Age of Sigmar 4th Ed. Skaventide Box Set Models, & Pricing (2024)

By Travis Pasch|May 24th, 2024|Categories: 4th Edition AoS,Age of Sigmar,Games Workshop,Guides,,Skaven,Stormcast,,Warhammer Community

The 4th Edition AoS Skaventide box includes 74 miniatures, General’s Handbook, plus Spearhead rules and terrain; here’s everything to know!

The highly anticipated 4th Edition AoS Skaventide Starter Set launch box, with 74 miniatures and a wealth of new content, is bringing fresh excitement to the mortal realms. Plus, Skaventide includes the first big updated rules changes since 2015, along with new Skaven and Stormcast Eternals miniatures.

Skaven VS. Stormcast: AoS Skaventide Starter Set Launch Box

Games Workshop finally revealed the Warhammer Age of Sigmar 4th edition launch box, which they’ve named “Skaventide” after making us wait for two whole months.

This bad boy comes with a whopping 74 fresh miniatures for the Stormcast Eternals and Skaven armies, plus some smaller terrain pieces, the new season of the general’s handbook, Spearhead rules, and warscroll cards for diving into that game mode.


New 4th Edition AoS Skaventide Starter Set List Price: $265 AUD$450 £160 €210*

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Chaos, Order
  • Faction: Skaven, Stormcast Eternals
  • Role:Commander, Sub-Commander, Troops, Artillery, Monster
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 74
  • Release Year: 2024

Where to Buy The Skaventide Starter Set:

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games|Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK)| eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Skaventide Price By Country

United States$265
United Kingdom£160

We thought we would have to wait a while for the price to come out, but it looks like GW already leaked the cost in their latest giveaway post, which we have for you above. By comparison, in 2023, the 40k Leviathan Starter sold for $250, which means Skaventide is also far more expensive than even Dominion, the last starter set for AoS in 2021.

However, we’re probably getting a pretty beefy box to match the price!

Skaventide Release Date

The new 4th Edition Skaventide Launch Box release date will most likely be June or July 2024, as they have stated the next Battlescroll update will be “within a few months” of April. But as per the normal, Games Workshop has not specified a timeframe for release other than that.

Skaventide Description:

The new starter will come with 74 models (24 Stormcast and 50 Skaven), all the accessories you need, the cards, The General’s Handbook, and the rulebook.

The box is divided into two sides, coming in at 1,200 points. There are 24 Stormcast Eternals and 50 Skaven miniatures at a price of around $3.58 a model.

Here is a breakdown of the miniatures you get inside unit by unit.

Skaven Models:

  • 40 Clanrats
  • Three Rat Ogors
  • Three Jezzails
  • Grey Sear
  • Ratling Warpblaster
  • Clawlord on Gnaw-beast
  • Warlock Engineer

Stormcast Models:

  • Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker
  • Knight-Questor
  • Lord-Veritant
  • Lord-Terminos
  • Ten Liberators
  • Three Reclusians (with three Memorians)
  • Three Prosecutors

Extra Components:

  • Age of Sigmar 4th Edition Core Rulebook
  • Spearhead: Fire & Jade Rulebook
  • Spearhead Warscoll Cards for the game mode
  • General’s Handbook Reference Cards
  • Double-sided game board
  • Range Rulers

New 4th Edition AoS Stormcast Miniatures

In Skaventide, the fearless and noble Stormcast Eternals of the revered Hallowed Knights Stormhost have been dispatched to the treacherous Gnaw in Aqshy to confront the relentless Skaven threat.

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker

The Lord-Vigilant commands a formidable alliance comprising warriors from the esteemed Warrior and Ruination chambers of the revered Stormcast Eternals. She rides into battle astride a steadfast Gryph-stalker, bearing a revered great axe that gleams with hallowed power.


While the majority of Stormcast Lords and Knights are bound by the weighty responsibilities of command, a select few emerge as solitary champions, journeying across the diverse realms.

Each Knight-Questor is summoned to the majestic throne of the God-King Sigmar and entrusted with a sacred quest, whether it be the recovery of an ancient relic or the vanquishing of an adversary’s general.

Although they do not belong to the Ruination chambers, they are among the rare Stormcasts permitted to beseech aid from these soul-afflicted powerhouses in order to carry out their divinely ordained mission.


Each Lord-Veritant is meticulously chosen for their unwavering and visceral loathing of Chaos, an emotion that eclipses all others. Armed with a blade wreathed in righteous flames and a staff of abjuration that breaks curses, they are accompanied by a faithful Gryph-crow companion.

Together, they venture into the darkest and most sinister corners of the Mortal Realms, tirelessly purging corruption by vanquishing sorcerers and heretics.


In the dimly lit Ruination chambers, the figure of Lord-Terminos looms large and imposing. Wielding the formidable blade terminos, they stride across the battlefield with unmatched precision, swiftly dispatching the enemies of Sigmar.

These solitary warriors also hold the solemn responsibility of conducting the rites of the Last Threshold, solemnly severing the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who willingly embrace oblivion. Accompanying them are the loyal Memorian squires, tasked with recounting their noble battle achievements and ensuring their connection to the present remains steadfast.

New Liberators

The Liberators are a group of courageous warriors who have been fighting for Sigmar’s cause since the beginning of the Realmgate Wars (i.e., AoS first edition). They are seen donning shining Sigmarite armor, and their preferred weapons are shields and war hammers.

These weapons not only help them defend themselves but also allow them to launch bone-shattering counterattacks against their enemies.

This edition features a much sleeker look for the Liberators. GW is trying to move them away from chunkier armor and into this new style, just like they did with the Vindicators.


The Reclusians were on the verge of losing themselves completely after undergoing multiple reforgings. They had chosen to isolate themselves in quiet reflection to prevent this. However, the current situation requires their intervention.

Despite the risks involved, they were undaunted in battle and could withstand even the harshest battlefields. Lightning cleansed their souls, shieldingthem from the corrupting effects of Chaos


The Prosecutors are vengeful hunters of Sigmar who have been given a new, slick design for the latest edition. Although they have been around for a long time, they now have flame-like wings, replacing their old sunburst design. Their weapons have also been reworked, with new crested helmets, elegant javelins, and sturdy circular shields.

New 4th Edition AoS Skaven Miniatures

While we’ve already given a glimpse of the Clanrats, Warlock Engineer, and Warplock Jezzails, there’s more to come – and these new additions are set to be formidable forces on the battlefield.

Clawlord on Gnaw-beast

As the rulers of the Verminus Clans, the Clawlords hold dominion over the vast tides of Skaven soldiery that form the core of the Great Horned Rat’s armies. These formidable leaders have ascended to their positions through a combination of ruthless violence and strategic cunning.

Many of them exhibit exceptional valor and prowess, surpassing the typical abilities of the Skaven. Those who achieve particular renown or secure a favor from the Clans Moulder may even ride into battle atop terrifying Gnaw-beasts – mutated verminkind with hyperactive metabolisms that drive them into relentless feeding frenzies.

Warlock Engineer

The Grey Seers hold the highest magical authority among the Skaven, while the Warlocks serve as the masters of technology. As the primary inventors of the Clans Skryre, they are responsible for creating the extensive array of deadly weapons that keep the Skaven forces well-equipped. Among the Warlocks,

Engineers are the most prevalent, tasked with maintaining the mass-produced weaponry used by Warplock Jezzails and Ratling Warpblasters. They eagerly position themselves at the rear of battle lines, where they can direct the aim of Jezzail teams and take precise shots at enemy heroes using their warplock muskets.

Grey Seer

The enigmatic Grey Seers hold the peculiar distinction of serving as the prophets of the Great Horned Rat and as covert operatives of the Masterclan, exerting their influence over Skaven society through increasingly intricate schemes and, by their own account, entirely altruistic guidance.

Possessing a unique natural aptitude for magic, they conjure storms of warp lightning that not only serve as a potent display of power but also help to rationalize why other Skaven Clans tolerate their ceaseless manipulations. Yet, the profound paranoia that permeates all Grey Seers is channeled into meticulous contingency planning, ensuring that their schemes are thoroughly safeguarded.

Ratling Warpblaster

The Skaven’s long-standing tradition of infighting between the Clans has led to the development of a fearsome weapon by the Clan Skryre. This weapon is specifically engineered to swiftly annihilate large groups of infantry.

With its remarkable firing rate, this rolling field gun can effortlessly decimate countless mortal foes.

Warplock Jezzails

Skaven are known for using lethal warpstone in battle, which they have employed since the earliest days of Warhammer. To launch their toxic shots at their enemies, Jezzail teams have collaborated for decades in an unusual display of teamwork.

One member of the team acts as a sniper, while the other serves as a supportive shoulder. This allows them to effectively deliver scorching hot lumps of poison to their targets.

Rat Ogors

The Rat Ogors, towering and grotesque, are the prized creations of the Clans Moulder. They are the result of a dark and nefarious process that melds rodent and ogor bodies using mysterious cryptosorcery and the corrupting influence of warpstone.

These monstrous beings are infused with poisonous concoctions and unleashed onto the battlefield with no more than primal instincts and an unrelenting hunger driving their savage violence.

They mercilessly rend mortal warriors limb from limb and lay waste to entire regiments with the scorching emerald torrents unleashed by their warpfire guns.

Clan Rats

The life of a Clanrat is extremely hard as they are low-ranking soldiers of the Great Clans, and life is tough for the high-ranking rats! These soldiers are just one small part of a larger group of fierce creatures that have sharp teeth, claws, and matted fur.

While they do not possess exceptional fighting skills or courage as individuals, they can still be lethal in large numbers. They are armed with old and rusty weapons and wear ragged clothes. Despite their shortcomings, they can overpower larger enemies by swarming them with stabbing blades.

4th Edition AoS Rulebook & General’s Handbook

This substantial 272-page rulebook is a treasure trove of lore, stunning miniatures, and the full rules. It includes Core Rules, Advanced Rules, and the First Blood and Path to Glory Battlepacks.

The book also delves into the lore from a much different perspective than previous editions. Instead of coming from a bird’ s-eye view, it’s told from the perspective of more normal people in the world.

Skaventide offers a comprehensive set of 17 General’s Handbook Cards tailored for competitive Matched Play. This collection includes the 2024-25 Season rules, two battle tactics cards encompassing all six universal battle tactics and the eight Grand Alliance battle tactics, and 12 double-sided battle plan cards, which provide in-depth coverage of battle plan rules, deployment strategies, and recommended terrain layouts.

AoS Spearhead Rules

The box also includes a 144-page hardback book called “Spearhead: Fire and Jade.” This book contains all the essential rules needed to play, including the Core Rules, Spearhead rules, the Fire and Jade battleplan, and complete printed rules for every Spearhead army currently available.

Additionally, it features rules for the Sons of Behemat and introduces two new Spearheads crafted from models in the Skaventide boxed set.

Skaventide Review

The new Skaventide AoS starter set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a thrilling addition for Skaven players. Packed with a variety of units, including potent magic-wielding characters and formidable Warmachines and Rat Ogres, this set emphasizes the Skaven’s strength in numbers and sorcery.

Notably, the inclusion of units like Ratling Warpblaster and Warplock Jezzails ups the ante for the Stormcast side if played in a versus mode.

Is it Worth it?

At around $3.50 a model, it’s a great starter set for anyone looking to dive into the chaotic world of the Skaven with a magic-rich army or collect the new Stormcast chamber.

What to Buy Next?

That is a great question because a good portion of “older” Skaven and Stormcast models were moved to Legends, meaning they will most likely see replacements shortly following the release of Skaventide. So it is probably best to wait until the starter set comes out, or there are additional previews for new releases for both of these factions.

In conclusion, the 4th Edition AoS Skaventide Starter Set promises to be an exciting addition to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe. With 74 miniatures, new models, and a comprehensive rulebook, it offers a compelling experience for both new and veteran players.

The contrasting forces of Skaven and Stormcast Eternals set the stage for epic battles, and the detailed descriptions of the included miniatures give players a taste of the rich lore behind each faction. Whether you’re a collector, a painter, or a strategist, the Skaventide Starter Set seems poised to deliver hours of hobby enjoyment.

What do you think about the new AoS Skaventide starter, including the price and all the contents?

Let us know in the comments of ourFacebook Hobby Groupor ournew Discord server. Make sure to enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

Age of Sigmar 4th Ed. Skaventide Box Set Models, & Pricing (30)

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass

Bio:Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!

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Age of Sigmar 4th Ed. Skaventide Box Set Models, & Pricing (2024)
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