How to make your own potting mix / RHS (2024)

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How to make your own potting mix / RHS (1)

Can refer to either home-made garden compost or seed/potting compost: • Garden compost is a soil improver made from decomposed plant waste, usually in a compost bin or heap. It is added to soil to improve its fertility, structure and water-holding capacity. Seed or potting composts are used for growing seedlings or plants in containers - a wide range of commercially produced peat-free composts are available, made from a mix of various ingredients, such as loam, composted bark, coir and sand, although you can mix your own.

compost is expensive, and its manufacture, transportation and plastic packaging have a large carbon footprint, so many gardeners are now creating their own compost using a mixture of materials they have to hand.

Here's what you’ll need to make your own compost mix:



  • Garden soil – adds stability to your mix and its particles hold on to water and

    How to make your own potting mix / RHS (2)

    To grow well, plants need a wide range of nutrients in various amounts, depending on the individual plant and its stage of growth. The three key plant nutrients usually derived from soil are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, while carbon, oxygen and hydrogen are absorbed from the air. Other vital soil nutrients include magnesium, calcium and sulphur. Gardeners can add nutrients by applying fertilisers (either artificial or naturally derived) to boost plant growth and improve flowering and fruiting.

  • Organic matter, like homemade garden compost, leafmould or well-rotted manure – adds nutrients as its broken down and creates air spaces so roots can breathe

  • ​Sharp sand or grit – to improvedrainage

Top Tip

It’s best not to use garden soil that contains any troublesome weeds like oxalis, horsetail or ground elder as they can spread easily in the compost to your containers.

How to make your own potting mix / RHS (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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