How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (2025)

How to convert any recipe to the instant pot. If you are looking to convert your regular recipes to the instant pot, or other brand of electric pressure cooker then this instant pot cooking times guide is perfect for you.

Our instant pot conversion guide was originally published in 2017 and updated with more information and some extra cooking charts.

How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (1)

When you get started with the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker, you are often told that it is like going back to school and learning to cook all over again.

In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I created the instant pot mini course, because going back to the beginning is how you get the best out of the instant pot when you first buy one.

That beef stew that has been a family favourite is all of a sudden, a lot quicker to make. You are then freaked out because you overcooked it and now your stew has turned to mush.

What you really need is anInstant Pot Converterthat will do all the work for you, so that you can stop serving up baby slop and enjoy the speed that an Instant Pot Pressure Cooker brings you.

That is why I have collected all my notes together to bring you an easy to use guide that you can use as you cook.

Table of Contents

How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot?

How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (2)

Of course, we all like our food differently. Some of us prefer to cook their mashed potatoes in the Instant Pot so that they are super soft and then the job of mashing them is super easy.

Others prefer to do them so that they are just soft and then use a hand mixer to finish them. Neither of them is wrong, they are different ways of going about to do the same thing.

Therefore, use the information below as a general guide for your own style of cooking.

#1 – Instant Pot Pressure Cooking Is Just Like Baked BUT Much Quicker

If you imagine that you would normally cook a stew in the oven. You might start it on the stovetop and then transfer the cooking into the oven.

The stovetop is the same as cooking on the sauté settingin the Instant Pot. It will take the same amount of time, though is like using an electric burner on the stove, so if you leave it then it will burn.

But what would spend an hour afterwards in the oven can be done in the Instant Pot (or any other pressure cooker) for about a quarter of the time.

If you think of anything you cook in the oven, on the stove, microwave, steam, rice machine,soup machine, pasta machine, then it can be done in the Instant Pot.

I am sure at such a thought, that your mind is going crazy with ideas of what you can cook in your Instant Pot!

#2 – Instant Pot Pressure Cooking Can Be As Healthy Or Unhealthy As You Like

With a lot of kitchen gadgets (well minus the ice cream maker) the reason for getting them is the opportunity to eat healthier.

You buythe spiralizerto cut carbs, thebread machineto avoid processed foods and the air fryer to reduce fats. Well with the Instant Pot this is not the case as there are a lot of unhealthy recipes that do the rounds.

But this is balanced out with a lot of healthy recipes too. We love to cook Instant Pot Broccoli, instant pot whole butternut squash and love to make instant pot egg roll in a bowl.

To me the Instant Pot is all about speeding up the cooking process.To cook a stew a lot quicker and as a mum to get a meal quickly on the dinner table.

You just choose what kind of cooking you want to do in the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker and start by learning how to cook those dishes.

Don’t get into a situation when you want to learn to cook 20 new dishes a week. Instead slow it down, crack one of your favourite dishes in the Instant Pot and go from there.

#3 – The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Doesn’t Have To Be Full

You can cook with your Instant Pot full or not full and the great thing is that the cooking time doesn’t change.

The biggest change is how long it will take to come to pressure if you have added a lot of food. I have found that my 8qt full with beef stew will take some time to go to pressure compared to steaming some broccoli for a quick lunch.

#4 – Instant Pot Pressure Cooking Up To The Line

Another rule of the thumb is to make sure that you check and make sure that you don’t go over the max mark on the Instant Pot.

The lid needs to fit on, the Instant Pot needs to seal, and it needs to come to pressure. All of which require space so don’t take it over these lines.

But even the 6 litre one is huge and unless you are cooking something super sized there is no reason why you should go over this limit. In which case maybe an upgrade tothe 8 quartis in order?

In our house for example, we have both the 6 quart and the 8 quart.

#5 – Instant Pot Pressure Cooking From Frozen

I often get asked if I can cook from frozen in the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker. The answer isYESyou can.We have been cooking frozen food in the instant pot for a number of years and have fallen in love with it.

Back in 2017, if someone had asked me, I would have said no, having not tried it and just not liking the idea.

BUT OMG I am so glad I did as instant pot frozen food is amazing.

A few of my instant pot frozen favourites are:

  • Instant Pot Frozen Steak
  • Instant Pot Frozen Hamburgers
  • Instant Pot Frozen Broccoli
  • Instant Pot Frozen Pork Chops

#6 – Instant Pot Pressure Cookers Needs Accessories

You need a few things to make Instant Pot Pressure Cooking work for you. I can’t live without myInstant Pot Steamer Basket,Spring Form Pansand of coursemy Ramekins.

When you invest in them once (just like the Instant Pot) they will last you years and save you a huge amount of time and make pressure cooking so easy.

The instant pot accessories I bought in late 2016 still do the trick now and if you are just getting started, I recommend you take a look at our instant pot accessories list.

Quick Instant Pot Conversion Chart

I have also put together a quickInstant Pot Pressure Cooker conversion chart.

That way if you want something quick for dinner and you want to pressure cook it then you can quickly turn to this list.

It features a lot of my favourite foods and it is great for referencing later.

It includes 25 of the most popular instant pot foods that is saved in PDF for easy printing:

How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (5)

Even better, you can print it out and grab it in our members area. In our members area which is for members of kitchen gadgets, we have lots of free instant pot, air fryer, slow cooker and soup maker printables and ebooks.

Instant Pot For Beginners PDF Cookbook

Did you know that we also have an instant pot ecookbook that you can download instantly? It features 101 easy to understand instant pot beginner recipes.

Millions of people have downloaded and viewed these 101 instant pot recipes since it was originally created back in 2017. Though of course, it has been updated many times since then to bring you the best.

Click Here + Get 101 Instant Pot Recipes For Beginners

Can’t read it now? Then pin it for later!

How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (7)
How To Convert Any Recipe To The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker (2025)


What is the Instant Pot equivalent cooking times? ›

3. Try this Instant Pot cheat sheet.
StovetopPressure CookerSlow Cooker (on High Heat)
1 hour or more30 to 45 minutes4 to 6 hours
30 to 45 minutes10 to 15 minutes2 to 3 hours
20 to 30 minutes5 to 10 minutes2 hours
15 minutes or under0 minutesNA
Jun 16, 2023

How to calculate pressure cooking time? ›

Just multiply all the ingredients by 1.5 or 2 times, but keep the cooking time the same. It may take longer for the cooker to come to pressure since it takes longer to bring more food to a boil, but the cooking time should be the same.

Why is my Instant Pot not switching to Pressure Cook? ›

There could also be a mechanical issue. If the pot takes longer than 45 minutes to come to pressure and begin the cooking cycle, first ensure that the lid is secure and that you have fully sealed the venting/sealing valve. If it is closed, there might be something else going on.

How much does Instant Pot reduce cooking time? ›

Most things cook (at least) 60–70% faster in a pressure cooker than when using any other type of cooking. That doesn't count the prep time of course, or any time the oven, pot, or pressure cooker takes to come to temperature for the food to start real “cooking” though, or “resting” time in the pot for some foods.

Is there a difference between Instant Pot and a pressure cooker? ›

But the other key difference between an Instant Pot and a pressure cooker is that the Instant Pot isn't just a a pressure cooker. It's a multi-cooker. It has programmes to sauté, to make rice, to make yogurt… it's a one-pot cooking system that saves time and also means less washing up.

What is a good substitute for a pressure cooker? ›

The whole point of a pressure cooker is to cook meals quickly that normally take a long time. There are really no substitutes if you want the meal ready quickly. In contrast, a slow cooker will prepare the same type of meals as a pressure cooker although the meat texture is usually better in a pressure cooker.

What is the equivalent of 4 hours in the slow cooker in the Instant Pot? ›

Generally, if your slow cooker meat, soup, or stew recipe calls for 8 hours on the low setting or about 4 hours on the high setting, it should be fully cooked in about 25 to 30 minutes in the Instant Pot. For chicken or turkey, use the 15-minute poultry button. While volume doesn't matter, density does.

How long do you cook 2 lb of meat in a pressure cooker? ›

Cooking time: When cooking a pot roast in an Instant Pot, allow 20 minutes for every pound of meat.

What is the correct formula to calculate pressure? ›

Since pressure is defined as the force per unit area, its formula is expressed as P = F/A, where P is pressure, F is force, and A is the area by which the force is applied perpendicularly.

What is the formula for a pressure cooker? ›

The pressure cooker works on the principle of Ideal Gas Law or combined gas law, PV = nRT. This basically states that Pressure times volume is equal to the number of moles of a gas times the gas constant times temperature.

Why did Instapot fail? ›

"In reality, Instant Pot's owners borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars and spent a significant chunk of that money on R&D, developing new products and employing lots of people in the process." This was a high-risk strategy — one that failed, but it's not necessarily all bad for everyone in Instant Brand's orbit.

Can you go from slow cook to pressure cook? ›

Modify the Cooking Time

Trial and error indicates that if a meat-based dish can be cooked in 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high in a slow cooker, it can be cooked in an electric pressure cooker in about 25-30 minutes.

How do you convert cooking time to air fryer? ›

To cook fresh food in an air fryer, Jenny suggests subtracting 20°C from the typical oven temperature and reducing the oven cooking time by 20-25%. For example, if the oven instruction calls for cooking at 180°C for 25 minutes, set your air fryer to 160°C for 20 minutes.

Does Instant Pot count down when cooking? ›

It will say ON until the pot comes to pressure and then the timer will start counting DOWN. After the time has counted all the way down to zero the pot will beep 10 times. Then the display will start counting UP.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.