7 Secret Tips to Ace Your Restaurant Social Media Marketing Plan (2024)

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Common Blunders To Avoid For Restaurant Social Media Success

Tips To Ensure Restaurant Social Media Success

1. Sharing of Images

2. Running Campaigns and Contests

3. Geo-targeted Ads

4. Blogging

5. Having a Google Plus Presence

6. Being Consistent

7. Reciprocate, Reply and Reach Out As Much As Possible

Restaurant marketing has gone a long way from handing out leaflets, posters plastered at busy squares or spreading word of mouth promotions to social media promotions. Social Media Marketing is an integral part of any restaurant marketing plan dealing with Digital Marketing (Learn how to do the Digital Marketing of your restaurant here.) No wonder why today’s successful restaurateurs heavily rely upon and harness the potential of social media to grow in the restaurant industry. But not many have mastered effective restaurant social media marketing ideas. Devising a restaurant social media marketing plan is not easy, and many still make huge blunders.

Common Blunders To Avoid For Restaurant Social Media Success

Social media for restaurants is a huge subject, and a mere social media presence is not enough! Many restaurants create a Facebook page but, they hardly maintain regular, timely posts – and this is the most common social media blunder that restaurateurs commit. Thus, you need to carefully strategize,restaurant marketingideas and execute your social media procedures to attract customers to your restaurant.

Secondly, social media promotions are not only limited to Facebook posts and Tweets. You must explore and expand your brand over other significant and emerging social media platforms such as, LinkedIn, Instagram, Foursquare, Pinterest and many more which are becoming important parts of the social media ecosystem.

Not all types of content, whether links, images or texts work reap the same marketing benefits on all social media channels. Types of content consumed on various social networking channels are different. Hence, restaurant owners or social marketers need to consider a different taste of different herds of social media users before posting any promotional content. That is what makes restaurant marketing for restaurants so difficult. The good news is that your restaurant social media marketing plan only needs to revolve around your target customers. The bad news is that creating an effective restaurant social media strategy has many factors that you must consider for it to be successful. That is why we have for you some tips that will ensure the success of your restaurant marketing strategy.

Tips To Ensure Restaurant Social Media Success

Here we have revealed the 7 restaurant social media secrets to attract customers and increase business for your restaurant.

1. Sharing of Images

As a restaurateur, you know that your most powerful weapon is the food you offer. Sharing mouthwatering images of your delicacies is a proven restaurant social media promotional trick to lure customers to your restaurant. Apart from that, you can also flaunt your new restaurant décor, new chandelier glistening from the ceiling or talk about the long queue when you launched a new special item or seasonal offer.

Three main ingredients of visual social content sharing success are:-

1. Instagram– Post irresistible pictures of your delicacies to attract customers and use hashtags to achieve higher visibility. Instagram is a very important part of restaurant social media space, in fact, it is changing the restaurant marketing game hugely!

2. Facebook photo-sharing– Post images of newly added or popular dishes on Facebook with links to enable your customers to order it online. Hunger triggered by such images of your delectable dishes can be satiated right there! The same visual impact can be replicated on Twitter too.

7 Secret Tips to Ace Your Restaurant Social Media Marketing Plan (2)

3. Pinterest Bulletin Boards – This is another growing social image sharing platform to connect with your customers. Pinterest presents tremendous opportunities to share visual imprints of your restaurants starting from food, décor, co*cktail and beverages, chefs, banners by creating visual bulletin boards on it. Create dedicated boards such as, ‘Desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth,’ ‘Wine’ board,’ ‘Holiday special’ to promote your restaurant among the target audience.

2. Running Campaigns and Contests

The best way to engage with your customers is to run campaigns and contests on social media channels. Run interesting contests, polls, quizzes, surveys and offer giveaways to engage directly with your customers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are the best channels to run such campaigns. You can also announce check-in contests on Foursquare, Facebook, Instagram and declare surprise offers on maximum check-in posts. Find out how you can use Twitter to increase the customer engagement of your restaurant here.

3. Geo-targeted Ads

Geo-targeting is one of the most important aspects of social media marketing. With Facebook tweaking its algorithm every so often and the vast amount of ad contents including those from your competitors on Twitter, the organic reach of your social media posts is very less. In this case, restaurants can also promote special discounts and offers by tagging geo-location stamp of their restaurants on social media accounts. This article talks about how you can use Facebook as an effective tool for social media marketing of your restaurant.

Run paid ad and sponsor your tweets to increase your customers reach. For this, make sure you have carefully defined your customer base according to the demography and location to maximize the campaign results. For example, if you have a restaurant in Delhi then, limit the span of the audience to Delhi-based consumers for your sponsored ads instead of promoting the ad throughout India. In that case, the cost of your promotional ads will be much higher than the revenue you can generate from such ads. Apart from geolocation, these sponsored social media ads can be targeted according to age, gender, and location, etc., of your restaurant marketing audience. If you run a bar and lounge, targeting consumers between 18 and 35 would be appropriate. Similarly, for a family restaurant, you can target people above 30 years of age.

7 Secret Tips to Ace Your Restaurant Social Media Marketing Plan (3)

4. Blogging

Collaborating with bloggers is always a good idea. Many food bloggers and influencers have a large following. You can invite them to your restaurant, and ask them to review your food. In turn, they could post reviews, ratings and share their personal experience with your restaurant. It is easier to piggyback onto the existing Restaurant Industry Influencers as they already have an existing fan following.

Alternatively, you can have your blog set up to increase your fan followers and engage target customers. You can also invite guest bloggers to write for you.

5. Having a Google Plus Presence

Google Plus is usually omitted during a restaurant social media marketing plan, but it is a must for restaurants and businesses. Google Plus is Google’s social product, restaurant updates shared on this channel appear on Google search engine result pages faster than any other social channels. It also has the feature of having followers and referrals that are a bonus. There are other options of posting and promoting content on Google Plus such as sharing blog posts, images, videos, and encouraging customers to ask questions and chat with your chef or other staff to help build a good relationshipwith your customers.

6. Being Consistent

Social media is all about consistency. You must have a restaurant marketing calendar and get all your posts scheduled well ahead of time. Analyze the market and audience, keep a close watch on what they like, share or most engage with to find out the best time of the day to share on social channels to reach your target audience. There are several tools available in the market to schedule posts and monitor traction on your social media posts and campaigns.

7. Reciprocate, Reply and Reach Out As Much As Possible

Just posting is not enough; you must also remember to engage with your customers. Take the time to listen to and post replies to your customers’ comments, tweets, and messages. Thank them for sharing your posts, thank them for following you when frequent guests start following you or tag you on social channels.

Follow and implement these social media marketing tricks to increase user engagement and customer base to your restaurants! But that’s not all! We want to hear more from you and know your social media success – so, drop your ideas below, post your idea on Facebook or Tweet us now.

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7 Secret Tips to Ace Your Restaurant Social Media Marketing Plan (2024)


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7 Steps For An Effective Social Media Marketing Plan
  • Step 1: Audit Your Current Social Presence. ...
  • Step 2: Document Who Your Ideal Customer Is. ...
  • Step 3: Create A Social Media Mission Statement. ...
  • Step 4: Identify Key Success Metrics. ...
  • Step 5: Create and Curate Engaging Content. ...
  • Step 6: Invest In a Social Media Management Tool.

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15 Restaurant Instagram Marketing Tips for 2021
  1. Encourage Customers to Follow Your Account. ...
  2. Engage with Followers and Reward Them. ...
  3. Use Relevant Hashtags. ...
  4. Post Attractive Food Photos. ...
  5. Integrate Your Restaurant's Branding. ...
  6. Team Up With Influencers. ...
  7. Use Video and Live Video. ...
  8. Create Story Highlights.

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15 restaurant social media marketing tips
  1. Run a contest to boost engagement and gain followers. ...
  2. Create a strong brand voice. ...
  3. Operate on multiple platforms. ...
  4. Engage with your following. ...
  5. Invest in paid social ads. ...
  6. Post a variety of mediums. ...
  7. Post behind-the-scenes content.
Apr 25, 2023

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Here are the best restaurant marketing ideas and strategies:
  • Ask for reviews.
  • Respond to reviews.
  • Send out an email newsletter.
  • Turn your Facebook business page into a community.
  • Loyalty programs.
  • Local SEO.
  • Invest in paid ads.
  • Start a blog.
Apr 19, 2024

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According to Knowledge Enthusiast, the 7 C's of social media marketing are community, content, curation, creation, connection, conversation, and conversion.

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So what is the 5 x 5 x 5 method? This method works by commenting on 5 posts and liking 5 posts within 5 minutes. By doing so you will be able to grow your social media engagement which in turn will increase traffic and potentially lead to more sales for your company.

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7 Strategies to Attract More Customers to Your Restaurant
  1. Create a unique restaurant concept.
  2. Engage in social media marketing.
  3. Optimize your website.
  4. Design the perfect menu.
  5. Organize theme nights and culinary events.
  6. Implement effective feedback systems.
  7. Improve the sustainability of your business.
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Social Media for Restaurants: 5 Social Media Strategies to Employ
  1. Share Visual Content of Your Restaurant and Dishes. ...
  2. Leverage User-Generated Content (UGC) ...
  3. Host Social Media Contests and Giveaways. ...
  4. Engage With Customers on Your Social Media Channels. ...
  5. Create Viral Videos — The King of Social Media Content.
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For what three things do restaurants typically use social media for? to build a community of people who like and support their products, service and operations. for promotions. to gain guests feed back and manage guest service.

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Service marketers use the expanded marketing mix model to develop marketing strategies for service products. The extended marketing mix model contains 7Ps: Physical Evidence, Price, Place, Product, Promotion, Process and People.

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How often do restaurants need to post on social media? A general rule of thumb is to try to post on your business social media accounts at least three times per week, or you'll risk losing engagement with your followers.

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How to build buzz for a restaurant opening
  1. Know your audience. ...
  2. Start your social media feeds early. ...
  3. Love thy neighbor. ...
  4. Host a media-focused sneak preview. ...
  5. Hit the pavement. ...
  6. Give them something to write about. ...
  7. Work your network. ...
  8. Stay on brand.

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Steps to create a strategic marketing plan
  • Step 1: Define your marketing goals. ...
  • Step 2: Conduct market research. ...
  • Step 3: Identify your target audience. ...
  • Step 4: Develop a unique value proposition. ...
  • Step 5: Choose the right marketing channels and tactics. ...
  • Step 6: Create a marketing budget. ...
  • Step 7: Develop your marketing messages.
Jun 12, 2023

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How to Strategic Plan in 7 Steps
  • Step 1: Environmental Scan. ...
  • Step 2: Internal Analysis. ...
  • Step 3: Strategic Direction. ...
  • Step 4: Develop Goals and Objectives. ...
  • Step 5: Define Metrics, Set Timelines, and Track Progress. ...
  • Step 6: Write and Publish a Strategic Plan. ...
  • Step 7: Plan for Implementation and the Future.
Apr 26, 2022

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Since then, the theory has been expanded into the 7 P's of marketing. Which are: Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Packaging, and Process.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.