ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (2024)

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (1)


Paper F5

Performance Management

Essential Text

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Chapter 1 Traditional and advanced costing methods 1

Chapter 2 Cost volume profit analysis 37

Chapter 3 Planning with limiting factors 69

Chapter 4 Pricing 97

Chapter 5 Make or buy and other short­term decisions 121

Chapter 6 Risk and uncertainty 147

Chapter 7 Budgeting 167

Chapter 8 Quantitative analysis 199

Chapter 9 Standard costing and basic variances 223

Chapter 10 Advanced variances 267

Chapter 11 Performance measurement and control 305

Chapter 12 Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Chapter 13 Performance measurement in not­for­profit organisations


Chapter 14 Question & Answers 365


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Paper Introduction



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On­line subscribers Paper introductionPaper backgroundObjectives of the syllabusCore areas of the syllabusSyllabus objectivesThe examinationExamination formatPaper­based examination tips Study skills and revision guidancePreparing to studyEffective studyingThree ways of taking notes:RevisionFurther reading

You can find further reading and technical articles under the student section of ACCA’s website.


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Learning curve

Y = axb

Where Y = cumulative average time per unit to produce x units a = the time taken for the first unit of output x = the cumulative number of units b = the index of learning (log LR/log 2) LR = the learning rate as a decimal

Regression analysis

y = a + bx

b = 22 x)(–xnyx–xyn


a = n

xbny ∑


r = )y)(–y(n )x)(–x(n

yx–xyn2222 ∑∑∑∑


Demand curve

P = a − bQ

b = quantityinChange


a = price when Q = 0 MR = a – 2bQ

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ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (11)

Traditional and advanced costing methodsChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain what is meant by the term cost driver and identify appropriate cost drivers under activity­based costing (ABC)

• calculate costs per driver and per unit using (ABC)

• compare ABC and traditional methods of overhead absorption based on production units, labour hours or machine hours

• explain what is meant by the term ‘target cost’

• derive a target cost in both manufacturing and service industries

• explain the difficulties of using target costing in service industries

• describe the target cost gap

• suggest how a target cost gap might be closed

• explain what is meant by the term ‘life­cycle costing’ in a manufacturing industry

• identify the costs involved at different stages of the life­cycle

• explain throughput accounting and the throughput accounting ratio (TPAR), and calculate and interpret, a TPAR

• suggest how a TPAR could be improved

• apply throughput accounting to a given multi­product decision­making problem.

• discuss the issues a business faces in the management of environmental costs

• describe the different methods a business may use to account for its environmental costs




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1 What is the purpose of costing?Back to basics

In paper F2 we learnt how to determine the cost per unit for a product. We might need to know this cost in order to :

How can we calculate the cost per unit?

So we know why it’s so important for the business to determine the cost of its products. We now need to consider how we can calculate this cost.

There are a number of costing methods available. This chapter focuses on one of the modern costing techniques, ABC. However, in order to understand ABC and the benefits that it can bring, it is useful to start by reminding ourselves of the traditional absorption costing methods : Absorption Costing (AC) and Marginal Costing (MC).

• Value inventory ­ the cost per unit can be used to value inventory in the statement of financial position (balance sheet).

• Record costs ­ the costs associated with the product need to be recorded in the income statement.

• Price products ­ the business will use the cost per unit to assist in pricing the product. For example, if the cost per unit is $0.30, the business may decide to price the product at $0.50 per unit in order to make the required profit of $0.20 per unit.

• Make decisions­ the business will use the cost information to make important decisions regarding which products should be made and in what quantities.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


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Absorption costing

The aim of traditional absorption costing is to determine the full production cost per unit.

When we use absorption costing to determine the cost per unit, we focus on the production costs only. We can summarise these costs into a cost card:

It is relatively easy to estimate the cost per unit for direct materials and labour. In doing so we can complete the first two lines of the cost card. However, it is much more difficult to estimate the production overhead per unit. This is an indirect cost and so, by its very nature, we do not know how much is contained in each unit. Therefore, we need a method of attributing the production overheads to each unit. All production overheads must be absorbed into units of production, using a suitable basis, e.g. units produced, labour hours or machine hours. The assumption underlying this method of absorption is that overhead expenditure is connected to the volume produced.

$ Direct materials per unit XDirect labour per unit XProduction overhead per unit X — Full production cost per unit X —

chapter 1


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Saturn, a chocolate manufacturer, produces three products:

Information relating to each of the products is as follows:


Using traditional absorption costing, calculate the full production cost per unit and the profit per unit for each product. Comment on the implications of the figures calculated.

• The Sky Bar, a bar of solid milk chocolate.

• The Moon Egg, a fondant filled milk chocolate egg.

• The Sun Bar, a biscuit and nougat based chocolate bar.

Sky Bar

Moon Egg

Sun Bar

Direct labour cost per unit ($) 0.07 0.14 0.12Direct material cost per unit ($) 0.17 0.19 0.16Actual production/ sales (units) 500,000 150,000 250,000Direct labour hours per unit 0.001 0.01 0.005Direct machine hours per unit 0.01 0.04 0.02Selling price per unit ($) 0.50 0.45 0.43Annual production overhead = $80,000

2 Under­ and over­absorption

A predetermined overhead absorption rate is used to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in overhead costs, and to enable unit costs to be calculated quickly throughout the year.

'Budgeted volume' may relate to units, direct labour hours, machine hours, etc. If either or both of the actual overhead cost or activity volume differ from budget, the use of this rate is likely to lead to what is known as under­absorption or over­absorption of overheads.

Budgeted overheadPre­determined overhead absorption rate = –––––––––––––––– Budgeted volume

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Illustration ­ Solution

Illustration 1 ­ Absorption costing

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A company budgeted to produce 3,000 units of a single product in a period at a budgeted cost per unit as follows:

In the period covered by the budget, actual production was 3,200 units and actual fixed overhead expenditure was 5% above that budgeted. All other costs were as budgeted. What was the amount, if any, of over­ or under­absorption of fixed overhead?

$ per unitDirect costs $17Fixed overheads $9Total Costs $26 per unit

3 The modern manufacturing environment

There are two aspects of modern manufacturing that you need to be familiar with – Total Quality Management (TQM) and Just in Time (JIT).

Total Quality Management

TQM is the continuous improvement in quality, productivity and effectiveness through a management approach focusing on both the process and the product.

Fundamental features include:

Just­In­Time (JIT)

JIT is a pull­based system of production, pulling work through the system in response to customer demand. This means that goods are only produced when they are needed, eliminating large stocks of materials and finished goods.

• prevention of errors before they occur;

• importance of total quality in the design of systems and products;

• real participation of all employees;

• commitment of senior management to the cause;

• recognition of the vital role of customers and suppliers;

• recognition of the need for continual improvement.

chapter 1


Illustration ­ Solution

Illustration 2 ­ Under­ and over­absorption of overheads

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Key characteristics for successfully operating such a system are:

High quality: possibly through deploying TQM systems.

Speed: rapid throughput to meet customers ’ needs.

Reliability: computer­aided manufacturing technology will assist.

Flexibility: small batch sizes and automated techniques are used.

Low costs: through all of the above.

Standard product costs are associated with traditional manufacturing systems producing large quantities of standard items. Key features of companies operating in a JIT and TQM environment are:

• high level of automation

• high levels of overheads and low levels of direct labour costs

• customised products produced in small batches

• low stocks

• emphasis on high quality and continuous improvement.

4 Reasons for the development of ABC

Absorption costing is based on the principal that production overheads are driven by the level of production. This is because the activity level in the OAR calculation can be units, labour hours or machine hours. These all increase as the level of production increases. This was true in the past, because businesses only produced one simple product or a few simple and similar products. The following points should be remembered:

• Overheads used to be small in relation to other costs in traditional manufacturing In addition, production overheads, such as machine depreciation, will have been a small proportion of overall costs. This is because production was more labour intensive and, as a result, direct costs would have been much higher than indirect costs. A rough estimate of the production overhead per unit was therefore fine.

• Overheads are now a larger proportion of total costs in modern manufacturing Manufacturing has become more machine intensive and, as a result, the proportion of production overheads, compared to direct costs, has increased. Therefore, it is important that an accurate estimate is made of the production overhead per unit.

• The nature of manufacturing has changed. Many companies must now operate in a highly competitive environment and, as a result, the diversity and complexity of products has increased.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


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Consider two hypothetical plants turning out a simple product: Ball­point pens. The factories are the same size and have the same capital equipment.

Every year, plant I makes 1 million units of only one product: blue pens.

Plant II, a full­line producer, also produces blue pens, but only 100,000 a year. Plant II also produces a variety of similar products: 80,000 black pens, 30,000 red pens, 5,000 green pens, 500 lavender pens, and so on. In a typical year, plant II produces up to 1,000 product variations, with volumes ranging between 100 and 100,000 units. Its aggregate annual output equals the 1 million pens of plant I.

The first plant has a simple production environment and requires limited manufacturing support facilities. With its higher diversity and complexity of operations, the second plant requires a much larger support structure. For example 1,000 different products must be scheduled through the plant, and this requires more people for :

Expenditure on support overheads will therefore be much higher in the second plant, even though the number of units produced and sold by both plants is identical. Furthermore, since the number of units produced is identical, both plants will have approximately the same number of direct labour hours, machine hours and material purchases. The much higher expenditure on support overheads in the second plant cannot therefore be explained in terms of direct labour, machine hours operated or the amount of materials purchased.

Traditional costing systems, however, use volume bases to allocate support overheads to products. In fact, if each pen requires approximately the same number of machine hours, direct labour hours or material cost, the reported cost per pen will be identical in plant II. Thus blue and lavender pens will have identical product costs, even though the lavender pens are ordered, manufactured, packaged and despatched in much lower volumes.

• scheduling the machines;

• performing the set­ups;

• inspecting items;

• purchasing, receiving and handling materials;

• handling a large number of individual requests.

chapter 1


Illustration 3 – Pen factories

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The small­volume products place a much higher relative demand on the support departments than low share of volume might suggest. Intuitively, it must cost more to produce the low­volume lavender pen than the high­volume blue pen. Traditional volume­based costing systems therefore tend to overcost high­volume products and undercost low­volume products. To remedy this discrepancy ABC expands the second stage assignment bases for assigning overheads to products.

Calculating the full production cost per unit using ABC

There are five basic steps:

Step 1: Group production overheads into activities, according to how they are driven.

A cost pool is an activity which consumes resources and for which overhead costs are identified and allocated.

For each cost pool, there should be a cost driver. The terms ‘activity’ and ‘cost pool’ are often used interchangeably.

Step 2: Identify cost drivers for each activity, i.e. what causes these activity costs to be incurred.

A cost driver is a factor that influences (or drives) the level of cost.

Step 3: Calculate an OAR for each activity.

The OAR is calculated in the same way as the absorption costing OAR. However, a separate OAR will be calculated for each activity, by taking the activity cost and dividing by the cost driver information.

Step 4: Absorb the activity costs into the product.

The activity costs should be absorbed back into the individual products.

Step 5: Calculate the full production cost and/ or the profit or loss.

Some questions ask for the production cost per unit and/ or the profit or loss per unit.

Other questions ask for the total production cost and/ or the total profit or loss.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


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In addition to the data from illustration 1, some supplementary data is now available for Saturn company:

Cost driver data:


Using ABC, calculate the full production cost per unit and the profit per unit for each product. Comment on the implications of the figures calculated.

$ Machining costs 5,000Component costs 15,000Set­up costs 30,000Packing costs 30,000 ——— Production overhead (as per illustration 1) 80,000 ———

Sky Bar

Moon Egg

Sun Bar

Labour hours per unit 0.001 0.01 0.005 Machine hours per unit 0.01 0.04 0.02 Number of production set­ups 3 1 26 Number of components 4 6 20 Number of customer orders 21 4 25

chapter 1


Expandable Text

Illustration 4 ­ ABC

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Cabal makes and sells two products, Plus and Doubleplus. The direct costs of production are $12 for one unit of Plus and $24 per unit of Doubleplus.

Information relating to annual production and sales is as follows:

Information relating to production overhead costs is as follows:

Other overhead costs do not have an identifiable cost driver, and in an ABC system, these overheads would be recovered on a direct labour hours basis.

Plus Doubleplus Annual production and sales 24,000 units 24,000 unitsDirect labour hours per unit 1.0 1.5Number of orders 10 140Number of batches 12 240Number of setups per batch 1 3Special parts per unit 1 4

Cost driver Annual cost $Setup costs Number of setups 73,200Special parts handling Number of special parts 60,000Other materials handling Number of batches 63,000Order handling Number of orders 19,800Other overheads ­ 216,000 ––––––– 432,000

(a) Calculate the production cost per unit of Plus and of Doubleplus if the company uses traditional absorption costing and the overheads are recovered on a direct labour hours basis.

(b) Calculate the production cost per unit of Plus and of Doubleplus if the company uses ABC.

(c) Comment on the reasons for the differences in the production cost per unit between the two methods.

(d) What are the implications for management of using an ABC system instead of an absorption costing system?

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Test your understanding 1

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Advantages and disadvantages of ABC

ABC has a number of advantages:

Disadvantages of ABC:

• It provides a more accurate cost per unit. As a result, pricing, sales strategy, performance management and decision making should be improved.

• It provides much better insight into what drives overhead costs.

• ABC recognises that overhead costs are not all related to production and sales volume.

• In many businesses, overhead costs are a significant proportion of total costs, and management needs to understand the drivers of overhead costs in order to manage the business properly. Overhead costs can be controlled by managing cost drivers.

• It can be applied to derive realistic costs in a complex business environment.

• ABC can be applied to all overhead costs, not just production overheads.

• ABC can be used just as easily in service costing as in product costing.

• ABC will be of limited benefit if the overhead costs are primarily volume related or if the overhead is a small proportion of the overall cost.

• It is impossible to allocate all overhead costs to specific activities.

• The choice of both activities and cost drivers might be inappropriate.

• ABC can be more complex to explain to the stakeholders of the costing exercise.

• The benefits obtained from ABC might not justify the costs.

5 Marginal costing

Marginal costing is the accounting system in which variable costs are charged to cost units and fixed costs of the period are written off in full against the aggregate contribution. Its special value is in recognising cost behaviour, and hence assisting in decision making.

The marginal cost is the extra cost arising as a result of making and selling one more unit of a product or service, or is the saving in cost as a result of making and selling one less unit.

Contribution is the difference between sales value and the variable cost of sales. It may be expressed per unit or in total.

chapter 1


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A company manufactures only one product called XY. The following information relates to the product :

Fixed costs for the period are $25,000.


Complete the following table :

$Selling Price per unit 20Direct Material Cost per unit (6)Direct Labour Cost per unit (2)Variable overhead cost per unit (4)Contribution per unit 8

Level of activity 2,500 units

5,000 units

7,500 units

10,000 units

Revenue Variable Costs Total Contribution Fixed costs Total Profit / (loss) Contribution per unit Profit / (loss) per unit

6 Throughput Accounting ­ Background

Throughput accounting aims to make the best use of a scare resource (bottleneck) in a JIT environment.

Throughput is a measure of profitability and is defined by the following equation:

Throughput = sales revenue ­ direct material cost

The aim of throughput accounting is to maximise this measure of profitability, whilst simultaneously reducing operating expenses and inventory (money is tied up in inventory).

Traditional and advanced costing methods



Illustration 5 ­ Marginal costing

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The goal is achieved by determining what factors prevent the throughput from being higher. This constraint is called a bottleneck, for example there may be a limited number of machine hours or labour hours.

In the short­term the best use should be made of this bottleneck. This may result in some idle time in non­bottleneck resources, and may result in a small amount of inventory being held so as not to delay production through the bottleneck.

In the long­term, the bottleneck should be eliminated. For example a new, more efficient machine may be purchased. However, this will generally result in another bottleneck, which must then be addressed.

Main assumptions:

• The only totally variable cost in the short­term is the purchase cost of raw materials that are bought from external suppliers.

• Direct labour costs are not variable in the short­term. Many employees are salaried and even if paid at a rate per unit, are usually guaranteed a minimum weekly wage.

The Throughput Accounting Ratio

When there is a bottleneck resource, performance can be measured in terms of throughput for each unit of bottleneck resource consumed.

There are three inter­related ratios:

Note: The total factory cost is the fixed production cost, including labour. The total factory cost may be referred to as 'operating expenses'.

chapter 1


Throughput calculation

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Interpretation of TPAR

Criticisms of TPAR

• TPAR>1 would suggest that throughput exceeds operating costs so the product should make a profit. Priority should be given to the products generating the best ratios.

• TPAR<1 would suggest that throughput is insufficient to cover operating costs, resulting in a loss.

• It concentrates on the short­term, when a business has a fixed supply of resources (i.e. a bottleneck) and operating expenses are largely fixed. However, most businesses can't produce products based on the short term only.

• It is more difficult to apply throughput accounting concepts to the longer­term, when all costs are variable, and vary with the volume of production and sales or another cost driver. The business should consider this long­term view before rejecting products with a TPAR < 1.

• In the longer­term an ABC approach might be more appropriate for measuring and controlling performance.

X Limited manufactures a product that requires 1.5 hours of machining. Machine time is a bottleneck resource, due to the limited number of machines available. There are 10 machines available, and each machine can be used for up to 40 hours per week.

The product is sold for $85 per unit and the direct material cost per unit is $42.50. Total factory costs are $8,000 each week.


(a) the return per factory hour

(b) the TPAR.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Test your understanding 2

Additional example on TPAR

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Improving the TPAR

Options to increase the TPAR include the following:

• increase the sales price for each unit sold, to increase the throughput per unit

• reduce material costs per unit (e.g. by changing materials or switching suppliers), to increase the throughput per unit

• reduce total operating expenses, to reduce the cost per factory hour

• improve the productivity of the bottleneck, e.g. the assembly workforce or the bottleneck machine, thus reducing the time required to make each unit of product. Throughput per factory hour would increase and therefore the TPAR would increase.

Calculation 2 ­ Multi­product decision making

Throughput accounting may be applied to a multi­product decision making problem in the same way as conventional key factor analysis.

The usual objective in questions is to maximise profit. Given that fixed costs are unaffected by the production decision in the short run, the approach should be to maximise the throughput earned.

Step 1: identify the bottleneck constraint.

Step 2: calculate the throughput per unit for each product.

Step 3: calculate the throughput per unit of the bottleneck resource for each product.

Step 4: rank the products in order of the throughout per unit of the bottleneck resource.

Step 5: allocate resources using this ranking and answer the question.

chapter 1


Improving the TPAR

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Justin Thyme manufactures four products, A, B, C and D. Details of sales prices, costs and resource requirements for each of the products are as follows.

Machine time is a bottleneck resource and the maximum capacity is 400 machine hours each week. Operating costs, including direct labour costs, are $5,440 each week. Direct labour costs are $12 per hour, and direct labour workers are paid for a 38­hour week, with no overtime.

Product Product Product Product A B C D $ $ $ $

Sales price 1.40 0.80 1.20 2.80Materials cost 0.60 0.30 0.60 1.00Direct labour cost 0.40 0.20 0.40 1.00

Minutes Minutes Minutes MinutesMachine time per unit 5 2 3 6Labour time per unit 2 1 2 5

Units Units Units UnitsWeekly sales demand 2,000 2,000 2,500 1,500

(a) Determine the quantities of each product that should be manufactured and sold each week to maximise profit and calculate the weekly profit.

(b) Calculate the throughput accounting ratio at this profit­maximising level of output and sales.

7 Target costing

Target costing involves setting a target cost by subtracting a desired profit from a competitive market price. Real world users include Sony, Toyota and the Swiss watchmakers, Swatch.

In effect it is the opposite of conventional 'cost plus pricing'.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Test your understanding 3

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Music Matters manufactures and sells cds for a number of popular artists. At present, it uses a traditional cost­plus pricing system.

Cost­plus pricing system

However, cost­plus pricing ignores:

Target costing

Music Matters could address the problems discussed above through the implementation of target costing:

(1) The cost of the cd is established first. This is $15 per unit.

(2) A profit of $5 per unit is added to each cd.

(3) This results in the current selling price of $20 per unit. (2) Required profit = $5

per cd

(1) Cost = $15 per cd

(3) Selling price is $20 per cd

• The price that customers are willing to pay ­ pricing the cds too high could result in low sales volumes and profits.

• The price charged by competitors for similar products ­ if competitor's are charging less than $20 per cd for similar cds then customers may decide to buy their cds from the competitor companies.

• Cost control ­ the cost of the cd is established at $15 but there is little incentive to control this cost.

(1) The first step is to establish a competitive market price. The company would consider how much customers are willing to pay and how much competitors are charging for similar products. Let's assume this is $15 per unit.

(2) Music Matters would then deduct their required profit from the selling price. The required profit may be kept at $5 per unit.

(3) A target cost is arrived at by deducting the required profit from the selling price, i.e. $15 ­ $5 = $10 per unit.

(4) Steps must then be taken to close the target cost gap from the current cost per unit of $15 per unit to the target cost of $10 per unit.

chapter 1


Illustration 6

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(2) Required profit = $5

per cd

(1) Cost = $10 per cd

(3) Selling price is $15 per cd

Summary of the steps used in deriving a target cost


(1) Estimate a selling price for a new product that considers how much competitors are charging and how much customers are willing to pay. This selling price will enable a firm to capture a required share of the market.

(2) Reduce this figure by the firm’s required level of profit. This could take into account the return required on any new investment and on working capital requirements or could involve a target margin on sales.

(3) Produce a target cost figure for product designers to meet.

(4) Reduce costs to provide a product that meets that target cost.

LMN Ltd makes and sells two products, X and Y. Both products are manufactured through two consecutive processes ­ assembly and finishing. Raw material is input at the commencement of the assembly process.

The following estimated information is available for the period ending 31 December 20X5:

LMN Ltd uses a minimum contribution/sales (C/S) ratio target of 25% when assessing the viability of a product. In addition, management wish to achieve an overall net profit margin of 12% on sales in this period in order to meet return on capital targets.

Product X Product Y Production/sales (units) 12,000 7,200Selling price per unit $75 $90Direct material cost per unit $20 $20Direct labour cost per unit

­ assembly $20 $28­ finishing $12 $24

Product­specific fixed costs $170,000 $90,000Company fixed costs = $50,000

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Test your understanding 4

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Calculate the C/S ratio for each product and the overall net profit margin. Explain how target costing may be used in achieving the required returns.

Closing the target cost gap

The target cost gap is established in step 4 of the target costing process.

Target cost gap = Estimated product cost – Target cost

It is the difference between what an organisation thinks it can currently make a product for, and what it needs to make it for, in order to make a required profit.

Alternative product designs should be examined for potential areas of cost reduction that will not compromise the quality of the products.

Questions that a manufacturer may ask in order to close the gap include:

A key aspect of this is to understand which features of the product are essential to customer perceived quality and which are not. This process is known as ‘value analysis’. Attention should be focused more on reducing the costs of features perceived by the customer not to add value.

• Can any materials be eliminated, e.g. cut down on packing materials?

• Can a cheaper material be substituted without affecting quality?

• Can labour savings be made without compromising quality, for example, by using lower skilled workers?

• Can productivity be improved, for example, by improving motivation?

• Can production volume be increased to achieve economies of scale?

• Could cost savings be made by reviewing the supply chain?

• Can part­assembled components be bought in to save on assembly time?

• Can the incidence of the cost drivers be reduced?

• Is there some degree of overlap between the product­related fixed costs that could be eliminated by combining service departments or resources?

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The Swiss watchmaker Swatch reportedly used target costing in order to produce relatively low­cost, similar­looking plastic watches in a country with one of the world’s highest hourly labour wage rates.

Suggest ways in which Swatch may have reduced their unit costs for each watch.

8 Life­cycle costing

Traditional costing techniques based around annual periods may give a misleading impression of the costs and profitability of a product. This is because systems are based on the financial accounting year, and dissect the product's lifecycle into a series of annual sections. Usually, therefore, the management accounting systems would assess a product's profitability on a periodic basis, rather than over its entire life.

Lifecycle costing, however, tracks and accumulates costs and revenues attributable to each product over its entire product lifecycle. Hence, the total profitability of any given product can be determined.

A product's costs are not evenly spread through its life.

According to Berliner and Brimson (1988), companies operating in an advanced manufacturing environment are finding that about 90% of a product's lifecycle costs are determined by decisions made early in the cycle. In many industries, a large fraction of the life­cycle costs consists of costs incurred on product design, prototyping, programming, process design and equipment acquisition.

This had created a need to ensure that the tightest controls are at the design stage, i.e. before a launch, because most costs are committed, or 'locked­in', at this point in time.

Management Accounting systems should therefore be developed that aid the planning and control of product lifecycle costs and monitor spending and commitments at the early stages of a product's life cycle.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Target costing in service organisations

Test your understanding 5

Value analysis

The product life­cycle

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There are a number of factors that need to be managed in order to maximise a product’s return over its lifecycle:

Design costs out of the product: It was stated earlier that around 90% of a product’s costs were often incurred at the design and development stages of its life. Decisions made then commit the organisation to incurring the costs at a later date, because the design of the product determines the number of components, the production method, etc. It is absolutely vital therefore that design teams do not work in isolation but as part of a cross­functional team in order to minimise costs over the whole life cycle.

Value engineering helps here; for example, Russian liquid­fuel rocket motors are intentionally designed to allow leak­free welding. This reduces costs by eliminating grinding and finishing operations (these operations would not help the motor to function better anyway.)

Minimise the time to market: In a world where competitors watch each other keenly to see what new products will be launched, it is vital to get any new product into the marketplace as quickly as possible. The competitors will monitor each other closely so that they can launch rival products as soon as possible in order to maintain profitability. It is vital, therefore, for the first organisation to launch its product as quickly as possible after the concept has been developed, so that it has as long as possible to establish the product in the market and to make a profit before competition increases. Often it is not so much costs that reduce profits as time wasted.

Maximise the length of the life cycle itself: Generally, the longer the life cycle, the greater the profit that will be generated, assuming that production ceases once the product goes into decline and becomes unprofitable. One way to maximise the life cycle is to get the product to market as quickly as possible because this should maximise the time in which the product generates a profit.

Another way of extending a product’s life is to find other uses, or markets, for the product. Other product uses may not be obvious when the product is still in its planning stage and need to be planned and managed later on. On the other hand, it may be possible to plan for a staggered entry into different markets at the planning stage.

Many organisations stagger the launch of their products in different world markets in order to reduce costs, increase revenue and prolong the overall life of the product. A current example is the way in which new films are released in the USA months before the UK launch. This is done to build up the enthusiasm for the film and to increase revenues overall. Other companies may not have the funds to launch worldwide at the same moment and may be forced to stagger it. Skimming the market is another way to prolong life and to maximise the revenue over the product’s life.

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Enrono is an accounting software package which has a six­year product lifecycle. The following are the yearly costs, estimated for the entire length of the package's life :

The lifecycle costs for the Enrono package can be added up as follows :

Lifecycle costing clearly takes into consideration the costs of the package incurred during the entire lifecycle ­ over $1.5 m. Accordingly, from lifecycle costing, the management can know whether the revenue earned by the product is sufficient to cover the whole costs incurred during its life cycle.

When viewed as a whole, there are opportunities for cost reduction and minimisation (and thereby scope for profit maximisation) in several categories of cost :

These opportunities for cost reduction are unlikely to be found when management focuses on maximising profit in a period­by­period basis. Only on knowing the lifecycle costs of a product can a business decide appropriately on its price. This, coupled with planning of the different phases of the product's life, could give rise to the following tactics:

Costs ­ in $,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Res. & Dev. 275 Design 120 Production costs 120 200 200 Marketing costs 125 170 130 60Distribution costs 20 20 15 10Customer Service costs 5 165 30 45

Lifecycle costs in $000 Research and development 275Design 120Production costs 520Marketing costs 485Distribution costs 65Customer Service costs 95Total lifecycle costs 1,560

• For example, initiatives could be taken to reduce testing costs and therefore the 'Research and Development' category.

• Likewise, proper planning and a tight control on transportation & handling costs could minimise distribution costs.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Illustration 7 – Lifecycle costing

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INTRODUCTION GROWTH MATURITY DECLINE High prices to recoup high development costs; high returns before competitors enter the market.

Competition increases; reduce price to remain competitive

Sales slow down and level off; the market price is maintained. Upgrades and/or new markets should be considered.

Superior products appear – our prices must be cut to maintain sales.

The following details relate to a new product that has finished development and is about to be launched.

The launch price is proving a contentious issue between managers. The marketing manager is keen to start with a low price of around $8 to gain new buyers and achieve target market share. The accountant is concerned that this does not cover costs during the launch phase and has produced the following schedule to support this:

Development Launch Growth Maturity Decline Time period Finished 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 yearR & D costs($ million) 20 Marketing costs ($ million) 5 4 3 0.9Production cost per unit ($) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.90Production volume (millions) 1 5 10 4

Launch phase: $ million Amortised R&D costs (20 ÷ 4) 5.0Marketing costs 5.0Production costs (1 million × $1 per unit) 1.0

––––– Total 11.0

––––– Total production (units) 1 millionCost per unit $11.00

chapter 1


Test your understanding 6

Customer lifecycle costing

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Prepare a revised cost per unit schedule looking at the whole lifecycle and comment on the implications of this cost with regards to the pricing of the product during the launch phase.

9 Environmental management accountingThe importance of environmental management

Organisations are beginning to recognise that environmental awareness and management are not optional, but are important for long­term survival and profitability. All organisations:

• are faced with increasing legal and regulatory requirements relating to environmental management

• need to meet customers’ needs and concerns relating to the environment

• need to demonstrate effective environmental management to maintain a good public image

• need to manage the risk and potential impact of environmental disasters

• can make cost savings by improved use of resources such as water and fuel

• are recognising the importance of sustainable development, which is the meeting of current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The contribution of environmental management accounting (EMA)

EMA is concerned with the accounting information needs of managers in relation to corporate activities that affect the environment as well as environment­related impacts on the corporation. This includes:

• identifying and estimating the costs of environment­related activities

• identifying and separately monitoring the usage and cost of resources such as water, electricity and fuel and to enable costs to be reduced

• ensuring environmental considerations form a part of capital investment decisions

• assessing the likelihood and impact of environmental risks

• including environment­related indicators as part of routine performance monitoring

• benchmarking activities against environmental best practice.

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Lifecycle costing in the service industry

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10 Identifying and accounting for environmental costsInternal and external environmental costs

Management are often unaware of the extent of environmental costs and cannot identify opportunities for cost savings. Environmental costs can be split into two categories:

Internal costs

These are costs that directly impact on the income statement of a company. There are many different types, for example:

External costs

These are costs that are imposed on society at large, but not borne by the company that generates the cost in the first instance. For example,

• improved systems and checks in order to avoid penalties/fines

• waste disposal costs

• product take back costs (i.e. in the EU, for example, companies must provide facilities for customers to return items such as batteries, printer cartridges etc. for recycling. The seller of such items must bear the cost of these "take backs)

• regulatory costs such as taxes (e.g. companies with poor environmental management policies often have to bear a higher tax burden)

• upfront costs such as obtaining permits (e.g. for achieving certain levels of emissions)

• back­end costs such as decommissioning costs on project completion

• carbon emissions

• usage of energy and water

• forest degradation

health care costs

• social welfare costs

chapter 1


EM and effect on financial performance

Some EMA initiatives

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However, governments are becoming increasingly aware of these external costs and are using taxes and regulations to convert them to internal costs. For example, companies might have to have a tree replacement programme if they cause forest degradation, or they receive lower tax allowances on vehicles that cause a high degree of harm to the environment. On top of this, some companies are voluntarily converting external costs to internal costs.

11 Other classifications

Other classifications include those from :

(1) Hansen and Mendoza :

(i) Environmental prevention costs: the costs of activities undertaken to prevent the production of waste.

(ii) Environmental detection costs: costs incurred to ensure that the organisation complies with regulations and voluntary standards.

(iii) Environmental internal failure costs: costs incurred from performing activities that have produced contaminants and waste that have not been discharged into the environment.

(iv) Environmental external failure costs: costs incurred on activities performed after discharging waste into the environment.

(2) The US Environmental Protection Agency makes a distinction between four types of costs :

(i) Conventional costs : raw materials and energy costs having environmental relevance

(ii) Potentially hidden costs : costs captured by accounting systems but then losing their identity in 'general overheads'

(iii) Contingent costs : costs to be incurred at a future date, e.g. clean­up costs

(iv) Image and relationship costs : costs that, by their nature, are intangible, for example the costs of preparing environmental reports.

(3) The United Nations Division for Sustainable Development describes environmental costs as comprising of costs incurred to protect the environment (for example, measures taken to prevent pollution) and costs of wasted material, capital and labour, ie inefficiencies in the production process.

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Further examples of environmental costs

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12 EMA techniques

The most appropriate management accounting techniques for the identification and allocation of environmental costs are those identified by the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. These include (Source : Student Accountant, Issue 15):

1. Input / outflow analysis

This technique records material inflows and balances this with outflowson the basis that what comes in, must go out.

For example, if 100kg of materials have been bought and only 80kg of materials have been produced, then the 20kg difference must be accounted for in some way. It may be, for example, that 10% of it has been sold as scrap and 90% of it is waste. By accounting for outputs in this way, both in terms of physical quantities, and, at the end of the process, in monetary terms too, businesses are forced to focus on environmental costs.

2. Flow cost accounting

This technique uses not only material flows, but also the organisational structure. It makes material flows transparent by looking at the physical quantities involved, their costs and their value. It divides the material flows into three categories : material, system and delivery and disposal. The values and costs of each of these three flows are then calculated. The aim of flow cost accounting is to reduce the quantity of materials which, as well as having a positive effect on the environment, should have a positive effect on a business' total costs in the long run.

3. Activity­based costing

ABC allocates internal costs to cost centres and cost drivers on the basis of the activities that give rise to the costs. In an environmental accounting context, it distinguishes between environment­related costs, which can be attributed to joint cost centres, and environment­driven costs, which tend to be hidden on general overheads.

4. Lifecycle costing

Within the context of environmental accounting, lifecycle costing is a technique which requires the full environmental consequences, and, therefore, costs, arising from the production of a product to be taken account across its whole lifecycle, literally ‘from cradle to grave’.

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13 EMA : Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of environmental costing


• better/fairer product costs • time consuming

• improved pricing ­ so that products that have the biggest environmental impact reflect this by having higher selling prices

• expensive to implement

• better environmental cost control

• determining accurate costs and appropriate costs drivers is difficult

• facilitates the quantification of cost savings from "environmentally­friendly" measures

• external costs not experienced by the company (e.g. carbon footprint) may still be ignored/unmeasured

• should integrate environmental costing into the strategic management process

• some internal environmental costs are intangible (e.g. impact on employee health) and these are still ignored

• reduces the potential for cross­subsidisation of environmentally damaging products

• a company that incorporates external costs voluntarily may be at a competitive disadvantage to rivals who do not do this

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14 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

(a) Traditional absorption costing


Budgeted direct labour hours 60,000(24,000 × 1.0) + (24,000 × 1.5)Budgeted overhead costs $432,000Recovery rate per direct labour hour $7.20

Plus Doubleplus $ $

Direct costs 12.00 24.00Production overhead 7.20 10.80

––––– ––––– 19.20 34.80

Full production cost ––––– ––––– (b) ABC

Plus Doubleplus Total Batches 12 240 252Setups 12 720 732Special parts 24,000 96,000 120,000Orders 10 140 150Direct labour hours 24,000 36,000 60,000Cost driver rates Setup costs $73,200/732 $100 per setupSpecial parts handling $60,000/120,000 $0.50 per partOrder handling $19,800/150 $132 per orderMaterials handling $63,000/252 $250 per batchOther overheads $216,000/60,000 $3.60 per hour

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Test your understanding 1

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Note: In the example above the full production costs were:

Plus Doubleplus Total $ $ $

Setup costs 1,200 72,000 73,200Special parts handling costs 12,000 48,000 60,000Order handling costs 1,320 18,480 19,800Materials handling costs 3,000 60,000 63,000Other overheads 86,400 129,600 216,000

_______ _______ _______103,920 328,080 432,000_______ _______ _______

Number of units 24,000 24,000$ $

Direct cost 12.00 24.00Overhead cost per unit 4.33 13.67

_______ _______Full cost 16.33 37.67

_______ _______

Plus Doubleplus Using traditional absoprtion costing $19.20 $34.80Using ABC $16.33 $37.67Assume the selling prices are $25.00 $40.00Using absorption costing sales margins are 23.2% 13.0%ABC sales margins are 34.7% 5.8%

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(c) The reasons for the difference in the production cost per unit between the two methods

– The allocation of overheads under absorption costing was unfair. This method assumed that all of the overheads were driven by labour hours and, as a result, the Double Plus received 1.5 times the production overhead of the Plus.

– However, this method of absorption is not appropriate. The overheads are in fact driven by a number of different factors. There are five activity costs, each one has its own cost driver. By taking this into account we end up with a much more accurate production overhead cost per unit.

– Using ABC, the cost per unit of a Double Plus is significantly higher. This is because the Double Plus is a much more complex product than the Plus. For example, there are 140 orders for the Double Plus but only 10 for the Plus and there are 4 special parts for the Double Plus compared to only one for the Plus. As a result of this complexity, the Double Plus has received more than three times the overhead of the Plus.

– This accurate allocation is important because the production overhead is a large proportion of the overall cost.

(d) The implications of using ABC

– Pricing ­ pricing decisions will be improved because the price will be based on more accurate cost data.

– Decision making ­ this should also be improved. For example, research, production and sales effort can be directed towards the most profitable products.

– Performance management ­ should be improved. ABC can be used as the basis of budgeting and forward planning. The more realistic overhead should result in more accurate budgets and should improve the process of performance management. In addition, an improved understanding of what drives the overhead costs should result in steps being taken to reduce the overhead costs and hence an improvement in performance.

– Sales strategy ­ this should be more soundly based. For example, target customers with products that appeared unprofitable under absorption costing but are actually profitable, and vice versa.

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Return per factory hour = ($85 – $42.50)/1.5 hours = $28.33

Cost per factory hour = $8,000/(10 × 40 hours) = $20

TPAR = $28.33/$20 = 1.4165


Step 1: Determine the bottleneck constraint.

The bottleneck resource is machine time. 400 machine hours available each week = 24,000 machine minutes.

Step 2: Calculate the throughput per unit for each product.

A B C D $ $ $ $

Sales price 1.40 0.80 1.20 2.80Materials cost 0.60 0.30 0.60 1.00Throughput/ unit 0.80 0.50 0.60 1.80 Step 3: Calculate the throughput per machine minute Machine time per unit 5 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 6 minutesThroughput per minute $0.16 $0.25 $0.20 $0.30 Step 4: Rank Rank 4th 2nd 3rd 1st

chapter 1


Test your understanding 2

Test your understanding 3

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Step 5: Allocate resources using this ranking and answer the question.

The profit­maximising weekly output and sales volumes are as follows.

(b) Throughput per machine hour: $5,760/400 hours = $14.40

Cost (operating expenses) per machine hour: $5,440/400 hours = $13.60.

TPAR: $14.40/$13.60 = 1.059.

Product Units Machine Throughput Total minutes per unit throughout

$ $D 1,500 9,000 1.80 2,700B 2,000 4,000 0.50 1,000C 2,500 7,500 0.60 1,500

–––––– 20,500

A (balance) 700 3,500 0.80 560–––––– –––––– 24,000 5,760–––––– ––––––

Operating expenses 5,440––––––

Profit 320––––––

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The information provided will give the following estimated product and company results:

The company is falling considerably short of its 12% net profit margin target. If sales quantities and prices remain unchanged, costs must be reduced if the required return is to be reached.

Product X Product Y Per unit $ $ $ $ $

Selling price 75 90Less: variable costs materials 20 20 conversion costs 32 (52) 52 (72)

––– ––––––– ––– ––––––– Contribution 23 18

––––––– ––––––– C/S sales ratio 30.7% 20%Total for periodSales 900,000 648,000 1,548,000

––––––– ––––––– ––––––– Contribution (sales × cont/unit) 276,000 129,600Product­specific fixed costs (170,000) (90,000)

––––––– ––––––– 106,000 39,600 145,600

Company fixed costs (50,000)–––––––

Net profit 95,600–––––––

Net profit margin on sales 6.2%

chapter 1


Test your understanding 4

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Your answer may include:

• Simplification of the production process allowing cheaper unskilled labour to be used in place of more highly paid skilled labour.

• Using plastics instead of metal for components.

• Using less packaging – e.g. expensive boxes replaced with plastic sheaths.

• Sharing components between models can result in economies of scale. (This is widely used in the car industry and has helped to reduce costs dramatically.)

• Reduce stockholding costs through the introduction of a just­in­time system.

• Using cheaper overseas labour.

Lifecycle costs $ million Total R&D costs 20.0Total Marketing costs (5 + 4 + 3 + 0.9) 12.9Total Production costs (1 × 1 + 5 × 0.9 + 10 × 0.8 + 4 × 0.9) 17.1

––––––– Total Lifecycle costs 50.0

––––––– Total production (units) (1 + 5 + 10 + 4) 20 millionCost per unit (50 ÷ 20) $2.50


• The cost was calculated at $11 per unit during the launch phase. Based on this cost, the accountant was right to be concerned about the launch price being set at $8 per unit.

• However, looking at the whole life­cycle the marketing manager’s proposal seems more reasonable.

• The average cost per unit over the entire life of the product is only $2.50 per unit. Therefore, a starting price of $8 per unit would seem reasonable and would result in a profit of $5.50 per unit.

Traditional and advanced costing methods


Test your understanding 5

Test your understanding 6

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Cost volume profit analysisChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain the nature of CVP analysis

• calculate and interpret break even point and margin of safety

• calculate the contribution to sales ratio, in single and multi­product situations, and demonstrate an understanding of its use

• calculate target profit or revenue in single and multi­product situations, and demonstrate an understanding of its use

• prepare break even charts and profit volume charts and interpret the information contained within each, including multi­product situations

• discuss the limitations of CVP analysis for planning and decision making.




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1 Break­even analysis

Also known as CVP analysis, or cost­volume­profit analysis. Break­even analysis is the study of the effects on future profit of changes in fixed cost, variable cost, sales price, quantity and mix.

CVP analysis is a particular example of ‘what if?’ analysis. A business sets a budget based upon various assumptions about revenues, costs, product mixes and overall volumes. CVP analysis considers the impact on the budgeted profit of changes in these various factors.

2 Single product break­even analysis

Examples will be used to illustrate the basic formulae and calculations.

The following data relate to Product PQ:

Fixed costs are £50,000.

Selling price £25 per unitVariable cost £20 per unit

(a) Calculate the number of units that must be made and sold in order to break even.

Fixed cost Break­even point in units = –––––––––––––––– Contribution per unit (b) Calculate the level of activity that is required to generate a profit of

£40,000. Required Profit + Fixed Costs Level of activity to earn a = —————————————

required profit Contribution per unit

Cost volume profit analysis


Test your understanding 1 ­ Break­even analysis

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (49)

Calculate the margin of safety.

The margin of safety is the difference between the budgeted level of activity and the break­even level of activity. It may be expressed in terms of units, sales value or as a percentage of the original budget.

The C/S ratio is normally expressed as a percentage. It is constant at all levels of activity. The C/S ratio reveals the amount of contribution that is earned for every £1 worth of sales revenue.

(c) The company budgets to sell 13,000 units of Product PQ.

(d) Calculate the Contribution/Sales ratio for Product PQ.

Contribution C/S Ratio = —————— Sales

(e) Calculate the break­even point again, this time expressed in terms of sales revenue. Fixed CostsBreakeven point in Sales = ——————— Revenue C/S Ratio

(f) Calculate the sales revenue that is required to generate a profit of £40,000.

Required Profit + Fixed CostsSales Revenue to earn a = ————————————— required profit C/S Ratio

3 Drawing a Basic Breakeven Chart

A basic breakeven chart records costs and revenues on the vertical axis (y) and the level of activity on the horizontal axis (x). Lines are drawn on the chart to represent costs and sales revenue. The breakeven point can be read off where the sales revenue line cuts the total cost line. We will use a basic example to demonstrate how to draw a breakeven chart. The data is:

Selling price $50 per unitVariable cost $30 per unitFixed costs $20,000 per monthForecast sales 1,700 units per month

chapter 2


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The completed graph is shown below:

The furthest point on the vertical axis will be the monthly sales revenue, that is,

1,700 units × $50 = $ 85,000 The furthest point on the horizontal axis will be monthly sales volume of 1,700 units.

Make sure that you do not need to read data for volumes higher than 1,700 units before you set these extremes for your scales.

The $20,000 fixed costs are incurred in the short term even with zero activity.

Learning to draw a chart to scale will provide a firm foundation for your understanding of breakeven charts. To give yourself some practice, it would be a good idea to follow the step­by­step guide which follows to produce your own chart on a piece of graph paper.

• Step 1. Select appropriate scales for the axes and draw and label them. Your graph should fill as much of the page as possible. This will make it clearer and easier to read. You can make sure that you do this by putting the extremes of the axes right at the end of the available space.

• Step 2. Draw the fixed cost line and label it. This will be a straight line parallel to the horizontal axis at the $20,000 level.

• Step 3. Draw the total cost line and label it. The best way to do this is to calculate the total costs for the maximum sales level, which is 1,700 units in our example. Mark this point on the graph and join it to the cost incurred at zero activity, that is, $20,000.

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= 20,000/(50 –30) = 1,000 units.

The margin of safety can be seen as the area to the right of the breakeven point up to the forecast sales level of 1,700.

$Variable costs for 1,700 units (1,700 × $30) 51,000Fixed costs 20,000

——— Total cost for 1,700 units 71,000

——— • Step 4. Draw the revenue line and label it. Once again, the best way is

to plot the extreme points. The revenue at maximum activity in our example is 1,700 × $50 = $85,000. This point can be joined to the origin, since at zero activity there will be no sales revenue.

• Step 5. Mark any required information on the chart and read off solutions as required. You can check that your chart is accurate by reading off the breakeven point and then check this against the calculation for breakeven:

Fixed costs Breakeven point in units = ————————— Contribution per unit

The contribution breakeven chart

One of the problems with the conventional or basic breakeven chart is that it is not possible to read contribution directly from the chart. A contribution breakeven chart is based on the same principles but it shows the variable cost line instead of the fixed cost line. The same lines for total cost and sales revenue are shown so the breakeven point and profit can be read off in the same way as with a conventional chart. However, it is also possible also to read the contribution for any level of activity.

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Using the same basic example as for the conventional chart, the total variable cost for an output of 1,700 units is 1,700 x $30 = $51,000. This point can be joined to the origin since the variable cost is nil at zero activity.

The contribution can be read as the difference between the sales revenue line and the variable cost line.

This form of presentation might be used when it is desirable to highlight the importance of contribution and to focus attention on the variable costs.

Ensure you are familiar with these charts and that you are able to identify all the component parts.

4 The Profit–Volume Chart

Another form of breakeven chart is the profit–volume chart. This chart plots a single line depicting the profit or loss at each level of activity. The breakeven point is where this line cuts the horizontal axis. A profit–volume graph for our example is shown below.

The vertical axis shows profits and losses and the horizontal axis is drawn at zero profit or loss.

At zero activity the loss is equal to $20,000, that is, the amount of fixed costs. The second point used to draw the line could be the calculated breakeven point or the calculated profit for sales of 1,700 units.

The profit–volume graph is also called a profit graph or a contribution–volume graph.

The main advantage of the profit–volume chart is that it is capable of depicting clearly the effect on profit and breakeven point of any changes in the variables.

Cost volume profit analysis


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A company manufactures Product RS. The following data are available:

Selling price: $100 per unit Variable cost: $60 per unit.

Fixed costs are $250,000. The company budgets to produce 12,000 units in the next period.


(a) Scenario I – Calculate: (i) The break­even point (expressed in units and $ of revenue).

(ii) The level of activity required to generate a profit of $90,000 (expressed in units).

(iii) The margin of safety as a percentage.

(b) Using graph paper, draw a profit­volume chart for scenario I.

(c) Scenario II – Using the graph drawn in (b), illustrate and explain the impact of a change in Selling Price to $120 per unit, on: (i) The break­even point (expressed in units and $ of revenue);

(ii) The level of activity required to generate a profit of $90,000 (expressed in units);

(iii) The margin of safety.

R Company provides a single service to its customers. An analysis of its budget for the year ending 31 December 20X5 shows that, in Period 3, when the budgeted activity was 6,570 service units with a sales value of $72 each, the margin of safety was 21.015%.

The budgeted contribution to sales ratio of the service is 35%.


Calculate the budgeted fixed costs in period 3.

chapter 2


Test your understanding 3 ­ Single product

Test your understanding 2 ­ RS

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5 Multi­Product Break­Even Analysis

The basic breakeven model can be used satisfactorily for a business operation with only one product. However, most companies sell a range of different products, and the model has to be adapted when one is considering a business operation with several products.

CVP Analysis assumes that, if a range of products is sold, sales will be in accordance with a pre­determined sales mix.

When a pre­determined sales mix is used, it can be depicted in the CVP Analysis by assuming average revenues and average variable costs for the given sales mix.

However, the assumption has to be made that the sales mix remains constant. This is defined as the relative proportion of each product’s sale to total sales. It could be expressed as a ratio such as 2:3:5, or as a percentage as 20%, 30%, 50%.

The calculation of breakeven point in a multi­product firm follows the same pattern as in a single product firm. While the numerator will be the same fixed costs, the denominator now will be the weighted average contribution margin.

In multi­product situations, a weighted average C/S ratio is calculated by using the formula :

The Weighted Average C/S ratio is useful in its own right, as it tells us what percentage each $ of sales revenue contributes towards fixed costs; it is also invaluable in helping us to quickly calculate the breakeven point in sales revenue :

Total Contribution Weighted Average C/S ratio = ————————— Total Revenue

Fixed costs Breakeven revenue = ————————————— Weighted Average C/S ratio

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Company A produces Product X and Product Y. Fixed overhead costs amount to $200,000 every year. The following budgeted information is available for both products for next year :

In order to calculate the breakeven revenue for the next year, using the budgeted sales mix, we need the weighted Average C/S ratio as follows :

The breakeven revenue can now be calculated this way for company A :

Calculations in the illustration above provide only estimated information because they assume that products X and Y are sold in a constant mix of 2X to 1Y. In reality, this constant mix is unlikely to exist and, at times, more Y may be sold than X. Such changes in the mix throughout a period, even if the overall mix for the period is 2:1, will lead to the actual breakeven point being different than anticipated.

Product X Product Y Sales Price $50 $60Variable Cost $30 $45Contribution per unit $20 $15Budgeted Sales (in units) 20,000 10,000

Total ContributionWeighted Average C/S Ratio = ———————— Total Revenue

(20,000 x $20) + ($10,000 x $15)Weighted Average C/S Ratio =—————————————— (20,000 x $50) + ($10,000 x $60)Weighted Average C/S Ratio = 34.375%

Fixed costsBreakeven revenue = ————————————— Weighted Average C/S ratio $200,000Breakeven revenue = —————— 0.34375Breakeven revenue = $581,819

chapter 2


Weighted Average Contribution to Sales ratio

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6 Establishing a Target Profit For Multiple Products

The approach is the same as in single product situations, but the weighted average contribution to Sales Ratio is now used so that :

Fixed costs + required profit Target Profit = ________________________ Weighted Average C/S ratio

To achieve a target profit of $300,000 in Company A :

(Fixed costs + required profit)Sales revenue required for profit of $300,000

= ——————————————

W.A. C/S ratio $200,000 + $300,000Sales revenue required for profit of $300,000

= ———————————

0.34375Sales revenue required for profit of $300,000 = $1,454,545

7 Margin of Safety Calculations

The basic breakeven model for calculating the margin of safety can be adapted to multi­product environments. Three alternative approaches are considered in the example below.

A business operation produces three products, the X, the Y and the Z. Relevant details are:

Product X Product Y Product Z Normal sales mix (units) 2 2 1Selling price per unit £9 £7 £5Variable cost per unit £6 £5 £1Contribution per unit £3 £2 £4Forecast unit sales 400 400 200

Cost volume profit analysis


Target Profit in Company A


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Fixed costs are £2,000 per period, not attributable to individual products. A budget for the forecast is as follows:

To calculate the margin of safety, three approaches are possible :

Product X Product Y Product Z Total Sales Revenue £3,600

______£2,800 ______

£1,000 ______

£7,400 ______

Variable cost £2,400 ______

£2,000 ______

£200 ______

£4,600 ______

Contribution £1,200 £800 £800 £2,800Fixed Costs £2,000

______Profit £800


(1) Consider the products in sequence, X then Y then Z . In this case, it can be seen that breakeven occurs at 800 units of sales (400X plus 400Y) and the margin of safety is 200 units of Z.

(2) Consider output in terms of £ sales and assume a constant product mix (2X:2Y:1Z). Inspection of the budget (above) shows that £1 sales is associated with £0.6216 variable costs (that is, £4,600 variable costs ÷ £7,400 sales). The contribution per £1 sales is £0.3784 (i.e. £1 ­ £0.6216). So, if the fixed costs are £2,000 then the breakeven point is £5,285 sales and the margin of safety is £2,115 (i.e. £7,400 forecast sales ­ £5,285).

(3) Consider output in terms of percentage of forecast sales and a constant product mix. Inspection of the budget shows that 1 per cent of forecast sales is associated with a contribution of £28.00 (i.e. £2,800 total contribution ÷ 100 per cent). So, if fixed costs are £2,000 it follows that the breakeven point is 71.43 per cent and the margin of safety is 28.57 per cent.

8 The Multi­Product Profit­Volume Graph ­ Step­By­Step

In a multi­product environment, two lines must be shown on the profit­volume graph: one straight line, where a constant mix between the products is assumed; and one bow shaped line, where it is assumed that the company sells its most profitable product first and then its next most profitable product and so on.

STEP 1 : Calculate the C/S ratio of each product being sold, and rank the products in order of profitability.

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STEP 2 : Draw the graph, showing cumulative sales on the x­axis. For example, if we assume 3 products X, Y and Z, then the following graph could be drawn , with ‘V’ representing the total sales. At an output of 0, the profit earned will amount to the company’s fixed costs, represented by point k on the chart.

STEP 3 : Draw the line km, that represents the profit earned by product X – the slope of the line is determined by the contribution per unit earned on sales of that product.

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STEP 4 : Draw the line mn, that represents the profit earned by product y, which has a lower contribution per unit than product X. The line nj is the profit earned by the least profitable product, product Z.

STEP 5 : Draw the line joining points k and j : it reflects the average profitability of the three products, and each point on that line represents the profit earned for the associated output, assuming that the three products are sold in the standard product mix, i.e. the mix implied in the construction of the chart. Accordingly, the indicated breakeven point only applies if the products are sold in the standard product mix.

It can also be seen that breakeven can also occur at lower levels of output, provided the proportions of the products are changed. For example, the point B where the line kmnj crosses the horizontal axis indicates a possible breakeven point.

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BJS Ltd produces and sells the following three products:

The company expects the fixed costs to be £450,000 for the coming year. Assume that sales arise throughout the year in a constant mix.


Product X Y Z Selling price per unit £16 £20 £10Variable cost per unit £5 £15 £7Contribution per unit £11 £5 £3Budgeted sales volume 50,000 units 10,000 units 100,000 units

(a) Calculate the weighted average C/S ratio for the products.

(b) Calculate the break­even sales revenue required.

(c) Calculate the amount of sales revenue required to generate a profit of £600,000.

(d) Draw a multi­product profit­volume chart assuming the budget is achieved.

Cost volume profit analysis


Test your understanding 4 ­ Multi­product

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Formula for the break­even point in a multi­product environment (expressed as sales revenue required):

Formula to achieve a specified profit in a multi­product environment (expressed as sales revenue required):





9 Limitations of break­even analysis

Cost behaviour is affected by the interplay of a number of factors. Physical volume is only one of these factors; others include unit prices of input, efficiency, changes in production technology, wars, strikes, legislation, and so forth. Any CVP analysis is based on assumptions about the behaviour of revenue, costs and volume. A change in expected behaviour will alter the break­even point; in other words, profits are affected by changes in other factors besides volume. A CVP chart must be interpreted in the light of the limitations imposed by its underlying assumptions. The real benefit of preparing CVP charts is in the enrichment of understanding of the interrelationships of all factors affecting profits, especially cost behaviour patterns over ranges of volume.

The following underlying assumptions will limit the precision and reliability of a given cost­volume­profit analysis.

(1) The behaviour of total cost and total revenue has been reliably determined and is linear over the relevant range.

(2) All costs can be divided into fixed and variable elements.

(3) Total fixed costs remain constant over the relevant volume range of the CVP analysis.

(4) Total variable costs are directly proportional to volume over the relevant range.

(5) Selling prices are to be unchanged.

(6) Prices of the factors of production are to be unchanged (for example, material, prices, wage rates).

(7) Efficiency and productivity are to be unchanged.

(8) The analysis either covers a single product or assumes that a given sales mix will be maintained as total volume changes.

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(9) Revenue and costs are being compared on a single activity basis (for example, units produced and sold or sales value of production).

(10)Perhaps the most basic assumption of all is that volume is the only relevant factor affecting cost. Of course, other factors also affect costs and sales. Ordinary cost­volume­profit analysis is a crude oversimplification when these factors are unjustifiably ignored.

(11)The volume of production equals the volume of sales, or changes in beginning and ending inventory levels are insignificant in amount.

H Limited manufactures and sells two products – J and K. Annual sales are expected to be in the ratio of J:1 K:3. Total annual sales are planned to be £420,000. Product J has a contribution to sales ratio of 40% whereas that of product K is 50%. Annual fixed costs are estimated to be £120,000.


What is the budgeted break­even sales value?

PER plc sells three products. The budgeted fixed cost for the period is £648,000. The budgeted contribution to sales ratio (C/S ratio) and sales mix are as follows:

Required: What is the breakeven sales revenue?

Product C/S ratio Mix P 27% 30%E 56% 20%R 38% 50%

Cost volume profit analysis


Test your understanding 6

Test your understanding 5

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JK Ltd has prepared a budget for the next 12 months when it intends to make and sell four products, details of which are shown below:

Budgeted fixed costs are £240,000 per annum and total assets employed are £570,000.

You are required:

Product Sales in units (thousands)

Selling price per unit


Variable cost per unit

£J 10 20 14.00K 10 40 8.00L 50 4 4.20M 20 10 7.00

(a) to calculate the total contribution earned by each product and their combined total contributions;

(b) to plot the data of your answer to (a) above in the form of a profit­volume graph;

(c) to explain your graph to management, to comment on the results shown and state the break­even point;

(d) to describe briefly three ways in which the overall contribution to sales ratio could be improved.

chapter 2


Test your understanding 7

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10 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

(a) Contribution per unit = £25 – £20 = £5 per unit Fixed cost Break­even point in units = –––––––––––––––– Contribution per unit BEP = £50,000 ÷ £5 = 10,000 units



(b) Required Profit + Fixed Costs Level of activity to earn a = —————————————

required profit Contribution per unit Number of units = (£40,000 + £50,000) ÷ £5 = 18,000 units

Margin of safety = 13,000 – 10,000 = 3,000 units In terms of sales revenue this is 3,000 × £25 = £75,000 3000 As a percentage of the budget = –––– × 100% 13,000 = 23.1%

Contribution C/S Ratio = —————————


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Test your understanding 1 ­ Break­even analysis

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Required sales = (£40,000 + £50,000) ÷ 0.20 i.e.£450,000.

£5C/S ratio = ——

£25C/S ratio = 20%


BEP ( in £) = £50,000 ÷ 0.20

BEP = £250,000

Fixed Costs Breakeven point in Sales = —————————— Revenue C/S Ratio

Required Profit + Fixed Costs Sales Revenue to earn a = —————————————— required profit C/S Ratio

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(a) Scenario I (i) Contribution

per unit= $100 – $60 = $40 per

unit BEP (units) = $250,000 ÷ $40 = 6,250 units C/S ratio = $40/$100 = 0.40 BEP ($ revenue) = $250,000 ÷ 0.40 = $625,000 (ii) Level of activity = ($90,000 + $250,000) ÷

$40= 8,500 units

Level of activity = ($90,000 + $250,000) ÷ 0.40

= $850,000

(iii) Margin of safety = 12,000 – 6,250 = 5,750 units Or expressed in $

revenue = $575,000.

Margin of safety expressed as a % of the budget : 5,750 units / 12,000 units = 48% approx.

chapter 2


Test your understanding 2 ­ RS

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(c) Scenario II (i) Contribution per unit = $120 – $60 = $60 per unit BEP (units) = $250,000 ÷$60 = 4,167 units C/S ratio = $60/$120 = 0.50 'Explain' : Graphically, point I (Fixed costs) remains the same at $(250,000), but RS would breakeven earlier at 4,167 units instead of 6,250 units. The profit line gradient steepens. This is because a higher selling price increased contribution per unit and fixed costs are recovered quicker.

BEP ($ revenue) = $250,000 ÷ 0.50 = $500,000

(ii) New CS ratio = $60/$120 = 0.50 Target Revenue = ($90,000 +

$250,000) ÷ 0.50= $680,000 or 5667 units

'Explain' : Graphically, point I (Fixed costs) remains the same at $(250,000), but RS would breakeven earlier at 4,167 units instead of 6,250 units. The profit line gradient steepens. This is because a higher selling price increases contribution per unit, and fixed costs are recovered quicker.

The level of activity/number of units sold required to achieve a profit of £90,000 is therefore lower than in Scenario I.

(iii) Margin of safety = 12,000 – 4,166 = 7,834 units 7,834 units ÷

budgeted 12,000 units= 65% approx.

'Explain' : An increased contribution impacts favourably on the margin of safety. Sales need to fall 65% short of budget before RS starts making a loss – compared with 48% in scenario I.

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If the margin of safety budgeted in period 3 is 21.015%, then the breakeven number of units in the period is:

6,570 – (6,570 ´ 21.015%) = 5,189 units

At this level, contribution is equal to the level of fixed costs.

Contribution at this volume is:

5,189 ´ 35% ´ $72 = $130,763.

So fixed costs are $130,763.


Product Contribution £000

Sales revenue £000

C/S ratio

X 550 800 0.6875 Y 50 200 0.25 Z 300 1,000 0.30 Total 900 2,000 Weighted Average Contribution to

Sales Ratio = Total ContributionTotal sales

= £900,000£2,000,000

= 0.45 or 45%

chapter 2


Test your understanding 3 ­ Single product

Test your understanding 4 ­ Multi­product

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Firstly, products must be ranked according to their C/S ratios. Then assume that the products are sold in the order of highest C/S ratio first. The table below provides the workings to enable the chart to be drawn.

The chart is, essentially, a profit/volume chart. Cumulative profit is plotted against cumulative sales revenue. Like P/V charts for single products the line drawn starts at the fixed costs below the line.

Breakeven Sales Revenue required = Fixed costsC/S ratio





Sales Revenue Required = Fixed costs + required profitC/S ratio

= £450,000+ £600,0000.45

= £2,333,333

Product Contribution £000

Cumulative Profit / (Loss)


Revenue £000

Cumulative Revenue £000

(450) 0X 550 100 800 800Z 300 400 1,000 1,800Y 50 450 200 2,000

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Multi­product profit­volume chart

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Product Total Contribution

Total Sales Revenue

C/S Ratio

£ £ J 42,000 105,000 40%K 157,500 315,000 50% –––––––– –––––––– 199,500 420,000 £199,500 C/S ratio of the mix = ––––––––– = 47.5% £420,000 £120,000 Break­even point = ––––––––– = £252,632 47.5%


(1 x 40%) + (3 8 50%)C/S ratio of the mix = ––––––––––––––––––

1+3 = 47.5% £120,000

Breakeven point = –––––––– 47.5% = £252,000

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Test your understanding 5

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Fixed CostBreakeven point in £ = _________________ C/S ratio of the mix C/S ratio of the mix = (0.3*27%)+(0.2*56%)+(0.5*38%) = 38.3%


Therefore, BEP = ––––––––– 38.3% = £1,691,906


Product Revenue, in £000

Variable Costs £000

Contribution £000

C/S ratio

J 200 140 60 0.30K 400 80 320 0.80L 200 210 (10) (0.05)M 200 140 60 0.30 1,000 570 430 (b)Product Contribution,

in £000

Cumulative Profit / (Loss)

Revenue £000

Cumulative Revenue

(240) 0K 320 80 400 400J 60 140 200 600M 60 200 200 800L (10) 190 200 1,000

chapter 2


Test your understanding 7

Test your understanding 6

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If all four products are produced then JK Ltd can expect a profit of £190,000 from sales revenue of £1,000,000. If all four products are sold in the budget sales mix then the company will break even when revenue reaches £558,140. This point has been indicated on the graph. This point can also be calculated. Thus:

(c) The products are plotted in the order of their C/S ratios. The fixed costs of the company are £240,000. The chart reveals that if only product K is produced, the company will generate a profit of £80,000. The profit of the company is maximised at £200,000. This is achieved by producing Products K, J and M only.

Average contribution/ sales ratio

= 430/1,000 = 43%

Fixed costs

Break­even point = –––––––––––––– Average C/S ratio £240,000 = ––––––––– = £558,140 0.43

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(d) The overall C/S ratio could be improved by:

– Changing the product mix in favour of products with above­average C/S ratios. In this example that would mean increasing production of Product K.

– Increasing sales revenue.

– Deleting product L.

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Cost volume profit analysis


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Planning with limiting factorsChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• select an appropriate technique, where there is one limiting factor/key factor, to achieve desired organisational goals.

• determine the optimal production plan where an organisation is restricted by a single limiting factor, including within the context of 'make' or 'buy' decisions (covered separately in Chapter 5).

• select an appropriate technique, where there are several limiting factors/key factors, to achieve desired organisational goals.

• formulate a linear programming problem involving two products.

• determine the optimal solution to a linear programming problem using a graphical approach.

• use simultaneous equations to determine where the two lines cross to solve a multiple scarce resource problem.

• explain shadow prices (dual prices) and discuss their implications on decision making and performance management in multiple limited resource situations.

• calculate shadow prices (dual prices) and discuss their specific implications on decision making and performance management.

• explain the implications of the existence of slack, in multiple limited resource situations, for decision making and performance management.

• calculate slack and explain the specific implications of the existence of the slack for decision making and performance management.




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1 Introduction

Limiting factor analysis was covered in F2. In F5 the main difference is that the examination contains written questions so issues can be examined in more depth with scope for discussion. With linear programming the F5 syllabus also includes new aspects not seen before in F2.

Limiting factors

Firms face many constraints on their activity and plan accordingly:

Examination questions will focus on the problem of scarce resources that prevent the normal plan being achieved.

For example, a firm is facing a labour shortage this month due to sickness and, as a result, cannot produce the number of units that it would like to. How should its production plan be revised?

• limited demand ;

• limited skilled labour and other production resources ;

• limited finance (‘capital rationing’).

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2 Planning with one limiting factorKey factor analysis – calculations

The usual objective in questions is to maximise profit. Given that fixed costs are unaffected by the production decision in the short run, the approach should be to maximise the contribution earned.

If there is one limiting factor, then the problem is best solved using key factor analysis.

Step 1: identify the scarce resource.

Step 2: calculate the contribution per unit for each product.

Step 3: calculate the contribution per unit of the scarce resource for each product.

Step 4: rank the products in order of the contribution per unit of the scarce resource.

Step 5: allocate resources using this ranking and answer the question.

X Ltd makes three products, A, B and C, of which unit costs, machine hours and selling prices are as follows:

Product A Product B Product C Machine hours 10 12 14

$ $ $Direct materials@ 50c per kg 7 (14 kg) 6 (12 kg) 5 (10 kg)Direct wages

@ $7.50 per hour 9 (1.2 hours) 6 (0.8 hours) 3 (0.4 hours)Variable overheads 3 3 3

––– ––– ––– Marginal cost 19 15 11Selling price 25 20 15

––– ––– ––– Contribution 6 5 4

––– ––– –––

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Test your understanding 1

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Sales demand for the period is limited as follows.

Company policy is to produce a minimum of 1,000 units of Product A.

The supply of materials in the period is unlimited, but machine hours are limited to 200,000 and direct labour hours to 5,000.


Indicate the production levels that should be adopted for the three products in order to maximise profitability, and state the maximum contribution.

Product A 4,000Product B 6,000Product C 6,000

3 Several limiting factors – linear programming

When there is only one scarce resource the method above (key factor analysis) can be used to solve the problem. However where there are two or more resources in short supply which limit the organisation’s activities then linear programming is required to find the solution.

In examination questions linear programming is used to:

• maximise contribution and/or

• minimise costs.

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Formulating a linear programming problem involving two variables

The steps involved in linear programming are as follows:

Note: Linear programming calculations will only involve two variables in exam questions.

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A company produces two products in three departments. Details are shown below regarding the time per unit required in each department, the available hours in each department and the contribution per unit of each product:


Determine, using a step­by­step approach, what the optimum production plan is.

Product X : hours per unit

Product Y : hours per unit

Available hours

Department A 8 10 11,000 Department B 4 10 9,000Department C 12 6 12,000Contribution p.u. $4 $8

Hebrus Inc manufactures summerhouses and garden sheds. Each product passes through a cutting process and an assembly process. One summerhouse, which makes a contribution of $50, takes six hours' cutting time and four hours' assembly time; while one shed makes a contribution of $40, and takes three hours' cutting time and eight hours' assembly time. There is a maximum of 36 cutting hours available each week and 48 assembly hours.

Cutters are paid $10 per hour and assembly workers $15 per hour.


Formulate the linear programming problem.

Planning with limiting factors


Linear Programming ­ Solution

Test your understanding 2 ­ Steps 1 to 3

Illustration 1 ­ Linear programming

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Step 4: Drawing the graph and identifying the feasible region

Drawing the graph

• Step 4 of the linear programming model is to represent the constraints as straight lines on a graph.

• In order to plot the constraints it is normally best to compute the intercepts of the equalities on the horizontal and vertical axes. Thus, x and y are each set equal to zero in turn and the value of y and x computed in these circ*mstances.

Using the information from the Hebrus example (TYU 2) you are required to plot the constraints on a graph and indicate on the graph the feasible region.

Identifying the feasible region

• Having inserted the straight lines in the graph, we are then ready to work out what is called the feasible region.

• The feasible region shows those combinations of variables which are possible given the resource constraints.

• In the TYU above the original constraints were '≤' types, so the feasible region is shown by the area bounded by the thick black line on the graph. Production can be anywhere in this area.

• The lines drawn on the graph represent equations where the LHS equals the RHS. However, the original constraint was either '≤' or '≥'.

• A '≤' type constraint is represented by all points on the line AND all points in the area below the line (i.e. nearer to the origin ­ the point x=0,y=0)

• A '≥' type constraint is represented by all points on the line AND all points in the area above the line (i.e. away from the origin).

• Watch out in the examination for constraints that show minimum amounts required as well as maximum amounts of constraints available. Typically in questions these tend to be a government quota that a minimum amount of one of the output needs to be produced.

chapter 3


Test your understanding 3 ­ Step 4

Revision of graphing a straight line

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Step 5: Finding the optimal solution using the graph

Having found the feasible region the problem now is to find the optimal solution within this feasible region.

There are two approaches to this final stage.

• By inspection it is clear that the maximum contribution will lie on one of the corners of the feasible region. The optimal solution can be reached simply by calculating the contributions at each corner. This approach is not recommended in the exam since it tends to be quite time consuming.

• By drawing an iso­contribution line (an objective function for a particular value of C), which is a line where all points represent an equal contribution. This is the recommended approach, particularly for more complex problems.

Using the Hebrus example again (TYU 2 and 3) you are required to find the optimal solution using the graph (Step 5).

Calculate the contribution at this point (Step 6).

Solving the problem using simultaneous equations

You may consider that the whole process would be easier by solving the constraints as sets of simultaneous equations and not bothering with a graph. This is possible and you may get the right answer, but such a technique should be used with caution and is not recommended until you have determined graphically which constraints are effective in determining the optimal solution.

Furthermore, if the question asks for a graphical solution, then a graph must be used.

The technique can, however, be used as a check, or to establish the exact quantities for the optimal solution when the graph does not give sufficient accuracy.

Using the Hebrus example again (TYU 2 ­ 4) you are required to use simultaneous equations to verify the optimal point.

Planning with limiting factors


Test your understanding 5 ­ Simultaneous equations

Test your understanding 4 ­ Steps 5 and 6

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Alfred Co is preparing its production plan for the coming month. It manufactures two products, the flak trap and the sap trap. Details are as follows.

The company’s fixed overhead absorption rate (OAR) is $1/labour hour (for both skilled and semi­skilled labour). The supply of skilled labour is limited to 2,000 hours/month and the supply of semi­skilled labour is limited to 2,500 hours/month. At the selling prices indicated, maximum demand for flak traps is expected to be 150 units/month and the maximum demand for sap traps is expected to be 80 units/month.


Product Price/wage rate

Flak trap Sap trap



selling price ($) 125 165

raw material (kg) 6 4

labour hours:



skilled 10 10

semi­skilled 5 25

(a) Formulate the constraints for Alfred Co

(b) Plot the constraints on a graph and indicate on the graph the feasible region.

(c) Using the graph find the optimal production plan.

(d) Use simultaneous equations to accurately calculate the quantities produced at the optimal point and calculate the maximum contribution at this point.

chapter 3


Test your understanding 6 ­ Additional example

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J Farms Ltd can buy two types of fertiliser which contain the following percentage of chemicals:

For a certain crop the following minimum quantities (kg) are required:

Type X costs £10 per kg and type Y costs £5 per kg. J Farms Ltd currently buys 1,000 kg of each type and wishes to minimise its expenditure on fertilisers.

Nitrates Phosphates Potash Type X 18 5 2Type Y 3 2 5

Nitrates 100 Phosphates 50 Potash 40

(a) Write down the objective function and the constraints for J Farms Ltd.

(b) Draw a graph to illustrate all the constraints (equations/ inequalities), shading the feasible region.

(c) Recommend the quantity of each type of fertiliser which should be bought and the cost of these amounts.

(d) Find the saving J Farms Ltd can make by switching from its current policy to your recommendation.

Limiting factor analysis – discussion aspects


• There is a single quantifiable objective – e.g. maximise contribution. In reality there may be multiple objectives such as maximising return while simultaneously minimising risk.

• Each product always uses the same quantity of the scarce resource per unit. In reality this may not be the case. For example, learning effects may be enjoyed.

• The contribution per unit is constant. In reality this may not be the case: – the selling price may have to be lowered to sell more

– there may be economies of scale, for example a discount for buying in bulk.

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Test your understanding 7 – Minimising costs

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The assumptions apply to the analysis used when there is one limiting factor or if there are multiple limiting factors.

• Products are independent – in reality: – customers may expect to buy both products together

– the products may be manufactured jointly together.

• The scenario is short term. This allows us to ignore fixed costs.

Shadow prices and slack


Slack is the amount by which a resource is under­utilised. It will occur when the optimum point does not fall on a given resource line.

Slack is important because unused resources can be put to another use, e.g. hired out to another manufacturer.

In the Hebrus example (TYU 2­5), the optimum point Q lies on both the cutting and assembly time lines. Therefore both resources are fully utilised and are referred to as critical constraints.

In the Alfred Co example (TYU 6), the optimum point D lies on the intersection of the skilled labour line (10x + 10y = 2,000) and the maximum demand line for flak traps (x = 150). At this point there is unutilised semi­skilled labour. This means that slack exists for semi­skilled labour. Semi­skilled labour is a non­critical constraint and this unutilised resource should be used elsewhere in the business to generate contribution.

Shadow (or dual) prices

• The shadow price of a resource can be found by calculating the increase in value (usually extra contribution) which would be created by having available one additional unit of a limiting resource at its original cost.

• It therefore represents the maximum premium that the firm should be willing to pay for one extra unit of each constraint. This aspect is discussed in more detail below.

• Non­critical constraints will have zero shadow prices as slack exists already.

chapter 3


Illustration 2 ­ Slack

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Calculating shadow prices

The simplest way to calculate shadow prices for a critical constraint is as follows:

Step 1: Take the equations of the straight lines that intersect at the optimal point. Add one unit to the constraint concerned, while leaving the other critical constraint unchanged.

Step 2: Use simultaneous equations to derive a new optimal solution

Step 3: Calculate the revised optimal contribution. The increase is the shadow price for the constraint under consideration.

In Hebrus the optimal solution was determined to be x=4 and y=4 giving an optimal contribution of $360. This solution was at the intersection of the lines:


Suppose one extra hour was available for the cutting process. Calculate the shadow price for this additional hour of cutting time.

Cutting 6x + 3y = 36Assembly 4x + 8y 48

Implications of shadow prices

• Management can use shadow prices as a measure of the maximum premium that they would be willing to pay for one more unit of the scarce resource.

• However, the shadow price should be considered carefully. For example, the shadow price of labour may be calculated as $20 per hour. However, it may be possible to negotiate a lower shadow price than this.

• In addition, if more of the critical constraint is obtained, the constraint line will move outwards altering the shape of the feasible region. After a certain point there will be little point in buying more of the scarce resource since any non­critical constraints will become critical.

Planning with limiting factors


Additional example on linear programming

Additional example on shadow prices

Test your understanding 8 ­ Shadow prices

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4 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

Step 1: Identify the scarce resource (this may be done for you in examination questions).

At potential sales level:

Thus, labour hours are the limiting factor.

Step 2: calculate the contribution per unit for each product.

This has been done for us in the question

Step 3: calculate the contribution per unit of the scarce resource for each product, i.e. per labour hour

Product A $6/ 1.2= $5.00

Product B $5/0.8= $6.25

Product C $4/0.4= $10.00

Step 4: rank the products in order of the contribution per unit of the scarce resource.

Thus, production should be concentrated first on C, up to the maximum available sales, then B, and finally A.

However, a minimum of 1,000 units of A must be produced.

Sales potential


Total machine


Total labour hours

Product A 4,000 40,000 4,800Product B 6,000 72,000 4,800Product C 6,000 84,000 2,400

196,000 12,000

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Test your understanding 1

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Step 5: allocate resources using this ranking and answer the question, i.e. state the maximum contribution.

Taking these factors into account, the production schedule becomes:

Units Labour Cumulative Limiting produced hours labour hours factor

Product A 1,000 1,200 1,200 Policy to produce 1,000 units

Product C 6,000 2,400 3,600 SalesProduct B 1,750 1,400 5,000 Labour hours The maximum contribution is therefore as follows.

$ A (1,000 × $6) 6,000B (1,750 × $5) 8,750C (6,000 × $4) 24,000

–––––– 38,750


Step 1 – define the variables Let x = the number of summerhouses produced each week

y = the number of garden sheds produced each week.

(Note: Be careful to specify the time periods involved.)

Step 2 – define and formulate the objective function.

The objective here is to maximise contribution C, given by: Maximise Contribution = 50x + 40y

Step 3 – formulate the constraints.

The constraints (limitations) here are the amounts of cutting and assembly time available.

If 1 summerhouse requires 6 hours' cutting time,

x summerhouses require 6x hours' cutting time.

chapter 3


Test your understanding 2 ­ Steps 1 to 3

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If 1 shed requires 3 hours' cutting time,

y sheds require 3y hours' cutting time.

Hence total cutting time required = 6x + 3y hours.

Similarly, if one summerhouse and one shed require 4 and 8 hours' assembly time respectively, the total assembly time for x summerhouses and y sheds will be 4x + 8y.

The conventional way of setting out the constraints is to place the units utilised on the left, and those available on the right; the inequality sign is the link.

In addition, two other logical constraints must be stated, i.e. x > 0 and y > 0

These simply state that negative amounts of garden sheds or summerhouses cannot be made.

Constraint Utilised Available Cutting time (i) 6x + 3y ≤ 36Assembly time (ii) 4x + 8y ≤ 48

The cutting time constraint is an inequality 6x + 3y ≤ 36 which represents a region on the graph. To identify this region we draw the line 6x + 3y = 36 (equality) and then determine which side of the line is feasible. This process is repeated for each constraint.

For the equation 6x + 3y = 36 – cutting time constraint

when x = 0, y = 36/3 = 12

when y = 0, x =36/6 = 6

To graph this constraint, we draw a straight line between the points (0, 12) and (6, 0).

Planning with limiting factors


Test your understanding 3 ­ Step 4

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For the equation 4x + 8y = 48 – assembly time constraint

when x = 0, y = 48/8 = 6

when y = 0, x =48/4 = 12

To graph this constraint, we draw a straight line between the points (0, 6) and (12, 0).

The constraints can now be represented graphically:

The original constraints were '≤' types, so the feasible region is shown by the area bounded by the thick black line on the graph. Production can be anywhere in this area.

Step 5: Finding the optimal solution using the graph.

Let's first consider what we mean by an iso­contribution line.

An iso­contribution line is a line where all the points represent an equal contribution.

The contribution for Hebrus is given by the equation, C = 50x + 40y (from Step 2).

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Test your understanding 4 ­ Steps 5 and 6

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when x = 0, y = 200/40 = 5

when y = 0, x = 200/50 = 4

To graph the line, we draw a straight line between the points (0, 5) and (4, 0). This line is shown on the graph below.

when x = 0, y = 240/40 = 6

when y = 0, x = 240/50 = 4.8

To graph the line, we draw a straight line between the points (0, 6) and (4.8, 0). This line is shown on the graph below.

The iso­contribution lines move to and from the origin in parallel; the arrow indicates increasing contribution. The object is to get on the highest contribution line within (just touching) the binding constraints.

• If we choose a contribution of, say, $200 we can draw an iso­contribution line 200 = 50x + 40y

• If we choose another contribution of, say, $240 we can draw an iso­contribution line 240 = 50x + 40y

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The optimum point is found by drawing an example of an iso­contribution line on the diagram (any convenient value of C will do), and then placing a ruler against it. Then, by moving the ruler away from the origin (in the case of a maximisation problem) or towards the origin (in the case of a minimisation problem) but keeping it parallel to the iso­contribution line, the last corner of the feasible solution space which is met represents the optimum solution.

To find the optimal point for Hebrus we have used an iso­contribution line for a contribution of $165. However, either of the iso­contribution lines discussed above, or another iso­contribution line, could have been used instead.

165 = 50x + 40y

when x = 0, y = 165/40 = 4.125

when y = 0, x = 165/50 = 3.3

To graph the line, we draw a straight line between the points (0, 4.125) and (3.3, 0). This line is shown on the graph below.

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Optimal point: The highest available iso­contribution line occurs at point Q.

Step 6: Answer the question, i.e. calculate the contribution at the optimal point.

Reading from the graph, at point Q x = 4 and y = 4. This gives a maximum contribution of C = (50 × 4) + (40 × 4) = $360.

Step 1: Take the equations of the two constraints that cross at the optimal point.

The optimal point is point Q. This is at the intersection of the two constraint lines:

4x + 8y = 48 this will be called (a)

6x + 3y = 36 this will be called (b)

Step 2: Multiply both equations in order to get the same number of x's or y's in each equation

(a) multiplied by 3 gives 12x + 24y = 144

(b) multiplied by 2 gives 12x + 6y = 72

Step 3: Subtract one equation from the other to eliminate either x or y

(a) 12x + 24y = 144

minus (b) 12x + 6y = 72

gives 0x + 18y = 72

Therefore, y = 72/18 = 4 (this is the same number of garden sheds found using the graph).

Planning with limiting factors


Test your understanding 5 ­ Simultaneous equations

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Step 4: Use any equation to find the missing value, i.e. either x or y

Using the value y=4 we can find the value of x. Any of the equations above can be used. For example:

4x + 8y = 48

4x + (8 × 4) = 48

4x = 16

x = 16/ 4 = 4 (this is the same number of summerhouses found using the graph.

Step 5: Answer the question

The optimal point is at x=4 and y=4. This gives a maximum contribution of C = (50 × 4) + (40 × 4) = $360 (as per TYU4).

(a) Step 1: define variables

Let x = the number of units of flak traps produced per month.

y = the number of units of sap traps produced per month.

Step 2: objective function

The objective is to maximise contribution, C, given by C = 50x+ 40y (Working)


Contribution per flak trap = 125 — (6 × 5) — (10 × 3) — (5 × 3) = 50

Contribution per sap trap = 165 — (4 × 5) — (10 × 3) — (25 × 3) = 40

Step 3: constraints

Skilled labour 10x + 10y ≤ 2,000Semi­skilled labour 5x + 25y ≤ 2,500Max demand x ≤ 150

y ≤ 80Non­negativity x,y ≥ 0

chapter 3


Test your understanding 6 ­ Additional example

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Skilled labour: x = 0, y = 2,000/10 = 200

y = 0, x = 2,000/10 = 200

We simply join up the points (0, 200) and (200, 0).

Semi­skilled labour: x = 0, y = 2,500/25 = 100

y = 0, x = 2,500/5 = 500

We join up the points (0, 100) and (500, 0)

This gives a feasibility region of 0ABCDE.

(b) Step 4: draw a graph and identify the feasible region

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Objective is to maximise contribution C = 50x + 40y.

The iso­contribution line C=2,000 has been drawn to establish the gradient and identify the optimal solution at point D:

It is difficult to read the precise co­ordinates for point D but it is at the intersection of the two lines x = 150 and 10x + 10y = 2,000. This corresponds to 150 units of x (flak traps) and approximately 50­60 units of y (sap traps). The exact amounts can be found using simultaneous equations (see below).

x = 150 this will be called (a) 10x + 10y = 2,000 this will be called (b)

Find the value of x

(c) Step 5: use the graph to solve the optimal production plan

(d) Use simultaneous equations to accurately calculate the quantities produced at the optimal point and calculate the maximum contribution at this point.

Take the equations of the two constraints that cross at the optimal point.

The optimal point is point D. This is at the intersection of the two constraint lines:

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The solution is slightly easier here since we already know that x = 150, i.e. we should produce 150 flak traps.

Use any equation to find the missing value, i.e y

Using the value x=150 we can find the value of y.

10x + 10y = 2,000

(10 × 150) + 10y = 2,000

10y = 500

y = 500/ 10 = 50, i.e we should produce 50 sap traps

Step 6: answer the question

The optimal point is at x=150 and y=50. This gives a maximum contribution of C = (50 × 150) + (40 × 50) = $9,500

(a) The chemicals are given in percentage terms that are converted to decimals.

Step 1: define the variables

Let x = number of kg of X purchased

Let y = number of kg of Y purchased

Step 2: define and formulate the objective function

Total cost: z = 10x + 5y, the objective function which has to be minimised.

Step 3: formulate the constraints

The constraints exist on the chemical composition of the fertilisers:

Nitrates: 0.18x + 0.03y ≥ 100Phosphates: 0.05x + 0.02y ≥ 50Potash: 0.02x + 0.05y ≥ 40Non­negativity: x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

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Test your understanding 7 – Minimising costs

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In this example, all the points where the lines cut the axes are required, so that the easiest way to draw the constraints is to calculate these points.

(b) Step 4: draw the graph and identify the feasible region


0.18x + 0.03y = 100

x = 0, y = 100/0.03 = 3,333.3

y = 0, x = 100/0.18 = 555.5

0.05x + 0.02y = 50

x = 0, y = 50/0.02 = 2,500

y = 0, x = 50/0.05 = 1,000

0.02x + 0.05y = 40

x = 0, y = 40/0.05 = 800

y = 0, x = 40/0.02 = 2,000

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The inspection method has been used here, for illustration purposes only.

Considering the vertices (i.e. corners) of the feasible area.

Step 6: answer the question

Thus C gives the point of minimum cost with x = 809.5 and y = 476.2, i.e. 809.5 kg of X and 476.2 kg of Y, total cost $10,476.

or: Alternatively, an iso­cost line for z = 20,000 (say) could be plotted and moved downwards. This would identify point C as the optimum point on the graph, and the values of x and y could be determined using simultaneous equations as above. This would be quicker in the exam and the method should give the same answer.

(c) Step 5: find the optimal solution using the graph

A: x = 0 y = 3,333.3z = 10x + 5y = 10(0) + 5(3,333.3) = $16,666.50

B: Solving 0.18x + 0.03y = 100 and 0.05x + 0.02y = 50gives x = 238.1 and y = 1,904.8

z = 10(238.1) + 5(1,904.8) = $11,905C: Solving 0.05x + 0.02y = 50 and 0.02x + 0.05y = 40

gives x = 809.5 and y = 476.2z = 10(809.5) = 5(476.2) = $10,476

D: x = 2,000 y = 0z = 10(2,000) + 5(0) = $20,000

(d) The current policy costs: 1,000 ($10) + 1,000 ($5) = $15,000, so the saving made is of $(15,000 — 10,476) = $4,524.

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Step 1: Take the equations of the straight lines that intersect at the optimal point. Add one unit to the constraint concerned, while leaving the other critical constraint unchanged.

We would then need to solve:

Step 2: Use simultaneous equations to derive a new optimal solution The simultaneous equations above can be solved in the same way as was seen in the previous TYU's. This gives and optimum vale of y = 3.888… and x = 4.222…

Step 3: Calculate the revised optimal contribution. The increase is the shadow price for the constraint under consideration.

The contribution. C = 50x + 40y.

At the revised optimal point this gives a revised contribution of C = (50 × 4.222…) + (40 × 3.888…) = $366.67 .

The increase of $6.67 ($366.67 ­ $360) is the shadow price for cutting time per hour. This represents the premium that the firm would be willing to pay for each extra hour of cutting time. The current cost is $10 per hour and therefore the maximum price that would be paid for an extra hour of cutting time is $16.67.

Note: A similar calculation can be done for assembly time giving a shadow price of $2.50 per hour.

Cutting Assembly

6x + 3y 4x + 8y

= =

37 48

chapter 3


Test your understanding 8 ­ Shadow prices

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Planning with limiting factors


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PricingChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain the factors that influence the pricing of a product or service, e.g. costs, demand and competition

• define and explain the price elasticity of demand

• from supplied data, derive and manipulate a straight­line demand equation

• from supplied data, derive an equation for the total cost function excluding or including volume­based discounts

• using data supplied or equations derived, advise on whether or not to increase production and sales levels considering incremental costs, incremental revenues and other factors

• explain, using a simple example, all forms of cost­plus pricing strategy

• calculate, for given data, a price using a cost­plus strategy

• explain different pricing strategies

• identify suitable pricing strategies for given situations from skimming, penetration, complementary product, product­line, volume discounting

• explain, using a simple example, a price­discrimination pricing strategy

• explain, using a simple example, a relevant­cost pricing strategy

• calculate, for given data, a price using a relevant cost strategy.




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1 Introduction

Pricing is important because:

• It makes a pivotal contribution to profit maximisation – the overriding aim of most businesses.

• Businesses make profits by selling goods and services at a price higher than their cost.

• The amount that they are able to sell will often be determined by the price charged for the goods and services.

2 Different types of market structures

The price that a business can charge for its products or services will be determined by the market in which it operates.

In a perfectly competitive market, every buyer or seller is a 'price taker', and no participant influences the price of the product it buys or sells. Other characteristics of a perfectly competitive market include:

Imperfect competition refers to the market structure that does not meet the conditions of perfect competition. Its forms include :

• Zero Entry/Exit Barriers – It is relatively easy to enter or exit as a business in a perfectly competitive market.

• Perfect Information ­ Prices and quality of products are assumed to be known to all consumers and producers.

• Companies aim to maximise profits ­ Firms aim to sell where marginal costs meet marginal revenue, where they generate the most profit.

• hom*ogeneous Products – The characteristics of any given market good or service do not vary across suppliers.

• Monopoly, in which there is only one seller of a good. The seller dominates many buyers and can use its market power to set a profit­maximising price. Microsoft is usually considered a monopoly.



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• Oligopoly, in which a few companies dominate the market and are inter­dependent : firms must take into account likely reactions of their rivals to any change in price, output or forms of non­price competition. For example, in the UK, four companies (Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Morrisons) share 74.4% of the grocery market.

• Monopolistic competition, in which products are similar, but not identical. There are many producers ('price setters') and many consumers in a given market, but no business has total control over the market price.

For example, there are many different brands of soap on the market today. Each brand of soap is similar because it is designed to get the user clean; however, each soap product tries to differentiate itself from the competition to attract consumers. One soap might claim that it leaves you with soft skin, while another that it has a clean, fresh scent. Each participant in this market structure has some control over pricing, which means it can alter the selling price as long as consumers are still willing to buy its product at the new price. If one product costs twice as much as similar products on the market, chances are most consumers will avoid buying the more expensive product and buy the competitors' products instead. Monopolistic products are typically found in retailing businesses. Some examples of monopolistic products and/or services are shampoo products, extermination services, oil changes, toothpaste, and fast­food restaurants.

3 Three broad approaches to pricing

Pricing decisions may be separated into three broad approaches :

(1) Demand­based approaches

(2) Cost­based approaches

(3) Marketing­based approaches

chapter 4


Illustration 1 ­ Monopolistic competition

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4 Demand­based approaches (The Economists' Viewpoint)

Most firms recognise that there exists a relationship between the selling price of their product or service and the demand. This relationship can often be described by an inverse, linear relationship:

By investigating and analysing this relationship it is possible (in theory) to establish an optimum price, i.e. a price that will maximise profits. There are two methods of solution to problems investigating the relationship between price and demand: the tabular approach and the algebraic approach.

XYZ Ltd is introducing a new product. The company intends to hire machinery to manufacture the product at a cost of $200,000 per annum. However, this will only enable 60,000 units per annum to be produced, although additional machines can be hired at $80,000 per annum.

Each machine hired enables capacity to be increased by 20,000 units per annum, but it is not possible to increase production beyond 90,000 units because of shortage of space.

The minimum rental period is for one year and the variable cost is estimated to be $6 per unit produced.

There are no other fixed costs that can be specifically traced to the product. Marketing management has estimated the maximum selling prices for a range of output from 50,000 units to 90,000 units. The estimates are as follows:

Units sold 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 90,000 (*)Selling Price ($) 22 20 19 18 17 15



Illustration 2 ­ Tabular Approach

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(*) At $15 demand will be in excess of 90,000 units but production capacity will limit the sales.

What is the optimum price and quantity of units to output and sell (assume all units of production can be sold)?

5 The algebraic approach

Economic theory states that the monopolist maximises profit when Marginal Cost = Marginal Revenue.

Marginal Revenue is the additional revenue from selling one extra unit, for example :

Marginal Cost is the cost from making one more unit. It is usually just the variable cost, e.g. MC = $30.

Quantity Price Revenue Marginal Revenue 1 $70 $70 $702 $60 $120 $503 $50 $150 $304 $40 $160 $105 $30 $150 $(10)

chapter 4


Tabular Approach ­ Solution

Illustration 3 ­ The MR= MC

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The optimum price is $50. At output less than Q = 3, the extra cost of making a unit is less than the extra revenue from selling it. At output greater than Q = 3, the extra costs of making a unit exceed the revenue from selling it.

6 Procedure for establishing the optimum price of a product

This is a general set of rules that can be applied to most questions involving algebra and pricing.

P = a + bQ

where 'a' is the intercept and 'b' is the gradient of the line. As the price of a product increases, the quantity demanded will decrease.

(1) Establish the linear relationship between price (P) and quantity demanded (Q). The equation will take the form:



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The equation of a straight line P= a + bQ can be used to show the demand for a product at a given price:

Note: ‘b’ is always negative because of the inverse relationship between price and quantity.

(2) Double the gradient to find the marginal revenue: MR = a − 2bQ.

(3) Establish the marginal cost MC. This will simply be the variable cost per unit.

(4) To maximise profit, equate MC and MR and solve to find Q.

(5) Substitute this value of Q into the price equation to find the optimum price.

(6) It may be necessary to calculate the maximum profit.

Find the linear relationship between price (P) and the quantity demanded (Q), i.e. find the straight­line demand equation, in relation to the following sales and demand data:

• Selling price of $200 = sales of 1,000 units per month.

• Selling price of $220 = sales of 950 units per month.

chapter 4


The price elasticity of demand

Additional example on straight­line demand equation

Test your understanding 1

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(a) Use this equation to predict the quantity demanded per month if the selling price is $300.

(b) Using the price equation in (a) and assuming the variable cost per unit is $100, calculate the optimum price and output.

(c) Calculate the maximum contribution.

The total fixed costs per annum for a company that makes one product are $100,000, and a variable cost of $64 is incurred for each additional unit produced and sold over a very large range of outputs.

The current selling price for the product is $160. At this price, 2,000 units are demanded per annum.

It is estimated that for each successive increase in price of $5 annual demand will be reduced by 50 units. Alternatively, for each $5 reduction in price, demand will increase by $50 units.


(a) Calculate the optimum output and price, assuming that if prices are set within each $5 range there will be a proportionate change in demand.

(b) Calculate the maximum profit.

7 Equation for the total cost function

Cost equations are derived from historical cost data. Once a cost equation has been established (using methods such as the high/low method which will be revised later in the course) it can be used to estimate future costs. In the exam, cost functions will be linear:

y = a + bx

• ‘a’ is the fixed cost per period (the intercept)

• ‘b’ is the variable cost per unit (the gradient)

• ‘x’ is the activity level (the independent variable)

• ‘y’ is the total cost = fixed cost + variable cost (the dependent variable).



Test your understanding 2

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Suppose a cost has a cost equation of y = $5,000 + 10x, this can be shown graphically as follows:

• Fixed costs $100,000.

• Variable costs per unit $5 for volumes up to 1,000 units.

• Volumes above 1,000 units receive 5% discount on all units.


Derive the two equations for the total cost function.

Cost­based pricing: the accountant’s approach

'Cost plus' pricing is a much favoured traditional approach to establishing the selling price by:

Cost­plus pricing is more suited to businesses that:

• calculating the unit cost

• adding a mark­up or margin to provide profit.

• sell the product in large volumes

• operate in markets dominated by price.

chapter 4


Test your understanding 3

Additional example on the total cost function

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The unit cost may reflect:

The profit is equally subjective and often reflects:

It is important to understand the difference between:

• full cost

• production costs only

• variable costs only.

• the risk involved in the product

• competitors’ mark­ups

• desired profit and/or ROCE (return on capital employed)

• type of cost used

• type of product.

• Profit mark­up: the profit is quoted as a percentage of the cost.

• Profit margin: the profit is quoted as a percentage of the selling price.

If the full cost of an item is $540, calculate the selling price using a 25% mark up and a 25% profit margin.

8 Cost equations including volume­based discounts

Suppliers often offer discounts to encourage the purchase of increased volumes.

Where volume­based discounts are offered a total cost equation can be derived for each volume range.



Test your understanding 4

Additional example on volume­based discounts

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9 Increasing sales and production levels

When an opportunity to increase sales and production levels arises in a business the key question to answer is:

If the answer is ‘yes’ the opportunity should normally be pursued.

• will the increased contribution (sales less variable costs) generated by the increased sales exceed any additional fixed costs that will be incurred as a result of the increased sales level?

An opportunity arises to increase sales by 10,000 units:


Should the opportunity be accepted?

• Selling price of additional units = $10

• Variable cost of additional units = $6

• Fixed costs will increase by = $50,000

Customer based pricing – the marketer’s approach

Customer­based pricing reflects customers’ perceptions of the benefits they will enjoy from purchasing the product, e.g. convenience, status. The product is priced to reflect these benefits.

This approach has regard to costs but reflects a belief that the greater understanding you have of your customer the better placed you are to price the product.

chapter 4


Advantages and disadvantages of cost­plus pricing

Additional example of cost­plus pricing

Additional example on increasing volumes

Test your understanding 5

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On a remote beach in a hot country, the offer of food and drink to tourists on the beach will be perceived by them as being of significant benefit and they are likely to be prepared to pay a significant amount in excess of cost.

Of the three approaches to pricing discussed above:

which is the least likely to maximise profits and why?

• cost­based

• customer­based

• competition­based,

Competition­based pricing

Competition­based pricing means setting a price based upon the prices of competing products.

Competing products can be classified as:

• The same type of product which is not easily distinguished from one’s own products. For example, petrol sold at two competing petrol stations. – price changes by competitors will have a material impact.

• Substitute products which are different products but fulfil the same need, e.g. you may buy ice cream instead of soft drinks on a hot day. – impact of price changes will depend on relative price/performance

of substitute.

10 Different pricing strategies

There are a number of different pricing strategies available to a business:

• Cost­plus pricing

• Market­skimming

• Penetration pricing

• Complementary product pricing

• Product­line pricing



Test your understanding 6

Illustration 4 – Customer­based pricing

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Each strategy will be reviewed in turn.

• Volume discounting

• Price discrimination

• Relevant cost pricing

11 Market­skimming pricing strategyWhat is market skimming?

Market skimming involves charging high prices when a product is first launched in order to maximise short­term profitability. Initially high prices may be charged to take advantage of the novelty appeal of a new product when demand is initially inelastic.

Once the market becomes saturated the price can be reduced to attract that part of the market that has not been exploited.

Conditions suitable for a market­skimming strategy

With high prices being charged potential competitors will be tempted to enter the market. For skimming to be sustained one or more significant barriers to entry must be present to deter these potential competitors. For example, patent protection, strong brand loyalty.

• Where the product is new and different and has little direct competition. This is the most common reason for using a market­skimming strategy.

• Where products have a short life cycle, and there is a need to recover their development costs quickly and make a profit.

• Where the strength of demand and the sensitivity of demand to price are unknown. From a psychological point of view it is far better to begin with a high price, which can then be lowered if the demand for the product appears to be more price sensitive than at first thought.

• A firm with liquidity problems may use market­skimming in order to generate high cash flows early on.

What products may be priced using a market­skimming strategy?

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Test your understanding 7

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12 Penetration pricing strategyWhat is penetration pricing?

Circ*mstances which favour a penetration policy

• Penetration pricing is the charging of low prices when a new product is initially launched in order to gain rapid acceptance of the product.

• Once market share is achieved, prices are increased.

• It is an alternative to market skimming when launching a new product.

• If the firm wishes to increase market share.

• A firm wishes to discourage new entrants from entering the market.

• If there are significant economies of scale to be achieved from high­volume output, and so a quick penetration into the market is desirable.

• If demand is highly elastic and so would respond well to low prices.

The 2006 launch of Microsoft’s anti­virus product, Windows Live OneCare, was described by commentators as an example of penetration pricing. Microsoft’s competitors in this market (e.g. Symantec and McAfee) reportedly lost material market share within a few months of its launch.

13 Complementary­product pricing What is a complementary product?

A complementary product is one that is normally used with another product. An example is razors and razor blades – if sales of razors increase more razor blades will also be bought.

Other examples of complementary products are:

Complementary goods provide suppliers with additional power over the consumer.

• game consoles and associated games

• printers and printer cartridges.



Illustration 5 – Penetration pricing strategy

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A complementary­product pricing strategy can take two forms:

• The major product (e.g. a printer or a camera) is priced at a relatively low figure – to encourage the purchase and lock the consumer into subsequent purchases of relatively high price consumables (e.g. printer cartridges or memory cards). This is the most common form.

• The major product (e.g. membership of a fashionable sports or golf club) is priced at a relatively high figure – to create a barrier to entry and exit and the consumer is locked into subsequent purchases of relatively low­price facilities (e.g. court fees or green fees).

14 Product­line pricing strategy What is a product line?

A product line is a range of products that are related to one another. All products within the product line are related but may vary in terms of style, colour, quality, price etc.

What is product­line pricing?

Product­line pricing works by:

• capitalising on consumer interest in a number of products within a range.

• making the price entry point for the basic product relatively cheap.

• pricing other items in the range more highly – in order to ‘complete the set’ the consumer has to pay substantially more for the additional matching items.

A dinner service is being promoted. The entry point (serving plates) will be relatively cheap. Other, less essential matching items in the same range (e.g. gravy boats) will have a higher price.

chapter 4


Illustration 6 – What is complementary­product pricing?

Illustration 7 – Product­line pricing strategy

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15 Volume­discounting pricing strategy What is volume­discounting pricing?

Volume discounting means offering customers a lower price per unit if they purchase a particular quantity of a product.

It takes two main forms:

Benefits to the business of using a volume discounting strategy

Conditions suitable for a volume­discounting pricing strategy

• Quantity discounts – for customers that order large quantities.

• Cumulative quantity discounts – the discount increases as the cumulative total ordered increases. This may appeal to those who do not wish to place large individual orders but who purchase large quantities over time.

• Increased customer loyalty – cumulative quantity discounts ‘lock in’ the customer since further purchases can be made at a lower cost per unit.

• Attracting new customers – an exceptional level of discount can be offered to new customers on a one­off basis, enabling the supplier to ‘get his foot in the door’.

• Lower sales processing costs – an increased proportion of his sales take the form of bulk orders.

• Lower purchasing costs – high sales volumes enable the business to enjoy discounts from their suppliers, creating a virtuous circle.

• Discounts help to sell items that are bought primarily on price.

• Clearance of surplus stock or unpopular item through the use of discounts.

• Discounts can be geared to particular off­peak periods.

• Sales margin is substantial allowing profits to be made even after discounting.

• The product is bought on price and it is difficult to distinguish it from competing products.

• Products with a limited shelf life ( for example, fashion items) may be discounted to shift them.



Recap of pricing strategies for a given situation

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16 Price­discrimination pricing strategy What is price­discrimination?

A price­discrimination strategy is where a company sells the same product at different prices in different markets.

Conditions required for a price­discrimination strategy

Dangers of price­discrimination as a strategy

• The seller must have some degree of monopoly power, or the price will be driven down.

• Customers can be segregated into different markets

• Customers cannot buy at the lower price in one market and sell at the higher price in the other market.

• There must be different price elasticities of demand in each market so that prices can be raised in one and lowered in the other to increase revenue.

• A black market may develop allowing those in a lower priced segment to resell to those in a higher priced segment.

• Competitors join the market and undercut the firm's prices.

• Customers in the higher priced brackets look for alternatives and demand becomes more elastic over time.

Which products or services lend themselves to a price­discrimination strategy?

(1) Which pricing strategies are aimed at the start of the product life cycle?

(2) Which pricing strategies seek to attract sales by offering a product at a relatively low price?

(3) Which pricing strategies lure the customer in with a relatively low­priced product in order to lock the customer in to subsequent additional purchases of similar items that are relatively highly priced?

(4) Which pricing strategy is appropriate to items that are bought primarily on price.

chapter 4


Test your understanding 8

Test your understanding 9 ­ Recap of pricing strategies

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17 Using relevant costs to arrive at a priceWhat is relevant cost pricing?

The principles of relevant costing were met in paper F2 and will be reviewed in more detail in a later chapter.

Relevant costs can be used to arrive at a minimum tender price for a one­off tender or contract. The minimum price should be equal to the total of all of the relevant cash flows.

Suitability of relevant cost pricing

The use of relevant costs is only suitable for a one­off decision since:

Calculations involving relevant cost pricing will be reviewed in a later chapter.

• fixed costs may become relevant in the long run

• there are problems estimating incremental cash flows

• there is a conflict between accounting measures such as profit and this approach.



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18 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

(a) Step 1: Find the gradient, b

The question provides us with two selling prices and the respective level of demand at these selling prices. Therefore, we can begin by calculating the gradient of the straight line, b.

b (gradient) = change in price/ change in quantity = (220 – 200)/(950 – 1000) = – 0.4

Step 2: Calculate the intersect, a

Once the gradient is known the intersect can be found using either of the selling prices and demand levels given in the question.

For example, price (P) = 200 when 1000 units (Q) are sold and substituting – 0.4 for b

200 = a – (0.4 × 1,000)

200 = a – 400

a = 200 + 400 = 600

Step 3: Straight­line demand equation

So the equation is: P = 600 – 0.4Q.

Step 4: Forecast the demand at a given selling price

At a price of $300

300 = 600 – 0.4Q

0.4Q = 300

Q = 300/0.4

Quantity demanded (Q) = 750 units per month

(b) MR = 600 ­ 0.8Q MC = VC so equating MR = MC: 100 = 600 ­ 0.8Q So Q = 625 And substituting Q into Price function, P = $350



Test your understanding 1

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(c) Contribution per unit = $350 ­ $100 = $250 Total contribution = $250 x 625 units = $156,250

(a) Let Q = quantity produced/sold

Gradient 'b'=

b = – 0.1

Price = a ­ 0.1Q; $160 = a – 0.1 (2,000) therefore a = $360

P = $360 ­ 0.1Q MR = $360 ­ 0.2Q MC = $64

Change in price $5b = ————————— = ————

Change in quantity $50

(b) To maximise profit, MR = MC. Therefore, $360 ­ 0.2Q = $64Q = (360 ­ 64) ÷ 0.2 = 1,480 unitsP = 360 * 0.1 (1,480) = $212 Revenue = $212 x 1,480 = $313,760 Less Costs = ($64 x 1,480) + $100,000 = ($194,720) Maximum Profit = $119,040

• Y = 100,000 + 5x for x≤1000

• Y = 100,000 + 4.75x for x>1000.

• A 25% mark­up would produce a selling price of $675 ($540 × 125/100).

• A 25% profit margin would produce a selling price of $720 [$540 × (100/75)].

chapter 4


Test your understanding 3

Test your understanding 2

Test your understanding 4

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The effect of the increased sales would be to reduce net profits by $10,000.

Based on this analysis, the opportunity should be rejected. However, other factors need to be considered such as:

• $100,000 increased sales ($10 × 10,000 units)

• $60,000 increased variable costs ($6 × 10,000 units) = $40,000 additional contribution

• less additional fixed costs of $50,000 = $10,000 reduction in net profit.

• the impact on future sales beyond the current period

• the impact of rejection on customer goodwill

• whether the extra sales would help build the firm's brand.

Customer­based and competition­based pricing are most likely to maximise profits since they take into account the behaviour of customers and competitors, as well as the need to recover costs or obtain a particular margin on sales. Cost­based pricing, in contrast, simply reflects the objective of cost recovery or achieving a margin on sales and ignores the potential to exploit the level of customers’ interest in the product or the strength of the product in the marketplace relative to competitors.

Market skimming is often used in relation to electronic products when a new range (e.g. DVD players, plasma TV screens) are first released onto the market at a high price.

The target is the 'early adopters' of such products; their price sensitivity is relatively low because their interest in the product is substantial or they have a stronger appreciation of the qualities offered by the product.



Test your understanding 7

Test your understanding 6

Test your understanding 5

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Examples of price discrimination include:

• lower admission prices for children at certain sporting and entertainment events

• discounts for Senior Citizens in some pubs and restaurants

• concessionary rail fares for students

• lower admission prices for females at some nightclubs.

(1) Skimming and the penetration­pricing strategies.

(2) Penetration and volume discounting rely substantially on relatively low­price offers; this is also true to a lesser extent of complementary and product line pricing strategies.

(3) Complementary and product­line pricing strategies.

(4) Volume discounting.

chapter 4


Test your understanding 9 ­ Recap of pricing strategies

Test your understanding 8

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Make or buy and other short­term decisionsChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain the practical issues surrounding make versus buy and outsourcing decisions

• for given data, calculate and compare 'make' costs with 'buy­in' costs

• for given data, compare in­house costs and outsource costs of completing tasks and consider other issues surrounding this decision

• for given data, apply relevant costing principles in situations involving make or buy, shut down, one­off contracts and joint product further processing decisions.




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1 Introduction

This chapter will focus on a number of short­term decisions that are typically made by a business:

Each of these decisions is based on relevant costing principles. Therefore, a recap of relevant costing will be useful before looking at each of the decisions in turn.

• Make versus buy decisions

• Shut­down decisions

• One­off contract decisions

• Further processing decisions

2 Relevant costs and revenues

Decision making involves making a choice between two or more alternatives. The decision will be ‘rational’; profit maximising. All decisions will be made using relevant costs and revenues.

‘Relevant costs are future cash flows arising as a direct consequence of the decision under consideration.’

There are three elements here:

Cash flows. To evaluate a decision, actual cash flows should be considered. Noncash items such as depreciation and interdivisional charges should be ignored.

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Future costs and revenues. This means that past costs and revenues are only useful insofar as they provide a guide to the future. Costs already spent, known as sunk costs, are irrelevant for decision making.

Differential costs and revenues. Only those costs and revenues that alter as a result of a decision are relevant. Where factors are common to all the alternatives being considered they can be ignored; only the differences are relevant.

In many short­term situations, the fixed costs remain constant for each of the alternatives being considered and thus the marginal costing approach showing sales, marginal cost and contribution is particularly appropriate.

In the long run (and sometimes in the short run) fixed costs do change and accordingly the differential costs must include any changes in the amount of fixed costs.

Test your understanding of relevant and non­relevant costs by seeing if you can identify which of the following costs are relevant :

(a) The salary to be paid to a market researcher who will oversee the development of a new product. This is a new post to be created specially for the new product but the £12,000 salary will be a fixed cost. Is this cost relevant to the decision to proceed with the development of the product?

(b) The £2,500 additional monthly running costs of a new machine to be purchased to manufacture an established product. Since the new machine will save on labour time, the fixed overhead to be absorbed by the product will reduce by £100 per month. Are these costs relevant to the decision to purchase the new machine?

(c) Office cleaning expenses of £125 for next month. The office is cleaned by contractors and the contract can be cancelled by giving one month’s notice. Is this cost relevant to a decision to close the office?

(d) Expenses of £75 paid to the marketing manager. This was to reimburse the manager for the cost of travelling to meet a client with whom the company is currently negotiating a major contract. Is this cost relevant to the decision to continue negotiations?

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Relevant costs

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3 Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is an important concept for decision­making purposes. It is the value of the best alternative that is foregone when a particular course of action is undertaken. It emphasises that decisions are concerned with choices and that by choosing one plan, there may well be sacrifices elsewhere in the business.

A company which manufactures and sells one single product is currently operating at 85% of full capacity, producing 102,000 units per month. The current total monthly costs of production amount to £330,000, of which £75,000 are fixed and are expected to remain unchanged for all levels of activity up to full capacity.

A new potential customer has expressed interest in taking regular monthly delivery of 12,000 units at a price of £2.80 per unit.

All existing production is sold each month at a price of £3.25 per unit. If the new business is accepted, existing sales are expected to fall by 2 units for every 15 units sold to the new customer.

What is the overall increase in monthly profit which would result from accepting the new business?

4 The relevant cost of materials

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 1 ­ Opportunity cost

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Any historic cost given for materials is always a sunk cost and never relevant unless it happens to be the same as the current purchase price.

5 The relevant cost of labour

6 Make versus buyMaking the decision on financial grounds

A product should be made in­house if the relevant cost of making the product in­house is less than the cost of buying the product externally.

Spare capacity exists

Unless stated otherwise in the question, it should be assumed that there is spare capacity.

No spare capacity exists

The relevant cost of making the product in­house = the variable cost of internal manufacture plus any fixed costs directly related to that product.

The relevant cost of making the product in­house = the variable cost of internal manufacture plus any fixed costs directly related to that product plus the opportunity cost of internal manufacture (e.g. lost contribution from another product).

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A factory’s entire machine capacity is used to produce essential components. The production costs of using the machines are as follows.

If all component production was outsourced, then the machines could be used to produce other items that would generate additional contribution of $50,000. Assume the fixed costs will still be incurred if production is outsourced.

What is the maximum price that the company should be willing to pay to the outside supplier for the components?

$ Variable 30,000Fixed 50,000

——— Total 80,000


Robust Ltd makes four components A, B, C and D and the associated annual costs are as follows:

A B C D Production volume (units) 1,500 3,000 5,0007,000Unit variable costs $ $ $ $Direct materials 4 4 5 5Direct labour 8 8 6 6Variable production overheads 2 1 4 5

––– ––– ––– ––– Total 14 13 15 16Fixed costs directly attributable are: 3,000 6,00010,0007,000The unit prices of an external supplier are: 12 16 20 24

Determine whether any of the components should be bought in from the external supplier.

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 2


Illustration 1 ­ Make or buy

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Other issues to consider

In addition to the relative cost of buying externally compared to making in­house, management must consider a number of other issues before a final decision is made.

• Reliability of external supplier: can the outside company be relied upon to meet the requirements in terms of: – quantity required

– quality required

– delivering on time

– price stability

• Specialist skills: the external supplier may possess some specialist skills that are not available in­house.

• Alternative use of resource: outsourcing will free up resources which may be used in another part of the business.

• Social: will outsourcing result in a reduction of the workforce? Redundancy costs should be considered.

• Legal: will outsourcing affect contractual obligations with suppliers or employees?

• Confidentiality: is there a risk of loss of confidentiality, especially if the external supplier performs similar work for rival companies.

• Customer reaction: do customers attach importance to the products being made in­house?

KRS Ltd is considering whether to administer its own purchase ledger or to use an external accounting service. It has obtained the following cost estimates for each option:

Internal service department

Cost Volume Purchase hardware/software $320 paHardware/software maintenance $750 paAccounting stationery $500 paPart­time account clerk $6,000 paExternal services Processing of invoices/credit notes $0.50 per document 5,000 paProcessing of cheque payments $0.50 per cheque 4,000 paReconciling supplier accounts $2.00 per supplier

per month 150 suppliers

chapter 5


Test your understanding 3 ­ Additional question on make vs buy

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Determine the cost effectiveness of outsourcing the accounting activities and identify the qualitative factors involved.

7 Shut­down decisions

Part of a business, for example a department or a product, may appear to be unprofitable. The business may have to make a decision as to whether or not this area should be shut down.

The quantifiable cost or benefit of closure

The relevant cash flows associated with closure should be considered. For example:

If the relevant benefits are greater than the relevant costs of closure then closure may occur. However, before a final decision is made the business should also consider the non­quantifiable factors discussed below.

Non­quantifiable costs and benefits of closure

• the lost contribution from the area that is being closed (= relevant cost of closure)

• savings in specific fixed costs from closure (=relevant benefit of closure)

• known penalties and other costs resulting from the closure, e.g. redundancy, compensation to customers (=relevant cost of closure)

• any known reorganisation costs (= relevant cost of closure)

• any known additional contribution from the alternative use for resources released (= relevant benefit of closure).

• Some of the costs and benefits discussed above may be non­quantifiable at the point of making the shut­down decision: – penalties and other costs resulting from the closure (e.g.

redundancy, compensation to customers) may not be known with certainty.

– reorganisation costs may not be known with certainty.

– additional contribution from the alternative use for resources released may not be known with certainty

• Knock­on impact of the shut­down decision. For example, supermarkets often stock some goods which they sell at a loss. This is to get customers through the door, who they then hope will purchase other products which have higher profit margins for them. If the decision is taken to stop selling these products, then the customers may no longer come to the store.

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The management of Fiona Co is considering the closure of one of its operations, department 3, and the financial accountant has submitted the following report.

Additional information:

As management accountant, you further ascertain that, on a cost driver basis:

Department 1 2 3 Total Sales (units) 5,000 6,000 2,000 13,000 Sales ($) 150,000 240,000 24,000 414,000Cost of sales ($)Direct material 75,000 150,000 10,000 235,000Direct labour 25,000 30,000 8,000 63,000Production overhead 5,769 6,923 2,308 15,000

–––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– Gross profit ($) 44,231 53,077 3,692 101,000Expenses ($) 15,384 18,461 6,155 40,000

–––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– Net profit ($) 28,847 34,616 (2,463) 61,000

–––––– –––––– –––––– ––––––

• production overheads of $15,000 have been apportioned to the three departments on the basis of unit sales volume

• expenses are head office overheads, again apportioned to departments on sales volume.

• 50% of the production overheads can be directly traced to departments and so could be allocated on the basis 2:2:1.

• Similarly 60% of the expenses can be allocated 3:3:2, with the remainder not being possible to allocate.

• 80% of the so­called direct labour is fixed and cannot be readily allocated. The remaining 20% is variable and can be better allocated on the basis of sales volume.

(a) Restate the financial position in terms of the contribution made by each department and, based on these figures, make a clear recommendation.

(b) Discuss any other factors that should be considered before a final decision is made.

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Test your understanding 4

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8 One­off contracts

When a business is presented with a one­off contract, it should apply relevant costing principles to establish the cash flows associated with the project.

The minimum contract price = the total of the relevant cash flows associated with the contract.

If the contract price does not cover these cash flows then it should be rejected.

Mr Smith has been asked to quote a price for a special contract. He has already prepared his tender but has asked you to review it for him.

He has pointed out to you that he wants to quote the minimum price as he believes this will lead to more lucrative work in the future.

Mr Smith’s tender

$Material: A 2,000 kgs @ $10 per kg 20,000

B 1,000 kgs @ $15 per kg 15,000C 500 kgs @ $40 per kg 20,000D 50 litres @ $12 per litre 600

Labour: Skilled 1,000 hrs @ $25 per hr 25,000Semi­skilled 2,000 hrs @ $15 per hr


Unskilled, 500 hrs @ $10 per hr 5,000Fixed overheads 3,500 hrs @ $12 per hr 42,000Costs of preparing the tender:Mr Smith's time 1,000other expenses 500Minimum profit (5% of total costs)


——— Minimum tender price 166,825


Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Additional example on shut­down decisions

Test your understanding 5

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Other information

Material A

Material B

Material C

Material D

Skilled labour

• 1,000 kgs of this material is in stock at a cost of $5 per kg.

• Mr Smith has no alternative use for his material and intends selling it for $2 per kg.

• However, if he sold any he would have to pay a fixed sum of $300 to cover delivery costs.

• The current purchase price is $10 per kg.

• There is plenty of Material B in stock and it cost $18 per kg.

• The current purchase price is $15 per kg.

• The material is constantly used by Mr Smith in his business.

• The total amount in stock of 500 kgs was bought for $10,000 some time ago for another one­off contract that never happened.

• Mr Smith is considering selling it for $6,000 in total or using it as a substitute for another material, constantly used in normal production.

• If used in this latter manner it would save $8,000 of the other material.

• Current purchase price is $40 per kg.

• There are 100 litres of this material in stock.

• It is dangerous and if not used in this contract will have to be disposed of at a cost to Mr Smith of $50 per litre.

• The current purchase price is $12 per litre.

• Mr Smith only hires skilled labour when he needs it.

• $25 per hour is the current hourly rate.

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Semi­skilled labour

Unskilled labour

Fixed overheads

Costs of preparing the tender



Calculate and explain for Mr Smith what you believe the minimum tender price should be.

• Mr Smith has a workforce of 50 semi­skilled labourers who are currently not fully utilised.

• They are on annual contracts and the number of spare hours currently available for this project are 1,500. Any hours in excess of this will have to be paid for at time­and­a­half.

• The normal hourly rate is $15 per hour.

• These are currently fully employed by Mr Smith on jobs where they produce a contribution of $2 per unskilled labour hour.

• Their current rate is $10 per hour, although extra could be hired at $20 an hour if necessary.

• This is considered by Mr Smith to be an accurate estimate of the hourly rate based on his existing production.

• Mr Smith has spent 10 hours working on this project at $100 per hour, which he believes is his charge­out rate.

• Other expenses include the cost of travel and research spent by Mr Smith on the project.

• This is Mr Smith’s minimum profit margin which he believes is necessary to cover 'general day­to­day expenses of running a business'.

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Additional example on one­off contracts

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9 Further processing decisions

A further processing decision will be tested in the context of joint products in the exam.

Revision of joint product costing

Joint product costing was introduced in paper F2:

The basis of apportionment of joint costs to products is usually one of the following:

• Joint products arise where the manufacture of one product inevitably results in the manufacture of other products.

• The specific point at which individual products become identifiable is known as the split­off point.

• Costs incurred before the split­off point are called joint costs and must be shared between joint products produced.

• After separation products may be sold immediately or may be processed further. Any further processing costs are allocated directly to the product on which they are incurred.

(i) Sales value of production (also known as 'market value')

(ii) Production units

(iii) Net realisable value.

Products A and B are two joint products with information as follows:

(a) Apportionment by production units

Kgs produced Kgs sold Selling Price per kg Joint costProduct A 100 80 $5

$750Product B 200 150 $2

Joint cost $750 —————— = —— = $2.50 per kg for A and BKgs produced 300

chapter 5


Illustration 2 ­ Valuation of joint products

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Trading results are as follows:

The production ratio is 100 : 200 which means that in order to obtain 1 kg of A , it is necessary to produce 2 kgs of B. For exam purposes, you should assume that the ratio of output is fixed.

(b) Apportionment by market value at point of separation

Trading results:

Note that the apportionment is on the basis of proportionate sales value of production; Profit per unit will be the same (with a small rounding difference.)

Product A Product B Total Sales 80 x $5.00 $400 150 x $2.00 $300 $700Cost of Sales 80 x $2.50 ($200) 150 x $2.50 ($375) ($575) ——— ——— ——— Profit / (loss) $200 ($75) $125 ——— ——— ———Value of closing stock 20 x $2.50 $50 50 x $2.50 $125

Sales Value of production

Proportion Joint cost apportionment

Per kg

A : 100 x $5

$500 5/9 $417 $4.17

B : 200 x $2

$400 4/9 $333 $1.67

——— 750 ———

A B Total Sales 400 300 700Cost of sales 333.6 250.5 585.1Profit 66.4 49.5 114.9Profit / Sales ratio 16.6% 16.5% Closing inventory (20 x 4.17) = $83 (50 x $1.67) = $83

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


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(c) Apportionment by Net Realisable Value

This approach should be used in situations where the sales value at the split­off point is not known ­ either because the product is not saleable, or if the examiner does not tell us.

Further information is needed:

Apportionment of joint costs:

Further processing costs

Selling price after further processing

Product A $280 + $ 2.00 per kg $8.40Product B $160 + $1.40 per kg $4.50

Product A

Product B

Final Sales Value of Production (100 x $8.40; 200 x $4.50)

$840 $900

Further Processing Cost (280 + 100 x $2; 160 + 200 x$1.40)

$480 $440

——— ——— Net Realisable value $360 $460 ­——— ——— Joint cost apportionment (360;460) 329 421 Joint cost per kg $3.29 $2.10 Trading results (for common process only) Sales $700Joint Costs $750 less closing inventory A : 20 x $3.29 $66 B : 50 x $2.10 $105 ——— 171 ——— Cost of sales $579 ——Profit $121 ——

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The following is relevant for a production process for Period 1:

The process produces joint products A and B, which are then sold at the prices given below. The output figure represents all of the output from the process:


Calculate the cost of sales, and gross profit for products A and B assuming:

Direct material Cost $10,000Direct Labour Cost $5,000Overheads $3,000Total costs $18,000

Product A Product BUnits of Output 2,000 8,000Price per Unit $5 $2.50

(i) joint costs are apportioned by market value;

(ii) joint costs are apportioned by production units.

Further processing decision

When deciding whether to process a product further or to sell after split­off only future incremental cash flows should be considered:

• Any difference in revenue and any extra costs.

• Joint costs are sunk at this stage and thus not relevant to the decision.

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 6

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A firm makes three joint products, X, Y and Z, at a joint cost of $400,000. Joint costs are apportioned on the basis of weight. Products X and Z are currently processed further.

An opportunity has arisen to sell all three products at the split­off point for the following prices.

Which of the products, if any, should the firm process further?

Product Weight at Further processing costs Sales split­off (variable) (tonnes) $000 $000


600 200 200

800 ­


980 120 600


$200,000 $120,000 $160,000

chapter 5


Test your understanding 7

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10 Chapter summary

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


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Test your understanding answers

(a) The salary is a relevant cost of £12,000. Do not be fooled by the mention of the fact that it is a fixed cost, it is a cost that is relevant to the decision to proceed with the future development of the new product. This is an example of a directly attributable fixed cost. A directly attributable fixed cost may also be called a product­specific fixed cost.

(b) The £2,500 additional running costs are relevant to the decision to purchase the new machine. The saving in overhead absorption is not relevant since we are not told that the total overhead expenditure will be altered. The saving in labour cost would be relevant but we shall assume that this has been accounted for in determining the additional monthly running costs.

(c) This is not a relevant cost for next month since it will be incurred even if the contract is cancelled today. If a decision is being made to close the office, this cost cannot be included as a saving to be made next month. However, it will be saved in the months after that so it will become a relevant cost saving from month 2 onwards.

(d) This is not a relevant cost of the decision to continue with the contract. The £75 is sunk and cannot be recovered even if the company does not proceed with the negotiations.

chapter 5


Relevant costs

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100% capacity = 102,000 ÷ 0.85 = 120,000 units Spare capacity amounts to 18,000 units. So there is sufficient slack to meet the new order.

Variable costs = £330,000 less £75,000

= £255,000

Variable cost per unit

= £255,000 ÷ 102,000 = £2.50

Contribution per unit from existing product = £3.25 – £2.50 = £0.75

Contribution per unit from new product = £2.80 – £2.50 = £0.30

£Increase in contribution from new product:

£0.30 × 12,000 units 3,600Fall in contribution from existing product:

£0.75 × (12,000 ÷ 15) × 2 £0.75 × 1,600 (1,200)

Net Gain in contribution 2,400

A B C D $ $ $ $Buy externally ­ unit price 12 16 20 24 Make in­house ­ unit variable cost 14 13 15 16 ­ unit fixed cost 2 2 2 1 –– –– –– –– ­ total 16 15 17 17 –– –– –– –– Saving/ (loss) through making in­house ­4 1 3 7 –– –– –– ––

Robust Ltd should buy in component A since it would achieve savings of $4 per unit or $6,000 pa. Buying in any of the other components would increase its costs.

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 2

Test your understanding 1 ­ Opportunity cost

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Annual internal processing costs Hardware and software $320Hardware/software annual maintenance $750Accounting stationery $500Part time accounts clerk $6,000

–––––– Total $7,570

–––––– Annual outsourcing costsProcessing of invoices/credit notes $2,500 5,000 × $0.50Processing of cheque payments $2,000 4,000 × $0.50Reconciling supplier accounts $3,600 150 × $2 × 12

–––––– Total $8,100


It would not be cost effective to outsource the accounting activities. The present costs of $7,570 would rise to $8,100 pa

Qualitative factors include:

• predicted volumes ­ higher volumes will make outsourcing more expensive

• the quality of supply ­ will the external supplier make more errors?

• security of information.

chapter 5


Test your understanding 3 ­ Additional question on make vs buy

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (152)

(a) First of all we must restate the figures so that they present the situation in its true light. Only relevant cash flows should be considered. This will enable each department to be readily evaluated on its locally controllable performance.


Department 1 2 3 Total Sales volume (units) 5,000 6,000 2,000 13,000Sales value ($) 150,000240,000 24,000 414,000Cost of sales: ($)Direct material 75,000150,000 10,000 235,000Direct labour (note 1) 4,846 5,815 1,939 12,600Prodn overhead (note 2) 3,000 3,000 1,500 7,500Expenses (note 3) 9,000 9,000 6,000 24,000

–––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– Contribution ($) 58,154 72,185 4,561 134,900Other costs ($):Labour (note 4) (50,400)Overhead (note 5) (7,500)Expenses (note 6) (16,000)

–––––– Net profit 61,000


(1) 80% of the labour cost is fixed and is therefore excluded from the contribution calculation. The remaining 20% has been allocated on the basis of sales volume.

(2) Only 50% of the production overheads can be directly allocated to the departments. This has been allocated in the ratio 2:2:1.

(3) Only 60% of the expenses can be directly traced to the departments. This has been allocated in the ratio 3:3:2.

(4) Fixed cost of labour is 80%.

(5) This is the remaining 50% of overheads that can't be allocated to departments.

(6) This is the remaining 40% of expenses that can't be allocated to departments.

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 4

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From the restated figures department 3 should be kept open since:

– The department is making a contribution of $4,561 to the overall profit of the business.

– The apparent loss arises purely from inappropriate apportionment of overheads and expenses.

– If the department were closed: – there would be a loss of $4,561 contribution to the business


– on the assumption there would be no further saving on fixed costs, the profit would be reduced to $56,439.

(b) Consideration must be given to the following factors which may be non­quantifiable at present:

– Redundancy costs or costs relating to the disposal of equipment if department 3 is closed.

– The possible loss of business due to products from department 3 being unavailable to customers who buy from other departments at the same time.

– The reorganisation costs that may arise from the closure of department 3.

– Additional benefits of closure of department 3 such as labour and machinery being used to generate contribution elsewhere in the business.

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$ $ Material A 1,000 kgs @ $2 – $300 1,700(note 1) 1,000 kgs @ $10 10,000

——— 11,700

Material B (note 2) 1,000 kgs @$15 15,000 Material C (note 3) 500 kgs – opportunity cost 8,000 Material D (note 4) 50 litres @ $50 (2,500) Skilled labour (note 5) 1,000 hrs @ $25 25,000 Semi­skilled labour (note 6)

500 hrs @ $22.50 11,250

Unskilled labour (note 7) 500 hrs @ $12 (opportunity cost)

6,000 ———

Minimum tender price = total of relevant cash flows 74,450 ———


Option 1 – Sell it for $6,000.

Option 2 – Use it as a substitute and save $8,000.

Option 2 is preferable. This is therefore the opportunity cost of using it in the contract.

(1) There are 1,000 kgs in stock and these will not be replaced. These would otherwise be sold at a net gain of $1,700. This gain is therefore foregone as a result of using this material in the contract. The other 1,000 kgs are out of stock and therefore the relevant cost is the current purchase price of $10 per kg.

(2) The material is in stock but will be replaced and therefore the relevant cost is the current purchase price of $15 per kg.

(3) The material is in stock and there are two options if this material is not used for the contract:

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 5

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(4) The material is in stock and will not be replaced. The cost of disposing of 50 litres will be saved (@ $50/litre, i.e. $2,500). Saving this cost is a relevant benefit.

(5) The incremental cost of paying for the labour needed.

(6) 1,500 spare hours have already been paid for as the workforce are on annual contracts. The additional cash flow is therefore the extra 500 hours that are needed at time­and­a­half.

(7) For each hour diverted from their normal jobs contribution of $2 will be foregone. This together with the cost of paying the workers to do the project amounts to a relevant cost of $12 per kg. They would not be hired at $20 per hour as this is more expensive.

(8) Fixed overheads can be ignored as they are not incremental.

(9) Costs of preparing the tender are all sunk costs and hence must be ignored.

(10)Profit element should be ignored since a minimum contract price is being calculated.

(a) Market value basis


(b) Production units basis

Product A Product B Total Sales value $10,000 $20,000 $30,000Joint costs apportioned (W1) $6,000 $12,000 $18,000Gross Profit $4,000 $8,000 $12,000

10,000 Joint costs allocated to Product A = ——— × $18,000 = $6,000 30,000 20,000 Joint costs allocated to Product B = ——— × $18,000 = $12,000 30,000

Product A Product B Total Sales value $10,000 $20,000 $30,000Joint costs apportioned (W1) $3,600 $14,400 $18,000Gross Profit $6,400 $5,600 $12,000

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Test your understanding 6

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Total output units = 2,000 + 8,000 = 10,000

2,000 Joint costs allocated to Product A = ——— × $18,000 = $3,600 10,000

8,000 Joint costs allocated to Product B = ——— × $18,000 = $14,400 10,000

The pre­separation (i.e. “joint”) costs are not incremental and so can be ignored. The only incremental cash flows are as follows:

Thus only Z should be processed further.

Product X Y Z $000 $000 $000Additional revenue from further processing 780 n/a 440Additional costs from further processing 800 n/a 400 ––––––– ––––––– Benefit/ (cost) of further processing (20) 40 ––––––– –––––––

Make or buy and other short-term decisions


Test your understanding 7

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (157)

Risk and uncertaintyChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• describe generally available research techniques to reduce uncertainty, e.g. focus groups, market research;

• suggest for a given situation, suitable research techniques for reducing uncertainty;

• explain, using a simple example, the use of simulation;

• explain, calculate and demonstrate the use of expected values and sensitivity analysis in simple decision­making situations;

• for given data, apply the techniques of maximax, maximin and minimax regret to decision making problems including the production of profit tables;

• calculate the value of perfect information;

• calculate the value of imperfect information.




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1 IntroductionRisk and uncertainty

All businesses face risk.

Risk is the variability of possible returns.

Risk management is important in a business. It is the process of understanding and managing the risks that an organisation is inevitably subject to.

Distinction between risk and uncertainty

Risk: there are a number of possible outcomes and the probability of each outcome is known.

For example, based on past experience of digging for oil in a particular area, an oil company may estimate that they have a 60% chance of finding oil and a 40% chance of not finding oil.

Uncertainty: there are a number of possible outcomes but the probability of each outcome is not known.

For example, the same oil company may dig for oil in a previously unexplored area. The company knows that it is possible for them to either find or not find oil but it does not know the probabilities of each of these outcomes.

Risk and uncertainty


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2 Other methods of dealing with risk and uncertainty

In addition to the research techniques discussed, the following methods can be used to address risk or uncertainty.

Each method will be reviewed in turn.

• Sensitivity analysis

• Simulation

• Expected values

• Maximax, maximin and minimax regret

• Decision Trees

3 Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis takes each uncertain factor in turn, and calculates the change that would be necessary in that factor before the original decision is reversed. Typically, it involves posing 'what­if' questions.

By using this technique it is possible to establish which estimates (variables) are more critical than others in affecting a decision.

The process is as follows:

• Best estimates for variables are made and a decision arrived at.

• Each of the variables is analysed in turn to see how much the original estimate can change before the original decision is reversed. For example, it may be that the estimated selling price can fall by 5% before the original decision to accept a project is reversed.

• Estimates for each variable can then be reconsidered to assess the likelihood of the estimate being wrong. For example, what is the chance of the selling price falling by more than 5%?

• The maximum possible change is often expressed as a percentage.This formula only works for total cash flows. It cannot be used for individual units, selling prices, variable cost per unit, etc.

chapter 6


Types of measurement research

Motivational research techniques

The use of research techniques to reduce uncertainty

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (160)

A manager is considering a make v buy decision based on the following estimates:

You are required to assess the sensitivity of the decision to the external purchase price.


Step 1: What is the original decision?

Comparing contribution figures, the product should be bought in and re­badged:

Step 2: Calculate the sensitivity (to the external purchase price)

For indifference, the contribution from outsourcing needs to fall to $5 per unit. Thus the external purchase price only needs to increase by $1 per unit (or $1/ $6 = 17%). If the external purchase price rose by more than 17% the original decision would be reversed.

If made in­house If buy in and re­badge $ $

Variable production costs 10 2External purchase costs ­ 6Ultimate selling price 15 14

If made in­house If buy in and re­badge $ $

Contribution 5 6

Strengths of sensitivity analysis

• There is no complicated theory to understand.

• Information will be presented to management in a form which facilitates subjective judgement to decide the likelihood of the various possible outcomes considered.

• It identifies areas which are crucial to the success of the project. If the project is chosen, those areas can be carefully monitored.

Risk and uncertainty


Illustration 1 ­ Sensitivity analysis

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4 Weaknesses of sensitivity analysis

• It assumes that changes to variables can be made independently, e.g. material prices will change independently of other variables. Simulation allows us to change more than one variable at a time.

• It only identifies how far a variable needs to change; it does not look at the probability of such a change.

• It provides information on the basis of which decisions can be made but it does not point to the correct decision directly.

5 Simulation

Simulation is a modelling technique that shows the effect of more than one variable changing at the same time.

It is often used in capital investment appraisal.

The Monte Carlo simulation method uses random numbers and probability statistics. It can include all random events that might affect the success or failure of a proposed project ­ for example, changes in material prices, labour rates, market size, selling price, investment costs or inflation.

The model identifies key variables in a decision : costs and revenues, say. Random numbers are then assigned to each variable in a proportion in accordance with the underlying probability distribution. For example, if the most likely outcomes are thought to have a 50% probability, optimistic outcomes a 30% probability and pessimistic outcomes a 20% probability, random numbers, representing those attributes, can be assigned to costs and revenues in those proportions.

A powerful computer is then used to repeat the decision many times and give management a view of the likely range and level of outcomes. Depending on the management's attitude to risk, a more informed decision can be taken.

This helps to model what is essentially a one­off decision using many possible repetitions. It is only of any real value, however, if the underlying probability distribution can be estimated with some degree of confidence.

The MP Organisation is an independent film production company. It has a number of potential films that it is considering producing, one of which is the subject of a management meeting next week. The film which has been code named CA45 is a thriller based on a novel by a well respected author.

chapter 6


Illustration 2 ­ The MP Organisation

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The expected revenues from the film have been estimated as follows: there is a 30% chance it may generate total sales of $254,000; 50% chance sales may reach $318,000 and 20% chance they may reach $382,000.

Expected costs (advertising, promotion and marketing) have also been estimated as follows: there is a 20% chance they will reach approximately $248,000; 60% chance they may get to $260,000 and 20 % chance of totalling $272,000.

In a Monte Carlo simulation, these revenues and costs could have random numbers assigned to them:

A computer could generate 20­digit random numbers such as 98125602386617556398. These would then be matched to the random numbers assigned to each probability and values assigned to 'Sales Revenues' and 'Costs' based on this. The random numbers generated give 5 possible outcomes in our example:

Sales Revenue


Assign Random Numbers (assume integers)

$254,000 0.30 00­29 $318,000 0.50 30­79$382,000 0.20 80­99


$248,000 0.20 00­19$260,000 0.60 20­79$272,000 0.20 80­99

Random number

Sales revenue in $000

Random Number

Costs in $000


98 382 12 248 13456 318 02 248 7038 318 66 260 5817 254 55 260 (6)63 318 98 272 46

Risk and uncertainty


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A business is choosing between two projects, project A and project B. It uses simulation to generate a distribution of profits for each project.


Which project should the business invest in?


Project A has a lower average profit but is also less risky (less variability of possible profits).

Project B has a higher average profit but is also more risky (more variability of possible profits).

There is no correct answer. All simulation will do is give the business the above results. It will not tell the business which is the better project.

If the business is willing to take on risk, they may prefer project B since it has the higher average return.

However, if the business would prefer to minimise its exposure to risk, it would take on project A. This has a lower risk but also a lower average return.

chapter 6


Illustration 3 ­ Simulation

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Drawbacks of simulation

There are major drawbacks of simulation:

• It is not a technique for making a decision, only for obtaining more information about the possible outcomes.

• Models can become extremely complex.

• The time and costs involved in their construction can be more than is gained from the improved decisions.

• Probability distributions may be difficult to formulate.

Assess the use of simulation for a chain of betting shops.

6 Expected values (EVs)

An expected value is a weighted average of all possible outcomes. It calculates the average return that will be made if a decision is repeated again and again. In other words, it is obtained by multiplying the value of each possible outcome (x), by the probability of that outcome (p), and summing the results.

The formula for the expected value is EV = Σpx

Returns from a new restaurant venture depend on whether a competitor decides to open up in the same area. The following estimates are made:

Competitor opens up Probability (p) Project NPV (x) px $ $

Yes 0.3 (10,000) (3,000)No 0.7 20,000 14,000 ––––––– EV = 11,000 –––––––

Since the expected value shows the long run average outcome of a decision which is repeated time and time again, it is a useful decision rule for a risk neutral decision maker. This is because a risk neutral investor neither seeks risk or avoids it; he is happy to accept an average outcome.

Risk and uncertainty


Illustration 4 – Calculating EVs

Test your understanding 1

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Advantages and disadvantages of EVs



• Takes uncertainty into account by considering the probability of each possible outcome and using this information to calculate an expected value.

• The information is reduced to a single number resulting in easier decisions.

• Calculations are relatively simple.

• The probabilities used are usually very subjective.

• The EV is merely a weighted average and therefore has little meaning for a one­off project.

• The EV gives no indication of the dispersion of possible outcomes about the EV, i.e. the risk.

• The EV may not correspond to any of the actual possible outcomes.

Pay­off tables

A profit table (pay­off table) can be a useful way to represent and analyse a scenario where there is a range of possible outcomes and a variety of possible responses. A pay­off table simply illustrates all possible profits/losses.

Geoffrey Ramsbottom runs a kitchen that provides food for various canteens throughout a large organisation. A particular salad is sold to the canteen for $10 and costs $8 to prepare. Therefore, the contribution per salad is $2.

Based upon past demands, it is expected that, during the 250­day working year, the canteens will require the following daily quantities:

On 25 days of the year 40 saladsOn 50 days of the year 50 saladsOn 100 days of the year 60 saladsOn 75 days 70 saladsTotal 250 days

chapter 6


Illustration 5 ­ Geoffrey Ramsbottom

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The kitchen must prepare the salad in batches of 10 meals. Its staff has asked you to help them decide how many salads it should supply for each day of the forthcoming year.

7 Maximax, maximin and minimax regret

When probabilities are not available, there are still tools available for incorporating uncertainty into decision making.


The maximax rule involves selecting the alternative that maximises the maximum pay­off achievable.

This approach would be suitable for an optimist, or 'risk­seeking' investor, who seeks to achieve the best results if the best happens.

Following up from the pay­off table example, Geoffrey Ramsbottom's table looks as follows:

The manager who employs the maximax criterion is assuming that whatever action is taken, the best will happen; he/she is a risk­taker. How many salads will he decide to supply?

Daily demand

Daily Supply Probability 40

salads 50

salads 60

salads 70

salads 40

salads0.10 $80 $0 ($80) ($160)

50 salads

0.20 $80 $100 $20 ($60)

60 salads

0.40 $80 $100 $120 $40

70 salads

0.30 $80 $100 $120 $140

Risk and uncertainty


Illustration 6 ­ The Maximax rule

Solution ­ Geoffrey Ramsbottom


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A company is choosing which of three new products to make (A, B or C) and has calculated likely pay­offs under three possible scenarios (I, II or III), giving the following pay­off table.


Using maximax, which product would be chosen?

Profit (loss) Product chosen Scenario A B C


20 40 50

80 70 (10)

10 100 40


The maximin rule involves selecting the alternative that maximises the minimum pay­off achievable. The investor would look at the worst possible outcome at each supply level, then selects the highest one of these. The decision maker therefore chooses the outcome which is guaranteed to minimise his losses. In the process, he loses out on the opportunity of making big profits.

This approach would be appropriate for a pessimist who seeks to achieve the best results if the worst happens.


Using the information from the previous TYU apply the maximin rule to decide which product should be made.

chapter 6


Test your understanding 2 ­ Applying maximax

Test your understanding 3 ­ Applying maximin

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Following up from the pay­off table example, Geoffrey Ramsbottom's table looks as follows:

How many salads should we supply, using the Maximin rule?

Daily demand

Daily Supply Probability 40

salads 50

salads 60

salads 70

salads 40

salads0.10 $80 $0 ($80) ($160)

50 salads

0.20 $80 $100 $20 ($60)

60 salads

0.40 $80 $100 $120 $40

70 salads

0.30 $80 $100 $120 $140

The minimax regret rule

The minimax regret strategy is the one that minimises the maximum regret. It is useful for a risk­neutral decision maker. Essentially, this is the technique for a ‘sore loser’ who does not wish to make the wrong decision.

‘Regret’ in this context is defined as the opportunity loss through having made the wrong decision.

Risk and uncertainty


Illustration 7 ­ The 'Maximin' rule


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Following up from the pay­off table example, Geoffrey Ramsbottom's table looks as follows :

How many salads should we decide to supply if the minimax regret rule is applied?

Daily demand

Daily Supply Probability 40

salads 50

salads 60

salads 70

salads 40

salads0.10 $80 $0 ($80) ($160)

50 salads

0.20 $80 $100 $20 ($60)

60 salads

0.40 $80 $100 $120 $40

70 salads

0.30 $80 $100 $120 $140

8 Decision trees

A decision tree is a diagrammatic representation of a multi­decision problem, where all possible courses of action are represented, and every possible outcome of each course of action is shown.

Decision trees should be used where a problem involves a series of decisions being made and several outcomes arise during the decision­making process. Decision trees force the decision maker to consider the logical sequence of events. A complex problem is broken down into smaller, easier to handle sections.

The financial outcomes and probabilities are shown separately, and the decision tree is ‘rolled back’ by calculating expected values and making decisions.

chapter 6


Illustration 8 ­ The 'Minimax Regret' rule


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Three step method

Step 1: Draw the tree from left to right, showing appropriate decisions and events / outcomes.

Some common symbols can be used: a square is used to represent a decision point (i.e. where a choice between different courses of action must be taken. A circle is used to represent a chance point. The branches coming away from a circle with have probabilities attached to them. All probabilities should add up to '1'.

Label the tree and relevant cash inflows/outflows and probabilities associated with outcomes.

Step2: Evaluate the tree from right to left carrying out these two actions:

Step 3: Recommend a course of action to management.

(a) Calculate an EV at each outcome point.

(b) Choose the best option at each decision point.

A university is trying to decide whether or not to advertise a new post­graduate degree programme.

The number of students starting the programme is dependent on economic conditions:

If the programme is advertised and economic conditions are poor, there is a 65% chance that the advertising will stimulate further demand and student numbers will increase to 50. If economic conditions are good there is a 25% chance the advertising will stimulate further demand and numbers will increase to 25 students.

• If conditions are poor it is expected that the programme will attract 40 students without advertising. There is a 60% chance that economic conditions will be poor.

• If economic conditions are good it is expected that the programme will attract only 20 students without advertising. There is a 40% chance that economic conditions will be good.

Risk and uncertainty


Decision trees

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The profit expected, before deducting the cost of advertising, at different levels of student numbers are as follows:


Demonstrate, using a decision tree, whether the programme should be advertised.

Number of students Profit in $ 15 (10,000)20 15,00025 40,00030 65,00035 90,00040 115,00045 140,00050 165,000

9 The value of perfect information

In many questions the decision makers receive a forecast of a future outcome (for example a market research group may predict the forthcoming demand for a product). This forecast may turn out to be correct or incorrect. The question often requires the candidate to calculate the value of the forecast.

Perfect information The forecast of the future outcome is always a correct prediction. If a firm can obtain a 100% accurate prediction they will always be able to undertake the most beneficial course of action for that prediction.

Imperfect information The forecast is usually correct, but can be incorrect. Imperfect information is not as valuable as perfect information.

The value of information (either perfect or imperfect) may be calculated as follows: Expected Profit (Outcome) WITH the information LESS Expected Profit (Outcome) WITHOUT the information

chapter 6


Answer ­ University advertising decision tree

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A new ordering system is being considered, whereby customers must order their salad online the day before. With this new system Mr Ramsbottom will know for certain the daily demand 24 hours in advance. He can adjust production levels on a daily basis.

How much is this new system worth to Mr Ramsbottom?

10 The value of imperfect information

Perfect information is only rarely accessible. In fact, information sources such as market research or industry experts are usually subject to error. Market research findings, for example, are likely to be reasonably accurate ­ but they can still be wrong.

Therefore, our analysis must extend to deal with imperfect information. The question is as follows : how much would it be worth paying for such imperfect information, given that we are aware of how right or wrong it is likely to be?

(a) You have the mineral rights to a piece of land that you believe may have oil underground. There is only a 10% chance that you will strike oil if you drill, but the profit is $200,000.

It costs $10,000 to drill. The alternative is not to drill at all, in which case your profit is zero.

Should you drill? Draw a decision tree to represent your problem.

Draw a decision tree and calculate the value of imperfect information for this geologist. If the geologist charges $7,000, would you use her services?

(b) Before you drill, you may consult a geologist who can assess the promise of the piece of land. She can tell you whether the prospects are good or poor, but she is not a perfect predictor. If there is oil, the probability that she will say there are good prospects is 95%. If there is no oil, the probability that she will say prospects are poor is 85%.

Risk and uncertainty



The Value of Imperfect Information

Test your understanding 4 ­ Geoffrey Ramsbottom

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11 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

Simulation would be particularly useful on an operational level for analysing the possible implications of a single event, such as a major horse race or football match:

Simulation could also be used for wider strategic analysis such as for assessing the possibility and implications of stricter anti­gambling legislation.

• Possible outcomes are easy to identify (e.g. win, lose, draw, 2­1,3­0, etc)

• Quoted odds can help estimate probabilities

• The outcomes of the simulation could be used to assess impact on cash flow, whether bets should be laid off with other betting agents to reduces risk, etc

Using maximax, an optimist would consider the best possible outcome for each product and pick the product with the greatest potential.

Here C would be chosen with a maximum possible gain of 100.

• Using maximin, a pessimist would consider the poorest possible outcome for each product and would ensure that the maximum pay­off is achieved if the worst result were to happen.

• Therefore, product A would be chosen resulting in a minimum pay­off of 20 compared to a minimum pay­off of 10 for products B and C.

Risk and uncertainty


Test your understanding 2 ­ Applying maximax

Test your understanding 1

Test your understanding 3 ­ Applying maximin

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X P Supply = demand Pay off Probability px

40 $80 0.1 850 $100 0.2 2060 $120 0.4 4870 $140 0.3 42 –––––––– 118E.V. with perfect information = $118

E.V. without perfect information (Working 1) = $90 ––––––––

Value of perfect information $28 per day ––––––––

Working 1 :

According to the pay­off table from Illustration 5, the Expected Value of Profits if 40 salads are supplied can be calculated as (0.10 x $80) + (0.20 x $80) + (0.40 x $80) + (0.30 x $80) = $80.

Likewise :

Profits are therefore maximised at 50 salads and amount to $90.

EV ('50 salads daily supply') = ($0 x 10%) = $0+($100 x 20%) = $20+($100 x 40%) = $40+($100 x 30%) = $30 $90

EV ('60 salads daily supply') = (­ $80 x 10%) = ($8)+ ($20 x 20%) = $4+($120 x 40%) = $48+($120 x 30%) = $36 $80

EV ('70 salads daily supply') = (­ $160 x 10%) = ($16)+ (­ $60 x 20%) = ($12)+ ($40 x 40%) = $16+($140 x 30%) = $42 $30

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Test your understanding 4 ­ Geoffrey Ramsbottom

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Risk and uncertainty


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BudgetingChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain why organisations use budgeting

• explain how budgetary systems fit within the performance hierarchy

• describe the factors which influence behaviour at work

• discuss the issues surrounding setting the difficulty level for a budget

• explain the benefits and difficulties of the participation of employees in the negotiation of targets

• explain how corporate and divisional objectives may differ and can be reconciled

• identify and resolve conflicting objectives, explaining the implications of the conflict and method of resolution.

• explain and evaluate ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ budgetary systems; ‘rolling’, ‘activity­based’, 'incremental' and 'zero­based' budgetary systems.

• explain and evaluate ‘feed­forward’ budgetary control

• select and justify an appropriate budgetary system for a given organisation

• describe the information used in various budgetary systems and the sources of the information needed

• explain the difficulties of changing a budgetary system and type of budget used

• explain how budget systems can deal with uncertainty in the environment

• explain the major benefits and dangers in using spreadsheets in budgeting.




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1 Purpose of budgets

A budget is a quantitative plan prepared for a specific time period. It is normally expressed in financial terms and prepared for one year.

Budgeting serves a number of purposes:

A budgeting process forces a business to look to the future. This is essential for survival since it stops management from relying on ad hoc or poorly co­ordinated planning.

Actual results are compared against the budget and action is taken as appropriate.

The budget is a formal communication channel that allows junior and senior managers to converse.

The budget allows co­ordination of all parts of the business towards a common corporate goal.

Responsibility accounting divides the organisation into budget centres, each of which has a manager who is responsible for its performance. The budget may be used to evaluate the actions of a manager within the business in terms of the costs and revenues over which they have control.

• Planning

• Control

• Communication

• Co­ordination

• Evaluation



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The budget may be used as a target for managers to aim for. Reward should be given for operating within or under budgeted levels of expenditure. This acts as a motivator for managers.

The budget acts as a formal method of authorisation to a manager for expenditure, hiring staff and the pursuit of plans contained within the budget.

Managers may be involved in setting the budget. Extra responsibility may motivate the managers. Management involvement may also result in more realistic targets.

• Motivation

• Authorisation

• Delegation

2 Budgets and performance management

Budgets contribute to performance management by providing benchmarks against which to compare actual results (through variance analysis), and develop corrective measures. They take many forms and serve many functions, but most provide the basis for :

Budgets give managers "preapproval" for execution of spending plans, and allow them to provide forward looking guidance to investors and creditors. For example, budgets are necessary to convince banks and other lenders to extend credit.

Even in a small business, an robust business plan/budget can often result in anticipating and avoiding disastrous outcomes. Medium and larger organisations invariably rely on budgets. This is equally true in businesses, government, and not­for­profit organizations. The budget provides a formal quantitative expression of expectations. It is an essential facet of the planning and control process. Without a budget, an organisation will be highly inefficient and ineffective.

• detailed sales targets

• staffing plans

• production

• cash investment and borrowing

• capital expenditure

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A wage award for production staff is agreed which exceeds the allowance incorporated in the budget. Discuss whether the performance of the production manager should be linked to the wage cost.

3 The performance hierarchy

As you may recall from paper F1, firms have a planning hierarchy:

The aim is that if a manager achieves short­term budgetary targets (operational plans) then there is more chance of meeting tactical goals and ultimately success for strategic plans.

The achievement of budgetary plans will impact on the eventual achievement of the tactical and strategic plans. However, budgets should also be flexible in order to meet the changing needs of the business.

• Strategic planning is long term, looks at the whole organisation and defines resource requirements. For example, to develop new products in response to changing customer needs.

• Tactical planning is medium term, looks at the department / divisional level and specifies how to use resources. For example, to train staff to deal with the challenges that this new product presents.

• Operational planning is very short term, very detailed and is mainly concerned with control. Most budgeting activities fall within operational planning and control. For example, a budget is set for the new product to include advertising expenditure, sales forecasts, labour and material expenditure etc.

4 Behavioural aspects of budgeting

Individuals react to the demands of budgeting and budgetary control in different ways and their behaviour can damage the budgeting process.

Behavioural problems are often linked to management styles, and include dysfunctional behaviour and budget slack.



Test your understanding 1 ­ Evaluation of managers

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Management styles (Hopwood)

Research was carried out by Hopwood (1973) into the manufacturing division of a US steelworks, involving a sample of more than 200 managers with cost centre responsibility. Hopwood identified three distinct styles of using budgetary information to evaluate management performance.

Management style

Performance evaluation

Behavioural aspects

(1) Budget constrained style

• Manager evaluated on ability to achieve budget in the short term.

• Job related pressure

• May result in short­term decision making at the expense of long term goals.

• Manager will be criticised for poor results. For example, if spending exceeds the limit set.

• Can result in poor working relations with colleagues

• Can result in manipulation of data

(2) Profit conscious style

• Manager evaluated on ability to reduce costs and increase profit in the long term.

• Less job related pressure

• For example, a manager will be prepared to exceed the budgetary limit in the short term if this will result in an increase in long term profit.

• Better working relations with colleagues

• Less manipulation of data

(3) Non­accounting style

• Manager evaluated mainly on non­accounting performance indicators such as quality and customer satisfaction.

• Similar to profit conscious style but there is less concern for accounting information.

• Requires significant and stringent monitoring of performance against budget

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5 Setting the difficulty level of a budget

Budgetary targets will assist motivation and appraisal if they are at the right level.

An expectations budget is a budget set at current achievable levels. This is unlikely to motivate managers to improve but may give more accurate forecasts for resource planning, control and performance evaluation.

An aspirations budget is a budget set at a level which exceeds the level currently achieved. This may motivate managers to improve if it is seen as attainable but may also result in an adverse variance if it is too difficult to achieve. This must be managed carefully.

A manager is awarded a bonus for achieving monthly budgetary targets. State three possible behavioural implications of this policy. What should be done to try to improve the process?

A sales manager has achieved $550,000 of sales in the current year. Business is expected to grow by 10% and price inflation is expected to be 3%.

Suggest a suitable budget target for the forthcoming year.

6 Conflicting objectives

There are many examples of conflicting objectives that occur in budgeting. The illustration below identifies some common conflicts and explains how they can be resolved.



Test your understanding 3

Test your understanding 2

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Type of conflict

Examples Resolution

Company versus division.

• The company wishes to increase shareholder wealth. This should involve the use of NPV but divisions are assessed on accounting targets such as profit.

• Similarly shareholder wealth is determined by the long term but divisions are set short term targets (see below).

• Managers reject projects that dilute divisional performance, even though they beat company targets.

• Some companies try to insist that projects are assessed using NPV but then still impose accounting targets.

• Give managers share options so they focus on shareholder wealth.

• Use performance measures that encourage the division to accept projects which meet or exceed company target. For example, residual income (reviewed in chapter 12)

Division versus division.

• Divisions may compete for limited financial resources when setting budgets.

1 Prioritisation (e.g. using zero based budgeting – covered in chapter 7).

2 Negotiation and compromise.


• Managers cut R&D to hit short term targets but erode long term competences.

• Managers reject projects that are “slow starters” even though they have positive NPV.

1 Use more non­financial indicators that focus on key long term issues such as quality, productivity, etc. (These are discussed in more detail in chapter 11).

2 Link bonuses to longer time periods.

chapter 7


Illustration 1 – Conflicting objects

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Individualism. • The risk of budgetary slack. This is when managers participate in target setting and, as a result, make the budget too easy to achieve.

• Greater scrutiny of budgets.

• Better training of managers.

A manager is planning to retire at the end of the current period. His final bonus is based on the performance of his division for the period.


Suggest some performance management issues this raises and how they can be resolved.

7 Approaches to budgetingIntroduction

There are a number of different budgetary systems:

Each system will be reviewed in turn.

• Top down vs bottom up budgeting

• Incremental budgeting

• Zero­based budgeting (ZBB)

• Rolling budgets

• Activity­based budgeting

• Feed­forward control

Top down and bottom up budgeting

A top down budget is a budget that is set without allowing the ultimate budget holder to have the opportunity to participate in the budgeting process.

A bottom up budget is a system of budgeting in which budget holders have the opportunity to participate in setting their own budgets. Also called participative budgeting.



Test your understanding 4

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Advantages of bottom up budgets

Disadvantages of bottom up budgets

(1) Increased motivation due to ownership of the budget

(1) Senior managers may resent loss of control

(2) Should contain better information since employees most familiar with the department set the budget

(2) Dysfunctional behaviour: budgets may not be in line with corporate objectives as managers lack a strategic perspective and will focus on divisional concerns

(3) Increases manager's understanding and commitment

(3) Bad decisions from inexperienced managers

(4) Better communication between departments

(4) Budget preparation is slow and disputes can arise

(5) Senior managers can concentrate on strategy

(5) Budgetary slack: managers set targets that are too easy to achieve.

Bottom up budgeting is generally seen as preferable because it leads to improved managerial motivation and performance. However, there are situations for which top down budgeting is preferable.

Describe three situations where top down budgeting would be more applicable.

Incremental budgets

An incremental budget starts with the previous period’s budget or actual results and adds (or subtracts) an incremental amount to cover inflation and other known changes.

It is suitable for stable businesses, where costs are not expected to change significantly. There should be good cost control and limited discretionary costs.

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Test your understanding 5

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Advantages of incremental budgets

Disadvantages of incremental budgets

(1) Quickest and easiest method (1) Builds in previous problems and inefficiencies

(2) Suitable if the organisation is stable and historic figures are acceptable since only the increment needs to be justified

(2) Uneconomic activities may be continued. E.g. the firm may continue to make a component in­house when it might be cheaper to outsource.

(3) Managers may spend unnecessarily to use up their budgeted expenditure allowance this year, thus ensuring they get the same (or a larger) budget next year.

AW Inc produces two products, A and C. In the last year (20X4) it produced 640 units of A and 350 units of C incurring costs of $672,000. Analysis of the costs has shown that 75% of the total costs are variable. 60% of these variable costs vary in line with the number of A produced and the remainder with the number of C.

The budget for the year 20X5 is now being prepared using an incremental budgeting approach. The following additional information is available for 20X5:

What is the budgeted total variable cost of products A and C for the full year 20X5?

• All costs will be 4% higher than the average paid in 20X4.

• Efficiency levels will remain unchanged.

• Expected output of A is 750 units and of C is 340 units.



Test your understanding 6

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Zero­based budgeting

A ‘method of budgeting that requires each cost element to be specifically justified, as though the activities to which the budget relates were being undertaken for the first time. Without approval, the budget allowance is zero’

It is suitable for:

There are four distinct stages in the implementation of ZBB:

• allocating resources in areas were spend is discretionary, i.e. non­essential. For example, research and development, advertising and training.

• public sector organisations such as local authorities.

(1) Managers should specify, for their responsibility centres, those activities that can be individually evaluated.

(2) Each of the individual activities is then described in a decision package. The decision package should state the costs and revenues expected from the given activity. It should be drawn up in such a way that the package can be evaluated and ranked against other packages.

(3) Each decision package is evaluated and ranked usually using cost/benefit analysis.

(4) The resources are then allocated to the various packages.

Advantages of ZBB Disadvantages of ZBB (1) Inefficient or obsolete operations

can be identified and discontinued

(1) It emphasises short­term benefits to the detriment of long­term goals.

(2) ZBB leads to increased staff involvement at all levels since a lot more information and work is required to complete the budget

(2) The budgeting process may become too rigid and the organisation may not be able to react to unforeseen opportunities or threats

(3) It responds to changes in the business environment

(3) The management skills required may not be present

(4) Knowledge and understanding of the cost behaviour patterns of the organisation will be enhanced

(4) Managers may feel demotivated due to the large amount of time spent on the budgeting process

(5) Resources should be allocated efficiently and economically

(5) Ranking can be difficult for different types of activities or where the benefits are qualitative in nature

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For a number of years, the research division of Z Inc has produced its annual budget (for new and continuing projects) using incremental budgeting techniques. The company is now under new management and the annual budget for 20X4 is to be prepared using ZBB techniques.

Explain how Z Inc could operate a ZBB system for its research projects.

Rolling budgets

A budget (usually annual) kept continuously up to date by adding another accounting period (e.g. month or quarter) when the earliest accounting period has expired.

Suitable if:

• accurate forecasts cannot be made. For example, in a fast moving environment.

• or for any area of business that needs tight control.

For a number of years, the research division of Z Inc has produced its annual budget (for new and continuing projects) using incremental budgeting techniques. The company is now under new management and the annual budget for 20X4 is to be prepared using ZBB techniques.

Explain how Z Inc could operate a ZBB system for its research projects.



Test your understanding 7

Additional information on decision packages

Test your understanding 8

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Rolling budgets

A budget (usually annual) kept continuously up to date by adding another accounting period (e.g. month or quarter) when the earliest accounting period has expired.

Suitable if:

• accurate forecasts cannot be made. For example, in a fast moving environment.

• or for any area of business that needs tight control.

A typical rolling budget might be prepared as follows:

(1) A budget is prepared for the coming year (say January – December) broken down into suitable, say quarterly, control periods.

(2) At the end of the first control period (31 March) a comparison is made of that period’s results against the budget. The conclusions drawn from this analysis are used to update the budgets for the remaining control periods and to add a budget for a further three months, so that the company once again has budgets available for the coming year (this time April – March).

(3) The planning process is repeated at the end of each three­month control period.

chapter 7


Illustration 2 – Rolling budgets

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Advantages of rolling budgets Disadvantages of rolling budgets

(1) Planning and control will be based on a more accurate budget.

(1) Rolling budgets are more costly and time consuming than incremental budgets

(2) Rolling budgets reduce the element of uncertainty in budgeting since they concentrate on the short­term when the degree of uncertainty is much smaller.

(2) May demotivate employees if they feel that they spend a large proportion of their time budgeting or if they feel that the budgetary targets are constantly changing

(3) There is always a budget that extends into the future (normally 12 months)

(3) There is a danger that the budget may become the last budget 'plus or minus a bit'

(4) It forces management to reassess the budget regularly and to produce budgets which are more up to date.

(4) An increase in budgeting work may lead to less control of the actual results

(5) Issues with version control, as each month the full year numbers will change

(6) Confusion in meetings as to each numbers the business is working towards; this can distract from the key issues. as managers discuss which numbers to achieve

A company uses rolling budgeting and has a sales budget as follows;

Actual sales for Quarter 1 were $123,450. The adverse variance is fully explained by competition being more intense than expected and growth being lower than anticipated. The budget committee has proposed that the revised assumption for sales growth should be 3% per quarter.

Update the budget as appropriate.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total $ $ $ $ $

Sales 125,750 132,038 138,640 145,572 542,000



Test your understanding 9

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Activity Based Budgeting

ABB is defined as: ‘a method of budgeting based on an activity framework and utilising cost driver data in the budget­setting and variance feedback processes’.

Or, put more simply, preparing budgets using overhead costs from activity based costing methodology.

The operating divisions of Z plc have in the past always used a traditional approach to analysing costs into their fixed and variable components. A single measure of activity was used which, for simplicity, was the number of units produced. The new management does not accept that such a simplistic approach is appropriate for budgeting in the modern environment and has requested that the managers adopt an activity­based approach in future.


Explain how ABB would be implemented by the operating divisions of Z plc.

The advantages of ABB are similar to those provided by activity­based costing (ABC).

Disadvantages of ABB

• It draws attention to the costs of ‘overhead activities’ which can be a large proportion of total operating costs.

• It recognises that it is activities which drive costs. If we can control the causes (drivers) of costs, then costs should be better managed and understood.

• ABB can provide useful information in a total quality management (TQM) environment, by relating the cost of an activity to the level of service provided.

• A considerable amount of time and effort might be needed to establish the key activities and their cost drivers.

• It may be difficult to identify clear individual responsibilities for activities.

• It could be argued that in the short­term many overhead costs are not controllable and do not vary directly with changes in the volume of activity for the cost driver. The only cost variances to report would be fixed overhead expenditure variances for each activity.

chapter 7


Test your understanding 10 ­ Preparing an ABB

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Which statement is correct regarding the benefits to be gained from using ABB?

A If there is much inefficiency within the operations of a business then ABB will identify and remove these areas of inefficiency.

B In a highly direct labour intensive manufacturing process, an ABB approach will assist management in budgeting for the majority of the production costs.

C In an organisation currently operating efficiently, where the next period will be relatively unchanged from the current one, then ABB will make the budgeting process simpler and quicker.

D If an organisation produces many different types of output using different combinations of activities then ABB can provide more meaningful information for budgetary control.

Feed­forward control

A feed­forward control system operates by comparing budgeted results against a forecast. Control action is triggered by differences between budgeted and forecasted results.

In contrast, a feedback system would simply compare the actual historical results with the budgeted results.

For example, the graph below shows the feedback and feed­forward system for sales:



Activity matrix

Test your understanding 11

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Advantages of feed­forward control

Disadvantages of feed­forward control

(1) It encourages managers to be proactive and deal with problems before they occur

(1) It may be time consuming as control reports must be produced regularly; and labour­ and time­intensive

(2) Reforecasting on a monthly or continuous basis can save time when it comes to completing a quarterly or annual budget

(2) It may require a sophisticated forecasting system, which could be expensive.

(3) Takes the focus off the day­to­day organisation

A sales manager receives monthly control reports about sales values. The budgeted sales for the year to 31 December are $600,000 in total. At the end of April the manager might receive the following feedback control report.

Alternatively, the sales manager might be presented with a feed­forward control report, as follows:

Sales report for April Month Cumulative

Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Product $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000P1 35 38 3 (F) 90 94 4 (F)P2 20 14 6 (A) 50 39 11 (A)P3 25 23 2 (A) 50 45 5 (A)

–––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– Total 80 75 5 (A) 190 178 12 (A)

–––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– ––––––

Sales report, April Budget Latest forecast

for the year Expected variance

Product $000 $000 $000P1 240 250 10 (F)P2 150 120 30 (A)P3 210 194 16 (A)

–––––– –––––– –––––– Total 600 564 36 (A)

chapter 7


Illustration 3 – Feed­forward control

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The use of a feed­forward control system means that corrective action can be taken to avoid expected adverse variances.

Explain why feed­forward control may be particularly appropriate for the capital expenditure budget.

8 Selecting a suitable budgetary systemIntroduction

As seen, there are many approaches to budgeting and an organisation will wish to select a system which is most appropriate.

Factors, which will determine suitability include:

• type and size of organisation

• type of industry

• type of product and product range

• culture of the organisation.

A hospital operates in a relatively stable financial environment, has a very high proportion of fixed costs and a diverse range of activities. Factors to consider when selecting a suitable budgetary system may be:

• An incremental approach may be suitable for all routine activities. New ventures may use a zero­based approach.

• The fixed costs may need close control and therefore some form of ABB may be appropriate.

• The culture of the organisation may dictate whether a participative or imposed budgeting style is more effective. If there are managers who are trained in budgeting and costs are mainly controllable then it may be preferable to adopt a participative approach to empower and motivate staff. If costs are mainly uncontrollable it may be preferable to use a centrally controlled, imposed budget.



Illustration 4 – Selecting a suitable budgetary system

Test your understanding 12

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Select and justify a suitable budgeting system for a company operating in the mobile phone market.

Information for budgeting

Budgeting requires a great deal of information that can be drawn from many sources.

The main sources of information for budgeting purposes are:

• previous year’s actual results

• other internal sources which may include manager’s knowledge concerning the state of repair of fixed assets, training needs of staff, long­term requirements of individual customers, etc.

• estimates of costs of new products using methods such as work study techniques and technical estimates.

• statistical techniques such as linear regression (chapter 8) may help to forecast sales.

• models, such as the EOQ model, may be used to forecast optimal inventory levels.

• external sources of information may include suppliers' price lists, estimates of inflation and exchange rate movements, strategic analysis of the economic environment.

Describe the sources of information required for a company’s cash budget.

chapter 7


Test your understanding 13

Change factors impacting budgeting

Test your understanding 14

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Changing a budgetary system

A change in the budgetary system could bring about improved planning, control and decision making.

However, before a change is made the following issues should be considered:

• Are suitably trained staff available to implement the change successfully?

• Will changing the system take up management time which should be used to focus on strategy?

• All staff involved in the budgetary process will need to be trained in the new system and understand the procedure to be followed in changing to the new approach. A lack of participation and understanding builds resistance to change.

• All costs of the systems change, e.g. new system costs, training costs, should be evaluated against the perceived benefits. Benefits may be difficult to quantify and therefore a rigorous investment appraisal of the project may be difficult to prepare.

A large holiday complex currently uses incremental budgeting but is concerned about its very high proportion of overhead costs and is considering changing to an activity based budgeting system. Demand follows a fairly predictable seasonal pattern.

Discuss the issues that should be considered before changing to a new budgetary system.



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Dealing with uncertainty in budgeting

Budgets are open to uncertainty. For example, non­controllable factors such as a recession or a change in prices charged by suppliers will contribute to uncertainty in the budget setting process.

There are several techniques available to help deal with uncertainty. These have been discussed before and include:

• Flexible budgets : these are budgets which, by recognising different cost behaviour patterns, are designed to change as the volume of activity changes. Flexible budgets are prepared under marginal costing principles, and so mixed costs are split into their fixed and variable components. This is useful at the control stage : it is necessary to compare actual results to the actual level of activity achieved against the results that should have been expected at this level of activity ­ which are shown by the flexible budget (more on next chapter).

• Rolling budgets: the budget is updated regularly and, as a result, uncertainty is reduced.

• Sensitivity analysis: variables can be changed one at a time and a large number of budgets produced. For example, what would happen if the actual sales volume was only 75% of the budgeted amount?

• Simulation: similar to sensitivity analysis but it is possible to change more than one variable at a time.


A spreadsheet is a computer package which stores data in a matrix format where the intersection of each row and column is referred to as a cell. They are commonly used to assist in the budgeting process.

Advantages of spreadsheets

• Large enough to include a large volume of information

• Formulae and look up tables can be used so that if any figure is amended, all the figures will be immediately recalculated. This is very useful for carrying out sensitivity analysis.

• The results can be printed out or distributed to other users electronically quickly and easily.

• Most programs can also represent the results graphically e.g. balances can be shown in a bar chart:

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Closing cash balances

Disadvantages of spreadsheets:

• Spreadsheets for a particular budgeting application will take time to develop. The benefit of the spreadsheet must be greater than the cost of developing and maintaining it.

• Data can be accidentally changed (or deleted) without the user being aware of this occurring.

• Errors in design, particularly in the use of formulae, can produce invalid output. Due to the complexity of the model, these design errors may be difficult to locate.

• Data used will be subject to a high degree of uncertainty. This may be forgotten and the data used to produce, what is considered to be, an 'accurate' report.

• Security issues, such as the risk unauthorised access (e.g. hacking) or a loss of data (e.g. due to fire or theft).

• Version control issues can arise.

• Educating staff to use spreadsheets / models and which areas /cells to use as inputs can be time consuming.

When producing a master budget manually the major problem is ensuring that any initial entry in the budget or any adjustment to a budget item is dealt with in every budget that is relevant – in effect, budgets need to comply with normal double entry principles to be consistent.

Suppose, for instance, that sales in the last month were expected to rise by $10,000, what adjustments would be necessary?



Illustration 5 – Using spreadsheets in budgeting

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Using spreadsheets all of the above adjustments could be processed automatically if the relevant formulae were set up properly. Receivables, cost of sales, purchases, payables, cash, inventory and profit could change instantly on adjusting sales of month 12.

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9 Chapter summary



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Test your understanding answers

The key point here is that the answer depends on who awarded the pay increase.

If this was the production manager’s decision, then the cost would be controllable. Depending on the culture of the firm, the manager would then be under pressure to explain why they departed from the budget in this instance.

If awarded by, say, the board of directors, then the cost increase was not controllable by the manager and should not feature in their appraisal.

Note: The concept of controllability is important for the exam.

The manager may try to:

The process can be improved by measuring performance against a variety of targets, including non­financial targets, and linking performance to long­term objectives.

• delay discretionary short­term expenditure, e.g. maintenance, at the expense of long­term performance to improve results.

• manipulate results to make sure the relevant targets are achieved.

• incorporate budgetary slack into the targets to make them easier to achieve.

Sales are expected to be $550,000 ×110% × 103% = $623,150. The manager may accept this as a fair target for performance appraisal, planning and control purposes. To encourage the manager to improve further an aspirations target incorporating a further improvement, say to $650,000, could be used and linked to the reward system.

chapter 7


Test your understanding 2

Test your understanding 1 ­ Evaluation of managers

Test your understanding 3

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The key issue is short­termism ­ the manager may act to increase profit for this period (thus increasing his final bonus) without any consideration of longer term implications. These could include:

It will be difficult to link the bonus to a longer time scale as the manager will have retired. Instead a non­accounting style focussing on quality, productivity, brand awareness, market share, etc could be adopted, if not already in place.

• cutting R&D

• cutting marketing expenditure

• cutting back on training

• rejecting projects that do not have high returns in year 1

• sacking non­core staff.

(1) Operational managers may not have the knowledge and experience to set a budget. For example, in a small business only the owner may be involved in all aspects of the business and may therefore set the budget.

(2) In times of crisis there may be insufficient time to set a participative budget and targets may have to be imposed to ensure survival.

(3) Participation has to be genuine for it to result in improved motivation. Pseudo­participation, where senior managers seek the opinions of the ultimate budget holders but do not act on these views, may lead to demotivation.



Test your understanding 5

Test your understanding 4

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Total variable cost Variable cost per unit 20X4: Product A

$672,000 × 75% × 60% = $302,400

$302,000 ÷ 640 units = $472.50

Product C

$672,000 × 75% × 40% = $201,600

$201,600 ÷ 350 units = $576

20X5: Product A

$472.50 × 1.04 × 750 units = $368,550


Product C

$576 × 1.04 × 340 units = $203,674


chapter 7


Test your understanding 6

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Stage 1: Managers should specify the activities that can be evaluated

The managers/researchers responsible for each project should decide which projects they wish to undertake in the forthcoming period. These projects will be a mixture of continued projects and new projects.

Stage 2: Each activity is described in a decision package

For the projects which have already been started and which the managers want to continue in the next period, we should ignore any cash flows already incurred (they are sunk costs), and we should only look at future costs and benefits. Similarly, for the new projects we should only look at the future costs and benefits.

Stage 3: Each decision package is evaluated and ranked

Different ways of achieving the same research goals should also be investigated and the projects should only go ahead if the benefit exceeds the cost.

Stage 4: Resources are allocated to the various packages

Once all the potential projects have been evaluated if there are insufficient funds to undertake all the worthwhile projects, then the funds should be allocated to the best projects on the basis of a cost­benefit analysis.

ZBB is usually of a highly subjective nature. (The costs are often reasonably certain, but usually a lot of uncertainty is attached to the estimated benefits.) This can be shown by the example of a research division where the researchers may have their own pet projects, which they are unable to view in an objective light.



Test your understanding 7

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (205)

Stage 1: Managers should specify the activities that can be evaluated

The managers/researchers responsible for each project should decide which projects they wish to undertake in the forthcoming period. These projects will be a mixture of continued projects and new projects.

Stage 2: Each activity is described in a decision package

For the projects which have already been started and which the managers want to continue in the next period, we should ignore any cash flows already incurred (they are sunk costs), and we should only look at future costs and benefits. Similarly, for the new projects we should only look at the future costs and benefits.

Stage 3: Each decision package is evaluated and ranked

Different ways of achieving the same research goals should also be investigated and the projects should only go ahead if the benefit exceeds the cost.

Stage 4: Resources are allocated to the various packages

Once all the potential projects have been evaluated if there are insufficient funds to undertake all the worthwhile projects, then the funds should be allocated to the best projects on the basis of a cost­benefit analysis.

ZBB is usually of a highly subjective nature. (The costs are often reasonably certain, but usually a lot of uncertainty is attached to the estimated benefits.) This can be shown by the example of a research division where the researchers may have their own pet projects, which they are unable to view in an objective light.

The revised budget should incorporate 3% growth starting from the actual sales figure of Quarter 1 and should include a figure for Quarter 1 of the following year.

Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 Total $ $ $ $ $

Sales 127,154 130,969 134,898 138,945 531,966

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Test your understanding 9

Test your understanding 8

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Step 1 Identify cost pools and cost driversStep 2 Calculate a budgeted cost driver rate based on budgeted

cost and budgeted activityStep 3 Produce a budget for each department or product by

multiplying the budgeted cost driver rate by the expected usage.

D is the correct answer.

Situation A would be best suited by implementing Zero Base Budgeting. Situation B does not require ABB since it has relatively low overheads. Situation C would be suitable for incremental budgeting. ABB will certainly not be quicker.

Capital expenditure is often long­term in nature. It is more useful to compare actual costs to forecast completion costs so that action can be taken when a project is in progress rather than waiting for completion.

The mobile phone market is intensely competitive so a company will need sophisticated systems to gather information about the market and competitors. The market is also fast changing so a rolling budget approach may be suitable to keep budget targets up to date. It will be very important to incorporate the latest information into budgets and a participative approach will be important as production managers and sales managers may have local knowledge which would improve the budgeting process.



Test your understanding 13

Test your understanding 10 ­ Preparing an ABB

Test your understanding 12

Test your understanding 11

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Internal information will be required from the:

External information may be required relating to forecast interest rates, tax rates, payment terms for tax, exchange rates, inflation, etc.

• sales department relating to volume and estimated collection periods

• the production manager will estimate material, labour and overhead usage

• the purchasing manager will estimate material prices and payment terms

• human resources will forecast pay rates, bonus payments and overtime requirements

• the finance office may forecast payments of interest, dividends and general office costs.

An analysis of overheads should be carried out to determine the proportion that have identifiable cost drivers which differ from the normal volume related cost drivers which may be used when carrying out incremental budgeting. If a substantial volume of overhead is non­volume related then implementing ABB may lead to more accurate planning and control.

Issues, which should then be considered include:

• the development or purchase of a suitable computer system to support an ABB process;

• training of staff to operate and interpret the information produced;

• development of an implementation plan and whether this should run in tandem with the existing process for a trial period.

chapter 7


Test your understanding 15

Test your understanding 14

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Quantitative analysisChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain and evaluate the use of high/low analysis to separate the fixed and variable elements of total cost

• explain and evaluate the use of regression analysis to separate the fixed and variable elements of total cost

• explain the use of time series analysis as a forecasting technique

• predict a future value from time series analysis data using both the additive and proportional data

• explain the use of a simple average growth model as a forecasting technique

• explain the use of judgement and experience in forecasting

• explain the learning curve effect

• estimate the learning effect and apply this to a budgetary problem

• calculate production times when the learning curve has reached a steady state

• explain the limitations of the learning curve model.




ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (210)

1 High/low analysis

A method of analysing a semi­variable cost into its fixed and variable elements based on an analysis of historical information about costs at different activity levels.

The fixed and variable costs can then be used to forecast the total cost at any level of activity.

The approach is as follows:

Step 1

Select the highest and lowest activity levels, and their costs.

Step 2

Find the variable cost/unit.

Variable cost/unit = (Cost at high level of activity – Cost at low level activity)/(High level activity – Low level activity)

Step 3

Find the fixed cost, using either the high or low activity level.

Fixed cost = Total cost at activity level — Total variable cost

Step 4

Use the variable and fixed cost to forecast the total cost for a specified level of activity.

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Advantages of high/ low analysis

Disadvantages of high/ low analysis

• The high­low method has the enormous advantage of simplicity.

• It is easy to understand and easy to use.

• It assumes that activity is the only factor affecting costs.

• It assumes that historical costs reliably predict future costs.

• It uses only two values, the highest and the lowest, so the results may be distorted due to random variations in these values.

Cost data for the six months to 31 December 20X8 is as follows:


Use high/low analysis to find the variable cost per unit and the total fixed cost. Forecast the total cost when 500 units are produced.

Month Units Inspection costs $July 340 2,240August 300 2,160September 380 2,320October 420 2,400November 400 2,360December 360 2,280

2 Regression analysis


Regression is another method of forecasting. It involves using historical data to find the line of best fit between two variables (one dependent on the other), and uses this straight line to predict future values.

chapter 8


Test your understanding 1

Additional example on high/low

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A scatter diagram can be drawn:

The dependent variable is y and must always be on the vertical axis, e.g. sales.

The independent variable is x and always goes on the horizontal axis, e.g. advertising spend.

Scatter diagram

The aim is to find the best line (the ‘line of best fit’) through the centre of this diagram.

This straight line can then be used for forecasting, e.g. to forecast sales for any level of advertising spend.

Equation of a straight line

The equation of a straight line is y = a + bx

It can be time consuming to find the values of 'a' and 'b' by drawing the scatter diagram. Instead, the following formulae can be used to find these values.

where n = sample size

(a) is the intercept with the y axis (b) is the gradient or slope

b =[nΣxy – ΣxΣy]/[nΣx2 – (Σx)2]

a =(Σy/n)­(bΣx/n)

Both of these formulae are given in the examination.

Quantitative analysis


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A company has recorded expenditure on advertising and resulting sales for six months as follows:


Month Advertising expenditure Sales x y

$000 $000March 20 170April 40 240May 50 260June 60 300July 30 220August 40 250

(a) Plot the data on a scatter diagram and comment.

(b) Calculate the values of 'a' and 'b' and comment.

(c) What is the equation of the line of best fit?

(d) Forecast sales when advertising expenditure is:

and comment on your answers.

(i) $50,000

(ii) $100,000

Correlation coefficient

The strength of the linear relationship between the two variables (and hence the usefulness of the regression line equation) can be assessed by calculating the correlation coefficient (“r”):

The correlation coefficient will be between ­1 and +1.

• r is close to +1: there is a strong positive correlation between the two variables

chapter 8


Additional example on regression analysis

Test your understanding 2

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The closer the coefficient is to +1 or –1, the better regression analysis will be as a method of forecasting.

Using the data from the previous test your understanding:

Coefficient of determination

The coefficient of determination = r2

It shows the percentage change in the dependent variable, e.g. sales, that can be explained by a change in the independent variable, e.g. advertising spend.

Using the data from the previous test your understanding:

r2 = 0.957

Thus 95.7% of the observed variation in sales can be explained as being due to changes in the advertising spend. This would give strong assurances that the forecasts made using the regression equation are valid.

• r is close to –1: there is a strong negative correlation between the two variables

• r is close to 0: there is little relationship between the two variables

3 Time series analysis

A time series is a series of figures relating to the changing value of a variable over time. The data often conforms to a certain pattern over time. This pattern can be extrapolated into the future and hence forecasts are possible. Time periods may be any measure of time including days, weeks, months and quarters.

Quantitative analysis


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Components of a time series

In examination problems there is generally insufficient data to evaluate the cyclical and residual variations, hence, they are ignored.

The numerical analysis

The additive model

Actual = Trend + Seasonal Variation (SV)

The SV will be expressed in absolute terms.

The multiplicative model

Actual = Trend × SV factor

The SV will be expressed as a percentage, a decimal or an index.

• The trend – this describes the long­term general movement of the data.

• Seasonal variations – a regular variation around the trend over a fixed time period.

• Cyclical variations – economic cycle of booms and slumps.

• Residual variations – irregular, random fluctuations in the data usually caused by factors specific to the time series. They are unpredictable.

• The trend and the seasonal variation will be given in the exam.

• These can be combined, using either the additive or the multiplicative model, and used to forecast future values.

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A company has found that the trend in the quarterly sales of its furniture is well described by the regression equation

Based on the multiplicative model the mean seasonal quarterly index for its furniture sales is as follows:


y = 150 + 10X where y equals quarterly sales ($000) x = 1 represents the first quarter of 20X2 x = 2 represents the second quarter of 20X2 x = 5 represents the first quarter of 20X3, etc.

Quarter 1 2 3 4 Seasonal index 80 110 140 70

(a) Explain the meaning of this regression equation, and set of seasonal index numbers.

(b) Using the regression equation, estimate the trend values in the company’s furniture sales for each quarter of 20X7

(c) Using the seasonal index, prepare sales forecasts for the company’s quarterly furniture sales in 20X7

(d) State what factors might cause your sales forecasts to be in error.

4 Average growth models

Strategic plans may incorporate an objective of a target average growth of profit or sales over a number of years. There may also be requirements for a target average growth rate of productivity over a number of years.

g = average growth rate, as a decimal

n = number of periods of growth

Quantitative analysis


Additional example on time series

Test your understanding 3

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (217)

Sales are forecast to increase, on average, by 2% per quarter. Sales are currently $250,000 pa.


Calculate the budgeted sales figures for each quarter of the forthcoming year.

Calculate the average growth rate given the original and the final figure.

5 The use of judgement and experience in forecasting

Judgement and experience are important in forecasting. The quantitative models available are mainly based on past information and extrapolate these results into the future. Managers will have access to many sources of information to help them judge whether past results are likely to be good predictors of future results.

A regression analysis has been carried out linking sales to advertising expenditure. Managers may use their judgement to modify the forecasts if they know that, for example:

Managers may:

• a competitor has recently launched a new product in the market

• a new advertising medium is to be used

• general forecasts of growth in the economy are less favourable

• consumers view the product as being almost out of date.

• forecast more than one scenario to give a most likely, a pessimistic and an optimistic scenario

• use probabilities, estimated using their own judgement and experience, to determine the expected value of a forecast.

chapter 8


Test your understanding 4

Illustration 1 – Judgement and experience in forecasting

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A manager has forecast the following sales revenues and probabilities based on a given level of advertising.


Calculate the expected value of sales.

Probability Sales revenue ($) Pessimistic 0.1 100,000Most likely 0.6 125,000Optimistic 0.3 140,000

6 Learning curvesIntroduction

As workers become more familiar with the production of a new product, average time (and average cost) per unit will decline.

Wrights Law: as cumulative output doubles, the cumulative average time per unit falls to a fixed percentage (referred to as the learning rate) of the previous average time.

As can be seen on the graph, eventually the curve becomes almost horizontal when many units have been produced, as the learning effect is lost and production time per unit becomes a constant.

Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 5

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Learning curve calculations

The learning curve effect can be calculated by:

Both methods will give the same answer. However, the formula is quicker and easier to use in the exam.

• Method 1: set up a table and reduce the average time by the learning rate each time the output doubles.

• Method 2: using the formula y = axb y = cumulative average time (or average cost) per unit or per batch a = time (or cost) for first unit or batch b = log r/log 2 (r = rate of learning, expressed as a decimal) x = cumulative output in units or in batches

Assume that it has taken 400 direct labour hours to manufacture the first unit of a new product. As in the past for this business it is anticipated that a 75% learning curve will occur.


Set up a table showing:

• The average time taken for the 2nd and the 4th unit.

• The total time taken for 2 units and for 4 units.

Using the information from the previous test your understanding, use the formula to calculate the cumulative average time to produce four units.

chapter 8


Test your understanding 6 ­ Method 1

Test your understanding 7 ­ Method 2

Additional example on method 2

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A Swiss watch making company wishes to determine the minimum price it should charge a customer for a special order of watches. The customer has requested a quotation for 10 watches (1 batch), but might subsequently place an order for a further 10. Material costs are $30 per watch. It is estimated that the first batch of 10 watches will take 100 hours to manufacture and an 80% learning curve is expected to apply. Labour plus variable overhead costs amount to $3 per hour. Setup costs are $1,000 regardless of the number of watches made.


(a) What is the minimum price the company should quote for the initial order if there is no guarantee of further orders?

(b) If the company was then to receive the follow­on order, what would the minimum price of this order be?

(c) What would be the minimum price if both orders were placed together?

(d) Having completed the initial orders for a total of 20 watches (price at the minimum levels recommended in (a) and (b)), the company thinks that there would be a ready market for this type of watch if it brought the unit selling price down to $45. At this price, what would be the profit on the first 140 ‘mass­production’ watches (i.e. after the first 20 watches) assuming that marketing costs totalled $250?

Applications of the learning effect

• Pricing decisions: prices will be set too high if based on the costs of making the first few units.

• Work scheduling: less labour per unit will be required as more units are made. This may have management implications, e.g. workers may be laid off.

• Product viability: the viability of a product may change if a learning effect exists.

• Standard setting: if a product enjoys a learning effect but this effect is ignored, then the standard cost will be too high. The presence of a learning effect can also make standard setting difficult.

• Budgeting: the presence of a learning effect should be taken into account when setting budgets. For example, the labour budget may be reduced by a learning effect but working capital may be required sooner than expected.

Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 8

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The learning curve and the steady state

The learning effect will only apply for a certain range of production.

For example, machine efficiency may restrict further improvements or there may be go­slow arrangements in place.

Once the steady state is reached the direct labour hours will not reduce any further and this will become the basis on which the budget is produced.

The first batch of a new product took 20 hours to produce. The learning rate is 90%.


If the learning effect ceases after 72 batches (i.e. all subsequent batches take the same time as the 72nd), how long will it take to make a grand total of 100 batches?

Limitations of the learning curve model

The model applies if:

It may also be difficult to identify the learning effect in practice.

• the process is labour intensive: modern manufacturing can be very machine intensive. The learning effect will not apply if machines limit the speed of labour.

• there are no breaks in production: a break in production may result in the learning effect being lost.

• the product is new: the introduction of a new product makes it more probable that there will be a learning effect.

• the product is complex: the more complex the product, the more probable that the learning effect will be significant and the longer it will take for the learning effect to reach the steady state.

• the process is repetitive: if the process is not repetitive, a learning effect will not be enjoyed.

chapter 8


The experience curve

Test your understanding 9

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7 Chapter summary

Quantitative analysis


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Test your understanding answers

Step 1: Select the highest and lowest activity levels and their costs Six months to 31/12/X8 Units produced Inspection costs

$Highest month 420 2,400Lowest month 300 2,160

––– ––– Range 120 240

––– –––

Step 2: Find the variable cost per unit

Variable cost per unit = $240/120 = $2 per unit

Step 3: Find the fixed cost

Fixed inspection costs are, therefore:

$2,400 — (420 units × $2) = $1,560 per month

or $2,160 — (300 units × $2) = $1,560 per month

i.e. the relationship is of the form y = $1,560 + $2x.

Step 4: Use these costs to forecast the total costs for 500 units.

Total cost = fixed cost + variable cost

Total cost = $1,560 + ($2 × 500)

Total cost = $2,560

chapter 8


Test your understanding 1

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There appears to be a positive linear relationship between advertising expenditure and sales. The values of 'a' and 'b' can be found using the formulae.


b = ((6 × 60,600) – (240 × 1,440)) ÷ ((6 × 10,600) – 2402) = 18,000 ÷ 6,000 = 3

a = (1,440 ÷ 6) – (3 × (240 ÷ 6)) = 120

This means that when advertising expenditure is zero, sales will be $120,000, and for every $1 spent on advertising, sales will increase by $3.

x y xy x2 y2 20 170 3,400 400 28,90040 240 9,600 1,600 57,60050 260 13,000 2,500 67,60060 300 18,000 3,600 90,00030 220 6,600 900 48,40040 250 10,000 1,600 62,500

–––– ––––– –––––– –––––– –––––– 240 1,440 60,600 10,600 355,000

––––– ––––– –––––– –––––– ––––––

Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 2

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Forecast sales are $270,000

This is an interpolation, i.e. the value for advertising spend is within the sample range of values and is likely to be fairly accurate.

Forecast sales are $420,000

This is an extrapolation, i.e. the value for advertising spend is outside the sample range and may be inaccurate.

(c) Line is: y = 120 + 3x

(d) (i) Advertising is $50,000 x = 50; y = 120 + (3 × 50) = 270

(ii) Advertising is $100,000 x = 100; y = 120 + (3 × 100) = 420

(a) y = 150 + 10x

The 150 represents the trend when x = 0, i.e. the final quarter of 20X1.

The 10 represents the increase in trend each quarter, that is we expect the trend to rise by 10 each quarter.

The seasonal indices can be interpreted as follows:

Quarter 1 = 80. This means that we expect sales to be 80% of the trend value, i.e. 20% below the trend in quarter 1.

Quarter 2 = 110. This means that we expect sales to be 10% above the trend in quarter 2.

Quarter 3 = 140. This means that we expect sales to be 40% above the trend in quarter 3.

Quarter 4 = 70. This means that we expect sales to be 30% below the trend in quarter 4.

chapter 8


Test your understanding 3

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(b) and (c)Quarter x Trend (y = 150 + 10x)

1 21 150 + (10 ×21) = 360 2 22 150 + (10 × 22) = 370 3 23 150 + (10 × 23) = 380 4 24 150 + (10 × 24) = 390

Quarter Trend Seasonal Sales forecast

1 360 80 360 × 0.8 = 2882 370 110 370 × 1.1 = 4073 380 140 380 × 1.4 = 5324 390 70 390 × 0.7 = 273

(d) The two main factors that may cause errors are: (1) Extrapolation error – we may be forecasting too far beyond the

original regression.

(2) We are ignoring any residual variation and cyclical variation. As a result, the forecast may be inaccurate.

Sales ($) Quarter 1 ($250,000/4 × 1.02) 63,750Quarter 2 ($63,750 × 1.02) 65,025Quarter 3 ($65,025 × 1.02) 66,326Quarter 4 ($66,325.5 × 1.02) 67,652

–––––––– $262,753

1 + g = 1.020

g = 0.020 = 2.0%

Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 4

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• The expected value of sales revenue = ( 100,000 × 0.1) + (125,000 × 0.6) + (140,000 × 0.3) = $127,000

• This can be used as the sales figure in the budget.


Cumulative number of units


Cumulative average time per unit (hours)

(1) × (2)

Cumulative total hours

1 400 4002 300 (75% of 400) 6004 225 (75% of 300) 900

Once 2 units have been produced, and the learning process continues, the production of 2 more units will take only (900 – 600), i.e. 300 hours. This represents 150 hours per unit.

• First calculate the exponent b: log r/ log 2, where r is the rate of learning (expressed as a decimal)

b = log 0.75/log 2

= – 0.1249/0.3010

= – 0.4150

Y = 400 × 4– 0.415 = 225 hours (as before)

• Then use the formula, y = axb

chapter 8


Test your understanding 5

Test your understanding 7 ­ Method 2

Test your understanding 6 ­ Method 1

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (228)

(a) Initial order $

Material (10 × $30) 300

Labour and variable overhead (100 × $3) 300

Setting­up cost (see note) 1,000


Total $1,600


Minimum price each ($1,600 ÷ 10) $160


Note: If there is no guarantee of a follow­up order, the setup costs must be recovered on the initial order.

y = axb

y = 100 × 2 ­0.321928

y = 80.00 hours

Costs are therefore:

(b) Follow­on order

– b = log 0.8/ log 2 = – 0.321928

– If production increases to 20 watches (2 batches) then the cumulative average time per batch is:

– i.e. cumulative time for 20 watches (2 batches) = 160 hours

– Therefore, the time taken for the second batch of ten watches = 160 – 100 = 60 hours.

$ Material (10 × $30) 300Labour and variable overhead (60 × $3) 180

–––––– Total 480

–––––– Minimum price each 48


Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 8

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (229)

Note: the set up costs have been recovered on the initial order and can therefore be ignored.

Total costs are:

Note: This is the mean of the two previous prices.

Average time/batch for first 2 batches (i.e. first 20 watches)

= 100 × 2–0.3219 = 80 hours

Total time for first 2 batches = 80 × 2 = 160 hours (as before).

Total time for first 16 batches = 40.96 × 16 = 655.36 hours.

Hence total time for batches 3 to 16 (i.e. the 140 mass­produced units) = (655.36 — 160) hours = 495.36 hours.

(c) Both orders together

$ Material (20 × $30) 600Labour (160 hours x $3) 480Set­up cost 1,000

––––– Total 2,080

––––– Minimum price each 104 –––––

(d) Mass production

– Total production = 20 watches for the special order + 140 watches for mass production = 160 watches or 16 batches.

– y = axb

– Average time per batch for first 16 batches (i.e. first 160 watches) = 100 × 16–0.321928 = 40.96 hours.

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Cost of first 140 mass­production models:

$Material (140 × $30) 4,200Labour and variable overhead (495.36 × $3) 1,486Marketing 250

––––– Total cost 5,936Revenue (140 × $45) 6,300

––––– Profit 364


Step 1: Calculate the cumulative average time for the number of units/ batches at which the learning effect ceases.

b = log 0.9/log 2 = –0.152003

y = axb

Cumulative average time for 72 batches, y is:

y = 20 ×72–0.152003 = 10.44 hrs/batch

Step 2: Calculate the cumulative average time for the number of units/ batches, at which the learning effect ceases, minus 1

x = 71 batches

y = 20 × 71–0.152003 = 10.46 hrs/batch

Quantitative analysis


Test your understanding 9

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (231)

Step 3: Calculate the time taken to make the unit/ batch at which the learning effect ceases.

Step 4: Calculate the total time for the number of units/batches

Batches 1­71 will take 71 × 10.46 = 742.66 hrsBatches 1­72 will take 72 × 10.44 = 751.68 hrs

–––––––– Batch 72 will take 9.02 hrs


Batches 1­72 will take 751.68 hrsBatches 73­100 will take 28 × 9.02 = 252.56 hrs

–––––––– Batches 1­100 will take 1,004.24 hrs


chapter 8


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Quantitative analysis


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (233)

Standard costing and basic variancesChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain the purpose and principles of standard costing

• describe the methods used to derive standard costs

• prepare standards that allow for idle time and waste

• explain how standard costs may be used to flex a budget

• explain and apply the principle of controllability

• calculate the following variances and explain their possible causes: – sales price and volume

– materials total, price and usage

– labour total, rate and efficiency

– variable overhead total, expenditure and efficiency

– fixed overhead total, expenditure, volume, capacity and efficiency

• produce an operating statement to reconcile budgeted and actual profit under standard absorption costing

• produce an operating statement to reconcile budgeted and actual profit or contribution under standard marginal costing

• explain how the learning curve will affect labour variances

• explain the major causes of idle time and waste, suggest methods for their control and calculate their effect on variances

• calculate simple activity­based costing (ABC) variances

• explain whether or not to investigate the cause of a variance.




ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (234)

Standard costing and the basics of variance analysis were encountered in F2. In F5 you will have to cope with the following:

• new variances

• more complex calculations

• discussion of the results and implications of your calculations.

Standard costingWhat is standard costing?

A standard cost for a product or service is a predetermined unit cost set under specified working conditions.

The uses of standard costs

The main purposes of standard costs are:

• control: the standard cost can be compared to the actual costs and any differences investigated.

• performance measurement: any differences between the standard and the actual cost can be used as a basis for assessing the performance of cost centre managers.

Standard costing and basic variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (235)

Suitability of standard costing

Standard costing is most suited to organisations with:

The large scale repetition of production allows the average usage of resources to be determined.

Standard costing is less suited to organisations that produce non­hom*ogenous products or where the level of human intervention is high.

• to value inventories: an alternative to methods such as LIFO and FIFO.

• to simplify accounting: there is only one cost, the standard.

• mass production of hom*ogenous products

• repetitive assembly work

Which of the following organisations may use standard costing?

(i) a bank

(ii) a kitchen designer

(iii) a food manufacturer

(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(b) (i) and (ii) only

(c) (ii) and (iii) only

(d) (i) and (iii) only

Preparing standard costs

A standard cost is based on the expected price and usage of material, labour and overheads.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 1


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (236)

K Ltd makes two products. Information regarding one of those products is given below:

Note: Variable overheads are recovered (absorbed) using hours, fixed overheads are recovered on a unit basis.


Budgeted output/ sales for the year: 900 unitsStandard details for one unit Direct materials 40 square metres at $5.30 per

square metreDirect wages Bonding department: 24 hours at

$5.00 per hour Finishing department: 15 hours at

$4.80 per hourVariable overhead $1.50 per bonding labour hour $1 per finishing labour hourFixed production overhead $36,000Fixed non­production overhead $27,000

(a) Prepare a standard cost card for one unit and enter on the standard cost card the following subtotals: (i) Prime cost

(ii) Variable production cost

(iii) Total production cost

(iv) Total cost.

(b) Calculate the selling price per unit allowing for a profit of 25% of the selling price.

Types of standard

There are four main types of standard:

Attainable standards

• They are based upon efficient (but not perfect) operating conditions.

• The standard will include allowances for normal material losses, realistic allowances for fatigue, machine breakdowns, etc.

• These are the most frequently encountered type of standard.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 2

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (237)

Basic standards

Current standards

Ideal standards

• These standards may motivate employees to work harder since they provide a realistic but challenging target.

• These are long­term standards which remain unchanged over a period of years.

• Their sole use is to show trends over time for such items as material prices, labour rates and efficiency and the effect of changing methods.

• They cannot be used to highlight current efficiency.

• These standards may demotivate employees if, over time, they become too easy to achieve and, as a result, employees may feel bored and unchallenged.

• These are standards based on current working conditions.

• They are useful when current conditions are abnormal and any other standard would provide meaningless information.

• The disadvantage is that they do not attempt to motivate employees to improve upon current working conditions and, as a result, employees may feel unchallenged.

• These are based upon perfect operating conditions.

• This means that there is no wastage or scrap, no breakdowns, no stoppages or idle time; in short, no inefficiencies.

• In their search for perfect quality, Japanese companies use ideal standards for pinpointing areas where close examination may result in large cost savings.

• Ideal standards may have an adverse motivational impact since employees may feel that the standard is impossible to achieve.

Preparing standard costs which allow for idle time and waste

Attainable standards are set at levels which include an allowance for:

• Idle time, i.e. employees are paid for time when they are not working.

• Waste, i.e. of materials.

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ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (238)

The fastest time in which a batch of 20 ‘spicy meat special’ sandwiches has been made was 32 minutes, with no hold­ups. However, work studies have shown that, on average, about 8% of the sandwich makers’ time is non­productive and that, in addition to this, setup time (getting ingredients together etc.), is 2 minutes.

If the sandwich­makers are paid $4.50 per hour, what is the attainable standard labour cost of one sandwich?

Flexible budgeting

Before introducing the concept of flexible budgeting it is important to understand the following terms:

Budgetary control compares actual results against expected results. The difference between the two is called a variance.

The actual results may be better (favourable variance) or worse (adverse variance) than expected.

It can be useful to present these figures in a flexible budget statement. (Note: This is not the same as a flexible budget).

• Fixed budget: this is prepared before the beginning of a budget period for a single level of activity.

• Flexible budget: this is also prepared before the beginning of a budget period. It is prepared for a number of levels of activity and requires the analysis of costs between fixed and variable elements.

• Flexed budget: this is prepared at the end of the budget period. It provides a more meaningful estimate of costs and revenues and is based on the actual level of output.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 3

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (239)

A business has prepared the following standard cost card based on producing and selling 10,000 units per month:

Actual production and sales for month 1 were 12,000 units and this resulted in the following:


Using a flexible budgeting approach, prepare a table showing the original fixed budget, the flexed budget, the actual results and the total meaningful variances.

$ Selling price 10Variable production costs 3Fixed production cost 1 — Profit per unit 6 —

$000 Sales 125Variable production costs 40Fixed production costs 9 —— Total profit 76 ——

Controllability and performance management

A cost is controllable if a manager is responsible for it being incurred or is able to authorise the expenditure.

A manager should only be evaluated on the costs over which they have control.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 4

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (240)

The materials purchasing manager is assessed on:


Discuss whether these costs are controllable by the manager and if they should be used to appraise the manager.

• total material expenditure for the organisation

• the cost of introducing safety measures, regarding the standard and the quality of materials, in accordance with revised government legislation

• a notional rental cost, allocated by head office, for the material storage area.

Explain whether a production manager should be accountable for direct labour and direct materials cost variances.

1 Revision of basic variance analysis

Variance analysis is the process by which the total difference between standard and actual results is analysed.

A number of basic variances can be calculated. If the results are better than expected, the variance is favourable (F). If the results are worse than expected, the variance is adverse (A).

It is important to be able to:

Once the variances have been calculated, an operating statement can be prepared reconciling actual profit to budgeted profit, under marginal costing or under absorption costing principles.

Basic variances can be calculated for sales, material, labour, variable overheads and fixed overheads. Each of these will be reviewed in turn.

– calculate the variance

– explain the meaning of the variance calculated

– identify possible causes for each variance.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 5

Test your understanding 6

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (241)

Sales variances


Note: 'Margin' = contribution per unit (marginal costing) or profit per unit (absorption costing).

W Ltd has budgeted sales of 6,500 units but actually sold only 6,000 units. Its standard cost card is as follows:

$Direct material 25Direct wages 8Variable overhead 4Fixed overhead 18

––– Total standard cost 55Standard gross profit 5

––– Standard selling price 60

––– The actual selling price for the period was $61.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 7 ­ Sales variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (242)


Calculate the sales price and sales volume variance for the period:

(a) Using absorption costing

(b) Using marginal costing

Causes of sales variances Variance Favourable Adverse Sales price Unexpected price increase

due to:Unexpected price decrease due to:

• higher than anticipated customer demand

• lower than anticipated customer demand

• lower than anticipated demand for competitor's products

• higher than anticipated demand for competitor's products

• an improvement in quality or performance

• a reduction in quality or performance

Sales volume Unexpected increase in

demand due to:Unexpected fall in demand due to:

• a lower price • a higher price

• improved quality or performance

• lower quality or performance of the product

• a fall in quality or performance of competitor's products

• an increase in quality or performance of competitor's products

• a successful marketing campaign

• an unsuccessful marketing campaign

Note: The sales price and volume variance may be linked. For example, an increase in the price of a product will result in a favourable sales price variance but may also result in an adverse sales volume variance, due to a fall in demand.

Standard costing and basic variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (243)

Materials variances


James Marshall Co makes a single product with the following budgeted material costs per unit:

2 kg of material A at $10/kg

Actual details:

Output 1,000 units

Material purchased and used 2,200 kg

Material cost $20,900

Calculate material price and usage variances.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 8 ­ Materials variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (244)

Causes of material variances

Note: The material price variance and the material usage variance may be linked. For example, the purchase of poorer quality materials may result in a favourable price variance but an adverse usage variance.

Variance Favourable Adverse Material price • Poorer quality materials

• Discounts given for buying in bulk

• Change to a cheaper supplier

• Incorrect budgeting

• Higher quality materials

• Change to a more expensive supplier

• Unexpected price increase encountered

• Incorrect budgeting

Material usage

• Higher quality materials

• More efficient use of material

• Change is product specification

• Incorrect budgeting

• Poorer quality materials

• Less experienced staff using more materials

• Change in product specification

• Incorrect budgeting

Labour variances


Standard costing and basic variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (245)

Extract from the standard cost card for K Ltd

Calculate the labour rate and labour efficiency variances.

$ Direct labour: (15 hours @ $4.80 per hour) 72 Actual direct wages for the period were:15,500 hours costing $69,750 in total Actual units produced 1,000

Causes of labour variances Variance Favourable Adverse Labour rate • Lower skilled staff • Higher skilled staff

• Cut in overtime/ bonus • Increase in overtime/ bonus

• Incorrect budgeting • Incorrect budgeting

• Unforeseen wage increase

Labour efficiency

• Higher skilled staff • Lower skilled staff

• Improved staff motivation • Fall in staff motivation

• Incorrect budgeting • Incorrect budgeting

Note: The labour rate variance and the labour efficiency variance may be linked. For example, employing more highly skilled labour may result in an adverse rate variance but a favourable efficiency variance.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 9 ­ Labour variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (246)

Variable overhead variances


Extract from the standard cost card for K Ltd

Calculate the variable overhead expenditure and variable overhead efficiency variances.

$ Variable overhead: 15 hours @ $1 per hour 15 Actual variable overheads for the period were: 15,500 hours Total cost $14,900

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 10 ­ Variable overhead variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (247)

Causes of variable overhead variances Variance Favourable Adverse Var. o/h expenditure

• Unexpected saving in cost of services

• Unexpected increase in the cost of services

• More economic use of services

• Less economic use of services

• Incorrect budgeting • Incorrect budgeting

Var. o/h efficiency

• As for labour efficiency • As for labour efficiency

Fixed overhead variances

Marginal costing system

With a marginal costing profit and loss, no overheads are absorbed, the amount spent is simply written off to the income statement.

So with marginal costing the only fixed overhead variance is the difference between what was budgeted to be spent and what was actually spent, i.e. the fixed overhead expenditure variance.

Absorption costing system

Under absorption costing we use an overhead absorption rate to absorb overheads. Variances will occur if this absorption rate is incorrect (just as we will get over/under­absorption).

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So with absorption costing we calculate the fixed overhead expenditure variance and the fixed overhead volume variance (this can be split into a capacity and efficiency variance).


The following information is available for J Ltd for Period 4:


If J Ltd uses an absorption costing system, calculate the following:

Budget Fixed production overheads $22,960Units 6,560The standard time to produce each unit is 2 hours Actual Fixed production overheads $24,200Units 6,460Labour hours 12,600 hrs

(a) FOAR per labour hour

(b) Fixed overhead expenditure variance

(c) Fixed overhead capacity variance

(d) Fixed overhead efficiency variance

(e) Fixed overhead volume variance

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 11 ­ Fixed overhead variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (249)

Causes of fixed overhead variances

Variance Favourable Adverse Fixed o/h expenditure

• Decrease in price • Increase in price

• Seasonal effects • Seasonal effects

Fixed o/h volume

• Increase in production volume

• Decrease in production volume

• Increase in demand • Decrease in demand

• Change is productivity of labour

• Production lost through strikes

Fixed o/h capacity

• Hours worked higher than budget

• Hours worked lower than budget

Fixed o/h efficiency

• As for labour efficiency • As for labour efficiency

Operating statement under absorption costing

The purpose of calculating variances is to identify the different effects of each item of cost/income on profit compared to the expected profit. These variances are summarised in a reconciliation statement or operating statement.

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ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (250)

Proforma operating statement under absorption costing (AC)

$ Budgeted profit XSales volume profit variance X/ (X)


Standard profit on actual sales (= flexed budget profit) XSelling price variance X/ (X)


XCost variances: F A

$ $Material price X (X)Material usage X (X)Labour rate X (X)Labour efficiency X (X)Variable overhead expenditure X (X)Variable overhead efficiency X (X)Fixed production overhead expenditure variance X (X)Fixed production overhead capacity variance X (X)Fixed production overhead efficiency variance X (X) Total X/ (X)

——— Actual profit X


Riki Ltd, produces and sells one product only. The standard cost and price for one unit being as follows:

$Direct material A – 10 kilograms at $12 per kg 120Direct material B – 6 kilograms at $5 per kg 30Direct wages – 5 hours at $8 per hour 40Fixed production overhead 60Total standard cost 250Standard gross profit 50

–––– Standard selling price 300


Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 12 ­ AC operating statement

Illustration 1 – Operating statement under absorption costing

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (251)

The fixed production overhead included in the standard cost is based on an expected monthly output of 750 units. Riki Ltd use an absorption costing system.

During April the actual results were as follows:

Note: Riki Ltd does not hold any inventories.


You are required to reconcile budgeted profit with actual profit for the period, calculating the following variances:

Selling price, sales volume, material price, material usage, labour rate, labour efficiency, fixed overhead expenditure and fixed overhead volume.

$ Sales 700 units @ $320 224,000Direct materials:A: 7,500 Kg 91,500B: 3,500 Kg 20,300Direct wages 3,400 hours 27,880Fixed production overhead 37,000

–––––––– 176,680

–––––––– Gross profit 47,320

Operating statement under marginal costing

The operating statement under marginal costing is the same as that under absorption costing except;

• a sales volume contribution variance is included instead of a sales volume profit variance

• the only fixed overhead variance is the expenditure variances

• the reconciliation is from budgeted to actual contribution then fixed overheads are deducted to arrive at a profit.

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Proforma operating statement under marginal costing (MC)

$Budgeted contribution

(budgeted production × budgeted contn/unit) XSales volume contribution variance X/ (X)

———— Standard contribution on actual sales

(= flexed budget contribution) XSelling price variance X/ (X)

———— X

Variable cost variances: F A $ $ $

Material price X (X)Material usage X (X)Labour rate X (X)Labour efficiency X (X)Variable overhead expenditure X (X)Variable overhead efficiency X (X)Total X (X) X/ (X)

——— Actual contribution X

——— Budgeted fixed production overhead XFixed overhead expenditure variance X/ (X)

———Actual profit X

Standard costing and basic variances


Illustration 2 – Operating statement under marginal costing

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (253)

Chapel Ltd manufactures a chemical protective called Rustnot. The following standard costs apply for the production of 100 cylinders:

The monthly production/sales budget is 10,000 cylinders.

Selling price = $6 per cylinder.

For the month of November the following production and sales information is available:


You are required to prepare an operating statement in a marginal costing format for November detailing all the variances.

$Materials 500 kgs @ $0.80 per kg 400Labour 20 hours @ $1.50 per hour 30Fixed overheads 20 hours @ $1.00 per hour 20


Produced/sold 10,600 cylindersSales value $63,000Materials purchased and used 53,200 kgs $42,500Labour 2,040 hours $3,100Fixed overheads $2,200

2 Further aspects of variancesThe learning curve effect and labour variances

The learning curve model will affect labour variances since:

• The initial standard time taken to produce the item will become rapidly out of date.

• Variances calculated using out of date standards will quickly become meaningless for planning and control.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 13 ­ MC operating statement

Recap of the learning curve

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (254)

A company has introduced a new product which is complex and labour intensive and it is expected that an 80% learning curve applies. The standard cost card for the product, based on estimates for the time required to produce the first unit, includes standard labour time of 100 hours at a cost of $8 per hour.

The first 4 units took 270 hours to produce at a cost of $2,187.


Calculate the labour rate and efficiency variances based on

(a) the initial labour standard

(b) a labour standard for 4 units which takes into account an 80% learning curve effect.

Labour idle time and material waste

Idle time

Idle time occurs when employees are paid for time when they are not working e.g. due to machine breakdown, low demand or stockouts.

If idle time exists an idle time labour variance should be calculated.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 14

Additional example on learning curve effect

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (255)

3 Controlling Idle time

Idle time can be prevented or reduced considerably by :

1. Proper maintenance of tools & machinery 2. Advanced production planning 3. Timely procurement of stores 4. Assurance of supply of power

5. Advance planning for machine utilisation

ZS has a standard time of 0.5 hours per unit, at a cost of $5 per hour. It expects there to be non­productive time equal to 5% of hours paid. The following details relate to the month of December:


Calculate the overall labour efficiency variance and analyse it between productive efficiency and excess idle time variances.

Units produced 5,400Hours paid 3,000Non­productive hours 165Wage cost $15,000Wage rate variance $Nil

chapter 9


Test your understanding 15

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (256)

The following data relates to T plc for the month of January:


Calculate the labour efficiency variance and analyse it between productive efficiency and idle time.

Standard productive time per unit 2 hours Standard wage rate per paid hour $4.00Actual production 1,200 unitsStandard idle time as a percentage of hours paid 4%Actual hours paid 2,600Actual idle time hours 110

Material waste

Material waste may also be a normal part of a process and could be caused by:

Waste would affect the material usage variance. The calculation will be reviewed in the next chapter.

Standard costing and activity­based costing (ABC)

Where materials are not properly controlled, excess stock of some items are likely to occur with a result unnecessary tying up of capital and loss through deterioration and obsolescence. Shortages of other materials may arise at the time when they are urgently needed, and production will then be delayed.

• evaporation

• scrapping

• testing

• As seen in chapter 1, ABC is a method of allocating overhead costs to products using cost drivers.

• Standard costs can be compared to actuals and an overhead expenditure and efficiency variance calculated.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 16 ­ Additional idle time example

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (257)

The purchasing of materials is a highly specialised function, that can control waste by :

Standard costing and activity­based costing (ABC)

(1) Ordering the right quantity and quality of materials at the most favourable price;

(2) Ensuring the material arrives at the right time in the production process;

(3) Take active measures against theft, deterioration, breakage and additional storage costs.

• As seen in chapter 1, ABC is a method of allocating overhead costs to products using cost drivers.

• Standard costs can be compared to actuals and an overhead expenditure and efficiency variance calculated.

The following information relates to H Company's ordering activity for the period:


Calculate the overhead expenditure variance and the overhead efficiency variance for the ordering activity and comment briefly on the meaning of each variance.


Variable overhead expenditure variance

Budget Actual Output Activity level Activity cost

20,000 units 4,000 orders $180,000

21,000 units 3,600 orders $168,000

$Actual orders, 3,600, should cost $45 per order ($180,000/4,000 orders) =


Actual orders, 3,600, did cost 168,000————

Variance 6,000 A————

chapter 9


Illustration 3 – ABC variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (258)

Variable overhead efficiency variance

Orders Actual production, 21,000 units, should use 0.2 orders per unit (4,000/ 20,000) =


Actual production, 21,000 units, did use 3,600 ————Variance 600 F ————Variance = 600 F orders × standard cost of $45 per order = $27,000 F

Each unit used less than 0.2 orders, resulting in a favourable variance.

The following information is also available for H Company's delivery activity for the period:


Calculate the overhead expenditure variance and the overhead efficiency variance for the delivery activity and comment briefly on the meaning of each variance.

Budget Actual Output 20,000 units 21,000 unitsActivity level 200 deliveries 220 deliveriesActivity cost $50,000 $52,800

When should a variance be investigated?

Factors to consider include:


A standard is an average expected cost and therefore small variations between the actual and the standard are bound to occur. These are uncontrollable variances and should not be investigated.

Standard costing and basic variances


ABC Variances ­ Solution

Test your understanding 17 ­ ABC variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (259)

In addition, a business may decide to only investigate variances above a certain amount. The following techniques could be used:

Favourable or adverse

Firms often treat adverse variances as more important than favourable and therefore any investigation may concentrate on these adverse variances.


For investigation to be worthwhile, the cost of investigation must be less than the benefits of correcting the cause of the variance.

Past pattern

Variances should be monitored for a number of periods in order to identify any trends in the variances. A firm would focus its investigation on any steadily worsening trends.

The budget

The budget may be unreliable or unrealistic. Therefore, the variances would be uncontrollable and call for a change in the budget or an improvement in the budgeting process, not an investigation of the variance.

Reliability of figures

The system for measuring and recording the figures may be unreliable. If this is the case, the variances will be meaningless and should not be investigated.

• Fixed size of variance, e.g. investigate all variances over $5,000

• Fixed percentage rule, e.g. investigate all variances over 10% of the budget

• Statistical decision rule, e.g. investigate all variances of which there is a likelihood of less than 5% that it could have arisen randomly.

chapter 9


Methods used when investigating variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (260)

4 Chapter summary

Standard costing and basic variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (261)

Test your understanding answers


A bank and a food manufacturer would have similar repetitive output for which standard costs could be calculated whereas a kitchen designer is likely to work on different jobs specified by the customer.

(a) $ Direct materials (40 × $5.30) 212Direct labour: Bonding (24 hours × $5.00) 120Finishing (15 hours at $4.80) 72

––––– (i) Prime cost 404

Variable overhead: Bonding (24 hours at $1.50 per hour) 36Finishing (15 hours at $1 per hour) 15

––––– (ii) Variable production cost 455

Production overheads ($36,000 ÷ 900) 40 –––––

(iii) Total production cost 495Non­production overheads ($27,000 ÷ 900) 30

––––– (iv) Total cost 525 (b)

Profit ((25/75) × 525) 175 –––––

Price ($525 + $175) 700 –––––

chapter 9


Test your understanding 2

Test your understanding 1

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (262)

Per batch of 20 Ideal time (92%) 32.0 minutesNon­productive idle time (8%) 2.8 minutes

––––––––––– (100%) 34.8 minutesSetup time 2.0 minutes

––––––––––– Total time 36.8 minutesTotal cost @ $4.50/hr $2.76Standard labour cost per sandwich ($2.76/20) $0.138

Original fixed budget

Flexed budget

Actual results

Meaningful variance = flexed – actual

Based on production/ sales of:

10,000 units 12,000 units 12,000 units ­

Sales 10,000 units × $10/ unit = $100,000

12,000 units × $10/ unit = $120,000

$125,000 $5,000 Fav

Variable production cost

10,000 units × $3/ unit = $30,000

12,000 units × $3/ unit = $36,000

$40,000 $4,000 Adv

Fixed production cost

10,000 units × $1/ unit = $10,000 —————

As per original budget = $10,000 —————

$9,000 —————

$1,000 Fav —————

Profit $60,000 —————

$74,000 —————

$76,000 —————

$2,000 Fav —————

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 3

Test your understanding 4

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (263)

The total material expenditure for the organisation will be dependent partly on the prices negotiated by the purchasing manager and partly by the requirements and performance of the production department. If it is included as a target for performance appraisal the manager may be tempted to purchase cheaper material which may have an adverse effect elsewhere in the organisation.

The requirement to introduce safety measures may be imposed but the manager should be able to ensure that implementation meets budget targets.

A notional rental cost is outside the control of the manager and should not be included in a target for performance appraisal purposes.

• The production manager will be responsible for managing direct labour and direct material usage.

• However, the manager may not be able to influence: – the cost of the material

– the quality of the material

– the cost of labour

– the quality of labour

• Performance should be measured against the element of direct cost which the manager can control.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 5

Test your understanding 6

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (264)

Using the three line method :

Sales price variance

(a) Under absorption costing, the variance is calculated using the standard profit per unit.


AQ AP = 6,000 × $61= $366,000 Variance = $6,000 F

AQ SP = 6,000 × $60 = $360,000 Sales volume variance

AQ SM = 6,000 × $5= $30,000 Variance = $2,500 A

BQ SM = 6,500 × $5 = $32,500 Alternative calculations : 6,000 units should have sold for 6,000 x $60 = $360,0006,000 units did sell for for 6,000 x $61 = $366,000Sales price variance $6,000 F Budgeted Sales 6,500

unitsActual Sales 6,000

unitsVariance in units 500 units

A@ standard profit $5 $2,500 A

(b) The sales price variance is the same under marginal costing, but the sales volume variance is calculated using the standard contribution per unit. Here, standard contribution = $60 ­ ($25 +$8 + $4) = $23.

Sales volume variance AQ SM = 6,000 × $23= $138,000

Variance = $11,500 A BQ SM = 6,500 × $23 = $149,500

Alternative calculation :

Budgeted sales = 6,500Actual sales = 6,000

——— Variance 500 A


Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 7 ­ Sales variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (265)

Variance = 500 A units × standard contribution of $23 per unit = $11,500 A

Using the three line method :

Material price variance


AQ AP = $20,900 Variance = $1,100 F

AQ SP = 2,200 kgs × $10 = $22,000 Material usage variance

AQ SP = 2,200 kgs × $10= $22,000 Variance = $2,000 A

SQ SP = 1,000 units x 2kgs × $10 = $20,000 Alternative calculations : 2,200 kgs should have cost 2,200 x $10 $22,0002,200 kgs did cost $20,900Materials price variance $1,100 F 1,000 units of output should have used 1,000 x 2 kgs 2,000 kgs1,000 units of output did use 2,200 kgsTherefore variance is adverse by 200 kgs@ standard cost per kg £10 $2,000 A

chapter 9


Test your understanding 8 ­ Materials variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (266)

Labour rate variance $ Actual hours paid, 15,500 hours, should cost $4.80 per hour 74,400Actual hours paid, 15,500 hours, did cost 69,750 ————Variance 4,650 F ————Labour efficiency variance Hours Actual production, 1,000 units, should take 15 hours per unit 15,000Actual production, 1,000 units, did take 15,500 ———Variance 500 A ———Variance = 500 A hours × standard cost of $4.80 per hour = $2,400 A Labour rate variance ­ three line method AH AR = $69,750

Variance = $4,650 FAH SR = 15,500 × $4.80 = $74,400 Labour efficiency variance ­ three line method AH SR = 15,500 × $4.80 = $74,400

Var. = $2,400 ASH SR = (1,000 × 15 hours) × $4.80 = $72,000

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 9 ­ Labour variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (267)

Variable overhead expenditure variance $ Actual hours paid, 15,500 hours, should cost $1 per hour 15,500Actual hours paid, 15,500 hours, did cost 14,900 ————Variance 600 F ————Variable overhead efficiency variance Hours Actual production, 1,000 units, should take 15 hours per unit 15,000Actual production, 1,000 units, did take 15,500 ————Variance 500 A ————Variance = 500 A hours × standard cost of $1 per hour = $500 A

Variable overhead expenditure variance ­ three line method

AH AR = $14,900 Variance = $600 F

AH SR = 15,500 × $1 = $15,500 Variable overhead efficiency variance ­ three line method

AH SR = 15,500 × $1 = $15,500 Variance = $500 A

SH SR = (1,000 × 15 hours) × $1 = $15,000

chapter 9


Test your understanding 10 ­ Variable overhead variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (268)

(a) FOAR = $22,960 ÷ (6,560 units × 2 hours per unit) = $1.75 per hour

(b) Fixed overhead expenditure variance $

Budgeted fixed overhead 22,960Actual fixed overhead 24,200

————Variance 1,240 A

————Fixed overhead expenditure variance ­ three line method

AH AR = $24,200 Var. = $1,240 A

BH SR = $22,960 (c) Fixed overhead capacity variance

Hours Budgeted hours worked = 2hours × 6,560 units 13,120Actual hours worked 12,600

———Variance 520 A

———Variance in $ = 520A hours × standard FOAR $1.75/hr = $910 A

Fixed overhead capacity variance ­ three line method

BH SR = $22,960 Variance = $910 A

AH SR = 12,600 × $1.75 = $22,050 (d) Fixed overhead efficiency variance

Hours Actual production, 6,460 units, should take 2 hours per unit


Actual production, 6,460 units, did take 12,600 ———

Variance 320 F ———

Variance in $ = 320F hours × standard FOAR per hour $1.75 = $560 F

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 11 ­ Fixed overhead variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (269)

Fixed overhead efficiency variance ­ alternative method

AH SR = 12,600 × $1.75 = $22,050 Variance = $560 F

SH SR = (6,460 × 2) × $1.75 = $22,610 (e) Fixed overhead volume variance

Units Budgeted production 6,560Actual production 6,460

——Variance 100 A

——Variance in $ = 100 A units × standard hours of 2 × standard FOAR per hour $1.75 = $350 A

Fixed overhead volume variance ­ alternative method BH SR = $22,960

Variance = $350 ASH SR = (6,460 × 2) × $1.75 = $22,610

Note: The fixed overhead volume variance of $350A is the total of the capacity and efficiency variances ($910 A + $560 F).

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Material A variances: $ $AQ AP = 91,500Price variance 1,500 (A)AQ SP = 7,500kg × $12 = 90,000Usage variance 6,000 (A)SQ SP = (700 units × 10kg) × $12 = 84,000Material B variances: $ $AQ AP = 20,300Price variance 2,800 (A)AQ SP = 3,500kg × $5 = 17,500Usage variance 3,500 (F)SQ SP = (700units × 6kg) × $5 = 21,000Labour variances: $ $AH AR = 27,880Rate variance 680 (A)AH SR = 3,400 hours × $8 = 27,200Efficiency variance 800 (F)SH SR = (700units × 5 hours) × $8 = 28,000Fixed overhead variances: $ $AH AR = 37,000Expenditure variance 8,000 (F)BH SR = 750units × $60 per unit 45,000Volume variance 3,000 (A)SH SR = 700units × $60 per unit 42,000Sales variances: $ $AQ AP 224,000 Price variance 14,000 (F)AQ SP = 700 units × $300 per unit 210,000 AQ SM = 700 units × $50 per unit 35,000 Volume variance 2,500 (A)BQ SM = 750 units × $50 per unit 37,500

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 12 ­ AC operating statement

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (271)

Operating statement $

Budgeted profit (750 × $50) 37,500Sales volume variance (2,500) ——— Standard profit on actual sales 35,000Selling price variance 14,000 ——— Cost variances: F A

Material price (combined) (4,300) Material usage (combined) (2,500) Labour rate (680) Labour efficiency 800 Fixed overhead expenditure 8,000 Fixed overhead volume (3,000) ——— ——— Total 8,800 10,480 (1,680) ——— Actual profit 47,320 ———

Standard contribution = $6 – $4.30 = $1.70 per cylinder

Sales variances: $ $AQ AP 63,000 Price variance 600 (A)AQ SP = 10,600 units × $6 per unit 63,600 AQ SM = 10,600 units × $1.70 per unit 18,020 Volume variance 1,020 (F)BQ SM = 10,000 units × $1.70 per unit 17,000

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Test your understanding 13 ­ MC operating statement

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Material variances: $ $ AQ AP = 42,500Price variance 60 (F)AQ SP = 53,200kg × $0.80 = 42,560Usage variance 160 (A)SQ SP = (10,600 units × 5kg) × $0.80 = 42,400Labour variances: $ $AH AR = 3,100Rate variance 40 (A)AH SR = 2,040 hours × $1.50 = 3,060Efficiency variance 120 (F)SH SR = (10,600units × 0.2 hours) × $1.50 = 3,180

Operating Statement $ Budgeted contribution (10,000 x $1.70) 17,000Sales volume contribution variance 1,020 F

–––––– Standard contribution on actual sales (10,600×1.70) 18,020Sales price variance (600 A) –––––– 17,420

Variable cost variances: F A $ $ $

Materials price 60 Wages rate 40Materials usage 160Labour efficiency 120

____ ____180 200 (20 A)–––– ––––

–––––– Actual contribution 17,400Budgeted fixed overhead 2,000Fixed overhead expenditure variance (200 A)

–––––– Actual profit 15,200


Standard costing and basic variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (273)


(b) Standard average time per unit for the first 4 units:

y = axb

where b = log r/ log 2

= log 0.8/ log 2

= – 0.32193

y = 100 × 4 – 0.32193

= 64 hours

Standard time for the first 4 units: 64 hours × 4 units = 256 hours

Labour rate variance: This will be unchanged since it is based on actual hours, i.e. 270 hours.

Labour efficiency variance:

Labour variances: $ $AH AR = 2,187Rate variance 27 (A)AH SR = 270 hours × $8 = 2,160Efficiency variance 1,040 (F)SH SR = (4 units × 100 hours) × $8 = 3,200

AH SR (as before) = 2,160Efficiency variance 112 (A)SH SR = 256 hours × $8 = 2,048– The labour efficiency variance is now $112 A

– Taking into account the learning curve effect has changed the labour efficiency variance from $1,040 F to $112 A

– This is because the actual learning rate was slower than expected

– In this type of scenario the firm could consider having different labour standards for different volumes of production.

chapter 9


Test your understanding 14

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (274)

Labour efficiency variance

The expected idle time of 5% should be included in the standard time to produce 1 unit.

This is the same formula that has been used previously but it is important to remember that the hours are always hours paid.

Productive efficiency variance

Hours Actual production, 5,400 units, should take (0.5 hours × 100/95 each) =


Actual production, 5,400 units, did take 3,000 ———Variance 158 A ———Variance = 158 A hours × standard cost of $5 per hour = $790 A Labour efficiency variance ­ alternative method

AH SR = 3,000 × $5 = $15,000 Variance = $790 ASH SR = (5,400 × 0.5 hours × 100/95) × $5 = $14,210

Hours Actual production, 5,400 units, should take 0.5 hours each = 2,700Actual production, 5,400 units, did take (3,000 ­ 165) 2,835 ———Variance 135 A ———For each productive hour worked there will be 5% non­productive time paid. The standard rate per hour should take this into account.

Variance = 135 A hours × (standard cost of $5 per hour × 100/95) = $711 A

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 15

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (275)

Productive efficiency variance ­ alternative method AH SGR = 2,835 × ($5 × 100/95) = $14,921 Variance = $711 ASH SGR = 2,700 × ($5 × 100/95) = $14,210Excess idle time variance HoursExpected idle time (3,000 hours × 5%) = 150Actual idle time 165 —— Variance 15 AFor each productive hour worked there will be 5% non­productive time paid. The standard rate per hour should take this into account.Variance = 15 A hours × (standard cost of $5 per hour × 100/95) = $79 A

Excess idle time variance ­ alternative method AIH SGR = 165 × ($5 × 100/95) = $868.42

Variance = $79 ASIH SGR = 150 × ($5 × 100/95) = $789.47

Labour efficiency variance AH SR = 2,600 × $4 = $10,400 Variance = $400 ASH SR = (1,200 × 2 hours × 100/96) × $4 = $10,000

Productive efficiency variance AH SGR = (2,600 ­ 110) × ($4 × 100/96) = $10,375

Variance = $375 ASH SGR = (1,200 × 2) × ($4 × 100/96) = $10,000 Excess idle time variance AIH SGR = 110 × ($4 × 100/96) = $458.33

Variance = $25 ASIH SGR = (2,600 × 4%) × ($4 × 100/96) = $433.33

chapter 9


Test your understanding 16 ­ Additional idle time example

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (276)

Variable overhead expenditure variance $ Actual deliveries, 220, should cost $250 per delivery ($50,000/200 orders) =


Actual deliveries, 220, did cost 52,800 ——— Variance 2,200 F ——— Each delivery cost less than the standard cost of $250, resulting in a favourable variance.

Variable overhead efficiency variance Deliveries Actual production, 21,000 units, should use 0.01 deliveries per unit (50,000/200) =


Actual production, 21,000 units, did use 220 —— Variance 10 A —— Variance = 10 A deliveries × standard cost of $250 per delivery = $2,500 A

Each unit used more than 0.01 deliveries, resulting in an adverse variance.

Standard costing and basic variances


Test your understanding 17 ­ ABC variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (277)

Advanced variancesChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• define, for a manufacturing company, material mix and yield variances

• calculate, from information supplied, material mix and yield variances

• for given or calculated material mix and yield variances, interpret and explain possible causes, including possible interrelationships between them

• explain, using simple non­numerical examples, the wider issues involved in changing mix, e.g. cost, quality and performance measurement issues

• identify and explain the interrelationship between price, mix and yield, using a simple numerical example

• suggest and justify alternative methods of controlling production processes in manufacturing environments

• using revised standards supplied, calculate a revised budget

• calculate and explain sales mix and quantity variances

• from supplied data, calculate planning and operational variances for sales (including market size and market share)

• from supplied data, calculate planning and operational variances for materials

• from supplied data, calculate planning and operational variances for labour

• identify and explain those factors that, in general, should and should not be allowed to revise an original budget

• explain and resolve the typical manipulation issues in revising budgets.




ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (278)

• describe the dysfunctional nature of some variances in the modern environment of Just­in­time (JIT) and total quality management (TQM)

• describe the major behavioural problems resulting from using standard costs in rapidly changing environments

• discuss the major effects that variances have on staff motivation and action.

Advanced variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (279)

1 Material mix and yieldIntroduction to material mix and yield variances

These are calculated if:

A mix variance is used to monitor the cost of material. For instance, if more of an expensive material has been used and less of a cheap material, then the cost will be higher ­ and the variance adverse.

Method :

• A product contains more than one type of material.

• These materials are interchangeable.

(1) Setup the following table :Material Actual

Quantity, Actual Mix


Actual Quantity,

Standard Mix (AQSM)

Difference @ standard


Variance in $

M1 X kgs M2 Y kgs M3 Z kgs

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A yield variance measures the efficiency of turning the inputs into outputs. If the yield variance is adverse, it suggests that actual input is lower than the expected output. This could be due to labour inefficiencies, higher waste, inferior materials, or using a cheaper mix with a lower yield.

(2) Calculate the total of the AQAM column (in kgs, litres, metres etc) and copy the total across to the next 'AQSM' column :

Material Actual Quantity,

Actual Mix (AQAM)

Actual Quantity,

Standard Mix (AQSM)

Difference @ standard


Variance in $

M1 X kgs M2 Y kgs M3 Z kgs Sum (X+Y+Z) Sum (X+Y+Z)

(3) Share this total 'upwards' into the standard mix, which will be given as a

proportion in the question or in the standard cost card :Material Actual

Quantity, Actual Mix


Actual Quantity,

Standard Mix (AQSM)

Difference @ standard


Variance in $

M1 X kgs A kgs M2 Y kgs B kgs M3 Z kgs C kgs Sum (X+Y+Z) Sum (X+Y+Z)

(4) In the 'difference' column, work line by line and find the difference between the AQSM and the AQAM. The total of the difference should be equal to 0. In the last column, multiply the difference by the standard price to get the mix variance.

Material Actual Quantity,

Actual Mix (AQAM)

Actual Quantity,

Standard Mix (AQSM)

Difference @ standard


Variance in $

M1 X kgs A kgs X ­ A $x $Var.(F/A)M2 Y kgs B kgs Y ­ B $x $Var (F/A)M3 Z kgs C kgs Z ­ C $x $Var (F/A) Sum (X+Y+Z) Sum (X+Y+Z) $ Total


Advanced variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (281)

Method 1 : The 'total' method

Method 2 : The 'individual' method

'SQSM' is the standard quantity of material used for actual production, shared in the standard mix.

Actual output (given) XExpected outputs from actual input XDifference X Multiplied by standard material cost per unit of output $XVariance $X

Material Standard Quantity,

Standard Mix (SQSM)

Actual Quantity,

Standard Mix (AQSM)

Difference @ standard


Variance in $

M1 X kgs A kgs X ­ A $x $Var.(F/A)M2 Y kgs B kgs Y ­ B $x $Var (F/A)M3 Z kgs C kgs Z ­ C $x $Var (F/A) Sum (X+Y+Z) Sum (X+Y+Z) $ Total


A company manufactures a chemical using two components, A and B. The standard information for one unit of the chemical are as follows:

In a particular period, 160 units of the chemical were produced, using 1,000 kgs of material A and 1,460 kgs of material B.


Calculate the material usage, mix and yield variances for each material.

$ Material A 10 kg at $4 per kg 40Material B 20 kg at $6 per kg 120 —— 160 ——

chapter 10


Test your understanding 1 ­ Material mix and yield

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (282)

Interpretation of material mix and yield variances

Mix ­ a favourable total mix variance would suggest that a higher proportion of a cheaper material is being used hence reducing the overall average cost per unit.

Yield ­ an adverse total yield variance would suggest that less output has been achieved for a given input, i.e. that the total input in volume is more than expected for the output achieved.

• These variances may be interrelated. A favourable material mix variance may lead to an adverse material yield variance. This is due to differences in quality between the materials used.

• Any change in mix should be judged by the impact on the overall total materials variance.

• The operating statement would include a separate line for each variance.

Hondru operates a standard costing system. The standard direct materials to produce 1,000 units of output is as follows:

Material grade Input quantity (kgs) Standard price per kg ($)

A 600 1.10B 240 2.40C 360 1.50

During April the actual output of the product was 21,000 units. The actual materials issued to production were:

Material grade


Quantity (kgs) 14,000 5,500 5,500


Calculate the material mix variance for each material, and in total, and calculate the total material yield variance. Comment on the figures calculated.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 2 ­ Additional mix and yield question

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (283)

Pan­Ocean Chemicals has one product, which requires inputs from three types of material to produce batches of Synthon. Standard cost details for a single batch are shown below:

Material type Standard quantity (kgs) Standard price per kg ($) S1 8 0.30S2 5 0.50S3 3 0.40A standard loss of 10% of input is expected. Actual output was 15,408 kgs for the previous week. Details of the material used were:

Material type Quantity (kgs) S1 8,284 S2 7,535 S3 3,334


Calculate the individual material mix and yield and the total usage variance.

Changing the mix – the wider issues

It has already been shown that changing the mix of material input can affect the material yield of the process. It can impact on:

• cost

• quality

• performance measurement.

chapter 10


Test your understanding 3 ­ Mix and yield with material waste

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (284)

A company produces pre­cast concrete sections for the construction industry. The mix of materials used to produce the concrete can be varied and different mixes are suitable for different products. Discuss the issues that management should consider when setting standard material costs.


For each product management should consider the optimum mix of input materials that will maximise profits to the business. This may involve consideration of:

It may be the case that, whilst changing a material mix could lead to an overall favourable material variance this could have an adverse impact on the profitability of the business if prices have to be reduced because of reduced quality or quality failure costs exceed material cost savings. Thus it is important to set the standard mix at the level which optimises profit taking all factors into consideration.

• the relationship between cost, quality and price. Reducing the cost of input materials by using a greater proportion of a cheaper material may reduce the quality of the product and lead to a reduction in the price that can be charged;

• costs of reduced quality. Using a greater proportion of a cheaper input material may lead to higher quality failure costs;

• impact on other variances. Increasing the proportion of a cheaper input material may result in increased labour costs or overhead costs if this leads to more time having to be spent producing a product. Increased rejects may lead to higher overhead costs.

Discuss how the performance measurement system should be designed when the mix of input materials can be varied in a process.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 4

Illustration 1 – Mix and yield: wider issues

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (285)

The control of production processes in manufacturing environments

As well as variances, organisations can also use other performance measures and targets for controlling production processes, e.g.:

• quality measures e.g. reject rate, time spent reworking goods, % waste, % yield

• average cost of inputs

• average cost of outputs

• average prices achieved for finished products

• average margins

• % on­time deliveries

• customer satisfaction ratings.

• detailed timesheets

• % idle time

2 Sales mix and quantity variances

Sales variances can be explained as follows :

(1) Sales price variances are calculated by comparing the actual selling price per unit and the budgeted selling price per unit; each price variance is multiplied by the number of units for each type of product.

(2) A sales volume variance is the difference between the actual number of units sold, and the budgeted number. Each difference is multiplied by the budgeted profit per unit. Sales volume in turns splits into a sales mix variance and a sales quantity variance.

(3) A sales mix variance indicates the effect on profit of changing the mix of actual sales from the standard mix. A Sales Mix variance can be calculated in one of two ways :

(a) The difference between the actual total quantity sold in the standard mix and the actual quantities sold, valued at the standard profit per unit;

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(b) The difference between the actual sales and budgeted sales, valued at the standard profit per unit less the budgeted weighted average profit per unit.

(4) A sales quantity variance indicates the effect on profit of selling a different total quantity from the budgeted total quantity. Like the mix variance, it can be calculated in one of two ways :

(a) The difference between actual sales volume in the standard mix and budgeted sales valued at the standard profit per unit.

(b) The difference between actual sales volume and budgeted sales valued at the weighted average profit per unit.

CABCo operates an absorption costing system and sells three products B, R and K which are substitutes for each other. The following standard selling price and cost data relate to these three products :

Budgeted fixed production overhead for the last period was $81,000. This was absorbed on a machine hour basis. The standard machine hours for each product and the budgeted levels of production and sales for each product for the last period are as follows :

Product Unit Selling Price

Direct Material / unit

Direct Labour / unit

B $14.00 3 kgs @ $1.80 /kg 0.5 hours @ $6.50/ hour

R $15.00 1.25 kgs @ $3.28 / kg

0.8 hours @ $6.50/hour

K $18.00 1.94 kgs @ $2.50 / kg

0.7 hours @ $6.50/hour

Product B R K Standard machine hours per unit 0.3 hours 0.6 hours 0.8 hoursBudgeted production and sales (units) 10,000 13,000 9,000 Actual volumes and selling prices for the three products in the last period were as follows : Product B R K Actual Selling Price per unit $14.50 $15.50 $19.00Actual Production and sales (units) 9,500 13,500 8,500

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 5 ­ Sales mix and quantity variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (287)


Calculate the following variances for overall sales for the last period:

(i) sales price variance

(ii) sales volume profit variance

(iii) sales mix profit variance

(iv) sales quantity profit variance.

3 Planning and operational variancesRevised standards and budgeting

The standard is set as part of the budgeting process which occurs before the period to which it relates. This means that the difference between standard and actual may arise partly due to an unrealistic budget and not solely due to operational factors. The budget may need to be revised to enable actual performance to be compared with a standard that reflects these changed conditions.

Planning and operational variances may be calculated for:

• Sales

• Materials

• Labour

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The operating statement would include a separate line for each variance calculated.

Each of the variances will be reviewed in turn.

Planning and operational variances for sales

The sales volume variance can be sub­divided into a planning and operational variance:

Hudson has a sales budget of 400,000 units for the coming year based on 20% of the total market. On each unit, Hudson makes a profit of $3. Actual sales for the year were 450,000, but industry reports showed that the total market volume had been 2.2 million.

(a) Find the traditional sales volume variance.

(b) Split this into planning and operational variances (market size and market share). Comment on your results.

A company sets its sales budget based on an average price of $14 per unit and sales volume of 250,000 units. Competition was more intense than expected and the company only achieved sales of 220,000 and had to sell at a discounted price of $12.50 per unit. The company was unable to reduce costs so profit per unit fell from $4 per unit to $2.50 per unit. It was estimated that the total market volume grew by 10% from 1,000,000 units to 1,100,000 units.


(a) Calculate the sales price and volume variances.

(b) Analyse the volume variances into market share and market size.

(c) Discuss whether the price variance is a planning or operational variance.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 7 ­ Additional example

Test your understanding 6 ­ Market size and share

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (289)

Revising the budget

When applying planning and operating principles to cost variances (material and labour), care must be taken over flexing the budgets. The accepted approach for use in the exam is to flex both the original and revised budgets to actual production levels:

Note: If pushed for time in the exam, then calculate detailed operating variances but give a single total planning variance for each category.

Rhodes Co manufactures Stops which it is estimated require 2 kg of material XYZ at $10/kg In week 21 only 250 Stops were produced although budgeted production was 300. 450 kg of XYZ were purchased and used in the week at a total cost of $5,100. Later it was found that the standard had failed to allow for a 10% price increase throughout the material supplier’s industry. Rhodes Ltd carries no stocks.

Planning and operational analysis

The first step in the analysis is to calculate:

(1) Actual Results

(2) Revised flexed budget(ex­post).

(3) Original flexed budget (ex­ante).

chapter 10


Illustration 2 – Revising the budget

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (290)

Planning and operational variances for materials

Examiner's article: visit the ACCA website,, to review the examiner's article on this topic (March 2009).

Planning and operational variances can be calculated for materials in the same way as above.

The standard cost per unit of raw material was estimated to be $5.20 per unit. However, due to subsequent improvements in technology, the general market price at the time of purchase was $5.00 per unit. The actual price paid was $5.18 per unit. 10,000 units of the raw materials were purchased during the period.


Calculate the planning and operational materials price variances. Comment on the results.

Holmes Ltd uses one raw material for one of their products. The standard cost per unit at the beginning of the year was $28, made up as follows:

Standard material cost per unit = 7 kg per unit at $4 per kg = $28.

In the middle of the year the supplier had changed the specification of the material slightly due to problems experienced in the country of origin, so that the standard had to be revised as follows:

Standard material cost per unit = 8 kg per unit at $3.80 per kg = $30.40.

The actual output for November was 1,400 units. 11,000 kg of material was purchased and used at a cost of $41,500.


(a) material price and usage variances using the traditional method

(b) all planning and operational material variances.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 9 ­ Price and usage variances

Additional example on revising the budget

Test your understanding 8 ­ Price variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (291)

Planning and operational variances for labour

Planning and operational variances for labour can be calculated in the same way as for materials.

The standard hours per unit of production for a product is 5 hours. Actual production for the period was 250 units and actual hours worked were 1,450 hours. The standard rate per hour was $10. Because of a shortage of skilled labour it has been necessary to use unskilled labour and it is estimated that this will increase the time taken by 20%.


Calculate the planning and operational efficiency variances.

POV Ltd uses a standard costing system to control and report upon the production of its single product. An abstract from the original standard cost card of the product is as follows:

For period 3, 2,500 units were budgeted to be produced and sold but the actual production and sales were 2,850 units.

The following information was also available:

$ $Selling price per unit 200Less: 4 kgs materials @ $20 per kg 80 6 hours labour @ $7 per hour 42

—— 122——

Contribution per unit 78 ——

(1) At the commencement of period 3 the normal material became unobtainable and it was necessary to use an alternative. Unfortunately, 0.5 kg per unit extra was required and it was thought that the material would be more difficult to work with. The price of the alternative was expected to be $16.50 per kg In the event, actual usage was 12,450 kg at $18 per kg

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Test your understanding 11 ­ Additional example

Test your understanding 10

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (292)

After using conventional variances for some time, POV Ltd is contemplating extending its system to include planning and operational variances.

(2) Weather conditions unexpectedly improved for the period with the result that a 50c per hour bad weather bonus, which had been allowed for in the original standard, did not have to be paid. Because of the difficulties expected with the alternative material, management agreed to pay the workers $8 per hour for period 3 only. During the period 18,800 hours were paid for.

(a) Prepare a statement reconciling budgeted contribution for the period with actual contribution, using conventional material and labour variances.

(b) Prepare a similar reconciliation statement using planning and operational variances.

(c) Explain the meaning of the variances shown in statement (b)

When should a budget be revised?

There must be a good reason for deciding that the original standard cost is unrealistic. Deciding in retrospect that expected costs should be different from the standard should not be an arbitrary decision, aimed perhaps at shifting the blame for bad results due to poor operational management or poor cost estimation.

A good reason for a change in the standard might be:

These types of situations do not occur frequently. The need to report planning and operational variances should therefore be an occasional, rather than a regular, event.

If the budget is revised on a regular basis, the reasons for this should be investigated. It may be due to management attempting to shift the blame for poor results or due to a poor planning process.

• a change in one of the main materials used to make a product or provide a service

• an unexpected increase in the price of materials due to a rapid increase in world market prices (e.g. the price of oil or other commodities)

• a change in working methods and procedures that alters the expected direct labour time for a product or service

• an unexpected change in the rate of pay to the workforce.

Advanced variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (293)

Variance analysis in the modern manufacturing environment

Variance analysis may not be appropriate because:

Non­standard products

Standard product costs apply to manufacturing environments in which quantities of an identical product are output from the production process. They are not suitable for manufacturing environments where products are non­standard or are customised to customer specifications.

Standard costs become outdated quickly

Shorter product life cycles in the modern business environment mean that standard costs will need to be reviewed and updated frequently. This will increase the cost of operating a standard cost system but, if the standards are not updated regularly, they will be of limited use for planning and control purposes. The extra work involved in maintaining up­to­date standards might limit the usefulness and relevance of a standard costing system.

Production is highly automated

It is doubtful whether standard costing is of much value for performance setting and control in automated manufacturing environments. There is an underlying assumption in standard costing that control can be exercised by concentrating on the efficiency of the workforce. Direct labour efficiency standards are seen as a key to management control. However, in practice, where manufacturing systems are highly automated, the rates of production output and materials consumption, are controlled by the machinery rather than the workforce.

Ideal standard used

Variances are the difference between actual performance and standard, measured in cost terms. The significance of variances for management control purposes depends on the type of standard cost used. JIT and TQM businesses often implement an ideal standard due to the emphasis on continuous improvement and high quality. Therefore, adverse variances with an ideal standard have a different meaning from adverse variances calculated with a current standard.

Emphasis on continuous improvement

Standard costing and adherence to a preset standard is inconsistent with the concept of continuous improvement, which is applied within TQM and JIT environments.

chapter 10


Pros and cons of revising the budget

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Detailed information is required

Variance analysis is often carried out on an aggregate basis (total material usage variance, total labour efficiency variance and so on) but in a complex and constantly changing business environment more detailed information is required for effective management control.

Monitoring performance is important

Variance analysis control reports tend to be made available to managers at the end of a reporting period. In the modern business environment managers need more ‘real time’ information about events as they occur.

Comment on whether standard costing applies in both manufacturing and service businesses and how it may be affected by modern initiatives of continuous performance improvement and cost reduction.

Standard costs and behavioural issues

Standard costs are set with a view to measuring actual performance against the standard, and reporting variances to the managers responsible. The aims of setting standards include:

Managers and employees might respond in different ways to standard setting.

Factors to consider include:

The type of standard set

Individuals might respond to standards in different ways, according to the difficulty of achieving the standard level of performance.

• setting a target for performance

• motivating the managers responsible to achieve those targets

• holding these managers accountable for actual performance

• perhaps rewarding managers for good performance and criticising them for poor performance.

• Ideal standard: When a standard level of performance is high, e.g. an ideal standard, employees and their managers will recognise that they cannot achieve it. Since the target is not achievable, they might not even try to get near it.

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Test your understanding 12

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The level of participation in standard setting

• Current standard: When the standard of performance is not challenging (e.g. a current standard), employees and their managers might be content simply to achieve the standard without trying to improve their performance.

• Attainable standard: An attainable standard might be set which challenges employees and their managers to improve their performance. If this attainable standard is realistic, it might provide a target that they try to achieve. Some employees will be motivated by this challenge and will work harder to achieve it. However, some employees may prefer standards to be set at a low level of performance, in order to avoid the need to work harder.

• Basic standard: This type of standard may motivate employees since it gives them a long­term target to aim for. However, the standard may become out of date quickly and, as result, may actually demotivate employees.

Arguments in favour of participation

Arguments against participation

It could motivate employees to set higher standards for achievement.

Senior management might be reluctant to share responsibilities for budgeting.

Staff are more likely to accept standards that they have been involved in setting.

The standard­setting process could be time consuming.

Morale and actual performance levels might be improved.

Staff might want to set standards that they are likely to achieve, rather than more challenging targets. They might try to build some ‘slack’ into the budget

Staff will understand more clearly what is expected of them.

The standard­setting process could result in conflicts rather than co­operation and collaboration.

Staff might feel that their suggestions have been ignored.

The use of pay as a motivator

If standards are used as a way of encouraging employees to improve their performance, motivation could be provided in the form of higher pay if targets are reached or exceeded.

However, if employees are offered a bonus for achieving standard costs, this could increase their incentive to set low standards of performance, i.e. include ‘slack’ in the standard cost. Lower standards will increase the probability that the standards will be achieved and a bonus will be earned.

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Which one of the following is not an advantage of participation in standard setting?

(a) The time taken to reach decisions will be quicker via assorted committee meetings.

(b) The quality of decisions should improve with collective decision making.

(c) There will be improved communication between staff.

(d) Staff are more likely to accept standards that they have helped set.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 13

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (297)

4 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

Material A usage variance AQ SP = 1,000 × $4 = $4,000 Variance = $2,400

FSQ SP = (160 units × 10kg/unit) × $4 = $6,400 Material B usage variance AQ SP = 1,460 × $6 = $8,760

Var. = $10,440 FSQ SP = (160 units × 20kg/unit) × $6 = $19,200 Total usage variance = $2,400 + $10,440 = $12,840

Material mix variance

Material yield variance

Material Std mix

Actual material

usage (kgs)

Actual usage @ std mix (kgs)

Mix variance (kgs)

Std cost per kg ($)

Mix variance


A 10/30 1,000 820 180 A 4 720 AB 20/30 1,460 1,640 180 F 6 1,080 F ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 2,460 2,460 0 ­ 360 F ——— ——— ——— ——— ———

Material Std usage for actual output


Actual usage @ std mix (kgs)

Yield variance (kgs)

Std cost per kg ($)

Yield variance

($)A 160 × 10kg =

1,600820 780 F 4 3,120 F

B 160 × 20kg = 3,200

1,640 1,560 F 6 9,360 F

————— ——— ——— ——— ——— 4,800 2,460 2,340 F ­ 12,480 F ————— ——— ——— ——— ———

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 1 ­ Material mix and yield

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (299)

Alternatively, the material yield variance can be calculated in total using the following method:

Total mix and yield variance = $12,480 F + $360 F = $12,840 F (as per the usage variance)

(1) Total input = 1,000 kgs + 1,460 kgs = 2,460 kgs.

This should produce (÷ 30 kgs) 82 units of output(2) 2,460 kgs did produce 160 units of

output ———————(3) Difference = yield variance in units 78 units F

———————(4) Value at the standard cost of $160 per unit

(5) Yield variance $12,480 F

Material mix variance

MaterialStd mix Actual material usage (kgs)

Actual usage @ std mix (kgs)

Mix variance (kgs)

Std cost per kg ($)

Mix variance ($)

A 600/120014,000 12,500 1,500 A 1.10 1,650 AB 240/12005,500 5,000 500 A 2.40 1,200 AC 360/12005,500

——— 7,500 ———

2,000 F ———

1.50 ———

3,000 F ———

25,000 ———

25,000 ———

0 ———

­ ———

150 F ———

chapter 10


Test your understanding 2 ­ Additional mix and yield question

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (300)


The favourable mix variance is due to more of materials A and B being used in place of material C.

Material yield variance


Standard cost per unit = ((600 × $1.10) + (240 × $2.40) + (360 × $1.50)) ÷ 1,000 units = $1.78 per unit


The favourable variance is due to more output being achieved than was expected from the materials input.

(1) Total input of 25,000 kgs should produce.

(÷ 1.2 kgs per unit) 20,833 units of output(2) 25,000 kgs did produce 21,000 units of output

——————— (3) Difference = yield variance in units 167 units F

——————— (4) Value at the standard cost of (Working) $1.78 per unit

(5) Yield variance $297 F

Material mix variance

The material mix variance is not affected by the material wastage and should be calculated in the normal way:

MaterialStd mix

Actual material usage (kgs)

Actual usage @ std mix (kgs)

Mix variance (kgs)

Std cost per kg ($)

Mix variance ($)

S1 8/16 8,284 9,576.5 1,292.5 F 0.30 387.75 FS2 5/16 7,535 5,985.3 1,549.7 A 0.50 774.85 AS3 3/16 3,334 3,591.2 257.2 F 0.40 102.88 F ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 19,153 19,153 0 ­ 284.22 A ——— ——— ——— ——— ———

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 3 ­ Mix and yield with material waste

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (301)

Material yield variance

The yield variance will take account of the material wastage of 10%:

Material usage variance

Total usage variance = $775.08 A + $284.22 A = $1,059.3 A

MaterialStd usage for actual output (kgs)

Actual usage @ std mix (kgs)

Yield variance (kgs)

Std cost per kg ($)

Yield variance ($)

S1 8/16 = 8,560 9,576.5 1,016.5 A 0.30 304.95 AS2 5/16 = 5,350 5,985.3 635.3 A 0.50 317.65 AS3 3/16 = 3,210 3,591.2 381.2 A 0.40 152.48 A ————— ——— ——— ——— ——— 15,408 ×

100/90 = 17,120

19,153 2,033 A ­ 775. 08 A

————— ——— ——— ——— ———

In a performance measurement system managers are often rewarded for improving the performance of cost and/or revenues under their control. The production manager may be responsible for the material mix decision and, if the reward system is based on achieving cost savings, then the cheapest mix may be used. This may have a detrimental effect on company profit if quality is reduced and this leads to a lower price or quality failure costs.

It may therefore be preferable to reward managers on the basis of total company profit so that the full impact of the mix decision is taken into account.

chapter 10


Test your understanding 4

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (302)

Working 1 : OAR

so OAR = $4.50 per machine hour

Working 2 : Standard Profit

Working 3 : Weighted average Standard Profit

Therefore, total sales price variance = $4,750 F + $6,750 F+ $8,500 F = $20,000 F

$81,000OAR = ___________________ 3,000 + 7,800 + 7,200


Materials $5.40 $4.10 $4.85Labour $3.25 $5.20 $4.55Overheads $1.35 $2.70 $3.60Total cost $10 $12.00 $13.00Selling Price $14 $15.00 $18.00Standard Profit $4.00 $3.00 $5.00


Standard Profit $4.00 $3.00 $5.00 ($4 x 10,000 units) + ($3.00 x 13,000 units) + ($5 x 9,000 units)W.A. standard profit

=________________________________________________ 32,000 budgeted units

= $3.875 (i) Sales price variance : B R K Actual Selling Price per unit $14.50 $15.50 $19.00Standard Selling Price per unit $14.00 $15.00 $18.00Variance $1.50 F $0.50 F $1.00 F x 9,500 units x13,500 units x 8,500 unitsTotal variance $4,750 F $6,750 F $8,500 F

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 5 ­ Sales mix and quantity variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (303)

Therefore, total sales volume profit variance = $2,000 A + $1,500 F+ $2,500 A = $3,000 A

Alternative method :

(ii) Sales volume profit variance : B R K Expected volumes 10,000 units 13,000 units 9,000 unitsActual volumes 9,500 units 13,500 units 8,500 unitsVariance 500 units A 500 units F 500 units Ax standard profit $4.00 $3.00 $5.00Total variance $2,000 A $1,500F $2,500 A

(iii) Sales mix profit variance : Standard

Mix Standard

Mix, Actual Quantity

Actual Mix,

Actual Quantity

Difference @ standard



B 10,000

units9,843.75 9,500 units 343.75 F $4 $1,375 F

R 13,000 units

12,796.875 13,500 units

703.125 A $3 $2,109.375 A

K 9,000 units

8,859.375 8,500 units A

359.375 F $5 $1,796.875 F

32,000 31,500 31,500 $1,062.5 A

Standard Profit per


Weighted Average profit

per unit

Difference Difference actual sales /

budgeted sales


B $4 $3.875 $0.125 (500 units) $62.50 AR $3 $3.875 $(0.875) 500 units $437.50 AK $5 $3.875 $1.125 (500 units) $562.50 A $1,062.5 A (iv) Sales quantity profit variance : Standard Mix

Actual Quantity Budgeted

sales Difference Standard

profit per unit Variance

B 9,843.75 10,000 156.25 A $4 $62.50AR 12,796.875 13,000 203.125 A $3 $437.50AK 8,859.375 9,000 140.65 A $5 $562.50A $1,062.5A

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ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (304)

Alternative method :

500 units adverse @ standard profit $3.875 = $1,937.5 Adverse

Budgeted Total Quantity 32,000 unitsActual Total Quantity = 31,500 units

Variance 500 units Adverse

(a) Traditional sales volume variance

= (Actual units sold — Budgeted sales) × Standard profit per unit

= (450,000 — 400,000) × $3 = $150,000 F.

Total sales volume variance = $120,000 F + $30,000 F = $150,000 F


Most of the favourable variance can be attributed to the increase in overall market size. However, some can be put down to effort by the sales force which has increased its share from 20% to 20.5% (450,000/ 2,200,000).

Managers should only be appraised on the operational variance, i.e. the market share variance.

(b) Planning and operational variances The revised (ex­post) budget would show that Hudson Ltd should expect to sell 20% of 2.2 million units = 440,000 units.

Original sales × standard margin = 400,000 × $3= $1,200,000

Market size = $120,000 F

Revised sales × standard margin = 440,000 × $3= $1,320,000

Market share = $30,000 F

Actual sales × standard margin = 450,000 × $3= $1,350,000

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 6 ­ Market size and share

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (305)

(a) Sales price variance

= 220,000 × ($14 — $12.50) = $330,000 A

Sales volume variance

= (250,000 — 220,000) × $4 = $120,000 A

The company would have expected to achieve sales of 25% × 1,100,000 = 275,000 in the actual market conditions.

The market size variance

= (275,000 — 250,000) × $4 = $100,000 F

The market share variance

= (275,000 — 220,000) × $4 = $220,000 A

The increased market size is favourable as the company should sell more if market share can be maintained. The market share variance was adverse as market share fell from 25% to 220,000/1,100,000 = 20%.

(b) Budgeted market share = 250,000/1,000,000 = 25%

(c) It could be argued that the increased competition in the market was not foreseen when the budget was set and the variance is thus a planning variance. However, this line of reasoning would suggest that any unforeseen issues give rise just to planning variances. Perhaps sales managers should have identified potential threats sooner? Also, once extra competition was experienced, managers had to decide how to respond. This could have involved additional advertising rather than price cuts, e.g. it could be argued that price cuts were made to try (unsuccessfully) to protect market share, in which case managers should be held (at least partly) responsible for such a decision.

chapter 10


Test your understanding 7 ­ Additional example

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (306)

AQ x AP : 10,000 X $5.18

= $51,800

> Operational variance $1,800 adverse

AQ x RSP :

10,000 X $5.00

= $50,000

> Planning Variance $2,000 favourable

AQ x SP : 10,000 × $5.20

= $52,000

Operational variance: The cost per unit was higher than the revised budgeted cost resulting in the adverse variance. This variance is controllable by management and should be linked to their performance evaluation

Planning variance: The improvement in technology resulted in a lower price per unit and hence a favourable variance. This is a planning difference and is therefore uncontrollable by management.

A traditional variance calculation would present as follows :

AQ x AP : 10,000 X $5.18 = $51,800 > Price variance $200 FavourableAQ x SP : 10,000 X $5.20 = $52,000

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 8 ­ Price variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (307)

(a) Traditional variances

AQAP = $41,500Price variance $2,500 F

AQSP = 11,000 × $4 = $44,000Usage variance $4,800 A

SQSP = 1400 × 7 × $4 = $39,200

(b) Planning and Operational variances

Price AQ x AP = $41,500 Operational

Variance $300 F

AQ x RSP 11,000 x $3.80 = $41,800 Planning Variance $2,200

F AQ × SP 11,000 x $4 = $44,000


$2,500 F

AQ × SP 11,000 x $4 = $44,000 Operational

variance $800 F

RSQ x SP 11,200 × $4 = $44,800 Planning variance $5,600

A SQ × SP 9,800 × $4 = $39,200

$4,800 A

chapter 10


Test your understanding 9 ­ Price and usage variances

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (308)

AH x SR 1,450 x $10 = $14,500

Operational Variance $500 FRSH x SR 1,500 x $10 = $15,000

Planning Variance $2,500 A 1,250 x $10 = $12,500

$2,000 A

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 10

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (309)

(a) Reconciliation of budgeted and actual contribution using conventional variances

Assumption: No sales price variance.


Conventional variances

Price = (Actual material purchased × standard price) — (Actual cost of material purchased)

= (12,450 × $20) — (12,450 × $18)

= $249,000 — $224,100

= $24,900 F

$Budgeted contribution: 2,500 × $78 195,000Variances: Favourable Adverse

$ $Sales volume 27,300Direct material – Price 24,900 – Usage 21,000Direct labour – Rate 18,800 – Efficiency 11,900

——— ——— 52,200 51,700——— ———


Actual contribution 195,500————

(i) Materials

chapter 10


Test your understanding 11 ­ Additional example

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Usage = (Standard quantity for actual production × standard price)— (Actual material used at standard price)

= (2,850 × 4 × $20) — (12,450 × $20)

= $228,000 — $249,000

= $21,000 A

Rate = (Actual hours worked × standard direct labour rate) — (Actual hours worked × actual hourly rate)

= (18,800 × $7) — (18,800 × $8)

= $131,600 — $150,400

= $18,800 A

Efficiency = (Standard hours of actual production × standard rate) — (Actual hours worked × standard rate)

= (2,850 × 6 × $7) — (18,800 × $7)

= $119,700 — $131,600

= $11,900 A

Sales volume

Contribution = (Budgeted sales units × standard contribution per unit) — (Actual sales units × standard contribution per unit)

= (2,500 × $78) — (2,850 × $78)

= $195,000 — $222,300

= $27,300 F

(ii) Labour

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ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (311)

(b) Reconciliation statement using planning and operational variances $Budgeted contribution for actual sales: 2,850 × $78 222,300.00Planning variances: Favourable Adverse

$ $ Material – Price 44,887.50 – Usage 28,500Labour – Rate: weather 8,550.00 – Rate: material 25,650

————— ——— 53,437.50 54,150————— ———


Revised budgeted contribution ($77.75 × 2,850) 221,587.50Operational variances: Favourable Adverse

$ $Material – Price 18,675.00 – Usage 6,187.50Labour – Rate 0 – Efficiency 13,600.00

———— ———— 6,187.50 32,275.00———— ————


Actual contribution 195,500.00

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Planning variances

= (Standard material cost) — (Revised standard material cost)

Price = (2,850 × (4 + 0.5) × $20) — (2,850 × (4 + 0.5) × $16.50)

= $256,500 — $211,612.50

= $44,887.50 F

Usage = (2,850 × 4 × $20) — (2,850 × 4.5 × $20)

= $228,000 — $256,500

= $28,500 A

= (2,850 × 6 × $7) — (2,850 × 6 × $6.50)

= $119,700 — $111,150

= $8,550 (F)

= (2,850 × 6 × $6.50) — (2,850 × 6 × $8)

= $111,150 — $136,800

= $25,650 A

(i) Material

(ii) Labour rate

(1) Weather bonus

(2) Alternative material difficulties

Advanced variances


ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (313)

Therefore, revised unit contribution is as follows.

Operational variances

Price = (12,450 × $16.50) — (12,450 × $18)

= $205,425 — $224,100

= $18,675 A

Usage = (2,850 × 4.50 × $16.50) — (12,450 × $16.50)

= $211,612.5 — $205,425

= $6,187.5 F

Rate = 0

Efficiency = (2,850 × 6 × $8) — (18,800 × $8)

= $136,800 — $150,400

= $13,600 A

$ $Selling price 200.00Direct material: 4.5 × $16.50 74.25Direct labour: 6 × $8 48.00

——— ———— (122.25)————

Contribution 77.75————

(i) Material

(ii) Labour

(c) The analysis of variances in part (b) makes it possible to separate those variances which are non­controllable (the planning variances) from the variances which are controllable by the individual managers (the operational variances) .In this case the change in type of material used was unavoidable. Similarly, the change in weather conditions could not have been anticipated.

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The cost implications of these changes are reflected in the planning variances. Management’s attention should be focused primarily on the operational variances. In particular, why did the firm pay $18 per kg for material when this was expected to cost $16.50? The operational material usage variance indicates that less material was used than expected – this could be due to the workers spending longer working with the material (as evidenced by the adverse efficiency variance.

Standard costing is most suited to organisations whose activities consist of a series of common or repetitive operations. Typically, mass production manufacturing operations are indicative of its area of application. It is also possible to envisage operations within the service sector to which standard costing may apply, though this may not be with the same degree of accuracy of standards which apply in manufacturing. For example, hotels and restaurants often use standard recipes for preparing food, so dealing with conference attendance can be like a mass production environment. Similarly, banks will have common processes for dealing with customer transactions, processing cheques, etc. It is possible therefore that the principles of standard costing may be extended to service industries.

In modern manufacturing and service businesses, continuous improvement and cost reduction are topical. In order to remain competitive it is essential that businesses address the cost levels of their various operations. To do this they have to deal with the costing of operations. But the drive to ‘cost down’ may mean in some cases that standards do not apply for long before a redesign or improvement renders them out of date. In such a setting an alternative to the use of standard costs is to compare actual costs with those of the previous operating period. We have seen above that a standard costing system has a variety of purposes. It is for management to judge their various reasons for employing standard costing and, consequently, whether their aims of continuous improvement and cost reduction render the system redundant.

A is the correct answer.

Greater participation by staff in standard setting is likely to slow down the process of agreeing values.

Advanced variances


Test your understanding 12

Test your understanding 13

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (315)

Performance measurement and controlChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• describe, calculate from given data, and interpret financial performance indicators (FPIs) for profitability, in both manufacturing and service businesses, and suggest methods for improving these measures

• describe, calculate from given data, and interpret FPIs for liquidity in both manufacturing and service businesses, and suggest methods for improving these measures

• describe, calculate from given data, and interpret FPIs for risk in both manufacturing and service businesses, and suggest methods for improving these measures

• describe, calculate from given data and interpret non­financial performance indicators (NFPIs) in both manufacturing and service businesses, and suggest methods for improving the performance indicated

• explain, using non­numerical examples, the causes of, and problems created by, short­termism and financial manipulation of results, and suggest methods to encourage a long­term view

• describe the main behavioural aspects of performance management

• explain the need to allow for external considerations in performance management, in general, with particular reference to: – stakeholders

– market conditions

– allowance for competitors




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• describe ways in which external considerations could be allowed for in performance management, in general, and interpret performance in the light of external considerations

• using simple non­numerical examples, explain and interpret the balanced scorecard and its elements

• using simple non­numerical examples, explain and interpret the building block model proposed by Fitzgerald and Moon

• describe, using simple non­numerical examples, the difficulties of target setting in qualitative areas.

Performance measurement and control


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1 Introduction

The calculation of a particular indicator of performance will probably mean very little, unless it is set in some context. Establishing the value of a particular indicator will add little benefit until it is:

(1) compared with a budget;

(2) set in a trend;

(3) and/or set against a best practice benchmark.

2 Financial performance and ratio analysis

Examiner's article: visit the ACCA website,, to review the examiner's article written on this topic (April 2008).

A key aspect of performance measurement is ratio analysis. Specific ratios are discussed below but some general considerations need to be taken into account with all ratio analysis:

• Many ratios use figures at a particular point in time and thus may not be representative of the position throughout a period. For example, seasonal trade or large one­off items may make year­end figures uncharacteristic.

• Ratios are of little use in isolation. Comparisons could be made to: – last year’s figures to identify trends

– competitors’ results and/or industry averages to assess performance.

• Ratios can be manipulated by management. A well known example of ‘window dressing’ is to issue spurious invoices before the year end and then issue credit notes just after.

• As with variances, ratios indicate areas for further investigation, rather than giving a definitive answer for management.

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• Three main classes of ratios will be reviewed: – Profitability

– Liquidity

– Risk

Measuring profitability

The primary objective of a company is to maximise profitability. Profitability ratios can be used to monitor the achievement of this objective.

Gross profit margin

This is the gross profit as a percentage of turnover.

A high gross profit margin is desirable. It indicates that either sales prices are high or that production costs are being kept well under control.

Net profit margin

This is the net profit (turnover less all expenses) as a percentage of turnover.

A high net profit margin is desirable. It indicates that either sales prices are high or that all costs are being kept well under control.

Return of capital employed (ROCE)

This is a key measure of profitability. It is the net profit as a percentage of the capital employed. The ROCE shows the net profit that is generated from each $1 of assets employed.

Where capital employed = total assets less current liabilities or total equity plus long term debt.

Gross profit Gross profit margin = ————— × 100


Net profit Net profit margin = ————— × 100


Net profit ROCE = ————— × 100

Capital employed

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ROCE is sometimes calculated using operating profit (profit before finance charges and tax) instead of net profit. If net profit is not given in the question, use operating profit instead.

A high ROCE is desirable. An increase in ROCE could be achieved by:

The ROCE can be understood further by calculating the net profit margin and the asset turnover:

ROCE = net profit margin × asset turnover

Asset turnover

This is the turnover divided by the capital employed. The asset turnover shows the turnover that is generated from each $1 of assets employed.

A high asset turnover is desirable. An increase in the asset turnover could be achieved by:

• Increasing net profit, e.g. through an increase in sales price or through better control of costs.

• Reducing capital employed, e.g. through the repayment of long term debt.

Turnover Asset turnover = —————

Capital employed

• Increasing turnover, e.g. through the launch of new products or a successful advertising campaign.

• Reducing capital employed, e.g. through the repayment of long term debt.

The following figures are extracted from the accounts of Super Soups, a company selling gourmet homemade soups.

20X9 20X8 $ $

Total production costs 6,538,000 5,082,000Gross profit 3,006,000 2,582,000Net profit 590,000 574,000Total capital employed 6,011,000 5,722,000

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Test your understanding 1 ­ Profitability ratios

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Required: Using appropriate ratios, comment on the profitability of Super Soups.

Measuring liquidity

A company can be profitable but at the same time encounter cash flow problems. Liquidity and working capital ratios give some indication of the company's liquidity.

Current ratio

This is the current assets divided by the current liabilities.

The ratio measures the company's ability to meet its short term liabilities as they fall due.

A ratio in excess of 1 is desirable but the expected ratio varies between the type of industry.

A decrease in the ratio year on year or a figure that is below the industry average could indicate that the company has liquidity problems. The company should take steps to improve liquidity, e.g. by paying creditors as they fall due or by better management of receivables in order to reduce the level of bad debts.

Quick ratio (acid test)

This is a similar to the current ratio but inventory is removed from the current assets due to its poor liquidity in the short term.

The comments are the same as for the current ratio.

Current assets Current ratio = ———————

Current liabilities

Current assets – inventory Current ratio = ———————————

Current liabilities

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Additional example on profitability ratios

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Inventory holding period

This indicates the average number of days that inventory items are held for.

An increase in the inventory holding period could indicate that the company is having problems selling its products and could also indicate that there is an increased level of obsolete stock. The company should take steps to increase stock turnover, e.g. by removing any slow moving or unpopular items of stock and by getting rid of any obsolete stock.

A decrease in the inventory holding period could be desirable as the company's ability to turn over inventory has improved and the company does not have excess cash tied up in inventory. However, any reductions should be reviewed further as the company may be struggling to manage its liquidity and may not have the cash available to hold the optimum level of inventory.

Receivables (debtor) collection period

This is the average period it takes for a company's debtors to pay what they owe.

An increase in the receivables collection period could indicate that the company is struggling to manage its debts. Possible steps to reduce the ratio include:

A decrease in the receivables collection period may indicate that the company's has improved its management of receivables. However, a receivables collection period well below the industry average may make the company uncompetitive and profitability could be impacted as a result.

Inventory Inventory holding period = ————— × 365

Cost of sales

Receivables Receivables collection period = ————— × 365


• Credit checks on customers to ensure that they will pay on time

• Improved credit control, e.g. invoicing on time, chasing up bad debts.

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Payables (creditor) period

This is the average period it takes for a company to pay for its purchases.

An increase in the company's payables period could indicate that the company is struggling to pay its debts as they fall due. However, it could simply indicate that the company is taking better advantage of any credit period offered to them.

A decrease in the company's payables period could indicate that the company's ability to pay for its purchases on time is improving. However, the company should not pay for its purchases too early since supplier credit is a useful source of finance.

Payables Payables period = ————— × 365


Calculate the liquidity and working capital ratios for P for the year ended 31 December 20X9.

$m Sales revenue 1,867.5Gross profit 489.3Inventory 147.9Trade receivables 393.4Trade payables 275.1Cash 53.8Short­term investments 6.2Other current liabilities 284.3

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Test your understanding 2 ­ Liquidity ratios

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Measuring risk

In addition to managing profitability and liquidity it is also important for a company to manage its risk. The following ratios may be calculated:

Financial gearing

This is the long term debt as a percentage of equity.

A high level of gearing indicates that the company relies heavily on debt to finance its long term needs. This increases the level of risk for the business since interest and capital repayments must be made on debt, where as there is no obligation to make payments to equity.

The ratio could be improved by reducing the level of long term debt and raising long term finance using equity.

Interest cover

This is the operating profit (profit before finance charges and tax) divided by the finance cost.

A decrease in the interest cover indicates that the company is facing an increased risk of not being able to meet its finance payments as they fall due.

The ratio could be improved by taking steps to increase the operating profit, e.g. through better management of costs, or by reducing finance costs through reducing the level of debt.

Gearing =

debt —————

× 100


or =

debt —————

× 100

debt +equity

operating profit Interest cover = ——————

finance cost

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Dividend cover

This is the net profit divided by the dividend.

A decrease in the dividend cover indicates that the company is facing an increased risk of not being able to make its dividend payments to shareholders.

net profit Dividend cover = ——————


3 Issues surrounding the use of financial performance indicators to monitor performance

All of the ratios reviewed so far have concentrated on the financial performance of the business. Many of these ratios, e.g. ROCE, gross profit margin, may be used to assess the performance of a division and of the manager's in charge of that division.

Achievement of these target ratios (financial performance indicators) may be linked to a reward system in order to motivate managers to improve performance.

However, there are a number of problems associated with the use of financial performance indicators to monitor performance:


Linking rewards to financial performance may tempt managers to make decisions that will improve short­term financial performance but may have a negative impact on long­term profitability. E.g. they may decide to cut investment or to purchase cheaper but poorer quality materials.

Manipulation of results

In order to achieve the target financial performance and hence their reward, managers may be tempted to manipulate results. For example:

Accelerating revenue ­ revenue included in one year may be wrongly included in the previous year in order to improve the financial performance for the earlier year.

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Ratio analysis

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Delaying costs ­ costs incurred in one year may be wrongly recorded in the next year's accounts in order to improve performance and meet targets for the earlier year.

Understating a provision or accrual ­ this would improve the financial performance and may result in the targets being achieved.

Manipulation of accounting policies ­ for example, closing inventory values may be overstated resulting in an increase in profits for the year.

Do not convey the full picture

The use of these short­term financial performance indicators has limited benefit to the company as it does not convey the full picture regarding the factors that will drive long­term profitability, e.g. customer satisfaction, quality.

Therefore, when monitoring performance, a broader range of measures should be used. This will be reviewed in the next section.

A company may measure the performance of managers on the basis of a target ROCE. This may lead to the following undesirable behaviour:

• Managers may focus on generating short­term profit at the expense of long­term profit. For example, managers may reduce expenditure on training, research and development and maintenance.

• The ROCE will improve if the capital employed figure falls. Managers may therefore be reluctant to invest in new assets.

• Year­end results may be manipulated to improve ROCE. For example, managers may delay payments to creditors or stock purchases.

• Managers may focus their attention on financial performance and neglect non financial performance such as quality and customer service. This may improve profit in the short­term but lead to a long­term decline in profitability.

Suggest methods of overcoming the problems of short­termism and manipulation of results and encouraging a long­term view.

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Test your understanding 3

Illustration 1 – Problems of financial performance indicators

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4 Non­financial performance indicators (NFPIs) Introduction

• The previous section reviewed the problems of using financial performance indicators as the sole indicator of performance.

• This section will review the use of non­financial performance indicators as an additional tool to monitor performance and maximise long­term profitability.

• As we will see, a company may choose to use a mixture of financial and non­financial performance indicators in order to achieve the optimum system for performance measurement and control.

• A firm’s success usually involves focussing on a small number of critical areas that they must excel at. These factors vary from business to business but could include: – Having a wide range of products that people want.

– Having a strong brand name or image.

– Low prices.

– Quick delivery.

– Customer satisfaction, perhaps through high quality.

• Most of these are best assessed using non­financial performance indicators. Financial performance appraisal often reveals the ultimate effect of operational factors and decisions but non­financial indicators are needed to monitor causes.

BAA (the former state­owned British Airports Authority) uses regular customer surveys for measuring customer perceptions of a wide variety of service quality attributes, including:

Public correspondence is also analysed in detail, and comment cards are available in the terminals so that passengers can comment voluntarily on service levels received.

Duty terminal managers also sample the services and goods offered by outlets in the terminals, assessing them from a customer perspective. They check the cleanliness and condition of service facilities and complete detailed checklists, which are submitted daily to senior terminal managers.

• the cleanliness of its facilities

• the helpfulness of its staff

• the ease of finding one’s way around the airport.

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Illustration 2 – Non­financial performance measurement

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The company has also a wealth of internal monitoring systems that record equipment faults and failures, and report equipment and staff availability.

These systems are supported by the terminal managers who circulate the terminals on a full­time basis, helping customers as necessary, reporting any equipment faults observed and making routine assessments of the level of service provided by BAA and its concessionaires.

Better Nutrition Ltd provides advice to clients in medical, dietary and fitness matters by offering consultation with specialist staff. The budget information for the year ended 31 May 2010 is as follows :

Note: Client consultations includes those carried out by outside specialists. There are now 4 full­time consultants carrying out the remainder of client consultations.

Other information:

Budget Actual Total client enquiries ­ New Business 50,000 80,000­ Repeat business 30,000 20,000Number of client consultations ­ New Business 15,000 20,000­ Repeat business 12,000 10,000Mix of client consultations ­ Medical 6,000 5,500 (note)­ Dietary 12,000 10,000­ Fitness 9,000 14,500Number of consultants employed ­ Medical 6 4 (note)­ Dietary 12 12­ Fitness 9 12Number of client complaints 270 600

(i) Clients are charged a fee per consultation at the rate of: medical $75; dietary $50 and fitness $50.

(ii) Health foods are recommended and provided only to dietary clients at an average cost to the company of $10 per consultation. Clients are charged for such health foods at cost plus 100% mark­up.

(iii) Each customer enquiry incurs a variable cost of $3, whether or not it is converted into a consultation.

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Test your understanding 4

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Actual results for the year to 31 May 2010 incorporate the following additional information:


(iv) Consultants are each paid a fixed annual salary as follows: medical $40,000; dietary $28,000; fitness $25,000.

(v) Sundry other fixed cost: $300,000.

(i) A reduction of 10% in health food costs to the company per consultation was achieved through a rationalisation of the range of foods made available.

(ii) Medical salary costs were altered through dispensing with the services of two full­time consultants and sub­contracting outside specialists as required. A total of 1,900 consultations were sub­contracted to outside specialists who were paid $50 per consultation.

(iii) Fitness costs were increased by $80,000 through the hire of equipment to allow sophisticated cardio­vascular testing of clients.

(iv) New computer software has been installed to provide detailed records and scheduling of all client enquiries and consultations. This software has an annual operating cost (including depreciation) of $50,000.

(a) Prepare a statement showing the financial results for the year to 31 May 2010 in tabular format. This should show: (i) the budget and actual gross margin for each type of

consultation and for the company

(ii) the actual net profit for the company

(iii) the budget and actual margin ($) per consultation for each type of consultation (Expenditure for each expense heading should be shown in (i) and (ii) as relevant.)

(b) Suggest ways in which each of the following performance measures could be used to supplement the financial results calculated in (a). You should include relevant quantitative analysis for each performance measure: (1) Competitiveness

(2) Flexibility

(3) Resource utilisation

(4) Quality

(5) Innovation

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The balanced scorecard

The balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement and control emphasises the need to provide management with a set of information which covers all relevant areas of performance.

It focuses on four different perspectives and uses financial and non­financial indicators.

The four perspectives are:

Customer – what is it about us that new and existing customers value?

Internal – what processes must we excel at to achieve our financial and customer objectives?

Innovation and learning – how can we continue to improve and create future value?

Financial – how do we create value for our shareholders?

Within each of these perspectives a company should seek to identify a series of goals and measures.

Faster Pasta is an Italian fast food restaurant that specialises in high quality, moderately priced authentic Italian pasta dishes and pizzas. The restaurant has recently decided to implement a balanced scorecard approach and has established the following relevant goals for each perspective:

Perspective Goal Customer perspective

• To increase the number of new and returning customers

• To reduce the % of customer complaintsInternal • To reduce the time taken between taking a

customer's order and delivering the meal to the customer.

• To reduce staff turnoverInnovation and learning

• To increase the proportion of revenue from new dishes

• To increase the % of staff time spent on trainingFinancial • To increase spend per customer • To increase gross profit margin

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Test your understanding 5

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The following information is also available for the year just ended and for the previous year.


Using appropriate measures, calculate and comment on whether or not Faster Pasta has achieved its goals.

20X8 20X9 Total customers 11,600 12,000­ of which are new customers 4,400 4,750­ of which are existing customers 7,200 7,250Customer complaints 464 840Time between taking order and customer receiving meal

4 mins 13 mins

% staff turnover 12 % 40 %% time staff spend training 5 % 2%Revenue $110,000$132,000­ revenue from new dishes $22,000 $39,600­ revenue from existing dishes $88,000 $92,400Gross profit $22,000 $30,360

Benefits of the balanced scorecard:

Problems with the balanced scorecard:

• It focuses on factors, including non­financial ones, which will enable a company to succeed in the long­term.

• It provides external as well as internal information.

• The selection of measures can be difficult. For example, how should the company measure innovation?

• Obtaining information can be difficult. For example, obtaining feedback from customers can prove difficult.

• Information overload due to the large number of measures that may be chosen.

• Conflict between measures. For example, profitability may increase in the short­term through a reduction in expenditure on staff training.

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Additional example on the balanced scorecard

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The building block model

Fitzgerald and Moon adopted a framework for the design and analysis of performance management systems. They based their analysis on three building blocks:


Dimensions are the goals for the business and suitable measures must be developed to measure each performance dimension. There are six dimensions in the building block model.


These are the measures used. To ensure success it is vital that employees view standards as achievable, fair and take ownership of them.


To ensure that employees are motivated to meet standards, targets need to be clear and linked to controllable factors.

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Performance Dimension (goal) Examples of standards (measures)

Competitive performance. Market share.

Sales growth.

Customer base.

Financial performance. Profitability.



Quality of service. Reliability.



Flexibility. Volume flexibility.

Delivery speed.

Resource utilisation. Productivity.


Innovation. Ability to innovate.

Performance of the innovations.

Explain why it is important to:

(i) consider ownership, achievability and equity when setting standards.

(ii) consider clarity, motivation and controllability when setting rewards.

Performance measurement and control


Additional example on the building block model

Test your understanding 6 ­ Standards and rewards

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (333)

5 External considerations

Performance measures provide useful information to management which aid in the control of the business.

However, they need to be considered in the context of the environment external to the business to gain a full understanding of how the business has performed and to develop actions which should be taken to improve performance. External considerations which are particularly important are:

Stakeholders will have different objectives and companies may deal with this by having a range of performance measures to assess the achievement of these objectives.

• Stakeholders ­ a stakeholder is any individual or group that has an interest in the business and may include: – shareholders

– employees

– loan providers

– government

– community

– customers

– environmental groups

• Market conditions ­ these will impact business performance. For example, a downturn in the industry or in the economy as a whole could have a negative impact on performance.

• Competitors ­ the actions of competitors must also be considered. For example, company demand may decrease if a competitor reduces its prices or launches a successful advertising campaign.

NW is an electricity and gas provider for residential and business properties.

The business was nationalised in the past (State owned) but has more recently become a privatised company.

Annual data from NW’s accounts are provided below relating to its first three years of operation as a private sector concern.

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Test your understanding 7 ­ Stakeholder considerations

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Also shown, for comparison, is the proforma data as included in the privatisation documents. The proforma accounts are notional accounts prepared to show the performance of the company in its last year under public ownership as if it had applied private sector accounting conventions. They also incorporate a dividend payment based on the dividend policy declared in the prospectus.

The activities of privatised utilities are scrutinised by a regulatory body, which restricts the extent to which prices can be increased.

The demand for gas and electricity in the area served by NW has risen over time at a steady 2% pa , largely reflecting demographic trends.

Key financial and operating data for year ending 31 December ($m)


Using the data provided, assess the extent to which NW has met the interests of the following groups of stakeholders in its first three years as a privatised enterprise. If relevant, suggest what other data would be helpful in forming a more balanced view.

20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4 (proforma) (actual) (actual) (actual)

Turnover 450 480 540 620Met profit 26 35 55 75Taxation 5 6 8 10Profit after tax 21 29 47 65Dividends 7 10 15 20Total assets 100 119 151 191Capital expenditure 20 30 60 75Wage bill 100 98 90 86Directors’ emoluments 0.8 2.0 2.3 3.0Employees (number) 12,000 11,800 10,500 10,000Retail price index (RPI) 100 102 105 109

(i) Shareholders

(ii) Consumers

(iii) Workforce

(iv) Government, through NW’s contribution to the achievement of the government's objectives of price stability and economic growth.

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6 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

Profitability ratios


Overall, profitability has deteriorated slightly year on year.

Gross profit margin ­ Despite an increase in turnover of 24.6%, the gross profit margin has fallen by over 2% to 31.5%. Although turnover has shown a significant increase, the production costs have increased at a faster rate of 28.7% year on year. The falling gross profit margin may indicate that the company is unable to achieve the same level of sales prices as it was in 20X8 or is not as efficient at controlling its production costs.

Net profit margin ­ Again, despite an increase in turnover of 24.6%, the net profit margin has fallen from 7.49% to 6.18%. The falling net profit margin may indicate that the company is unable to achieve the same level of sales prices as it was in 20X8 or is not as efficient at controlling all of its costs.

Asset turnover ­ this has actually shown a small improvement year on year from 1.34 in 20X8 to 1.59 in 20X9. This shows that the company is getting better at generating turnover from the capital employed within the business.

ROCE ­ Despite the improvement in asset turnover, the ROCE has actually fallen slightly from 10.03% in 20X8 to 9.83% in 20X9. This means that the company is not as good at generating net profit from its capital employed. The decrease in the ROCE is due to the fall in the net profit margin.

20X9 20X8 Gross profit margin = gross profit/ turnover (%) 31.50 % 33.69 %Net profit margin = net profit/ turnover (%) 6.18 % 7.49 %ROCE = net profit/ cap. emp. (%) 9.82 % 10.03 %Asset turnover = turnover/ cap. emp. 1.59 1.34Note: Turnover = total production cost + gross profit

9,544,000 7,664,000

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Test your understanding 1 ­ Profitability ratios

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It would be useful to obtain a further breakdown of turnover and costs, in order to fully understand the reasons for the changes and to prevent any further decline in the ratios discussed. It would also be useful to obtain the average ratios for the industry in order to gauge Super Soups performance against that of its competitors.

Current ratio (147.9 + 393.4 + 53.8 + 6.2)/(275.1 + 284.3)

= 601.3/559.4

= 1.07Quick ratio (601.3 — 147.9)/559.4 = 0.81 Receivables payment period

393.4/1,867.5 × 365 = 77 days

Inventory turnover period

147.9/(1,867.5 — 489.3) × 365 = 39 days

Payables payment period

275.1/(1,867.5 – 489.3) × 365 = 73 days

• Rewards may be linked to a wider variety of performance measures including some non­financial measures.

• Capital investment decisions may be reviewed centrally and judged on the basis of net present value (NPV).

• Managers may be rewarded according to the overall performance of the company rather than their own responsibility centre. This may help goal congruence but may not be motivating if poorly­ performing managers are rewarded in the same way as managers who are performing well.

chapter 11


Test your understanding 3

Test your understanding 2 ­ Liquidity ratios

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (338)

(a) Operating statement for the year ended 31 May 2010

Repeat business suggests customer loyalty. The new business figures are disappointing, being below the budgeted level of uptake. In absolute terms, however, new business is 5,000 consultations above budget whereas repeat business is 2,000 consultations below budget.

There are variations within the types of consultation. Medical and dietary are down on budget by approximately 8% and 16% respectively. Fitness is up on budget by approximately 60%.

Medical Dietary Fitness Total $000 $000 $000 $000Budget Client Fees 450.0 600.0 450.0 1,500.0Healthfood mark­up (cost x 100%) 120.0 120.0Salaries (240.0) (336.0) (225.0) (801.0) Budget Gross Margin 210.0 384.0 225.0 819.0Variances Fee income gain / (loss) (37.5) (100.0) 275.0 137.5Healthfood mark­up loss (30.0) (30.0) Salaries increase (15.0) (75.0) (90)Extra fitness equipment (80) (80)Actual Gross Margin Less Company costs Enquiry costs ­ budget (240)Enquiry costs ­variance (60)General Fixed costs (300.0)Software systems cost (50.0)Actual Net Profit 106.5Budget Margin per consultation ($) 35.00 32.00 25.00 Actual margin per consultation ($) 28.64 25.40 23.79 (b) Competitiveness may be measured in terms of the relative

success/failure in obtaining business from enquiries from customers. The percentages are as follows.

Budget Actual

Uptake from enquiries

New Business 30% 25%

Repeat Business 40% 50%

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Test your understanding 4

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Flexibility may relate to the company being able to cope with flexibility of volume, delivery speed and job specification. Examples of each may be taken from the information in the management accounts. Additional fitness staff have been employed to cope with the extra volume of clients in this area of business.

Medical staff levels have been reorganised to include the use of external specialists. This provides flexibility where the type of advice required (the job specification) is wider than expected and may improve delivery speed in arranging a consultation more quickly for a client.

Dietary staff numbers are unchanged even though the number of consultations has fallen by 16% from budget. This may indicate a lack of flexibility. It may be argued that the fall in consultations would warrant a reduction in consultant numbers from 12 to 11. This could cause future flexibility problems, however, if there was an upturn in this aspect of the business.

Resource utilisation measures the ratio of output achieved from input resources. In this case the average consultations per consultant may be used as a guide:

These figures show that:

It may be, however, that the new cardio­vascular testing equipment is helping both throughput rates and the overall level of business from fitness clients.

Average consultations per consultant Budget Actual Rise (+) or fall (­)

%Medical (full­time only) 1,000 900 ­10%Dietary 1,000 833 ­16.7%Fitness 1,000 1,208 +20.8%

(1) Medical consultants are being under­utilised. Could this be due to a lack of administrative control? Are too many cases being referred to the outside specialists? This may, however, be viewed as a consequence of flexibility ­ in the use of specialists as required.

(2) Dietary consultants are being under­utilised. Perhaps there should be a reduction in the number of consultants from 12 to 11 as suggested above.

(3) Fitness consultants are carrying out considerably more consultations (+20.8%) than budgeted. There are potential problems if their quality is decreasing. Overall complaints from clients are up by 120%. How many relate to fitness clients?

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Quality of service is the totality of features and characteristics of the service package that bear upon its ability to satisfy client needs. Flexibility and innovation in service provision may be key quality factors.

The high level of complaints from clients (up from 1% to 2% of all clients) indicates quality problems which should be investigated.

Quality of service may be improving. For example the new cardio­vascular testing equipment may be attracting extra clients because of the quality of information which it provides. Quality may also be aided through better management of client appointments and records following the introduction of the new software systems.

Innovation may be viewed in terms of the performance of a specific innovation. For example, whether the new computer software improved the quality of appointment scheduling and hence resource utilisation; improved competitiveness in following up enquiries and hence financial performance; improved flexibility in allowing better forward planning of consultant/client matching.

Innovation may also be viewed in terms of the effectiveness of the process itself. Are staff adequately trained in its use? Does the new software provide the data analysis which is required?

Customer perspective

Goal: To increase the number of new and returning customers

Measure: The number of new customers has increased year on year from 4,400 to 4,750. This is an 8.0% increase. The number of returning customers has also increased slightly from 7,200 to 7,250, i.e. a 1.0% increase.

Comment: The company has achieved its goal of increasing the number of new and existing customers. It is worth noting that the proportion of customers who are returning customers has fallen slightly from 62.1% to 60.4% of the total customers. This could indicate a small drop in the level of customer satisfaction.

Goal: To decrease the % customer complaints

Measure: The percentage of customer complaints has increased from 4% (464 ÷ 11,600) to 7% (840 ÷ 12,000).

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Test your understanding 5

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Comment: Faster Pasta should investigate the reasons for the increase in customer complaints and take the required action immediately in order to ensure that it can meet this goal in the future.

Internal perspective

Goal: To reduce the time taken between taking the customer's order and delivering the meal to the customer

Measure: The time taken has more than tripled from an average of 4 minutes in 20X8 to an average of 13 minutes in 20X9.

Comment: Customers may place a high value on the fast delivery of their food. The increase in time may be linked to the increased number of customer complaints. If this continues customer satisfaction, and therefore profitability, will suffer in the long­term. The restaurant should take steps now in order to ensure that this goal is achieved going forward.

Goal: To reduce staff turnover

Measure: This has risen significantly from 12% to 40% and hence the business has not achieved its goal.

Comment: The reasons for the high staff turnover should be investigated immediately. This may be contributing to longer waiting times and the increase in customer complaints. This will impact long­term profitability.

Innovation and learning perspective

Goal: To increase the proportion of revenue from new dishes

Measure: This has increased year on year from 20% ($22,000 ÷ $110,000) in 20X8 to 30% ($39,600 ÷ $132,000) in 20X9. Therefore, the restaurant has achieved its goal.

Comment: This is a favourable increase and may have a positive impact on long­term profitability if the new products meet the needs of the customers.

Goal: To increase the % of staff time spent on training.

Measure: This has fallen significantly from 5% to only 2% and hence the company is not achieving its goal.

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Comment: Staff may be unsatisfied if they feel that their training needs are not being met. This may contribute to a high staff turnover. In addition, staff may not have the skills to do the job well and this would impact the level of customer satisfaction.

Financial perspective

Goal: to increase spend per customer

Measure: Spend per customer has increased from $9.48 ($110,000 ÷ 11,600) to $11.00 ($132,000 ÷ 12,000), i.e. a 16.0% increase.

Comment: This is a favourable increase. However, the issues discussed above must be addressed in order to ensure that this trend continues.

Goal: To increase gross profit margin.

Measure: The gross profit margin has increased year on year from 20% ($22,000 ÷ $110,000) to 23% ($30,360 ÷ $132,000).

Comment: This is a favourable increase. However, the issues discussed above must be addressed in order to ensure that this trend continues.

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(i) Managers who participate in the setting of standards are more likely to accept and be motivated by the standards than managers on whom standards are imposed. An achievable standard is a better motivator than an unachievable one – although research has been undertaken into how much ‘stretch’ ought to be built into budgets. When setting standards across an organisation, care should be undertaken to ensure that all managers have equally­challenging standards. Achieving equity in this last regard may be difficult when measures used for different managers and business sectors within an organisation may be very different in character to one another.

(ii) Consideration of rewards involves use of concepts including ‘clarity’, ‘motivation’ and ‘controllability’. Goal clarity contributes to motivation. For example, a standard of ‘achieving 4 product innovations per year’ might be a more effective motivator than ‘giving a high profile to product innovation’. The actual means of motivation may involve performance­related salary bonuses, an assessment scheme point score or access to promotion channels. Managers will be better motivated if they actually control the factors contributing to achievement of the measures and standards on which their rewards are based.

chapter 11


Test your understanding 6 ­ Standards and rewards

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (344)


Shareholders will want returns in the form of dividends and share price growth. By following policies to promote these requirements NW will maximise shareholder wealth.

The dividend has risen from a proforma 7c in 20X1 to 20c in 20X4. This represents growth of approximately 186% over the period. PAT has increased from 21 in 20X1 to 65 in 20X4, an increase of 210%. Since inflation is only 9% for the period, it would suggest that the needs of the shareholders have been met.


Consumers will be interested in prices. The regulator restricts the extent by which prices can be increased.

We have information about the volume of the market (growing at 2 % pa) and can therefore measure the price rises by removing the volume growth from turnover.

We can see that after taking out the growth, prices have risen at approximately 9.1% pa, which is well above the rate of inflation for the period (1.4%).

Whether or not this is justified depends on factors such as where the money has been spent. Has it gone into capital expenditure (improving the supplies or preventing leaks) or has it been used to increase dividends?


The workforce has fallen by 2,000 from its 12,000 level in 20X1. Whilst it is possible that NW was overstaffed, shedding over 15% of the workforce will have affected morale.

Average wages have risen from $8,333 to $8,600 over the period, a rise of just over 3% for the period. Had the workforce enjoyed pay rises in line with inflation they could have expected to earn $9,083 in 20X4. This means they are actually worse off in real terms.

20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4 Turnover $450m $480m $540m $620m

× 1/1.02 × 1/1.022 × 1/1.023

Turnover in 20X1 volume 450 471 519 584

Performance measurement and control


Test your understanding 7 ­ Stakeholder considerations

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Without more information (e.g. skills mix of labour force, full/part­time employees) it is hard to comment, but the increased profitability of NW does not appear to have been passed on to them.

At the same time, the directors’ emoluments have nearly quadrupled. We could again do with more information such as the number of directors involved. Part of the increase will be to bring fees in line with the private sector and part of it could be linked in with the share price. However, their fees as a percentage of the whole wage bill have risen from 0.8% to 3.4% over the period.

The figures probably will not include other perks such as share options.

The directors may increasingly find themselves having to justify ‘fat cat’ salaries.


Price stability

Prices have risen by 38% in absolute, and 30% in real, terms which will not be in line with price stability.

Wages have been held down to less than the headline RPI, but at the same time directors’ emoluments have risen sharply.

Economic growth

This is difficult to measure without more details, but we could calculate various ratios such as ROCE or net margin to measure the situation. Both have shown improvement over the period.

Capital expenditure has risen by 275% over the period. This would be expected to generate a knock­on growth elsewhere in the economy.

20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4 Net margin 5.8% 7.2% 10.2% 12.1%

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Performance measurement and control


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Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricingChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• explain the meaning of, and calculate from supplied data, return on investment (ROI) in the context of divisional performance appraisal

• discuss the shortcomings and benefits of using ROI for divisional performance appraisal

• explain the meaning of, and calculate from supplied data, residual income (RI) in the context of divisional performance appraisal

• discuss the shortcomings and benefits of using RI for divisional performance appraisal

• compare divisional performance using supplied data and recognise the problems that can arise from the comparison

• explain, using simple numerical examples, the basis for setting a transfer price using variable cost

• explain, using simple numerical examples, the basis for setting a transfer price using full cost

• explain, using simple numerical examples, how transfer prices can distort the performance assessment of divisions and decisions made, including dysfunctional decision making

• explain, using simple numerical examples, the principles behind allowing for intermediate markets.




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1 Divisional performance measurement

Type of division

Description Typical measures used to assess performance

Cost centre.

• Division incurs costs but has no revenue stream, e.g. the IT support department of an organisation

• Total cost and cost per unit

• Cost variances.

• NFPIs related to quality, productivity & efficiency.

Profit centre.

• Division has both costs and revenue.

• Manager does not have the authority to alter the level of investment in the division.

All of the above PLUS:

• Total sales and market share.

• Profit.

• Sales variances.

• Working capital ratios (depending on the division concerned).

• NFPIs e.g. related to productivity, quality and customer satisfaction.

Investment centre.

• Division has both costs and revenue.

• Manager does have the authority to invest in new assets or dispose of existing ones.

All of the above PLUS:

These measures are used to assess the investment decisions made by managers and are discussed in more detail below.

• ROI.

• RI.

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Important point: For each of these care must be taken to assess managers on controllable factors only. So for example, the manager of a cost centre should only be assessed on controllable costs.

Return on investment (ROI)

This is a similar measure to ROCE but is used to appraise the investment decisions of an individual department.

Controllable profit ROI =———————— × 100

Capital employed • Controllable profit is usually taken after depreciation but before tax.

However, in the exam you may not be given this profit figure and so you should use the profit figure that is closest to this. Assume the profit is controllable, unless told otherwise.

• Capital employed is total assets less long term liabilities or total equity plus long term debt. Use net assets if capital employed is not given in the question.

• Non­current assets might be valued at cost, net replacement cost or net book value (NBV). The value of assets employed could be either an average value for the period as a whole or a value as at the end of the period. An average value for the period is preferable. However, in the exam you should use whatever figure is given to you.

An investment centre has reported a profit of $28,000. It has the following assets and liabilities:


Calculate the ROI for the division. State any additional information that would be useful when calculating the ROI.

$ $Non­current assets (at NBV) 100,000Inventory 20,000Trade receivables 30,000

50,000Trade payables 8,000

——— 42,000

———— 142,000 ————

chapter 12


Test your understanding 1 ­ ROI calculation

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Evaluation of ROI as a performance measure

ROI is a popular measure for divisional performance but has some serious failings which must be considered when interpreting results.



• It is widely used and accepted since it is line with ROCE which is frequently used to assess overall business performance.

• As a relative measure it enables comparisons to be made with divisions or companies of different sizes.

• It can be broken down into secondary ratios for more detailed analysis, i.e. profit margin and asset turnover.

• It may lead to dysfunctional decision making, e.g. a division with a current ROI of 30% would not wish to accept a project offering a ROI of 25%, as this would dilute its current figure. However, the 25% ROI may meet or exceed the company's target.

• ROI increases with the age of the asset if NBVs are used, thus giving managers an incentive to hang on to possibly inefficient, obsolescent machines.

• It may encourage the manipulation of profit and capital employed figures to improve results, e.g. in order to obtain a bonus payment.

• Different accounting policies can confuse comparisons (e.g. depreciation policy).

Nielsen Ltd has two divisions with the following information:

Division A Division B $ $

Profit 90,000 10,000Capital employed 300,000 100,000ROI 30% 10%

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 2 ­ Disadvantages of ROI

Additional example on ROI

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (351)

Division A has been offered a project costing $100,000 and giving annual returns of $20,000. Division B has been offered a project costing $100,000 and giving annual returns of $12,000. The company’s cost of capital is 15%. Divisional performance is judged on ROI and the ROI­related bonus is sufficiently high to influence the managers’ behaviour.


(a) What decisions will be made by management if they act in the best interests of their division (and in the best interests of their bonus)?

(b) What should the managers do if they act in the best interests of the company as a whole?

Residual income (RI)

RI = Controllable profit – Notional interest on capital

• Controllable profit is calculated in the same way as for ROI.

• Notional interest on capital = the capital employed in the division multiplied by a notional cost of capital or interest rate. – Capital employed is calculated in the same way as for ROI.

– The selected cost of capital could be the company’s average cost of funds (cost of capital). However, other interest rates might be selected, such as the current cost of borrowing, or a target ROI. (You should use whatever rate is given in the exam).

An investment centre has net assets of $800,000, and made profits before interest and tax of $160,000. The notional cost of capital is 12%.


Calculate and comment on the RI for the period.

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Test your understanding 3 ­ RI calculation

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Evaluation of RI as a performance measure

Compared to using ROI as a measure of performance, RI has several advantages and disadvantages:



• It encourages investment centre managers to make new investments if they add to RI. A new investment might add to RI but reduce ROI. In such a situation, measuring performance by RI would not result in dysfunctional behaviour, i.e. the best decision will be made for the business as a whole.

• Making a specific charge for interest helps to make investment centre managers more aware of the cost of the assets under their control.

• It does not facilitate comparisons between divisions since the RI is driven by the size of divisions and of their investments.

• It is based on accounting measures of profit and capital employed which may be subject to manipulation, e.g. in order to obtain a bonus payment.

An investment centre has net assets of $800,000, and made profits before interest of $160,000. The notional cost of capital is 12%. This is the company's target return.

An opportunity has arisen to invest in a new project costing $100,000. The project would have a four­year life, and would make profits of $15,000 each year.


(a) What would be the ROI with and without the investment? (Base your calculations on opening book values). Would the investment centre manager wish to undertake the investment if performance is judged on ROI?

(b) What would be the average annual RI with and without the investment? (Base your calculations on opening book values).Would the investment centre manager wish to undertake the investment if performance is judged on RI?

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 4 ­ ROI vs RI

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (353)

Comparing divisional performance

Divisional performance can be compared in many ways. ROI and RI are common methods but other methods could be used.

• Variance analysis – is a standard means of monitoring and controlling performance. Care must be taken in identifying the controllability of, and responsibility for, each variance.

• Ratio analysis – there are several profitability and liquidity measures that can be applied to divisional performance reports.

• Other management ratios – this could include measures such as sales per employee or square foot as well as industry specific ratios such as transport costs per mile, brewing costs per barrel, overheads per chargeable hour.

• Other information – such as staff turnover, market share, new customers gained, innovative products or services developed.

Comment on the problems that may be involved in comparing divisional performance.

2 Transfer pricingIntroduction

A transfer price is the price at which goods or services are transferred from one division to another within the same organisation.

Objectives of a transfer pricing system

The decisions made by each profit centre manager should be consistent with the objectives of the organisation as a whole, i.e. the transfer price should assist in maximising overall company profits. A common feature of exam questions is that a transfer price is set that results in sub­optimal behaviour.

• Goal congruence

chapter 12


Test your understanding 5

Additional example on ROI and RI

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The buying and selling divisions will be treated as profit centres. The transfer price should allow the performance of each division to be assessed fairly. Divisional managers will be demotivated if this is not achieved.

The system used to set transfer prices should seek to maintain the autonomy of profit centre managers. If autonomy is maintained, managers tend to be more highly motivated but sub­optimal decisions may be made.

In practice, an extremely important function of the transfer pricing system is simply to assist in recording the movement of goods and services.

• Performance measurement

• Autonomy

• Recording the movement of goods and services.

Setting the transfer price

There are two main methods available:

Method 1: Market based approach

If an external market exists for the transferred goods then the transfer price could be set at the external market price.

Advantages of this method:

Disadvantages of this method:

• The transfer price should be deemed to be fair by the managers of the buying and selling divisions. The selling division will receive the same amount for any internal or external sales. The buying division will pay the same for goods if they buy them internally or externally.

• The company's performance will not be impacted negatively by the transfer price because the transfer price is the same as the external market price.

• There may not be an external market price.

• The external market price may not be stable. For example, discounts may be offered to certain customers or for bulk orders.

• Savings may be made from transferring the goods internally. For example, delivery costs will be saved. These savings should ideally be deducted from the external market price before a transfer price is set.

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Method 2: Cost based approach

The transferring division would supply the goods at cost plus a % profit.

A standard cost should be used rather than the actual cost since:

There are a number of different standard costs that could be used:

Each of these will be reviewed.

• Actual costs do not encourage the selling division to control costs.

• If a standard cost is used, the buying division will know the cost in advance and can therefore put plans in place.

• Full cost

• Marginal (variable) cost

• Opportunity cost.

A company has two profit centres, Centre A and Centre B. Centre A supplies Centre B with a part­finished product. Centre B completes the production and sells the finished units in the market at $35 per unit. There is no external market for Centre A's part­finished product.

Budgeted data for the year:


Calculated the budgeted annual profit for each division and for the company as a whole of the transfer price for the components supplied by division A to division B is:

Division A Division B Number of units transferred/sold 10,000 10,000Material cost per unit $8 $2Other variable costs per unit $2 $3Annual fixed costs $60,000 $30,000

(a) Full cost plus 10%

(b) Marginal cost plus 10%

(c) Evaluate both transfer prices from the perspective of each individual division and from the perspective of the company as a whole.

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Test your understanding 6 ­ Full cost and marginal cost

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A company operates two divisions, Able and Baker. Able manufactures two products, X and Y. Product X is sold to external customers for $42 per unit. The only outlet for product Y is Baker.

Baker supplies an external market and can obtain its semi­finished supplies (product Y) from either Able or an external source. Baker currently has the opportunity to purchase product Y from an external supplier for $38 per unit. The capacity of division Able is measured in units of output, irrespective of whether product X, Y or a combination of both are being manufactured.

The associated product costs are as follows:


Using the above information, advise on the determination of an appropriate transfer price for the sale of product Y from division Able to division Baker under the following conditions:

X Y $ $

Variable costs per unit 32 35Fixed overheads per unit 5 5

––– ––– Total unit costs 37 40

––– –––

(i) when division Able has spare capacity and limited external demand for product X

(ii) when division Able is operating at full capacity with unsatisfied external demand for product X.

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 7 ­ Opportunity cost approach

Additional example on transfer pricing

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (357)

Manuco company has been offered supplies of special ingredient Z at a transfer price of $15 per kg by Helpco company, which is part of the same group of companies. Helpco processes and sells special ingredient Z to customers external to the group at $15 per kg. Helpco bases its transfer price on full cost plus 25% profit mark­up. The full cost has been estimated as 75% variable and 25% fixed. Internal transfers to Manuco would enable $1.50 per kg of variable packing cost to be avoided.


Discuss the transfer prices at which Helpco should offer to transfer special ingredient Z to Manuco in order that group profit maximising decisions are taken in each of the following situations:

(i) Helpco has an external market for all its production of special ingredient Z at a selling price of $15 per kg.

(ii) Helpco has production capacity for 9,000kg of special ingredient Z. An external market is available for 6,000 kgs of material Z.

(iii) Helpco has production capacity for 3,000 kg of special material Z. An alternative use for some of its spare production capacity exists. This alternative use is equivalent to 2,000kg of special ingredient Z and would earn a contribution of $6,000. There is no external demand.

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Test your understanding 8 ­ Additional example

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3 Chapter summary

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


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Test your understanding answers

• ROI might be measured as: $28,000/$142,000 = 19.7%.

• However, suppose that the centre manager has no responsibility for debt collection. In this situation, it could be argued that the centre manager is not responsible for trade receivables, and the centre’s CE should be $112,000. If this assumption is used, ROI would be $28,000/$112,000 = 25.0%.

(a) Division A Division B $000 $000Old ROI 90/300 10/100 = 30% = 10%New ROI (90 + 20)/(300 + 100) (10 + 12)/(100 + 100) = 27.5% = 11%Will manager want to accept project?

No Yes

The manager of Division A will not want to accept the project as it lowers her ROI from 30% to 27.5%. The manager of Division B will like the new project as it will increase their ROI from 10% to 11%. Although the 11% is bad, it is better than before.

(b) Looking at the whole situation from the group point of view, we are in the ridiculous position that the group has been offered two projects, both costing $100,000. One project gives a profit of $20,000 and the other $12,000. Left to their own devices then the managers would end up accepting the project giving only $12,000. This is because ROI is a defective decision­making method and does not guarantee that the correct decision will be made.

chapter 12


Test your understanding 1 ­ ROI calculation

Test your understanding 2 ­ Disadvantages of ROI

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If performance is measured by RI, the RI for the period is:

(Note: Capital employed is not available in this question and therefore net assets should be used as a substitute value).

Investment centre managers who make investment decisions on the basis of short­term performance will want to undertake any investments that add to RI, i.e. if the RI is positive.

$Profit before interest and tax 160,000Notional interest (12% × $800,000) 96,000RI 64,000

(a) ROI

ROI would be lower; therefore the centre manager will not want to make the investment. since his performance will be judged as having deteriorated. However, this results in dysfunctional behaviour since the company's target is only 12%.

The investment centre manager will want to undertake the investment because it will increase RI. This is the correct decision for the company since RI increases by $3,000 as a result of the investment.

Without the investment With the investment Profit $160,000 $175,000Capital employed $800,000 $900,000ROI 20.0% 19.4%

(b) RI Without the

investment With the

investment $ $

Profit 160,000 175,000Notional interest

($800,000 × 12%)

(96,000) ($900,000 × 12%)


RI 64,000 67,000

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 4 ­ ROI vs RI

Test your understanding 3 ­ RI calculation

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Problems may include:

• Divisions may operate in different environments. A division earning a ROI of 10% when the industry average is 7% may be considered to be performing better than a division earning a ROI of 12% when the industry average is 15%.

• The transfer pricing policy may distort divisional performance.

• Divisions may have assets of different ages. A division earning a high ROI may do so because assets are old and fully depreciated. This may give a poor indication of future potential performance.

• There may be difficulties comparing divisions with different accounting policies (e.g. depreciation).

• Evaluating performance on the basis of a few indicators may lead to manipulation of data. A wider range of indicators may be preferable which include non­financial measures. It may be difficult to find non­financial indicators which can easily be compared if divisions operate in different environments.

chapter 12


Test your understanding 5

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Division A ($) Division B ($) Total ($) Sales: ­ internal 10,000 × $17.60


= 176,000 176,000­ external n/a 10,000 × $35 = 350,000 350,000Costs: ­ transfer costs n/a (176,000) (as above) (176,000)­ variable costs 10,000 × $10 10,000 × $5 = (100,000) = (50,000) (150,000)­ fixed costs (60,000) (30,000) (90,000) ———— ———— ————Profit 16,000 94,000 110,000 ———— ———— ————

Division A ($) Division B ($) Total ($) Sales: ­ internal 10,000 × $11 (W2) n/a = 110,000 110,000­ external n/a 10,000 × $35 = 350,000 350,000Costs: ­ transfer costs n/a (110,000) (as above) (110,000)­ variable costs 10,000 × $10 10,000 × $5 = (100,000) = (50,000) (150,000)­ fixed costs (60,000) (30,000) (90,000) ———— ———— ————Profit/ (loss) (50,000) 160,000 110,000 ———— ———— ————

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 6 ­ Full cost and marginal cost

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (363)


Working 1 $ Material cost per unit 8Other variable costs per unit 2Fixed cost per unit ($60,000 ÷ 10,000) 6Full cost 16Plus 10% profit 1.60 ———Transfer price = full cost + 10% 17.60 ———Working 2 $ Material cost per unit 8Other variable costs per unit 2Total variable cost 10Plus 10% profit 1 —— Transfer price = marginal cost + 10% 11 ——

• Division A would prefer the transfer price to be set at full cost plus 10%. This would give them a budgeted profit of $16,000, compared to a loss of $50,000 when the marginal cost transfer price is used.

• Division B would prefer the transfer price to be set at variable cost + 10%. This gives them a profit of $160,000 compared with a profit of $94,000 if the full cost transfer price is used.

• There is a natural conflict between the divisions and the transfer price would have to be negotiated to ensure that each division views it as being fair.

• The company as a whole will be indifferent to the transfer price. There is no external market for Division A's goods and the profit will be $110,000 regardless of the transfer price set.

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(i) The transfer price should be set between $35 and $38. Able has spare capacity, therefore the marginal costs to the group of Able making a unit is $35. If the price is set above $38, Baker will be encouraged to buy outside the group, decreasing group profit by $3 per unit.

(ii) If Able supplies Baker with a unit of Y, it will cost $35 and they (both Able and the group) will lose $10 contribution from X ($42 sales – $32 variable cost). So long as the bought­in external price of Y to Baker is less than $45, Baker should buy from that external source. The transfer price should therefore be set at $45.

(i) Since Helpco has an external market, which is the opportunity foregone, the relevant transfer price would be the external selling price of $15 per kg. This will be adjusted to allow for the $1.50 per kg avoided on internal transfers due to packing costs not required.

The transfer price offered by Helpco should be $15 — $1.50 = $13.50 per kg.

Working 1: Total cost = $15 × 80% = $12, Variable cost = $12 × 75% = $9.)

If Manuco require more than 3,000 kgs the transfer price should be set at the adjusted selling price of $13.50 per kg as in (i) above.

Helpco should offer to transfer:

2,000kg at $7.50 + $3 = $10.50 per kg; 1,000kg at $7.50per kg (= MC).

(ii) In this situation Helpco has no alternative opportunity for 3,000kg of its special ingredient Z. It should, therefore, offer to transfer this quantity at marginal cost. This is variable cost less packing costs avoided = $9 (W1) — $1.50 = $7.50 per kg.

(iii) Helpco Ltd has an alternative use for some of its production capacity, which will yield a contribution equivalent to $3 per kg of special ingredient Z ($6,000/2,000kg). The balance of its square capacity (1,000kg) has no opportunity cost and should still be offered at marginal cost.

Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


Test your understanding 8 ­ Additional example

Test your understanding 7 ­ Opportunity cost approach

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (365)

Performance measurement in not­for­profit organisationsChapter learning objectives

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• comment on the problems, with particular reference to not­for­profit organisations and the public sector, of having non­quantifiable objectives in performance management

• describe how performance could be measured in not­for­profit organisations

• comment on the problems, using simple examples, of having multiple objectives in not­for­profit organisations and the public sector

• describe, in outline, value for money (VFM) as a public sector objective.




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1 The problem of non­quantifiable objectives

The not­for­profit sector incorporates a diverse range of operations including national government, local government, charities, executive agencies, trusts and so on. The critical thing about such operations is that they are not motivated by a desire to maximise profit.

Many, if not all, of the benefits arising from expenditure by these bodies are non­quantifiable (certainly not in monetary terms, e.g. social welfare). The same can be true of costs. So any cost/benefit analysis is necessarily quite judgemental, i.e. social benefits versus social costs as well as financial benefits versus financial costs. The danger is that if benefits cannot be quantified, then they might be ignored.

Another problem is that these organisations often do not generate revenue but simply have a fixed budget for spending within which they have to keep (i.e. a capital rationing problem). Value for money (‘VFM’) is often quoted as an objective here but it does not get round the problem of measuring ‘value’.

A hospital might use a cheaper cleaning firm because of difficulties evaluating how well the cleaning is being done. This may create problems in many areas:

• It may indirectly lead to the spread of infection which is costly to eliminate.

• Nursing staff may become demotivated as they are unable to carry out their own work effectively.

• The general public may lose confidence in the quality of the service.

Performance measurement in not-for-profit organisations


Illustration 1 – The problem of non­quantifiable objectives

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (367)

Discuss how a hospital should determine whether to allocate limited surgical resources to expensive organ transplants or to more routine hip/knee joint replacements.

2 Performance measurement in not­for­profit organisations

Not­for­profit organisations may have some non­quantifiable objectives but that fact does not exempt them from the need to plan and control their activities.

A university is an example of a non­profit making organisation. The performance of this not­for­profit organisation must be assessed. Measures include:

University overall:

Individual department or faculty:

• overall costs compared with budget

• numbers of students

• amount of research funding received

• proportion of successful students (by grade)

• quality of teaching – as measured by student and inspector assessments

• number of publications by staff.

• cost per student

• cost per examination pass

• staff/student ratios

• students per class

• number of teaching hours per member of staff

• availability of learning resources, e.g. personal computer (PC) per student ratio

• number of library books per student

• average age of library books.

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Test your understanding 1

Illustration 2 – Performance measurement in not­for­profit

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (368)

St Alice’s Hospice is a charity which collects funds and donations and utilises these in the care of terminally ill patients. The governing body has set the manager three performance objectives for the three months to 30 June 20X7:

Actual results were as follows:

Prepare a statement to assist the manager in evaluating performance against objectives and comment on performance.

• to achieve a level of donations of $150,000

• to keep administration costs to no more than 8% of donations

• to achieve 80% of respite care requested from the community.

April May June Donations($) 35,000 65,000 55,000Administration costs ($) 2,450 5,850 4,400Respite care requests (days) 560 570 600Respite care provided (days) 392 430 510

3 The problem of multiple objectives

Multiple stakeholders in not­for­profit organisations give rise to multiple objectives. As a result, there is a need to prioritise objectives or to make compromises between objectives.

A hospital will have a number of different groups of stakeholders, each with their own objectives. For example:

There is potential conflict between the objectives of the two stakeholder groups. For example, if hospital staff only work regular daytime hours then patients may have to wait a long time if they come to the hospital outside of these hours and the standard of patient care will fall dramatically at certain times of the day, if most staff only work regular hours.

• Employees will seek a high level of job satisfaction. They will also aim to achieve a good work­life balance and this may result in a desire to work more regular daytime hours.

• Patients will want to be seen quickly and will demand a high level of care.

Performance measurement in not-for-profit organisations


Illustration 3 –The problem of multiple objectives

Test your understanding 2

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The hospital must prioritise the needs of the different stakeholder groups. In this case, the standard of patient care would be prioritised above giving staff the regular daytime working hours that they would prefer. However, in order to maintain staff morale an element of compromise should also be used. For example, staff may have to work shifts but may be given generous holidays allowances or other rewards instead.

Describe the different groups of stakeholders in an international famine relief charity. Explain how the charity may have conflicting objectives and the impact this may have on the effective operation of the organisation.

4 Value for money (VFM)

A common method of assessing public sector performance is to assess value for money (VFM). This comprises three elements:

Economy – an input measure. Are the resources used the cheapest possible for the quality required?

Efficiency – here we link inputs with outputs. Is the maximum output being achieved from the resources used?

Effectiveness – an output measure looking at whether objectives are being met.

Value for money in a university would comprise the three element of:

Economy ­ this is about balancing the cost with the quality of the resources. Therefore, it will review areas such as the cost of books, computers and teaching compared with the quality of these resources. It recognises that the organisation must consider its expenditure but should not simply aim to minimise costs. e.g. low cost but poor quality teaching or books will hinder student performance and will damage the reputation of the university.

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Illustration 4 – Value for money

Test your understanding 3

ACCA F5 Essential Text 2012[1] - [PDF Document] (370)

Efficiency ­ this focuses on the efficient use of any resources acquired. For example:

Effectiveness ­ this measures the achievement of the organisation's objectives. For example:

• How often are the library books that are bought by the university taken out on loan by students?

• What is the utilisation of IT resources?

• What % of their working time do lecturers spend teaching or researching?

• The % of students achieving a target grade.

• The % of graduates who find full time employment within 6 months of graduating.

A local authority may have ‘maintaining an acceptable quality of life for elderly residents’ as one of its objectives. It has several means by which it may achieve this objective, including:


Explain how the local authority would determine whether the service was effective in providing VFM.

• providing ‘meals on wheels’ (Social Services Department)

• providing a mobile library (Libraries Department)

• maintaining access to and facilities in local parks (Parks Department)

• providing police support to the elderly at home (Police Department)

• providing nursing homes (Housing Department).

Performance measurement in not-for-profit organisations


Test your understanding 4

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5 Chapter summary

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Test your understanding answers

A hospital may have many specific quantifiable objectives such as a minimum waiting time for treatment but may also have non­quantifiable objectives such as improving general healthcare in the area.

The question of deciding priority between different kinds of treatment cannot simply be determined by comparing measurable cost data as there would be many social costs/benefits to consider. By carrying out expensive transplant surgery this may directly benefit relatively few patients but would be life­saving. It might improve knowledge of surgical techniques and life­threatening conditions which could be used to detect and prevent illness in the future. Hip/knee replacements may give mobility to many people who would otherwise be totally reliant on carers.

It may be impossible for a hospital to decide priorities on financial grounds.

April May June Administration costs as a % of donations 7% 9% 8%Target 8% 8% 8%Respite care provided 70% 75.4% 85%

Total donations received have exceeded the target for the period. There is no discernable trend and it is possible that there were special fund­raising activities in May which generated greater income. Administration costs have been within the target of 8% in April and June but exceeded the target in May. More information is needed to establish why this occurred. There has been a steady improvement in the level of respite care provided and in June the target was exceeded.

Performance measurement in not-for-profit organisations


Test your understanding 1

Test your understanding 2

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The stakeholders will include donors, people needing aid, voluntary staff, paid staff, the governments of the countries granting and receiving aid.

There may be conflicting objectives. Donors and people needing aid will want all of the funds to be spent on famine relief. Management staff may require a percentage of the funds to be spent on administration and promotion in order to safeguard the long­term future of the charity.

Donors may have their own views on how donations should be spent which conflict with management staff.

The charity may wish to distribute aid according to perceived need. Governments in receiving countries may have political reasons for distorting information relating to need.

These conflicts may make it difficult to set clear objectives on which all stakeholders agree.

All of these departmental activities contribute to achievement of the objective. The problem is to find the optimum combination of spending for each of the departments.

The key to effectiveness is in finding an optimum pattern of spending to achieve a given objective.

• Many elderly people continue to live in their own homes, but are just on the threshold of requiring accommodation in a nursing home. A small cutback in spending in one area (e.g. the withdrawal of a mobile library) may push a lot of elderly people over that threshold. There is then an enormous demand for extra spending by the Housing Department. Nursing home accommodation is an expensive last resort in caring for the elderly.

• An occasional visit by a care worker or a police officer may enable many elderly people to stay in their own homes for much longer than would otherwise be the case.

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Test your understanding 3

Test your understanding 4

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Performance measurement in not-for-profit organisations


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1 Advanced costing methods


Roche has recently set up a small business, which manufactures three different types of chair to customer order. Each type is produced in a single batch per week and dispatched as individual items. The size of the batch is determined by the weekly customer orders. The three different types of chair are known as the Type A, the Type B and the Type C. The Type A is a fully leather­upholstered chair and is the most expensive of the range. The Type B is the middle­of­the­range chair, and has a comfortable leather seat. The cheapest of the range, the Type C, is purely a wooden chair, but Roche feels it has great potential and hopes it will provide at least 50% of the sales revenue.

Roche has employed Mr F, an experienced but unqualified accountant, to act as the organisation’s accountant. Mr F has produced figures for the past month, July 2010, which is considered a normal month in terms of costs:

Profit statement for July 2010:

$ $Sales Revenue 79,800Material costs 17,250 Labour costs 27,600 Overheads 34,500 ––––––– 79,350 ––––––Profit 450 Type A Type B Type C Units produced and sold during July 30 120 150 $ $ $Selling price per chair 395 285 225 Less: Costs per chair Material 85 60 50 Labour 120 100 80Overhead absorbed on labour hours 150 125 100 –––– –––– –––– 355 285 230 –––– –––– ––––Profit per chair 40 0 (5)

–––––– ––––– –––––

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Roche hopes to use these figures as the basis for budgets for the next three months. The managers are pleased to see that the organisation has made its first monthly profit, however small it might be. On the other hand, they are unhappy with Mr F’s advice about the loss­making Type C, which is, either to reduce its production or to increase its price. Roche’s managers are concerned because this advice goes against its marketing strategy. After much discussion Mr F says that he has heard of a newer type of costing system, known as activity­based costing (ABC), and that he will recalculate the position on this basis. In order to do this, Mr F has extracted the following information:


Type A Type B Type C Wood (metres) per chair 10 9 9Leather (metres) per chair 4 2 0Labour (hours) per chair 24 20 16 The overheads included in July’s profit statement comprised: Set­up costs $5,600 Purchasing and checking leather hide $4,000 Purchase of wood $2,400 Quality inspection of leather seating $3,200 Despatch and transport $6,000 Administration and personnel costs $13,300

(a) Use the ABC technique to prepare a revised product cost statement for July 2010 such as Mr F might produce.

(b) Drawing upon the information form Roche to illustrate your answer, explain why the use of ABC provides an adequate basis for Roche’s managers to make decisions on the future production volume and price of the Type C.


Hensau Ltd has a single production process for which the following costs have been estimated for the period ending 31 December 20X8:

$Material receipt and inspection cost


Power cost 19,500Material handling cost 13,650

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Three products ­ X, Y and Z are produced by workers who perform a number of operations on material blanks using hand held electrically powered drills. The workers have a wage rate of $9 per hour.

The following budgeted information has been obtained for the period ending 31 December 20X8:

Overhead costs for material receipt and inspection, process power and material handling are presently each absorbed by product units using rates per direct labour hour.

An activity based costing investigation has revealed that the cost drivers for the overhead costs are as follows:

Product X

Product Y

Product Z

Production quantity (units

2,000 1,500 800

Batches of material

10 5 16

Data per product unit

Direct material (sq. metres)

4 6 3

Direct material ($) 5 3 6

Direct labour (minutes)

24 40 60

Number of power drill operations

6 3 2

• Material receipt and inspection: number of batches of material.

• Process power: number of power drill operations.

• Material handling: quantity of material (sq. metres) handled.

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(17 marks)

(8 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

(a) to prepare a summary which shows the budgeted product cost per unit for each of the products X, Y and Z for the period ending 31 December 20X8 detailing the unit costs for each cost element: (i) using the existing method for the absorption of overhead costs


(ii) using an approach which recognises the cost drivers revealed in the activity based costing investigation;

(iii) discuss the implications of Hensau making the decision to switch to ABC

(b) to explain the relevance of cost drivers in activity based costing. Make use of figures from the summary statement prepared in (a) to illustrate your answer.

2 Planning with limiting factors


Quarko Co manufactures two products, Xerxes and Yoraths. No inventories are held. The following data relates to the budget for each unit of product.

Xerxes Yorath Budgeted sales price $51 $36Direct material costs $3 $4Machining department time 4 hours 2 hoursFinishing department time 30 minutes 30 minutesVariable overheads $5 $6Expected weekly demand (units) 100 100

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Fixed costs are $13,000 per quarter. Direct materials are known to be in short supply, with only $600 worth being available to purchase each week. There are currently twelve people working in the machining department (paid $6 per hour) and two in the finishing department (paid $8 per hour). Due to the specialised nature of the work involved in each area, skills are not transferable between the departments. All employees work a 40­hour week. Assume that there are twelve weeks in the three month period.


(3 marks)

(12 marks)

(5 marks)

(Total: 20 marks)

(a) Calculate the shortfall (in hours) in each department if production were to reach the expected demand levels at the budgeted selling prices.

(b) Calculate the optimum production plan per week if the company aims to maximise profits, and indicate the budgeted profit for the three month period.

(c) Calculate how much Quarko would be willing to pay for more machining hours.

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3 Pricing


Car Components Inc ('CCI') manufactures and sells brake and suspension components used in the car industry. Some components are sold through garages and motor factors to the public but the bulk are sold direct to car manufacturers. In particular, CCI has provided components for many years to Victor Motors, its largest client, who takes 40% of CCI’s output. Pricing has always been based on full production cost plus 25%.

Intense competition within the car industry has seen CCI’s market share decline and last year it only operated at 70% capacity. CCI’s clients have not been immune to industry pressure either and recently Victor Motors was bought out by a multinational manufacturer. The new owners have decided that the component contract would now be put out to tender each year and have made it clear that price, while not the only consideration, would be a major factor in deciding on the preferred supplier.

The management accountant of CCI has put together the following cost schedule for the CCI contract for the next year:

Note 1: There is currently $500,000 of materials inventory. If not used on Victor Motor components this would be sold to a third party, but incur a net loss (after delivery charges are taken into account) of $100,000.

Note 2: Victor Motors components are highly specialised. If the contract was lost, then all of the current staff making Victor components would have to be made redundant. Redundancy costs re­estimated to be $500,000 now or $600,000 in one year’s time.

Note 3: Fixed overheads consist of unavoidable company­wide costs and depreciation. If the contract is lost then machinery would be sold for $600,000 now or $450,000 in one year.

$000 Materials Note 1 5,000Labour Note 2 2,000Variable overheads 1,000Fixed overheads Note 3 2,000


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(8 marks)

(8 marks)

(Total: 16 marks)

(a) Calculate the incremental cost of completing the Victor Motors contract for one more year and suggest a minimum tender price.

(b) Discuss the factors that must be taken into consideration when bidding for the Victor contract.

4 Make or buy and other short­term decisions


Access Inc makes electrically­driven disability scooters aimed at elderly and/or disabled customers. At present wheels and tyres are bought from external suppliers but all other parts are manufactured in­house. The scooters have a strong reputation due mainly to innovative designs, special power units that can be recharged at home and seats that enable easy access for a wide range of disabilities. Access Inc also sells power units to other firms.

Current monthly costs are as follows.

Seating Department

Power unit Department

$ $CostsDirect materials 9,300 4,140Direct labour 12,600 9,450Apportioned overheads 26,700 17,200

–––––– –––––– 48,600 30,790–––––– ––––––

Production level 60 units 90 units

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Note: The power unit department currently produces 90 units a month – 60 being used in Access’ own scooters, and 30 being sold externally at $376 each.

A new order has been won to supply an additional 10 scooters per month. However, the directors are considering how best to meet the additional demand:


(10 marks)

(2 marks)

(Total: 12 marks)

• Sufficient capacity exists for the company to increase its monthly production to 70 scooters, except that making an extra 10 seating assemblies would require reallocation of labour and other resources from the power unit to the seating department. This would cut power unit output by 20 units per month.

• The alternative course would be to buy 10 seating assemblies from an outside supplier and fit the 10 power units from the present production of 90 units. The cheapest quote for seating assemblies is $610 per assembly.

(a) Based on the figures given, show whether Access should make or buy the extra seats. Discuss what other factors should be considered before a final decision is taken to make or to buy the extra seats.

(b) Comment on the relevance of the apportioned overhead cost figures to your recommendation.


Brown Ltd is a company which has in inventory some materials of type XY which cost $150,000 but which are now obsolete and have a scrap value of only $42,000. Other than selling the material for scrap there are only two alternative uses for them.

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Alternative 1

Converting the obsolete materials into a specialized product which would require the following additional work and materials

The conversion would produce 900 units of saleable product and these could be sold for $600 per unit.

Material A is already in inventory and is widely used within the firm. Although present inventories together with orders already planned will be sufficient to facilitate normal activity, any extra material used by adopting this alternative will necessitate such materials being replaced immediately. Material B is also in inventory but it is unlikely that any additional supplies can be obtained for some considerable time because of an industrial dispute. At the present time material B is normally used in the production of product Z which sells at $780 per unit and incurs total variable cost (excluding material B) of $420 per unit. Each unit of product Z uses four units of material B.

Material A 600 units

Material B 1,000 units

Direct labour:

5,000 hours unskilled

5,000 hours semi­skilled

5,000 hours highly skilled 15,000 hours

Extra selling and delivery expenses $54,000

Extra advertising $36,000

The details of materials A and B are as follows:

Material A $ $Acquisition cost at time of purchase 200 per

unit20 per unit

170 per unit

36 per unit

Replacement cost 180 per unit

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Alternative 2

Adapting the obsolete materials for use as a substitute for a sub­assembly which is regularly used within the firm. Details of the extra work and materials required are:

1,200 units of the sub­assembly are regularly used per quarter at a cost of $1,800 per unit. The adaptation of material XY would reduce the quantity of the subassembly purchased from outside the firm to 900 units for the next quarter only. However, as the volume purchased would be reduced some discount would be lost, and the price of those purchased from outside would increase to $2,100 per unit for that quarter.

Material C is not available externally but is manufactured by Brown Ltd. The 1,000 units required would be available from inventories but would be produced as extra production. The standard cost per unit of material C would be as follows:

The wage rates and overhead recovery rates for Brown Ltd are:

Material C 1,000 units

Direct labour:

4,000 hours unskilled

1,000 hours semi­skilled

4,000 hours highly skilled 9,000 hours

$Direct labour, 6 hours unskilled labour 36Raw materials 26Variable overhead, 6 hours at $2 12Fixed overhead, 6 hours at $6 36 —— 110 ——

Variable overhead $2 per direct labour hour

Fixed overhead $6 per direct labour hour

Unskilled labour $6 per direct labour hour

Semi­skilled labour $8 per direct labour hour

Highly skilled labour $10 per direct labour hour

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The unskilled labour is employed on a casual basis and sufficient labour can be acquired to exactly meet the production requirements. Semi­skilled labour is part of the permanent labour force but the company has temporary excess supply of this type of labour at the present time. Highly skilled labour is in short supply and cannot be increased significantly in the short term; this labour is presently engaged in meeting the demand for product L which requires 4 hours of highly skilled labour. The contribution from the sale of one unit of product L is $48.


For each of the alternatives 1 and 2, prepare a cost­benefit analysis based on a schedule of relevant costs. Your answer should include a conclusion as to whether the inventories of material XY should be sold, converted into a specialized product (alternative 1) or adapted for use as a substitute for a sub­assembly (alternative 2).

(20 marks)


(a) Next year's forecasted trading results for Caribee Ltd, a small company manufacturing three different types of product, are shown below:

Product A Product B Product C Total

Selling price /unit $10 $12 $8

$000 $000 $000 $000

Sales 100 96 32 228

—— —— —— ——

Variable cost of sales:

Prime cost 40 38 13 91

Variable overhead 20 18 11 49

Share of general fixed

Overhead 30 27 10 67

—— —— —— ——

Profit/(loss) 10 13 (2) 21

—— —— —— ——

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Explain how the company's forecasted profits would be affected if product C were discontinued. It should be assumed that sales of the remaining products would not be affected; any other assumptions made should be included with your explanation

(4 marks)

The sales director estimates that the maximum demand for each product is that which is shown in the original forecast in (a) above. Assume that inventories of materials, work in progress or finished goods cannot be carried.


Calculate the optimum quantities of products A, B and C which should be manufactured next year in order to maximise company profits.

(9 marks)

(Total 13 marks)

(b) The production director of Caribee Ltd has just been informed that next year's supplies of a material used in the manufacture of each of the three products will be restricted to 92,000 kg; no substitute material is available and the estimated consumption of this restricted material, per product, is: Product A 8 kg per unit

Product B 4 kg per unit

Product C 1 kg per unit

5 Risk and uncertainty


Product ‘Tom’ is a highly perishable commodity which can be sold on the retail market for $20 per case or for animal food @ $1 per case. Tom costs $10 per case from the wholesale market and is only suitable for sale at the retail market for up to 24 hours after purchase.

Orders for ‘Tom’ must be placed in advance each day.

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Amanda, a market stall owner, has kept the following records of sales of the Tom over the past 50 days.


(6 marks)

(1 mark)

(4 marks)

(4 marks)

(Total: 15 marks)

Daily sales Days sold 10 1520 2530 10

(a) Prepare a summary that shows the forecast net margin earned by Amanda for each possible outcome.

(b) On the basis of maximising expected value, advise Amanda.

(c) On the basis of using the maximin and maximax criteria, advise Amanda.

(d) Use minimax regret to advise Amanda.


Siteraze Ltd is a company which engages in site clearance and site preparation work. Information concerning its operations is as follows:

(i) It is company policy to hire all plant and machinery required for the implementation of all orders obtained, rather than to purchase its own plant and machinery.

(ii) Siteraze Ltd will enter into an advance hire agreement contract for the coming year at one of three levels high, medium or low, which correspond to the requirements of a high, medium or low level of orders obtained.

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A summary of the information relating to the above points is as follows:


(6 marks)

(5 marks)

(iii) The level of orders obtained will not be known when the advance hire agreement contract is entered into. A set of probabilities have been estimated by management as to the likelihood of the orders being at a high, medium or low level.

(iv) Where the advance hire agreement entered into is lower than that required for the level of orders actually obtained, a premium rate must be paid to obtain the additional plant and machinery required.

(v) No refund is obtainable where the advance hire agreement for plant and machinery is at a level in excess of that required to satisfy the site clearance and preparation orders actually obtained.

Level of orders

Turn over

Probability Plant and machinery hire costs

$000 Advance hire $000

Conversion premium $000

High Medium Low

15,000 8,500 4,000

0.25 0.45 0.30

2,300 1,500 1,000

Low to medium Medium to high Low to high

850 1,350 2,150

Variable cost (as a percentage of turnover) 70

(a) Prepare a summary which shows the forecast net margin earned by Siteraze Ltd for the coming year for each possible outcome.

(b) On the basis of maximising expected value, advise Siteraze whether the advance contract for the hire of plant and machinery should be at the low, medium or high level.

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(6 marks)

(Total: 17 marks)

(c) Explain how the risk preferences of the management members responsible for the choice of advance plant and machinery hire contract may alter the decision reached in (b) above.

6 Budgeting 1


For many organisations in both the private and public sectors the annual budget is the basis of much internal management information. When preparing and using budgets, however, management and the accountant must be aware of their behavioural implications.


(8 marks)

(12 marks)

(Total: 20 marks)

(a) Briefly discuss four purposes of budgets.

(b) Explain the behavioural factors which should be borne in mind and the difficulties of applying them in the process of budgeting and budgetary control.

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7 Budgeting 2


(a) Explain why Zero Based Budgeting might be a useful tool to employ to ensure that budgetary requirements are kept up to date.

(4 marks)

(8 marks)

(6 marks)

(7 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

(b) Describe the steps needed to be undertaken in order to implement a Zero Based Budgeting system in respect of:

– the questioning of why expenditure needs to be incurred

– how a decision is made as to which activities should be provided with a budget, and

– what questions should be asked when budgeted activities need to be ranked to allocate scarce resources.

(c) Critically assess the use of Zero Based Budgeting as a tool that might be used to motivate employees.

(d) Explain the advantages of encouraging employee participation in budget setting.

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8 Quantitative analysis


Fashion Co, a manufacturer of fashion garments, is investigating whether or not to accept a retailer’s order for 100,000 winter coats which will be codenamed Winners.

The following information is available in relation to Winners:

Fashion Co is seeking to achieve a net profit equal to 80% of the sales revenue arising from the manufacture and sale of Winners.


(12 marks)

(1) The 100,000 garments will be manufactured in batches of 1000 garments. Fashion Co has been offered a price of $50,000 for each batch of 1000 garments supplied to the retailer.

(2) New machinery costing $250,000 will have to be purchased for this contract and it is estimated that this machinery will have a value of $25,000 at the end of the contract.

(3) A 75% learning curve will apply for the first 60 batches of Winners after which a steady state production time will apply. The labour time per batch after the first 60 batches will therefore be equal to the time for the 60th batch. The cost of the first batch was measured at $15,000. This was for 1500 hours at $10 per hour.

(4) Variable overhead will be 30% of the direct labour cost.

(5) Given the above learning effect for labour, direct material will be $10,000 per batch for the first ten batches, $7,500 per batch for the next ten and $6,000 per batch thereafter.

(6) A new warehouse will have to be rented for three months to store Winners at a cost of $5,000 per month

(a) Prepare detailed calculations to show whether the targeted 80% net profit margin will be achieved.

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(5 marks)

(8 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

(b) Calculate what length of time the second batch will take if the actual rate of learning is (i) 70%

(ii) 80%

(c) Suggest specific steps that Fashion Co could take to improve the net margin calculated above.

9 Standard costing and basic variances


Malcolm Reynolds makes and sells a single product, Product Q, with the following standard specification for materials:

It takes 20 direct labour hours to produce one unit with a standard direct labour cost of $10 per hour.

The annual sales/production budget is 2,400 units evenly spread throughout the year. The standard selling price was $1,250 per unit.

The budgeted production overhead, all fixed, is $288,000 and expenditure is expected to occur evenly over the year, which the company divides into 12 calendar months. Absorption is based on direct labour hours.

Quantity Price per kg kg $

Direct material X 12 40Direct material Y 8 32

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For the month of October the following actual information is provided.

Costs of opening inventory, for each material, were at the same price per kilogram as the purchases made during the month but there had been changes in the materials inventory levels, viz.:

Material X purchases were 3,000 kg at $42 each.

Material Y purchases were 1,700 kg at $30 each

The number of direct labour hours worked was 4,600 and the total wages incurred $45,400.

Work­in­progress and finished goods inventories may be assumed to be the same at the beginning and end of October


(3 marks)

$ $Sales (220 units) 264,000Cost of salesDirect materials used 159,000Direct wages 45,400Fixed production overhead 23,000

–––––– 227,400–––––––

Gross profit 36,600Administration costs 13,000Selling and distribution costs 8,000

––––––– 21,000

––––––– Net profit $15,600


1 October 30 October kg kg

Material X 680 1,180Material Y 450 350

(a) to present a standard product cost for one unit of product Q showing the standard selling price and standard gross profit per unit

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(12 marks)

(5 marks)

(Total: 20 marks)

(b) to calculate appropriate variances for the materials, labour, fixed production overhead and sales, noting that it is company policy to calculate material price variances at time of issue to production (i.e. based on usage not purchases)and that the firm does not calculate mix and yield variances

(c) to present a statement for management reconciling the budgeted gross profit with the actual gross profit


May Ltd produces a single product for which the following data are given:

Standards per unit of product:

Actual details for given financial period:

There was no work in progress at the beginning or end of the period.

Direct material 4 kg at $3 per kg

Direct labour 2 hours at $6.40 per hour

Output produced in units 38,000

Direct materials : $

Purchased 180,000 kg for 504,000

Issued to production 154,000 kg

Direct labour 78,000 hours worked for 546,000

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(20 marks)

(a) Calculate the following variances: (i) direct labour total;

(ii) direct labour rate;

(iii) direct labour efficiency;

(iv) direct materials total;

(v) direct materials price, based on issues to production;

(vi) direct materials usage.

(b) Discuss whether in each of the following cases, the comment given as the possible reason for the variance, is consistent with the variance you have calculated in (a) above. (i) Direct labour rate variance: the union negotiated wage

increase was $0.60 per hour lower than expected;

(ii) Direct labour efficiency variance: the efficiency of labour was commendable.

(iii) Direct materials price variance: the procurement manager has ignored the economic order quantity and, by obtaining bulk quantities, has purchased material at less than the standard price;

(iv) Direct materials usage variance: material losses in production were less than had been allowed for in the standard;

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Sam Mendes Ltd is a manufacturing company which produces a variety of products. The following information relates to one of its products ­ Product W:

The budgeted production is 24,000 units per annum evenly spread throughout the year, with each calendar month assumed to be equal. March is a bad month in terms of sales revenue and it is expected that sales will only be 1,700 units during the month. Fixed overheads were expected to be $144,000 per year and are absorbed on a labour hour basis.

Actual results for the month of March were that sales were 2,200 units at a price of $90. There was no change in stock of finished goods or raw materials.

The purchases during the month were 11,300 kg of material X at $2.80 per kg and 8,300 kg of material Y at $5.30 per kg.

4,800 labour hours were worked at a rate of $8.10 per hour and 1,600 hours at $8.30.

The actual variable overheads for the period were $33,000 and the fixed overheads were $12,500.

The company uses an absorption costing system and maintains its raw materials account at standard.

Standard cost data $Selling price 100Direct Material X Direct Material Y Direct Labour Variable overheads Contribution per unit

5 kg @ $3/kg 4 kg @ $5/kg 3 hrs @ $8/hr 3 hrs @ $6/hr

15 20 24 18 ——

77 —— 23


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Calculate appropriate variances for the month of March in as much detail as possible and present an operating statement reconciling budgeted profit with actual profit.

You are not required to calculate mix or yield variances as Sam Mendes Ltd does not sub­analyse the material usage or labour efficiency variances.

(20 marks)

10 Advanced variances


Paint Mixers Inc manufactures and sells a range of paints, including a high performance green paint that will attach to any surface without flaking or peeling.

The purchasing manager is responsible for buying the three ingredients (blue paint, yellow paint and a specialist bonding agent) that are used to make green paint whilst the production manager is responsible for mixing the paints and the volume and quality of green paint that is produced. Both the purchasing manager and the production manager joined the company on January 1st in the current year.

The standard ingredients of the green paint mix are as follows:

The Managing Director wishes to compare the performance of the purchasing manager and the production manager during their first three months at the company. The Sales Director has commented that sales are significantly up and appear to be on a rising trend, customers being very happy with the quality of the paint they have purchased in the first quarter of the year.

$2 litres blue paint @ $2.5 per litre = 5.07 litres yellow paint @ $3.0 per litre = 21.01 litre bonding agent @ $10.0 per litre = 10.0Total cost to produce 9 litres of green paint = 36.0Standard cost of one litre of green paint = 4.0

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The Finance Director has produced the table below showing the variance results for the first three months of the year.

Table 1

F = Favourable A = Adverse

Production activity levels throughout the period varied little and the standard monthly material total cost was approximately $20,000.


(6 marks)

(10 marks)

Purchases in April

$ $ $January February March

Material Price variance

3000 (A) 2000 (A) 1000 (A)

Material Mix variance

2000 (A) 750 (A) 100 (F)

Material Yield variance

4000 (A) 2000 (A) 50 (F)

Total variance 9000 (A) 4750 (A) 850 (A)

(a) Using the information in Table 1: I explain the significance of the three variances above (the price,

mix and yield variances) and assess the extent to which each variance is controllable by the purchasing manager and the production manager.

II Compare the performance of the purchasing manager and the production manager taking into account the cost variance results and the comments of the sales director.

(b) The Finance Director has provided the following data in relation to April’s production of 5000 litres of green paint.

1000 litres blue paint @ $2.6 per litre = $2,6004000 litres yellow paint @ $3.1 per litre = $12,400500 litres bonding

agent@ $9.9 per litre = $4,950

5500 litres $19,950

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Calculate the material price, mix and yield variances for April.

(9 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)


A company has an inspection department in which operatives examine fruit in order to extract blemished input before the fruit is transferred to a processing department. The input to the inspection department comes from a preparation department where the fruit is washed and trimmed.

Inventories cannot be built up because of the perishable nature of the fruit. This means that the inspection department operations are likely to have some idle time during each working day.

A standard output rate in kilos per hour from the inspection process has been agreed as the target to be aimed for in return for wages paid at a fixed rate per hour irrespective of the actual level of idle time.

The standard data for the inspection department are as follows:

The labour variance analysis for November for the inspection department was as follows:

(i) standard idle time: as a percentage of total hours paid for: 20%;

(ii) standard wage rate per hour: $6.00;

(iii) standard output efficiency is 100% i.e., one standard hour of work is expected in each hour excluding idle time hours;

(iv) wages are charged to production at a rate per standard hour sufficient to absorb the standard level of idle time.

Variances $ Expressed in % termsEfficiency 1,050 (F) 2.2 (F)Idle time 300 (A) 2.5 (A)Wage rate 1,600 (A) 3.3 (A)

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The actual data for the inspection department for the three months December to February are as follows:


(12 marks)

(6 marks)

(Total: 18 marks)

Dec. Jan. Feb.Standard hours of output achieved 6,600 6,700 6,800Labour hours paid for 8,600 8,400 8,900Idle time hours incurred 1,700 1,200 1,400Actual wages earned $53,320 $54,600 $57,850

(a) to calculate the labour productive efficiency variances, excess labour idle time variances and labour rate variances for each of the three months December to February. Interpret the variances calculated.

(b) in order to highlight the trend and materiality of the variances calculated in (a) above, express them as percentages of the standard

11 Performance measurement and control


The following information relates to Success Services Co, a provider of productivity­improving software to small and medium sized businesses.

The company was founded by and is wholly owned by David Speed. David Speed was MD of the business until the end of last year when he handed over control to his son, Michael Speed. Michael has an MBA and at the start of the current year introduced a number of initiatives aimed at giving greater authority and incentives to middle management.

You have been provided with financial information relating to the company in Appendix1. In Appendix 2 you have been provided with non­financial information which is based on the balanced scorecard format.

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Appendix 2: Balanced Scorecard (Extract)


(8 marks)

Appendix 1: Financial information

Current year Previous year

Turnover ($’000) 4,900 3,400Net profit 987 850Interest cover 3x 5xAverage trade receivables days (industry average 40 days)

42 30

Customer perspective Current year Previous year Number of customers 910 620% of sales from new software products

24% 15%

% on time installation of software products

47% 65%

Average value of software sales 4,180 5,300% customers who complained 4.5% 1.5% Internal perspective Current year Previous year Number of new software products launched

2 0

% of tenders for new business won 38% 24% Learning and growth perspective Current year Previous year Average annual no. of lines of codewritten by each programmer 4,800 4200Average no. of bugs per 1000lines of code 64 48% staff who have completed softwaredevelopment course 10% 18%Employee retention rate 75% 90%

(a) Using the information in Appendix 1 only, comment on the financial performance of the company (briefly consider growth, profitability, gearing and credit management)

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(5 marks)

(12 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

(b) Explain why non financial information such as that shown in appendix 2 is likely to give a more reliable indication of the likely future prosperity of the company than the financial information given in Appendix 1.

(c) Using the data from Appendix 2 comment on the performance of the business. Include separate comments on the three perspectives, customer, internal and learning and growth, and provide a concluding comment on the overall performance of the business.

12 Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing


KDS is an engineering company which is organised for management purposes in the form of several autonomous divisions. The performance of each division is currently measured by calculation of its return on investment (ROI). KDS's existing accounting policy is to calculate ROI by dividing the net assets of each division at the end of the year into the operating profit generated by the division during the year. Cash is excluded from net assets since all divisions share a bank account controlled by KDS’s head office. Depreciation is on a straight­line basis.

The divisional management teams are paid a performance­related bonus conditional upon achievement of a 15% ROI target. On 20 December 20X5 the divisional managers were provided with performance forecasts for 20X5 which included the following:

Forecast Net assets at 31 December 20X5

20X5 operating



$ $ Division K 4,400,000 649,000 14.75%Division D 480,000 120,000 25.00%

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Subsequently, the manager of Division K invited members of her management team to offer advice. The responses she received included the following:

‘We can achieve our 20X5 target by deferring payment of a $90,000 trade debt payable on 20 December until 1 January. I should add that we will thereby immediately incur a $2,000 late payment penalty.’

‘We should replace a number of our oldest machine tools (which have nil book value) at a cost of $320,000. The new equipment will have a life of eight years and generate cost savings of $76,000 per year. The new equipment can be on site and operational by 31 December 20X5.’

‘The existing method of performance appraisal is unfair. We should ask head office to adopt residual income (RI) as the key performance indicator, using the company’s average 12% cost of money for a finance charge.’


(12 marks)

(8 marks)

(5 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

• From the divisional administrator:

• From the works manager:

• From the financial controller:

(a) Compare and appraise the proposals of the divisional administrator and the works manager, having regard to the achievement of the ROI performance target in 20X5 and to any longer term factors you think relevant.

(b) Explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with the financial controller’s proposal.

(c) Explain how non­financial performance measures could be used to assess the performance of divisions K and D.

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13 Performance measurement in not­for­profit organisations


S Inc installs complex satellite navigation systems in cars, at a very large national depot. The standard cost of an installation is shown below. The budgeted volume is 1,000 units installed each month. The operations manager is responsible for three departments, namely: purchasing, fitting and quality control. S Inc purchases navigation systems and other equipment from different suppliers, and most items are imported. The fitting of different systems takes differing lengths of time, but the differences are not more than 25% from the average, so a standard labour time is applied.

Standard cost of installation of one navigation system

The operations department has gathered the following information over the last few months. There are significant difficulties in retaining skilled staff. Many have left for similar but better paid jobs and as a result there is a high labour turnover. Exchange rates have moved and commentators have argued that this will make exports cheaper, but S Inc has no exports and has not benefited. Some of the fitters have complained that one large batch of systems did not have the correct adapters and would not fit certain cars, but this was not apparent until fitting was attempted. Rent, rates, insurance and computing facilities have risen in price noticeably.

$ Quantity Price ($)Materials Labour Variable overheads Fixed overheads

400 320 140 300


1 unit 20 hours 20 hours 20 hours

400 16 7 15

Total standard cost 1,160 –––––––

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The financial results for September to December are shown below.

Operating statement for S Inc for September to December

A = adverse variance F = favourable variance


(15 marks)

(10 marks)

(Total: 25 marks)

September October November December 4 months

$ $ $ $ $

Standard cost of actual output Variances materials

1,276,000 1,276,000 1,102,000 1,044,000 4,698,000

Price 5,505 F 3,354 F 9,520 A 10,340 A 11,0 A

Usage 400 A 7,200 A 800 A 16,000 A 24,400 A


Rate 4,200 A 5,500 A 23,100 A 24,000 A 56,800 A

Efficiency 16,000 F 0 32,000 A 32,000 A 48,000 A

Variable overheads

Expenditure 7,000 A 2,000 A 2,000 F 0 7,000 A

Efficiency 7,000 F 0 14,000 A 14,000 A 21,000 A

Fixed overheads Expenditure 5,000 A 10,000 A 20,000 A 20,000 A 55,000 A

Volume 30,000 F 30,000 F 15,000 A 30,000 A 15,000 F

Actual costs 1,234,095 1,267,346 1,214,420 1,190,340 4,906,201

(a) Prepare a report to the operations manager of S Inc commenting on the performance of the company for the four months to 31 December. State probable causes for the key issues you have included in your report and state the further information that would be helpful in assessing the performance of the company.

(b) Prepare a percentage variance chart for material usage and material price for the four­month period. Explain how this could be used to decide whether or not to investigate the variances.

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Test your understanding answers


(a) Type A Type B Type C Total Production units 30 120 150 300Wood (metres) per chair 10 9 9 2730Leather (metres) per chair 4 2 0 360Labour hours per chair 24 20 16 5520 There are three single batches made per week, hence there are three set­ups per week. Assuming four weeks in one month, this becomes 12 set­ups per month. $ Cost driver Cost driver rate Set­up costs 5,600 12 set­ups $466.67 per set­


Purchasing and checking leather hides

4.000 360 m leather

$11.11 per metre

Purchase of wood2,400 2,730 m

wood $0.879 per m

Quality inspection of leather seating

3,200 360 m leather

$8.889 per metre

Despatch and transport 6,000 300 chairs $20 per chair

Administration and personnel costs

13,300 5,520 hours $2.409 per hour

Type A Type B Type C Setup (4 setups each) 1,866.67 1,866.67 1,866.67Purchasing leather 1,333.33 2,666.67 0Purchasing wood 263.74 949.45 1,186.81Quality inspection 1,066.67 2,133.33 0Despatch 600.00 2,400.00 3,000.00Administration 1734.78 5,782.61 5,782.61Total overhead 6,865.19 15,798.73 11,836.09 Number of units ÷ 30 ÷120 ÷150Overhead per unit 228.84 131.66 78.91 Material 85 60 50Labour 120 100 80Total Cost per unit 433.84 291.66 208.91Selling price 395 285 225Profit / Loss (38.84) (6.66) 16.09

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The plan for the other two leather chairs needs to be reviewed. Either the overhead costs for purchasing leather and quality control must be reduced and/or the sales prices need to be revised upwards. If these options are not viable then Roche may need to downsize the business and produce a single product, the Type C.

(b) ABC is a more detailed analysis of overheads and shows a different

view, i.e. that only the simple wooden chair Type C was making a profit. The more luxurious chairs are making a loss especially the top of range Type A model. This analysis may be of more use for long­term planning.


(a) (i) The existing overhead absorption rate is:

Unit cost

15,600+19,500+13,650 $48,750

—————————————————— = ———— $18.75 per hour

(2,000×24/60)+(1500×40/60)+(800×60/60) 2,600 hours

Product X Product Y Product Z Direct material 5.00 3.00 6.00Direct labour 3.60 6.00 9.00Production overhead 7.50

—––— 12.50

—––— 18.75

—––— $16.10 —––—

$21.50 —––—

$33.75 —––—

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(W1) Material receipt/inspection

Product X 503.23/batch × 10 batches/2,000 units = $2.52/unit Product Y 503.23/batch × 5 batches/1,500 units = $1.68/unit Product Z 503.23/batch × 16 batches/800 units = $10.06/unit

(W2) Process power

Cost/unit Product X $1.0773/operation × 6 operations = $6.46 Product Y $1.0773/operation ×3 operations = $3.23 Product Z $1.0773/operation × 2 operations = $2.15

(W3) Material handling

Cost/unit Product X $0.70361/m2 of material × 4m2 = $2.81 Product Y $0.70361/m2 of material × 6m2 = $4.22 Product Z $0.70361/m2 of material × 3m2 = $2.11

(ii) Cost driver rates$15,600

Material receipt and inspection

= ———— = 10+5+16

$503.23 per batch


Process power = ————— (2,000 × 6)+(1,500 ×3)+(800 ×2)

= $1.0773 per power drill operation


Material handling

= ————— (2,000×4)+(1,500×6)+(800×3)

=$0.70361 per sq. metre handled

Product X Product Y Product Z Direct material 5.00 3.00 6.00Direct labour 3.60 6.00 9.00Production overheadMaterial receipt/inspection (W1) 2.52 1.68 10.06Process power (W2) 6.46 3.23 2.15Material handling (W3) 2.81

––—— 4.22

––—— 2.11

––—— Cost per unit $20.39

––—— $18.13 ––——

$29.32 ––——

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A good example of the superiority of ABC over absorption costing is that of process power in part (a) above. Under traditional absorption costing Product Z was the dearest for process power merely because it used the most labour hours per unit. ­ a fact completely and utterly unconnected with the way in which process power costs are incurred. Under ABC we investigate the business and actually take the time to find out what factor is most closely related to the cost and use that factor to charge overheads. Here we find that Product X should be the dearest because it uses the most power drill operations.

ABC supporters would argue that this cost/power drill operation is useful information. Costs are $1.0773 per power drill operation and thus product X costs $6.46. This cost is not insignificant and in fact is nearly as much as the direct material cost and direct labour cost combined. It would be inconceivable that the direct material costs and direct labour costs would not be very carefully controlled and yet under traditional absorption costing the process power costs would be included within the general overheads and would not be subject to such severe scrutiny. Under ABC, once we realise that power drill operations cost $1.0773 each then when designing new products, we would have better cost information and thus would be able to make better informed decisions.

(iii) ABC will have the following implications for Hensau:

– Pricing can be based on more realistic cost data ­ the cost per unit under ABC has increased by 26.6% for product X whereas the cost per unit has decreased by 15.7% for product Y and 13.1% for product Z. The price of the products will be based on this more realistic cost and therefore pricing will be improved.

– Decision making will be improved ­ the more realistic product costs means that Hensau can focus on the products which give the highest margin and may decide to stop selling products which give a low or negative margin. Information on sales prices would be required in order to calculate these margins.

– Performance management can be improved ­ Hensay will focus on the most profitable products and, as a result, performance should be improved. In addition, control should be improved since the more realistic costs will form the basis of the budget.

(b) A cost driver is that factor which is most closely related to the way in which the costs of an activity are incurred. It could be said to cause the costs. Under ABC we do not restrict ourselves to just six possible OARs. We choose whatever basis we consider suitable to charge overheads to the product.

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(a) Department shortfall

Let x = number of units of Xerxes produced each week

y = number of units of Yoraths produced each week

C = total contribution per week

Contribution per unit is as follows.

Machining Finishing Hours available per week 40 × 12 40 × 2

= 480 = 80Hours required for productionXerxes 100 × 4 100 × 0.5Yorath 100 × 2 100 × 0.5

———– ———— = 600 = 100

Shortfall 120 hours 20 hours (b) Optimum production plan

Xerxes Yorath $ $

Selling price 51 36Less : Variable costsDirect material (3) (4)Machining cost (24) (12)Finishing cost (4) (4)Variable overheads (5) (6)

—— —— Contribution per unit 15 10

—— ——

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The objective function is to maximise

C = 15x + 10y

subject to constraints of

The optimum point is where (2) and (3) cross.

Thus simultaneously

Therefore the optimum production plan is to manufacture 80 of both.

This gives a budgeted profit as follows.

(1) Materials 3x + 4x ≤ 600(2) Machining time 4x + 2y ≤ 480(3) Finishing time 0.5x + 0.5y ≤ 80

Non­negativity x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

Thus simultaneouslysolving 4x + 2y = 480and 0.5x + 0.5y = 80gives

x = 80 and y = 80

Contribution per week = (15 × 80) + (10 × 80)= $2,000

Contribution for period = $2,000 × 12= $24,000

Budgeted profit = $(24,000 – 13,000) = $11,000

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Suppose one extra hour of machining time was available each week.

The optimal solution would now be found at the intersection of

Solving these simultaneously gives x = 80½ and y = 79½ and a total contribution of

C = (15 x 80½) + (10 x 79½) = $2002.50

This is an increase of $2.50 over the existing optimal solution.

Quarko would thus be willing to pay a premium of $2.50 over the normal cost ($6 per hour) for extra machining hours or $8.50 an hour.

(c) Obtaining extra machining hours

4x + 2y = 481and 0.5x + 0.5y = 80


(a) Relevant costs are as follows: $000

Materials W1 4,400

Labour W2 2,100

Variable overheads 1,000

Fixed overheads W3 150


The minimum tender price is thus $7,650,000 7,650


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(W1) Materials $000

Cost of buying extra materials (5,000­500) (4,500)Historic cost of items in inventory­junk ­Opportunity saving re disposed costs 100

——— (4,400)———

(W2) Labour $000

Salary for next year (2,000)Incremental redundancy costs (600­500) (100)

——— (2,100)———

(W3) fixed overheads $000

Unavoidable costs and depreciation ­Fall in disposal proceeds (150)

——— (150)


(b) The following considerations should be taken into account when putting together a tender:

– A calculation of the extra costs involved in continuing the contract is shown in part (a) and would tend to indicate that the minimum price that could be offered is $7,650,000. At this price, however, CCI will not make any contribution to its profit.

– The calculation was based on the estimates provided but any change in these could lead to losses on the contract if this minimum price was quoted.

– The original pricing policy of cost plus 25% allowed CCI a large margin, which may have encouraged the company to ignore possible production inefficiencies.

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Other factors

– It is likely, however, that in order to secure this price in the past CCI will have had to reveal its costs to Victor Motors. This will have given the customer considerable power over CCI and is therefore a disadvantage of such a policy.

– However, the specialist nature of Victor Components would suggest that there may be quality issues and other teething problems if Victor awarded the contract to a new supplier.

– CCI has enjoyed a long business relationship with Victor and it is important that it continues to stay on good terms with the Victor management as they are likely to have a major impact on the awarding of the contract. They may also be able to advise on the likely price level of the successful bid

– CCI also needs to find out from Victor management how likely it is that the contract will actually be awarded to different companies each year, or whether there is a strong possibility that the initial successful bid will keep the contract for some time. The incremental costs in part (a) have been based on one year only.

– If CCI were to lose the contract, it may have an impact on its reputation in the car industry and a consequent loss of business from other sources.

– It will be important to know what other component manufacturers are likely to be involved in the tender. CCI must try to identify possible rivals and then estimate the general nature of such competitors’ costs and therefore possible tender levels.

– Other firms are also likely to have spare capacity, so may bid on the basis of variable rather than full cost. However, competitors may have to commit to significant investment in new machinery and retooling to be able to make Victor’s specialist components.

– Victor currently accounts for 40% of CCI’s output. Should the contract be lost CCI would result in operating at only 42% capacity (70 x 60%). It is questionable whether CCI would remain a viable operation under such circ*mstances.

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(a) Buy v Make $

The buy alternative

Cost of bought­in seats: 10 × $610 6,100




The make alternative

Sales of power units forgone: 20 × $376 7,520

Cost savings of making fewer batteries:

(4,140 + 9,450) / 90 × 20 (3,020)

Increase in cost of making seats:

(9,300 + 12,600) / 60 × 10 3,650




Note: In either case, 10 external sales of power units will be lost as these are now used internally. You could have included the cost of these lost sales in both of the above calculations. It is quicker to recognise they are a common cash flow and hence not relevant to the decision.

On the basis of the information given the required seats should be bought in rather than made.

The following factors should also be considered before a final decision is made:

– The external supplier can produce seats of the same quality as Access Inc.

– Customers will not view bought­in seats as inferior.

– Dependence on an external supplier of extra seating assemblies does not lead to difficulty in maintaining sales volume in the future.

– None of the apportioned overheads are incremental – see answer to part (b) below.

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In the short run apportioned overhead costs are not relevant to the decision, on the assumption that they are all fixed and not variable. Therefore the decision is not affected by their apportionment. However, in the long run all costs become relevant and, given the relatively high fixed cost/unit charge to the seating department, the decision may need further consideration.

– The average variable costs of production calculated above are constant over the relevant range of output, i.e. no economies of scale or learning effects result from the increased production.

– No goodwill is lost by the reduction in sales of power units to the existing external clients.

– No additional transport costs are encountered.

– Demand will be maintained at the increased level

(b) Relevance of overhead cost figures

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Proceeds from sale of XY $42,000Alternative 1 $000 $000Material A Replacement value 600 x $180


Material B Benefit foregone from Z 1000/4 x $360


198Unskilled labour 5000 x $6 30Semi skilled NilSkilled: Direct cost 5000 x $10 50Opportunity cost 5000/4 x $48 60


Variable overhead 15,000 x $2 30Selling and delivery 54Advertising 36

— Total cost 458Revenue 900 x $600 540

—— Benefit 82


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Alternative 2 $000 $000Material C Variable cost per unit $74 x 1000 74


Unskilled labour 4000 x $6 24Semi skilled NilSkilled: Direct cost 4000 x $10 40 Opportunity cost 4000/4 x $48 48

— 112

Variable overhead 9,000 x $2 18 ——

Total cost 204

Benefit Amount normally paid for sub­assembly 1200 x $1800


Less amount paid now 900 x $2100 (1890) 270 ——

Net Benefit 66 ——

In conclusion, Alternative 1 is preferable to both selling material XY and Alternative 2.

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(a) The question asked how would the company's forecasted profits be affected if product C were discontinued. There are many ways of answering the question. The method shown below re­presents the table without Product C and using marginal costing principles, as absorption costing ideas would never help us a make a short term decision.

If Product C were discontinued, profit would fall by $8,000 to $13,000. The $8,000 represents the lost contribution from Product C.

I have assumed that the fixed costs will not change as a result of the decision. If some of the fixed costs were specific to Product C, then if Product C were discontinued then those specific fixed costs would be avoidable. I have assumed that this is not the case.

Product A Product B Total $000 $000 $000

Sales 100 96 196 Variable cost 60 56 116

—— —— —— Contribution 40 40 80

—— —— Fixed cost 67

—— Profit 13


(b) This is a limiting factor decision ­ the limiting factor being kg of material. The decision is made on the basis of contribution per unit of limiting factor, i.e. contribution per kg of material.

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We are told the selling price per unit and the total sales in $000. We can therefore work out budgeted no. of units sold.

We can then work out the variable cost per unit:

Product A Product B Product C $ $ $

Selling Price 10 12 8Variable cost (W1) 6 7 6

—— —— —— Contribution per unit 4 5 2No of kg per unit 8 4 1Contribution per KG 0.5 1.25 2Priority 3rd 2nd 1st

Units kg per Unit

Materials kg

Contribution $

Product C 4,000 1 4,000 8,000Product B 8,000 4 32,000 40,000Product A 7,000 Bal2 8 56,000Bal

————— 28,000

———— 92,000 76,000

———— 67,000Fixed cost ———— Profit 9,000


Product A $100,000/$10 10,000 units

Product B $96,000/$12 8,000 units

Product C $32,000/$8 4,000 units

Product A ($40,000 + $20,000)/10,000 units= $6Product B ($38,000 + $18,000)/8,000 units = $7Product C ($13,000 + $11,000)/4,000 units = $6

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(a)Outcome ­ Demand

Probability 10 Cases Action­ Order 20 Cases

30 Cases

$ $ $10 cases 0.3 100 10 (80)20 cases 0.5 100 200 11030 cases 0.2 100 200 300Expected net margin

100 143 91

(b) If Amanda wishes to maximise E.V. she should order 20 cases per day

(c) Maximin –

worst outcomes Amanda should order 10 cases/day

100 10 (80)

Maximin – best outcomes Amanda should order 30 cases/day

100 200 300

If Amanda wishes to maximise E.V. she should order 20 cases per day.


Amanda should order 20 cases per day.

Demand Order 10 20 30 $ $ $

10 0 90 18020 100 0 9030 200 100 0Maximum regret 200 100 180

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Variable cost is 70% of turnover, so contribution is 30% of turnover, therefore:

Level of advance order

Level of demand

Contribution Fixed cost Net margin

$000 $000 $000

High High 4,500 2,300 2,200

High Medium 2,550 2,300 250

High Low 1,200 2,300 (1,100)

Medium High 4,500 1,500 + 1,300


Medium Medium 2,550 1,500 1,050

Medium Low 1,200 1,500 (300)

Low High 4,500 1,000 + 2,150


Low Medium 2,550 1,000 + 850


Low Low 1,200 1,000 200

Demand Turnover $000

Contribution $000

High 15,000 4,500

Medium 8,500 2,550

Low 4,000 1,200

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The advance order should be placed at the medium level. The expected net margin would be $807,500.


For each option calculate the worst possible outcome and then choose the best of those. This is a pessimist’s viewpoint.

Using this criterion the advance order should be placed at the low level. Net margin would be at least $200,000. This attitude would be described as risk­averse.


For each option calculate the best possible outcome and then choose the best of those. This is an optimist’s point of view

$000High Level

EV = 0.25 x 2,200 + 0.45 x 250 + 0.3 x (1,100) =332.5

——— Medium Level

EV = 0.25 x 1,700 + 0.45 x 1,050 + 0.3 x (300) =807.5

——— Low Level

EV = 0.25 x 1,350 + 0.45 x 700 + 0.3 x 200 =712.5


(c) This is a rather obscure reference to maximin and maximax. The tiny clue being that maximin is a risk­averse technique and maximax is a risk­seeking technique. (Expected values is a risk­neutral technique.)

Option Worst Possible Outcome (Net Margin)

($000) High (1,100)Medium (300)Low 200

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Using this criterion the advance order should be placed at the high level. Net margin could be as much as $2,200,000. This attitude would be described as risk­seeking.

Expected values

Using an expected value criterion would be described as risk­neutral. We have seen in part (b) that using this criterion would result in the advance order being placed at the medium level.

Option Best Possible Outcome (Net Margin)

($000)High 2,200Medium 1,700Low 1,350


(a) An answer should cover four purposes from the six provided below.


The budget is a major short­term planning device placing the overall direction of the company into a quarterly, monthly and, perhaps, weekly focus. It ensures that managers have thought ahead about how they will utilise resources to achieve company policy in their area.


Once a budget is formulated a regular reporting system can be established so that the extent to which plans are, or are not, being met can be established. Some form of management by exception can be established so that deviations from plans are identified and reactions to the deviation developed if desirable.


As organisations grow the various departments benefit from the co­ordination effect of the budget. In this role budgets ensure that no one department is out of line with the action of others. They may also hold in check anyone who is inclined to pursue his or her own desires rather than corporate objectives.

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The construction of the budget can be a powerful aid to defining or clarifying the lines of horizontal or vertical communication within the enterprise. Managers should have a clearer idea of what their responsibilities are, what is expected of them, and are likely to work better with others to achieve it.

Performance evaluation

When budgets are ‘tailored’ to a department or manager they become useful tools for evaluating how the manager or department is performing. If sales targets are met or satisfactory service provided within reasonable spending limits then bonus or promotion prospects are enhanced.


The value of a budget is enhanced still further if it not only states expectations but motivates managers to strive towards those expectations. This is more likely achieved if a manager has had some involvement in the budget construction, understands its implications and agrees it is fair and controllable by him/her.

Budget difficulty

It is generally agreed that the existence of some form of target or expected outcome is a greater motivation than no target at all. The establishment of a target, however, raises the question of the degree of difficulty or challenge of the target. If the performance standard is set too high or too low then sub­optimal performance could be the result. The degree of budget difficulty is not easy to establish. It is influenced by the nature of the task, the organisational culture and personality factors. Some people respond positively to a difficult target others, if challenged, tend to withdraw their commitment.

(b) If budgetary control is to be successful, attention must be paid to behavioural aspects, i.e. the effect of the system on people in the organisation and vice versa. The following are some of the points which should be borne in mind:

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Budgets and performance evaluation

The emphasis on achievement of budget targets can be increased, but also the potential for dysfunctional behaviour, if the budget is subsequently used to evaluate performance. This evaluation is frequently associated with specific rewards such as remuneration increases or improved promotion prospects. In such cases it is likely that individuals will concentrate on those items which are measured and rewarded neglecting aspects on which no measurement exists. This may result in some aspects of the job receiving inadequate attention because they are not covered by goals or targets due to the complexity of the situation or the difficulty of measurement.

Managerial style

The use of budgets in evaluation and control is also influenced by the way they are used by the superior. Different management styles of budget use have been observed, for example:

The style is suggested to influence, in some cases, the superior/subordinate relationship, the degree of stress and tension involved and the likelihood of budget attainment. The style adopted and its implications are affected by the environment in which management is taking place. For example, the degree of interdependency between areas of responsibility, the uncertainty of the environment and the extent to which individuals feel they influence results are all factors to consider in relation to the management style adopted and its outcomes.

Budget constrained

– placing considerable emphasis on meeting budget targets

Profit conscious – where a balanced view is taken between budget targets, long­term goals and general effectiveness

Non­accounting – where accounting data is seen as relatively unimportant in the evaluation of subordinates.

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It is often suggested that participation in the budget process and discussion over how results are to be measured has benefits in terms of budget attitude and performance. Views on this point are varied however, and the personality of the individuals participating, the nature of the task (narrowly defined or flexible) and the organisation structure influence the success of participation. But a budget when carefully and appropriately established can extract a better performance from the budgetee than one in which these considerations are ignored.


Budgetees who are involved in the process from which the budget standards are set are more likely to accept them as legitimate. However, they may also be tempted to seize the opportunity to manipulate the desired performance standard in their favour. That is, they may make the performance easier to achieve and hence be able to satisfy personal goals rather than organisational goals. This is referred to as incorporating ‘slack’ into the budget. In this context there may be a relationship between the degree of emphasis placed on the budget and the tendency of the budgetee to bias the budget content or circumvent its control.

Any organisational planning and control system has multiple objectives but primary amongst these is encouraging staff to take organisationally desirable actions. It is never possible to predict with certainty the outcomes of all behavioural interaction however it is better to be aware of the various possible behavioural implications than to be ignorant of them.

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Note: this answer is longer than required in the exam but gives an indication of the potential scope of an answer.


The questioning of why expenditure needs to be incurred

The development of a questioning attitude to activities that incur costs is the first step to ensuring that costs are kept to most efficient levels. It is important to recall that ZBB, in the short term, can only change costs over which the organisation has short­term control. Longer­term, or period costs, can only be changed over a longer horizon. Taxes and other regulatory costs cannot be the focus of ZBB because they are difficult to influence.

Thus ZBB can be immediately effective where costs can be related to identifiable activities. The questions that might emerge in such situations are as follows:

Can costs associated with an activity be isolated? If costs cannot be identified to a particular activity to a degree that provides management with confidence that they can change the costs then there is little point in applying ZBB techniques to the cost.

An even more basic question is to ask how important the activity is to the business and what, if the costs can be identified, is the total cost saving that might result should the activity be stopped. In this respect, it is important to identify effects on costs elsewhere in the business. If the activity to be stopped absorbed fixed costs, then the fixed costs will have to be re­apportioned without absorption to the activity that is to be stopped.

(a) Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) is a method of budgeting that re­examines, at each budgeting exercise, whether the budgeted activity is to be funded at any level. Hence, the budgeting exercise begins at a zero or nil cost base. It is a device that is particularly useful when an organisation is unsure if its costs are at the most efficient levels. Most efficient costs are not the same as minimum levels, since very low costs might impinge on service or product quality. The purpose of ZBB is to overcome inefficient forms of budgeting that might lead to slack practices, which consume more resources than the most effective and efficient organisations face.

(b) There are a series of steps that would ordinarily be taken in order to implement an effective ZBB system.

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Moreover, there may be joint costs such that stopping one activity may have an uncertain effect on joint costs incurred with another activity. Is the activity in question the cheapest way of providing the service or contribution to production? Thus, it is important not to ask simply if the costs relating to the activity are the most efficient, but are there alternatives that might reduce costs still further and still maintain a given level of service or production.

A more fundamental question about conducting ZBB processes is whether the benefits of employing ZBB outweigh the costs. It is important to appreciate that conducting a ZBB exercise is not a costless process if, as will inevitably be the case, management time is consumed.

How a decision is made as to which activities should be provided with a budget?

Budgeted activities should be capable of being monitored and controlled. If an activity is recognised as a budget centre, and is going to be subject to a ZBB process, then it is important that management undertake the task of monitoring costs in relation to activity and taking corrective action when appropriate. Thus, if an activity consumes resources and is capable of being monitored and controlled then it should be provided with a budget. This will then make the activity subject to ZBB processes.

‘Decision packages’ are sometimes referred to in the context of ZBB and activities. These relate to how activities can be described when thinking about how ZBB can be used to judge an activity.

There are two types of decision activity:

(1) Mutually exclusive decisions: When ZBB assessments are made of an activity, alternative courses of action are sometimes benchmarked against existing activities. A choice is then made over which activity might be the preferable course of action. The preferred choice will involve budgeted information, but may also involve other factors such as product quality and service level provision.

(2) Incremental decisions: ZBB assessments are often related to the level of activity within a budget centre. Thus, there will be a minimum level of activity that provides the essential level of product or service. This is often referred to as the ‘base’ activity. Further levels of activity are then incremental and, subject to correctly identifying and isolating the variable costs related to an activity, ZBB assessments can be made separately of both the base and the incremental activities. This division might then provide management with an understanding of the degree of flexibility the organisation has.

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What questions should be asked when budgeted activities need to be ranked to allocate scarce resources?

The allocation of scarce resources is a key management task. Scarce resources will have to be allocated to the activities of a business in terms of providing appropriate labour and materials, along with any other costs related to an activity. Whilst ZBB is most often applied to support activities the technique can also be applied to a production process.

Some sorting of ranking will have to be applied in order to determine which activities are funded by a budget against those that are not. The key question for budgeting purposes relates to:

Essentially, a judgement has to be made by management of the benefit of the activity to the organisation. Theoretically, this is best achieved by determining deprival value. In practice, deprival values are difficult tools and some level of arbitrary judgement has to take place in which non­financial factors might play a significant role.

The motivation of employees is one of the most difficult tasks facing management since the problems are complex and not always referable to financial performance indicators. To the extent that employees are not responsive to financial performance indicators then ZBB is going to be less effective as a device to motivate employees.

(1) defining the appropriate decision package (as described above)

(2) the importance of the activity in relation to the organisation in terms of:

– support for the organisation’s objective (for example, maximising shareholder wealth)

– support for other service or product activities

(3) how the ranking system is to be used:

– are all activities to be funded above a certain rank, or

– is there a scaling of funds allocated against funds requested as determined by the rank, or

– is there a combination of methods?

(c) Critical assessment of the use of Zero Based Budgeting as a tool that might be used to motivate employees

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The problem of employee motivation is one of achieving goal congruence with the organisational objectives. ZBB can be useful in this respect as a method of tackling the problem of incentivising employees to achieve targeted performance when a clear understanding of the activities and their related decision packages is essential for the management tasks of monitoring and controlling an activity.

In this respect ZBB has the following advantages

Generally, participative budget­setting will result in:

(d) (1) It ensures that only forward looking objectives are addressed. This limits the potential for historical abuses in budget­setting to be established. Employees can be set targets that are consistent with the future objectives of the organisation.

(2) Building ‘budget slack’ is minimised because, in principle, the entire costs of an activity are reviewed at each budget­setting stage. Employees are then set realistic targets that relate to activity levels that are the most efficient.

(3) Managers are made to understand, as part of the ZBB process, the activity itself. This reduces tension between those who decide (management) and those who have to implement manager decisions. Claims that management do not really understand the nature of an activity are thus reduced.

(4) ZBB encourages flexibility in employees since they know that, potentially, activities may be stopped. Flexibility induces goal consistency by enabling incentive schemes to reflect activity. In other words, employees are more likely to be responsive to management directives if they are aware and trust that the budget setting process encourages and supports payments that are responsive to flexibility.

(e) The advantages of encouraging employee participation in budget­setting

(1) An informed budget­setting process, such that management are aware of the detail of budgeted activities as provided by the people who work daily within the budgeted activity.

(2) Avoiding the criticism that budgets are unrealistic.

(3) Reducing the adverse effects of budget imposition when difficult management decisions have to be made (e.g. staff reduction).

(4) Employees become aware and more involved in the management activities of the organisations. To the extent that they become more aware, then a greater understanding of the needs of the organisation as a whole is reached.

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(5) Co­ordination within an activity might be improved. If activities are jointly budgeted, or are part of the same process, then co­ordination between activities might be improved.

(6) Budgetary slack may be reduced as management become more aware of the operational activities within an activity.

(7) Achievable budgets are more likely to be set.

(8) When budgets are not met management are more likely to have a deeper knowledge of the operational issues involved.

(9) There is less risk that budgets will be undermined by subordinates.

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(a) $ $

100 batchesSales @ $50,000 5,000,000Costs:Direct materials W1 655,000Direct labour W2 229,460Variable overhead W3 68,838Rent 15,000Depreciation 225,000

––––––– (1,193,298)–––––––––

Net profit 3,806,702–––––––––

Net margin 76.13%

The targeted net profit margin of 80% of sales will not be achieved.


(1) Direct materials$

First 10 @ $10,000 100,000Second 10 @ $7,500 75,000Remaining 80 @ $6,000 480,000

––––––– Total 655,000

(a) $ $

100 batchesSales @ $50,000 5,000,000Costs:Direct materials W1 655,000Direct labour W2 229,460Variable overhead W3 68,838Rent 15,000Depreciation 225,000

––––––– (1,193,298)–––––––––

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The targeted net profit margin of 80% of sales will not be achieved.


Net profit 3,806,702–––––––––

Net margin 76.13%

(1) Direct materials$

First 10 @ $10,000 100,000Second 10 @ $7,500 75,000Remaining 80 @ $6,000 480,000

––––––– Total 655,000

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All batches after the first 60 will take the same time as the 60th batch. To calculate the time for the 60th batch we need to take the time of 59 batches from the time of 60 batches.

In the learning curve formula b = logr / log 2 = log0.75 / log2 = –0.415

Time to make the 60th batch = 16,458.0 – 16,295.8 = 162.2hours

Total time for the 100 batches = 16,458 + (162.2 × 40) = 22,946 hours.

Total cost of the first 100 batches = 22,946 × $10 per hour = $229,460

(2) Direct labour

60 batches 59 batches Cumulative average time per batch y = axb

y = 1,500 × 60­0.415

y = 274.3 hours per batch

Cumulative average time per batch y = axb

y = 1,500 × 59­0.415

y = 276.2 hours per batchTotal time for 60 batches

= 274.3 × 60

= 16,458.0 hours

Total time for 59 batches

= 276.2 × 59

= 16,295.8 hours

(3) Variable overhead is 30% of direct labour = 30% × 229,460 = $68,838

(b) The learning rate measures the relationship between the average time taken between two points when production doubles. Since we:

– can work out the average rate for the two batches by X the time of the first batch by the learning factor

– can then work out the total time taken for the two batches by doubling the average rate

– know the time of first batch (1500 hours) we can then calculate the time of the second batch by simply deducting the time of the first batch from the average rate.

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Note: The 70% learning rate produces a lower average time (1050 hours) than the 80% learning rate (1200 hours) and hence is the faster learning rate of the two.

(c) Steps that could be taken to improve the net profit margin include:

70%Time for first batch 1500Average time taken for two batches @ 70% 1500 × 0.7 1050Therefore total time for two batches 2 × 1050 2100Therefore time taken for second batch (2100 – 1500) 60080%Time for first batch 1500Average time taken for two batches @ 80% 1500 × 0.8 1200Therefore total time for two batches 2 × 1050 2400Therefore time taken for second batch (2400 – 1500) 900

– Negotiate a higher price with the retailer. The ability of Fashion Co to negotiate a higher price will depend upon a number of factors including its reputation for quality and delivery and the ease with which the retailer could find alternative suppliers that can deliver garments of the required quality and quantity by the required delivery date.

– Reduce the labour cost by identifying a simpler and faster production method that does not affect the quality or appearance of the finished garment.

– Increase the learning rate. This may be possible via a review of the training procedures and the recruitment of more highly skilled staff. Both these approaches however are likely to involve additional time and costs in the short term.

– Explore the possibility of outsourcing the production to another manufacturer in a lower cost area. This is a major step that would require careful evaluation but it has the substantial attraction ­ in addition to the possibility of reducing production costs – of eliminating depreciation costs of $225,000 since Fashion Co would no longer have to purchase machinery to satisfy this order.

– Explore the use of substitute materials that would not prejudice the quality or appearance of the garment. Any changes would have to be discussed and agreed with the retailer.

– Investigate ways to reduce the level of variable overhead

– Seek to deliver production direct to the retailer and thereby avoid the storage costs of $15,000.

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(a) Standard product cost

$ $ Standard selling price 1,250Material X 12 kg @ $40/kg 480Material Y 8 kg @ $32/kg 256Direct labour 20 hrs @ $10/hr 200Production overhead (W1) 120

–––– 1,056–––––

Standard gross profit 194–––––

(b) Material X variances$

SQSP 12 kg/unit × 220 units × $40/kg = 105,600 UsageAQSP $5,600 F 2,500 kg (W2) × $40/kg = 100,000AQAP $5,000 A2,500 kg x $42/kg = 105,000 PriceMaterial Y variances $ SQSP 8 kg/unit × 220 units × $32/kg = 56,320 UsageAQSP $1,280 A 1,800 kg (W2) × $32/kg = 57,600AQAP $3,600 F 1,800kg × $30/kg = 54,000 Price

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Direct labour variances

Fixed Overhead Expenditure variance

Fixed Overhead Volume variance

Sales price variance

$ SHSR 20 hrs/unit × 220 units × $10/hr = 44,000 EfficiencyAHSR $2,000 A 4,600 hrs × $10/hr = 46,000AHAR $600 F

= 45,400 Rate

$ Budgeted Cost (W3) 24,000Actual Cost 23,000

––––– 1,000 F–––––

UnitsBudgeted output (2,400 units p.a. ÷ 12 months) 200Actual output 220

––––– 20 F

× Std Fixed Overhead Cost per unit ×120$2,400 F

$ Std selling price 1,250Actual selling price ($264,000/220 units) 1,200

50 A× Actual no of units sold × 220

$11,000 A

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Selling volume profit variance

UnitsBudgeted sales 200Actual sales 220

20 Fx Std profit per unit × 194

––––– $3,880 F–––––

(c) Operating Statement $

Budgeted gross profit (W4)


Sales volume profit variance

3,880 F

–––––– Standard profit on actual sales


Sales price variance 11,000 A–––––– 31,680––––––

Favourable Adverse Cost variances Material X Usage 5,600

Price 5,000Material Y Usage 1,280

Price 3,600Direct labour Efficiency 2,000

Rate 600Fixed Prod Expenditure 1,000overhead Volume 2,400

–––––– –––––– 13,200 8,280 4,920 F–––––– –––––– ––––––

Actual gross profit 36,600––––––

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(W1) Fixed overhead per unit = $288,000/2,400 units = $120 per unit

(W3) Budgeted fixed overhead per month = $288,000/12 = $24,000

(W4) Budgeted profit = 200 units × $194 = $38,800

(W2) Material X Material YKg Kg

Op inventory 680 450+ Purchases 3,000 1,700

_____ _____3,680 2,150

­ Cl inventory 1,180 350_____ _____

Materials issued/used 2,500 1800_____ _____


(a) Direct labour variances

(i) $59,600 A ($12,800 A + $46,800 A)

(ii) $46,800 A

(iii) $12,800 A

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Direct material variances

The requirement in part (v) asks for the price variance to be calculated at the time of issue, which is the same as at the time of usage, so the quantity must be the quantity issued/ used.

The actual price of the material is $504,000/180,000 kg

(iv) $24,800 F ($6,000 A + $30,000 F)

(v) $30,800 F

(vi) $6,000 A

(b) (i) Inconsistent. In fact the wage increase was $0.60 per hour

higher than expected.

(ii) Inconsistent. The workforce were inefficient.

(iii) Consistent. A bulk purchase discount should lead to cheaper materials and hence a favourable material price variance.

(iv) Inconsistent. If the losses had been less than expected then the usage variance would have been favourable.

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Standard product cost $

Standard Selling price 100

Material X 5 kg @ $3/kg 15

Material Y 4 kg @ $5/kg 20

Direct labour 3 hrs @ $8/hr 24

Variable overheads 3 hrs @ $6/hr 18Fixed overheads (W1) 3 hrs @ $2/hr 6


83 ——

Standard profit per unit 17 ——

Material X variances

Material Y variances

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Variable overhead variances

Labour variances

Fixed production overhead variances

Selling volume profit variance



3 hrs/unit x 2,200 units x $6/hr = 39,600 Efficiency

AHSR $1,200 F

6,400 hrs x $6/hr = 38,400

AHAR $5,400 F

= 33,000 Expenditure


Budgeted sales 1,700

Actual sales 2,200


500 F

x Std profit per unit x 17


$8,500 F


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Selling price variance

Operating Statement


Std selling price 100

Actual selling price 90 ———

10 A

x Actual No of units sold x 2,200 —————

$22,000 A —————


Budgeted gross profit (W2) 28,900

Sales volume profit variance 8,500 F —––—

Standard profit on actual sales 37,400

Selling price variance 22,000 A —––—15,400

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Budgeted fixed overheads are $144,000 per year and the budgeted output is 24,000 units for the year. Thus the budgeted/standard fixed cost per unit is $6.

The overheads are absorbed on direct labour hours and each unit takes 3 hours. Therefore the budgeted/standard fixed overhead is $2 per hour ($6 ÷ 3 hours).


Budgeted profit = $17 per unit x Budgeted SALES of 1,700 units = $28,900.

Favourable Adverse

Cost variances $ $

Material X Usage 900

Price 2,260

Material Y Usage 2,500

Price 2,490

Direct labour Efficiency 1,600

Rate 960

Variable Overhead Efficiency 1,200

Expenditure 5,400

Fixed Prod overhead Expenditure 500

Efficiency 400

Capacity 800 —––— —––—

14,160 —––—

4,850 —––—

9,310 F —––—

Actual profit (W3) 24,710 —––—

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(W3) $ $

Sales 2,200 units x $90 198,00

Direct Material X 11,300 kg x $2.80/kg 31,640

Direct Material Y 8,300 kg x $5.30/kg 43,990

Direct labour (4,800 hrs x $8.10) + (1,600 hrs x $8.30)


Variable overheads


Fixed overheads 12,500 —––—

173,290 —––—

Actual Profit 24,710 —––—


(a) (i) Significance and controllability of the variances

Material price variance

This variance indicates whether Paint Mixers Inc has paid more (adverse) or less (favourable) for its materials input than the standard price set for the period. An adverse variance, for example, could be the result of an unexpected increase in raw material prices that has been passed on by their bonding agent suppliers.

Price variances are controllable to the extent that the purchasing manager can periodically review potential sources of supply to ensure that they are sourcing their materials from a competitively priced supplier. With the blue and yellow paints there is likely to be a large number of potential suppliers so purchasing managers should be able to threaten to switch suppliers to get good deals. The company is however in a weaker position in relation to the pricing of bonding agent and may be unable to prevent price rises.

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Material mix variance

This variance arises when the ingredients are not mixed in standard proportions and it indicates whether the actual mix is cheaper or costlier than the standard mix. For example, adding more bonding agent (relatively very expensive) and less blue paint (relatively cheap) will increase the cost of the mix. A more expensive mix will produce an adverse variance. The recipe determines the mix and the recipe is determined by the production manager and hence is entirely under the control of the production manager.

Material yield variance

A yield variance arises when the output is less or more than the input should have produced and is a measure of the productivity of the manufacturing process. 10 litres of input produces 9 litres of green paint. If more than 9 litres of green paint is produced from the 10 litres input the variance is favourable. A favourable yield variance can be the result of operational efficiency (eg reduced wastage) or a change in the mix.

The production manager controls the production process and is therefore able to manage the yield. In particular, the production manager should be able to ensure that the appropriate quality of materials are used and that wastage is minimized.

Cost efficiency

The purchasing manager was responsible for a series of significant adverse material price variances in the first three months of the year which averaged approx 10% of the standard monthly spend.

The adverse variances have steadily declined over the three months (from $3000 to $1000) and if this level of progress is maintained a favourable variance will arise in April. We do not know whether the adverse variances were the result of poor purchasing decisions or the inevitable result of, say, increased commodity prices. The steadily improving trend suggests that the purchasing manager is in control of the situation and that he may have inherited a purchasing environment of rising prices that were not fully reflected in the cost standards. The comments of the Sales Director suggest that the purchasing manager has not sacrificed quality in order to achieve this improving position.

(ii) Performance of the purchasing manager and the production manager

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The production manager was also responsible, in his first two months, for significant adverse variances ­ in relation to both the mix of materials used and the yield achieved. His performance in the first month was exceptionally poor – the adverse mix and yield variances of $6,000 equalled approximately 30% of the standard monthly spend.

The production manager controls both the mix and the production process and must bear responsibility for this initial very poor performance. That said, in month three, the production manager has achieved modest favourable mix and yield variances ($100 and $50), maintaining the improving trend that started in month two. His very poor initial performance may, in part, have been the result of an inadequate induction process or could have reflected a conscious attempt to improve the quality of the output by increasing the quality of the mix. It may also be possible that certain customers requested a different shade of green requiring a change in the mix of blue and yellow paint.

Whatever the background, the very poor yield performance in January suggests that his changes to the mix had very unfortunate consequences in terms of productivity.


The managing director will have been concerned in January and February that the increasing sales and customer satisfaction levels reported by the sales director may have been bought at a high price.

The comment of the sales director however that sales continue to rise suggests that the new production manager – after some initial costly experimentation ­ has managed to identify a new mix that is both cost efficient and very appealing to customers.


There was cause for concern in January and February over the performance of both new appointments.

The performance of the purchasing manager still continues to be of concern but is on an improving trend, which, if maintained, should ensure that costs are brought fully under control.

The production manager, after a very worrying start, appears now to be delivering green paint using a recipe that is both economical and popular with customers.

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Material price variance

Note: Compare the standard prices with the actual prices and multiply the difference by the actual amounts bought

Material mix variance


(2 : 7: 1) = 0.2 / 0.7 / 0.1.

Material yield variance

5000 – 4950 = 50 litres × $4 per litre = $200 (F)

(b) Variance calculations

Standard Actual Difference Actual quantity


Blue paint $2.5 $2.6 –0.1 1000 100 (A)Yellow paint $3.0 $3.1 –0.1 4000 400 (A)Bonding $10.0 $9.9 0.1 500 50 (F)agent ––––––

450 (A)

Standard Mixa. Blue paint: 5500 × 0.2 = 1100 litresb. Yellow paint: 5500 × 0.7 = 3850 litresc. Bonding agent 5500 × 0.1 = 550 litres

Actual mix Difference Standard price Variance1000 litres 100 litres @ $2.5 = $250 (F)4000 litres 150 litres @ $3.0 = $450 (A)500 litres 50 litres @ $10.0 = $500 (F)5500 $300 (F)

(1) Calculate the proportions that make up the standard mix.

(2) Apply these proportions to the purchases made in April of 5500 litres to give the standard cost of a standard mix.

(3) Compare the results with the actual mix and × the difference by the standard price to give the mix variance.

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Actual production was 5000 litres of green paint

The actual production of 5000 litres should have cost 5000 × $4.0 = $20,000

The overall usage variance was therefore $20,000 – $19,950 = $50 (F)

There are three reasons for the favourable $50 variance:

(1) Calculate standard cost of 1 litre of green paint mix ($36 ÷ 9 litres = $4 per litre)

(2) Calculate conversion factor (converts standard input of 10 litres to standard output of 9 litres) i.e. 9 ÷ 10 = 0.9.

(3) Calculate the standard output that should have been achieved from the material input (5500 litres × 0.9 = 4950 litres)

(4) Compare the actual production of 5000 litres with the standard production of 4950 litres they should have achieved and × the difference by the standard price of $4.0 per litre. (5000 – 4950 = 50 litres × $4 per litre = $200 (F)

$ The price variance 450 (A)The mix variance 300 (F)The yield variance 200 (F)Total variance 50 (F)

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(a) Idle time variance Hrs Hrs Hrs

Expected idle time

8,600 hrs x 20% 1,720

8,600 hrs x 20% 1,680

8,600 hrs x 20% 1,780

Actual idle time 1,700 1,200 1,400

_____ _____ _____

20F 480F 380F

x Std enhanced rate x 7.50 x 7.50 x 7.50

_____ _____ _____

$150 F $3,600 F $2,850 F

_____ _____ _____

Rate variance December

Efficiency variances Hrs Hrs Hrs

Std hrs of actual output 6,600 6,700 6,800Actual productive hrs worked8,600 ­ 1,700 6,9008,400 ­ 1,200 7,2008,900 ­ 1,400 7,500

_____ _____ _____300A 500A 700A

x Std enhanced rate x 7.50 x 7.50 x 7.50_____ _____ _____$2,250 A $3,750 A $5,250 A_____ _____ _____

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Labour rate variance

This calculates the difference between the standard cost per hour ($6) and the actual cost per hour. The variance is adverse for each of the three months indicating that labour cost more than was expected.

Labour productive efficiency variance

This calculates if production took more or less hours than expected and is based on the hours worked. The efficiency variances are adverse for each month indicating that production took longer than was expected.

Excess idle time variance

This is the difference between the expected idle time of 20% and the actual idle time. The variance is favourable for each month indicating that the actual idle time is less than 20%.

(b) Idle Time20F 480F 380F_____ _____ _____1,720 1,680 1,780=1.2%F =28.6%F =21.3%F

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Efficiency300A 500A 700A_____ _____ _____6,600 6,700 6,800_____ _____ ______=4.5%A =7.5%A =10.3%A


1,720A 4,200A 4,450A______ ______ ______51,600 50,400 50,400=3.3%A =8.3%A =8.3%A


(a) Financial analysis

This data prompts a number of comments.

Turnover. This is up substantially, an increase over the previous year of 44%. The new MD has clearly had a significant impact. How has this been achieved?

Profit. This is also up, by 16%. However, net profits have grown at a much slower rate than sales and this is reflected in the sharply reduced net profit margin of 20.1%, compared with 25% in the previous year. It appears that the increased turnover may have been “bought” via price reductions and lower margins or a combination of lower prices and increased costs – perhaps increased expenditure on marketing and advertising.

Gearing. Interest cover was 5X but has fallen to just 3X. If the company has borrowed at a variable rate it is now substantially more vulnerable to interest rate rises.

Average receivables days are up by 12 days – indicating reduced efficiency in chasing up outstanding debts and / or the granting of more generous payment terms to encourage prospective customers.

Overall, significant growth is being achieved – but at the expense of margins, interest cover and extended credit. This is a potentially worrying trend.

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Financial indicators tell us where the company has been – not necessarily where it is going. They are inevitably backward looking. Furthermore, financial indicators are poor at identifying why performance has improved or declined – they show effects but not causes.

Non financial measures, such as those in the Balanced Scorecard, can provide a better guide to future performance since they measure attributes which are essential to the long term success of a business – e.g. customer satisfaction, new product development, product quality, employee satisfaction and training etc.

Customer perspective is aimed at seeing the business through the eyes of its customers. It uses measures that are judged critical to increasing customer satisfaction.

The Internal perspective considers those key internal processes which the business must master if it is to satisfy customers’ needs and flourish. It asks what are the core competencies and critical technologies that are essential to securing market leadership.

Innovation and learning focuses on whether the business can continue to develop and deliver value to its customers. It typically includes measures such as speed to market and employee retention rates.

Customer perspective

Customer numbers

The number of customers has increased by nearly 50%. This is a dramatic increase and suggests that there has been a major promotional drive to recruit new customers. The cost of such promotion may account for part of the reduction in the net profit margin. This recruitment drive may have included some form of new customer incentives such as reduced prices for a limited period and may also have included a relaxation of payment terms

(b) Non­financial information

(c) Performance of the business

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% of sales from new software products

This metric also reflects a substantial increase, of over 50%, and implies that substantially increased resource has been devoted to new product development. This focus on new development may well have increased costs but has the potential to lay the foundations for a sustainable increase in sales.

% on­time installation of new products

This metric shows a sharp and worrying fall in the proportion of products that are delivered on time, implying that the increased effort and cost expended on promotion and developing new software products may be being compromised by a failure to meet promised delivery dates.

Average value of software sales

The average value of software sales has fallen by over 20%. The mix of sales may have changed or, perhaps more likely in view of the reduced margin data, there may have been price reductions to increase sales volume.

% customers who complained

This metric, showing a tripling in the rate of complaints, suggests that there has been a major failure to meet customer requirements. This data should prompt an urgent review of both product development procedures and customer relationships with a view to:

Internal perspective

The launch of two new products – from a zero base in the previous year – suggests that significant effort has gone into new product launches in the current year.

A identifying what went wrong and the steps needed to prevent a recurrence of the development / installation problems and

B establishing the general level of customer satisfaction and seeking to repair any damaged relationships

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The two products could have been under development for some time or they could have been initiated and launched within the current year. The launch of these new products – if they were not thoroughly tested to ensure they were bug free – could have been a major contributor to the dramatic increase in the level of customer complaints. If it is found that the new products were a significant contributor to customer complaints the procedures for testing and launch of new products will need to be reviewed.

The tender success rate has increased by just over 50%. This could reflect a number of factors such as better understanding of customer requirements which has been successfully translated into product specifications or – much less encouraging ­ a decision to tender at lower prices or to offer more challenging delivery dates. The latter interpretation appears more likely in the light of the deterioration in service levels suggested by other indicators.

Learning and growth perspective

Programmer output has increased sharply – by some 14%. This has been accompanied however by a worrying 33% increase in the number of bugs per 1000 lines of code. Has the company been selling products that were released prematurely – hence the customer complaints?

The 40%+ fall in the number of development staff who have completed a development course and the 16% deterioration in the employee retention rate is also indicative of increased pressure to “get product out of the door”.

This perspective suggests that product quality – and customer satisfaction – is taking second place to a sales drive.

Overall, the company appears to have made a major change in direction under its new MD. Priority appears to have been given to short term sales and profit growth at the expense of customers, product quality, staff, margins, interest cover and liquidity.

The financial data shows growth but has some worrying features – margins, gearing and liquidity.

The balanced scorecard data reveals a dramatic deterioration in service quality and customer and staff satisfaction which suggests that the sales and profit growth is likely to be short lived. Urgent action is required by Michael Speed to ensure that much greater emphasis is given to product quality and customer satisfaction – this may mean longer development times and a reduced rate of sales growth but this is a price that is worth paying.

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(a) Divisional administrator’s proposal

Effect on 20X5 ROI

It will have been assumed in arriving at the 31/12/X5 net assets that the debt will have been paid. Reversing this assumption has the effect of increasing liabilities and has no effect on assets, as cash is excluded. Thus net assets will be reduced by $90,000 (to $4,310,000).

Whether the $2,000 late payment penalty is accounted for in 20X5 or 20X6 will depend to some extent on the company’s accounting policy. The accruals concept would, however, lean towards it being accounted for in 20X5. Thus operating profits would be reduced by $2,000 (to $647,000).

The new ROI would thus be 647 ÷ 4,310 × 100 = 15.01%

Thus the target will have been achieved and bonuses paid. This is, of course, no indication of improved performance, but simply an arithmetical anomaly arising as a result of one side of the transaction being ignored in the calculation. In fact, the finance cost of the late payment is extremely high.

Longer term effects

There would be no quantifiable long­term effects, although relationships with the supplier may be adversely affected by the late payment.

The works manager’s proposal

Effect on 20X5 ROI

Assuming no depreciation charge in 20X5, net assets would be increased by the cost of the new assets, $320,000 (to $4,720,000), and operating profits would be unaffected.

The new ROI would thus be 649 ÷ 4,720 × 100 = 13.75%

This represents a reduction of ROI in the short term.

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Longer term effects

In 20X6 and beyond, the full impact of the cost savings and depreciation charge would be felt – operating profits would be increased by a net $(76,000 – 40,000) = $36,000. Net assets value will be increased, but the increase will be smaller each year as the asset is depreciated.

In 20X6, the equipment’s own ROI would be

36 ÷ (320 – 40) × 100 = 12.86%

This will still not help the division to achieve its target of 15%, although it does exceed the company’s cost of capital and thus may be desirable overall.

However, by the end of 20X7, the equipment WDV will be $(320,000 – 80,000) = $240,000, giving a ROI of 15%, exactly on target. As it increases above this level it will help the division to achieve its overall target.

This illustrates one of the major problems with using book values for assets in performance measures – as the assets get older, they appear to give better performance. This can have the effect of deterring managers from replacing assets even though this may be of benefit in the long term through cost savings (as above), increased productivity etc.

(b) Residual income (RI) is an absolute measure of performance, and is arrived at by deducting a notional interest charge at the company’s cost of capital on the net assets. Appraising the two divisions’ performance forecasts under this method would have the following results:

20X5 operating profit

Interest charge (12% net assets)

Residual income

$ $ $Division K 649,000 528,000 121,000Division D 120,000 57,600 62,400

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In summary, RI has advantages and disadvantages over ROI as a performance measure, and both suffer from common valuation problems. One of these can be used as part of a package of performance indicators – market share, productivity, employee satisfaction, technological advancement, etc – but neither is perfect in isolation.

The performance rankings of the two divisions are now apparently reversed. However, the RIs of the two divisions are not directly comparable – whilst Division K has produced nearly twice the level of RI than that of Division D, the net asset base required to do this is over nine times as large. RI cannot be meaningfully used to compare investments of differing sizes, as ROI can.

One could also question the use of the company’s average cost of money in computing the notional interest charge. The two divisions have been set a target well above this ­ this may be because they are considered riskier than average. If 15% had been used in the computation, Division K would have negative RI, whilst Division D has positive RI ­ reflecting the same information as the ROI, that K is not achieving its target return.

The RI uses the same principles for establishing profit and asset values as the ROI, and thus shares the same problems. As assets get older and their WDV falls, the imputed interest falls and RI rises.

However, RI can be of greater benefit than ROI in management decision making. Management may only feel inclined to undertake new investment if doing so improves their performance measure. For example, Division D currently enjoys a ROI of 25% and its manager may only consider new projects that give a return at least as good as this (although this may depend upon the particular structure of the bonus scheme ­ a fixed bonus provided the target of 15% is reached may not provoke such an attitude).

However, the RI measure will improve with new investment, i.e. increase, provided the investment’s returns are at least covering the rate used in computing the notional interest (12% or 15%). This will ensure that projects that are worthwhile from the company’s point of view will also be seen as such by the divisional manager (goal congruence).

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For example, one might question why the two divisions in KDS are apparently performing at such different levels. Whilst quality of management may well be a contributory factor, it is unlikely to explain a difference of over 10 percentage points in ROI.

The age profile of assets used should be considered, as discussed above. Division K may have recently invested in new machinery, possibly in response to technological advances. Not to do so would put them at a disadvantage over their competitors, and thus is for long­term benefit. The industry of the much smaller Division D may be more static, requiring less asset changes.

Performance relative to the market and competitors should be considered (market share, product leadership, etc) and the degree of innovation achieved. Level of complaints received may also be monitored.

Consider the performance of a manager – labour turnover, staff morale, managers’ relationships with both subordinates and superiors. The level of job satisfaction felt by employees at all levels is an important consideration in the plan for achievement of company objectives.

(c) Financial measures taken in isolation are unlikely to tell the whole story of a division’s or company’s performance. They must be put into context, taking account of the circ*mstances in which they were achieved – new products being introduced, market changes, technological changes, competitors’ moves, availability of resources, etc.

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To Operations Manager

From Management Accountant

Date May 2005

Subject Performance of S Inc for four months to 31 December

Production and sales

Production and sales were 1,100 units in September and October, 950 units in November and 900 units in December. There has thus been a marked decline over the four­month period. This good performance in the first two months and poor performance in the latter two months may be due to a seasonal variation. If this is the case, it would be good for the budget to reflect the expected seasonal variation, rather than just being a flat 1,000 units per month.

Tutorial note: The output was calculated by taking the standard cost of actual output and dividing by the standard cost per system, i.e. $1,276,000/$1,160 = 1,100 units, $1,102,000/$1,160 = 950 units and $1,044,000/$1,160 = 900 units.


The material price variance was favourable for the first two months, and then very adverse for November and December. This was possibly due to the exchange rate movement if the systems are imported. The effect of the exchange rate variations should be quantified. Any remaining adverse variances may be due to inefficient purchasing by the purchasing manager. It should be investigated as to whether there are alternative suppliers for the systems.

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The material usage variance was adverse in every month, but was particularly bad in October and even worse in December. In October the variance was $7,200 A and as the material cost was $400 per unit, this meant that an extra $7,200/$400 = 18 units were used on a production of 1,100 units. In December, the variance was $16,000/$400 = 40 extra units on production of 900 units. This variance could possibly be due to the large batch of systems which did not have the correct adaptors. The variance needs careful investigation in order to find out where the excess units were used, which systems and which teams of fitters were involved.


The labour rate variance was adverse in September and October and substantially adverse in November and December. Expressing the variances as percentages, for September the standard labour cost was $320 x 1,100 units = $352,000 and thus the variance was $4,200 A/$352,000 = 1.1% A. In November the variance was $5,500 A/$352,000 = 1.6% A. These minor variances could be explained by more overtime than expected being worked, especially as production was high in the first two months. Then things were much worse in the latter two months, for November the variance was $23,100 A/($320 per unit x 950 units) = 7.6% A and in December the variance was $24,000 A/($320 per unit x 900 units) = 8.3%. These substantial variances are almost certainly due to higher wage rates being offered in order to retain staff and lower the labour turnover. It would be very useful to have information on the number of staff leaving the business. Overtime is unlikely to be the cause for the variances in November and December as production was lower than budget.

The labour efficiency variance was $16,000 favourable in September ($16,000/$352,000 = 4.5% F), zero in October and $32,000 adverse in November and December ($32,000 A/$320 per unit x 950 units) = 10.5% A, and $32,000 A/$320 per unit x 900 units) = 11.1% A). It would be expected that some of this variance was due to the large batch of systems which did not have the correct adaptors. This problem was not apparent until fitting was attempted, thus involving the fitters in extra work. If this were the case then we would expect the labour efficiency variance to tie up with the material usage variance, but it does not. We are also told that there is a fluctuation of ± 25% in the fitting times, so even the substantial variances for November and December fall within this range and thus might not represent inefficiency, but simply the fitting of a higher proportion of more labour intensive systems.

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It would be useful to have information on the standard times for different systems and the numbers of the different systems, instead of treating all systems alike. The high labour turnover also means that experienced workers are leaving and that new workers are constantly having to be trained. The efficiency of the new workers would be poor to start off with.

Variable overheads

The variable overhead efficiency variance is based on labour hours and thus simply moves in line with the labour efficiency variance.

The expenditure variance was $7,000 A in September, improved to $2,000 A in October and then $2,000 F in November. It was zero in December. For this variance to have any meaning it must be sub­analysed into its different components in order to determine which ones are being overspent and which ones underspent.

Taking the variable overheads as a whole, the variance gets worse as production levels fall, perhaps indicating that the variable overheads are not entirely variable but may include a fixed element.

Fixed overheads

The fixed overhead volume variance simply reflects the better than expected production in the first two months and the worse than expected production in the latter two months. The fixed overhead volume variance has no significance as it does not represent a cash flow (if we make more or fewer units than expected then the fixed overheads do not change), but is simply a mathematical device to reconcile budgeted profit with actual profit in an absorption costing system.

The fixed overhead expenditure variance is $5,000 A, $10,000 A, $20,000 A and $20,000 A over the four months and thus shows a worsening pattern, but again in order to understand where things are going wrong we need to sub­analyse the fixed overhead into their different components. We have been told that rent, rates insurance and computing costs have risen in price noticeably; these costs may be regarded as uncontrollable. Managers’ attention should be devoted to investigating the controllable costs and reducing any overspend.

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Overall the actual cost was 4.4% worse than expected (($4,906,201 – $4,698,000)/$4,698,000). Whilst this variance might not be regarded as significant, the individual variances in many cases are much bigger and should be investigated. There is a marked decline in performance in November and December. It is important that the individual variances are investigated and their causes understood so that future performance improves.


Percentage variance chart for September to December

September October November December$ $ $ $

Standard cost

of actual output

1,276,000 1,276,000 1,102,000 1,044,000

Standard cost

per unit

1,160 1,160 1,160 1,160

Actual units

of output

1,100 1,100 950 900

Standard material

usage (x $400)

440,000 440,000 380,000 360,000

Price % variance

1.25 F 0.76 F 2.51 A 2.87 A

Usage % variance

0.09 A 1.6 A 0.21 A 4.4 A

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The percentage variance chart can be used to monitor the trend of variances. Significant variances may be identified by setting a control limit. If variances exceed the control limit then action is taken. Alternatively variances which show a worrying trend, such as the material usage variance for S limited, may be investigated before the variance exceeds the control limit.

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How hard is ACCA F5? ›

The Performance Management (F5 paper) in ACCA historically has some of the lowest pass rates globally (source: ACCA global website). This paper tests your technical grasp of management accounting concepts, their application and analysis based on their metrics.

Does stay clean manufactures and sells a small range of kitchen equipment? ›

Stay Clean manufactures and sells a small range of kitchen equipment. Specifically the product range contains a dishwasher (DW), a washing machine (WM) and a tumble dryer (TD). The TD is of a rather old design and has for some time generated negative contribution.

Which paper is F5 in ACCA? ›

F5 – Performance Management. F6 – Taxation. F7 – Financial Reporting. F8 – Audit and Assurance.

Is ACCA F5 computer-based? ›

All of our exams are taken by computer-based exam (CBE), which as you progress through the ACCA Qualification will support your employability and professional skills by using the same tools finance professionals use in business.

What is the hardest exam in ACCA? ›

The most difficult ACCA exam. The ACCA exam which tends to present the most challenges to students is Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA).

What is the pass mark for ACCA F5? ›

Time should be taken to ensure that all the information and exam requirements are properly read and understood. The pass mark for all ACCA Qualification examinations is 50%.

How often should kitchen equipment be cleaned? ›

In addition to daily cleaning tasks, weekly, monthly and yearly commercial kitchen cleaning procedures are also imperative. Weekly cleaning of restaurant equipment should include washing and sanitizing reach-in coolers; de-liming sinks and faucets; cleaning coffee machines and cleaning ovens.

How do you clean and store small kitchen equipment? ›

When sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment, use either boiling water or a solution of bleach and water. Store your tools in a regularly cleaned plastic or metal box to keep the germs away.

How to clear F5 ACCA? ›

For Sections A and B, look for the short and easy questions and answer them first. In whatever time you have left then spend more time on the longer and harder questions. Try not to spend too long on either section – you should be allowing yourself about 27 minutes for each of Sections A and B.

Which ACCA paper is easiest? ›

Difficulty level of each paper

As such, from the below table, it can be inferred that F1 (Accountant in Business) is the easiest paper, with the highest pass rate of 85% in June 2019, while P7 (Advanced Audit and Assurance) is the most challenging paper, with the lowest pass rate of 30% in March 2019.

What is the difference between F2 and F5 ACCA? ›

The exam has 50 questions in total. The Paper F5 exam consists of scenario-based questions: five in total, each worth 20 marks. This is a major step up from the Paper F2 exam. This means that you must prepare yourself to be able to read and understand scenarios.

Is ACCA too hard? ›

General Trends: The average pass rate for ACCA is around 55%​​, indicating a moderate level of difficulty. The exams are challenging and require significant investment in time, money, and effort to clear​​. Some students find the ACCA difficult due to the amount of time and effort required for preparation​​.

What is the US equivalent of ACCA? ›

A CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant. A CPA is a statutory designation for qualified accountants in the United States who have passed the Uniformed Certified Public Accountant Examination and have met additional state education and experience requirements.

Which ACCA papers are on-demand? ›

All three Applied Knowledge exams within the ACCA qualification are taken by on-demand CBE: Accountant in Business (AB) Management Accounting (MA) Financial Accounting (FA)

How long does it take to study for F5? ›

At a max you should not take more than 2 months, 15 days for study text and rest for application of study text knowledge on the revision kit and other question papers.

Is ACCA certification difficult? ›

Interpretation of Pass Rates:

The exams are challenging and require significant investment in time, money, and effort to clear​​. Some students find the ACCA difficult due to the amount of time and effort required for preparation​​.

Is the ACCA course tough or easy? ›

Here's the good news: no, the ACCA exam is not very difficult. In fact, it is easier to clear the ACCA when compared to other professional finance and accountancy courses like the CA and CFA. It is, of course, tougher than the school and undergraduate tests with which most students are familiar.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.