CCGA Policy (2024)

Greek Life Policy

CCGA Policy (1)


Official Title: Greek Life Policy
Abbreviated Title: Greek Life Policy
Volume: CCGA Policies
Responsible Office: Campus Police
Originally Issued: August 10, 2012
Effective Date: August 13, 2012
Revised: August 10, 2012

Policy Statement

The College of Coastal Georgia holds the Greek community responsible for making a positive contribution to the College. In doing so, organizations should:

  1. Promote conduct consistent with sound ethical choices;
  2. Create an atmosphere that will stimulate intellectual and emotional progress;
  3. Strive to be an integral part of College life through service to the local and College community.

Membership in all NPC, NIC, NPHC, and NAFLO Greek letter organizations is open to all currently enrolled students at the College of Coastal Georgia who meet the academic requirements of the organization and Greek Governing Council. No College of Coastal Georgia student may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans’ or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected group status, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination with respect to membership in a social Greek letter organization or in any program or activity sponsored by these organizations.

Reason for Policy

To ensure the consistent application of academic, social, and financial standards for Greek letter organizations who apply for recognition from the College and to articulate the requirements for individual student membership in such organizations.

Entities Affected by This Policy

Currently registered College of Coastal Georgia students seeking recognition as a social Greek letter organization and current Greek letter organizations recognized by the College of Coastal Georgia’s Office of Student Life are covered under this policy. In the case where College guidelines for expansion/extension and recruitment/intake differ from a national organization’s policies, the College guidelines take precedence.

Who Should Read This Policy

Student affairs personnel, faculty, and staff, involved in the administration and advisem*nt of Greek letter social organizations; Student members of Greek letter social organizations; off campus national organizations interested in starting a Greek letter undergraduate chapter at the College of Coastal Georgia.



Website Address for This Policy

Related Documents/Resources

  • Greek Life Expansion Plan
  • CCGA Student Code of Conduct


These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in this policy:

  • Student. The term “student” means an individual who is currently enrolled at the College of Coastal Georgia.
  • Student Organization. The term “student organization” means a club or organization registered with the Office of Student Life.
  • Greek Life. The term “Greek Life” refers to the collective grouping of organization(s) registered with the Office of Student Life that are also affiliated with a (inter)national organization which is entitled to single-sex membership under the provision of Section 86.14 of the regulations promulgated under Title IX of the U.S Education Act of 1972.
  • Greek Life Expansion Committee. The term “Greek Life Expansion Committee” refers to the College committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students and chaired by the Vice President of Student Affairs responsible for approving the creation and expansion of the Greek Life program at the College.
  • Greek Governing Council. The term “Greek Governing Council” denotes the student governing council comprised of representation from each of the currently recognized social Greek letter organizations at the College responsible for the oversight of such organizations and their activities at the College.
  • National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). The abbreviation “NPC” denotes the national governing organization for all social sororities in North America. National Panhellenic Council is the campus based governing council for Greek Life Policy 3 sororities.
  • North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). The abbreviation “NIC” denotes the national governing organization for all social fraternities in North America. Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the campus based governing council for fraternities.
  • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). The abbreviation “NPHC” denotes the national governing organization for all historically black social sororities and fraternities in North America.
  • National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, Inc. (NAFLO). The abbreviation “NAFLO” denotes the national council for Latino Greek letter organizations in the United States.
  • Recruitment. Recruitment is the process used by NPC and NIC affiliated organizations to attract and select new members to the organization. Students can join during the first semester as long as they meet specified criteria.
  • Intake. Intake is the process used by NPHC affiliated organizations to select new members. NPHC organizations do not typically accept a student for membership until the student completes 12-24 hours of college credit with a minimum GPA.



The overall administration of the College’s Greek community is the responsibility of the Vice President of Student Affairs delegated to the Office of Student Life.

I. Relationship Statement

The relationship between CCGA and the Greek community is one of mutual respect, cooperation, understanding and trust. The College and Greek membership have responsibilities and expectations to strengthen and develop the community.

The College will support the Greek community by:

  • Providing staff, training, programming and advisem*nt necessary for development
  • Advocating for the Greek community and serve as a liaison between internal and external constituencies
  • Promoting opportunities for participation in academic, athletic, social, service, and other group events
  • Allowing for College privileges such as access to campus facilities, equipment, and services (mass marketing, catering, copying, and technology), and the usage of the College of Coastal Georgia name and logo according to College policy
  • Continuing its commitment to foster the Greek system

The Greek organizations are expected to:

  1. Maintain a strong scholastic emphasis
  2. Comply with Federal, State, and local laws-with special emphasis on those regarding underage drinking, hazing, and public and fire safety-and to cooperate fully with College and Brunswick-Glynn County police
  3. Respect the rights of the campus community and neighborhood
  4. Comply with the College’s Student Code of Conduct and any policies or expectations that govern the College, Greek system and each individual organization
  5. Practice risk management to minimize liability to people and property and maintain accountability for actions of the Chapter
  6. Support Greek and campus programming by attendance, participation and goodwill
  7. Ensure sound new member and initiation practices
  8. Participate in philanthropic and service activities
  9. Maintain an active relationship with the chapter adviser or alumni adviser and/or board
  10. Submit requested and/or required paperwork or documentation in a timely manner

Based on these expectations, organizations that do not demonstrate a commitment to these obligations may jeopardize their recognition status.

The relationship between CCGA and the Greek system requires honest communication bound by a spirit of goodwill. Together, the College and the Greek community must demonstrate their responsibilities to:

  • Provide and model positive leadership
  • Educate through development opportunities
  • Build and maintain positive relationships

II. Recognition

To be recognized as an active organization in good standing with the College, all social Greek lettered organizations (chapter or provisional group) must:

  • Be affiliated with a (inter)national organization. In addition, all fraternities and sororities must be recognized and remain in good standing with the College, respective (inter)national organization and governing bodies.
  • Have at least one active adviser who is a full-time faculty or staff member employed by the College.
  • Have a proven record of growth and contribution in academics, campus and community service and participation, and organizational financial health through the “Student Organization End of Year Report.” Failure to demonstrate growth and contribution can result in a meeting with the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life to develop a plan of action to improve in these areas.
  • Submit the “Student Organization End of Year Report” by Spring Commencement.
  • Require all members to be a current CCGA undergraduate student in good standing with the College.
  • Submit the following information to the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life within the first 3 weeks of each semester:
    1. Updated constitution and/or bylaws (if updated since the last semester)
    2. Chapter/Provisional group officer list with contact information
    3. Chapter/Provisional group membership roster with student ID number and phone/email
    4. Hazing statement signed by each member
    5. Contact information for any advisers
    6. Allow the Office of Student Affairs or designated person to check each member or potential new member's GPA for reporting and eligibility purposes. Any new members must be reported and noted to the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life within two weeks of bid acceptance through an updated membership roster and hazing statement.
  • Any group with interest in chartering a new national Greek organization must consult with the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life and follow the procedures outlined in the Greek Life Expansion Plan.

III. Student Membership

Students interested in joining a social Greek letter organization at the College of Coastal Georgia must meet the following qualifications:

  • A minimum of a 2.75 high school GPA (for first semester freshmen) or a 2.5 cumulative college GPA (for second semester freshmen or upperclassmen students).
  • For freshmen who earned college credit in high school, a College GPA will be used once the student has earned 12 credit hours.
  • Must be a full-time (minimum enrollment in 12 semester hours), bachelor degree seeking student.
  • All students must be in good standing (discipline and financial) with the College to be eligible for membership.
  • All interested students will undergo a Student Code of Conduct review by the Dean of Students to determine eligibility.
    • Students who have been on disciplinary probation are ineligible for a minimum of (1) one full semester AFTER their probation period expires before they can apply for membership recruitment/intake.
    • Students who are currently on disciplinary probation are ineligible for membership recruitment/intake.
    • Students who are found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and have been accepted for membership recruitment/intake AND/OR are participating in the process may be declared ineligible depending on violation, circ*mstance, and severity.
    • Students who have been suspended for disciplinary reasons are ineligible.
    • The Chapter Adviser and Office of Student Life will be notified of all students with any disciplinary history.
  • Students who fail to meet these criteria will not be eligible for membership in a Greek letter organization; however, they will be allowed to have normal social contact with any member of a Greek organization (e.g., studying, participating in campus sponsored events).

Chapters will be required to maintain minimum standards for each member of their organization in order for the Chapter to remain in good standing with the College:

  1. Each member must perform a minimum of 10 service hours per semester
  2. Each member must maintain a minimum of a 2.25 cumulative College GPA in order to participate in social events of the organization
  3. Each member must assist with recruitment the year following their induction
  4. Any student member selected to be a recruitment counselor for NPC will unaffiliate with their organization (as defined by NPC) during sorority recruitment to prevent unfairly influencing prospective members’ decisions
  5. Each fall fraternity and sorority recruitment will take place the week before Labor Day
  6. Each first semester student will be required to live on campus in order to create a strong connection with the campus community, to ensure compliance with the alcohol free policy, and to participate in campus wide alcohol and wellness programming. (The housing requirement is contingent upon space availability and implementation will be determined by the Greek Life Expansion Committee.)
  7. Upper class members living with more than two (2) other chapter members in the same residence must register their address with the Office of Residence Life and Housing by the first day of classes for each academic term.

IV. Event Registration

  • All Greek events must be registered by turning in a Greek Event Registration Form to the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life at least one week prior to the event.
  • No event may be scheduled on or off campus when the College is closed. All events must be in compliance with all College policies and national risk management guidelines for the chapter/provisional group(s) hosting the event.
  • Chapter events are defined as events where chapter/provisional group members are present and the general perception is that the event is chapter/provisional group-related. If you are unsure if it is a chapter/provisional group event, consider the following questions:
    1. Was it planned or pre-meditated?
    2. Was it discussed at a meeting?
    3. Did the majority of the members know about it?
    4. Were a significant number of members present?
    5. Were a significant number of those attended invited by members?
    6. Were chapter funds used in any way?
    7. Did the officers know about or take part in planning any part of the event?
    8. Did it occur in concert with a chapter function (initiation, bid day, etc.)? Was it promoted by word of mouth or through advertising as a “chapter event”?

V. Organizational Conduct

  • All organizations are responsible for acting in accordance with the College’s Student Code of Conduct and all other applicable regulations.
  • The College may take action when the behavior of the members of the organization violates these policies. Both individual and group disciplinary action may be pursued for the same behavior/incident.
  • Student organizations may be held responsible for the acts of individual members when acting individually or on behalf of the organization. These acts may include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Violation of policies with other members present
    2. Failure to discourage or condoning behavior which leads to a policy violation
    3. Failure to register an event with the Office of Student Life
    4. Failure to report a medical emergency to College officials
  • The organization will be expected to take disciplinary action against those members who violate the rules and expectations of their organization, the College, and the community.
  • Conduct violations may be adjudicated by the Vice President of Student Affairs or by his/her designated individual or committee.
  • Sanctions may be imposed on those organizations or individuals who are found to have violated College policy through warnings, probation, educational programs or requirements, restitution, community service, loss of privileges, deactivation, or revoking of charter.
  • All fraternities and sororities must maintain a minimum $1,000,000 liability insurance policy.

A. Hazing Policy

CCGA deplores hazing and any other inappropriate and dangerous behavior or related activities. In support of Federal and State laws related to hazing, the College prohibits this type of practice. If a chapter/provisional group is found in violation of the standards of the College, disciplinary sanctions will be implemented.

All rites, ceremonies, practices or orientation into College life or into membership of any College group or organization should be of an educational, historical, functional, and inspirational nature consistent with the accepted principles of higher education at the College of Coastal Georgia. Any rites of induction, practices, ceremonies, or behaviors which require or allow mental or physical suffering are prohibited.

Hazing is defined in the Student Code of Conduct as any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation that causes another pain, embarrassment, ridicule or harassment, regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate. Such actions and situations include, but are not limited to, the following:

Forcing or requiring the drinking of alcohol or any other substance;

Forcing or requiring the consumption of food or any other substance;

Calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, runs, etc.);

Paddle swats;

Line ups;

Theft of any property;

Road trips;

Scavenger hunts;

Causing fewer than six (6) continuous hours of sleep per night;

Conducting activities that do not allow adequate time for study;

Forcing or requiring nudity at any time;

Performing acts of personal servitude for members;

Forcing or requiring the violation of College policies, federal, state, or local law. (Georgia State Hazing Law: § 16-5-61)

B. Sexual Abuse and Harassment

The organization will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually-abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, which are demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to date rape, gang rape or verbal harassment. Organizations and members are expected to adhere to the College’s Sexual Misconduct policy as found in the Student Code of Conduct.

VI. Expansion

The College is committed to the development of a strong and viable fraternity and sorority community on campus. In this regard, the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life, in consultation with the Greek Life Expansion Committee and Greek Governing Council, will have the discretion to determine when a new Greek organization is desirable and needed on campus. The decision to invite a new organization on campus will be influenced by the organization's ability to enhance and balance the current Greek system. Only (inter)nationally affiliated organizations (NPC, NIC, NPHC, NAFLO) will be considered. These organizations must maintain a minimum $1,000,000 liability insurance policy.

This approach provides the maximum opportunity for a successful provisional period for all student members. The purpose of these policies is to ensure that extension/expansion occurs in a carefully developed plan conducive to the educational mission at CCGA.

Expansion can occur in three ways:

  1. Through receiving a formal petition for recognition by a group of interested students,
  2. Through a formal expansion plan approved by the Greek Governing Council and the Greek life Expansion Committee, or
  3. Through reviewing a formal petition for recognition by a group coming off a disciplinary loss of College recognition.

VII. Indemnification & Risk Management Clause

The social Greek lettered organizations shall defend, indemnify and hold the College, its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, including attorney fees, or claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of any obligation or responsibility referenced in these policies, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorney fees, or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the organization, its officers, agents, employees or members. Organizations are strongly encouraged to minimize their risks and liabilities in the design and implementation of respective Greek programs and activities.

VIII. Crisis Management Procedures

General Procedure
Should a crisis occur, chapter members should cancel the current/planned event. In nearly all situations, the chapter president's first telephone call will be the 911 emergency number. The chapter members should briefly and calmly explain the situation so that appropriate emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance) can respond.

Notify the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life
The primary concern of the College is the safety and health of all members and their guests. The chapter members will need to contact the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life. If unable to contact this individual, chapter members should contact the Dean of Students.

Notify the Chapter & Campus Adviser
The Chapter President should notify the fraternity/sorority’s national headquarters and/or alumni contact as well as their campus adviser. A follow up call from the Office of Student Affairs will occur to ensure that the Chapter President has made contact with their national organization.

The Chapter President is the official spokesperson for the chapter. Do not discuss details, speculate on events or otherwise elaborate on the situation until police, College officials and the chapter adviser are notified and have arrived. No other chapter members should discuss the situation with anyone other than the police, College officials, or the chapter adviser. There should be no information shared through the use of social media by anyone affiliated with the organization.

Any and all communication to and/or from CCGA will be through the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life. The Director of the Campus Center and Student Life will be the official representative of CCGA through the extension/expansion process or any crisis management situation; the only exception being the President of CCGA, the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students, or their designees.

Serious Injury or Death of a Member
In the event of a serious injury or death, trained medical personnel or campus police will notify the family. Members of the organization should not share information with anyone until the family is notified by the proper authorities. After the family is notified, it is appropriate for members to call and share their concern.

Physical Aggression and/or Hospitalization
If chapter members are involved in any type of altercation, whether or not a person is sent to the hospital, contact the Director of the Campus Center and Student Life.

Follow Up and Support
Student affairs staff members are available to assist and counsel chapter members. Individual and group counseling is strongly recommended following any crisis situation. CCGA Counseling Services, located in the Campus Center, is available for counseling and support services.


The Responsibilities each party has in connection with this policy are:

Campus PoliceEnsure compliance with this policy.
Student LifeEnsure compliance with this policy.
Division of Student AffairsEnsure compliance with this policy.


Greek Event Registration Form


Greek Life Expansion Plan

Memorandum of Understanding for Social Greek Letter Organizations

CCGA Policy (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.