence unfolds when SUNNY opens the fridge, momentarily darkening the screen and revealing MARI's spectral essence positioned just behind them. Even as SUNNY drifts off to sleep, a faint and indistinct silhouette of MARI's spirit lingers in their periphery, leaving a lasting impression.

Upon the initial visit to the LOST LIBRARY following the triumphant victory over the formidable SWEETHEART, a fleeting glimpse of MARI's ethereal essence materializes, gracefully descending the grand staircase, only to dissolve into the ethereal realm.

Two Days Left[]

Later on, when SUNNY, accompanied by KEL and HERO, returns to his house under the cover of darkness, he experiences another extraordinary occurrence. For a brief moment, he catches a glimpse of MARI's ethereal presence, seemingly occupying his parents' room. This fleeting sighting leaves SUNNY with a mix of emotions, as he yearns for MARI's physical presence while finding solace in the knowledge that her spirit continues to watch over him.

In the SUNNY route, MARI makes an appearance in HEADSPACE, initially taking on the appearance of her HEADSPACE counterpart. She requests OMORI's company as they venture across NORTH LAKE to locate their friends. MARI also encourages OMORI to enter the water, using the same words she used when urging him to persevere. Prior to entering UNDERWATER HIGHWAY, MARI acknowledges that OMORI still harbors fear towards something and emphasizes the difficulty of overcoming it. Addressing SUNNY by his name, she expresses her longing for him. As she transitions from her HEADSPACE form to her Spirit form, MARI bids farewell and exits SUNNY's dream through a window reminiscent of the one found in the piano room of his house. The true nature of this encounter remains uncertain, as it is unclear whether it is MARI's spirit disguised as her HEADSPACE counterpart or simply another creation of SUNNY's imagination aiding him in finding closure.

With a gentle smile, MARI reminisces about their shared love for music and their joint aspirations of performing a recital together. However, she acknowledges that SUNNY's patience wore thin when faced with her relentless practice sessions, eventually leading to their abandonment of the violin. The weight of guilt settles upon MARI's spirit as she extends a sincere apology to SUNNY for inadvertently pushing them too hard during their recital preparations. Filled with remorse, MARI seizes this opportunity to offer a chance at redemption. She tenderly asks SUNNY, now standing before her, if they would be willing to embark on the long-awaited recital journey together, finally realizing the dream they were unable to fulfill in their shared past. Hope flickers in her eyes, desperate for SUNNY's agreement. Just as the moment brims with anticipation and possibility, the tranquility is abruptly shattered. HERO, SUNNY's loyal companion, barges into the piano room, causing MARI's apparition to dissipate like a wisp of smoke. Bewildered by the sudden disappearance, HERO is left in a state of perplexity, contemplating the haunting beauty of the music that graced their ears mere moments ago. Later on, in the SUNNY path, our protagonist awakens in the dead of night, their senses still reeling from their exploration of the mysterious BLACK SPACE. As they make their way to the piano room, a soft, ethereal melody permeates the air, drawing them closer. To their astonishment, they discover that it is none other than the spirit of MARI, their beloved sister, gracefully playing the piano. It becomes apparent that waltzes held a special place in MARI's heart, as she reveals that they were her favorite genre of music, providing her solace and tranquility.

Moving Day[]

Upon waking up in a replicated version of FARAWAY TOWN following the intense altercation with BASIL, SUNNY embarks on a journey guided by a vision of MEWO. As he traverses through this mystical realm, he encounters a manifestation of BASIL, engaging in a heartfelt conversation. Eventually, he finds himself standing at the threshold of his own house, only to discover the ethereal presence of MARI gracefully playing the piano. In her spectral form, she beseeches SUNNY to grant himself forgiveness for the role he played in her tragic demise and implores him to summon the courage to divulge the truth to his closest companions.

Afterwards, she provides reassurance to SUNNY, expressing her commitment to always keeping a watchful eye on him. MARI's presence is significant during the ultimate confrontation with OMORI, but only if SUNNY decides to persevere and face the final battle. As SUNNY regains his composure and prepares to play the violin, MARI materializes alongside a spectral manifestation of her beloved piano, making a poignant final appearance.

When SUNNY awakens in the hospital, he is overwhelmed with a surge of emotions, and tears stream down his face. This cathartic release signifies a significant turning point in his journey towards healing. Finally, he confronts and acknowledges the painful reality of MARI's death, allowing himself to fully process the grief that has weighed heavily on his heart. It is a moment of raw vulnerability, but also one of personal growth and emotional liberation. The duet recital performed by the two siblings is a poignant moment filled with bittersweet memories for SUNNY. As they harmoniously play their music together, SUNNY's heart is flooded with nostalgic recollections of the joyous times he shared with MARI and their friends during their youthful days. The melodies they create serve as a bridge between the past and the present, evoking a sense of longing and gratitude for the precious moments they once cherished. In this expanded version, the depth of SUNNY's emotional journey and the transformative power of the siblings' duet recital are emphasized. The passage highlights the intricate layers of nostalgia, acceptance, and catharsis that shape SUNNY's experience as he navigates the complexities of grief and healing. In a touching conclusion to their duet, MARI's spirit gracefully departs for the last time, just as she did when she left through the window at NORTH LAKE. The symbolism behind this departure accentuates the ephemeral nature of life and the inevitability of letting go. As MARI's presence fades away, SUNNY is left with a profound sense of loss, yet also a newfound understanding and acceptance of the truth that he has been grappling with.


Mari (Omori) (9)

Headspace Mari's overworld sprite

Mari (Omori) (10)

Spirit Mari's overworld sprite

Mari (Omori) (11)

A shot of Mari during her funeral


Added information...

External Link[]


Mari (Omori) (12) Heroes

The Main Group
Sunny |Aubrey |Kel |Hero |Mari |Basil

Omori |Pluto |Captain Spaceboy


Mari (Omori) (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.