All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (2025)

Frank Herbert oncewrotethat fear is the mind-killer. The South Korean Netflix hit series All Of Us Are Dead certainly agrees. The show depicts a zombie virus outbreak that, interestingly enough, starts from the concept of eliminating fear. Scientist Lee Byeong-chan wishes to push his son Jin-su past his limits and induce a dose of artificial fearlessness, so that he may be able to face his bullies.

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His project doesn’t work as intended, and instead, Jin-su—and countless others—are transformed into zombies. The sheer chaos they unleash tests the mettle of the small group of survivors. Even if many of them aren’t immune to the Jonas Virus, they still prove their fearlessness, in their own way.

WARNING: This list contains spoilers for the series

10 Joon-Yeong Sacrifices Himself For His Fellow Students

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (1)

There are a lot of heartbreaking sacrifices in All Of Us Are Dead, but Oh Joon-yeong may be among the most notable ones. The intelligent student originally provides less of a contribution to the overall journey of the group, though he does prove to be essential while they investigate the school with a drone.

It is in one of the final episodes that Joon-yeong truly proves his mettle. When he and his friends are surrounded in the auditorium, he acknowledges that his version of the barrier may have beena poor choice and keeps his promise. He sacrifices himself for his fellow studentsso they can make their way out. His final cries are both heartwrenching and a form of encouragement for his friends.

9 Jae-Ik Takes Great Risks To Save Other Survivors

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (2)

Detective Song Jae-ik is the first to find out the truth about the Jonas Virus. Having arrested Lee Byeong-chan after the latter takesthe infected Kim Hyeon-Ju captive, he learns in horror about the true implications of the girl’s injury.

In the aftermath, Jae-ik travels the city, intent on providing the authorities with the news on the Jonas Virus. Despite being surrounded by the undead from every possible direction, he doesn’t hesitate to save other survivors, proving himself to be one of the most fearless characters in the show.

8 Park Sun-Hwa Rushes To The Aid Of Student Lee Na-Yeon

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (3)

The teachers of Hyosan High aren’t exactly known for their fearlessness. but English teacher Park Sun-hwa is very different. From the moment the outbreak begins, she reaches out to the students through the PA system and tells them to survive.

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That conviction is what motivates her to sacrifice her life for Lee Na-yeon. When Na-yeon infects Han Gyeong-su with zombie blood, she willingly leaves the group. Well aware that Na-yeon doesn’t have a chance on her own, Sun-hwa rushes to the student’s rescue, but is killed by the zombies in her stead.

7 On-Jo Finds Her Courage Through Her Traumatic Experiences

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (4)

When the epidemic begins, female protagonist Nam On-jo goes through a huge shock. Not only does she find herself facing a zombie apocalypse but she has to watch her best friend I-sak die. At first, she doesn’t deal with the shock well but with the help of her fellow survivors, she forces herself to push past the experience.

She ends up being the one to provide support to the others and even comes up with creative schemes of her own throughout the show. Finally, she is able to not only overcome the loss of her father but also that of her longtime friend Cheong-san. On-jo finds true courage through her traumatic experiences and with that, she becomes a role model for her group.

6 Dae-Su’s Physical Strength Matches His Fearless Heart

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (5)

Yang Dae-su may shine the most as the comic relief character but he’s also more than willing to brave the hordes of zombies alongside his friends. He often uses his physical strength—which may have very well been superior to that ofother members in the group—to attack or hold back the zombies on his own.

See Also
Yoon Gwi-nam

On one notable occasion, he shoves away a massive group of undead by weaponizing a door. He also volunteers to investigate the other rooms on his own, only to be shot down by the others because of his weight. It’s certainly true that Dae-su isn’t athletic but he compensates for that in fearlessness.

5 Mi-Jin Is The First To Accept The Necessity Of Lethal Damage

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (6)

One of the survivors in the bathroom group, Park Mi-jin is a very interesting presence in the show. Her blunt demeanor clashes with the behavior of the other students but becomes endearing and refreshing with every new episode.

From the very beginning, Mi-jin shines as one of the first to accept the true meaning of their circumstances. While stuck in the bathroom with a zombie, she is brave enough to do lethal damage to a fellow student. She accepts the situation with admirable aplomb and even occasionally comments that a zombie apocalypse is nothing compared to final exams.

4 So-Ju Braves The Throngs Of Zombies To Save His Daughter

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (7)

Firefighter Nam So-ju may very well be one of the most likable characters in the show, and for good reason. During the first part of the series, he is dispatched to secure a group of trapped politicians, and he succeeds in this task admirably, holding back a massive group of zombies with a stream of water. But despite the fact that he fulfills his duty, his daughter is never far away from his mind.


As soon as the politicians are secure, he escapes the quarantine camp, risking life and limb against both living humans and the undead to reach Hyosan High. His efforts are fruitful as he manages to rescue On-jo and her friends just in time. Sadly, he is killed in the process, forced to sacrifice himself to make sure the teenagers escape.

3 Ha-Ri Is Always Level-Headed In The Face Of Danger

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (8)

It’s difficult to believe that archer Jang Ha-ri has any kind of trouble during her competitions when she’s so level-headed and fierce in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Her arrows always hit their mark and it’s very rare for her to display any kind of panic.

She more than earns Mi-jin’s admiration, and her calm demeanor encourages her small group as they struggle to escape the school. One of the few moments when she displays real vulnerability is when she has to watch her brother die in her arms, but even then, she doesn’t give up.

2 Su-Hyeok Isn’t Deterred By Nam-Ra’s Half-Zombie Nature

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (9)

Reformed bully Lee Su-Hyeok is often the first to leap into danger to defend the small group of survivors. He does have a real advantage over many of his fellows—that of his athleticism and fighting skill. But that doesn’t mean he’s not at risk when he’s facing the throng of zombies.

Even so, he never falters, and on more than one occasion, confronts major antagonist turned half-zombie Yoon Gwi-nam. Most notably, when Gwi-nam bites Choi Nam-ra and transforms her too, he isn’t afraid to support her and even ties himself to her. His affection for Nam-ra certainly fuels his courage but it doesn’t make his actions any less admirable.

1 Cheong-San Goes To His Death Alongside Gwi-Nam

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (10)

Lee Cheong-san doesn’t quite have Su-hyeok’s fighting skills, but he’s resourceful and creative enough to compensate for that. He’s also very brave, often taking serious chances in order to put unusual strategies into practice. One example includes him retrieving the fire hose the group will later use to climb out the window. It’s an incredibly dangerous move as he has to reach past the undead to grab the tool and could have easily been bitten in the process.

But perhaps the best showing of Cheong-san’s courage is his death. After being bitten by Gwi-nam, he defiantly calls out to both Gwi-nam and the other zombies, luring them to him andallowing the other survivors to escape. Aware of the imminent military strike, he makes sure Gwi-nam will also go out in the flames, alongside him. It’s a devastating blow for the viewers but clear proof of his fearlessness.

NEXT:All Of Us Are Dead: Every Main Character, Sorted Into Their Hogwarts House

All Of Us Are Dead: 10 Most Fearless Characters, Ranked (2025)
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