Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Using flour tortillas as the base for the pizza means you don't have to spend time making, stretching, or rolling out dough.
  • The cast iron skillet is the ideal pan for baking this pizza, catching all of the little bits of cheese that melt out around the edges, forming a crisp, browned edge.

I've gotta tell you: In the catalog of easy, cheaty pizza recipes that start with some form of pre-baked bread base, flour tortilla–based pizzas have historically ranked pretty low on my list. Certainly lower thanFrench bread pizza, lower thanEnglish muffin pizza(my first love), and even lower thanmatzo pizza. They always seemed a littletoofar removed from pizza for me, tasting more like pizza-flavored open-faced quesadillas. Not a bad thing, but not what I'm looking for when I need a pizza fix.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (1)

Well, I'm happy to report that all that has changed, and I'm now going to take the position that, given the proper technique, a couple of tricks, and the aid of a cast iron skillet, flour tortillas are actually thebestway to make quick thin-and-crisp,bar-style pizzaat home, producing results that are worlds better than any frozen product out there, and a good deal better than the majority of delivery options as well.

No, it's not gonna compare to Adam Kuban'sMargot's Pizza, but for a sub-15-minute snack? Nothing compares.

Here's how to do it, or how not to do it, as in the case of point number one.

What Not to Do: Use a Baking Stone

Before we jump into the best way to make tortilla pizza, a quick side note on whatnotto do.

A baking stone (or, better yet, abaking steel) is great for regular homemade pizza, creating a crisp bottom crust and good, poofy oven spring. But with tortilla pizza, you'll run into a couple of problems.

First of all, there's the preheating time. Preheating a steel properly takes at least 45 minutes or so, which kind of makes the whole quick-and-easy claim moot.

Second, and more importantly, tortilla pizzas don't have acornicione—that's pizza-nerd-speak for the puffed, risen crust around the edge of a pizza. Thus, there's nothing preventing the cheese and toppings from sliding off. Bake a tortilla pizza on a baking steel and you'll end up with crud burnt onto it.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (2)

Not fun to clean up.

The Right Way: A Cast Iron Skillet

So what's the right way to do it? Easy. Use a goodcast iron skillet. Not only can that skillet be heated up on the stovetop (way faster than waiting for the whole oven to heat), it also contains the spillover nicely. In fact, as you'll see, we can actually use this to our advantage to create the crispy, Italianfrico–esque browned cheesy edges that are the best part of a good bar pie.

Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza: Step by Step

Step 1: Oil and Heat Your Skillet

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (3)

Put a little oil into your skillet, then heat it over high heat until the oil just starts to shimmer. As soon as it does, reduce the heat to low and wipe out the skillet with a paper towel. This will help crisp up the bottom, while making sure that it doesn't gettoogreasy.

Step 2: Add Your Tortilla

Add a store-bought flour tortilla to the bottom of the skillet.

If you look at a flour tortilla, you'll probably notice that the two sides are a little different. One side will have tiny bubbles, while the other will have larger bubbles, like this:

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (4)

You want thesmallerbubbles to be on the bottom, with the large bubbles facing upwards (pretty much the exact opposite of what I accidentally photographed in the picture below). That'll ensure that the bottom crust gets extra crisp, with more surface area, while the upper crust puffs a little bit to create some nice, charred bubbles of dough.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (5)

You want to find a skillet-and-tortilla combo in which the tortillajustfits into the bottom of the skillet.

Step 3: Sauce It

Spread on a thin layer of sauce. You can use either store-bought pizza sauce,homemade pizza sauce, or simply some puréed canned tomatoes, seasoned with a little salt.

Spread the sauce out with a spoon, and make sure it gets all the way to the edges of the tortilla.

Step 4: Get Cheesy

I like to use a combination of two different cheeses. Mozzarella is in for its good melting characteristics. (I use whole-milk, low-moisture mozzarella, grated by hand.)

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (7)

And something hard and nutty for extra flavor, like Parmigiano Reggiano or Pecorino Romano.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (8)

The mozzarella goes on evenly over the whole top surface. You want to keep it relatively light—the sauce should be peeking through at least 50% of the surface area—since that cheese will melt and spread as it bakes.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (9)

Then comes the parmesan, and I pay extra-special attention to getting it around the edges of the pizza, going so far as to intentionally sprinkle it around the edges, directly onto the surface of the pan.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (10)

This is going to magically transform as the pizza bakes.

Step 5: Top as Desired

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (11)

You can choose to keep things simple by going with amargherita-style pie as called for in the recipe below: just a drizzle of good olive oil and a scattering of basil leaves.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (12)

Or you can go all out, like I did here with thissupreme pie, made with chunks of fresh sausage (put 'em on raw so that they stay juicy as they cook), sliced pepperoni (use the nicecurling kind), and diced peppers and onions.

I really like the way the diced peppers meld into the cheese and add flavor to every bite. It's a trick I cribbed fromAdam'sLove Supreme at Margot's Pizza (which, for the record, is the best bar pie you'll ever tasteanywhere).

Step 6: Bake!

Because the cast iron pan was preheated, your pizza should have already begun crisping up on the bottom and around the edges, but we still need to get at that upper crust. The best, fastest way? Just stick the whole skillet under the broiler, as close to it as possible, until the cheese is lightly browned.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (13)

Your pie should pop out of the oven fully cooked in just about three minutes. I use a really thin offset metal spatula to gently release the crisp cheese edges from the pan, shaking the skillet a bit until the pizza slides around freely.

You should be able to slide your pizza out directly onto a cutting board.

Step 7: Eat!

Can you believe this can come out of your kitchen in less time than it takes to read this article?

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (14)

Let's take a tour of its features, shall we?

First up, those cheesy, crispy edges:

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (15)

Deeply flavored, sweet and nutty, and ridiculously crisp, this isbetterthan a real pizza crust in my book.

Next stop, the underbelly:

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (16)

Thanks to the skillet, the bottom of the pizza comes out crisp, leopard-spotted, and browned. You've had floppy tortilla pizza in the past, right? Not anymore. This is as crisp as it gets.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (17)

Crisp enough to hold itself out horizontally, in fact. And, unlike regular pizza, this stuff stays cracker-crisp even as it cools, making it perfect game-day or movie-night (not to mention hangover-morning) food.

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (18)

Not bad for an under-15-minute recipe, right? Not bad at all.

October 2014

Recipe Details

Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza

Prep5 mins

Cook10 mins

Active5 mins

Total15 mins

Serves1to 2 servings


  • 1/2 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling

  • 1 (10-inch) flour tortilla

  • 1/4 cup (60ml) store-bought orhomemade pizza sauce

  • 1 1/2 ounces (45g) shredded whole milk low-moisture mozzarella cheese

  • 1 ounce (30g) finely grated Parmesan cheese, divided

  • Kosher salt

  • 2 fresh basil leaves, roughly torn


  1. Adjust oven rack to 6 to 8 inches below broiler element and preheat broiler to high. Heat oil in a large cast iron skillet over high heat until shimmering. Reduce heat to medium-low and wipe out excess oil with a paper towel.

    Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (19)

  2. Place tortilla in skillet with the rougher textured-side facing down. Spread sauce evenly over tortilla all the way to the edges. Spread mozzarella and half of Parmesan evenly over tortilla all the way to the edges. Season lightly with salt. Scatter with basil and drizzle with olive oil.

    Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (20)

  3. Place skillet under broiler and broil until cheese is melted and starting to brown in spots, 2 to 4 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with remaining Parmesan. Using a small metal spatula, gently pry edges of pizza loose, releasing the cheese from the skillet. Peek under bottom. If more crispness is desired, place skillet over medium heat and cook, swirling pizza and peeking occasionally, until desired crispness is achieved. Slide pizza out onto a cutting board. Cut and serve immediately.

    Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (21)

Special Equipment

10-inch cast-iron skillet

Make-Ahead and Storage

This pizza is best enjoyed right away.

Read More

  • Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Supreme
  • Crispy Bar-Style Pizza
  • Bar-Style Tarte Flambée (Alsatian Pizza With Fresh Cheese, Onions, and Bacon)
Extra-Crispy Bar-Style Tortilla Pizza Recipe (2024)


Why won't my pizza crust get crispy? ›

The steam from the base can't escape, so it condenses on your crispy surface and turns it wet and soggy. Use a pizza stone or a pan with holes to get a crispy pizza crust. A pizza stone will keep your pizza hot and its porousness will absorb some condensation.

How do you make a crispy bottom pizza at home? ›

A baking steel helps the underside of your pizza brown and crisp to perfection. The recommended option is a baking steel, which most home pizza bakers prefer. A baking steel has significant thermal mass, plus it excels in an extra category: thermal conductivity.

What flour makes crispy pizza crust? ›

Looking to make a basic pizza crust, one with a crispy bottom, a little bit of chew, and enough strength that the slices won't get floppy under all that sauce and cheese? For a no-fuss crust, you need a workhorse flour, and that's all-purpose flour.

What makes crust crispy? ›

Achieving consistent, perfectly crispy pizza crust is rarely — if ever — the result of adjusting one single element. Instead, it requires a big-picture look at three major factors impacting crust quality and crispness: ovens, dough proofing practices, and the type of dough balls or crusts used.

How do I make my pizza crust brown and crispy? ›

FYI – A hot pizza stone is key to producing a well-browned, crisp bottom crust. So here are the three things to do to get the stone hot enough: place stone in the cold oven, set the temperature to 500 degrees, and let it preheat for one full hour. (I start the hour once it has preheated).

Does oil make pizza crispier? ›

If the dough is sticking, you can use a little extra virgin olive oil on your fingertips to help it slide off the rolling pin. Once the dough is on the pan, brush the surface with extra virgin olive oil. This will add flavor and also help the crust get golden and crispy.

How do you crisp pizza crust in the oven? ›

Set the oven to 375 degrees. Place the baking sheet in the oven while it preheats. When preheating is complete, place the cold pizza slices on the hot baking sheet and return it to the oven. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes.

Should I pre-cook my pizza dough? ›

Pro Tips: Pre-Bake Dough, if cooking pizza in the oven. If you're baking the pizza in the oven, whether on a pizza stone or not, I always pre-bake the dough for 4-5 minutes before adding toppings, to make sure the pizza dough cooks crisp on the outside and soft and airy in the middle.

What's better, pizza stone or steel? ›

While pizza stones are also good conductors of heat, they don't transfer heat nearly as quickly as pizza steels. That means that foods cooked on a pizza stone will bake up evenly, they'll just require a little more time to finish up.

How long to cook pizza at 450 degrees? ›

Set oven rack to middle position and preheat oven to 450°F. Place pizza on middle rack. Do not use a pan or cookie sheet to bake pizza. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until pizza is golden brown.

What are the secrets to crispy pizza? ›

You want the pizza stone to be as hot as possible before putting the pizza in. Roll the dough out as thin as possible. I use a rolling pin to ensure the dough is thin and does not break in the middle. Before putting anything on the crust (sauce, cheese, toppings), cook the crust in the oven for 3-4 minutes.

What makes pizza more crispy? ›

As you are rolling out and topping your first pizza, switch your oven to broil. Right before you launch, swtich your oven back to bake or convection bake 500F. The idea is to get your Steel even hotter than 500 F for this thin crust bake. It really helps crisp up that bottom.

Why doesn't my pizza crust brown on the bottom? ›

When your pizza is brown in a few spots but the crust color is predominantly white or yellowish, your oven simply isn't hot enough. There isn't enough heat built up on the baking surface to get the desired browning.

How to make crispy crust pizza in pizza oven? ›

Maintain the right temperature

Baking at a high temperature is ideal to make the interior and the oven floor heat to be balanced. A perfectly crispy pizza is achieved by baking in a high heat oven. The dough needs to be baked longer making the toppings dry in a low temperature oven.

What does egg do to pizza crust? ›

A: Eggs, as either whole eggs or as egg whites, have been added to pizza dough for many years and for different reasons. Whole eggs can be added to the dough to provide better browning characteristics to the dough. To some extent, they also provide a richer flavor.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.