1. You’ll see great results from the very start
TheWeightWatchers® weight-loss programme provides the freedom and flexibilityto lose weight while still enjoying all your favourite foods. “In my first week following the programme I lost 4.5lbs,” says WW Coach Leah Niewman. In fact, while WW is designed to deliver a healthy, safe and sustainable rate of weight loss of 1-2lbs aweek – because research proves that smaller, consistent losses are more likely to result in successful long term weight loss – don’t be surprised if, like Leah, you see more in your first few weeks.
2. You’ll celebrate your first minigoal
How much weight you want to lose is totally up to you, but the best way to get there is by setting small goals. It might be losing 5lbs to start with – whatever is realistic and achievable for your life right now. And when you reach it, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate it, says WW member Joanne Paladino-Scalise, who lost 4st 1lb in 2.5 years. “Giving myself little treats was a great way to stay motivated when I was losing weight. I love a massage, so I booked myself in for one when I hit my five per cent weight loss goal. I also love clothes, so I’d buy myself scarves to celebrate little milestones. It all helped!” she says.
3. Your weight loss willvary from week to week
There’s no absolute rule about how much weight you’ll lose each week – partly because no two weeks are the same, but also because your body’s rate of weight loss can vary, and that’s normal. The main thing to remember is that a loss is a loss. WW member Andrea Salmeron says: “Before WW, I always wanted to lose a lot of weight in a week and keep it off, but I now know a loss of 1lb a week is gold if I just keep going.” WW Coach Abby Cox agrees. “Body weight naturally fluctuates a little,’ she says. “Instead, go by how your clothes fit and how your body feels.”
4. You may hit a weight loss plateau
A plateau is where your weight loss stalls for a few weeks, even though you’re still following the programme. Plateaus aren’t an inevitable part of weight loss, but they are common. Sometimes they happen if losing weight has lowered your metabolism, but research shows that most of the time plateaus occur when you drift off-track a little. WW member Anna Van Dyken lost 11st over four years to reach her goal weight of 11st 4lb, and experienced a 12-week plateau on her journey. “It was frustrating, but with WW beside me, the idea of giving up never entered my head,” she says.
5. It’s not just about the numbers
Weight loss success is about more than the number on the scales. At WW, we encourage members to focus on non-scalevictories (NSVs). They’re the small, everyday indicators that mark your new, healthier lifestyle, like having more energy or sleeping better. “Seeing results on the scales can be really motivating, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the only measure of success on a weight loss journey,” says dietitian and WW Programme Developer, Nicole Stride. “Acknowledging the success you’ve had off the scales can bring a new positive perspective to your journey and the progress you’ve made so far. This can really help you to stay motivated when you’re starting to feel down.” On a recent holiday, WW member Bec Rugers celebrated one of her non-scalevictories. “I did a lot of water sports. Normally, I would’ve just been sitting on the beach, watching the kids in the water, so it felt great to get out there,” she says.
6. Your motivation may need topping up
Research proves that staying motivated is key to weight loss success, and there may be times that you need to work at it. Reflecting on your victories – yes, including thenon-scaleones – is smart, and so is remembering why you started this journey in the first place. “Never forget why you joined WW,” says WW Coach Carol Fraresso. “For me, it was about feeling comfortable in my own skin, but as I get older, my ‘why’ is more about my health. If you head down the road of eating healthily and moving more, life will look and feel very different.”
7. You’ll be inspired by our Connect community
Connect is our private, members-onlyonline community, which you can enjoy and benefit from as soon as you become a WW member. You can access Connect on the WW app or by logging into the WW website. It’s your chance to follow and be inspired by other members, as well as sharing your own journey and experiences, because research proves that people who receive social support are more likely to lose weight. “It’s so important to have a support network around you that understands what you’re doing and can catch you if you fall,” says Bec. “And with Connect, you can also influence people without even realising you’re doing it.”
8. You will reach your goal weight
“Anyone can succeed on the programme if they follow it,” says WW member Jennifer Awburn, who lost 3st 7lbin seven months. “If you put in 100 per cent effort, you’ll get 100 per cent results.” Andrea agrees, “I love the programme’s flexibility.”
9. You’ll learnhow to maintain your weight loss
As a WW member, the skills you’ll learn on your weight loss journey will set you up for long-term success. “I’ve maintained my weight for more than 24 years and learned that maintenance is about more than just food and activity – it’s about having the right mindset,” says Carol. “Always remember that you haven’t been on a diet – you’ve changed the way you live. Diets end, but a lifestyle lasts forever.”
10. You can attend WW Workshops for free
As a Premium member, youbecome a gold memberonce you reach your goal weight, which means you can go to WW Workshops for free! (As long as youstay within 5lb of your goal weightweight.) Continued Workshop attendance is invaluable for your long-term weight loss. “Never skip your free monthly weigh-in,” says Carol. “I’ve been a WW Coach for 22 years and it’s my gold members who come back month after month for their weigh-ins who have kept their weight off.”