16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (2024)

Originally released in 1987, Warhammer 40,000 is one of the premier tabletop strategy games. Set in the future of the year 40,000, Warhammer 40K features a vast array of warring factions capable of unleashing mass destruction upon their enemies. The game allows players to express themselves by which coalition they choose and how they construct their army within that chosen clan.

Still, one of the most significant barriers to entry for potential Warhammer 40K players is how notoriously expensive the game can be. When building an army in Warhammer, many of the most affordable factions can reach a points threshold like 1,000 or 2,000 without deploying many units. Consequently, using units with point values proportionally much higher than their financial value means a player must buy fewer units.

Updated October 19, 2023, by Anthony Jeanetta. While not the only factor for choosing an army, price is undoubtedly vital for almost anyone interested in getting into Warhammer 40K . This list is updated to include more potential armies for players who want to maximize the in-game value of their money.

16 Space Wolves Are Viking-esque Warriors

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (1)

10 Most Important Warhammer 40K Lore Developments in Leviathan

The Space Wolves are the first example of a high points, low-financial-cost faction. Players can use the savage Space Wolves to build a small but elite army rather than a costly horde. These barbaric, anti-authoritarian commandos excel at close-quarters combat and devote their lives to seeking glory on the battlefield.


  • High points
  • Low financial cost
  • Small, elite army

Space Wolves also allow players flexibility in potential builds they can fashion. This flexibility means participants can construct a relatively inexpensive Warhammer 40K army without sacrificing variety. The Space Wolves resemble the iconic Space Marines while still occupying their own aesthetic niche.

15 Dark Angels Are The Original Space Marines

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (2)

The Dark Angels aren’t just a sect of Space Marines; they were the first legion of the original 20 Space Marine Legions ever formed. Moreover, beings throughout the Warhammer universe recognize the Dark Angels as mighty warriors who shine in multiple types of combat.


  • Universal recognition
  • Close and long-range efficacy

With an assortment of tanks, aerial vehicles, and mech suits, assembling an entire Dark Angel force with few models is easy. As previously mentioned, these war machines perform admirably in close and long-range battles. These characteristics make the Dark Angels ideal for a relatively inexpensive fighting force.

14 Chaos Space Marines Are Marines Gone Bad

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (3)

Chaos Space Marines, also called Traitor Marines, are former Space Marines who have abandoned defending the realm of humankind in favor of dedicating their lives to Chaos. This devotion to malevolence has left these soldiers warped and twisted. No longer protectors of people, Chaos Space Marines instead fight for the power to rule over their fellow humans.


  • Tanks
  • Large Monsters


  • Chaos reliant
  • Power hungry

Building a complete Chaos Space Marine army with relatively few models is easy, thanks to multiple available tanks and giant monsters. Players who like creature models more than humanoid ones will especially enjoy Chaos Space Marines, as this faction features several beasts, including daemons, fiends, and dragons.

13 Adepta Sororitas Is An Awesome All-Female Faction

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (4)

10 Biggest Changes in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

Adepta Sororitas is a rarity in the Warhammer 40K universe because it’s a faction comprised solely of female warriors. Also known as the Sisterhood or Sisters of Battle, Adepta Sororitas is a division of the Imperium’s state church, called the Ecclesiarchy. The Ecclesiarchy raises the Sisterhood from birth to protect the Imperium with their lives.


  • Strong women
  • Highly trained warriors
  • Great defenders
  • High points cost

These faithful soldiers are highly trained and defensively robust, making them the perfect faction for maintaining critical defensive positions. The Adepta Sororitas especially excel in close combat situations, where their training and power armor serves them well. Additionally, as a high points cost army, they’re more cost-effective than other factions.

12 Chaos Daemons Are As Strong As They Are Terrifying

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (5)

Chaos Daemons, also called the Neverborn, are sentient incarnations of Chaos. Essentially, these Daemons are servants of the Chaos Gods, lacking free will and only seeking to further their master’s desires. Because Chaos Daemons manifest from the Warp, a field of purely psychic energy, upon becoming physical forms, they have unique powers.


  • Unique abilities
  • Gargantuan monsters


  • Insufficent warfare technology
  • Chaos reliant

While Chaos Daemons lack advanced warfare technology, they make up for it with these powers and hulking, menacing monsters that rival the size of other faction’s tanks and planes. These gargantuan beasts mean players can create an entire force with fewer models.

11 T'au Are Powerful Gundam-like Soldiers

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (6)

The T’au are a group of multiple alien species fighting to expand their empire under the banner of doing so for the “Greater Good.” Across the Warhammer universe, people know the T’au for their advanced technology and long-range combat capabilities. But this long-range prowess comes at a cost. Those playing with T’au must avoid close-quarters fighting, as T’au lacks even a single close combat unit.


  • Advanced technology
  • Long-range combat
  • Mechanized battle suits


  • Not good in close combat
  • Higher points cost

Like the Space Wolves, the T’au offers various models ranging from swarms of low-point total infantry gunners to more points-intensive mechanized battle suits. If players want to focus on collecting more points-heavy units, T’au is an excellent choice.

10 The Thousand Sons Are Powerful Psychic Fighters

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (7)

The Thousand Sons are a legion of Chaos Space Marines focused on psychic abilities. These telepathic capabilities distinguish themselves from other humanoid clans in Warhammer 40K. Additionally, this emphasis on psychic attacks gives the Thousand Sons a unique playstyle and can help keep the overall price of any army down.


  • Telepathic abilities
  • Psychic attacks
  • Low cost
  • Unique playstyle


  • High points cost on powerful units

As powerful psychic units are few and far between among other factions, the most potent of these units tend to cost a fair amount of points to deploy. Because Thousand Sons armies have multiple options for psychic units, a player can choose to build most of their army around these telepathic warriors.

9 Space Marines Are A Classic Option For A Reason

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (8)

The Space Marines, or Adeptus Astartes, are genetically modified and rigorously trained humanoids. As the poster boys for Warhammer 40,000, it’s no surprise Space Marines are one of the cheapest armies for players to collect. Plus, as one of the primary factions of the game, Space Marines operate as generalists, capable of utilizing multiple combat strategies.


  • Genetic modifications
  • Highly trained
  • Inexpensive
  • Proficient in multiple combat styles
  • Easy to collect


  • Lacking specific combat focus and expertise

Space Marines are above average at most combat styles but don’t truly excel at a specific type. Also, because they’re among the most widely supported and available factions, Space Marines come in numerous starter sets. These starter packs allow players to accumulate solid selections of units for a significantly discounted rate.

8 The Death Guard Are Gnarlier Than Even Chaos Space Marines

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (9)

Like the Thousand Sons, the Death Guard is a legion of former Space Marines. This faction’s members are followers of Nurgle, the god of plague and disease. Their bodies are forever rotting while simultaneously being restored by a never-ending process of death and rebirth. Fittingly, Death Guard units are durable and resilient compared to the average units of other groups.


  • Durable
  • Resilient
  • Easy to collect


  • Worth more points than average

This durability means the most formidable Death Guard models are worth significant points. Like Space Marines, Death Guard is also widely available in starter sets. These factors allow players to collect a Death Guard army much cheaper than they otherwise could.

7 Deathwatch Are The Imperium's Last Line Of Defense

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (10)

Warhammer Underworlds Is a Less Intimidating Alternative To 40,000

Deathwatch is an elite brotherhood of veteran Space Marines. They’ve come together from various Space Marine squads to form the crème-de-la-crème of marines and often act as the final line of defense for the Imperium. Given their superior combat prowess, players can easily create a low model count army of Deathwatch soldiers.


  • Superior combat skills
  • Low model count
  • Special abilities


  • Similarities to other Space marine army models

Deathwatch models are similar to other Space Marine armies, but due to their combat mastery, come with different options and unique special abilities. Those looking for the affordability of Space Marines, but with some added extraordinary capabilities, need to look no further than Deathwatch.

6 Orks Aren't Just A Horde Army

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (11)

Typically, beginners to the Warhammer 40K universe view Orks as a horde army that requires a significant investment in swarms of infantry. However, Warhammer 40K veterans know it’s possible to build an Ork army cheaply, depending on the units a player selects. For example, the giant mechanized Ork robot, “Stompa,” requires a staggering 850 points to deploy and costs only $125.


  • Horde army
  • Mechanized Stompa robots

This significant point total makes a Stompa one of the highest points cost-to-dollar ratios of any Warhammer model. So, a player could hypothetically fill out over three-quarters of a 2,000-point army with two Stompas or nearly an entire 1,000-point battalion with a single one.

5 Imperial Knights Are Strong Mech Soldiers

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (12)

The Imperial Knights are a faction composed primarily of giant mechanized walkers, similar to the Ork’s Stompa character. Unlike the Stompa, humans pilot these robotic knights, which stand 30 to 40 feet tall. Additionally, the Imperial Knight’s technology is far superior to their Ork counterparts.


  • Mechanized walkers
  • Superior Technology
  • Ion shields
  • Cost-effective

Nearly impenetrable Ion Shields protect each Imperial Knight, and an impressive assortment of heavy weapons comprises their offense. Because of these attributes, each mech suit costs a substantial number of points to deploy. Consequently, those employing Imperial Knights can easily build a powerful army with only a few models.

4 Chaos Knights Carry An Army's Worth Of Firepower

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (13)

Chaos Knights, aka Renegade Knights, are the funhouse mirror image of Imperial Knights. They are a faction of war machines corrupted to serve Chaos. The energy from Chaos continually seeps into these mech suits, torturing them and mutating their mechanical form.


  • War machines
  • Mech warriors


  • Corrupted by chaos
  • Physically tortured
  • Lack restraint

Together with its Fallen Noble pilot, a Chaos Knight constitutes a symbiotic monster – a living but mechanical beast of unrestrained fury and violence. So, for players who like the Imperial Knights but want models that look a little more “metal,” Chaos Knights are the perfect choice.

3 Imperial Guards Are The Closest Equivalent To A Modern Army

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (14)

The Imperial Guard, or Astra Militarum, is vital to the Emperor’s military force. Where Deathwatch is the last line of defense, the Imperial Guard is often the first to fight. While most of the Imperial Guard’s models are primarily infantry units, they also have a large selection of dropships, tanks, artillery, and other vehicles.


  • Frontline fighters
  • Infantry units
  • Dropships
  • Tanks
  • Artillery
  • High point
  • Low cost

These tanks carry large point totals and are excellent support units best utilized at long range. Because of these vehicles and ordinance units, the Imperial Guars are perfect for players looking for high-point total, low-cost armies.

2 Adeptus Mechanicus Make The Imperial Army's Technology

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (15)

A Guide To The Factions of Warhammer 40k

Adeptus Mechanicus are cybernetically enhanced warriors who wield devastating technologically advanced weapons. These tech priests fiercely protect the knowledge required to maintain and construct the Imperium’s technology.


  • Cybernetics
  • Advanced weaponry and tech
  • Skilled in both long-range and close combat
  • Cost effective

The Adeptus Mechanicus are elite soldiers utilizing long-range and close combat models. Still, players can build an entire Adeptus Mechanicus army with comparatively few models through multiple larger units. The faction’s tanks and aerial vehicles are especially relevant for those looking to play Warhammer on the cheap. While there are fewer choices than in other clans, Adeptus Mechanicus is ideal for building a low-model count army.

1 Adeptus Custodes Are The Most Elite Infantry

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (16)

Adeptus Custodes, aka Legio Custodes, are the gold-clad elite of the Imperium and serve as the Emperor’s protectors. Members of this faction are genetically engineered warriors trained to counter any existing threat. These fearsome combatants are some of the most imposing and deadly individuals in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.


  • Genetic engineering
  • Elite training
  • Highly affordable

By and large, the Adeptus Custodes are the most affordable army to play. While they have limited variations, each Adeptus Custodes model carries a high point total compared to other factions. The quality of these resplendent soldiers permits players to field an entire army with fewer models.

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (17)
Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40,000is set in the distant future, where a stagnant human civilisation is beset by hostile aliens and supernatural creatures. Originally established in 1983 by Rick Priestly, the franchise has significantly expanded over the years to include multiple updates to the core rule system, supplements and expansions, fiction novels, animated television series, video games, films and even musical recognition from the British death metal band Bolt Thrower.

16 Cheapest Armies You Can Build In Warhammer 40,000 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.