Buttered Stuffing With Celery and Leeks Recipe (2025)

By Alison Roman

Buttered Stuffing With Celery and Leeks Recipe (1)

Total Time
1¼ hours, plus overnight drying
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Those of you who love stuffing know that it might be the only reason to host Thanksgiving. This version is an updated classic — no dried fruit, no surprise ingredients, no “twists” — just a very buttery, deeply savory stuffing made with garlic, leeks and a lot of celery. The bread is crusty and torn, never cubed (for those crisp, craggy edges), and the whole thing is baked in a baking dish, never inside the turkey (to keep it light and fluffy with a custardy interior and a golden-brown top). All stuffing needs two trips to the oven: once, covered, to cook it through and twice, uncovered, to crisp up the top. You can do the first bake ahead of time if you like, or do one after the other if the timing works out that way.

Featured in: Alison Roman Cooks Thanksgiving in a (Very) Small Kitchen

Learn: How to Cook a Turkey

Learn: How to Make Stuffing

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Yield:8 to 10 servings

  • 1large loaf good, crusty bread, preferably sourdough or ciabatta (about 1¼ pounds)
  • ¼cup olive oil
  • 8tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 6garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 2large leeks, white and light green parts, chopped
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6celery stalks, thinly sliced, leaves reserved for garnish if available
  • ½cup dry white wine
  • ½teaspoon red-pepper flakes (optional)
  • cups low-sodium chicken, turkey or vegetable broth
  • 3large eggs
  • ½cup finely chopped parsley
  • ¼cup finely chopped chives
  • 2tablespoons finely chopped marjoram, oregano or thyme

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (10 servings)

339 calories; 18 grams fat; 7 grams saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 7 grams monounsaturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 35 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams dietary fiber; 4 grams sugars; 9 grams protein; 489 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Buttered Stuffing With Celery and Leeks Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Using your hands, tear bread, crust and all, into 1½- to 2-inch pieces. (Alternatively, you can cut the bread with a knife, but I prefer the way the craggy bits toast and soak up the goods.) Place chunks on a rimmed baking sheet, and let sit uncovered at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. If you’re short on time, you can toast the chunks in a 300-degree oven instead, tossing occasionally, until lightly crisped, but not browned, on the outside.

  2. Step


    Heat oven to 375 degrees. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, combine olive oil and 4 tablespoons butter. Once butter has melted, add the garlic and leeks. Season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until leeks are bright green and totally softened, 8 to 10 minutes.

  3. Add celery, and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally until bright green and tender, 4 to 6 minutes. Add white wine, and cook until reduced by about three-quarters, 3 to 4 minutes. Add red-pepper flakes, if using, and remove from heat.

  4. Step


    Whisk together broth and eggs in a medium bowl. Place bread in a large bowl (you want a lot of room for mixing, so go big), and add the leek and celery mixture, parsley, chives and marjoram. Stir to coat so that everything is evenly distributed, trying not to totally crush the bread. Pour the egg mixture over everything and toss a few times. Let sit a minute or two and give another toss. Repeat twice until all the liquid has absorbed and evenly distributed to each and every piece of bread.

  5. Step


    Transfer mixture to a 2½- to 3-quart baking dish (a 9-by-13 pan also works), making sure not to pack it too tightly. (You want to keep the bread in the stuffing as light as possible.) Dot the top with the remaining 4 tablespoons butter, making sure to pay extra attention to the corners, where the stuffing will get the crispiest.

  6. Step


    Cover with foil and bake until the stuffing is sizzling at the edges and completely cooked through, 25 to 30 minutes. If it’s not yet time to serve, remove stuffing from oven and set aside. (If you are nearly ready to serve, proceed directly to the next step and continue without pausing.)

  7. Step


    When ready to serve, remove foil and increase temperature to 425 degrees. Bake stuffing until crispy, crunchy and impossibly golden brown on top, 20 to 25 minutes. Scatter with celery leaves, if using, and serve.



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Huge hit on Thanksgiving, best ever! Here's how I solved baking the stuffing.1. Baked stuffing the day before (as instructed in Step 6) 375 oven.2. Let cool, covered with foil, put in fridge overnight.3. Took out of fridge about 3 hrs. before reheating to get to room temp.4. Put in 425 oven (after turkey was done) to crisp. Ready to serve.


Can you make this ahead and freeze or refrigerate?


You could definitely do the first bake the day (or two) before, refrigerate, then let come to room temp on the day of, before the final 20 to 25 min of baking. Maybe just pour on a little extra broth. Freezing for a longer period of time might be a different story.


I’m a young person who just made his first big-kid Thanksgiving. Going from the boxed stuff to this was like switching from Katie Perry to Bach. Thanks Alison!


Freezing this ahead of time works fine: we make it all at Thanksgiving and freeze enough for Christmas. The secret is to cook it about halfway, then remove it and cool completely, wrap it airtight, and cover with foil, to prevent freezer burn. If using a plastic bag as the inner layer, don't forget to remove it before you cook it the rest of the way, later on!


We agreed this is the best stuffing/dressing we’ve ever had! An important addition is dried sage (in the pan with the celery) though. Does that negate the original recipe? Besides the sage, followed the recipe exactly and the end result was deliciously buttery & crispy, craggy- edged perfection with soft interior bits. The ratio of leeks/celery to bread is high and I’ll never go back. (Served with good thick pan-roasted herb pork chops, pan gravy, steamed winter veg for NY dinner)


Just watched the video—Alison heats the stock and adds the egg. The recipe doesn’t say anything about heating the stock. Too late for me but hope to save others.


I MUST have sage in my stuffing so I will incorporate a ton of rubbed sage.


You're fine without the egg! Texture will just be a little looser. I've made this one a handful of times and it's fantastic: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016909-sourdough-stuffing-with-kale-and-dates


Dressing without sage is like Christmas without a tree! Lots and lots of sage and black pepper, and use the broth from the giblets with the egg. Giblets and neck meat can be dice up and added to the dressing.


The eggs make it custard-y, kind of like a savory bread pudding. We made this last night for a work potluck (along with a side amount 'just for us' baked in a little cast iron skillet), and I absolutely loved the contrast between the custard-y middle and the ultra-crisp exterior. My new favorite stuffing recipe.


Great stuffing! Needs a greased pan or nonstick foil because it sticks to the container.


*Made for Thanksgiving last year, 2019 and it was delicous. In this crazy 2020 year I made it for two of us to enjoy as a pre-Thanksgiving meal (since that will be pasta this year...why not) and it was just as yummy and easy to cut in half.*To cut it in half - used 7 oz total of torn sourdough (weight after drying) and 1 lg. egg whisked in with 1 1/4 C stock. Proportions worked, next time I might use 2 sm eggs.


Followed the recipe to the letter, ACCEPT for adding some rubbed sage, because duh, and used dry sherry in place of the white wine (personal preference). It was incredible. We made a pre-Thanksgiving feast of only our favorite sides, and this recipe did not disappoint. It hits all the bases and was so easy to prepare. Leftovers should NEVER be put in the microwave! Reheated ours in a small ceramic dish at 375 - kept what should be crispy oh so crisp and the custardy inside intact.

Julia Childless

Called “dressing” if not stuffed in the bird. And the Pennsylvania Dutch call dishes such as this “filling,” which they certainly are! This one looks good, and the double baking is key.


This is it! My go-to recipe for stuffing now—it's exactly what I want to eat with my turkey. I happened to have a loaf of walnut-cranberry bread, and it was a wonderful choice--bright pops of the cranberry and a little more crunch from the walnuts. Loved it.


I make two every year - one with sausage (per the requests of my family) and one without (I am vegetarian). This is the stuffing of my dreams and my favorite part of Thanksgiving.


This was disappointing. Odd flavor--despite all the garlic & onions not very flavorful. Stick with cornbread dressing & you'll be happier.

Maria B

Made this for this year's holiday, added shiitake mushrooms and followed the twice bake recommendations (one day before, one day of) to absolutely excellent results.


I was hosting vegetarian guests for Thanksgiving, so I could not use eggs. Instead bumped up the recommended 2-1/2 cups vegetable stock to 3 cups. Guests loved it.


Made this for Thanksgiving with Margot in Minneapolis 2023. Even used gluten feee bread and it was great!


Definitely butter the baking container before pouring the stuffing in.


This recipe is the best — even better than my childhood onion/celery stuffing. The only thing I do differently is the fresh herbs — I use 1-1/2 tbs. sage, and 1-1/2 tbs mixed thyme and rosemary, instead of the marjoram. It is now a Thanksgiving “must.” I parbaked it one year, froze it, and took it on a plane in my luggage. Defrosted it when I got to my destination, and finished the second bake before dinner.


I thought I didn’t like dressing until I made this recipe last year. I’ve made so many vegetarian dressing recipes, and none of them were good enough to repeat. But this one… this is it! This is the only vegetarian dressing recipe I’ll use from now on. It’s a simple recipe, but so delicious. Cooking note: I make the recipe as written using homemade vegetable stock.


Made Thanksgiving of 2022 and was a big hit. Making again 2023. Using day before plan.

Freda Brackley

Can the Cooking editor or anyone translate the amount of bread into approximate number of cups? "Large loaf" could be variable, and I don't know how to translate the poundage to volume. Thank you!


I’m thinking you’re better off using the weight. Depending on whether your bread is light or dense, your cup measure will be different. Last year I used a heavier ciabatta, this year a lighter French. Both times I used the weight as my guide and it worked out well for me. Hope that’s a little helpful.


This is a great recipe! Making it again this year.It works great without eggs, just added a bit more butter and stock.


Add more liquid for artisan bread

Eilene Stevens

I cooked this just as printed and served it to a table full of foodies. They all agreed that it was the best stuffing any of them had ever tasted.


I’ve made this twice now and will make again this year. It’s a favorite in our family

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Buttered Stuffing With Celery and Leeks Recipe (2025)


How wet should stuffing be before baking? ›

The stuffing should be moist but not wet. If there is a puddle of broth at the bottom of the bowl, you've added too much. Add more bread to soak up the excess moisture. If the mix is still dry and crumbly, add more liquid and toss gently until it starts to clump together.

Should I put an egg in my stuffing? ›

The most important ingredient of stuffing may be the binder, which keeps all the other elements in place. For a fluffy texture, use eggs. Stock is the most-used binder. Less conventional possibilities include fruit juice (such as apple or orange) and alcohol (wine or liqueur).

Are you supposed to peel celery? ›

Celery does not need to be peeled. It naturally has a stringy, tough texture, so peeling does not make that much of a difference. However, you can certainly peel each rib if you want to remove some of the tough outer layer.

Can you cook celery and onions ahead of time? ›

Stuffing: While many chefs agree that the celery, onions and meat can all be cooked ahead and tossed with your bread chunks on Thanksgiving morning, Gresham says you actually can make the entire stuffing ahead of time. And freeze it.

How to make stuffing Gordon Ramsay? ›

Make the stuffing, melt butter in a large frying pan and gently sauté onion and garlic for five minutes until soft. Stir in the herbs for one minute then add breadcrumbs to absorb butter. Mix in zest, pine nuts and seasoning and cook over medium heat for about seven minutes until crumbs start to brown and crisp.

Is it better to make stuffing with fresh or dry bread? ›

Any attempts to make stuffing with soft, fresh baked bread will result in a bread soup with a soggy texture. Follow this tip: Stale, dried-out bread makes the best stuffing.

Do you cook stuffing before you stuff? ›

Cook stuffing and immediately place it in your turkey's neck and body cavity.

Is it better to make stuffing the day before? ›

The short answer to whether you can making stuffing ahead of time is yes. "Making stuffing ahead saves time, allows stove and oven space for other things, and making it ahead gives time for the flavor to fully develop," Chef David Tiner, Director at Louisiana Culinary Institute in Baton Rouge, tells Southern Living.

What do southerners call stuffing? ›

But for the Thanksgiving side dish in the South, the term dressing was adopted in place of stuffing, which was viewed as a crude term, during the Victorian era. Although dressing and stuffing are interchangeable terms, the signature ingredient of this Thanksgiving side dish in the South is cornbread.

Why does my stuffing come out mushy? ›

You'll need day-old loaves to get stale so that the stuffing doesn't get too mushy. Don't cube that bread! Ragged, imperfect pieces of bread have more surface area; it's those nooks and crannies that give you good texture. Speaking of texture, that's what stuffing is all about--you want a mix of crispy and soft pieces.

What is traditional stuffing made of? ›

Turkey stuffing was popularized in the early days of Thanksgiving, as it is written in many 16th-century Boston area documents. Stuffing most often uses dried bread, herbs, and vegetables that are reconstituted with liquid, stuffed into the turkey cavity, and baked until it is firm and finished cooking.

Can you mess up stuffing? ›

Your Bread Is Too Fresh

There's nothing better than soft, fresh bread—except for when it comes to stuffing. If you want your stuffing to hold up and not end up a soupy, soggy mess, make sure your bread is dried out or staled for a few days.

What is the best bread to use for stuffing? ›

Breads such as sour dough, French bread or Italian loaves are for the best bread for stuffing. Their soft-but-sturdy interiors are the perfect texture for stuffing. The pieces retain their shape without crumbling.

What part of the celery do you use? ›

The tougher outer stalks are the best to cook with - just pull them off at the base and use a peeler to remove any tough strings. The inner, more tender stalks are better for eating raw. Snap them off as you need them, then trim the ends and wash. The leafy tops can be used in salads.

What to do if you forgot celery for stuffing? ›

Leeks. When cooked, celery and leeks share a similar fibrous and slightly soft texture. Leeks impart a light onion flavor that celery doesn't have and tend to be a bit stringy. This swap works best in soups or recipes like stuffing, where you would typically find an oniony flavor along with the celery.

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